#im obsessed with the hot pot game now
lelianaslefthand · 4 months
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making a wish 🧡🎋
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bokutobaes · 3 years
I loved the bad day hc it was so gooood🥺 can I get a hc (w the same boys👀) of ur first night over their house?? Bet Atsumu snores like a freight train lmao😭😭😭
first night at the inarizaki boys house :p
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- with: suna, atsumu, kita
☆- no warnings!
☆- a/n: this request was soo cute i had so much fun writing this🥺thank u for requesting i really hope you like it <33 and im so happy u enjoyed the bad day headcanons
authors: lu and sen <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- suna:
-you were in fact enjoying a nice saturday in your room, pixie lights strung, your favourite show playing and you in a warm fuzzy blanket. it was bliss
-until.. the vibration of your phone shook you from the scene you were watching, and who else would call you on a saturday at 1am
-“uh whats up”
-“wanna come over.. to sleep”
-“suna- it’s one o clock in the morning”
-“so why would i-”
-“i miss you..”
-your heart just exploded from the fact he just said that
-“say no more okay i’ll be there in 10”
-“okay :)” you could hear suna’s smirk from his voice
-you’d snuck out before in your first year of high school just to hangout with some friends so you knew the basics
-you left a note to your parent(s) saying that you went to a friends house early in the morning because she had a boyfriend emergency
-the things u do for suna🙄
-the way to sunas wasn’t long, he only lived a few streets away so you packed a bag, threw on your comfiest cutest sweats and headed on down
-when you got there suna was already at the door leaning against the frame with his hands stuffed in his black hoodie
-“hi.” he hugged you, “come on it’s cold out” then he grabbed your wrist and with a finger on his lips telling u to tip toe and whisper you headed to his bedroom
-now, you’d definitely been to sunas bedroom before to hangout after school and study and whatnot
-but it now dawned on you that you’ve never stayed the night
-heat rushed to your cheeks
-“so where am I gonna sleep”
-“here?” he said
-“in my bed. you’re sleeping in my bed.”
-“suit yourself, but I kick people in my sleep”
-he scoffed, “and I’ll kick you back tf”
-you guys hopped in the bed and just immediately went on your phones
-but you were in one of those close ass positions where you could see what was on eachothers screens
-so you exchanged tik toks and tweets
-the night was filled with you both trying so hard not to laugh out loud
-you guys rambled on for a long time after seeing a post about astrology
-“i don’t get it.. your saying i’ll be in a bad mood on the 5th of next month because mercury is in gatorade.?”
-did he really just disrespect retrograde like that
-once it was getting really late your eyes started feeling heavy
-you switched your phone off and snuggled deeper into suna’s chest
-you were basically hugging eachother
-suna yawned
-“goodnight y/n”
-“goodnight rin”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- atsumu:
-you were already at atsumu’s house, you’d walked there together after school to spend the friday together
-currently you were in osamu’s room with the twins playing “winning eleven”
-why they were so obsessed with this game? you do not know
-but right now you were being betrayed by atsumu
-he told you he’d “go easy on you” since you’ve never played before
-then just abandoned that idea
-“atsumu wtf your not even going a smidge easy on me”
-“hey it’s not my fault yer skills are lacking baby”
-ur about to punch him
-“ok then here” you hand your remote to osamu and cross ur arms scooching away from atsumu
-“wait heyyy hey don’t be like that I was joking” he paused the game
-osamu was literally on his phone at this point
-he smushed your cheeks and you rolled your eyes
-“what time even is it?”
-“10:43” osamu drawled
-“omg it’s late i have to go soon”
-atsumu got up and told you to come his room so you waved to osamu and headed out
-“stay the night”
-“yes really please i don’t want you to leave yet”
-“awww tsumu”
-“SHUTUP! are you gonna stay”
-“yes I’ll stay” <3
-he took your face in his hands and kissed you all over
-you shot your parent a text saying you were sleeping at your friends house and then sat on the bed where atsumu was already sprawled out watching something on his phone
-“i don’t have a toothbrush”
-“there’s an extra in the bathroom babe”
-“i don’t have clothes”
-he looked at you
-“i have clothes”
-“aww are you gonna give me your hoo-“
-“nvm go home now”
-it was already almost midnight after you had watched some movies on his bed
-you guys got up and brushed ur teeth together
-“next time you’re gonna sleep at my house instead and we’re gonna do face masks”
-you though about tsumu in a panda sheet mask and laughed to yourself
-when you were done washing your face he asked if he could put the moisturizer on for you
-so you sat up on the counter and he was being so gentle🥺 just looking at you
-your cheeks starting feeling hot and atsumu noticed
-“oh embarrassed now are we?” his stupid smirk plastered on his face
-“shutup tsumu” you looked down smiling
-it was half past 12 when you guys finally got in bed and you were honestly tired since it was the end of the week
-atsumu squeezed you tightly from behind and was playing with your hair
-it knocked you out
-“g’night baby”
-“goodnignt tsum”
-(you were not prepared for the snoring that came out of him at 2am but you loved him anyways)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- kita:
-this sleepover with kita was actually planned by the two of you
-you wanted to spend time together outside of school and you thought this was a nice idea
-you came over a little before dinner and he was cooking when you got there
-“hi!” you said walking in through the kitchen door
-“hi love” he stopped stirring a pot on the stove and came over to hug you
-he kissed your forehead and asked how you are
-(like he didn’t ask you 1 hour again when you were texting)
-you ate dinner with kita and his grandma, she told stories about kita when he was younger embarrassing him but making you awww out loud
-after dinner you headed to his room, you’d put on something to watch but it ended up just being background noise in a conversation you were having
-“y/n.. did you wanna sleep in the spare bedroom? i want to make sure you’re comfortable”
-“its okay babe i don’t mind sleeping with you”
-so you both were on his bed just looking out the window together, now that it was later you’d switched from watching tv to sharing earphones and looking out the window at the stars
-a song came on, something soft and gentle playing through your ears
-“wanna dance?” kita said looking at you with a smile
-heart combusted
-“of course”
-you got up and he grabbed your hip, hand in hand you two just swayed slowly looking at eachother
-both your cheeks burned but you were so happy that you were here with him right now
-now you’d been dancing for a few minutes and your face was in the crook of his neck
-you were both starting to get a bit tired but then you remembered the face masks you’d brought in your bag
-“kita..! we should do face masks”
-“face masks?”
