#i was just going to make the 80s one but technically this kitty is a 90s child sO
ofprydes · 3 years
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thehumantrampoline · 3 years
So I really love your passion about Sherlock Holmes, I only know it through adaptations as I'm not very good with reading mysteries (I can deal with watching because I can see the time till the end of the episode/movie and know when it's all going to be revealed, but trying to read one makes me feel dumb as none of the threads come together until the characters literally tie them together for me and when I get to the reveal depends entirely on my love of reading not wandering off at a moment's notice and vanishing for 6+ months). But anyway, what other characters do you feel get woefully over or under used in adaptations?
okay okay okay, first, get that, been there, 100% feel you, but since you didn't mention which adaptations you'd seen and that tiktok did definitely make its way out of Granada fan tumblr, I am legally required to tell you that if you want an actual good adaptation that's close to the stories, you should check out the 80s Granada TV show. it doesn't queerbait, because it was the 80s and nobody was interested in baiting queers yet, but it's very gay anyway simply because Holmes and Watson clearly care about and respect each other, and Jeremy Brett who played Holmes was BISEXUALLLL and he brought that queer energy!!! he knew what the fuck he was doing with those eyes!!!!!!! okay okay anyway
nearly all of Doyle's characters are one offs because he gave no fucks about continuity, so if you're adapting story to story like Granada, technically nobody is overused or underused. But adaptations which take the stories as a creative jumping off place, like……… Well, we'll say elementary, because that's a good one, and leave the rest unsaid -- love to latch onto Irene Adler and make her a recurring sexy menace when all she really wanted to do was fuck off and get married. John Clay DESERVES her recurring menace role, although I do want to clarify that I am NOT advocating for him as an adaptational love interest. Fanfic, like........... maybe lol, I'd read it, but the only LI I want to see in an adaptation is the one who wrote stories about him for decades!!!!!
anyway, none of this was the actual question. Lestrade isn't overused as a character but he is overused as a minor antagonist. They are friends, goddammit! Holmes is a little cheeky sometimes but he likes Lestrade and Lestrade has specifically communicated that he and Scotland Yard appreciate and respect Holmes!! and Holmes almost cried about it!!! as for minor characters I'd like to see more of, I love my girl Kitty Winter from "the illustrious client," she gets royally fucked over by a predator and when Holmes offers her an opportunity to wreck his life she says HELL YES and I have some ideas of my own I'd like to bring to the table, how about I throw ACID on his FACE, amazing stupendous incredible. Most of his female clients are tough as nails tbh, they have to be to come to a private detective with a problem the police won't listen to. Honorary mention to Violet Smith of "the solitary cyclist," like, if I had to pick one lesbian coded bitch to put my money on??? She's an Avid Bicycle Rider, I'm just saying, and the guts it takes to turn your bike around and chase your stalker has me swooning, date me Violet Smith, we both know your fiancé is made up
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dex-xe · 3 years
How would u explain what is a airplane is to ghosts older than Fanny?
Okay this is a great question and something I (as a history student) think about a lot,, not specifically about Ghosts but I genuinely think about the backwards construction of history a hell of a lot!!
Here we go, Max overanalysing a sitcom again cause of course they are,, when is he fucking not lets be honest??
So, explaining mechanical things to people through history is incredibly difficult.
The Wright Brothers flew in 1903 but commercial flight wasn’t common until the 1950s and not available to the masses until a little later. The first ghost to have flown would have been Pat (who definitely went to the Costa del Sol with his family a few times, and him and Daley got way too into the MiniDisco - idk if they had MiniDisco in the 80s but as a true working class 2000s kid they were the highlight of my year!!) and then obviously Julian would’ve jetted off to god only knows where every week.
The Captain probably wouldn’t have flown, and Fanny definitely didn’t so yeah. They would’ve known about flight (Fanny not very much, the Captain very much more so) but not have flown.
The Montgolfier Brothers flew the first manned hot air balloon in 1793 which means Thomas would definitely have known about that, and perhaps Kitty as well (cause we don’t know when she died). Anyone before that would have no idea about flight.
So after that brief introduction to the history of flight, how would I explain it?? (Bear in mind that Im not an engineer, I do not understand science, I have no fucking idea how planes work but fuck it lets talkabout planes.
I’d start with a paper airplane, fold it up and throw it. See how it flies. Air goes under the wings and keeps it in the air (that’s how I think planes work, I genuinely have no fucking idea???). I’d then show the ghosts photos of the Wright Brothers plane and be like look how this is like the paper plane, its the same idea.
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Then I’d show a commercial plane and explain that air goes throw the turbines of the engines and then under the wings to make it go faster and also higher. You see this is where it gets difficult because I’d also have to explain how a jet engine works and the idea of fuel, kerosene, etc which is slightly more difficult - not just because they’re more complicated concepts to understand but also because I don’t really understand it myself.
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That’s how I’d explain it which is kinda my answer to your question but I wanna make two more points. 1) How the ghosts would come to understand what I’m saying etc and 2) what it means for the concept of Ghosts and who they are as people.
So Pat and Julian we’ve discussed are fine with it. Then the Captain would understand very quickly, he’s obviously clever, got a scientific-ish mind (as shown by his work in Operation William), and obviously he would’ve known about planes already in the context of the war.
Fanny woud also catch on very quickly as well. She’s clearly very very clever and would pick up on it super quickly and then become a bit of an expert trying to explain it to the others. She’s also shown great willingness to develop from her preconceived time set notions (read her growth away from homophobia, difficult at first but then she came around).
Thomas however I don’t think would get it very quickly. He doesn’t seem to comprehend modern notions so quickly, he’s also a self-proclaimed creative who’s mind probably doesn’t meld with scientific concepts that well.
Kitty wouldn’t entirely understand but she’d become very excited about the concept of flying and talk about how fun it would be. Mary, however, big up Mary - she’d get it. She clearly has a great interest in the technical future etc (read her asking Pat to explain the film process to her, and then becoming an expert in the art very quickly) She’d have her own unique way of explaining it like the camera equipment but she would get it - aviator extrodinare!!
Humphrey wouldn’t really understand at first but he’d figure it out, smart boy. As for robin we all know he’d be invested in theories of ch*mtrails already so boy he knows how a plane works but also definitely in no way understands at all XD
Finally, I think ideas such as this are really indicative of how difficult it must be to be a ghost and watch the world pass you by. At least I, who has absolutely no idea how a plane works, has some kind of knowledge about the concept of flying but imagine being thrown into a world you know nothing about. It’s kinda like being an alien, you know. All this tech and ideas and societal stuff that just don’t make sense but everyone around you understands. Must be scary you know.
Anyway, that’s my over analysis so yeah enjoy my slightly deranged ramblings!! Thank ya for the ask (the mutuals are gonna love this one, love yall)
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pellelavellan-a · 3 years
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It’s munday so enjoy me AND my cat as is customary and I guess maybe some fun facts
My cat is gonna be 6 next month ❤️ he’s a Leo ♌️ and it really shows
He loves to play with garbage. I’ve given him toys but he really likes tin foil and fast food wrappers the most.
His favorite cat treat flavor is cheese and catnip and he doesn’t like wet kitty food but he does love the gravy.
I’m a vegetarian 🌿 I often joke that I’m like 80% vegan since my lifestyle is pretty vegan and I can’t even eat dairy technically but once in a while I sacrifice myself to the cheese. I’m trying to stop doing that lol
I love little rocks and crystals and when I go on walks in nature trails I have a habit of keeping rocks I find outside.
My two favorite movies are the Dark Crystal and Crimson Peak.
I actually love fashion. Maybe not ALL of the trends today cause like those transparent shoes? 🤢 but I have always loved fashion since I was a little kid and I always wore the weirdest shit but my parents just let me do it cause they saw it as me expressing myself creatively.
Before I dropped out I was a sociology student with a focus on gender studies.
I’m a bit of a book dragon. I have over 30+ books in my apartment that I haven’t finished yet but I will someday.
I was a barista for five years so please if you too are a coffee fiend let’s talk about coffee together I would love it.
And lastly a weird one: when I was in grade school I thought it was really cool how worms reproduced so I would go into my moms garden with a sharp rock and dig up worms, cut them in half and put them back to make more worms. My childhood friend thought it was really creepy when I showed her 💀
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joopiterjoon · 4 years
Piece of Peace- MiniMoni
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Pairing: Namjoon x Jimin
Genre: +18, Strangers/enemies-kind-of to lovers?
Warnings/Tags: Kittygang!Jimin, Professor!Namjoon, swearing, mentions of gangs and gang violence, stealing motorcycles, anal sex, sex on a motorcycle, exhibitionism (of course), FYI I don’t know much (anything) about motorcycles
Wordcount: 1k
a/n: this is technically part 3 of Boys Meets Evil and Burning Up, but you can read it by itself! Also this was FOREVER ago but thank you @honeymoonjin​ and @ddaenggtan​ for reviewing this and telling me if it’s kitty gang worthy!
Part of ficswithluv’s #FWLBingo!
Everything about the Harley dealership is new. The pristine floors, the smell, the design. Even the echoes of engines, obviously a repeated sound bouncing around the fancy space, sound unique each time. Everything the place contains within is shiny and desirable.
It’s exactly where Namjoon wants to be. Surrounded by newness, he’ll craft a new him. One that isn’t clumsy, isn’t known for being nerdy.
One that befits his new boyfriend, Jimin Park.
But with a shake of his glasses, Namjoon thinks he may need a new bank account.
“What do you think?” the ever eager salesman asks. Namjoon stands, straightening his secondhand, jean jacket as he eyes the (probably new) suit of the man.
“Ah, it’s… it’s nice,” Namjoon smiles shyly. He’s not sure what words he should be using. He googled motorcycle terminology, but all that escapes him now.
“Would you like to take it for a spin?” the salesman presses with a little shake of his hips. His balanced persona of friendly and pushy is a bit terrifying. Namjoon laughs nervously. He doesn’t know if he should get on something he can’t afford, it might just hurt more when he has to say no.
A hand slides around his waist under his jacket. Naturally, Namjoon eases into the touch despite the public display. He jostles into his boyfriend’s side. “What do you think, babe? Gonna hop on?”
“Ah,” Namjoon clears his throat. He looks down at Jimin whose head rests on his shoulder. He immediately regrets it. Behind the shades, Namjoon can see the lazy look in his eye. Namjoon tries to distract himself by looking lower, only to see Jimin’s tongue wet his plush lips, only to then glance even lower and see how far Jimin’s thin, white shirt is dipping down his chest. Jimin’s undeterred by the price tags that surround him. Hell, Jimin looks more expensive than the thousands of dollars of metal littered around the stage room.
Namjoon decides to focus on the salesman instead. “It’s a bit out of my price range.”
Jimin’s tinkling laugh sends a chill up Namjoon’s spine. He bites down his smile. He still can’t believe he can make such a man laugh. That from the shadows he managed to capture the attention of a man who constantly danced in the spotlight.
Jimin always laughed when Namjoon marveled at him. He apparently felt the same way. As a reckless boy from the streets, he doesn’t understand how someone with a masters would be captivated by him.
They fit each other, filled in the cracks of where they were lacking, the yin to yang, in more ways than one.
“He’s cute, isn’t he?” Jimin tells the salesclerk, pinching Namjoon’s cheek.
“Yes, Mr. Park,” the salesclerk chimes, tucking his hands behind his back with a small bow.
Namjoon’s jaw drops. He shoots Jimin a questioning gaze, but Jimin just shrugs.
“Are you serious?” He hisses, straightening his glasses. “What did you do?”
“What?” Jimin asks, lowering his glasses so Namjoon can see the faux-innocence in his eyes. It’s one of those looks that reminds him when to keep his mouth closed. “I’m just cashing in a favor… literally.”
Jimin gives his side a squeeze before walking over to the bike, his boots clacking on the floor. The salesman’s shoulders tense a bit as Jimin runs a finger along the back of the bike.
“Yes, thank you, Mr. Park.”
That. That’s why Namjoon wants a bike. Wants anything, anything that can put him on par with his boyfriend. No matter what Jimin says, Namjoon is still just a bookworm when it boils down to it. He knows Jimin’s much softer than he appears, too, but he wants that. Jimin’s ease, his natural ability to control a room and all that’s in it.
“I want to see what you look like on top,” Jimin winks. He leans over the back, head cocked, lightly shifting his hips towards the bike.
Namjoon’s brain short circuits at the insinuation. Unable to resist, he draws closer to the bike. His nervous hands tentatively stroke the handle, feeling the ridges of the rubber under his fingers.
“Please,” Namjoon folds his lips in, terrified he’d said that out loud. But he realizes it was the salesman, bowed with the key extended.
Jimin could make anyone beg.
When Namjoon takes the key, the salesman starts to wheel the bike towards the entrance. Jimin winds his arm back around Namjoon’s waist as they walk, rubbing circles into his back.
“You’re gonna look so hot, babe,” Jimin muses. He still watches Namjoon. Only him, nothing else in the store. None of the pretty toys, the other men, the passing cars. Whenever he’s with Namjoon, Jimin’s eyes are always on him. Namjoon shrinks under the attention, but he loves it.
Outside, Namjoon straddles the bike. He gives it a once over, trying to remember everything Jimin taught him. It’s different than his bike, but he can figure it out.
