#im not gonna tag the fnaf buds lol
bumblevoid · 1 year
so,, fnm won the poll and i've already actually been working on some materials sO
the promised ramble! (not including any drawings, sadly)
so. Five Night's Monsters is a fun little monster of the week campaign based in the world of fnaf, yeah? it also draws inspiration from batim and the matrix (coming from someone who has seen part of the matrix but like. not all of it). I'm not going to touch too much on that stuff, cause i don't wanna spoil my big twists for the hunters, but one of them already knows what i mean :D
the campaign takes place in hurricane, utah, to no one's surprise. I'm using this funky timeline that's like. half pre-prepared, half made up on the spot. it is taking place in 2018, and starts on the day of the fnaf 3 fire- set by henry and helpy. three of our hunters were meeting up after a while of not seeing each other, the fourth joined in to give them a ride getting henry safe, and the fifth will be joining in soon. this brings us to our dear hunters! i won't say too much, as they each have their own characters and backstories, but I'll touch on how they're connected, and basic ideas of backstory. first we've got @clemmieinnit's hunter, Bonnie Jeremiah. he's like, a band teacher, and honestly connects most of the hunters? like, one is a college friend, the other two are former students. he's also the bonnie mask bully. clem's playing the Wronged playbook next, there's @starlightandroses's hunter, Syren Vanheri. they're the local conspiracy theorist of sorts, an expert on freddy's without the inside info. lani's playing the Expert playbook the next hunters don't have tumblr,, we've got Toren Ageri, former night guard. he's got a really fun and interesting backstory that's mostly kept under locks haha. toren is the Crooked. and there's Ren Spurling. their mother was a night guard, but wasn't as lucky as toren to live. ren is the Mundane. and of course, making an entrance literally as I'm typing this, is Melanie Kyla Jensen! she's a very fun character who I've been working with the player on, and boy am i excited for her. her aunt is our good good ghost friend cassidy. melanie is the Spooky!
okay. so there's the hunters. so, I'm not entirely sure what they're expecting the final end-goal to be right now, but they're probably thinking defeating wafton? then again, i have let it slip there's several potential bbegs so who knows. but basically, it's just sort of a motw fnaf thingybading. they've been fighting the phantom animatronics lately, as they haven't actually encountered too much of this hunt's monster. and what they have encountered is easy to blame the phantoms for (which is funny cause there was a 20% chance they'd show up and then i rolled a 1 on the d100) so far, they've met up, found helpy, helped henry, fixed helpy, and are stuck in a power-outage that they're just kinda. doing a bunch of things figuring out what's going on. right now, we've got the "he's immortal???" plotline, and the "jeremy is, in fact, also the vr jeremy" plotline going on. also the "melanie explores freddy's" plot.
some fun things i'm doing here are. not really how motw works but i couldn't care less it's interesting- but some of the npcs are recruitable, and have playbooks themselves. these npcs are jeremy, henry, sammy, and michael (not that. mike is there yet.) one is the wronged, one is the spooky, one is the monstrous, and one is the chosen. sammy is our local favorite npc! he's both the hunters' favorite, and mine... yeah you can probably guess how that's turned out haha.
might post some of the npc files (hunter's edition) once i get some more drawings going of these little dudes
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