#im lying a little bit i remember more of ot but i dont feel like typing it out
swagstar · 1 year
yesterday i was thinking about a tldr to the prisma info megapost i have in my drafts and i don't remember much but the last sentence was "and 10 years later im going insane about her - wiki empty, nothing archived. what's there not to love."
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Ground Zero | Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Genre: Fanfic. A bit OOC(?) Slight angst. Fluff. Sexual tension(?)
Hi guys! I've been gone a long time. I was just facing some problems that's why I was not able to write but here is another fanfic of our favorite hot headed porcupine. 😍 I hope you like it.
Sorry for the wrong grammar/pronouns/misspellings. Lovelots ❤️
Please do not copy/plagiarize ❤️
P.S. I do plan on adding short(?) bonus for this, like a smut one. 😉😉
You're currently inside the dorm room of Katsuki Bakugo being touched all over the places you like the most.
This hot tempered bastard is good at making you feel so good.
After a heated kiss, your breaths were labored, but both of you just want more.
He pushed you to the bed as he take off his top.
You bit your lip and pulled him to close the distance of your bodies.
Not long after your hot session, you had to go and prepare to go to school.
You went back to your room just to check of he left any marks on visible areaa, you also straightened out your uniform.
When you arrived in your class the brat is already there.
You sat in your usual spot behind him. You stared at his back.
"Hey! Y/N. Would you like to come with us later?" Mina asked you out of the blue.
"Whats up?" You answered.
"Its a mixer!" She exclaimed. You shook your head immediately.
"I dont wanna go there, mina."
"What? Again? Whyyy?" You just answered that you are not interested.
"Hmmm." She stared at yoy suspisciously.
"You have a boyfriend, don't you?" You were taken aback by her statement and can't react immediately.
She then gave you a malicious ooooohh, winked, and left.
You just blinked your eyes a few times before shaking the weird encounter off your head.
Today is the last day of school before christmas vacation, you and Katsuki decided to spend ot together playing video games and/or reading.
After having your ass handed to you by the bastard a few times with a video game, you decided to check out the books he has.
You started to check the plot one by one when Mina's words echoed through your mind.
(You have a boyfriend, don't you Y/N?)
A flashback of how this status with katsuki rolled through your mind like a tape.
You were running around the dorm looking for a spot to hide since all the girls decided to play hide and seek and those who would be found will have to face a consequence.
Your eyes are wandering around when you saw Bakugo's room.
An idea popped in your head.
Noone will dare to enter this room, and since the boys are in thw gym, training, this will be empty.
You hope it is unlocked and luckily, it is.
It is dark inside, you just went in and shut the door ever so slowly to avoid making a sound.
When you are already done so, you heaved a sigh and opened the lights.
You turned around and gasped.
Bakugo is lying down on his bed, hand over his eyes, and topless. You gulp ed.
You took a step further as quietly as you can, until you arrived beside his bed.
Your eyes looked at him from head to toe. God, he is so hot. His muscles are already defined, his quirk is strong.
Damn, what would you do just to get a piece of him.
The thought made you blush. You turned around and started to make your way out the door.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Your ears almost scrambled with the sudden shout you heard. You turned your head around, seeing katsuki already up on his feet and is probably ready to blast you out of his room.
"W-Well, I-Im sorry! The thing is... I was just- I- Nevermind! I'll leave now!!" You bowed for apology and started to dash out of the door when he caught you by the wrist and turned you around to face him.
Your response was to close your eyes, starting to brace yourself for whatever will he do. Your back hit the door making you let out a tiny whine.
One second. Nothing. Two seconds. Nothing. Three seconds. Nothing. Four seconds still nothing.
You opened one of your eye just to see another pair staring at you.
"Were you fucking watching me sleep?" He grinned. You gulped.
Damn! He is so hot. Your eyes went down to his lips, and then his chest, and then his abs, and then-
"Eyes up here, tiger." His smirk was evident when your eyes went back to his face.
Without thinking, your hand pulled him and the next thing you know, you are already kissing him.
You pulled away and realized what you just did. Your face flushed red
"Shit." He cursed before kissing you roughly, you are so surprised but immediately decided that you want this so badly and responded to his kiss.
His hands started to wander-----
"The fuck are you looking at there for so long?" You suddenly went back to reality.
You can't help but smile a little when you remembered that. It has already been a year after all and you continued your heated rendezvous.
"Katsuki." You called him out. He did not answer but you know he's listening.
"What is this?" He stood up from his bed asking which book are you talking about.
"No." You felt him stop on his tracks.