“Hot damn,” Jimin sighs. “You look like an 80’s heartthrob.”
Namjoon giggles. He appreciates that Jimin noticed he dressed for the part.Taking his glasses off and safely tucking them into his pocket, he pats it twice to make sure they won’t shake out.
“Oh my god,” Jimin giggles, tripping over to the bike. “Don’t. That was so cute.”
He comes round to the front of the bike. He puts his hands over Namjoon’s, straddling the front tire. Namjoon tries to sit straight under his boyfriend’s wandering gaze.
Jimin licks his lips again, fingers tightening over Joon’s as his other hand runs through his hot pink hair. His rings hurt a bit, but Namjoon would never tell Jimin to let go.
“This is a wet dream. I’m living a wet dream right now.”
Namjoon chokes. He should be saying the same thing. Jimin is about to buy him a motorcycle. Jimin is straddling said motorcycle, tight pants and loose shirt leaving little his imagination. Jimin is… Jimin.
“Wanna ride me?” Namjoon asks.
Jimin’s eyes darken, his lips parting a bit.
“W-WITH” Namjoon stutters. “Ride with? I meant do you want to-”
Jimin’s lips silence him. Soft, molding to his own. He brushes the stray strands of hair out of Namjoon’s face. He pulls back only to put the helmet on Namjoon’s head. Namjoon watches while Jimin pouts a bit, trying to find the strap under his chin.
Namjoon may be getting hard. Jimin pats the side of the helmet and all the thoughts in Namjoon’s head jumble.
“Let’s do both,” Jimin smiles. A large, boyish grin that lets Namjoon know he’s a goner.
“Wha-really?” Namjoon asks, trying to spin around as Jimin slings himself over the back of the bike. Namjoon yelps when Jimin’s hands accidentally dip a bit too low, grabbing at his crotch before drifting up to his waist.
“I’ll tell you where to go,” Jimin shouts. “Throttle it, baby.”
Namjoon nods, looking at the controls before him. He goes through the motions, missing how Jimin’s hands usually guide him. His favorite part about being with Jimin is he’s never in charge. Jimin watches over him, tells him what to do, what not to do, that he’s doing great. It’s such a contrast to Namjoon’s daily life where he’s constantly critiquing others and making decisions for his department. He craves Jimin even more after a long day.
And boy was today a long day. And he definitely, really craves Jimin when he nuzzles the plastic helmet into his back, all muscle pressed flush against him.
Namjoon never thought he’d like motorcycles. Until he met Jimin, he thought they were just accidents waiting to happen. But now, he sees the joy. Of course, it’s still incredibly dangerous, which is why Jimin directs him to the back roads. But the wind whipping by him feels like he’s flying. The loud roar of the motor cancels out all other thoughts. The metal horse beneath him answers to each of his movements.
And of course, he knows he looks fucking cool. Jimin’s friend Jungkook showed him photos of their nights together. Jimin was right, Namjoon looks hot on a bike.
Eventually, Namjoon figures out where they’re going. His heart rate picks up. There’s something different about driving Jimin to their spot, instead of him clinging to Jimin’s back as he guides them to the secluded spot.
He rounds the last corner up the hill, pausing before the road turns to dirt.
Jimin’s helmet knocks into his. Namjoon laughs. Jimin tried to tuck his chin over his shoulder as always, but the bulky helmets block him.
“Keep going!” Jimin shouts.
Namjoon rubs the handles nervously. “The bike will get dirty.”
He imagines Jimin’s eye roll, that accompanies his sassy, “Always such a good boy. Drive.”
Namjoon doesn’t need to be told twice. By now, he understands Jimin’s commands will always be obeyed, by will or force.
And he’s long from cursing how that makes his stomach stir with excitement.
The bike is harder to control offroad. Namjoon focuses hard. Each bump and shuffle reminds him how skilled Jimin and his friends are when they whip through the city streets, over curbs, and across sidewalks.
Jimin’s helmet is off before Namjoon’s brought the bike to a standstill at the top of the hill. The city lights are flickering on below them, but up here there’s nothing but trees. It reminds Namjoon of them. How Jimin sparkles and shines below, and Namjoon watches on from up here as a simple tree in a vast forest. It’s only a certain amount of time before Jimin consumes him, just like the city will someday reach this secluded space.
Jimin surprised him by not appreciating the implication that he would destroy the environment in some way. He’d wrestled Namjoon to the ground that day, demanding he creates a cuter metaphor before he declared it “their spot.”
But today, Jimin just jumps off the bike and jumps forward to twirl about a few times as he takes in the fresh air.
Namjoon stares on once his helmet’s off. The setting sun paints the sky a soft pink, the same as Jimin’s hair. His boyfriend looks so free out here, leather jacket filled with the breeze and his smile overtaking all his features. 
Namjoon swings his leg over the bike and leans against it for support. He feels a bit like jelly, hands and legs still vibrating from the ride. Jimin continues to prance around, shouting and giggling and jumping. He is free, Namjoon reminds himself. And not even Namjoon can tame him. Everything about him oozes courage and unbridled happiness. Namjoon wants to be like that. He wants to set his own standard for happiness, just like he chooses to forge head off road.
“Joonie,” Jimin sings, running full-force at Namjoon. Namjoon braces against the attack, but Jimin just skids to a stop in front of him. He smiles up at him, a giggle shaking his shoulders.
“Mini,” Namjoon murmurs low. Jimin somehow smiles wider. Namjoon loves it. They don’t get it. The world. The way confessions and blockades all fade away for Jimin. For anyone with Jimin.
As though Jimin knows he’s considering fading, he grips the edges of Namjoon’s jean jacket and yanks him forward. Namjoon gasps, hands bracing on Jimin’s chest. He closes in, simultaneously trying to take in as much of Namjoon as he can. He noses at Namjoon’s jawline. He waits for a shudder to rock through Namjoon before he nips at his ear, giggling in response to Namjoon’s whine.
“So…” Jimin trails off. He pulls back so Namjoon can see the devilish mischief in his eyes.
“Yeah?” Namjoon breathes. He leans forward, focused on Jimin’s smirking lips, but Jimin tucks his chin. Namjoon whines in protest, which only makes Jimin throw his head back in laughter.
“I rode here with you,” Jimin teases. He presses a chaste kiss to Namjoon’s cheek.
“Did I do good?” Namjoon asks.
“Yes,” Jimin laughs again. Namjoon runs his palms over Jimin’s shoulders, under the jacket. To his surprise, Jimin drops his grip on the jacket, shrugging his own off his shoulders. Instead, he shoves his hips into Namjoon’s, the bike shaking a bit as Namjoon falls back into it. He reaches out to support himself in case the thing falls. Jimin’s hands fall over his own, caging him into the bike. He could care less if the bike falls over.
“What was your other question earlier?” Jimin teases. His eyes have that same lazy look like in the dealership. Namjoon’s cheeks warm.
“Did I do good?” Namjoon repeats. He gulps when Jimin leans a little closer, lips hovering before his own. He looks like an angel, soft features and pink hair framed by the twilight.
“To ride you,” Jimin corrects with a roll of his hips. He finally closes the space, only to kiss at the sensitive spot below his ear.
Okay, well, Namjoon did say looks like an angel. He’s well aware he’s far from it.
“Ah, that would be,” Namjoon clears his throat, sinking on to the seat to help his shaking legs. He reaches to adjust his glasses but forgets he isn’t wearing them. No mind, Jimin grabs his hand, kissing over his palm and wrist, watching him with syrupy sweet eyes. “That would be cool.”
“Cool,” Jimin giggles into his palm. He scrapes his teeth over his wrist. Namjoon whimpers. “You’re so cool these days, Joonie.”
“Stop teasing,” Namjoon whines.
Jimin’s eyes darken. He grabs Namjoon’s wrist and twists. With a yelp, Namjoon’s body involuntarily twists to avoid the impending pain. Jimin grabs his waist to have him turned flush against his hips as he kicks at Namjoon’s foot to have him straddled lower. His hand wanders to the button of Namjoon’s pants, easily undoing them. His tongue travels, slow, up the length of Namjoon’s neck.
“Okay,” Jimin murmurs into the shell of Namjoon’s ear. Namjoon tries to lace his fingers with Jimin’s over his zipper, but Jimin grabs his wrist. He guides Namjoon’s hands to rest on the handlebar and the back seat. “10 and 2, babe. I know how you like your rules.”
Namjoon nods. The bike is sturdy beneath his hands, unlike his mind that whirls in a hazy fog of Jimin. When he looks up, he’s reminded that they’re in the open, in their spot, the city down below just as capable of looking up.
Jimin’s undeterred, of course. After fixing the zipper, Jimin slips both his hands into Namjoon’s jeans, letting the push help Namjoon’s pants down his thighs as he smooths over the skin, rounding out to squeeze Namjoon’s ass.
“God, Joonie,” Jimin groans. “Fuck, there’s so much of you. Love it.”
Namjoon hums in response, eyes falling closed as Jimin’s hands wander over his skin. He can’t be nervous with Jimin here. Jimin’s invincible. He doesn’t care. And when Namjoon’s with him, he starts to feel the same, too.
“Should I-” Namjoon starts to take the jacket off, but Jimin wraps himself around him.
“Fuck no,” Jimin answers. When he’s sure Namjoon won’t move again, he gets back to work, kneading Namjoon’s ass cheeks, thumbs sneaking closer and closer. As his pinkies sweep lower, Namjoon jumps, then almost falls over the front of the bike. Jimin’s arm wraps around his waist to keep Namjoon from falling headfirst over the other side.
“This isn’t gonna work,” Jimin tuts.
Namjoon’s heart drops. 
“What? No, please, please don’t, please fuck me, ride me, please,” he babbles. He turns quickly, a little panicked. He can’t bear when Jimin starts and leaves him hanging.
But when his gaze finally meets Jimin’s the man looks amused. He’s trying to bite back his smile. “Joonie, I meant the position.”
Namjoon’s blush deepens. Here he is, bent over (maybe?) his new bike begging his boyfriend to fuck him.
“Get on the bike backwards,” Jimin orders with a flip of his hand. He walks to the back of the bike, then straddles it til he’s in the seat like he’s about to go for a ride. He pats the rounded metal between the handlebars.“Come be my motorcycle, babe.”
Shit, how many times had Namjoon wished he was underneath Jimin, dreamed about being fucked on his bike? He almost trips trying to get out of his pants. Jimin offers his hand like a gentleman, helping Namjoon sit in front of him.
It’s not until he’s there, hands braced behind him on the extended handles, that he realizes how exposed he is. His pants are on the ground, his legs are tucked by his ass, hard cock dripping and on display.
And he can tell Jimin loves it. He runs his hands over Namjoon’s inner thighs before he takes his cock, stroking slowly. Namjoon shyly stares at Jimin’s own crotch, still clothed.
“Think you can handle this?” Jimin asks, reaching into his jacket pocket. Namjoon’s not even surprised when he pulls out a bottle of lube.
“Of course,” Namjoon mumbles.
“I mean the position, babe,” Jimin titters. Namjoon leans back onto his hands a bit more. He’s strong, despite his soft exterior. He nods.
“Good boy,” Jimin hums. He takes one of Namjoon’s feet, gently guiding it off the bike and into the air. Namjoon bites his lip, the cold breeze heightening his vulnerability.
Jimin kisses at Namjoon’s shin, undoing his own pants. Namjoon zeros in on the senses. Wet lips and gentle fingers, the sound of his zipper and the shuffle of fabric as he pulls out his cock, the scent of poplar and oak.
“You good?” Jimin asks. His voice is close. Namjoon didn’t realize he’s closed his eyes. Jimin’s eyes bore into his own, concern filtering through his pupils. Namjoon melts. It’s a look he’s only ever seen for him, and no one else.
He nods. “Please.”
Begging. He always gets here. Always more desperate for it. Always begging for Jimin’s cock. And Jimin always sits there like he does now, lathering lube over his cock, teasing fingers doing the same to Joon’s rim. No rush.
“I’m going to take your other leg now,” Jimin says. Namjoon opens his eyes again. Jimin has both his legs in either hand. He’s dressed beside his fat cock protruding from his leather pants. He’s a sinful mess, coming closer and stretching Joon’s legs higher until the head of his cock meets his rim. 
“You ready?” Jimin asks.
“Mini,” Namjoon groans. Such a fucking tease.
It stings. The push, Jimin entering him slowly without any stretching. Namjoon loves it. Loves how his body accepts Jimin so easily, how Jimin could just take him, take and take like he does in the streets, but always treats Namjoon with such tenderness. At least, in the beginning.
As he bottoms out, the stretch in his thighs has Namjoon’s eyes stinging. Jimin’s head tucks into his collarbone, trying to hide his haggard breathing.
“Fuck, it’s so hot how you just fucking take it,” Jimin rasps, rolling his hips. Namjoon can’t talk, just digs his fingers into the rubber handles. “Fucking ruin me.”
Namjoon sighs. He loves the power. Jimin takes care of him constantly, but in these moments, Namjoon relishes the power he has over him. Jimin starts to pump and pick up pace and has Namjoon whimpering as the bike shifts beneath him. Once they start, Namjoon’s in control. He has the power to ruin Jimin. Every moan has Jimin answering back, each squeeze of his muscles makes Jimin’s hips stutter. When Namjoon begs for his mouth, Jimin’s kisses are sloppy and needy.
