#im on my 5th rn they're so fucking good
investingestincest · 1 year
tangerine got me feeling like that one tumblr post
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twistedastrology · 2 months
- Sirius & The Lion's Gate Portal -
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cannot guarantee every image is gonna be of sirius bc :( but i will try my best to make them cohesive anyway 🫡
ANYWAY so someone on reddit asked me what i thought abt the lion's gate portal n stuff (u know who u are!!) and i genuinely had like. Never thought abt it- im not much of a portal kinda guy like i know abt their existences for the most part but i never knew what made them... portals....
so i did a deep dive within the span of like 30 minutes bc im a gemini and here's everything i learned and everything i theorized 🫡🫡
let's start with the big one: THEY'RE LYING!!!!!!!!!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶 THIS IS THE GREATEST STORY!!! EVER TOLD!!!!!!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
banger page break excuse-
so ya turns out a lot of ppl are actually lying abt what the lion's gate portal actually is, and dw i fell victim to this lie a couple days ago too before i learned all this 😵‍💫
so let's start with the myth
the lion's gate portal is when the sun is in conjunction with sirius in leo
that is not at all true- i pulled every chart you can imagine to figure out if maybe they were saying it's conjunct in sidereal or something and no, in no chart i pulled was sirius conjunct with the sun at what ppl consider the "peak of the lion's gate portal"
in the tropical zodiac, sirius sits at 14° cancer, and in sidereal it's like 19° gemini- so the sun was actually in conjunction with sirius way back on july 5th and i saw NOBODY putting up a fuss abt that 🤨🤨
another myth!!!!
the lion's gate portal is when the EARTH is in alignment with sirius
again!!! no!!!!! the earth is in AQUARIUS rn dawg sirius isn't even aspecting it in the tropical zodiac except for a fucking quincunx 😭😭😭😭
the lion's gate portal is when the sun, earth AND sirius all line up in some strange shape that i dont know what is
AGAIN!!!!! N O OO O O 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i pulled 500 thousand fucking charts trying to figure out if maybe the 3 were in a trine or a square or SOMETHING and i got NOTHING DAWG 😭😭😭😭
the lion's gate portal is when the sun is 15° through leo, therefore halfway thru the zodiac
Did we forget how to count. Halfway through the zodiac is 15° of VIRGO. LEO IS TBE F I F T H SIGN OUT OF T W EL V E. TWELVE DIVIDED BY 2 IS SIX!!!!!!!!!
now im gonna be fr im not sure if maybe it's "halfway thru the zodiac" as in halfway through the Year maybe??? But BRO IT'S IN AUGUST. HALFWAY THRU THE YEAR WAS 2 MONTHS AGO.
maybe im missing something on that one im not sure But from what ive gathered, we really like lying our asses off abt the lion's gate portal.
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i just got all comfy layin on my bed hell yeah im abt to write at maximum efficiency-
Ok so let's talk abt sirius the star and the mythology n stuff we got goin on
lemme give u a snippet from wikipedia:
"Sirius is colloquially known as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (the Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks."