"This. Us. What are we really, katsuki." You turned around but you can't bring yourself to face him so you're just looking at the ground.
"What are you talking about you idiot?" His voice says that he is taken aback by what you asked.
"I wanna know, Katsuki." You mustered all the courage you could and looked at him.
After what happened a year ago, he has been gentle with you almost all the time that you are alone with him.
You've seen him do sweet things you would never in a million years thought he would
You fell in love with him, but you're scared to confess, then you realized, this can't just be the case forever.
You want to know what you are to him.
His eyes evaded yours, and that simple thing really hurt you. You're into him that deep.
Every second that passes by, he's not answering or even looking at you.
"Katsuki." You called him out again. He did not answer again.
You strided towards him and pushed him on the bed, making him sit down.
"Now, you're looking at me." You smiled.
"Katsuki." His name escaping your lips just feel so right.
You sat beside him.
"I just have one more question..."you started.
"Do you like me? Because I really, really like you." Your eyes stayed on the ground, but you know that his eyes are now fixed on you.
"I can't." Two words. Who knew that with just two words, a person can break your heart.
You nodded. You wanted to know, and now you do.
You stood up and went for the door.
"Well then, happy holidays, Bakugo." You flashed him a quick smile before exiting the room.
You went back to your room, grabbed your stuff and went straight home.
For some reason, the only time that you cried was when you entered your room.
Everything just sank in. You can no longer stay by his side.
The holiday vacation is passing by too quickly for you.
You are getting more anxious about going back to school. Thinking about how will you face him.
Finally, the day has arrived. You decided to just act as normal as you can.
You went early to unpack your luggage, you saw some classmates on the way but thankfully not him.
Half an hour before class started you already went to the room.
Almost all the girls are already there.
"Good morning, Y/N!" hagakure greeted you almost immediately, and as if its dominoes, one by one they greeted you.
You smiled and greeted all of them back.
Your eyes immediately wandered around and saw him sitting on the usual spot.
You walked towards your own seat behind him, trying not to shake of nervousness.
After placing your bag, all the other girls are already around you.
"How was your holiday?" Mina is raising her brows maliciously at you.
"It's fine." You smiled at her, trying to ignore her teasing.
"We were just showing pictures to each other. Show us yoours too!" Hagakure squealibg excitedly.
"Oh. Okay." You pulled out your phone and gave it to them.
Your holiday was pretty okay, considering you had your heart broken, but spending it with family made it better.
"I-is that who I think it is?" Ojiro said.
You looked at them, and all of them are now staring at you.
"Is this why you always deny going to Mixers?!" Uraraka exclaimed, pointing at the phone.
"Probably.He's even kissing her cheek." Your eyes widened and snatched back you phone.
You totally forgot about THAT.
"Is he your boyfriend?! You should havw told us!!" You stood up.
"No! He's really not." You tried to contain it within the girls but denki, mineta and kirishima is already snooping behind them.
"Woah! Isn't that Eiji?! Why is he kissing you, Y/N?!" Denki shouted.
"Eiji?! The idol?!"
"Ohhh. Is that your boyfriend, Y/N?" Kirishima asked.
You tried talking over them but you can't since they're already making a fuss about it.
Everyone fell silent and all of you looked at the guy in front of you
You blinked, in shock, but you took the oppurtunity to explain.
"He's not my boyfriend, okay? I just happen to see him nd asked for a picture. That's just you know- fan service!"
"Ohhhhhh" All of them said in unison.
Thankfully, that was resolved there immediately. You sighed.
Mr. Aizawa arrived not long after that.
The morning class went by as usual. Sometimes, you would stare at katsuki, thinking how much you miss him.
The teachers agreed to give the students a half day.
When lunch time came, you went up the stairs to have some alone time.
You called Eiji.
(Hey sis! Whats up?)
"Idiot. My classmates saw our picture."
(Really?! What did you say?")
"Well, I told them that I saw you and asked for a picture.They believed it."
(You could've just told them about me.)
"No, thanks. Its better this way. By the way, you still coming over on the weekend?"
(Yep. Im gonna sleep in your room!)
"I can't say no, can I?"
"Then bring me my favorite"
"What? If you dont want, you can't sleep beside me."
(Fine! Fine! I have to go now. Bye sis..love you!)
"Love you too. Dont skip meals! Bye."
You put down your phone and made your way down the stairs when you saw Katsuki just a few steps away from you.
"Did you hear that?"
"What do you fucking think?" He growled at you, he then grabbed your wrist, pulling you to follow him.
"Where will you take me?!" You protested.
"Just shut up!" He shouted back, still pulling you down the stairs.