-“yep! i brought some. let’s go”
-leading him to the bathroom you started to put the sheet mask on him
-the fox imprint on the mask made you laugh being on kitas face
-you two looked so silly, a fox and a panda in pyjamas on a saturday night
-after taking a few photos the masks were done and you washed up for bed together
-it felt like taking a look into the future
-soo domestic
-sleep came really easy that night, you lay on kitas chest and rambled for a bit before you noticed he had fallen asleep
-poor bb probably tired from volleyball practice
-you fell asleep soon after right after kissing him on the cheek
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bratkook · 4 years
corrupt. jjk (m)
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You’d be crying out in pain begging me to play my games. I could corrupt you, it would be ugly.
pairing: vampire!jk x human!reader genre: smut, pwp warnings: blood play, unprotected sex, dirty talk, exhibitionism, voyeurism, multiple orgasms, spanking, oral (f. receiving), partially clothed sex word count: 5k author’s note: literally everything i write is based on a song so listen to Corrupt by Depeche Mode. This also came to mind because my boss and i are obsessed with the idea of going to a sex club in berlin so i hope you enjoy lol. leave feedback or shoot me a message tysm ily bye. this also isnt edited yet im sorry
Standing in the middle of a dimly lit club in the heart of Berlin, the sound of a german band filling up the space all around you, is not how you thought your night would go.
Utterly alone, shimmying through the crowd of people all scantily clad in forms of leather or lace, some wearing nothing at all. No one seemed to mind you, no one gave you a second glance. The leather body harness you had on stuck to your body like second skin, the straps of it stretched across your breasts and covered your nipples. The only thing on your bottom half was a garter belt, a tiny pair of black underwear and fishnet stockings, finished off with some black heels.
You had begged your friend to come with you, being in the middle of your trip across Europe you wanted to visit the infamous sex club while in Berlin but she had been so against it. Not only was this club notorious for having orgies in the middle of the venue, which she thought was unspeakable, it was also a common hot spot for vampires as well, another taboo for her.
When she told you no you knew it was final so you didn’t mention it again. Instead you got dressed up in the bathroom of your airbnb, draped on a peacoat and headed out without a word. Luckily the club had coat check or else you’d feel entirely over dressed.
This club, unlike other vampire friendly ones you’ve visited, let everyone mingle together. You were accustomed to having dedicated rooms for humans, another for vampires, and a common ground for those who didn’t mind being together. But here it was a giant melting pot of both.
In the short ten minutes you’ve been here you had lost count of how many scarlet eyes you’d seen staring down at you, how many touches of cold skin you’d felt as you slipped by people, you felt very outnumbered and a little vulnerable but it sent a spark of excitement down your spine.
When you reach the bar, your arms press against the slightly tacky surface, a blonde with gleaming golden eyes greets you with a smile, “What’ll you have sweet heart?”
You strain your ears to hear her but try your best to tell her you’d just like a shot of tequila, she has no problem hearing your request, spinning around to grab the tequila from behind her.
Just as you start to ease up to being where you are, the feeling of someone slipping in beside you has you tensing up again. You keep your gaze on the bartender, watching her pour out your shot before sliding it over.
When you reach into the hem of your tights to pull out some cash she waves you off, “Its your first time here, consider it a welcoming gift.” She winks at you and moves on to the next thirsty guest before you can thank her.
You can sense the eyes boring into you from your right, your fingers gripping the edge of the shot glass as you lift it up to your lips. The curious observer just watches with a smirk as you throw back the shot, shutting your eyes as the warm liquid runs down your throat.
When you set the glass down and lick your lips over they finally speak, “First timer huh?”
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up at his voice, the low gravel of it swimming through your ears and getting your full attention. Its melodic, something about it has you turning to him like he had just said something ground breaking, and when you see who the voice belongs to you let out a small shudder.
The dark red of his eyes seems to glow in between the random flashes of light, his eyebrow arched up in curiosity as you drink him in. The hair on his head, parted to the side and showing the sharp eyebrows that frame his eyes, is an inky shade, the tips of the strands landing on his forehead.
He lets you take your time, watching you make your way down his face, reaching his soft lips, parted in a half smile that showcased the sharp fangs where your incisors are. The action should be threatening but all you can think of is having them sink into your skin.
The way he’s dressed is more modest than others, a sheer black mesh shirt hugging his chest, showing off the indents of muscles from how tight the material was. A harness similar to your own sits snuggly against his waist, the leather material matching that of his pants.
You snap out of it when you realize you’ve been staring at his crotch for more than seemed appropriate. Humor is written all over his face when you meet his gaze once more, remembering that the beautiful stranger had in fact asked you a question.
“Yeah, that obvious?”
He just chuckles, leaning against the bar top as well, “You just look a little intimidated is all. What is it, the vampires or the fucking in public?”
You push the shot glass further away from you, “Neither, I’ve had my fair share of vampires and if fucking in public scared me I wouldn’t be here.” Your words have piqued his interest, “Just first time jitters.”
He nods in understanding, “Fair, lets do some ice breakers then, I’ll start.” He clears his throat and inches closer to you, his shoulder nudging against yours, “My name is Jungkook, I’m technically 24, I enjoy making short films and I really want to fuck you.”
The small gasp you let out is clearly picked up by his ears, the smirk returning on his face at your reaction, “Oh wow,” you let out a giggle and he’s enamored by it, “well, my names Y/N, I’m 25, I enjoy baking and I really want to fuck you too.”
Jungkook hums, his tongue running along his teeth, “That can be arranged you know.”
You take a glance behind him, taking in the entirety of the club in the flashes of light. Almost every surface had a couple, at least, in the act of fucking each other in one form or another. In the middle of it all were the people who just came for the atmosphere, dancing along to the music playing as if ten feet away someone wasn’t getting fucked in the ass.
“Where?” You ask shyly, this was after all your first time at a club like this. The rules of dibs regarding location was foreign to you, not knowing what was off limits or not but Jungkook seemed to be very familiar with the club.