“God, love your skin,” Jimin croons, sucking at Namjoon’s neck. He tosses Namjoon’s legs onto his shoulders so his hands can wander over his tan skin, taking fistfuls of his ass and tweaking his nipples. Namjoon’s hard cock bounces between their bodies. Jimin takes notice, giving his hands a better task. His lube soaked fingers tug at Namjoon’s length, fisting him in time with his thrusts.
“Mini,” Namjoon whimpers, no other words coming to mind. Nothing’s in his mind besides his boyfriend completely consuming him. The metal of the bike bites into his ass as Jimin sinks his teeth into his neck. His arms stretch from the angle on the bike while his thighs flex on Jimin’s shoulders. It’s so much, so good, accompanied by the breeze and the setting sun, and Namjoon can’t handle it. The beauty of it, the perfectness, the contrast.
When Jimin finds his mouth again, soft lips and wet tongue meeting Namjoon’s, he cums. Jimin’s hips stutter, hand momentarily pausing before he makes sure he works Namjoon through it. He takes care of him every time, before he breaks free, breathing heavy before he leans back and pumps hard. His eyebrows furrow, mouth forming a perfect oh as the softest grunts catch in his throat. His nails dig into Namjoon’s thighs, but the pain means nothing as Namjoon watches Jimin’s euphoria chisel into his features.
As he comes down, he collapses forward onto Namjoon. Namjoon’s legs drop to the seat behind him. It’s uncomfortable, the headlight of the bike digging between his shoulders, but he won’t move. Jimin’s tousle of pink hair fans over his chest as his boyfriend catches his breath. Namjoon takes his chance to finally touch Jimin. He runs his hands through the damp hair, over his shoulders, under his chin.
“That was such a quad workout,” Jimin chuckles.
Namjoon chuckles back, both of them rumbling with it.
Jimin perks up, tucking his chin on Namjoon’s chest. “I didn’t know you were an exhibitionist.”
Namjoon strokes his cheek, a blushing pink. Namjoon still can’t believe he’s his. “I’d be anything for you.”
Jimin’s smile falters for a second. The sly look in his eyes flickers with something warmer, something vulnerable.
But then as always, he’s giggling. He shakes his head, sitting up to get off the bike so Joon can sit up, too. “You’re such a romantic.”
Namjoon wants to press it. Press the fact that Jimin slips up sometimes. Namjoon can see it. His calm and cool exterior breaks every now and then around Namjoon. But he doesn’t. He takes his glasses out of his pockets and puts them on. He picks up his pants and pulls them back up, yelping when Jimin gives him one last swat to the ass.
“Why the glasses?” Jimin teases booping Namjoon’s nose.
“There’s no way I’m driving back after that,” Namjoon mumbles, scuffing the dirt.
Jimin laughs, falling into Namjoon’s arms. “Okay, okay.”
To Namjoon’s horror (but no longer surprised), Jimin heads straight home, not even passing the dealership. What Jimin wants, Jimin takes. And Namjoon’s so glad Jimin chose to take him.
Imma craft this into a nice big oneshot soon, so look forward to it!
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vapormaison · 5 years
2019 Best Press 3/4:  カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title by TANUKI
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While for many vaporwave vinyl is doubtless equal parts collector’s item and audio source, I don’t want to lose sight of the goal of this blog here: developing a canon of the genre for high fidelity enjoyment. That said, when I come across something remarkable or noteworthy about a particular piece of wax, even if it is not a “purely audiophile” object, I want to make mention of it.
And TANUKI’s カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title wax release is not only noteworthy, but contends for hi-fi consideration despite it’s status as a picture disc.
But let’s back up slightly.
Going back to the previous thesis on why we buy records, sometimes you just want to own a vinyl just because. Just because you’re a collector trying to compile a discography on wax — or, better yet, just because you truly love the album art. For me, カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title (Double EP) was undoubtedly all of the three “just be-causes”.
A while back, I noticed that the LP was going into its 3rd press, and decided to snap up a copy because I like Tanuki, I like Lum, and because of those other just becauses. Unfortunately the only format available was not the pink vinyl, but the picture disc. As I’m sure is well-known (because audiophiles are very loud about things they dislike), picture-discs are a big no-no in the audiophile community. This is because while a beautiful objet d’art, a serious listening session of a picture disc release will usually produce greater amounts of surface noise than any other type of vinyl. You can, of course, with the right system, neutralize and mitigate this process slightly, but true-blue hi-fi heads pursuing that elusive muse of “pure sound” would never give a picture disc a second look.
I’m not one of those people.
Tangentially, I’ve heard whispers of ghosts of rumors from when I was living in Shenzen, China — that various record suppliers (small batch Makers) are working out manufacturing and material processes that minimize these issues on pic discs to create appealing records that cover all the bases: hi-fi suitability, collector oriented visual esoterica, and price. I should also admit I have no idea where those companies are in terms of R&D and/or producing these. I end up catching a lot of very fast talk from extremely motivated enthusiasts, but Chinese is still as elusive a language to me at times as “pure sound” can be. With that in mind, however, it’s logical to surmise that advances in technology will eventually render the differences between picture discs and traditional black wax undistinguishable. So long as the world isn’t destroyed in some cataclysmic climate disaster (very real possibility), or -- as we are watching evolve now: World War 3. My view is that it’d be pointless to dismiss the format out of hand when there are active attempts to innovate it as we speak.
That all said, I know what to expect when a contemporary, big-label picture disc plays. During my college days, I used to spin wax at the university radio station. One of the previous catalog managers had a fetish for this “collectible” format, and was convinced he was doing the station a favor by purchasing all these vinyls, noting a pre-supposed resale value later. I remember throwing these on the well-worn Technics SP-10 we had as our main turntable, and listening to the occasional scratch, frequent popping, and constant surface noise, that for the uninitiated (bless you), sounds like a sustained “cracking” in your Rice Krispies — or for those born in the analog age, CRTV static.
So when I sat down with the Tanuki picture disc, I had this laundry list of preconceptions and prejudices about the format. I thought that I could listen to a moderately scratchy record once or twice, keep it as more a visual boutique item and then eventually include in an article where I bemoan the poor quality of the genre’s releases.
But then, I actually listened.
And it sounded… well, I won’t get ahead of myself. Here’s the full review:
BABYBABYの夢 — is doubtless the reason why many of us have bought the EP from a sonic perspective —especially if the band-camp reviews are indicative of trends. I still maintain that this is the Mariya Takeuchi sample/remix work par excellence. Tanuki hits all the essential notes here, a genuine respect and love for the sound-staging of its original source, Yume No Tsuzuki. I still get echoes of the original arrangement in my system, (ever so slightly) with a bright and dance-infused collection of unique sounds — particularly in that delicious, wide mid-range — that flesh out the track into its own sort of masterpiece.
何がGoin' On — the curatorial and conspiratorial side of my brain tells me that Goin’ On will probably go down as one the under-appreciated vintage bangers of this era of future funk. I can envision hipsters two or three decades from now sussing out a neophyte with pretentious questions about this track’s pitch-shifted sample draws from. It has that sort of vibe that you know hits with a certain subset of electronica fans — rich & vibrant, making the tweeters on your system work out in all the best ways — it’s just great.
がんばれ — Tanuki is at his best when he gets playful with brass samples. I firmly believe that the titans in this genre each have their go-to piece in their best arrangement — like Dan Mason’s creative vocal array, or greyL’s manipulation of micro-samples. For Tanuki, it’s whenever her gets a horn — synthesized or otherwise, into his production workflow.
ファンクOFF — continues Tanuki’s magic act, taking another city pop track more iconic for its soulful electric guitar riff and turning it into the most slap-worthy single on this EP. I prefer it when Japanese pop samples are fundamentally re-imagined, although I can see how the perfectionist tweaking of someone like Yung Bae is more appealing for some. Tanuki is undoubtedly one of the innovators of this genre, and there’s no more solid evidence of that talent than this track.
腕の中でDancin’ — if I ended up hosting a sort of mythical vaporwave grammies or something like that, (I’m available, folks!) I would probably go off on a Ricky Gervais style rant on how artists aren’t in touch with “the people” (read: me) because all we really want are more remixes of Meiko Nakahara songs — who given her impact on City Pop should have way more play in this genre than she does. This one, like most of the Meiko mixes I’ve heard, is a banger with an absolute fire bass riff punctuated throughout.
Radiant Memories — this might be my first certified “hot take” in the publication (they’ll be many more, I imagine) — but as far as I’m concerned this is the superior Plastic Love edit. I’ll just leave my thoughts there, so they can soak in with a portion of the fanbase who split my reddit account on an open fire of downvotes for suggesting that other artists than Macross 82-99 (Praise be upon him!) are allowed to touch this song as well. While Macross’s mix is definitely the more up-temo of the two, and that for some is the very essence of the genre, this slightly down-mixed version is both the perfect conclusion for the EP and ideal antithesis.
Signal to Raise ratio on the following albums:
カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title:  ~61.9db (1 db MoE)
Tron Legacy, Daft Punk:  58.4db
Love Trip, Takako Mamiya, Kitty Records Press: 65.8db
(ratings based on averages 5 minutes of sustained play on the testing unit, the machine actually complied this data on its preset, which is another fascinating part about this sort of vintage press-testing tech). The margin of error is because the machine, according to my mentor Dr. Juuso Ottala formerly of Harman International, informs me it was never meant to give accurate readings of picture discs, and to add about a dB of error margin.
One of the benefits of growing up in New England and, subsequently, New York, is that there are no shortage of heritage professional audio brand HQs in operation around a 200 mile radius from Manhattan to Boston. Off the top of my head, there’s Harman/Kardon, Boston Acoustics, Bose, NuMark, Marantz, and Rane headquarters within an hour’s drive from my two hometowns. Early on in my audiophile quest, I got my hands on some cool vintage gear — vinyl lathe testing equipment that has collected dust in both an old Harman technician’s storage unit, and now my parent’s basement. Over the holiday, I recently brought it out to do some surface noise testing on it to get a rough confirmation of what I was explaining in yesterday’s hi-fi guide. The innards of the machine looks eerily like a plinth-less linear tonearm and plate pair attached to a monitor. After making sure I’m not violating some kind of Harman International trade secret, I’ll post it on instagram.
Wanting to also get a firm idea on just how good my ear-test sounded, I grabbed another picture disc vinyl I had received as a gift a few years ago from my brother — the Tron Legacy OST. While I found the film passably enjoyable, my own preconceptions about pic discs, and a general exhaustion with french house — left me with no discernible desire to spin the thing. I hadn’t even broken the seal on the plastic wrap, so it seemed like as good as a blind test as any. I also grabbed what my ears tell me is a “good”, “heavy” press, a 1982 original dead-stock copy of Takako Mamiya’s Love Trip LP pressed by Kitty Records Japan. I’ve played it maybe a half dozen times since I bought it, so it’s as close to “new” 80s audiophile pop record as you can get. The Japanese are infamously anal about low SNR on their vinyl.
And, well, the results speak for themselves. The sweet spot for most black vinyl records is between 60-70db depending on age, weight, and a host of other frankly uncontrollable factors that aren’t worth getting into detail here, as I’d go on forever. The main takeaway here is that Neoncity’s and Tanuki’s record sat at the low end of the audiophile vinyl reference spectrum. Which in itself is a remarkable achievement for a pic disc. It’s worth taking a look at Tron Legacy, which just barely scratches 8db above a cassette tape, and 7db a Japanese vinyl from 1982.
This is all in an effort to say: damn, this is pretty good.
This also somewhat counters the usual “picture discs sound like shit” narrative that’s prevailed pretty consistently in the audiophile community. Tron Legacy? Yeah, that probably sounds like shit if I could bother to suffer through a listen. But whoever Hong-Kong based Neoncity is using actually makes “good” — if such a qualifier needs to be attached — image-pressed records. And that devotion to audio fidelity should be rewarded.
It might be time for me to re-asses picture discs on the whole, and that mind-expanding moment is something I owe to the fine folks at Neoncity.
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irkimatsu · 5 years
If I’m going to inflict someone else’s Eurobeat Matsu playlist on you all then I’ll also have to inflict my own. Consider it a birthday gift to myself:
Osomatsu: “777″ by Fastway is an obvious choice - and how much better can you get?! Eurobeat about pachinko! Of course it’s Oso! If you want to get into other stuff involving money and general debauchery, there’s also “Money Go” by Marko Polo... and maybe “Tsunami Comes” by Mad Max? I dunno why that one gives me an Oso vibe. Maybe a mafia AU or something. I like giving Oso the troublemaker songs, basically.
Karamatsu: I actually didn’t know “Beautiful Lover” by Powerful T. before Dinny’s playlist; yeah, this is suitably cheesy. Otherwise, I tend to throw 80′s era stuff at him, since it seems like his aesthetic. Stuff on the border of italo-disco and modern Eurobeat. “Animal Man” by Rick Wild (for perceived edginess rather than actual), or if you wanna go a little more mainstream for DDR players, “Boom Boom Dollar” by King Kong & D. Jungle Girls. Going more by sound than lyrics here, admittedly.
