#im probably gonna pull a all nighter working on art for this au
kaythegayest · 2 years
Superhero / supervillain au random facts
{starting with the heros}
Sky (Aviate) knows morse code
Time (Shade) keeps track of everyone's birthday so whenever any of the other hero's have a birthday he brings cupcakes.
Sky actually struggled to make friends in the hero building when he joined because his mask looked really intimidating.
Twilight (Rogue)leaves his pens everywhere. So time and sky will find his pens and just keep them on their desk and then twilight will walk in to talk to them about something and be like "hey that's my pen!"
Time spots vigilantes every once in a while but leaves them alone if their not doing anything bad (or if he's too tired to do anything about it)
Twilight has insomnia. Not the diagnosed type, the I-started-watching-netflix-and-said-'one-more-episode'-and-then-i-looked-up-and-it-was-5-in-the-morning type of insomnia
Sky gets bored on patrol so says hi to groose sometimes (groose owns a hot dog van) and he buys lunch. Which, thinking about it now, must be surreal for the other people trying to buy lunch. Like imagine, your standing in lunch for a hot dog, and you feel this intense breeze, as if something just fell. You look behind you for the source of such wind, and you see the number two hero, standing in line behind you. That would be so weird for the average person.
~Vigilante time~
Four (Tetrad) didn't know what to name his hero self, so he just looked up "synonyms for four" and Tetrad came up. And he went, huh. Ok that sounds cool. And just went with it.
Wild's (Suspend) accidentally discovered his power when he was walking in a store and dropped a carton of eggs, the eggs just kinda froze mid air and so did everything else around him and he essentially went "huh. Sick"
wild is ADHD. No it's not up for discussion. He has the attention span of a goldfish on crack.
Four actually pairs up with wild a lot since they live relatively close to each other.
Wild can't do multiplication or division. But is really good with words
Four is dyslexic. But is shockingly good at math
Fours mask not only is the number 4 in Roman numerals (IV), but is also made of titanium. How did he get the titanium? Took apart some guys motorcycle,took the parts he needed, left the rest there. (That stuff is crazy expense. But its free if you just take it.)
!Onto the villains!
Wind (Typhoon) waters Hyrule's (Thorn) plants whenever he gets the opportunity
You cannot tell me Hyrule doesn't have a bunch of chia pets that he got really creative with.
Legend (Hare) has low blood sugar so he has to carry around those grandma candys in his pockets.
Warriors (Captain) is actually very chatty. He gets really talkative when he gets anxious. He'll be fighting someone and start randomly ranting about how kansas is pronounced Kan-sis but Arkansas isn't pronounced Ar-kan-sis and how annoying that is.
Wind, relies on his power more then physical fighting because not only is his power terrifyingly competent but also he needs to release his energy.
Legend likes cacti. Thusfore, Hyrule will randomly leave him potted cacti on his desk.
Legend taps his foot when he gets anxious. Also he will be entertained for hours if you give him a rubix cube.
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