“Lets ease you into it yeah?” He murmurs out, his cold hand gently grasping yours and tugging you behind him as he slides through people without a care. The crowd seemed to split for him, humans and vampires alike staring him down but he paid them no mind as he crossed the floor.
The further you walked the more the crowd dispersed until you reached a hallway, the maroon walls were lined up with fetish photos, portraits of girls wrapped up in shibari, men wearing gimp masks along with shadow boxes holding various sex toys. In between each one were open doors, the rooms having a bed in the middle of them with lovers on top, the sounds of pleasure spilling out of the rooms and into the hallway.
Jungkook continued to lead you down the hallway, reaching a room he knows will be unoccupied. It was his room, no one ever used it but him, it was almost like an unspoken rule that it belonged to him so when you rounded the corner and stepped into it, the fact that i was completely untouched didn’t surprise him.
The bed was right in the middle, dimly illuminated by two sconces on the wall behind it. The black silk sheets look inviting, the large gold bed frame drawing you forward until your palms rested on the mattress, your fingers rubbing the soft material.
“I didn’t know places like this had beds.”
Jungkook steps behind you, his hands grasping your hips gently and pulling you back into him, “Mm, theres also a pool in the basement but I can show you that later.” He dips his head down, nuzzling his nose into the juncture of your neck and inhaling when the scent of you invades his senses.
He could hear the pounding of your heart, the blood pulsing through your veins in excitement. Jungkook knew you weren’t scared, you had waves of eagerness rolling off of you. The rythm of your heart wasn’t one of fear and as much as he used to love playing with his meals, knowing he didn’t have to sweet talk you into calming down made this more enjoyable.
“Yeah, later–laters good.” Your eyes flutter shut when his lips touch your skin, gently trailing up your neck and reaching your jaw. One of the hands that was on your hips came up to cup your cheeks, yanking your head around to crash his lips against yours.
The lingering remains of the tequila you had thrown back makes its way into his mouth when his tongue meets yours as he licks his way inside. Slowly you fully turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck and forcing him closer to you as your tongues tangled together messily.
Jungkook makes quick work at unclasping the harness you had on, his fingers coming together on your back and undoing the metal hooks until the fabric sagged off of your body. His lips never leave yours as you drop your arms, letting the leather material hit the floor.
When his hands come up to grasp your tits you pause kissing him, the icyness of his palm making your nipples pebble and he just smirks, almost as if he knows that you’re thinking of how his cold hands would feel inside your cunt.
“Such a pretty little human.” He mumbles out when he pulls back and stares at your exposed chest, his fingers twisting your nipple.
“Please,” you groan out, leaning forward to reattach your lips but he inches back to tease you, a playful smile on his face. “you said you wanted to fuck me.”
He relases your nipple, his hands now coming to undo his own harness, the garment joining yours on the floor but with it comes the mesh shirt. Inch by inch his smooth skin comes into view, the muscles on his stomach rippling as he peels it off and tosses it without a care.
“I do want to fuck you, so badly.” His head tilts slightly at you, watching you standing by the bed with your arms by your side and a pout on your face. “I like taking my time though baby, can you be patient for me.”
He hears the small intake of breath you make, nodding your head immediately. Patient? Yeah you could be patient for him, you could be anything for him. Its like his voice had you in a trance, any request he had could be fulfilled without a problem.
Jungkook reaches for you once more, his lips melting against yours while his hands guide your hips backwards, helping you onto the bed and pushing you back with ease. He slowly pushes you back until you’re fullt resting on the mattress, your hair splayed out around you with him hovering above you, his knees on either side of your thighs.
Your lips smack together for a moment, Jungkook gently nipping your bottom lip enough to draw a small bead of blood. When his tongue laps it up he moans into your mouth, the coppery taste mixed in with a hint of sweetness has his cock twitching. A small taste of whats to come, it takes him all the restraint he has to stop himself from devouring you here and now.
“Tastes,” kiss “so,” kiss “sweet.” He groans out in between kisses, pressing against you harder before trailing his lips down your body. You lay there with your chest heaving, your mind spinning when you feel the wetness of his lips kissing down your chest.
He envelopes your nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking around it with a moan, his other hand coming up to knead the flesh of your neglected breast and you gasp at the feeling, your back arching into his touch.
Your brain forcing your limbs to come into action now, your hand slipping into his hair and pushing him closer to you. The sensation of your fingers yanking his strands urges him on, sucking on your nipple while looking up at you, your eyes blown out in the darkness of the room, the bright red of his making him look predatory.
He pulls back with a wet smack, looking down at your saliva coated flesh and humming to himself while his hand continues to twist your other nipple. “So sensitive.” He comments when you whine at a particular hard tug he gives you, your head falling back with a sigh.
“Jungkook please.”
He relents, releasing your nipple and continuing his quest down your body, you’re expecting him to tug down your tights, maybe undo the garter belt before taking it all off but instead his fingers hook into the holes in the tighs around your crotch and yank hard. The sound of the fabric ripping has you lifting your head back up, catching him in the act of tearing your tights apart until your black panties were fully exposed to him.
Jungkook had slid off the bed, kneeling in front of you, his arms hooking under your thighs to drag you forward a bit, a smile spreading across his face when you let out a small shriek of surprise. The heels of your shoes rest on his back, your thighs sitting snuggly on his shoulders.
You can feel his breath against your skin, his lips hovering over the flesh of your inner thighs, his fingers digging into you as he licks his lips over. The anticipation is killing you, forcing yourself to drop your head back down because watching him stare at you like that was filling your stomach with nerves.
The soft flick of his tongue on your inner thigh has you tensing up, your hands reaching down to grasp his own, your warm fingers curling around his while they wrapped around your legs. Jungkook trails soft kisses on your skin, taking his time sucking and biting around your panties, his tongue gently flicking over your clit, a teasing motion that you barely feel through the material of your underwear.
He chuckles when your hands clutch his with annoyance, you had told him you could be patient but you were really doubting yourself now. Maybe fucking him out in the open of the club would’ve given you satisfaction a lot quicker.
Just as you’re about to voice your frustration, Jungkook pulls a hand away from your thigh, hooking his finger on the edge of your panties and yanking them to the side. Your glistening core shines back on him, his mouth salivating at getting a taste of you, wondering if your cunt was as sweet as your blood.