Choromatsu: He tends to get J-Euro stuff from me, due to the idol thing. Does “Ima Para” by AKB48 count? (There actually is a Eurobeat remix of an SKE48 song on an SEB album, but I don’t think a full version of it exists.) Maybe “Freedom (Global Extended Mix)” by Globe, for no deeper reason than it being one of my favorite Japanese Eurobeat songs? Yeah, I’m reaching for the poor frog boy. If you want something more traditionally Eurobeat to appeal to his pervy otaku side, there’s always “Maid Attack” by Franz Tornado And The Akihabara Maids.
Ichimatsu: “Black Cat” by Lupin is a good choice for the cat side of things; better than the super girly kitty garbage I used to have kicking around for him. (Seriously, why do I not have this in my library? It’s Asia Records! Thanks for having good choices, Dinny!) If you wanna get away from the cat thing because Ichi deserves better than being reduced to catboy all the time, there’s the Eurobeat/metal fusion in “Right Now (Euro Power Mix)” by Dark Angels, or you can appeal to his horror-fan side with “Shotgun Killer” by Love & Pride.
Jyushimatsu: When I combine Jyushi with Eurobeat, what always comes out is pure madness, like “In The Land Of Banana Fishes” by Dee Dee Wonder. I also really like the optimism of “Rain Dance” by Odyssey, despite not knowing a blessed thing about Touhou, I’m just here for Odyssey. An American doing his part to keep Eurobeat alive, even if half of it is through fandoms - such a beautiful thing. Well, that makes even more sense, right, giving Jyushi the more offbeat artist? Also, I don’t know if it’s cheating to add one that’s really for Jyushiko, but I’ve gotta shout out to her with “Ganguro” by Franz Tornado & The Yamanba Gals!
Todomatsu: “Walky Talky Doki Doki” by Mika La Do definitely has that cutesy vibe, so I’m fine with leaving that one there. (Plus, it’s Hi-NRG Attack and they’re my favorite label. Also yes I’m pretty sure that’s an Axel F sample.) I also really like the mix of cutesiness and sexuality inherent in “Popcorns & Sex” by Queen 26. For the third slot, did you know there was actually a collaboration between Super Eurobeat and Sanrio? For the sake of the crossover, I’m gonna give him “My Melody” by Annie Love! Oh god this song is saccharine <3
Homura: I feel bad that I don’t have anything for any other side characters, and I feel really bad for what my choice here is, but once I thought of Homura while listening to “Girls On Film” by Groove Twins and then my chest hurt
...there’s also “You Are An Angel” by Terry Gordon for that ship I’m technically not supposed to talk about here
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katsutomos · 5 years
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hello, i’m kosmo (she/her) and i’m v excited to be here hehehe! thank u for having me! ;; also i didn’t realise that both kosmo and tomo end the with the same letters & now i wanna d*e but oh well pls ignore that! (: anyw, i’m here introduce TOMO!! there’s probably some stuff i left out here but it ended up having a word count of almost 2.5k so i’m just going to stop myself while i’m ahead! i’ll finish off my stats & bio pages soon and then i’ll try to think up some plots but here’s all this for now!
(tw: suicide mention, brief drug mentions)
NAME / tomo katsumura; his full name is tomohiko but nobody calls him that except his mum & grandparents like literally everybody else knows him as tomo NICKNAMES / technically, tomo IS a nickname but he’s so used it that not using a nickname with him is :knife emoji: -- also katsutomo but that one’s more of fan-title-nickname rather than one he actually uses (as much as he came up with it himself tweeting it out like ‘you guys can call me katsutomo from now on if you like ^^’ before changing all his handles to that exact name). other than that, he’s a bit iffy about nicknames. he likes them if HE came up with them but giving him a nickname is usually Yikes City (unless he decides it’s cute and lets u do it, i guess) AGE & DOB / twenty-three & 6th november 1995 BIRTHPLACE / LA, USA ETHNICITY / japanese OCCUPATION / actor! he dabbles in modelling but it’s more of an ‘i got asked to model this thing bc i’m famous and they’re paying me (:’ type deal than it being something he’s actually personally into. whereas acting is his PASSION.
to start with, let’s talk about his parents; his dad, born and raised in america, was an actor who eventually made a move into directing but ultimately committed suicide at age 38 & his mother, born and raised in japan, is a socialite who had started off as a teen idol in the 80s. his parents had also divorced when tomo was still young, a few years before his dad’s death, so he uses his mother’s surname. tomo does not get on with her but, thanks to the sense of guilt she’s raised into him, he can’t bring himself to cut her out of his life completely. 
basically, she’s got hang ups about the way her idol career ended so she kind of pushed tomo into the spotlight (which was fine for him because he wanted to act) but she grew envious of him after he got out of his teens and doesn’t like the decisions he makes. it’s a mutual issue. they mostly don’t get on because they can’t see eye to eye or really speak to each other at length without arguing.
his mum actually wanted him to break into acting when he was about nine because he’d already taken an interest in it by then. because her career had ended early, she took the approach of ‘he won’t be cute forever, what if we wait too long and he loses his chance?’ but his father, who had his own issues with the industry, strongly disagreed. this disagreement was one small contributing factor for their divorce; they had plenty of other issues as well but this didn’t help. their compromise was that tomo could wait until he was in his teens and this deal was mostly held up because tomo thought it was wrong to break a promise with a dead guy.
to be clear though, he’d probably have issues with his dad too if he were still alive (and he’s not exactly super fond of him as it is; he doesn’t hate him but he doesn’t like being asked about being his son). he was kind of a shit husband and, if it weren’t for the fact he didn’t see tomo as often as he’d like, he’d probably be a pretty distant father as well. his work was pretty much his main priority and he had a lot of personal issues that he took out on other people.
tomo grew up in LA for the most part but also spent a lot of time in japan, mostly jumping between osaka, where his mother’s family lived, and tokyo, where his mother’s friends and connections & his father’s extended family lived. the family stopped travelling quite as much after his father’s death and tomo’s reaching high school age. he grew up bilingual.
he started acting professional when he was 16, mostly with a few smaller tv roles but he had good connections and was able to get a small but still substantial role in the film directed by a friend of his dad. his big break came at age 18 when he landed a leaded a role in the main cast of high school drama. it was exciting at first, being on tv and being famous, but he hated both the show and his character so the whole thing got tired fast. he wasn’t allowed to quick so he went out of his way to get himself fired. there’s a whole story behind that but i’ll leave that for the bio hehehe! (he wanted his character to get killed off bc he thought it’d be fun to act out but they wouldn’t let him do that ): boooo)
one of his biggest issues with the tv show was that he didn’t like being sold as a product / character that wasn’t anything like him. he hated being shown off as this squeaky clean teen heartthrob type and not being allowed to have his own emotions & tastes. he found it mentally exhausting and, since then, he’s had a lot of issues dealing with the contrast between how he is as a person and how he’s seen by the media. he tries not to admit it but he’s terrified of being swallowed up by what other people think of of him and losing track of himself in the process. it’s made him a little paranoid.
since then, he’s avoided tv as much as possible. he prefers working on films in general but he finds the idea of playing the same character for too long incredibly unappealing. he enjoys taking on new roles and absorbing himself in that character & sometimes to the point of bordering on obsession so playing the same role not only plays into his fears of people seeing him as someone he’s not (i.e; whatever character it is) but he’s also scared of seeing HIMSELF the wrong way. he needs the separation.
tomo likes working on indie films or more artistic/niche studio films most of all. the promotion cycle isn’t as intensive and the characters tend to appeal to him more. he has appeared in a few blockbuster-type films but mostly because his bosses have pushed him into it or he’s had to taken on a multiple film contract with a studio in order to land a role he really wanted. (he once got int trouble for calling his own character in a blockbuster a ‘dumb bitch’ on twitter)
the bratpack article had a pretty heavy impact on him. it kinda just spoke to all of his worst fears of not really being a Real Person or being Sold A Certain Way. he wanted to get away from it without having to actually stop working because it’s the one thing that really keeps him stable. his eventual means of escape was a role in a japanese film. he’s been living in japan since then, having moved there to specifically hunt out a film to work on, to get used to the japanese industry/prepare himself and then get to filming. he’s come to milan straight from tokyo, not having seen any of the other brats in person during that time, but he’s had time to relax. sort of. 
for the most part, tomo’s a friendly and energetic guy! (living up to his name a lil bit here bc tomo can mean ‘friend’ in japanese hehehe) when he’s at his best, he’s great company. he likes to stand out in a crowd, has a winning smile and enjoys a little bit of attention but also knows when to step back and look out for other people. he likes to play as hard as he works. the trouble is that, when things aren’t going well and he’s distressed, he tends to collapse in on himself. behaviour that seemed playful before looks straight up stupid and reckless instead. he’ll avoid attention but get frustrated because he craves it and do more reckless shit for attention. yet he’s pretty good at pretending shit’s fine, he’s still weirdly positive for a guy who feels all messed up — maybe he gets away with it because he’s a good actor. tomo has good days and bad days but there’s little warning as to which is which. it wasn’t always this way; it’s like something has broken his spirit. (i copied this from my app but asdghgsdf)
that’s why his archetype is The Contradiction,,,bc he doesn’t make any fuckin sense, woooeee! he’s this very bouncy, upbeat person and he likes having fun but he’s not really a very positive person in terms of outlook. he’s too high energy! his general vibe is everything’s going to shit but i’m going to have a good time anyway :D
actually, on that note...he IS :D
he doesn’t like crying in front of people which is rough bc he’s v emotional all the time. he’s a total crybaby when he’s drunk. if you drink with him, there WILL be a point at which you have to scoop him up off the floor because he’s found something over which to start weeping. OR he’ll end up calling you to panic about how he can’t find his way home, only for him to realise like 5 minutes later he’s phoning you from the steps outside his apartment building.
the kind of guy who can have a full-on breakdown in his room by himself and then just reappear & ask u if u wanna go for ice cream or smth bc he’s bored. like ok that’s done with, that already happened. it’s over.
anyw he’s always willing to give ppl advice if they’re feeling stuck. it’s not always great advice bc he’s basically shit at dealing with stuff himself. he’s not one of these ppl who gives great advice but can’t follow it himself, he’s more...he gives advice bc he’d feel bad if he didn’t TRY so the advice itself definitely varies in quality. he means well though.
don’t watch funny films with him because he will do one of either things; 1) not find it funny and sit through the whole thing like : | or 2) he’ll find it so funny that he’ll end up on the floor at some point. there’s no in between. it’s all or nothing with this fucker.
he really likes cute shit. he’s rich so there’s nothing stopping him from buying those overpriced limited edition hello kitty goods.
let’s not talk about how he enjoys acting bc it’s an escape where he can be Somebody Else but he can’t cope with himself being promoted as something that doesn’t feel like Tomo. that’s its own mess. i’m p sure he’d just unravel if anybody said anything about it.
his hair is currently bright red. it’s a recent change but he was like ‘uhhhh if i’m going on this trip, i’m making a visual statement’ and that was that. he likes to go for more interesting colours when he’s not filming anything because it’s the only time he really gets to. i mean, he still has dyed hair in a lot of his films but it’ll usually be brown or blonde or something else more ‘realistic’.
tomo cares a LOT about the way he dresses and styles himself. he’ll probably complain if he has to do a promo/magazine shoot and he doesn’t like the outfit he’s been given. it doesn’t actually help him half the time and he just gets told to shut up but it’s the PRINCIPLE of it !!!!!!!!
he posts on his finsta probably way too often but that’s because his public social media is pretty filtered, given that he’s caused fusses on social media before. there have been multiple cases of him having to delete tweets and instagram posts because somebody in charge decided he was pushing the limit just a little too much and, granted, most of it wouldn’t be seen as risky (bc it’s mostly utterly pointless stuff that gets flagged up as risky, e.g; ‘i need to pee and i can’t find a bathroom. death is coming for me.’) if he hadn’t publicly complained about the tv show that made him famous several times on twitter but he did do that so, y’know, he’s seen as a liability. the unfortunate outcome of this is that his finsta story is often littered with fairly inane thoughts.
he’s not very good at watching himself in films. it depends on the film and he can do it but uhhhh let’s just say he once watched the one horror film he was in at the cinema (and didn’t like most of it bc he’s a wuss about that sort of thing) but he laughed during his own death scene. there were tears in his eyes. real tears.
he doesn’t like dating because...well, he likes the IDEA of it but he’s the type to really fall for someone and BASICALLY? he’s scared of being dumped! he’s a bright & appealing personality with just enough edge to balance it out but he’s a bit of an emotional screwball and getting people interested is easier than keeping them interested, leading to mixed experiences with dating so he’s settled for sleeping around a little instead. oh well, whatever works! (does it actually work? shhhh it’s a secret...)
he’s very much involved in the party scene, whatever country he’s in. it’s not something he talks about much (privately, i mean, bc DUH he doesn’t say it publicly) but he doesn’t exactly avoid drugs in anyway (code for...yeah, he’s done stuff). it’s all casual, he says, but he still does it. he does smoke cigarettes though and he’s a little dependent on that.
also i guess he got involved in that kinda thing deliberately because he wants to distance himself from the clean-cut, shiny heartthrob pretty boy image as much as possible. eventually, it just became a natural way of de-stressing and dealing with the constant frustration of his career. the unfortunate consequence of that is that he’s now got a bit of a Bad Boy/Wild Child image and he’s not entirely sure he likes that either. (the shift in image also means that some journalists will talk about him as though he’s ‘gone off the rails’ and, yeah, he hates that as well)
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restlessfeathers · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity :)
Sorry about this taking so long! My new computer got here, so I had to set it up and everything, and it took like two days to do.