the second they mentioned egypt i was like WHOA but also yes that is literally where the term dog days of summer comes from- Anyway-
so me, having the ancient egypt font of autism, i went and did more research- and i found out that the egyptians actually had a whole ass deity that was the personification of Sirius, that was how important the star was to them-
the goddess was named Sopdet, or Sothis to the greeks- i like the name sothis so we're gonna use that-
so the rising of sirius on the eastern horizon (aka the heliacal rising of sirius) always coincided with the annual flooding of the nile to the Egyptians, so they had a very positive view of the star and goddess, bc they were like "YOOOOO THE SHINY IS BACK IN THE SKY THE FUCKG NILE IS GONNA FLOOD LET'S GOOOOOOO- OUR CROPS ARE GONNA BE SO GOOD 😭😭😭😭"
basically. me personally if i was an Egyptian i would be just as hyped-
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sothis was also conflated with isis and anubis, and in the old kingdom she was described as a psychopomp who guided pharoahs through the underworld- eventually she was like entirely subsumed into isis-
there was another god too called Sah, and he was the personification of the orion constellation- sah and sothis had a kid named sopdu, who was also venus aka the morning star-
the Egyptians really liked to blend people together sometimes so eventually Sah was just Osiris, Sothis was just Isis and Sopdu was just Horus-
so they were like "ok but let's give credit to original names hold on-" so they became Osiris-Sah, Isis-Sopdet and Horus-Sopdu 😭😭😭
cool mythology lesson bro, what's this gotta do with the lion's gate portal-
so we now know how important Sirius was to the egyptians, but what's cool is the greeks thought sirius was kinda garbage and a bad omen bc it coincided with ofc the dog days of summer, and "when men became weak and women became aroused" So i guess it qualifies to be the hot girl summer star 🫡
sirius is also known as our "spiritual sun", so i have a couple theories here
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the lion's gate portal itself is on 08/08 every year, that's its peak because that's when the sun hits 15° of leo which is supposedly the peak of the sign-
and ofc it's the sign of the sun's rulership which i do not personally believe but ill get to that in a later tumblr post probably-
so it's special bc it's a cool number (an angel number) and it's sun stuff-
that's what the lion's gate portal Actually Is.
HOWEVER i dont think that that's the Portal itself- i think the real portal the egyptians had on lock-
i think the actual spiritual significance is the heliacal rising of sirius- which i BELIEVE starts in early july or so- probably around the time cancer season starts so maybe mid june- im not too sure but the later half of the year definitely- (update did some more research, july 19th is when sirius becomes visible at dawn- november 23rd it sets when the sun rises, January 3rd it rises when the sun sets so do with that what u will 💔)
so sirius coming up on the eastern horizon is what's cunty, not necessarily the lion's gate thingy that's just a bonus
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what the heliacal rising of sirius Does may not affect everyone equally, but i imagine it would bring to light whatever cancer/gemini placements you have in your chart- so for me, i literally have sirius conjunct my ascendant.
and i think it's interesting, maybe just a coincidence or sumn actually cool, that sirius is part of the winter triangle (made up of itself, betelgeuse and procyon) and i have summertime depression 🫡 i get MISERABLE if it's too hot out but the second it starts getting cold???? U have no fucking idea how much energy i have instantly- that first breeze of winter hits and im wired for sound for the rest of the day i am NOT kidding-
and id like to do a post or a newsletter on specifically the 1st house bc ive been thinking abt it lately and i have a lot to yap abt 💔 (im doing a newsletter series on the water houses rn the 1st part is out ill link to it below this 🫡)
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either way i think sirius activity coincides with spiritual awakening to some degree- and being a binary star system as well as its differing associations, i say it has the potential to be a hell star and a star that brings good fortune- so it's probably of the nature of saturn tbh
it being in cancer as well means neptune themes will end up coming out (for the ppl on tiktok reading this, i have a tumblr post explaining why i think neptune rules cancer 🫡 it's kinda out of date by this point i should probably do it again But it still stands) so even more spiritual stuff, soul level revelations, a heightened sense of vitality that you have no idea where it's coming from-
on the other side it could be Not Great and you could feel kind of out of bounds especially rn while neptune is in pisces-
im not totally sure on the interpretation just yet but ya the lion's gate portal kind of has nothing to do with sirius i fear- like it Kind Of coincides with the heliacal rising??? i think that's probably when the portal Opens but there's still not a lot goin on
the lion's gate portal itself is probably a good day for creative stuff tho and pursuing hobbies, manifesting them into your long term reality, etc- but ofc!!! like i always say!!! It Depends 🥳🥳🥳🥳 so what house u have leo in, what leo placements u have, what aspects u have, what leo degrees u have (even though swamp ass reddit mods wanna tell you that shit doesn't mean nothin), etc Like 😭😭😭
unfortunately i can't boil it down super easily BUT i hope u learned what the lion's gate portal and sirius are actually doing :)))))
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im gonna go chill now and probably watch andrew huberman's podcast with david goggins while i edit or something- or totally ditch the braincell that wants to learn and instead watch markiplier play among us or uno for the 500th time- BUT!!!