“Fuck.” You gasp when he licks a broad stripe up your slit, his tongue gathering your wetness in a practice move, a satisfied moan leaving his mouth at the taste. Everything he had said about taking his time was out the window now, diving into you shamelessly.
He growls when your hand comes back to tangle into his hair, the slight burn of his scalp causing him to eat you with more determination. His lips wrap around your clit, slurping and sucking gently enough to have you whimpering, your back arching up into him at the feeling.
Jungkook smirks when he releases your clit, nosing against it while his fingers circle your entrance, slipping in without resistance. The dirty thought that had crossed your mind before had been proven correct, Jungkook’s long icy fingers felt amazing inside your heat, spreading you open as if they were meant to be there. When he adds a second one, scissoring inside of you to stretch you out, a moan dies in your throat when you choke out, his lips come back to your center in a frenzy.
You can feel every ridge of his finger inside of you, grazing the bundle of nerves each time they thrust out, coupled with the way he’s sucking on your clit its not a shock that you’re quivering on the bed. 
“So fucking wet.” He awes for a second, the tug on his scalp letting him know you needed him to go back to what he was doing. A gush of wetness escapes you, dripping down his palm and onto the floor and he hums, he can hear the pounding in your veins increase in speed, the fluttering of your heart sounding like music to his ears.
“C-close,” you keen out, your heels digging into him and bringing him closer, “fuck, bite me. Please bite me.”
Thats all Jungkook needed to hear, his fingers slip out of you to replace his mouth, quickly circling your clit to have you hurdling over the edge. You can feel the pressure building in your abdomen, the controlled flicks of his fingers have you whining out.
Just as you’re about to teeter over Jungkook dips down and kisses your inner thigh once more, opening his mouth to clamp over your skin. In a flash his fangs pierce your flesh, a brief feeling of searing pain shoots up your body before being replaced by intense pleasure when he fully latches on, lips suckling on your skin.
The rich liquid pours into his mouth, the same coppery sweet taste he had sampled earlier is increased with the pleasure you feel. Jungkook’s eyes roll back at the flavor, his fingers not letting up on your clit even with the choked gasp of his name as you reach your orgasm. 
Your body trembles underneath him, your hands grip on his hair loosening up as he quenches his thirst. Everything feels tingly, each nerve ending on your body being lit up from the intense orgasm you just experienced. When he pulls away from your thigh, traces of blood spilling around his mouth he moans, nuzzling his way back to your center, gently licking the remnants of your orgasm off of you, enjoying how you whimper on the bed.
“So good.” He rasps out, his eyes flicking up to look at you and you gasp at how much brighter they are, a ruby red sparkling in the dark of the room, his eyebrow cocked up as he trails his way back up your body, letting your legs fall from his shoulders and back onto the bed.
His leather clad legs press against you, the feeling of his hardened bulge against your hip has you shuddering. “I’m not done with you yet, I’m going to ruin you baby.” He kisses up your chest, his eyes never leaving yours. The fucked out look on your face makes him rut against you, “You sure you want this?”
Your arms wrap around his torso, nails digging into his back as you rut up into him. His head drops down onto your neck when you grind against him, your wetness smearing along the leather. “I need it, ruin me Jungkook.”
The hiss he lets out has your toes curling, moreso when his mouth kisses along your neck, a teasing nip of his teeth on your skin, “Oh I will.”
Jungkook reaches down with one hand to unbotton his jeans, tugging them down enough for his cock to slip free. You don’t get a chance to look it over, the size of it being a total suprise to you since his lips were no on yours again, your eyes slipping shut as they worked together, teeth knocking into each other in a hurry.
He wraps a hand around himself, sighing into your mouth as he gives himself a pump. “Jungkook.” You groan into his mouth, wiggling your hips around as he positions himself between your thighs. He nudges your thighs further apart, your heels resting on the edge of the bed while his knees sink into the mattress.
“I know baby.” He mumbles against your lips, pressing another kiss to them. Thats when you feel the tip of his cock pressing against you, a slow rut of his hips following as he coats his length in your arousal.
Your nails dig into his back once more, the silk sheets gliding against your skin when you arch your back to get some sort of friction from him.
Jungkooks eyes are glued to where you meet, watching in admiration when he tugs your underwear to the side and eases himself into you, his cock sinking into your heat slowly. The feeling of him stretching you open has you moaning out loud, your head thrown back and exposing your neck to him.
“Fuck baby, you’re taking me so well.”
The stretch feels almost impossible for a second, you hadn’t seen his length but the feeling of it alone made it obvious that he was the biggest you’d ever had. When he bottoms out, his hips resting flush against your ass you whimper out.
“Feel so full.” You slur, humming softly when he kisses your cheek tenderly.
Jungkook just chuckles, “Gonna fuck you stupid.” Thats the only warning he gives you before inching back, rolling into you over and over until you’re adjusted to his size.
You knew after today you’d be ruined, you’d slept with your fair share of vampires but the way Jungkook’s cock split you open, pistoning into you in the most delicious way, you were done for.
The feeling of your nails digging in his back had him hissing, his arms caging you in underneath him. His eyes were focused on the way your breasts jiggled at every thrust, your body jostling upwards from the strength of them. Your face was screwed up in pleasure, your mouth dropped open as moans spilled out through your lips.
Jungkook was fucking you well and truly stupid, you looked lost in your pleasure, your walls fluttering around his length when he hit your sweet spot.
“Fuck,” you mewl, “so big. So–“ a gasp cuts you off when he speeds up his thrusts, the skin of his thighs smacking against yours with new found energy.
“Where’d those first time jitters go?” He wonders, one hand coming up to softly trail down your face, inching down until theyre placed around your neck, his fingers feeling the ferocious pulsing from your jugular.
“Such a fearless little human.” He grunts out with a groan, “Letting me do what I want with you, do you have any idea what I could do to you?”
A whimper leaves your mouth, your hips coming up to rut in time against his. You knew what he could do to you, if he really wanted to he could rip out your throat and drink you dry. Maybe it was the masochist inside of you, the idea of not knowing what could actually happen, of not being in control of the situation, that kept you going.
