#im like well i like THIS ONE. and then its like. Meanwhile at comic hq 'who the fuck is that'
gothamcityneedsme · 2 years
addendum to the problem: i like supporting characters no one has ever heard of
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ssamie · 3 years
three. “stalker vibes”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide, probably a lot of spelling mistakes
masterlist.          suicide freak!
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"class, today we have a new student joining us. please be nice to her" the teacher announced with a smile
kenma flinched at the sudden news. he kept his head down low, discreetly playing on his PSP under his desk, but he listened attentively to their teacher.
as the students started whispering to each other, kenma simply prayed that it wasn't the weirdo that kept bugging him last night. he didn't really know why he was suspecting it to be her. but with her out of context words last night, he couldn't help but be wary.
call it a gut feeling, if you may.
"alright, quiet down!" the teacher said "cmon in, l/n-san"
and just then, kenma swore he lost faith in both god and humanity all in one second.
he shakily looked up to see the same girl from the cafe. her (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and her fairly tall stature was interesting.
but what seemed to catch most of their attention was the bandages covering her arms, legs, and neck. some parts of it could be seen through the uniform jacket and undershirt, while the bandages on her legs could be seen through the thin material of her black tights.
"good morning! im l/n y/n. please take care of me~" she cooed.
she sent them a close eyed smile, along with a wave. it was something about the smooth tone of her voice.or maybe it was her effortlessly captivating smile. maybe it was just the insane amount of bandages she had.. 
but there was something about her that just somehow had the whole class wanting her attention.
in all honesty, its probably just because she was insanely attractive. 
"anything else you'd like to share about yourself?" the teacher asked her
"hm, maybe find out for yourselves~ let's be friends" she mused
kenma raised a brow at her awfully vauge answer. though he decided to shrug it off.
meanwhile, in her perspective, she was pretty much watching every movement of kenma's body. just before she took her seat, she whispered a small request to the teacher.
the teacher nodded along. "alright, you cam sit with kozume-kun, l/n-san"
"kozume-kun? will that be okay with you?" the teacher asked him
kenma froze as he felt multiple eyes land on him. his palms grew sweaty as he nervously nodded. he didn't like the attention he was receiving.
"i'll let you guys get to know each other for now. i'll be in the faculty room if you need me!" the teacher announced before walking out the classroom. 
she grinned and skipped over to him. 
"why." he muttered in annoyance "just why."
"hehe, well i did say i'd see you tomorrow, did i not?" she said with a cheeky smile
kenma simply stayed quiet, side eying her, before looking back down on his PSP.  "stalker." he said 
she gasped in offense and dramatically put her hand on her chest. "im no stalker, excuse you!" 
kenma scrunched his face up and looked her up and down. "stalker." he said. 
"coincidence? not quite! fate?" she raised a brow amusedly "i mean, what else could it be than that!" 
"please don't talk to me." kenma sighed 
she blatantly ignored him and carried on talking. "or maybe! i specifically asked to be transfered to your school and class!" 
kenma looked up at her with a look of irritation and disbelief.  "you what?" he scowled 
"oh my.." she pouted and placed a hand on her heart dramatically "i was just kidding! do you really think i'd do something like that?" 
kenma huffed and put away his console. "yes." he answered 
"well then, you're absolutely right!" 
"but what i didnt plan was to be able to sit next to you!" she pouted "so now some gentlemen are getting me a desk of my own" she smirked and looked over his shoulder "so for the time being, i guess there's just no other option than to sit on your lap" she chuckled 
"oh, since it can't be helped. can't be helped" she said with a small hum 
just before kenma would have had to resort to dropkicking her, the said boys waltzes in carrying a desk and a chair 
"l/n-san! we got you your desk, sorry for the wait" one of the boys said 
"damn." she muttered with a scowl 
"damn?" the boys repeated with a nervous smile 
"i mean, thank you! what kind gentlemen you are" she sent them a smile as she took a seat beside kenma 
the boys all flushed pink and nodded back at her. 
her smile quickly dropped as she turned to look at kenma. he was now playing his game again, and blatantly ignoring her. 
"ke-n-ma~" she sang out 
"kenma-kun~" she called out again 
she smiled and slid her desk closer to his, her chair and herself following. she hummed in content as she felt their shoulders brushing. 