ill leave u with links to newsletters ive written n other cool stuff for u to read and the titles of those things for the ppl on tiktok who aren't allowed to have clickable links bc tiktok said so ☹️
more fun stuff!!:
The Water Houses & Their Relations (Part 1) - newsletter by me 🥳 (focuses mainly on the 4th house 🫡)
The Moon vs Neptune - newsletter by me 🥳 (i explain why i swap the rulerships all the time 🫡)
Sirius (wikipedia page)
Sopdet/Sothis (wikipedia page)
twisted astrology discord server!
im still kinda working on the discord but i figure there's only so much i can do with nobody in it, so join it and we'll figure it out together!!! i also can't guarantee ill be super active but ill do my best!!! especially if u send questions n stuff 🥳🥳
ok that's abt it- see ya 🫡
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villainanders · 2 years
I'm back on locked tomb dragon age thoughts. I was curious as to what Houses you would assign da2 characters, or at least Bethany. I haven't played with her yet since I've only played mage hawke ( I will fix this soon) so I don't know her very well. Rn I'm thinking like Fenris, 8th (fucked up power dynamics), maybee varric fifth? since his whole thing is bucking tradition? not sure. Isabela, fourth? or maybe third or seventh? I think she'd like the gaudiness. idk I'm thinking
this is such a good question im sorry its taken so long to get back to you...
anyway for au reasons i do feel like all the hawke sibs should be from same house and I'm not 100% on that. @widgitart said 3rd which i really like with leandra's backstory (maybe she like. gave up her seat as 3rd heir to run off with Malcolm who is non-nobility from a less prestigious house but the amells never wanted to make gamlen their heir so there was a weird power vacuum until the hawkes came back to third? idk) but I'm also compelled by the idea of them as 4th house bc i think there's something thematically good with carver and beth both being so doomed so young and 4th's habit of sending teens to the front lines.
for varric i can definitely see 5th. tho honestly this is the house i know the least about lmao I'm just like hell yeah magnus and abigail house :) tho i could also make a case for 3rd and frankly. hear me out. 7th (its not that i think 7th cultural practices are similar to orzammar's cultural practices but i could see varric having a similar relationship with 7th house that he does to orzammar. very much "everyone is acting like this thing is cool. but its not its actually very fucked up!!)
fenris 8th for the fucked up potential and Sebastian and aveline both 2nd for obvious reasons (i know I'm messing up any hope of this being a canaan house au by assigning people who wouldn't be lyctor/cav pairs to the same house). i dont feel like bela is from the nine houses at all i feel like she's a cool space pirate doing her own thing out in the galaxy. hell yeah girlie.
i'm not really sure for merrill and anders. tho in my head they're both og lyctors so its kind of different. part of me wants to say 6th for anders since they're the closest to the circle kind of but then he would have been very bad 6th house member lmao. i feel like i could also see 5th but again i like. barely know anything about them lol. MERRILL is interesting to me there's a few ways it could go (i think there's strong cases for 6th and 7th) but i kind of want to say 9th since merrill practicing magic from a different tradition (as a blood mage but also generally as a dalish elf) could have some interesting ties with the way ninth is distanced from the other houses and regarded by other houses as being stuck in the past (which is. unfortunately how a lot of dragon age treats the dalish)
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Hey, I'm sorry in advance that this is super long and feel free to ignore this ask if you can't or don't want to answer it, I appreciate being able to just rant somewhere anyway :) I am an aro-questioning ace girl, and I have been struggling to figure out if I'm arospec or not because there have been some people that I have gotten really attached to but I don't know if it was in a romantic way? There was this girl who I thought was really really pretty and her smile made feel so happy and warm and nervous inside. Even though there were other more "conventionally attractive" girls out there but I only felt this way around her... Maybe that was aesthetic attraction? I wasn't that close to her, but I wanted to talk to her and see her smile, and we didn't have anything in common but I still wanted to be close to her... I've NEVER felt this way for anyone else and I'm 18 and I know that it's common for alloromantic people to have felt at least very mild romantic attraction to more than 2-3 people by the time they're 18, and it's been 3 years since then, and I haven't felt this around anyone else, so I can't help that maybe I'm making up these feelings? Just so I could "have a crush"? Or maybe they're just strong platonic feelings? I guess I'm just looking for some sort of confirmation because honestly I can't deal with not having a label to put to my feelings, and I've tried going label-less for a long time. It was easy for me to figure out that I'm ace, cause I just heard the description and was like "oh shit, i thought everyone felt this way" but figuring out my romantic orientation is a whole other ordeal cause I don't want to kiss anyone ever, and wanting affection can be very much platonic, so I can't really differentiate between romantic and platonic attraction. I have one other aroace friend and they don't have the same problems, so I don't know.
