#im ok. i mean im upset and cranky and my family is just
I??? Don’t??? Understand this dipshit moron fucking dumbass stupid fuckhead bitchface dumb shit??????????????
I tell him I’m lonely so he takes the opportunity to pounce, I agree to date him, tell him in the morning that I wasn’t comfortable with how that happened and that I want time to think because literally my entire family knows & hates him, and he’s done some shitty things to me before.
He says he’ll give me time to think. He doesn’t. He harasses me about it ceaselessly, we can’t even have a nice conversation without him nagging me, he even pesters me assuming (incorrectly) that the songs I post in my Snapchat story are about him. I correct him, he harasses me more, and I remember he screenshotted a selfie I sent him on Snapchat. I ask him to delete it, he gives me attitude. He harasses me more and I tell him that I can’t deal with that right now and I’m going to hang out with my friend Zac. Again with the attitude.
He ignores me for LITERAL DAYS because I chose to talk to my friend Zac instead of talking to him, which tbh was fine because he finally SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME THINK and then he texts me out of nowhere at almost 10pm “hope you’re well.”
I ignore it. The following morning he snaps me a video of him apparently at a party captioned “all these people and I’m still lonely ):” ok do you want a fucking medal??? Really??? Don’t talk to me for days and then come crying to me about being lonely??
I never said he couldn’t talk to me, I said I wasn’t ready to sit down and have a serious conversation about wether or not I was ready to fucking date him.
Then, as per his usual cop out, i went to him and he ignored me, and then was all “I just don’t know what to say I have some things going on blah blah” and then is like “you’re not ok” and I’m?? BITCH IM FINE
The only thing that wasn’t okay was you not fucking respecting what I was saying and ceaselessly fucking harassing me you dickhead.
So I explained to him: I hadn’t had a day off work in 9 days, was tired and exhausted and by the time I got home from work I was tired and cranky, and I didn’t think it would be fair to either of us to have an important conversation while either A) I was cranky, or B) it was in a rush before I went to work. On top of that, he didn’t give me time to think. There’s things other than my family that could cause problems down the line, an example of such being his “I don’t want to date a walking canvas” comment.
Apparently he’s so stupid he thinks he has a say on what I do with my body & any control whatsoever.
So he reads it and ignores me, and then when I call him out says “I’m at work and I’m having an anxiety attack”. Sure Jan. Listen, I’m not one to discredit people’s anxiety, lord knows people do it to me all the time. But when this particular guy does it? He’s bullshitting. That’s always his go-to excuse to try to make me back off when I’m upset with him, because apparently having anxiety means people can’t be upset with you. Trust me, I’ve known him for 7 years, he’s being a liar and a manipulative piece of crap.
So he’s bullshitting me, just because he’s too much of a pussy to have the conversation HE wanted to have in the first fucking place.
So fucking annoying. God, he’s fucking stupid. Spend 7 years begging me to date you saying how good you’ll treat me and then when I finally agree you don’t respect my wishes or feelings and won’t even man up and fucking talk to me. Fucking pussy.
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