"what are you doing" kenma asked with a huff as he scooted away from her 
"what are you doing? were supposed to use this time to get to know each other" she said with a hum 
"no thanks. i know enough." he responded blandly 
she pouts and rocks her chair back and forth. "suit yourself. i might just woo the boys and girls for the time being" she said as she send a wave to a group of girls a few tables away from them 
"i'd ask them on a double suicide, but no one could ever beat you" she cooed as she nudged his shoulder with hers 
"i don't care" he said as he turned away from her 
"meet you later at lunch pudding~" 
"dont talk to me" 
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as lunch time ensues, kenma practically bolted out the door. luckily for him, she stayed true to her words of 'wooing the boys and girls'. 
currently, y/n was trapped in a circle of hormonal teenagers. she was merely smiling and laughing, throwing in flirtatious words here and there. 
"eek! l/n-chan, come eat lunch with us!" one girl exclaimed
y/n blinked and smiled blankly. she was slightly concerned on how quick these girls' sexualities flipped a 180°.
"sorry, but i made plans with someone already" she said as she slyly pushed her way through the crowd  "maybe tomorrow!" she exclaimed before walking out 
"if im still alive~" she cooed to herself 
"now.." she muttered to herself as she stopped by a hallway. "where's that pudding head.." 
she looked around a few more times before giving up. she shrugged it off and made a bee line towards the rooftop 
"fresh air, nice view, conveniently placed rope.." she listed out with a content sigh. she looked around the seemingly empty rooftop and nodded with determination. she picked up the 'conveniently placed rope' and started tying a noose 
humming a small tune to herself, she tied the rope around her neck with a smile. 
"who would've thought that doing it in a school rooftop would be the trick?" she mused with a small laugh
meanwhile in poor kenma's perspective, he was merely trying to play his game in peace. he had ran away from kuroo, and the only possible hiding place left would be the rooftop. 
all he wanted was to play his game. 
what he didn't want, was to see someone trying to hang themselves with a huge smile on their face.
"w-what the-" he stuttered out 
"oya?" she muttered out as she made eye contact with him 
"kenma! great timing! perfect, actually!" she cheered 
she slipped the noose off and waved at him, holding the rope with her hands. 
"i was initially gonna be alone, but with you here, the whole game plan has changed!" she said with a hearty laugh 
"y/n?! what are you doing?!" he asked with a look of panic in his eyes. he gripped his PSP tight as he warily stepped closer to her. 
she cocked her head to the side and gave him a confused smile. "what else? im gonna hang myself, of course" 
"dont do that! are you crazy??" he exclaimed 
"of course im not! but this-" she motioned to the rope "this will be my way out! who knew the oldest method in the book would be the answer" she hummed 
kenma didn't answer. but he slowly put down his PSP on the ground and creeped up on her. as she started singing some weird suicide song, kenma was already behind her. she simply thought he was planning on joining her so she left him be. 
"alright! time to d-" 
before she could slide her head in and wrap the noose around her neck, kenma was already tackling her. 
"stop it, you suicidal maniac!" he exclaimed as he pushed his body against hers 
her eyes widen comically as she slipped on the chair she was standing on, sending her flying in the air. as funny and as impossible as it is, she, for some reason, ended up having her leg stuck to the noose, leaving her dangling upside down. 
kenma, however, was on the ground laying on his stomach. y/n looks at him with her (e/c) eyes, a look of confusion and irritation lacing her features. 
"damn." she scowled 
"damn?!" he repeated with a scoff 
kenma stood up, dusting his uniform as he glared at her with his cat-like eyes. "i just saved your life." he glared at her "and why are you doing that anyway?" 
she then smiled sheepishly and placed her hands on her chest. "i just thought that ending it here, without atsushi and kunikida-kun or anyone else to interfere, would be the perfect way out!" 
"but then you came.." she gritted her teeth 
kenma scoffed in offense and picked his PSP up from the ground. 
"i actually thought you were finally gonna join me!" she whined  "imagine the hurt i felt after your betrayal!" she exclaimed dramatically 
kenma sighed and clutched his pulsating chest. it was definitely his first time doing something like that. 