Sorry for this being super super long
Anon Im slapping you in the face with a wet fish rn DON’T APOLOGISE!! THATS WHAT IM HERE FOR!! IM HERRE TO HELP YALL DONT SAY SORRY!!!!
Gonna be honest, that sounds like romantic attraction to me, but it could still be platonic attraction. My suggestion is talk to some of your alloro friends and ask them to describe what romantic attraction feels like to them, and see how close your experiences with this girl are to what theyre talking about.
Bestie I HIGHLY doubt you’re making up these feelings—why would you make up smth you’re having a whole ass crisis about?? Capital U Unlikely
Not everyone feels romantic attraction at the same time, even alloro people. I had friends who had crushes by 1st grade and I never liked anyone til 5th grade. Shit’s different for different people.
Honestly this is gonna sound very like facebook mom so I’m sorry in advance lmao but my advice is Just Chill. Like don’t get me wrong man I know exactly the kinda shit you’re going thru (I went thru the same thing w gender) like the whole anxiety hyperventilate I need to know what I am thing.
But you gotta fucking breathe dude. Inhale, exhale. Like. You may be aro, you may not be. And that’s okay. The more you try to frantically try and find a label the more confused and frustrated and mad you’ll get. So you gotta just let things be, yknow? Shit’ll fall into place eventually.
Like I used to frantically try and label myself like oh i’m genderfluid wait am I maybe I’m a demi boy maybe I’m genderfaun fuck what’s going on I feel like shit—then I realised it doesn’t fucking matter as long as I’m being myself, and not overthinking everyone to shit. I let mysrlf be, and then I realised oh shit, I’m a trans dude. Okay yknow what good for me, slay!
So here’s my advice. You like this girl—good for you, slay! Maybe it’s platonic, maybe it isn’t, but either way, you like her, so spend time with her. Don’t sweat it mate. If she makes you happy, whether it’s as a friend or as a potential girlfriend, be with her.
Hope I could help you out!!
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mimichuuz · 2 years
"You're too young to let the world break you" is REALLY hitting me rn.
Not to victimize myself, but life hasn't been so kind to me. Although most of my biggest problems are now in the past, they've left everlasting effects on me. Was homeless & physically abused. Now I have to be in control of money. Even if its not mine. Can't tell if its just a fear of older men or maybe just my dad. Hell maybe not either. Just this uneasy feeling around them. Now I got an eating disorder, have to harm myself so I don't harm others, 2 felonies, ankle monitor, anger issues, sleep issues, and all that other shit which is probably caused by my own mental health. Hate this shit so much. I hate living. I can't kill myself bc I have some things I'd rather enjoy than die, but if I were to somehow end up in a bad situation, I'd let it kill me. Like that time I lit all that shit on fire in my apartment. Literally couldn't breath but I just layed down with my music playing and closed my eyes. Until the cops found me ofc. Hate this all. Please kill me. Let me rest. There are ppl who have it WAY worse than I do, and they're just living on. I have few problems compared to them yet I can't even handle getting out of bed. It just shows how weak I am. I am too weak to go on. Please just kill me and let me rest. If I can't manage simple things like leaving my bed and home or eating properly, doesn't that just show that its better to leave me dead? If I do have to keep living, I want to be so heavily on pills that I'm just like a vegetable. Just no cares at all. I can't talk to anyone at all. My friends wouldn't understand bc we have different lives, my family would use everything against me, my therapist still works for the county or government or whoever, so I could probably get taken from my mom if I tell her everything. Although my mom has put me through some shit, I would like to be with her. I know I'm probably safer with her and we still have some good times. I wish I could do the same with my dad. He's still in my life but i know he still hates me. Apparently he loved me when I was a baby, but as I grew up and developed my own opinions and became close with my mom, he hated me. That started in like 1st grade. I'm now in 