#im not hating on joseph or eddie i loved his character
rhaenyratargayen · 2 years
an attractive white man will get 20 minutes of screen time and yall throw your pussies to the wind so hard this man gets boosted to stardom meanwhile actors (who are usually poc or women) spend years doing unappreciated, phenomenal work being a main character and never get a spec of attention. be fucking foreal
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calzonekestis · 2 years
Hi! Can you educate me on who is terrorizing bi women over ships? I havent seen anything about that since im not active on twitter.
Oh. Oh God, I wish that was me. Ok, strap in. I’m using the small font and everything - and this is still a long one.
But sure. Grace Van Dien and Amybeth McNulty are two actresses who played new characters in the fourth season of Stranger Things. Both of them are bisexual. Amybeth came out on twitter a while ago, whereas Grace made it publicly known on a twitch stream when asked if she supported the lgbt+ community.
I’m less aware of the crap that Amybeth has been getting, but from what I know it mostly involves just people being dismissive of her character (who is also bisexual) in favor of shipping her character’s canon romantic interest (Robin) with Nancy - who while people can headcanon as they want, has only been shown up to this point to be straight.
The hate that Grace has been getting though, is just. Legitimately insane. She played Chrissy, and because she enjoyed the budding dynamic she had with Eddie and has like retweeted fan art or shared it to her IG stories - there’s a sect of fandom that acts like she’s Creepy and Obsessed with the actor who plays Eddie.
She’s not. She’s literally his friend.
Also, said actor, Joseph Quinn, is arguably an even bigger shipper than she is. He’s just not online (his ig is managed by a friend) and he’s also not a woman. Like, I’ll just be real - that’s why he hasn’t gotten the blowback she has.
There’s a very large sect of Steve/Eddie shippers (and I know it’s not all of them, but it’s a vocal sect… and also a lot of Joseph’s fans I’m general) who are just. Awful towards her. Not even about her character, but about her, as a person - who they don’t even know.
They make really gross claims - like that endorsing Eddie/Chrissy the ship she was endorsing p*dophilia. Nevermind the fact that the characters were in middle school together, have like a max age difference of 2 years - and their own ages and birthdays are inconsistent within the show’s own canon.
Eddie was implied to have repeated his senior year twice. This would make him about 19/20. His missing poster lists his age as 17.
Chrissy’s initial casting notice and Grace’s audition notes list Chrissy as being 18 years old. She’s a senior, graduating class of 86. So when she and Eddie weee in middle school, she would have been Grade 6 when he was Grade 8. If he’s 19/20, she’s 17/18. A school record that was seen in a single frame stated she was 17, and was killed before turning 18.
Again. The prop department makes mistakes. The Duffers make mistakes, and especially in regards to birthdays. They forgot Will’s canon birthday as it was previously mentioned and no one acknowledged it all despite an episode explicitly taking place on that date.
The p*do claims have also been thrown about towards fans because they draw Chrissy as being Smol in their fan art, and, yeah, there’s a reason for that. The character has an eating disorder. Grace came forward today actually (whilst talking about things mentioned below) and confessed that she herself had dealt with one in her youth.
So that’s just. Incredibly shitty. Telling petite women who either are either struggling/have struggled with that experience that they look like little girls, and that only people who fetishize that could find them attractive.
Then just. So many of these people project their own obsession with Joseph Quinn onto Grace for some reason? I guess because they’re jealous she knows him and is friends with him? She, he, and the actor who played Jason were lil trio offset while during filming. He’s called her a brilliant actress and a lovely person, but apparently they think she’s a stalker that they need to protect this grown ass man from.
Some people went back 10 years in his friend’s Facebook photos to find pictures of him as a teenager - and make them their avatars. These same people claimed that Grace is like a stalker. The other day they claimed intentionally mirroring his look in a selfie, because she was wearing the very totally unique white t-shirt and jeans combo. And Joe wore a white shirt and jeans to a con some weeks ago. And Bruce Springsteen wore it on the cover to Born to Run. And he did that because it’s like the most generic casual unassuming comfy outfit there is. But no, she is obsessed.
Like, I thought that was as pathetic as it could get - but no, it gets worse. Recently these people found an older tumblr account Grace found when she was in her teens. This was an account she used along with therapy to help herself cope during a very difficult time in her life.
These people doctored screenshots of old posts to make it seem as though she had said racist and ableist things. Thankfully, the Good side of fandom came along to help pull out receipts to debunk these as fake, and have sent all the fake screenshots who sent them along to her management who will probably involve lawyers if we’re being honest.
All the while these specific shippers are like. Making themselves out to be some morally enlightened ones? That their ship is better because it’s a same sex ship? They’re progressive and care about representation, meanwhile if you ship the adorable metalhead cheerleader couple who are both legal, or would be if they weren’t dead, thus making this all a moot point…. but if you ship them… you’re a degenerate. Apparently.