1. My cats. Their names are Millie and Rory, and Millieis technically my mom’s, but I live with them both. Rory is a little blackkitty while Millie is a fluffy nugget. They constantly get into trouble togetherand feed off each other’s energies, but they can’t stand each other. It’sweird.
2. Sewing doll clothes. That may be surprising to alot of people since most of the sewing fanatics I know absolutely despiseworking on small-scale projects, but I get immense enjoyment from working with tiny,intricate, delicate, hand-sewn pieces. Doll clothes are the perfect size for meto work in, and while it doesn’t seem very fulfilling to most, I think it’scathartic to finish a piece, put it with an outfit, and display it on a shelffor everyone to see.
3. Writing scripts. I know I’m not too well known formy writing, but I like to spend most of my time creating long-form scripts. The seriesI’m working on right now is called Order of the Crown, and it just so happensto be Ace Attorney themed. I’d recommend reading Turnabout Vendetta since myupcoming project is a sequel to that story, but if Klapollo isn’t your thing, I’dalso suggest checking out The Trapped Turnabout because it’s a good representation of what my writing tends to be like: dramatic, sometimes funny, interconnected and usually have a very slow start that ramps up into something more interesting later.
4. Simon Blackquill. Well, I mean, he had to gosomewhere on this list, right? I don’t entirely understand why, but I just geta flurry of butterflies in my brain when I see a picture or drawing of him. It’slike an instant hit of dopamine. Since I lost the post about the reasons I like him, I’ll summarize: I think he’s a very fun character to write for and Ilike how his code of honor plays into his personality. He seems like a cryptic tool at first glance, but it becomes clear that he bases his judgements off of what he sees as the “truth” first - he does his job and does it well. It’s not about a verdict; he’s not tricking the judge into believing something. He’s just trying to get everyone to see it in the same way the prosecution does, even if it requires as many bluffs and risks as Phoenix himself makes.
5. Music. There are a few things I have to agree with Klavier on, and the fact that a world without music would be empty, cold and lifeless is one of them. My favorite genres (I like most types ofmusic, but my tastes can sometimes be way too specific) are kind of weird whenyou put them together. I like American 70’s folksy rock songs, Japanese 80’spop music, modern R&B, early 2000’s alternative hits…you name it, there’sprobably a song I can recommend from that era/genre. My favorite artists and/orbands would probably be Tatsuro Yamashita, Blue Oyster Cult, Daniel Caesar, TheOh Hellos, Lorde, Stromae, Fleetwood Mac, Massive Attack, Junko Ohashi… That’stoo many already, so I’ll stop there. Point is, if it’s good music, I usually like it.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
England Do you like to drink tea? I only drink iced tea and only the artificial kind, so I don’t think that even counts as tea. My tongue never did adapt well to traditional ones. Do you like to put sugar in your tea? I like my iced tea super sweet if that counts. Have you ever explored an ancient castle? No but it would be interesting to enter one! If you're a Christian, are you Catholic or Protestant? I was baptized and still legally Catholic. Philippines is predominantly Catholic, with 80% of the population; I don’t how the % of Protestants, but it’s definitely a much smaller bit of the pie since the rest of the religions are divided into different Christian denominations, then Islam. Do you live in a big house? It’s definitely bigger than my childhood home, so that’s more than enough.
Are there a lot of seagulls where you live? I don’t think seagulls fly over to this side of the world? Correct me if I’m wrong though. Do you have a garden? Only a very small one. Name something you own with the British flag on it. Probs an old UK-themed notebook lying around, but I’m not sure if I still even have those or if they already got thrown out. What's your favorite part of London? I dunno. London always seemed like such a hectic city for me and I’ve never really had an idea about its identity. If you've been to England, what was your favorite city you've visited? If applicable, what is/was your favorite store in London? I’m not sure I know any London-based stores. Have you ever been lost in London? Nope. Would you say your personality is British? Do you think you'd fit in there? I’d say my personality is the furthest thing from that since I’ve never been submerged in their local culture. I don’t know if I would fit in; a lot of them seem pretty short-tempered lmao. Do you have English ancestors, or are you from England? I’m positively -60% English. Ireland What is one of your favorite celtic songs? I don’t know anything about Irish history/culture other than Becky Lynch, Sheamus, and Niall Horan. I’m laying that out this early. Do you have red hair? Absolutely not. Are you Irish? No Irish blood in my system at all.
Name 5 redheads that you know. Becky Lynch x2.5, Sheamus x2.5 lmao. Who in your family is/was a redhead? Nobody. If you've been to Ireland, what was your favorite city you visited? I haven’t been to Ireland but I would rather take a trip there than to London definitely. Did you have any bad experiences in Ireland? Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? No but Western social media shoves it in my face every year. I have no idea what it’s about other than they turn the Chicago River green. Do you like Irish food? I don’t know much about their food actually :o I don’t think there are places that serve it. What's one thing you like about ancient cathedrals? The fact that millions of lives with different experiences, all in different contexts have come and gone within them. Do you like rolling hills of green? ...I don’t know what you’re talking about. Are you just talking about hills? Because yes, hills are fine with me lmao. Do you like bagpipes? No. All this question gave me was the image of Ross Geller playing them on a Friends episode because he wanted to surprise Chandler and Monica on their wedding. If you're Irish, what part of Ireland is your family from? Do you like English accents or Irish accents better? I like both but I find English ones a wee bit more satisfying to listen to. China What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Tiger. ^Do you like it? Do you feel it fits your personality? I don’t give a shit about it. Do you like your American zodiac sign or Chinese zodiac sign better? I don’t give a shit about either, either. Do you like Chinese food? LOOOOOOOVE good ol’ family-style Chinese food. None of that fake Chinese takeout. List three of your favorite Chinese foods. Minced pork with eggplant, century eggs, spring rolls. Are you familiar with the topic of footbinding? I do. We were taught about it from very early on. What are your favorite books about the Chinese? I don’t really read books about the Chinese. I’ve read readings on Chinese history in high school and college–which I all enjoyed–but I’m not passionate about them enough to pick a favorite. Do you know anyone Chinese? I know a lot of them. Philippines has a very large Chinese Filipino/Filipino Chinese community thanks to their mass migrations way way back–they’ve since heavily integrated their native culture to the country, so we have a lot of Chinese restaurants and Filipinos typically love Chinese food, and we also (by law) celebrate Chinese New Year. There are also a lot of private schools established for kids of Chinese descent. Who is your favorite Chinese youtuber? I don’t have any. Have you ever cooked Chinese food at home? Not me because I don’t cook. My grandma and my dad have. Are you familiar with the Great Chinese Famine? Only a bit. Do you wish your school would teach you about other countries' history? It already does! UP’s very fortunate to have a very well-endowed history department: there are courses for West, East, Southeast, and South Asian, Latin American, United States, European, Spanish, and African history. We ain’t the top school in the country for nothing. Would you ever want to go to China? I already have. The old people there are SO rude and their sense of hygiene and manners is so different from what we have :( I’d still want to go back just for shits and giggles but their people are generally meh. Do you have any Chinese in your family? We do but they aren’t related to us anymore. The relatives who are Chinese are those who married into our family, but my family per se isn’t Chinese. Japan Do you like sushi? I’m fucking craaaaaaaazy about sushi. And sashimi.  ^If so, what are your favorite kinds? Any kind as long as the main part is tuna, unagi (eel), or uni (sea urchin).  What is your favorite manga series? I don’t read manga. Do you love Japanese street fashion? I appreciate it, but it’s too...hip for me hahaha. I’d stick to my preppy wardrobe. What color hair would you have as an anime character? Light pink maybe. Are you aware of the struggles of Japanese Americans during World War 2? Admittedly, not so sure about the situation of Japanese-Americans; but in general, the Japanese were unnecessarily big fucking bullies throughout WWII. They don’t even have the balls to say sorry completely until today. As a Filipino (PH was one of the countries it essentially raped head to toe), this continues to make me angry today. What is your favorite Japanese name? I don’t have. Do you like bonsai trees? They’re cool but I’m not like gaga over them. What's one thing you think Americans should adopt from the Japanese? Intelligence? Have you ever listened to Jpop? No. Do you like Hello Kitty? No. But my sister loves everything Sanrio. What is something you want to know about the Japanese? Why they can’t seem to apologize for their war crimes and criminals and and sex slavery and using of comfort women and cases of rape, torture, and abuse in my country. Do you know anyone who's Japanese? Yeah, I had a classmate from last sem whose last name was Mizushima and looked Japanese. Would you ever want to go to Japan? I already have. The people were very nice. Australia Do you have blonde hair? No trace of blonde anywhere on me.
Do you live near a beach? I live in an archipelago, so technically yes. The nearest beaches are still 3 hours away though. Do you surf? Nah. We’ve been to so many beach resorts that offer basic surfing lessons, but ultimately it’s only my dad, mom, and sister who try it out. I have bad balance so I was always too scared to try. Who is your favorite Australian youtuber? I like Jamie Zhu, but only the videos of him pranking his dad. I haven’t seen any of his other material. Do you watch The Norris Nuts? Never even heard of it. Who is your favorite Australian fictional character? I don’t know a lot of Australian characters other than Hi-5!!! Lmao. What is your favorite song by Hillsong? Fuck no. Have you ever tried to surf? See a few questions above. Do you skateboard? Nope. I can’t balance well other than on the ice skating rink. Have you ever been on an island? I live on an island. Do you live on an island? Yes. A country with 7,641 islands. Do you like Australian accents or British accents better? British ones. Have you ever heard the term, "Crikey, mate!" No...I’ve only ever heard of it stereotyped in the media, too. Is there any Australian here who can confirm if people say this everyday lol Have you ever met anyone from Australia? I probably have but my memory is rusty at the moment. Africa Do you know anyone from Africa? Yeah, I have a mutual friend who’s Nigerian.
Are you familiar with the War on Sudan? A little. I got most of my knowledge of it from my international relations class. Do you own an Invisible Children shirt? I don’t. Have you been to Africa? No, but I want to pay a visit so bad. What's your favorite wild animal? Elephants. Do you prefer dancing or drumming? Neither, but if I absolutely had to pick: drumming. Do you have good rhythm? Not at all. Would you ever want to go to Africa? Yes. What is a great African song? I don’t know any. Have you ever tried African dancing? Nope. Do you own any African jewelry? I don’t. Ever danced to "Waka Waka"? I never did like that song. No. What's the furthest you've ever walked in one day? Probably that time we were in Bali and felt like we walked for 7 days. It was soooooooo humid that day so I was really cranky after. Do you live in a mud hut? No. Mexico List 3 of your favorite Mexican foods. I’m not big on Mexican food that much so I’m sorry if my picks are a little basic haha. I like chimichangas, burritos, and nachos. List 3 Mexican names you like. Ines, Luis, Antonio. List 3 people you know who are Mexican. I only know wrestlers...Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, Gory Guerrero? Aka members of the best Mexican wrestling family there ever is, was, and ever will be. Have you ever been to Mexico? I haven’t. Would you ever want to go to Mexico? I would love to go to every possible spot in the world at least once, so it’s a yes for me.   Do you think you could handle being around people all the time? ...How is this related to Mexico lmao? Anyway no I don’t think I can. I’m a huge introvert so I’m bound to get tired some time. Do you like spicy food? I love it but only when the spicy factor is integral to the food, like in curries or in spicy dips. I can always tell if spiciness is artificial. How do you do with crowds? I’m alright with crowds as long as people are not screaming all at the same time and if it’s not super compressed. Is it hot where you live? Very hot at the moment. There are places in the country with actual heat indices of 65ºC. HOW IS THAT REAL LIFE????? Do you like bright colors? I hate them so much. Can you speak Spanish? No but I can understand the contexts of some sentences and have what I’d say is an extensive Spanish vocabulary. Makes sense if you consider the fact that the Philippine was under Spain for 333 years. The effects, especially language- and religion-wise, are still very very strong today. Have you ever been to a fiesta? Yup. I was once part of a parade. Ever smacked a pinata? Nah we never used those for my birthdays. What's your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? I don’t get Taco Ball because the branches that do exist are sooooo faaaaar away from where I live and from where I study. The Middle East Are you Muslim? Nope. Do you know any Muslims? I don’t know anyone personally but it’s not unusual to see Muslims around here.   Do you know anyone who wears hijab? Again, not personally. What are some of your favorite books about Muslims? Ever been to a desert? I wish the Philippines could count as a desert lmao but no I haven’t. Would you want to ride a camel? Is that ethical? I gotta make sure it’s a green-lit thing first. Did you watch the show Legends of the Hidden Temple? I was obsessed with it when I was younger. It was on every 5:30 AM, so it was the program I watched everyday while preparing for school. Korea Have you read To All the Boys I've Loved Before? Please don’t mention that stupid book/movie. ^Have you seen the movie? Did you know that North Korea is closed? I mean, it’s not literally closed; you can still book trips there but they’re still definitely super strict about what you can and can’t get away with. Would you ever want to visit South Korea? I already have. In terms of people’s niceness, they’re in the middle of Chinese (the shits) and Japanese (absolute angels). Most of the Koreans I dealt with were nice save for this one woman who shooed me away when I was taking a photo of something from her little bazaar. Have you ever had Korean food? YESSSSS I love Korean food so much, it’s so underrated. People gotta go deeper than sushi and Chinese fried rice cos there’s another East Asian with food that slaps as fuuuuuuuck. South America Have you read The Spirit of the Rainforest? I have not. Name one fact you know about Venezuela. I know nothing about Venezuela other than they also seem to be favorites in Miss Universe pageants every year along with PH. Do you know anyone who lives in Peru? I do not. That’s very far from where I’m at. Have you ever tried Peruvian food or drink? Nope. I definitely would if there were places that served such here. Have you ever been to South America? No. Do you know anyone from Brazil? I don’t think so. Would you ever want to visit South America? Yes. Name someone you know who owns llamas. Nobody. Do you like llamas? I like all animals except for cockroaches and other weird insects, so yes. Have you ever sewn on a loom? I haven’t had the chance to. Do you own a skirt from Guetamala? This is...specific. No. Do you ever wonder why we don't hear much about South America? Probs because people and media play a hand in painting it in such a bad light, e.g. poverty, drugs, crime and otherwise glorify its big brother North America as a place of freedom and diversity and liberty when it’s just as big of a shithole as anywhere else. But I’m glad social media exposes issues in countries that often go unignored, South American ones included. Thailand Do you like elephants? I LOVE elephants, they’re my favorite creatures. Would you ever be brave enough to try walking on stilts? I’d be so scared but wouldn’t be opposed to trying. Do you know about sex trafficking in Thailand? I’ve heard enough to be actively aware of it, but I don’t know specifics. Do you like Thai food? Obsessed.