"ne, kenma-kun" she whined "since you're already here, you might as well eat lunch with me" 
she wiggled around in hope of freeing herself but sighed in defeat when she failed to do so.  "also, maybe come help me out of this?" she asked sheepishly 
"just die like that." kenma replied bluntly. he took a seat next to her dangling body, cowering in the shade as he continued to play his game, though he sneeked some glances at her from time to time. 
"but i snuck in some alcohol and i was dying to try it out" she sighed dejectedly 
"alcohol?" kenma cringed 
"well, yeah. i was hoping i'd consume so much i'd just die from it" she said nonchalantly "and because i like the taste of it" 
"help me out ke-n-ma~" she sang out "ke-n-ma~" 
kenma simply ignored her and continued playing. 
"..." she paused 
"kyanmaaaa!! ~" she called out while waving her arms around 
"fine!" he snapped and stomped over to her, blushing once he caught sight of her lifted skirt. though there wasn't really much to see since she was wearing shorts. 
"hold still-" he huffed as he tried to untie the knot 
"hehe, this is real intimate, don't you think?" she chuckled and hugged his torso, though she ended up hugging his lower waist due to her current position. she nuzzled her face into his midsection, making him flinch 
"yeah. real cute. romantic. wow." he retorted sarcastically as he started sliding her leg out 
she let out a yelp as she suddenly fell on the hard ground. she looked up at his unamused face with a sly grin. she was laying the the floor while he looked down at her. 
"so.. you come here often?" she snickered 
"that's the plan!" 
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mc-dude · 6 years
gabe hc
im making a list of gabe hc that i have thought of in the past few days for future reference if i ever start to write some gabe fics or somethin
gabe’s go-to order at starbucks (which im assuming will survive into the year 2050 bc.. y’know.. coffee is eternal) is pumpkin spice latte during the fall, green tea latte the rest of the year. he likes his fukin sugary drinks and when someone tells him they thought he would like black coffee like all those soldier types he sips on his latte and raises an eyebrow and deadpans ‘that’s racist’
ive embraced the fandom hc that gabe is always cold. im from cali and am also always cold. my anecdotal evidence is pilin up. beneath his wrinkled faded motorhead hoodie is another, equally faded and wrinkled band hoodie. when jack wants him to get naked it takes him like 10 minutes to get all the layers off
wears his beanie partially bc his ears are cold but mostly because he just doesn’t have the gotdamn time to fix his hair in the morning so he just shoves a beanie on his head and calls it a day. on the rare occasion where he has the time to style his hair people are Stunned
gabe is a super sarcastic asshole but will only joke around with you if he trusts you, which leads to a lot of scenarios where someone tries to shittalk with gabe and he just turns to them very slowly and menacingly ‘.. what did you say’ ‘i- i didn’t-’ ‘... im just fucking with u lol’
doesn’t like being called gabe unless its from people that he knows really well. ‘that’s sir to u’
the longest HC i have which i was gonna write as a fic but probably never will is that gabe wasn’t actually bitter abt jack getting command of overwatch over him, in fact he was kind of relieved because he hates being in the spotlight. he’s proud of his boo and lets him know it all the time when jack’s feeling insecure. i hc (and theorize) that the most likely scenario to turn gabe against jack was talon infiltration overwatch from the beginning.
it starts off with just little things- scheduling changes so gabe is cut off from his team he had during the omnic crisis. talon basically chooses him as the greatest potential asset and tries to prey on his insecurities as much as possible to turn him against jack (who is his life partner & love so it’s gonna take a while)
moira was a plant by talon from the get-go whose mission was to try and corrupt gabe and isolate him as much as possible. mccree and genji sort of stave off the isolation for a while but being separated from jack, ana, reinhardt & co really starts to weigh on him. his insecurities start to spring back up– they’re all too busy for him, they got better shit to be doing than to come see how their old commander is doing, etc. :( it’s exactly what talon wants; him to feel isolated, to start feeling a little bit bitter. they can foster that bitterness into what they need.
there’s a mission where mccree loses his arm (he was only 19) and gabe takes it really hard– he blames himself, wishes he could have been faster, stronger etc. moira uses this opportunity to introduce the possibility of genetic experimentation, tells him with her unorthodox methods he could be faster, could better protect his team and the people he cares about.
