#im not doing a 2000s one but imagine its a lot of avril
teeto-peteto · 9 months
Who would you pick for a 2000’s fashion skinline?
HOOO hard question if i try to evade fave characters and also Riot beloved cashgrabs but i will be honest. Im gonna use a lot of pinterest images for this haha.
I wouldnt close it only to 2000s fashion BUT i think it could be a skinline with a lot of reference's that would make people go Oooh i catch that one!
Like for example imagine Ahri with the iconic 'A little bit dramatic' Regina George's T-Shirt with that preppy ''girly'' pop style. But i wouldnt give Ahri this kind of skin. In general id love for this skinline to actually do a 180º spin in a lot of characters or at least give them something a bit more distinctive. I feel they should feel very exaggerated in order to be iconic. Cartoony, even. For a preppy girlie pop style i'd think about Irelia, for example? We often see her in the exact same dress type in all her skins, even legendary ones...
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Bratz should be a huge inspiration in this skinline, imo... I'd love to see Irelia in something like this. Hearthrob Caitlyn is something above this lines but they didnt give her something like jeans wich i think its very iconic. It would break original Irelia from the same dress-leggins thingy and her very traditional ionian clothing. Riot is always nonsensical so i wouldnt mind giving Irelia some platforms or even heels. Give her random items like those fluffly keychains in the pockets or cute patches...
I think Gwen would fit also into this girlie pop category. They already gave her this emo-goth look in Soul Fighter and Cafe cuties exploits the whole dress thing perfectly, Space Groove also does incredible in 70's-80's fashion. She lacks a skin that is colofur but just focused on a specific palette.
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I believe something like this could fit her. You give her a break of the dress, but she can still look iconic! Imagine her with normals scissors hanging around with something like this! Give her a cute purse that flip flops around while she jumps and walks and its LOVELY you can even risk giving her an animal pattern...
I'd also loooooove Kalista with this type of style... Shes always gloomy and phamton-likely on her skins. She deserves a skin with this kind of aesthetic that is eye candy.
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Something more 'girly' like on her would look amazing and i think giving her an alive appereance. She deserves pink and angst. Actually that one 'A little bit dramatic' shirt could be a clash between her personality and oath as a character that can be a funny joke inside the skin.
Id love to see Soraka in this type of outfit.
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More earthy, green-brownish and with that type of elements cause its fitting for her character BUT would be a change in outfit cause riot almost always gives her a dress or a skirt. We stan soraka in jeans with her good ol' goat legs.
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Ooooohhh i love this this is so fucking iconic... I'd love to see Tristana on this one but i know its one of my fave champs and also an often riot cashgrab so... I think this actually would be super fitting with Sivir! Or Zyra, giving her a more vibrant summer color theme...
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Everytime i see Avril i SCREAM. You know what? Zoe deserves this type of skin. Not a fully black one but give her black with a very neon pink or another color. A type of 'Its not a phase mom!' skin.
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YOU KNOW WHAT id love to see emo nidalee with a colorful and black transformation into feline. I think it would be nice! Also a big reference to the whole emo or scene fursona epoque. Or Orianna! Actually Orianna can also fit on the preppy girly pop. Shes amazing always.
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For last picks... I have already betrayed my bow not to mention popular champions and cashgrabs. So i will break the bow all the way down. I would become CRAZY for a scene Pyke. A full black and white gloomy outfit but with rainbow elements like a lot of bracelets, charms, a rainbow belt... i would get rabies. I feel like Empyrean Pyke wasnt colorful enough, this would be completely rainbow elements that stand out from the design to remember you this dude loves bracelets.
Also a scene Vex would be AWESOME imagine her also with a lot of rainbow bracelets but very gloomy and Shadow is bursting in rainbow colors with faces like '>w<' or ':3' it would be great.
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ofprydes · 2 years
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