Do you know anyone who's Thai? I don’t think so. United States If you live in the US, which state do you live in? Which states have you visited? Which states have you lived in? Have you ever been to Washington D.C? No. What is your favorite American food? I don’t know...I’m genuinely not sure what counts as American food because the ones I know were influenced one way or another from other cuisines. Maybe burgers? I love me a juicy burger with brioche buns, caramelized onions, and a mayo-based sauce. Do you listen to popular music? Hahahaha, guilty pleasure. Do you dream of having two kids and maybe a dog? Yesssss. ...and living in a two-story house with a white picket fence? House yes; not so much on the fence. Fences aren’t the norm here; people have big-ass gates instead. ...and having a good job and saving for retirement? Why is this just an American thing? Isn’t this like a people thing? ....where you can retire to Florida and live on the beach? Florida was never my ideal home. Did you go to college? If so, what was your major? I’m in college atm. Journalism. Were you abused by your parents? Emotionally/mentally/verbally. Do you know any nice people? ???????? I do, but I’m starting to dislike how general life questions were all clumped into the American category as if the whole world lives an American-centric life. Anyway IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS ROBYN MOVE ON How often do you bbq? What's your favorite ride at Cedar Point? Other What's the best family vacation you've been on? Palawan was amazing. It was a local vacation but it was so much good fun. What countries have you visited? My own; Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia. What countries do you want to visit? Morocco, South Africa, Egypt, Canada, Peru, Malta, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia. Have you ever been to NYC? No. Do you live in a big city, small town, or other? Big city, but I live in the quiet, more suburban part of it so it feels small.
Do you live in the city or country? City. What is your favorite country besides your own? I never claimed that the Philippines was my favorite country hahahaha um I don’t have one. What country do you live in? The Philippines. What is your ancestry? Filipino, Malay, Austronesian, possibility of Spanish. Are you happy with the American government? Right now? It sucks. I only recognize and like AOC. What currency do you use? Philippine peso. Do you think you have an accent? Everyone has an accent. I don’t know why this is a question. Have you ever been told you have an accent? Sure.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
The World Of My Hero Academia Is Actually Kind Of Terrifying
For an anime that only came out two years ago, My Hero Academia has been landing on a lot of fans’ Top 10 lists. Probably because it’s essentially Naruto with Western-style superheroes instead of ninjas and it’s nice to have a continuation of that story that isn’t Boruto. It’s also pure wish-fulfillment: in a world where 80% of people are born with special powers called Quirks, the entire planet has basically become a DC and Marvel-themed wonderland of outlandishly-dressed crime-fighters. And all you have to do to become one is just be born. That’s so easy, even a child could do it!
  As a bonus, the chief of police in the MHA-verse, Kenji Tsuragamae, is a guy whose power is being the best boy ever. By which I mean he has the head of a dog. He’s literally McGruff the Crime Dog and he runs the entire Police Force because God exists and loves humanity but only in My Hero Academia. Also, another police officer, Tamakawa, is an actual anthropomorphic cat that wears a collar with a bell on it. If I was living in that world, I’d just start committing crimes in alphabetical order for the off chance of being arrested and questioned by a giant kitty and puppy team. (Hopefully they’d catch me before I got to the M's.) Honestly, who wouldn’t want to live in a universe like that?
    Well, you might, for one. Because when you get down to it, the world of My Hero Academia is just a little bit… fascist-y.
  In episode 6, there is a super short scene where Deku, who was born Quirkless but later gained superpowers, learns that it’s possible to update his Quirk Registration so that the government knows what his new abilities are. He doesn’t see anything wrong with it; to him, it’s obvious that his powers should be on file somewhere. That’s how much the population of the MHA-verse has been brainwashed. They are willingly giving away some of the most precious liberties a person can have: the right to privacy.
  It’s different than in, for example, One Punch Man where hero registration was voluntary. In this world, all children undergo not one but two examinations to determine their exact powers: one when they enter elementary school, and another when they enter middle school. So, right about when they are too young to realize how invasive and messed up all of this is. The extent of their abilities is then recorded and can be accessed by the government at any time and, I’m sorry, but that is basically word for word what the Mutant Registration movement from the X-Men has been fighting for all this time. It’s almost like if Magneto got his wish to create a world where mutants don’t have to live in fear but then decided “well, those guys who said we needed to be controlled kind of had a point.”
  It’s true that some people in My Hero Academia do have dangerous powers, like the ability to control fire, so you might want to keep tabs on them. But we don’t force everyone with a canister of gas and a box of matches to register with the police because laws like that would make Orwell spin in his grave so hard, he’d be able to power all the Government Reeducation Centers we’d have all of a sudden. But there are also people whose powers really should be their business--Deku’s mother, for example, has the power of extremely-limited telekinesis. She can sort of move small objects over tiny distances, and the government knows all about it. Same as they do about the guy who can remove his eyes or the kid with a clothespin for a head. What if you had to send a piece of paper to the government that included your picture and a note stating that your power is having, say, areolas the size of Frisbees that glow when you’re sad?
  This is a world where a “superpower” can mean having weird shuriken-shaped growths on your head, like the old guy from episode 1, so Mood Mega-Nipples are definitely within the realm of possibility.
    You might be thinking that there’s nothing wrong with it, as 80% of the planet is born with Quirks, so the government probably doesn’t need the list for any nefarious purpose. But they still need to know everything about you. But they won’t use it for anything evil. But you need to comply, citizen. Do not resist.
  The other thing is that the MHA-verse has only been at peace for a very short time. There probably still are people out there who remember the birth of the very first Quirk, and what followed wasn’t pretty. There was violence and protests against this new breed of humans, and nothing says that it can never go back to how things were because, even now, no one knows where Quirks came from. It almost feels like this is why the government needs to know the extent of everyone’s power, in case there’s another global (r)evolution. Would they use that information to save lives and do some good? Maybe. But then again… *gestures wildly at EVERYTHING, everywhere, every-when*
    This is also why it’s problematic that you need a government license to use your powers in public. Technically, doing it by accident or in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone should be OK, but Koichi (aka The Crawler) in the My Hero Academia: Vigilantes spin-off still got a warning from the police for sliding and gliding in public. He wasn’t arrested, but what if the cops who stopped him were having a bad day and wanted to jam someone up? They easily could have taken him in. The safety and liberty of the people should not be dependent on law enforcement’s mood.
  Of course, here, there is no tyrannical government forcing their will on the people. Rather, everyone is conditioned, from early childhood, into thinking there is nothing wrong with any of this, which technically makes My Hero Academia less 1984 and more Brave New World. But that isn’t really better, is it? Let us know what YOU think about the world of MHA in the comments!
Cezary writes words on the internet. He has an official Twitter and another, secret Twitter he never told his family about. You should follow both of them.
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kuro-shit-posts · 6 years
A, F, J, P for sebastian, UT, ciel and vincent?
Hello! im so so sorry but im not super familiar with Vincent’s character and i didnt want to write something bad and disappoint you so i decided not to write for him, i hope thats ok! But i dohope you still enjoy the other characters!!———–Sebastian: A-Affection: completed in a previous post
F-Fun Times: Sebastian’s true self is still a bit enigmatic, however I feel that the real, demon, Sebastian doesnt really find many activities to be fun except for things like the manipulation of others or killing things (specifically killing sprees). Regarding his affinity for cats, i feel that playing with kitties would be the closest, if not the only, human “activity” he finds entertaining. As to whether Sebastian prefers to be in a group or alone, Sebastian doesnt really care for other demons, and clearly he isnt fond of angels or reapers either. Though Sebastian finds humans interesting, i think he finds them enjoyable in the way we enjoy looking at lobsters in a tank before we eat them. Its fun to watch them move around and interact with eachother, hell even after you take one home you might name it or think its cute, but ultimately its still food and you intend to eat it, not take it to the park and have a picnic because you enjoy its company. So needless to say Sebastian prefers to be alone.
J-Jokes: Clearly Sebastian is very talented in telling jokes but i think thats simply a product of being alive for so long and the fact that humans’ sense of humor hasnt really change through the centuries. Sebastian enjoys possessing the ability to make humans laugh as he enjoys being the center of attention and earning praise from humans. Though I dont believe he finds much humor in what humans find funny, i do believe he has his own sense of humor and for a demon he’s pretty giggly. For the most part, Sebastian makes himself laugh (especially in the form of puns), though he oftens finds humor in the foolishness of other (particularly Ciel). Sebastian is pretty quick to get a joke that would be considered funny to humans of any century, however, jokes that pertain to current or recent events tend to take him a bit longer, especially if he hasnt been amongst humans in a few decades. I think as the centuries went on, i.e. entering the 20th and 21st centuries, Sebastian would be even slower to get jokes as things move incredibly fast during the modern era. He’d finish a contract in the 80s and come back in 2010’s and be completely lost even though it had only been 30 years. What on earth was a Vine? Why did humans find plants so funny all of a sudden. Wait…when they say vine they aren’t referring to the botanical organism? He’d be one of those people that catches on right as a trend is ending or even way after it has ended because modern era trends, especially in humor, tend to last for months at the very most; which would be like miliseconds to a demon who experiences 10 years like 10 minutes.
P-Personality: First and foremost, I think that an intelligent partner would suit him best. As it is, Sebastian is alot smarter than the majority of humans, reapers, and quite possibly other demons, so regardless of who he chooses as a partner, they need to be able to keep up with his mental abilities. Next on the list of importance, I’d say maturity is something Sebastian values. Sebastian finds immature people destestable and someone’s level maturity makes or breaks his perception of them. After those two traits I think things tend to get a bit more flexible, I feel like Sebastian would prefer someome who had a sense of adventure, he doesnt care for boredom or laziness so someone who would want to get up and do things, or go with him to obscure places would be right up his alley. Someone with a unique perspective on the world would be desirable as well, Sebastian finds humans incredibly perplexing, so a human that even other humans have difficulty deciphering would be attractive to him as he likes a challenge. Speaking of challenges, he wouldnt want someone who’d come to him too easily, though he wouldnt want to work terribly hard either, he likes the chase but only when he knows there’s a reward waiting for him at the end. Sebastian would also find perseverance attractive, especially if it was facing something they feared or a task that proved to be incredibly challenging. I feel like he’d prefer a thrill-seeker as well. Most importantly though, he’d want someone to be able to completely accept and cherish his true form. Sebastian loves being a demon so someone who loved him like he loved himself would be absolutely necessary.
Ciel:A-Affection: Ciel would definitely be the type of s/o to buy you a diamond necklace before he’d think to give you a hug. Ciel hates physical contact, period. But i do think that he would tolerate it if his s/o really wanted physical affection and they were the one to initial it. Ciel’s not too good with words of romance either, so the majority of his love would be shown through the purchasing of items or perhaps the rememberance of a favorite meal or song and providing his s/o with such on frequent occasions. Ultimately he is still pretty distant and any type of affection would be rare. Though I think Ciel would prefer a distant partner who wouldnt demand alot of his attention, i feel like a clingy partner would complement his personality better. The reason being that Ciel acts distant and cold to protect himself, deep down he stills craves affection like any other human, especially one that has been broken. He’d need a partner that is able to understand this and is able to compensate for his lack of means to show affection by being clingy or affection enough for the both of them.