It’s ok to have a same sex ship, by all means! Representation is important, I’m bisexual myself. People just need to learn to accept that someone is not homophobic because they don’t ship your fandom ship, or accept your headcanons as fact.
People are free to not like the Eddie/Chrissy ship - while also recognizing the characters canon importance to one another. You don’t have to make it out to be “problematic”, you can just say it’s not your thing.
You absolutely don’t have to attack an actress for just living her life. Yes, she likes the ship. Joe likes the ship too, he made the decision to play it as his character having a crush on hers - and apparently he improvised multiple flirty moments. He’s been saying in the press and at cons how much that character impacted his own, and how he wishes they had the chance to get together.
No one has said anything about him being creepy or obsessed. Or David Harbour, when he admitted to reading Jopper fanfic.
But they attack the women. The openly bisexual women. It’s Big Oofs from me.
There’s just a really nasty misogynistic element to it all that’s undeniable. And like, again. With Amybeth it’s mostly gross erasure, but with Grace it’s not only erasure of her character… who is fictional…
…but instead personal and slanderous attacks. On her, the real person. It’s being called a p*do enabler, people being gross about a trauma she shares with her character, and like. Calling her a stalker, when she’s not. She’s a professional, the man’s coworker, but she’s also his friend.
The most heinous thing to me is this latest attack. The hunting down a blog she had before she started acting. A blog she used to help her through her own trauma, and then violating the sanctity (for lack of a better term) of that safe space to make shitty photoshops so they can spread misinformation that she’s a terrible person who said terrible things.
Many of these shippers aren’t even part of the queer community themselves, they’re just a bunch of people who want to see two hot white dudes with good hair kiss. That doesn’t make them an ally, that makes them horny.
The cyber bullying, harassment, slander, forcing people to publicly address their personal and private trauma. Like, yes, I wouldn’t want to put words in her mouth - but even if she’s holding her head high they are absolutely intent on terrorizing her. Whether or not she feels terrorized, I think she even knows that’s the intent. It’s not an isolated incident, it’s been non stop attacks on her social media ever since the end of May when the fourth season dropped.
And Grace for her part has said that tumblr has been great, in spite of its hellsite nature. It’s mostly all on twitter. I’m not going to share the screenshots in question, Grace requested that people just delete them and not let them stay Out There after sending them to her to forward to her team. It’s just. Messed up is an understatement. Idk what if even is anymore.
TLDR the people being awful to these women are just the most Awful parts of the fandom.
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alexs-arcade · 2 years
Eddie Munson, A Very Pretty Man
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I am in love with Eddie Munson's character in the new season and I am excited to see more of him in volume two!!!! He has an amazing personality and I'm glad they didn't go for the typical cookie cutter "I'm-really-dumb-and-I-have-absolutely-no-friends-or-faith-in-myself-and-I-have-been-stuck-in-high-school-for-so-long-only-here-for-comedic-relief" high school freak is the best way I can put it.
I love the metalhead thing and how it's what he is committed to, and he doesn't give a shit about people's opinions on him he just wants no one else to go through what he did and feeling not believed. Though he isn't perfect he doesn't pretend to be and is very charismatic. He is pretty cool and blunt never really beating around the bush. I love that he can read people, but I also love that he has the odd complex of "'cause-Im-a-freak-and-mainly-everyone-hates-me-so-you-won't-believe-me" kind of thing and that unlike other characters he isn't immediately willing to help out the group and is very hesitant and careful trying to keep his walls up and even when he believed them.
Eddie is quite literally me from a different time period and slightly for outgoing than me and it's kind of freaky but so comforting to know there is a character that matches me and that I can relate to.
also, Joseph Quinn is just an amazing and attractive actor who literally sold the character and made him so unique.
Thank you for coming to my character "analysis"/TED-Talk
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
do you have any theories abt any of the new characters? im really excited about levon hawkes role, either hes gonna be Very Important or an extra lol. hope not
honestly? i hate to disappoint, but i don’t have much in the way of theories for s4!! i just feel like i have no clue where anything is going. i do feel very strongly that levon’s character is Not straight. just look at him. like come on. the bandana... sir ur not slick!
it seems like levon’s character is going to be a member of the hellfire club, but not the leader (eddie, played by joseph quinn), so he’s unlikely to be Very important :/ however!! he does show up at family video, which implies interaction with steve and robin, which could be really fun! the new characters in the hellfire club seem to all be interacting with the older teens in hawkins (robin, steve, nancy) as well as max, dustin, and lucas (jury’s still out on mike), which i love!! these new characters (including levon) might be the key to integrating those groups to a degree that hasn’t yet been done in st.
