#im noticing thru these asks how many of my ships are.... well. *vauge gesture*
hyperionshipping ยท 1 year
๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ’ž for mr borderlands tricks :)
HIIII sorry for being late to answering this
๐Ÿฅฐ: How would someone who loved you portray you?
THE TRUE Handsome Tricks shippers understand the complexities of these two. They're getting the dynamic down. Tricks isn't a helpless little uwu sub underneath Jack. He's a fully fledged adult man with underlying trauma and baggage.
They'd portray the day-to-day between these two perfectly while also having fun with it.
The true fans get the level of control Jack has while also knowing that Tricks has quite literally pulled a gun on Jack deathly calm. He WOULD have killed him then without hesitation. Yeah, he LOVES Jack but that relationship is not (and never was) "good" or "healthy.
๐Ÿ˜ก: How would someone who hated you portray you?
GOD. Okay.
Handsome Tricks haters would fucking want this ship to SINK. They're blowing the boat up. People who hate it constantly mischaracterize both Tricks AND Jack.
They'd make Tricks too subby and compliant around Jack or absolutely turn up Tricks hatred towards Jack WAY too much. There's a balance and complexity to this that fans who hate the ship wouldn't bother to see. (Too much reading between the lines and knowing how rocky/dodgy relationships work)
Additionally people who hated us would consistently say the ship is glorifying abuse and bad relationships because Tricks is totally a changed man (he is not. In game scenes, dialogue, echo logs + more prove that he HAS mellowed down but he has not changed. It's integral to his story that he ISN'T changed. Because it's directly what allows Jack to gain such control)
๐Ÿ’ž: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
Honestly? I'm not too sure.
I could see people shipping him with Tim as a rebound thing. Tricks (canonically) can tell the doppelgangers apart but I've toyed with them (Tim and him) having slightly more interactions.
I think people would like the idea of Tricks and him hooking up because it'd be a fun way to play with Tricks' insecurities and the fact that Tim truly can't escape Jack's shadows.
I think what would be popular with this ship is them running Hyperion. Like nothing happened. Neither feels GOOD about it and there's constant bickering.
Lots of fics written out where Tim is loudly yelling about Jack being DEAD. "He's GONE Tricks. Dead as roadkill. Skag food. Why can't you accept that? You weren't ever this dumb before."
"You sound just like him. How's the DNA injections going hmm? You're more and more like him everyday. Hey, when you die, I bet it'll be just. Like. Him. No one remembers Timothy Lawrence. You're just Jack's pet. Your leash is gonna hook on something and you'll choke to death. How ironic for Handsome Jack. Death by choking."
A relationship between these two is even WORSE than Tricks and Jack. I think some people would write it as Tim and Tricks overcoming their own traumas but like... again.. Tricks doesn't change and he doesn't get better with time.
I could also see one or two people shipping him with Rhys for obvious reasons. He's never done right within any ship with Rhys.
And I could see something with Vasquez. But it'd be a relationship purely out of blackmail. He's showing Tricks off like some prize to be like Jack. Tricks would think constantly about cutting his dick off. But he knows too much about The Demon and it's only a matter of time...
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