“I don’t care.”
That has a curious smile spreading across his face, “No? All you care about is my cock huh?”
You’re nodding immediately, yes his cock is all you care about. The way its stretching you open, the length of it hitting places inside of you without even trying. He fucked you like it was second nature to him, his thrusts being well timed, as if he knew the right way to get you falling apart underneath him.
“Can I–“ you press your palms against his chest lightly, the smal act of resistence causing him to still completely. He watches on curiously when you shimmy out from under him, your knees knocking into his as you turn over onto the bed on your hands and knees.
You’re facing the door now, seeing the flashes of light and the occasional person walking by the door and you briefly remember where you are. Jungkook watches you wiggle your hips at him, your fishnets stretched tightly over your ass.
“So fucking sexy.” He steps off of the bed, taking the time now to fully slip out of his pants, kicking them off and onto the floor before kneeling back onto the bed. His hands grasp your ass, kneading the flesh of them as he settles behind you, his palm coming up to land with a loud smack onto your skin. The sound mixing in with the thrumming bass of the club music and the moan you let out.
“C’mon, fuck me stupid.” You tease, dropping onto your elbows and spreading your thighs apart as you arch your back.
“Mm, careful what you ask for baby.”
His large palm splays across your back, pushing you down further while his other guides his cock back into you. The first thrust is a lot smoother than the last, the glide of your wetness helping him ease in to the hilt. This position has him reaching in deeper inside of you, your hands fisting the cool sheets as you moan out his name.
Its messy, the way his dick squelches every time it re-enters your, wetness coating his cock and dripping down onto the sheets. His palms grasp your hips, fingers digging into your flesh roughly. He knew he could crush you if he wanted to and the fact that you still laid here, drunk off his cock instead of running away, he knew he was just as ruined as you were.
“Jung-jungkook.” You gasp out, rutting back onto him with a small laugh and it catches his attention when he notices one of your hands come up to point at the door, “we have a visitor.”
He hums when his eyes lock onto the observer, another vampire he was familiar with, the dark red hair of Jung Hoseok flashes in the light. He’s leaning against the door frame, a drink in his hand as he watches on nonchalantly.
“Lets give them a show then yeah?”
He grinds against you with more purpose, one hand coming around to your front to meet your clit, rolling the sensitive nub between his fingers until you’re trembling. Your pussy clamps around him, your mouth dropping open in a lewd moan, burying your face into the sheets while you let yourself get lost in the feeling of it all.
Knowing Jungkook was having his way with you while someone watched lit a fire inside of you, the way you were creaming his cock being evidence enough that you were clearly enjoying yourself.
“Harder, fuck me harder.”
Jungkook fulfills your request, starting to thrust into your heat harshly with no qualms about having a spectator. “You’re soaked baby, you gonna make a mess of these sheets?”
All of your senses are full of him, just him and his cock and the way he pounds into you, his fingers flicking against your clit with expertise. His grasp on your hips is the only thing keeping you from toppling over, your upper body laying limp on the bed as you let his ravish you.
When your eyes look up, meeting the gaze of the stranger by the door you smirk, sending them a wink and earning a chuckle from them.
Jungkook can feel you tightening up around him, his own release creeping up inside of him. He needs to taste you again, “Let me have another bite baby.”
He bends over your body until his nose pushes against your hair draped over your neck, a deep inhale sending shivers down your spine. Your hand comes up to move your hair out of the way, mewling when he nudges against your skin, “Oh god, yes.”
His lips latch onto you seconds later, the now familiar feeling of his fangs sinking into your skin making your whole body tense up this time. Your limbs lock up as he moans against your flesh, the warm blood dribbling into his mouth. Blood always tasted different coming straight from the jugular, the taste of it making his eyes roll back as he quickly ruts into you.
The euphoric feeling of him drinking from you pushes you over the edge once more, the pleasure sparking from the open wound until it reaches all of your limbs. Your walls clamp around him impossibly tight as you cum, a shout of his name leaving you as he fucks you through your orgasm.
His lips never leave your neck, suckling the blood from you as your body trembles underneath his. A weak whimper leaving your lips sends him over, his balls tensing up until he’s spilling into you, thrusting his hips against yours as deep as he could. The warmth of his cum fills you up, a soft sigh sounding out when he finally detaches from your neck, the smear of blood around your neck being licked up by him as he shallowly thrusts a few more times.
Your eyes look up once more to find that the other vampire was now gone, leaving you and Jungkook alone once more, his cock still buried inside of you, your neck throbbing slightly after the abuse.
When he pulls out of you your hips full drop onto the mattress, the cool sheets feeling like heaven against your warm body. Jungkook chuckles at your worn out form, gently grasping you to flip you over to face the ceiling, not giving you a moment to recover before slotting his lips against your own.
You taste your own blood on your tongue, the coppery tang being new to you but you don’t mind it, not with the way he kisses you like you were more than just a messy fuck. He pulls back after a second and you grin at him, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks, your thumb rubbing the drying blood from his chin.
“What did I taste like?”
He presses another kiss against you, “Like fucking heaven, I could die eating your pussy.”
The wink he sends you makes you blush, swatting his chest lightly with a laugh, “I meant my blood you perv.”
“Oh I’m the perv now?” He teases, catching your hand before you can smack him again, “I think you ruined me too baby, never tasted blood this sweet.”
You bite your lip at his words, staring up at him with wide eyes in an almost innocent way as if you hadn’t just participated in this scandalous act. He wanted nothing more than to proposition you into being his blood bag, a somewhat intimate request but he knew it was useless. Considering you had never been to this club before he knew you weren’t from around here, you’d be long gone in a few days, a distant memory that would simmer away over time and for some reason it pained him to think that so he chose to suppress it.
“Let me walk you home, you never know what monsters could be lurking.”
That same giggle that enamored him earlier is back now, “If I could handle you I could handle anyone.”
His eyebrows arch up at your teasing tone, a smirk curling his lip as he stares you down, “Is that so?” His eyes have that same predatory look in them, your skin breaking out into goosebumps at the way he stares at you, looking like he’s ready to dive in once more.
He wasn’t finished with you yet.