"I'm not just gonna shut up! Let me go!" He stopped his tracks and freed your wrist.
"Fuck. You're really noisy." He pushed you on the wall and smirked.
His face inching closer to yours, you gulped, thinking about pushing him away.
You raised your hand to his chest level to push him but he caught it with his and intertwined them together.
His lips then closed the distance between the both of you. You told yourself not to give in but between his lips kissing you and his hand holding you, your logic just flew away.
He pulled away from the kiss and squeezed your hand.
"Now, will you just fucking follow me already, you noisy brat?"
You nodded. It's just how it is. No matter how much you resist or how much you hate it.
He can make you submit to him as easy as that.
A lot of people saw you and him walking hand in hand together. He brought you to the dorm where your classmate was.
All of them saw you and stopped whatever they're doing to stare.
"No one fucking dare to spy on us or I will fucking blast your insides out!" He shouted at them before pulling you again to follow him.
Your face as red as a tomato, you're looking down to avoid eye contact with anyone.
He brought you to his room. The moment you entered the room and shut the door he embraced you tightly from behind.
"Who the fuck was that bastard you're talking to?" He asked, placing his head on your shoulder.
You closed your eyes. Being wrapped by his arms feel just right, but this is just wrong.
"Katsuki, this should no longer concen you. Just let me go." You tried to open his arms but he just squeezed you tighter.
"I fucking care about it. You don't get to be with another guy other than me!" You frowned , and used all your strength to be freed, but still failed to do so.
"Seriously katsuki. I can't do this anymore. I'm done playing games!" you sobbed, this is the last thing you ever wanna show him but you just can't take it anymore.
Pushing and then pulling you, when will he be satisfied.
He let you go. "Fuck. Y/N. Don't cry. Shit." The panic in his voice evident. He turned you around to face him and he hugged you once more.
You continued sobbing.
"I r-really really like you, hell. I love you Katsuki but I can't keep going on like this. It's much better for me to just move on and forget you."
"fuck no! You're mine!"The words that came out of his mouth made you stop crying almost instantly.
"Sorry. Alright. I fucking apologize for hurting you. I just don't know what to do at that time. Fuck. This is annoying really.." You didn't answer him.
"If you become my girlfriend, I'd be so protective, I don't want other guys lurking around you. Its already so hard to restrain killing them when you're really not mine yet, and what the fuck am I supposed to do when I become the number one hero and villains attack you because they know that you're special. What the fuck, am I suppose to do then?!" The concern in his voice is very obvious.
"I can't have them touching, looking or even thinking of you. fuck.This shit os complicated." He continued rambling.
You stayed silent until he finished.
All of the sorrows and pain seemed to be lifted in a snap. You can't help but chuckle, pissing him off a lot.
He let you go, stood up and went to his bed cursing like a mad man.
"Why the fuck are you laughing at me?!!" He shouted at you.
You stood up yourself, and sat beside him.
"Katsuki, I really wouldn't mind you being possessive of me That's how I feel about you too. Imagine, the problem I'll have to face when you become a number one hero and girls are all over you?"
"I don't give a fuck about them." you smiled at him, hugging him.
"Well, I also dont give a damn about any other guys than you." He frowned
"Really? Then who the fuck is that Eiji guy? and why will he sleep beside you? He can't fucking do that. I'll kill him." You laughed. He really just can't let it go.
"You can't kill him, Katsuki. That's my little brother you're talking about." He looked at you in confusion.
"What the actual fuck?!"
"You can't tell anyone. I don't want girls asking me to get an autograph or setting him up with them." You said kissing his nose.
"Fine. Whatever." You nodded in approval.
You just sat there in silence, still hugging him, feeling his wamth spread to yours.
"Katsuki." He hummed.
"You really scared that a villain might kidnap me?"
"Of course you fucking idiot." You chuckled.
"You realize I'm also gonna be a pro-hero right?"
"Yeah. But you're weak." You let go of the hug and punched him lightly.
"I'm not, you idiot!" He pulled you back into his arms, lying on the bed.
"Just shut up." He gave you a little smile. "I know you're not weak." he whispered. You smiled and cuddled him.
"Do you love me too?"
"Do I have to fucking answer that? isn't that obvious?!" You pouted at his response.
"I wanna hear it from you too." You begged and he cursed.
"Seriously, you're acting like a fucking brat right now." You let go of him.
"I just act like this with you, you know, because katsuki is special." You winked.
His face looked so annoyed.
"Fine. I fucking love you too, Y/N." You smiled.
"So will you be my boyfriend now, katsuki?"
"The fuck is that question even?!" Well, that's a yes.
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