#im litearlly speaking non sense
anti-judy · 9 months
fuck it, I'm doing an astrology chart reading on Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
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I think he believes in it, so I wanna make fun of his chart (this has become my new hobby someone save me)
Anyway, the chart (This is just the irl Fyodor's but it works just fine tbh)
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Im gonna go by what's in the House and the Planets in them, since he kinda has some interesting stuff going on tbh
So, first of all, he's a Sagittarius rising - you'd think this is a polar opposite trait for Fyodor, since Sag is known for being rather sporty and positive, but with a sign that's ruled by Jupiter, it kind of feeds into how charismatic he appears. He also truly believes in his mission from god, which is clearly shown in the way he carries himself (his natal Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is also in the 4th house which kinda ads to this)
His 1st house also has a stellium - Mercury, Venus, and Neptune.
The first house affects appearance and personality quite a lot, more than the sun sometimes, so having all these planets here affects that. He has 3 planets here in Capricorn, which might explain why he appears to be rather conservative compared to someone like Nikolai Gogol (despite his Uranus indicating that he indeed is rather the same, shocking and weird. He likes to be eradic despite his careful nature). He also has Neptune and venus, which explains the petite and feminine appearance he has (sorry but like it's true tho). Also, with Neptune - it's the planet of illusions, which indicates that he has that quality about him (shown in how he manipulates people rather well)
Ok so onto the second house, which is Capricorn with a Pisces north node.
The second house is typically just called the "money house" but it's also the house of material goods and value - so what we actually believe to be valuable, at least in the real world.
So having Capricorn here means he's pretty ambitious and conservative here in some way, kind of like an old man.
Unfortunately, his 0-degree Pisces north node really doesn't help him here at all - the north node means he has to learn the concept of value in this lifetime, but Pisces sucks at that, and at 0 degrees they uber suck at that. (I might be saying that because of hindsight tho. IRL Fyodor was a known gambler who lived broke as shit. Anime Fyodor just looks greasy so I make assumptions)
3rd house is where it's interesting for me tbh - he has a Pluto retrograde here, in Pisces god forbid (sorry Pisces but damn you really have that energy about you)
The 3rd house is the house of writing and communication. It's about intelligence, which is what Fyodor is known for. Having Pisces here indicates that he isn't someone who uses "cold hard logic" - he can rather empathize with people, to gather information. "Put yourself in someone else's shoes" and all that.
This also has Pluto, the planet of death. It doesn't always involve a physical death, it can very well mean metaphysical death (still quite painful to go through) - but in the context of the 3rd house, I believe it relates to his philosophy about ability users, and how detached he can become when it involves the deaths of those he's known for a while.
Even if he has a rather 'sympathetic' sort of intellect, having the planet of death here, one that is deeply internalized (retrograde causes this effect for him, rip) means that he can go through a rapid transformation of his mind once new information is revealed to him. It's why he's so smart but also so callous, I believe.
Anyway, another doozy - the 4th house.
This is the house of family, which might not be too important here since idk what happened to Fyodor in the series yet but I wanna cover it here.
His 4th house is kind of full - set in Aries (an ambitious sign that isn't known for domestics) with Saturn (strict and conservative) and Jupiter (expansive and knowledgeable)
We don't know anime Fyodor's childhood, but IRL Fyodor had a pretty privileged one - his father was a doctor (they made good money too, although not a whole lot since he worked with the poor) and his mother introduced him to literature at a young age. His dad was strict though (saturn energy) and his interactions with his father's patients led to a lot of the literature he wrote later in life(jupiter expansive influence)
idk what this means for anime Fyodor but it's interesting at least. also what is with Asagari and doctors?
moving on now.
Both his 5th and 6th are in the sign of Taurus. The ruler of both of these houses (Venus) is in the first house, so things like his health are going to be quite visible and in the open for others to see.
The 5th house is the house of hobbies, lovers, and (first) children. With an empty house here, it may not be a notable thing in the grand scheme of his life - that isn't to say, shit won't happen.
The 6th house is the house of health and routines, and really what you make of yourself. Taurus is in its natural element, as this is typically an earthhouse. I like to think Taurus has a sort of smug energy to it, which kind of fits Fyodor in some way - in the day-to-day world, Fyodor would carry himself like he knows that he's doing what's right (combined with other aspects of his chart, it makes sense. he's delulu)
With a Taurus moon, he has patience for his endeavors as well. This is the planet (not a planet ik but astrology calls it one) of mentality - your mental state, how you feel about things. That conservative nature, the one that desires a sort of stable security - it fits Fyodor.
I don't have too much to say on the 7th house for him - it's the house of open enemies, as well partnerships (business but as well marriage. This house is usually first looked at for any possible future spouses, as well as the 5th house)
Having nothing here doesn't indicate he won't ever marry (he did it twice IRL) - it just indicates that his mind isn't preoccupied with those people. He's more self-centered, I suppose.
However, the 7th house is also the house of open enemies, and most notably, his falls into Gemini - the same sign as Dazai's sun.
It might be a coincidence - but it's ironic tbh.