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shabba-zams · 4 years
Hold big regard for kinship, tradition and culture, I could give a lecture
I'm sky high - herbivore, like a turkey vulture I'm a carnivore
Canibal, I mean omnivore coz I love greens, like Popeye And Spinach, I lick bean
Flick flick, root Chakra, keep you grounded, kiss your forehead, illumination
Wham bam, burn incense this instant
Smoke in house, reminisce about my late aunt, Eugenia
Healing from a heartbreak of a love that never happened
Should never happen, wait what just happened?
You a bad bitch, downward doggy, hit it from the back, is that good B?
Meow-moo, look at that arch, Doja, Cat-Cow mi amor
Heart's aching, beneath I'm hurting although surface looks perfect
Instantly regretting the mistake I made, egghead getting laid
I was broke, couldn't think straight, Im still great, it's just that I hate
Constantly stressing, hope you not late, I'm Wylin, red fox
Sorry mate, don't put me on the spot unless we hot box
You a hot mess, you burn, guilt trip, in hell I burn, 12 stroke soul snatcher, soul searching,N2O, inhale, I burn, I'm trippin
My goodness, Zulu goddess, Tsonga royalty in her DNA, your highness hello, hi, my love I profess
Pussy power tricking, that tightness, finesse crazy like madness, she drippin
Her cookie jar I'm Double dippin, like yes ya, I praise ya, I'm smitten
You praise Ja, pet name for your small pussy... Poor lil kitten
Obsessed With fitness, admire her loyalty, I stay under her spell
First We gel, then repel, we then rebel, plz say you could not tell I fell for you girl!
I confess, your strange quirks remind me of my old ex
Guardian angel, I see your halo, okay bye! In darkness you my star
Naledi always shine bright, never dim light, eyes can adjust right?
No girl, tell me how could I not fall for you girl?
If I see you all day and night? Medicate then meditate
Last and first light I see you, it's hard to wake me up, ICU
Namaste, send u love and light. Hugging u gud nyt then imma go unless it's midnight, my pants is tight right and u hug me tight tight cutie, in my ear, QTip, u whisper get the light, deep throat  gimme the green light, tonight you looking so tasty
It's not right, lockdown got me all thirsty, see, I'm nasty
I'll eat you out, gimme a big tip, face chair, take a sit please
Gangsta champagne, notorious bubbles I sip sip, are you pleased?
You a tall glass of sexy B, I mean u sassy B, sexy beast I gotta drink, drunk
In love with your positive energy, you love the inner me and you know I'm not the enemy, I love you
Juju, like bad energy, shoo shoo, telling me to go, I don't go
Feeling ur feng shui imbalance, tryinna find balance, yoga
So much green in my blood stream, feelin like Hulk or Yoda
I'm 1 with the force, a gulf stream directing ur flow, go
Heavy flow that weigh a ton, period. I go deep, you flow deep like the Nile, you lovin it
Tid bit in denial, plz don't judge unless you take a 9 mile walk if the shoe fit
Wise mentor, needed to blow off steam, oh no you make me sing, I never meant to...
I'm spiritual, Ultralight beam, living the life of Pablo, green
I see no light, stuck in the dark, this don't feel right
Fight what I feel, fight! I know you like what I write, right? I'm still Steve like Biko, because I write what I like
You're spiritual, Ivy crown it'll be alright, fight!
Where you been? Spiritual journey, Wrote you a song of love, don't panic, it's platonic agape kind
You're kind, im sorry, please forgive me, God bless us
Never meant to sex ya, sext ya, yes ya I never meant to
Hurt ya, my day 1 let me be in your team, I'm your hype man and you my wing man, who knew, man?
I'm a new man, never wanna be in u ma'am, that's Truman, like Harry
Like Harriet, You talk truth ma'am, ur woke now, mental slavery chain breaker
Lead, take leash, give me my freedom, Tubman. Ass like Baartman, I'm joking, I'm through man!
Is it true man? You got a new man?
I'm glad you found uThando & Peace!
I see your glow in the dark , I watch you grow, from head to toe
Lock down, No sexercise, just exercise, oblique workout, body shaping up, you shake shit up
Look down, fvck shit up, I fantasize under the mistletoe, kiss kiss that phat pet peeve,
I mean the size of that cameltoe, kiss kiss like it's NYs Eve
Family Feud like Steve, We lip lock, she bad bad like Eve
Stuck with you like gridlock, bad bitch my ride or die!
The love you show, I dunno who to tell that u just ring my bell
Blue balls, plain torture, ungshaya ding dong, that just rings wrong
Playing mind games like ping pong, saw my dp then ask for my dick pic like "Big Z u got big dick print"
I tell her to quit playin and show her it's just resting, I'm a grower
Picture a Big black gun in your hand, click glock
Lick big black cock in my hand, and get a big tip
Love your big tats,small tits, nip slip, vrm vrm, you own me like pinkslip
4 play lick clit, that pink pink
Big lie like, just the tip, truth is I just wanted to hit twice, then dip twice like, dip dip
Double Pussy grip, like grip grip
Our late night tap dance routine like
Double tap like, tip-clit-grip-grip, skip, tip-clit-grip-grip
Sending mixed signals, wearing no bra, black tank top, Grey gym pants, exciting my BBC then saying NO BRA!
Apple bong is crack bong, big flop wearing your pink flip flops, I need a drink,J walk drunk, hit, bong, bang, drive, buy smoke, fly, sky, high five, YouTube The Fives, whats the matter? GBV
All lives including those you call low lives matter, no 1 deserves murder.
