#im posting too close to the sun but all of the analysis of THAT character where her visual beauty is key are just so
wodania · 4 months
Never understood how asoiaf little girl warriors could be so obsessed with such shallow concepts as outer beauty when the story legit shits on such concepts with characters such as Brienne. Oh when this girl hits puberty she’s gonna be an absolute bomb trust me guys!!! Okay cool. Don’t know why that matters but cool. She’s 11 by the way.
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alister312 · 2 years
hi... i just joined sp tumblr a few days ago and found your blog and im looking for blogs here to follow? is there anyone you would recommend? any ships are ok!
hey anon!! i think tumblr is so much about personal curation and taste, especially within the sp community, but i'm more than happy to rec a bunch of the blogs i personally follow <3
to start, i clearly love gregstophe and if you also like them (or are looking to become a fan), i highly recommend @pnjrnk, @xyrothmuse, @cheesymorgue, @advisinghat56, @avemariaholic, @r0b2n, and @fox1well1 in terms of relatively active artists. not all of them are consistently gregstophe or even south park, but they're all so incredibly talented and kind <3 there's not that many active fic writers out there for the pair, but @stupidintrders, @revoleotion, and @hellsonlyrose are all active posters who have written for the pair that i have had wonderful conversations with. there’s absolutely more people who i could include here who are gregstophe shippers, but i don’t want to be TOO overwhelming.
for probably my #2 ship (style), i can't not highlight my pal @allymumu who not only has the most gorgeous art style but also writes meta posts from time to time! @prichiyot is another double threat of incredible art and quality writing, gotta give her a look. i've been super into @anddersun and @marshwayle's art lately also?? definitely check them out. and style nation would be NOWHERE without the incredible art that comes from icons like @bunytime, @sn33z3s, @pononoin, @emilyartstudio-s, and @adriabun. on the writer side of things, @amporella writes both fics and meta usually centered around stan and/or kyle and she's got such a good grasp on them as characters. there's a good chance you already know her, but @fayoftheforest writes fic for various pairs but her big one is style and she always has nice things to say. @lyingmakesyousterile has this really intriguing ground hog day-esque fic right now and @tullievolf's fic cosmonauts is life-altering to say the least.
struggling to think of blogs who lean towards/specialize in other ships... but i've got a few! there's countless talented catg artists that lean towards creek out there, but my personal beloveds are @honey-creek (also essential for all clyde lovers), @craigrights, @tweekbroscoffeeshop, and @messtyrion. for fic, obviously @wintergrew if you don’t already know them. for k2, you need to check out @candyunicornsateme, @herbietales, @halwo, and @5ftkyle. all incredible artists as well as general enjoyers of the characters.
AND i've got a number of just general artists and bloggers i really love. @south-park-dimensions is a really cool webcomic with kickass designs and concepts that EVERYONE needs to get on board with now. @imaginationlandtrilogy writes incredible meta, in particular about ike right now. @michuyox has been putting out nothing but bangers lately. @hachichimitsu has neat art and also made this wild mbti quiz (paired with sp character analysis) a while ago that lives in my head rent free. @spinthetags is a really fun blog to help generate some conversation amongst fans. i’m in an artist server that leans heavily sp with a bunch of people who are just some of nicest, funniest, and most talented artists and i could go on and on about them but this rec list is already SO LONG that i’m just gonna close out by tagging a bunch of them: @ghostlykermode, @fantadrawsstuff, @infernoartcorner, @cricket-teeeth, @tuckerrrrr, @sun-sunny, @sp-pitch-park
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propshophannah · 4 years
umm i think ppl are over reacting,, az was not being toxic or possesive, he's been pining for elain for 3 years and he now knows she feels the same way for him,, and to the ppl that said that him being turned on was creepy,, wait till we see elains pov bc im pretty sure she was thinking the same. pls it's okay to not like scenes and characters and ships but cmon,, some eluciens are butchering him
Hi Nonnie! I heard that the fandom was getting crazy so I’ve been avoiding looking at posts and stuff. If Az came off creepy it wasn’t because he was turned on. LMFAO. Elain was turned on, too. SHE ALSO INITIATED THE ENTIRE SCENE! We don’t even need her POV to tell us what she wanted either—Maas straight up tells us this in that scene. LOL to everyone who skipped that part and those lines. I mean… it wasn’t even subtext. It was literally written on the page. (I’m writing an analysis of that scene, stay tuned!)
If he came off creepy, it was because he articulated a sense in entitlement—which given the situation wasn’t entirely out of line! Sorry, it just wasn’t. 