So 8th house is something I see people obsess over - the house of death and inheritance, rebirth and sex, and just in general the taboos of society. It's probably why astrologers love this house so much (and the 12th house) since they probably fall into this house.
Anyway, Fyodor's 8th house falls into another conservative sign, which pretty much follows the trend for him - his is cancer, which is a fixed water sign, meaning that lots of things involving this house are rather viewed through the continuing trend of religion and conservatism started with his Capricorn stellium in the 1st house.
If you've read his books you'd know that he views a lot of these topics in a pretty negative light too - sex, addiction, and death.
He has a Leo mars here - mars is also the ruler of his 4th house, which shows that they very clearly shaped his views of these topics.
How he interacts with death and the 'taboo' (ie, terrorism, abilities, death) are heavily biased towards his own views - he needs his religious lens, to clean the world in his eyes. He hates ability users while being one, he is religious but breaks the 10 commandments every day (he literally killed a child) - water signs have an insane ability to jump around and justify their actions, as shown here.
The Leo Mars isn't helping, pushing forward that same attitude into his actions.
Ok only 4 more houses to go, hooray! Then I wanna talk about the mega trine he has going on in his chart, which is really interesting tbh.
So - 9th house. This one is short. It's empty, and is ruled by Virgo (i hate this sign so fucking much)
This is the earth sign of routines and health. so, everything Fyodor lacks, considering how fragile this mother fucker is.
In the 9th house, this is the house of philosophy and higher learning, as well as international travels - so university, or moving abroad. It's also about truth and morals.
Virgo in here shows his diligence - he is a careful planner, and it coincides with his natural intelligence from the 3rd house.
Now, his 10th house is also empty, but the 10th house is considered pretty important - it's the career factor. His is in Libra, which is the first thing I've found that isn't him being obsessed over his religious philosophy tbh. Sorry, I'm mean.
Having libra here means he's more likely to be equal in his dealings with people he works with - despite being a murderer who manipulates others to get his way, he's rather fair in his dealings with colleagues.
11th house - Scorpio. With the sun. No one tell the tiktok girlies they'll jump his ass (jk but Scorpios are either jumped on sight or people wanna fuck them like rabbits, lord help them)
The 11th house is the house of technology and friends. this is also the house of aspirations. aw.
His sun in here indicates that he really does put a lot of himself into what he believes. Plus, he has made friends (or, whatever he can consider friends) in order to achieve that goal.
I think this is similar to Nikolai in a way - the fact that he believes in something very strongly, and heavily relies on people for it. While Nikolai believed he needed to kill Fyodor - poor Fyodor, probably can't even figure out why he truly identifies with what he has. (Like Dazai said, his mistrust is an enemy of his)
I blame the scorpio sun in the 11th house and his pluto 3rd house, since scorpio is ruled by pluto and with it in retrograde in the third house it made him intellectualize everything so much that he cant even identify a feeling called "friendship" anymore.
Im talking out of my ass.
Ok last house. yippee! A favorite!
12th house - Scorpio, featuring a Sagittarius mercury (in retrograde)!
the 12th house is the best/worst house depending on who you ask. It's a sort of psychic and mystery house, dealing with more mental and internal issues like addiction (that's why I relate it to the 8th house) and psychology and spirituality.
Some people here think having this house activated can indicate psychic abilities (idk wtf that means, just repeating what I heard) and being more in tune with the universe. I think having this house activated (live having planets and shit) means you're more likely to fall into the class of spiritual people.
I think this is a really important part of his philosophy since he has a mercury retrograde here - he has an active 12th house, meaning that he thinks a lot more about the mystic, spiritual, and mysterious than an average Joe would.
It's a Scorpio house for him, so these take on a much darker tone - his thoughts have most likely stemmed from a darker time since that's just in Scorpio's nature. Having mercury in here I think is in part why he is the way he really is, since he was forced to confront dark times and it was in his nature to intellectualize it.
Of course, with the mercury being in Sagittarius, a sign that's rebellious and ready for revolution, the way he began to think about these things changed into a rather dark way.
I think the way IRL Fyodor confronted was different, idk i dont know the fucking guy but like read his novels he def was a hater for the era.
But anime Fyodor became a terrorist and killed people so like. I guess people cope in different way.
IDK I'm assuming he had to have something dark happen to him.
Anyway, thats the houses and planets, onto the the grand trine thing
so in his chart, he had a fuck load of triangles, called trines. I'm calling it a grand trine cuz I forgot if there's an actual name for this or not.
I wanna point this out because this is actually a rather typical thing in some charts - a sort of distribution pattern to show that there is a balance in their life, working together to make up the person.
It shows that throughout the stages of life he's been through, there is an overarching theme that he is following - literally like a literary novel.
you can see that
he fucking sucks at money management (irl Fyodor did for sure)
he desires something greatly
rather conservative
intelligent but really dark-minded
Anyway, IDK if anyone read this but I firmly believe Fyodor believes in Astrology like a fucking nerd, so I needed to do this for him. I'll do a Nikolai one next at some point probably cuz I think it's funny, even if these are terrible and non-accurate.
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