#im on desktop and copied and pasted the yellow heart from google lol
"Why is it considered horrible if people think either Bumi or Kya might be Zuko's child?" Hi I will answer your anon for you as a person who has watched LOK:
You're absolutely right anon. Their father didn't have to be an airbender. The thing is...he was. You're right that the show(s) are about loving unconditionally, but there are plenty of reasons why this hc just...doesn't work for a lot of the fandom. Other than the fact that this hc is controversial other than it "knocks the Katara/Aang lovestory on the head", here's a few reasons why it's controversial:
1. Saying Katara and/or Zuko would cheat on their spouses is the complete demolition of character. Not only is it OOC, but it's disrespectful to them. If you can say with a straight face that Katara would cheat on Aang or that Zuko would cheat on Mai (presumably it's Mai he married), then pat yourself on the back.
Frankly it wouldn't happen. Both Katara and Zuko are characters that probably love in some of the deepest ways in ATLA. How much did Katara love her mother that she was willing to bloodbend and potentially murder a man? How much did Katara love Aang that she literally gave Zuko a death threat? How much did Zuko love that her refused to fight his own father and didn't fight back when he was burned? And on that note, how much did Zuko love Mai and Iroh that he betrayed his own nation for them and hid it from Mai? These are characters who, when they love someone, do not easily back down. They love wholly and deeply and it doesn't sway them no matter what the circumstances. They are committed people.
2. Suggesting that cheating occurred is problematic in and of itself. Sure yes affairs happen, but cheating really isn't something that should be encouraged. It's an unhealthy mindset and saying that it's ok to cheat and just kind of live with those circumstances with no obvious conflict is wrong. There will be conflict and hurt. It will hurt badly. It would destroy Aang and Mai, no matter how you look at it. It could possibly destroy marriages and there would be guilt felt on Katara and Zuko’s end.
Yes you can fall out of love, but cheating isn't something people like to see headcanoned in fandom, sorry anon. It's much better if the characters separated rather than having affairs if that's your cup of tea.
3. It's not fair to Mai and Aang. A lot of the times this cheating hc is problematic because it likes to weigh heavy sadness on these 2 characters. It almost feels like these hcs read as anti these characters and like they should suffer because apparently they didn't do enough in their married lives to keep their spouses happy. This is especially put on Aang a lot in this hc. He's the Avatar. He has no choice but to do his duty and tbh Katara and Aang knew what they were signing up for when they they were just dating. That's hinted at in the comics btw. There's a scene where Aang has to go away to help Zuko in Smoke and Shadow and says he doesn't want to be away from Katara, but Katara says that "it just comes with dating the Avatar" or something like that.
This hc is putting burden on these 2 characters in a way they don't really need or deserve storywise.
4. The hc often comes with minimal consequences as I stated above. Like "oh Bumi or Kya are half siblings guess we'll just live with it". Sure Aang would forgive Katara and Zuko, but he's not infallible. He would feel betrayed by not only his wife, but one of his best friends too. Plus what do you think that would do to the rest of the gaang? It has the potential to split friendships. Toph and Sokka would pick sides, Suki would try to mediate but be disappointed. There would be this whole rift going on. And yeah sure the kids could grow up together and still love each other, but you think there wouldn't be any resentment there when Bumi or Kya believe they could've been growing up in the Fire Nation? Kids feel things a lot, and this hc is harmful to their characters too. They already had to deal with a das that needed to be away all the time and with a dad that needed to deal with reviving his culture that almost died out. The underlying resentment, even if they understood, would be so great that it would damage Tenzin's character too, and not only that but this adds potential resentment from the kids to their mother a Katara for keeping them there. Maybe they wouldn't see Aang as their real dad too, and that is a whole other can of worms.
5. I'm sorry but if this hc is a thing, there's no way Zuko and Aang would be able to maintain an amiable relationship. Literally there are some things that even though they are forgiven, they wouldn't be forgotten. Cheating with your best friend's wife is one of those things. The relationship would be almost irreparable if even. That alone destroys all the character development and trust built up in ATLA and would botch the entire story to the point where it doesn't seem real anymore. In LOK their friendship remains even after Aang dies. Korra asks Zuko for help on what Aang would do, and Iroh in the spirit world says that they ended up being best, lifelong friends. This alone should be enough to deter people from this controversial hc, if not for the fact that cheating is already problematic.
Anyways. Hope that helps answer the question!
thank you for such a detailed response, anon!! i appreciate you taking the time to share it 💛
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