since steve has yet to have a non-antagonistic relationship with a guy his own age, it’ll be interesting to see how he functions with the introduction of three new dudes, and i get the feeling that the hellfire club guys might be friends of robin’s (outcasts unite!), yet clash a bit with nancy (who tends to be more traditional and wary of new people). the fact that levon’s character specifically appears to be into glam rock and wears makeup (unlike the other new guys) might be relevant, though. after having robin come out and really showing will’s struggle with not liking girls last season, i wouldn’t be too surprised if they pushed a little further with an exploration of lgbt themes and/or gender nonconformity (robin’s little suit... pure lesbianism right there) in s4. levon’s character might be a friend of robin’s who Knows about her, or he might prompt steve to go through some kind of self-discovery arc (in my dreams lmao), or he might just be the show’s attempt at including more 80′s subcultures than they have thus far.
we saw levon filming at family video (presumably with steve and robin) but he wasn’t in the woods with steve, robin, nancy, and the younger kids, which either implies that he’s more of a minor character (uninvolved in their investigation), or that he might even be dead by that point in the season :/ remember, barb died pretty damn soon in s1! obviously, i’m really hoping that he’ll survive, because i love having new characters in the robin/nancy/steve/jonathan age range to play around with, but they’re expanding the cast more for s4 than they ever have before, which tells me they’ll be killing some people off. if they stick to the pattern, they’ll be killing off most of the newbies and maybe letting one or two stick around, but who knows! anything could happen. 
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stray-cat-21 · 2 years
I’m going to try and put into words how I feel right now about the finale. There will be spoilers ahead although hopefully if you’re using any form of social media today you’ve already watched. Ok here I go I’m sorry about the long winded rant.
First and foremost I’m gonna keep writing for him. I’m gonna ignore the death at least for a few days because genuinely I’m sick to my stomach about it. So till then fluff smut or completely unrelated angst. No death. Im gonna be focusing on my Eddie requests first because I genuinely need to feel something that isn’t pain right now. Alright onto my actual thoughts.
From the volume one I thought for sure Eddie and Max would kick the bucket in the finale. Eddie was especially written with death at the end of the tunnel lined up. But then the words massacre and carnage and body count were used to describe the finale. And I let myself get tricked into thinking okay we’re getting big deaths and a couple minor characters to round it out. Hell I would have been less angry if even if it was just Max and Eddie. But then they flipped it and El revived her heart? Like wtf kinda lazy plot armor is that. Eddie died for nothing pretty much. I mean at least Wayne knows but he gets no funeral, no graduation, no damn justice minus Jason getting cut in half.
I don’t know if it’s because he was a more relatable character, or because Joseph Quinn did such an amazing job but this death hit me so hard. I genuinely feel strong grief over him and it sucks. There’s just this pit in my stomach knowing he’s gone. Like I genuinely can not get the image out of my head of him. And the fact that they had to just leave him there. I’m sick about this whole thing.
Also I feel like even though they didn’t necessarily push that Will’s sexuality was going to be a big thing this season they for sure let it be hinted at and for what? I loved the Will turning to cry after explaining El’s/his love or his moment with Jonathan but they basically danced around it and danced around Robin and Vickie for the most part. I know there’s another season and things aren’t wrapped up but they left so much that needed to be wrapped up that shouldn’t be dragged out I feel? Like Jonathan and Nancy shouldn’t have made it out of the finale together and I HATE that he lied to her in the last one.
There was all this build up around the love triangle again leading viewers to think that someone involved would die especially Steve. But then they left it unresolved for now and it kinda blew. As much as I didn’t want to see it happen Steve or Nancy sacrificing themselves for the other would have been such a good story line and a good way to wrap things up one way or the other. But obviously they’re not gonna kill of Steve Harrington or anyone of the main cast. They’re gonna keep adding really likeable characters to kill of same season so they get the shock value and pain of a character death without killing off their main money makers.
I don’t feel happy I watched this I just feel empty? Anyways rant over. I’m going to write for Eddie today because I just want to feel better. If anyone wants to talk about the finale my messages and inbox are open. Or if you just need a shoulder I’m here too. Love you guys ❤️‍🔥
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ocelotapologist · 6 years
gimme some of them sweet, sweet unpopular opinions, if you're down. Preferably about video games, but if you're in the mood to rant about something else, go for it!
GOD okay well we all know my most unpopular opinion in video games, and that is Joseph Seed Is Not A Good Person and he can NOT be redeemed. idk why people find that so hard to grasp !!! i don’t woobify him and call him daddy and i’m blocked by like ten people for it SLDFSLKDF. it’s so funny honestly.
i LOVE Joseph Seed as a villain but as a person I would fist fight him to death. that’s what they don’t seem to understand. like i hate him so much but i adore his character & motives. but apparently if u dont worship him n call him the almighty daddy ur not good enough in the fandom and you’re a problematic discourse thot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
uhhhh i can’t really think of any more unpopular opinions, especially in video games. i don’t play enough single player games to get into it, really. far cry is seriously the only one in several years.
i mean i could rant about eddie gluskin from outlast for a while god remember when everyone was all about him and tried to make him a uwu boy.
i dont like tony stark from marvel but thats not really unpopular lskfksd
in general i uhhh dont like pizza or peanut butter dont @ me i just dont !! get !! it !! actually i dont like a lot of “popular” foods i guess im super picky 😔
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