gabe thinks about it for a long time, and he really wants to ask jack what he thinks but he hasn’t talked to jack for a long time–he’s been stationed out in god knows where for months. he doesn’t have anyone to confide in, doesn’t want to burden anyone when he’s such a failure, so he accepts. this gives talon direct access to mold gabe however they want.
he degenerates slowly over time, becoming more and more of a ‘monster’ in his eyes but it’s all worth it for him because no one else has gotten hurt on his watch, just him. he’s pleased with the results in terms of efficiency and allows moira to keep on doing her experiments. he reasons that if SEP and the omnic crisis didn’t kill him, a few little experiments won’t either. he hides his new abilities from jack and the rest of his friends because he doesn’t want them to see him like this.
after a year or two of genetic altering the widowmaker incident occurs. talon has gained the ability to completely brainwash someone and remold them to how they like. widowmaker was a test, one that succeeded, and gabe is the final target.
all the meanwhile moira is saying tiny things, just little mentions like ‘looking a bit monstrous today, aren’t we?’ to get it in gabe’s head, to make him think he’s a monster. it starts to work. during her sessions she introduces phase 2 of his genetic altering, which includes, unbeknownst to gabe, the start of a long brainwashing regime prescribed by talon. they don’t want to do it all at once, they want to keep overwatch functioning in their best interests for as long as possible
he begins to lose things-- he’ll find himself standing somewhere he doesn’t remember going, doing something he doesn’t remember starting, and it freaks him out. he thinks it’s a side effect of his genetic altering and confronts moira, who feigns concern and promises to figure it out. little does gabe know but moira is being funded on the side by talon during all of this on the condition that gabe be delivered when he’s ready to work under talon.
gabe becomes more paranoid the longer the momentary lapses in his memory goes on. he feel like he needs help but none of his friends call him, no one checks on him. he’s been purposefully isolated from everyone and the walls start to close in around him. he hates what he’s become, finds himself ghosting as a bunch of particles more often, finds it harder to keep his form.
one defining moment is when he goes to speak to jack after not remembering the last few hours and waking up in a panic. he has to tell him that something’s wrong. but jack has a meeting, he promises they’ll talk afterwards, says he misses him, etc. and walks away, right when gabe needed him the most. gabe realises that he’s alone.
he knows talon is planning something. they’ve been increasing their presence lately and he knows they have an informer somewhere in overwatch. he doesn’t suspect his team because he trusts them; they’ve been here for so long, it couldn’t possibly be them. he gets a nagging sensation that something big is about to happen, something is going to go Down- has some half-remembered dream of someone planning something (which is a memory from a talon meeting he attended when he was in a brainwashing episode) and so he sends genji and mccree away on some bullshit mission; it’s the only thing he can do. he tries to see jack one more time but he’s not due back until tomorrow.
talon brainwashes him into planting the bomb in the swiss hq. they recover him from the carnage, brainwash him into thinking that it was mercy who did this to him and not moira (which explains all of his voice lines in game); that overwatch left him to die alone and forgotten. that jack was against him. he’s lost everything and everyone, and he works with talon willingly, memories of his past life almost forgotten but still there, like some half-remembered dream.
ITS ALL VERY TRAGIC OKAY BASICALLY gabe really needed help but talon made is so that he was completely isolated from all of his support while simultaneously turning him into a vapeman
gabe family HC:
gabe has 3 sisters. idk why this is widely accepted as canon in fandom but i like it so i accept it in my heart. he would die for all of them and would sew them shit all the time back at home. his dad died when he was young and his mom and grandmother raised him while he helped to raise his sisters.
this also makes me have feelings for that christmas comic where gabe is stalking that family in the rain because in my mind he’s vaguely remembering some sort of family but can’t remember the specifics and it makes his heart ache
gabe was part of the theatre club in high school and always hung out at the skatepark doing tricks on his shitty 2nd-hand bmx bike
gabe joined the military so that they would pay for his college. he majored in design, but decided to stay in the military after because he realises that he’s good at what he does and he can make a difference. he gets promoted quickly bc of his tactical genius and is quickly nominated for SEP. he accepts because of the war he can see brewing and the shitstorm he knows is about to come. he hates being separated from his family and not being able to contact them
gonna add more later when i think abt them
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