F-Fun Times: Ciel primarily enjoys activities that challenge him mentally, chess(obviously), reading, etc. On the other hand, Ciel is definitely not fond of any type of physical activity. To be even mediocre at anything that involves physical exertion, he has to put in his all. Ciel isnt the most social person, he’ll be social if he has too and he’s pretty damn good at acting but if he has the choice he prefers to do things he finds entertaining by himself. Ciel is pretty introverted and finds the company of others incredibly draining even if he enjoys the person or people themselves.
J-Jokes: Oh no no no, Ciel is t e r r i b l e when it comes to telling jokes. Ciel tends to be very left brained and unfortunately for him, that leaves him pretty empty handed in the comedy department, as we obviously saw during the Circus Arc when it took him hours to make Undertaker (a man who is notoriously giggly) produce even a miniscule chuckle. Ciel enjoys puns on occasion and only when theyre tasteful. Ciel is more so a fan of witty comments but an intelligent pun tickles his fancy every once in a while. However he hates Sebastian’s constant puns (mostly because he is the subject of them). Ciel is actually pretty slow to get most jokes. He doesnt really understand many types of common humor unless its witty or sarcastic. He really doesnt care for humor in general, to be honest, he hates smiling and being happy, it reminds him of the dwindling time he has left, and how he is technically on borrowed time. Ciel hates humor because he almost feels guilty for laughing or enjoying himself. He feels as if he doesnt deserve happiness after what he has sacrificed and for the selfish reasons he did so. In short, humor is not a friend of Ciel.
P-Personality: Ciel would best be suited by someone who has a personality opposite to his. Ciel isnt cold by nature, Ciel is cold because of a traumatic experience. Ciel’s aloof demeanor is more so a shield rather than a legitimate personality trait. Underneath that shield, Ciel’s a sweet person, he craves love and happiness just like anyone else, perhaps more than most people because he has been so fiercely denied it. Because Ciel is no longer able to access those feelings of love and happiness he would best be complimented by someone who could do that for him. Someone who could provide him with positivity and allow him to view things more optimistically would be ideal. Though, he would best be suited by someone with a calmer persona, they would have to be down to earth as he would most likely view them as his stability. Someone with a motherly aura who could take care of him instead of him having to take care of them. That type of person would attract him and be an incredibly good fit for his personality. Other personality traits wouldnt hold as much merit with him, except for maybe intelligence, Ciel wouldnt be fond of a partner who couldnt keep up with him mentally.
Undertaker:A-Affection: Completed in a previous post
F-Fun Times: Undertaker enjoys activities that have to do with the strange and unconventional. Undertaker enjoys things he doesn’t understand, I feel like that’s why he’s so fascinated wih death. Death is quite the anomaly and he very much enjoys the feeling of curiosity. Honestly Undertaker is pretty fond of gore as well, he likes cutting things open in his free time and seeing whats inside, not only because he is fascinated with how the insides of the creature work but because he enjoys the look of bloodied flesh, as gross as it sounds. Aside from things that pertain to death, Undertaker enjoys other unconventional activities as long as they dont bore him. He doesnt much care whether or not theyre productive activities, however he cant stand idle activities that completely waste his time. He’s pretty lazy but he doesnt take pleasure in wasting his immortality on things that serve no ultimate purpose. Discovering new, completely bizarre things is his favorite activity. He doesnt much care whether or not he has any company to do this with, he does what he wants regardless of anyone else. Though if he had to chose he would probably prefer the company of a companion to assist him in his activities.
J-Jokes: This man L O V E S jokes. I mean, he straight up values them in the same way normal people value currency. Undertaker isn’t particularly good at telling jokes himself but he certainly appreciates the art of comedy. He enjoys puns, he enjoys anything that might make him laugh. However, his favorite type of comedy is either slapstick or simply watching someone unknowingly make a fool of themselves. Undertaker is most fond of the comedy that is unexpected and happens naturally. He is always the first to get a joke. Jokes to him are a fine art, and honestly even if he doesnt get a joke, the fact that he couldnt understand makes him laugh anyway. The only jokes Undertaker doesnt enjoy are corny jokes. If unexpected/slapstick comedy is caviar to him, dad jokes are dollar store spray cheese. He hates dad/corny jokes, he finds them terribly overused and believes the only people who find them funny have a horribly underdeveloped sense of humor.
P-Personality: Undertaker would best fit with someone who is somewhat similar to him. Undertaker enjoys happy-go-lucky people whom see the beauty in laughter and pursue happiness. Despite being consistently cast off in the dark shadows of death and the grimness of grim reapers, Undertaker values optimism and positivity. Undertaker also values uniqueness and is drawn to those that possess strange qualities or quirks. He likes strange things and would prefer a partner who could satiate his hungry for unconventionality. Undertaker would also want someone who could make him laugh and value humor in the same way he did. He would clash with someone who was too serious, Undertaker has seen a lifetime of seriousness and gloom, he couldnt stand a partner who took their time in the world for granted and spent it focusing on the bad instead of trying to achieve happiness.
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obsessioninc · 6 years
Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @kiddo-is-finally-quiet​
1. have you ever been in love?
Maybe? I don’t know for sure what “being in love” feels like lol
2. who is your favourite music artist?
I don’t have one favorite, but my top two right now are Bastille and Billy Joel.
3. what is your favourite music genre?
... 80′s pop? Musical theater? I honestly don’t know.
4. have you ever had a penpal?
5. are you single or in a relationship?  
Singley wingley
6. what colour are your eyes?
Hazel (brownish green/ greenish brown)
7. what is your favourite word?
I haven’t thought about it in a long time but it used to be kumquat.
8. do you play any instruments?
Clarinet and saxophone. I’m not great at either.
10. do you have any nicknames?
Bree, Bree Bree. I don’t know that anybody calls me anything else except for like.. my parents.
13. do you have any pets?
Two kitties!
14. have you ever travelled outside of your home country?
My family crossed the Mexican border once for a day trip, but it was before 9/11 so I was a year old or younger.
15. what language(s) do you speak?
English boii
16. who was your first crush?
A boy in my class in kindergarten. I would chase him around the playground lol.
17. do you wear glasses?
Yee haw
18. what is your favourite pastry?
I can’t think of many pastries off the top of my head, so I’m just going to say donuts.
19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean?
Considering I don’t remember ever even seeing the ocean, I’m going to have to say pool. The ocean sounds fun, but also terrifying.
20. bright, dark, or pastel colours?
According to my wardrobe, dark.
21. what is your favourite social media app?
Tumblr buddy boi, I barely even have anything else
22. what is your sexuality?
23. do you have any siblings?
One little brother who is technically bigger than me but he’s still little in my book
24. what is your favourite scent?
My nose is too prone to stuffiness to have found a favorite scent.
25. where do you want to travel to?
London, someday. Somewhere tropical would be nice, too.
26. what is your favourite film?
There are too many! But my favorite Disney movie is The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
27. who do people say you look like?
Well, uh... I once saw my reflection in a television screen out of the corner of my eye and thought it was my mom... Also I have a picture on my phone of when I was drawing a self-portrait and I hadn’t finished drawing the hair yet and people say it looks like Skrillex
28. who is your best friend?
Probably my brother, but also my boi @chocccymilk and my roommate @theatre--thot (Love you guys!)
29. what is your dream job?
I’d love to get paid to do nothing, but if I must have a career it’d probably be something to do with writing, publishing, editing, or working in a library.
30. do you know how to drive?
I’m not the best, and I don’t have my license yet, but I’d say I’m decent at it.
31. who is/was your favourite teacher?
My teacher from elementary school that taught the higher level reading and math classes
32. are you a feminist?
Yess girl yessss
33. what is your zodiac sign?
34. do you enjoy reading?
God yes, but I got out of the habit recently and I’m trying to get back in (and failing because of a lack of free time)
35. do you have any hidden talents?
Uhh well if I do they’re either not that hidden or so hidden that I don’t even know about them.
36. have you ever dyed your hair?
37. what is your favourite thing in your bedroom?
Right now it’s probably my BNHA poster
38. what is your biggest fear?
39. can you whistle?
40. do you make your bed every day?
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
41. do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?
Nada. Not even pierced ears.
42. have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Yes. Not a fan, tbh.
43. surfing or skateboarding?
Never done either
44. are you a dog or a cat person?
45. what is your favourite animal?
Owls my guy
46. do you have a skincare routine?
Girl I don’t even wash my face
47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at?
Hmmmmm good question
48. what is your favourite memory?
I don’t remember anything my dude let’s not even go there
49. how tall are you?
50. what is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Probably my laptop
51. do you have a garden?
I have a ton of potted succulents...
52. do you like bugs?
As long as they stay away from me, yes.
53. what is your natural hair colour?
54. what is your favourite food and drink?
My favorite foods are lasagna and cheesecake, and I really like A&W cream soda
55. do you want kids?
56. what is/was your favourite class?
English or choir
57. what colour shirt are you wearing?
Dark blue with white stars
58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
Part of me wants to say before there were people, because then I could just lay down in a comfy bush and sleep for a while
59. what is your skin colour?
I am the shade of plain printer paper
60. hugs or kisses?
61. have you ever drunk alcohol?
62. have you ever done drugs?
63. netflix or youtube?
This is hard but YouTube
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
1: If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have? >> Logan is a unisex name, so I’m all right either way. (But also, since I have no gender, technically all names are open season...~)
2: If you could witness any historical event in person, which one would it be and why? >> I’m good. I’m witnessing history in person right now and I’m really over it.
3: What kind of sandwich best describes your personality? >> One with a lot of hidden ingredients, I guess.
4: If your crush or significant other were to turn in to a ferret, what would you do? Would you still like/love them? >> That’d be extremely inconvenient, to say the least. How will Sparrow work? How will Hallie use a computer? How will Can Calah... well, actually, in Can Calah’s case, he can just change back.
5: If you became dictator of your country, and you can enact one law that could not be repealed once you are forcibly removed from office, what would that law be? >> I have literally no desire to be a dictator.
6: What is your opinion of Canada? >> The episode of Parts Unknown where Tony went to Montréal was cool.
7: What is your spirit animal? >> According to Pottermore, my Patronus is a hyena, which makes a funny kind of sense. But regardless, I am a spider, so.
8: If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose? >> I like my own skin colour enough that I can’t even think of another that I’d like better. :V
9: What was the last movie you chose not to watch? >> I don’t know, I usually just don’t watch movies because I’m doing something else, or because there are so many things to watch that I get indecision paralysis and end up not watching anything at all.
10: If you were a farmer, what would you grow? >> I don’t know. I have a very low confidence in my ability to keep things alive.
11: What do you miss the most? >> New Orleans.
12: What is your favorite sequel film? >> I’m not sure.
13: Rural area, small town, suburb, or big city? >> Really, I like big cities and rural areas best. The in-between areas aren’t interesting to me, although they’re a lot more convenient to live in.
14: What’s your favorite branch of the military? >> Ew.
15: What year of school was best for you? >> The last one. Because it was the last one.
16: What is your favorite month, excluding whichever month contains your birthday? >> December.
17: What is your favorite type of pie? >> Sweet potato. Or bean pie, I love bean pie but I can’t get it anywhere around here (that I know of...).
18: Do you enjoy being single? >> I haven’t been single a day in my life #plurality ...BUT in the human-relationships sense, no, I don’t recall enjoying being single very much.
19: Do you prefer rivers, lakes, or oceans? >> Oceans. But all water is good water.
20: If you had to have one feature on your body changed to a canine version of said feature, what would you choose? >> Canine... canines? Heh. Big teef.
21: What is your favorite font? >> I like Lobster’s construction even though I don’t care much for the style of the font. It’s a very well-made one.
22: What is the highest number of cats you can imagine yourself owning? >> Me, personally? One at most. And it’d have to be a special kitty.
23: What was your last date like? >> I forget where our last date was. To the movies, maybe.
24: Who are you? >> WHO AM IIII, PETEY PAB MOTHAFUCKA-- sorry, a rap song popped into my head.
25: What is your least favorite illicit substance? >> Crack cocaine.
26: What is your opinion on 80’s music? >> I like some, I don’t like some, same as any other genre.
27: If you could add something to the high school curriculum, what would you add? >> I don’t care.
28: What is your favorite album artwork? >> I can’t even think of one off the top of my head, dammit.
29: What is your favorite non-social networking website? >> Maybe Wikipedia.
30: What is your favorite boy band? >> Savage Garden was, when boy bands were a thing.
31: What is your least favorite casual dining establishment? >> I don’t know.
32: You are allowed one beverage and one candy for the rest of your life. What would you choose? >> ---
33: If you had to be stranded somewhere on Earth, miles from civilization, what biome would you choose and why? >> I don’t know.
34: What is your preferred projectile? >> Hmm.
35: You have inherited a nightclub in a major city. What modifications would you make to it? >> If I can’t actually have it in an abandoned church, then I’ll make it look like one as much as possible, and call it the Church of Ill Repute.
36: What have you done recently to dismantle the patriarchy? >> That’s not my ka.
37: What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying? >> A few songs on Sparrow’s iPod because they always play when I’m in the car, lmao. But it’s not a big deal.