9th and its still the same. He tries to hang around when other ppl mention how he treats me, but ofc that only lasts a bit. Then it happens all over again. I wish he loved me like he does my sister. They've always been close. He compliments her and gets her things. Last time my dad complimented me was when I was in 4th grade. Last thing he gave me was a bracelet he found on the ground in front of a hotel when i was in 5th grade. I still cherish it. Why am I never good enough? For my parents, for my family, or myself. It's not hard to be the perfect girl. I just need to lose more weight, hide my flaws, attend school, and be pretty. Then everyone will love me. My parents would accept me. Its so easy but why can't I do it? I've only lost 17 pounds. It should've been WAY more by now but nooo I had to develop an eating disorder and fuck up my eating and metabolism. All of my flaws are mental but they seem to show physically. My eye bags, bruised body, discolored skin, messy clothing. Its gross. I had to stop attending school bc every time I did, I just shut down or almost harmed myself or my peers. I was way prettier when I weighed 92 pounds but ofc my fat ass tried to recover and went up to 105. And now I'm stuck at that number. I hate everything. I want to disappear. I want to go. But ofc, I'm just a 14 year old girl. Everyone says I have no real problems, im being dramatic, or just blow off my issues when I speak up. I don't know if I should listen to them and quit my mental help stuff so I can go completely insane or continue attending and working to better myself. All this shit constantly and I'm just 14. I want it to end already.
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vadergf · 4 years
Do you have long hair or short hair? Are you a book person or a show/movie person? Will you pull down a person if they don't read a book and just watch the movie/show?? What fandoms are you in?? What season(weather season) do you love the most?? Are you an artist, musician, poet, writer or all? Did you have braces? Did you have glasses? I'm just curious..
My hair reaches a little below my shoulder. It's super curly and I find it very annoying.
I'm a book person but for some reason I've just lost the appeal of reading rn but I hope it comes back soon because I love reading! I love shows but I dont have the dedication to watch too may so I end up watching sitcoms because they're fun. I also LOVE movies.
I dont think I will. It's not a big deal. As a kid, I used to look down on my classmates who didnt read (I was 8!!!!) But now I'm fine. Like you do you.
I'm in waaay too many fandoms. Pjo, HP, inheritance, artemis fowl, Agatha Christie,a bunch of romance books, taylor swift, tom holland, sherlock, elementary, star wars, marvel, star trek (im starting!) Etc etc etc
It's not exactly a season but where I live, there are these light showers at the end of may at the beginning of monsoon and at the end of august at the end of it. That's a favorite.
I used to draw a lot but I'm just not good at it though I would like to be. Definitely a writer. Poet: hell yes. I wrote 3 poems today ajshshsh. Musician is something I would love to be but I'm not good with any instrument and my voice isnt that great. But I have written like 2 songs till now. I'm getting my super talented soulmate @dead-potato-monster to compose and sing it.
I never had braces thankfully.
I used to wear glasses from 5th to 8th grade and I looked fucking ugly in them.
Thank you for asking. I loved these.
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ditchedxxx · 6 years
21 questions
I'm late I'm so sorry vslndjwndks.
Nickname: Katie. Sometimes Kates?
Zodiac: I'm not sure if you mean starsign or the chinese year thing, so I'm doing both. I'm a libra, born in the year of the dragon lmao
Height: 4'11 and 3/4 shut up i'm tiny
Last movie I saw: Bleach, the Diamond Dust Rebellion lol. My dad just downloaded it and I had nothing to do so.
Last thing I googled: Uh. A recipe for afritada bc my dad wanted that for dinner.
Favorite musician: ooohhh that's so hard I listen to a lottttt of artists. I think rn the answer is Jojo, because I've loved her music since I was little! Too little too late was my jam as a kid, and god, did I love her newest albums. Oooooh and the updated old ones? The 2018 versions of leave (get out) and too little too late... so good.