Deep chats kid, Katt Williams crack me up, have a break Kit Kat
I'm a lil sad but real glad u not mad at me brick brack, red fox
Need my quick fix, Red on Netflix like Raymond, cross you off my hitlist, at least at last, the blacklist, NBC
No chick flicks miss, unless you aiming to get this, BBC
I don't aim, shoot shot once and don't miss, easy, ABC
Cupid tryinna shoot me dead but misz, shit shot, no Mrs, thank God
Thot thought she a hot shot coz she smoke pot, no BS she not hot
Cold as horse shit that's not hot, bust a nut, I might not
I'm a lit lad who thinks they a big bad, Wolf, with a sick head
You heard? Sometimes it's hard when u in my bed, think with other head instead like getting head
Play dead after I beat meat, you knock-knock, I'm cumin, you come in, your bad timing is not charming
I see myself in you, pun intended, idea planted in my head
For real tho, I see your hoeish ways, long gone are my hoeish days
Sometimes I think u poison like Ivy, I'm batman, no avengers
Scavengers, a mad woman and a bad man, Savages in our own league
First punch throwers, they hate us, crack bong hitters, they not us, we avenge us,
You lead, I school ya, screw ya, liquids in ur insides like IV
Drip drip, said fuck it, big deal, do u even care how I feel? Bad state of mind, took shrumz, now I'm havin a bad trip
Craving a road trip, cruze down memory lane, replay bad clip, is it weird that I loved that silhouette video? Press play
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Get liquid withit
Going toe-to-toe, I kill and bury Big Trill, made my 1st mil
Then blew it, dead lyricist, I'm just a ghost writer
I see changes, a stoner girl turn to a rave girl as the nyt ages
I once told her, trust the rock of ages like John
Serial killer with rage on Pages, I was angry at God like Sean
Now i'm easy like solving for X- Kid'o,
That's annoying, ward off tiny mosquito
Go against me, that's a non starter, kiss my ass lips
I talk shit, no stutter or slight lisp like L-Tido
In the city of gold its all or nothing, that's a no brainer
No brain huh? Black lip bastard, faith like mustard seed
Don't call me bastard, transform to Luke Cage then hit rib Cage like
Nicholas, can't stop me like an urban legend... Ghost rider
I sound fictitious like ghost busters, but I'm quite real like Klingon
I stick like glue, here's a clue:
Day of the week: Monday
Feeling: baby Blue and itchy
Scratch my balls I'm jiggy, sweet melanin black queen like B
Fluent in your love language B, catch 22, paradoxical
Hypocritical, stereotypical, philosophical.
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
Around what temperature do you consider it to be too hot outside? oh man. once we are out of the 70s im like PEACE out girl scout
In what ways do you expect your life to be different one year from now? honestly it will be interesting to find out. i will be employed somewhere i imagine. i may or may not be moving? maybe doing online school. idk! 
How often do you travel outside of the state/province you live in? assuming we are talking average (non heightened pandemic) i would sayyyy.. at a minimum 25 times per year
What’s a hobby you used to have, but don’t anymore? painting. hopefully getting back into it! i also want to start taking like 4-5 surveys a day. 
What was the best part of your day yesterday? i got some cool surprises for valentines day, that was lovely. mom also treated me to mama maria’s tacos for takeout and lemme tell you that was a game changer. What has been your favorite job you’ve had so far? ooo man. I loved doing the merch/organizing at bbb. i loved nannying for SOME of the people i worked for. Caregiving is hard work man. 
Do you still live in your hometown? yes! love this place.
What’s your favorite kind of salsa/dip to go with tortilla chips? uhhhh crack dip.
Are you polite towards others? very much so. you’d be hard pressed to get me to be inconsiderate.
Do you wash your car by hand or drive through a car wash? car wash. we don’t have a working water line to the driveway currently. it bust during a freeze.
Are you afraid of spiders? i am absolutely horrified by them.
Do you have any exercise equipment in your home? yup! i worked out today in fact, which was super challenging on my joints but i know its important to get movement in.
If you have/want children, will you raise them similar to the way you were raised? my mom loved us fiercely. she had some faults (as do we all) but overall, we never once had to question her care for us. but i would never ever put my children in a position to be parented by a person like my dad “parented” us. abso-frickin-lutely not.
How often do you run the dishwasher? lately ive been running it like every day. these peeps have been using big dishes and its just way easier. 
Did you ever go to summer camp when you were a kid? not like an official one. I went on missions trips and i went to like vacation Bible school. or like.. soccer camp. but not the stereotypical camp.
Do you wash your face at the sink or in the shower? preference is the shower
Name a stereotype about your gender that you don’t fit. being the overly submissive kind.
Name a stereotype about your age that you don’t fit. married with multiple kids
Do you have any unusual decorations in your home? i mean nothing really unusual to me obviously. we do have an abnormal amount of cut-out people.
What year were you born in? 90s baby
Do you have any uncommon kitchen appliances, such as espresso machines, waffle irons, etc? waffle irons are uncommon? i mean we have things that i think are common : instapot, crock pot, air fryer, waffle iron, etc.
Have you ever been on a motorcycle? yes
How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? i had a bad situation with a bike when i was young so i put it off til like 10 years old
How old were you when you learned how to swim? 4
How do you react when someone is rude to you? let it roll off my back unless it is someone i care about. then I will be like uhhh excuse you what?
Out of everything you’re wearing, which piece of clothing is your favorite? ooo man. I like these shorts a lot. I also like this tshirt. this bra is SUPER tight and i want to rip it off. pantaloons are fine. probably the shorts?
Do you follow fashion trends, or just wear whatever you happen to like? nah, whatever i like, i like.
Are you more rational or imaginative? rational
Have you ever had a friend who was too clingy? one time growing up i had a few friends who were OBSESSED with me and while that sounds like a good thing, it was a little uncomfortable for me because the feeling wasn’t as mutual. 
Do you prefer riding on wooden roller coasters, or steel roller coasters? i dooooooo noooooot ride roller coasters.
What is your least favorite kind of weather? mmmm anything hot and sunny. i really dont like that.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? i was pretty heartbroken so my friends and mom stepped up and made it a bday weekend for me. I went to wisconsin for the day with mom, then em & nathan took me to michigan for the wine tours. then the following day mom and i spent the day in chicago and went on the river tour. it was really really kind of everyone to do so.
Think back to when you first met your significant other (or ex). Was your first impression of them accurate? lol yes. I think so.
Is there anything other than keys on your keyring? depends on which keys. one has mace. another has hand sanitizer.
Do you have an ebook reader? (iPad, Kindle, etc.) no. i like physical books. i do really want a tablet for like creative stuff. but notttttt even close to in the budget right now.
What is your most noticeable personality trait? positivity.
What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? snowstorms, tornadoes (tho not in my general area but in my state it is), uhhhhhh.. 