38: What is your favorite piece of clothing? >> ---
39: What was the most awkward moment of your romantic history? >> I really don’t know.
40: What brought you to Tumblr? >> A friend at the time told me about it.
41: What product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced? >> Internet access is the first thing to pop into my head, so.
42: Why did you send the last anonymous Tumblr message you sent? >> I was probably being silly to someone. I don’t usually use anon.
43: Who is your favorite one-hit wonder of the last twenty years? >> Oof, I have no idea.
44: How many people, outside of your immediate family, do you know the birthdays of by heart? >> I only know my dad’s birthday in my family, anyway. And I know Sparrow’s and Hallie’s. And Sigma’s, but that’s irrelevant now.
45: What is your favorite speech? >> The... High Speech? I don’t know how to answer this lol
46: What is your least favorite song from your favorite musical? >> Hmm... maybe Seventeen? I mean, I like it, I just don’t listen to it as much as the others. (Repo! the Genetic Opera)
47: How do you feel about dating exes? >> Cool, go for it.
48: What is your favorite vegetable? >> I’m not sure. Baby spinach? Yeah, maybe that.
49: Who is your favorite fictional villain? >> All of them /snort
50: What is your favorite police procedure? >> The one where they leave me alone and don’t shoot me.
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twistednuns · 6 years
May 2018
The scent of lilac blossoms, especially in the late evening on a walk through the neighbourhood. Still some light over the horizon, moon and stars visible.                                                                                               
Going hiking along the Isar with Lena. Seeing some kind of leopard snail, stealing lilac from behind a fence, riding my pastel-coloured bicycles. A jazz band playing in the beergarden. Eating a crêpe with Nutella. Talking. Walking. Even though my hip hurt.
That dude, Sebastian, who made a mock birthday invitation for me based on my favourites. I ended up with a Six Feet Under party - “Die 20er zu Grabe tragen”. With an all-you-can-eat ramen buffet and Bilderbuch as the live act.
Barcelona. It was so nice with our small group of students. The weather was ok-ish and all in all it felt pretty much like a normal vacation - thanks to Nicole’s good organisation and preparation. The best thing is that I’m going to get all the money back I advanced. Definitely gonna try and organise trips for next year, too!
Meeting José, a very handsome and funny guide at the Picasso museum. I transformed into a creepy stalker back at home and found him on FB, just to send him a message. You know, about the students thinking he was very nice and all. Ha. Alas, he has a girlfriend. But boy was he cute.
Meeting Carina from Montreal at the Barceloneta beach. I took care of her bag while she went in for a swim and afterwards we started talking. Before we said goodbye she made me draw an Angel Card out of a little cotton bag. It said Gratitude - apparently something I need to work on.
Watching the soap bubbles pop in the air. Lying at the beach instead of attending parent-teacher-conference.
Seeing the inside of Sagrada Familia for the first time. Those stained-glass windows are amazing. They create a very special mood of the light. Also, I found a small round window with my name on it.
That woman passionately kissing a man in a wheelchair in the middle of a Spanish airport. They were paying attention to nobody else, only seeing each other.
Discovering the natura store at the airport.
My new black suede handbag with pearls, sequins and embroidery. It looks like an abstract painting.
Charlotte Roche: Verlasst die Städte
Making tiny rainbows in the air with the garden hose.
How Do We Break the Stereotypes We’ve Created for Ourselves?
Drawing two protest signs for the Anti-PAG demonstration. Unfortuntately I had to explain the terms 1984 and Gilead to a whole lot of guys… geez, people should read more.
Manchego and Green Olive tortilla chips.
The last days with Effi Biest.
Grading English tests outside on the balcony.
My 30th birthday! Somehow I didn’t manage to throw a party and the Isar picnic is probably not gonna happen either but I still had a very special day. Nicole put balloons on my desk at school and gave me a lot of small presents which showed how much she listens to me (roasted corn, dark chocolate, a lemon - even the ‘art teacher necklace’ we saw at the Picasso gift shop in Barcelona; she made a student buy it without me noticing). Also, she made some students organise a scavenger hunt for me!! I got some chocolates from the kids, wore bright red lipstick and a new embroidered shirt dress. In the afternoon I sold my car. Finally. I didn’t get much but it’s gonna pay for my flight tickets in summer. Then I spent the evening with Manu - we had pizza and later shots at his place. Kind of a blind date but it was a good decision.
Being alone in a subway train.
Discovering the Beirut Beirut restaurant near Implerstraße. Sitting outside in the sunshine on a Friday afternoon, reading a book, enjoying Lebanese food and the beautiful surroundings.
Reading Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan. I loved the technical knowledge it gave me about diving and the castaways. Lately I’m super interested in old war stories and everything connected to the ocean or faraway places.
Arriving at BluLagoon after spending a whole day on planes. Our villa was amazing. Don’t let me get started on the view and the fact that there were hardly any guests at the time.
Listening to music on our terrace, dancing in a weird way (more like 80’s aerobic class).
Diving. I found my passion. I liked David, the diving instructor, very much (always hot for teacher) and apparently I’ve got a “talent” for diving, too (I mean, at least I don’t panic and have no problem with breathing under water). It was so interesting to learn about the tide, the animals, everything, you know? My first dive in the ocean was magical. It’s like a whole other planet down there. I even saw a dolphin on my very first day. Turtles, puffer fish (my favourite), an octopus.
Pookie the (racist) dog! (He doesn’t bark at Westerners, only Indonesians)
A small hike to White Sand Beach.
Finding out that I actually do like tempeh.
Going to Nusa Lembongan/Ceningan was an excellent idea. Diving there was amazing and I felt very happy around Anang, Simone and Pascal. The islands are beautiful - the waves and the cliffs, breathtaking. I also learned to ride a scooter! Driving over Yellow Bridge between the two islands was priceless. Going on the swings during low tide, Paradise Beach, discovering a popular warung by accident. Having Australians open our Bintang Radlers for us. Collecting corals at Mushroom Beach. Taking the speed boat back to Bali. What an adventure.
Swimming in an infinity pool under the full moon in front of a jungle scenery. That’s Ubud. Watching the little squirrels jumping from tree to tree while having breakfast on the balcony. Being lucky enough to be there during Galungan, a very important Balinese holiday. There were pejors lining the streets and people in traditional clothes on their way to their families and village temples. We met a driver while we were looking for the waterfalls. He took us to the Tegalalang Rice Terrace and answered all of our questions about Balinese culture like official languages, rooster fights or the school system. At the organic farm we saw Luwaks and tried different kinds of coffee. After we had said goodbye we took the Ridge Walk back into Ubud. On our way we ate some vegan coconut ice-cream, met a kitty and of course we found a swing, too. Swings are everywhere in Bali. I loved the one between Nusa Ceningan and Lembongan. And the one at the rice terrace even though you had to pay for it. In the evening we walked through Monkey Forest right before closing time - the animals were pretty relaxed because they had just gotten their dinner - and witnessed a gorgeous red sunset on our way home.
Our scooter trip to the Elephant Cave temple (I got such a calm, spiritual feeling in that cave - it must be such an awe-struck experience to sit in there alone in complete darkness for prayer or meditation) and Bali Bird Park. Eating at a Muslim restaurant because all the others were closed for Galungan. Weird chocolate and green tea shaved ice. And all those birds. I fell in love with the Kakadus. Such lovely little fellas. It was crazy expensive (for Balinese standards) but definitely worth it.
Starting our first night in Canggu at Moana with a plate of delicious fish appetizers. A friendly hosts and a very helpful Australian neighbour who supplied me with band-aids and skin antibiotic. Hipster-watching at Crate (we went there twice because their breakfast is in fact spectacular). Surfer-watching at the beach. Bintangs at sunset. Marvelling at the waves. Swimming all the way back to the shore after drifting far out with the tide without noticing (all the practice in the pool paid off). Discovering Gelato Secrets on our scooter trip to Tanah Lot. Daring to use the infamous Canggu shortcut - it was way more scary on foot than with the scooter. Our Vinyasa Flow yoga class and the Balinese full body massage at The Chillhouse. Cheap warungs with delicious food. I could be sad now but in fact I’ve already got tickets to Australia and Indonesia for August so there’s something to look forward to!
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suckitsurveys · 3 years
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? There are veggies in this pasta I’m eating. 
What was your last Facebook notification for? I don’t feel like looking. 
What bands have you seen live? A good handful.
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: She was a drug and alcohol abuse counselor in the 80′s before I was born.
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? I don’t know. Maybe moving to the house that is still my dad’s to this day?
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? Avocados.
What are your plans later today? After I get some sleep I’m supposed to go to my niece’s soccer game.
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? ^
Who do you talk to the most? Mark.
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Being a live.
Who is your best guy friend(s)? Mark and Randal.
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m okay.
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? Keep it.
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? No.
Do you think your first love still loves you? Hah.
What is something that is ���going right” in your life? I’m fully vaccinated and feeling amazing about that. 
When did you feel ready to start dating? I don’t know if I ever did? It just sort of, happened? I was never really interested in it in high school. I did have a long distance bf when I was 16 though haha. 
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? My one kitty bites when I play rough with her. Not very hard though. 
Where were you the last time you made out? In the kitchen.
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? When I got home from getting my covid shot the first time. 
How do you type your sad smileys? :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? Nope.
What was the last soda you drank? Cherry Coke! It’s very unlike me to get anything but root beer when I’m out, but their machine was down at the hot dog place my dad and I went to this afternoon so I got a cherry coke instead.
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? Mark is always making fun of me in little playful ways, so probably something silly and petty I did. 
Have you ever had any type of surgery? Yeah.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? On the one had, yes, but on the other hand, it’s their fucking body. 
Who was the last person to hit on you? My husband.
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? Clean my house lol.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? That my mom had died. I had to tell my cousin Kelly and I will never forget her reaction.
What do you put on hot dogs? Mustard, relish, onion, celery salt. 
Ever fallen in the shower? Yes.
Do you think that things will get better? They are looking up.
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? Maybe?
What’s your favourite book genre? I don’t know. 
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? No. Well wait, technically. We bought tickets to one movie, went in to that movie for a little bit, and then snuck in to see Jackass lol.
Do dogs like you? Sure.
Would you say that you project an air of authority? Ha, no.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? Yes. Not a very high one, but definitely high.
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) Two.
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? Yes, I live near Lake Michigan. I’ve also seen Erie, and I think Huron as well?
Who do you know that had a baby recently? Yeah.
Do you like Usher’s songs? Sure.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark? January 2020.
Have you ever ridden a train? Yes, several times. 
What do you eat your French fries with? Depends on the fry. Some don’t need anything.
Do you have family problems? No family is perfect.
What’s the last food you ate that was stale? Hm. I don’t recall.
How do you like your grilled cheese? Cheesy and dipped in tomato soup.
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? I don’t recall. What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Ride my bike and swing and swim.
Have you ever been close to drowning? Nah.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Many times.
Do you like doing housework? Sometimes.
Would you ever get implants? If anything I’d get a reduction. 
Do you own a robe? No.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope.
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? Depends on the pizza. 
What was the last song you listened to? Some song in a video Mark is watching. 
Have any of your family members been to jail? Yeah.
Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? Whatever.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read? Yes, I was young. I would always ask what words were when my parents would read me stories and i was reading basic books by 4. 
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? Probably my mom’s death.
Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Yes. Fun fact: I only grew three wisdom teeth. The other one just never showed up, lol.
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? I think I wanted to be a vet. I don’t think I could handle that now.
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? SO many. I am so bad at watching new stuff. 
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? I’d move to Canada.
What is your favorite Queen song? Basic, but Bohemian Rhapsody. I also like Don’t Stop Me Now, Under Pressure, and Killer Queen.
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? I’ve never had to.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? Yeah.
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? Yes.
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? Now.
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? Anytime Mark and I get sushi lol.
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? I saw Clerks 2 twice. And I think True Grit? Maybe some others I am forgetting. 
What is the reason you’re still alive? My husband and my nieces.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Nope. 
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? Not usually. I have though.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) Oh yes. 
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Yes and yes.
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? I was mad at myself because I slept later than I wanted.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Of course.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Well yeah, it’s not something you just say in the romantic sense. I love my family and friends and tell them so.
Would you date someone with a physical disability? Yeah.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? They haven’t.
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Blue. That was in January 2020. I’m getting it dyed soon again. 
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? My dad.
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? I should start.
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve Googled things that led me to Reddit, but I don’t go on there specifically.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? Yes, a flower girl. My aunt let me pick out my own dress and I chose a long black velvet one and she was so sweet and I could tell she wasn’t thrilled but she wanted me to wear what I wanted so she let me wear it. I think I was about 9 or 10?
Are your parents in good health? My dad is. My mom, not so much, seeing as she’s deceased. Too dark? lol.
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? I took care of my mom for a little bit when she first got out of the hospital. 
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? I’m allergic to something called bactrim apparently? That is what I’ve been told my whole life.
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? I just wear tshirts and undies to bed. 
Do you have any interesting pillow cases? I had a She-Re one but I gave it to my niece a few years ago. It was technically my sister’s anyway lol.
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My back.
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Neither. Bees are more annoying when they buzz in your ear, but I’m not really afraid of them.
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? Yeah.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American.
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