And here’s why: We’ve all had moments where we are so fucking mad—and everything around us seemed to be going in everyone else’s favor BUT ours—so we got angry. And vengeful. And we got a little lost in those feelings, some of us drowned in them, and we did things and said things and we came off like a fucking asshole. FACTS.
If some people think that’s never happened to them, then they’re either lying to themselves or not paying attention to themselves. It’s as simple as that, Nonnie. 
We all do dumb, potentially toxic things when we’re mad or upset. That’s the law of the land and not one single person in the fandom, or the world, is above that. Not. One. 
And LETS. BE. REAL. Elain is NOT above reproach for the role she *actively* plays in this cluster fuck. She is just as guilty of stringing Lucien and Az along in that she hasn’t made a decision on whether to accept or reject the mating bond. Or in just saying “Look, Lucy, babe, I don’t like this. It’s stressing me out. Please leave me alone for the next 2.5 years or until I say ‘when’ before you come around again. Thanks!” She doesn’t even need to say it to Lucien. THAT’S THE KICKER. She could tell Feyre. Tell one of the Shadows to tell Feyre or Rhys or Mor and Nesta OR ANYONE with the power to say “Hey, we can’t invite Lucy to Solstice because Elain doesn’t want it.” This is a situation where getting other people to play the bad guy for you, is 100% socially acceptable. 
Hell, LUCIEN could be the one to initiate this. To pick up on what Elain IS NOT THROWING OUT and say, “Hey, Rhys, babe. Thanks for the Solstice invite, but I don’t think Elain appreciates my presence, and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. How about I send you her gift from me, then I, like, check in every now and then and you can find a way to let her know I’m in town and if you invite me to dinner, I’ll take that as a sign that she’s okay with me being there for dinner and nothing more. No expectations.” It’s not hard. 
(We could argue that Lucien continuing to come around IS JUST AS WEIRD/CREEPY. READ THE ROOM DUDE.)
Now I WILL say that there is an argument to be made that Elain *may* not grasp the gravity of a mating bond because she was born in a different culture. That’s totally fair. BUT she’s had plenty of time to learn what that means having spent so much time around Feyre and Rhys and the others. 
So the idea that Azriel is the only one who deserves to be vilified is nonsensical. 
ALSO, and this is something I will be including in the analysis I’m working on and will hopefully finish tomorrow (I’m going to break that Az POV down so that everyone and their third cousin, twice removed, can understand), is that AZRIEL’S WHOLE SHTICK IS WAITING.  He looooves to wait. Fucking LOVES it. It’s his whole job y’all. It’s weird, and related to his daddy issues when you apply it to females, but it’s his life. He LITERALLY tells us this in ACOSF. Remember at the end when Cassian is complaining about how he HATES spying because he has no patience? 
Az is like “It seems you’ve forgotten how much of spying is waiting for the right moment. People don’t engage in their evil deeds when it’s convenient to you.” 
Cassian explains why he stopped spying because it “...bored him to death. I don’t know how you put up with this all the time.” 
Az says, “It suits me.”
Az likes to play the long game. Not saying it’s healthy, but that suits him. He’s good at waiting. He HAD TO BE. HE WAS LOCKED AWAY FOR YEARS AND HAD TO WAIT FOR THE CHANCE TO SEE HIS MOTHER. And the sun. And his hateful brothers. He doesn’t know any better/how else to be. And there is a lot of trauma and conflicting feelings tangled in this. 
It’s only creepy when you fail to grasp the nuance. But if you stand too close to a painting, you can’t see the whole thing. Back up, people. Back up.
Az has spent his whole life waiting. It’s how he learned to be. And now that his brothers are all happily mated he’s looking back on all his waiting—on his entire life—and he’s having a crisis. Or a crisis is looming. What has his waiting gotten him? Why has his patience not been rewarded? Why not him?
You combine that thinking with anger and you’ve got a recipe for momentary entitlement. For rage so thick and consuming that you want to punch a wall and work yourself to death because at least when you’re working you can compartmentalize and not deal with the reality that YOUR ENTIRE LIFE MODEL hasn’t worked for you. That you got left behind somewhere and it was your fault.
Az is headed for a mid-life crisis or an emotional breakdown—or some big horrific moment where he realizes he can’t keep doing what he’s been doing, that his entire world is built on a foundation that’s crumbling. And if you’ve never ever had that happen to you, then I’m jealous. And I’m happy for you. Because it’s terrifying. Bloody awful fucking terrifying.
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