Why is your least favorite season your least favorite? its so freaking hot. I don’t handle heat well.
Do you have a Netflix account? yup
Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? not to my knowledge
Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? How long does it take to get there? oh man. i love to go anywhere. I love FL for the boat rides, the beach time, the family <3, the familiarity. but this last year i took a personal vacation to the smokies and man it was so good for the soul. i would love to do that again.
When you’re angry with someone, do you lash out, or keep yourself under control? so it takes a lot to make me mad. i almost always keep myself under control and i HATE to be so angry that im not, so i just remove myself until i calm down. its been years since ive felt that way.
Is your hair long enough to tuck under your armpits? no, i chopped it some.
What room in your home do you spend the least amount of time in? lol uhhhh the guest room downstairs probably.
Rate your sense of humor on a scale of 1-10. psh 9
What is the last random act of kindness you did? i cleaned up the kitchen when I knew mom was going to do it.
Are you more of a girly girl or a tomboy? a mix of both.
Do you do anything to reduce the amount of electricity you use? we use those led bulbs in every light so that helps a LOT. 
0 notes
edhronicals · 7 years
Decided to skip Bio and sleep till 11. I hate that class. I don’t even need it for my degree so that’s nice. It’s my hardest class too. I’ve been studying it on my own today and processing the information a bit better. It’s 45 degrees today. We left the windows open. I love dressing comfy around the house and not having to use the AC. My hands are cold though.
I haven’t eaten yet today thankfully. I’m a bit hungry. My throats dry. I’ll probably get a bottle of water soon. I’m bad about drinking water.
I took my B12 vitamin this morning. I cant wait to hold my warm little bowl of pasta later. I keep hiding my hands under my laptop where it’s warm. I’m tempted to have a bowl of ramen for dinner tonight. I havent had that in a long time. When I was thin, I ate a bowl of ramen every other day and tht was it.
It sucks because he only reason I had that level of self control was because my anti depressants killed my appetite. What I wouldn’t give to have them back. 
I remember once I ate half a slice of pizza and was so full I thought I’d burst.
Now I can choke down massive amounts of food like I did in middle school. I’m disgusting.
I slipped my jeans on a little easier this morning. I hadn’t worn them in a week. I’ve lost 3 pounds since last week. Not much but enough to where my thighs slid through the legs of my pants with a tad less resistance. Small Victories.
They’re a size 12, but much tighter than my size 8′s. Clothing sizes suck. I imagine the 12′s are Juniors, but annoying, nonetheless.
I want to tell someone about this blog. Have them read my thoughts. But what would they say? There’s nothing to say.
I’ve failed so many times I doubt anyone takes me seriously.
My best friend has an ED as well, but it;s different from mine. She’s concerned with gaining weight, but has problems with consuming enough food. She’s small and fragile and beautiful and I envy her so much.
I wish I had something that made me nauseous to the point of not wanting to eat.
Aside from disgust, nothing keeps me from eating.
Disgust is easy to maintain, though. I just have to stand in front of a mirror.
I try to stay in touch with my mom, but I feel like I bother her. I send her photography and she doesn’t respond. I try to gossip with her, nothing unless I call and we talk for an hour or so once a week. Which is nice. Im not complaining, but this week she’s seemed distant. I’m not sure why.
I’m debating sleeping more. I’m always so tired.
I feel bad for my fiance. He’s supporting me through college, working this insanely physical job. I feel like a slob compared to him.
I’m glad I’m writing again though. I’m writing, going to school, maintaining my relationship, playing video games, listening to music. All thats missing is being healthy. I guess I’m getting there though. I set another sub-goal for myself.
So here are my goals as they stand now: 11/8 175 lbs (-13 lbs); 12/1 165 lbs (-23 lbs); 12/18 155 lbs (-33)
That sounds like a lot but I think I can do it. 13 pounds in 2 weeks will be my biggest obstacle. As long as I eat 1 bowl of ramen per day, I should be fine. 33 pounds in under 2 months sounds like a dream, but it will happen and it will be worth it.
I have thanksgiving planned out. The week I go to Florida, I’m letting myself eat pretty much whatever, then back to the ramen diet till february-ish. I’ll probably change it up by then to maybe an avocado bagel or different kind of pasta, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.
I just need to stop being so obsessed with food. It’s an addiction really. Always thinking about my next meal. Thinking about fast food. I have to remind myself that even though that veggie Chipotle burrito is vegan and nutricious and wonderful, it’ll be there in moderation when I’m thin. Those Gardein chicken tenders, Chickfila fries, Chinese take out, and Taco Bell (Fresco Style) will all be there. I need that to stop being my focus.
I can focus on my bottled water in the morning. I take 3 sips and add some lemon juice. Shake it up. Don’t forget to refill it and refridgerate when I’m done. I can focus on cleaning up my apartment every day. I can focus on writing out my feelings on this blog. I can focus on video games. I can focus on school, my Fiance, planning our wedding, planning our home, our future. TV shows, online income, photography and edit. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T FOCUS ON FOOD. My life doesn’t need to revolve around it. I can take 60 minutes to focus on opening the packaging. Putting it in a bowl. Filling that bowl with hot water. Set the microwave for 3 minutes. Find the strainer. Pour. Shift the noodles. Pour back into the bowl. Cut open the seasoning packet. Put the top strip in the noodle bag. Pour seasoning. Put the rest of the packet in the noodle bag. Get a fork. Stir. Stir. Stir. Add black pepper. Stir. Put the bowl on a pot holder. Get fresh water. Drink 3 sips. Add lemon juice. One more sip to test. Bring water and bowl to my seat. Adjust everything comfortably. Eat slowly. Drink often. Finish your food. As it digests, digest the obsession as well.
I need to weigh myself, get water, and find my measuring tape because it’s been missing and haven’t taken measurments since June or July.
Scratch that. 15 lbs in 2 weeks. I can do this.
Above Bust: 40 in Below Bust: 36.5 Waist: 34.5 in Hips (at butt):43.5 in Hips (at lower stomach, stomach relaxed): 42 in Arm (half way between shoulder and elbow, parallel to the ground): 14.75 in Thigh (half way between hip and knee- above tattoo band on outer side, standing): 25.5 in
15 lbs. I can do this.
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