Hm. I gotta add tho bc Sara Bareilles and Michelle Branch are right up there with her. 3 year old me could sing Michelle Branch's Breathe, and i still throw it on when i feel senti. Sara bareilles music makes me feel soooo much and i love her.
Song stuck in my head: Ghost of You by 5SOS. It inspired an angsty fic that I'm gonna plot tonight, and probably shelve for future use after I finish my zine piece and my other chapterfics.
My other blogs: oof okay. @apieceforthewrongpuzzle is my studyblr. I don't use it much and mostly reblog, just for resources and helpful tips. @themundanebeautyproj was for a school assignment and I haven't deleted it bc i use it to save posts i want to find easily since i dont use it as often-- ergo, less reblogged shit to scroll through. And @haikyuutales-a-collection is the blog for my haikyuu folktales zine! I'm currently taking a short break from the PR since I don't have discord access, but follow that blog if you wanna be updated about the zine's progress and see sneakpeeks and stuff later on in the creation process!
Do I get asks: I've had a few. Some on anon, most from friends. I wouldn't mind more though!
Following: uhhhhhhh 524...? Whoops
Followers: 80! Wow that's a lot. Thanks guys!
Amount of sleep: usually 8-10? All i know is almost always, regardless of what time i fall asleep, i wake up around 9ish. Recently, anyway.
Lucky number: i've always really liked 7.
What I'm wearing: an "okay? Okay." Shirt that has two sad little cuts in the bottom left from who knows where and black and green sports shorts-- yknow, the weird holey ones.
Dream job: teaching, or something involving museums or libraries. Editing would be nice too.
Dream trip: honestly? Anywhere. I'd love to visit more asian countries tho, especially japan and korea!
Favorite food: bacon or chocolate! Also rice. Fuck yeah rice is great
Play any instruments: i briefly tried to learn guitar but soon gave up. So no. I sing tho.
Languages: English is my mother tongue, obviously, it's what I grew up speaking, but I have a pretty decent grasp of Filipino (mostly comprehension, my grammar is shit). I also know very very basic Mandarin. Not a lot. Briefly tried to use duolingo for french so i have a smattering of vocab in that language. I also once had a phase where i tried russian. I remember like. 2 phrases and nothing of the alphabet. Uh. I know some ASL? Like. 5-10 signs and fingerspelling only tho.
Favorite songs: ..... don't ask me this. I listen to a Lot
Random facts:
I'm Catholic, but not super devout
I sometimes write poetry
You can't see them unless you're rightttt up in my face, but i have some freckles on my nose and cheeks. They're hidden by my dark-ish skin tho.
I like to lick my lollipops slow and whatever idk, and i only eat orange ones
I studied STEM in my last 2 years of hs and hated it, my whole class knew I should've gone humanities bc that's where my passion was
I discovered I liked writing in 7th grade a week after I turned down an invitation from the writing club to join the invitational science club instead. I didn't have much fun. (Seems like foreshadowing....)
I was once in the top 24 students for math in my grade level-- out of 280 students give or take. Only for 4th and 5th grade tho.
Uh. My SAT score was 1440?
Lol they're all acads related bc i went to visit my old school today and have no idea what else to say.
Bonus-- describe yourself as aesthetic things: polaroids and old letters, open notebooks and fountain pens, calligraphy inks in bottles lined up on shelves. Sunsets through windows and a girl with her arms spread wide in the rain. Also fairy lights and lanterns. A single knife blade. Headphones.
Okay! Tagging is hard. I tag!!! @mooifyourecows @sugaandyams @i-am-a-bit-of-a-crank @rootnjoons @lovetinted @cheetahleopard @tentaclebubbles @tendous-satoris @that-one-guy-in-naruto @onceabluemoonwrites @tottwriter @raincloud10 @satans-little-rabbit @cathxstra @glitch-writes @icannotbebotheredanymore @kenmagoesblep @cubistemoji andddd idk im out of ideas for who to tag wow ok.
Just do it if you want!!!!
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