#im realizing i already know everyones names except blond freak
yume-fanfare · 5 months
*shakes you* she was her god she was her universe
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this is true cinema i believe this fully. amidst the heavenly choir, the profound monologue and the hopeless situation, a glimpse on how she is still but a childish girl who loves her friend. sua alienstage you are everything
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cumonbucky · 8 years
Request: Ive had this idea but idk how to write it so Im giving it to you. Its where y/n is in love with Bucky but he is dating and in love with someone else. However the girl broke his heart and finally realizes a year after his heartbreak that he loves y/n.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst (?), fluff (I like ending things on a happy note I’m sorry)
A/N: this will probably hurt my soul. Also, if there’s any mistakes, I’ll fix ‘em later :)
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Giggling erupts in the hallway and you sigh, closing your eyes for a couple of seconds. Bucky and his girlfriend were back from wherever they had went. With a frown now etched on your face, you grab the container of Oreo’s and your glass of milk and make your way into Steve’s room where you would be watching some Disney movies.
“Took you long enough, I nearly started the movie without you.” he joked as you went to sit on the floor beside him.
“Yeah well I had to wait a while. Bucky and Ella came back and I didn’t want to run into them in the hall.” you respond, placing the Oreo’s between the two of you.
Steve looked at you and frowned. He knew how you felt about Bucky, hell, the whole team did, except Bucky of course. You had admired him for so long. He was perfection in your eyes but you were always too scared to ever make a move, worried that he’d reject you. When you finally decided to tell him how you felt, you discovered that he had a girlfriend.
He had barely started dating Ella and it crushed you. Steve would always tell you that it wouldn’t last, that he’d break up with her soon because Bucky just wasn’t the type for long term relationships. It’s been 2 years now and they’re still going strong. You pretend to be happy for him but deep down you want to be her. She gets to hold him and kiss him; you want that. You want to be the source of his happiness, the reason he smiles all the time.
But we don’t always get what we want.
“They’ll end it soon Y/N. Bucky isn’t the-”
“Long term relationship type of person.” you finish for him. “You’ve been saying that for two years Steve.”
“Well it’s true.” he shrugged, turning his head towards the tv where The Little Mermaid was playing.
“I think you’re wrong.” you say, grabbing an Oreo and dipping it into the milk.
“And why’s that?” he turns back to you.
“Because he looks at Ella the way that I look at him. With-”
“Love!” Bucky suddenly bursts into the room. “I’m in love!”
He waltz over to Steve’s bed and plops down behind you with a sigh. You bite the inside of your cheek before stuffing the Oreo in your mouth and turning to Steve who was already looking at you. He felt bad for you; everyone did. You loved someone who didn’t love you back.
“What are you guys watching?” Bucky turned to lay on his stomach. “Ooo The Little Mermaid, I love this movie.”
You sighed and closed your eyes, leaning your head back on the bed. When you opened them back up, you were met with Bucky’s face. He smiled at you, that goofy grin making your heart melt.
“Hi Y/N.” he spoke.
“Hi Buck.” you sighed out, lifting your head back up to watch the movie.
The rest of the night consisted of Bucky playing with your hair and stacking Oreo’s on top of your head.
1 year later
Exactly 4 months after the movie night in Steve’s room, Bucky had his heartbroken. He had found out that Ella had been cheating on him for a while. He broke things off instantly. He stayed cooped up in his room, crying and wondering what he did to deserve such a horrible thing. While he did that, you were moving out of the tower and into your very own apartment. You decided it was about time to move out. The rest of the gang helped you move, all of course except Bucky.
He didn’t even know you had moved out until he walked over to your old room for some advice. He remembers it like yesterday.
Deciding to get out of his room and go to you for some advice, Bucky made his way over to your room. He was exhausted, eyes burning from crying so much but he was determined to go and talk to you. You always had great advice which made you an amazing friend.
Bucky opened up your door, expecting to see you sitting on your bed watching a movie or browsing the web on your laptop but instead he was met with nothing but an empty room. Confused, he walked over the common room and walked straight up to his best friend.
“Where’s Y/N?”
The blonde turns his gaze to the brunette and smiles. “Hey Buck, you’re finally out of your room. How’re you doing?”
He ignored the question. “Where’s Y/N.”
Bucky had now gained the rest of the team members attention and they watched as Steve broke the news to his friend.
“She moved a couple of days ago, Bucky.” he spoke softly.
That night he went over to your apartment, asking why you left and begging you to come back as it ‘wasn’t the same without you’. You declined but said he was welcome at your place anytime.
It had now been a year since the breakup with Ella and Bucky sat on the couch in the tower with Steve and Sam. Somehow you came up in the conversation and they had been talking about you for a while.
“I don’t think she ever had a boyfriend while living here.” Bucky comments, leaning on the couch.
“Of course she didn’t, she was in love with you.” Sam chuckled, saying it as if Bucky had known all this time.
The soldier sat up quickly. “What?”
Steve glared at Sam who ignored his friends look. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. She made it pretty obvious.”
“I didn’t know.” Bucky said. “Steve, did you know about this?”
The blonde put his head down in a way of silently giving Bucky an answer but Sam spoke up.
“Of course he did, everyone did.”
Bucky scoffed. “And no one decided to tell me? She didn’t think to tell me something this serious?”
“She tried to Buck.” Steve sighed, lifting his head to meet eyes with his friend.
“When was that because during all of our conversations not once did she tell me that she was in love wi-”
“She tried telling you the day you told her about you dating Ella.” Steve cut him off and Bucky slowly leaned back in the couch, mentally replaying that day.
Bucky had barely began dating Ella but the both of them decided to keep their relationship a secret. It had been a week and Bucky wanted to tell someone - anyone about him and Ella but of course, he kept his mouth shut. So he sat on his bed, thinking about Ella and when he’d be able to see her again. He was head over heels for her.
A knock on his door tore him away from his thoughts and he yelled a ‘come in’. There stood you, hands clasped in front of you as you shut the door behind your figure.
“Hey Bucky, I have to tell you something.” you spoke softly. On the outside you looked calm, but on the inside you were freaking the fuck out.
“Y/N! I have to tell you something too!” he shot up from his bed and walked over to you. “Me first.” he then grabbed you by your shoulders, a smile upon his lips and you almost thought he was going to kiss you until he started shaking you. “I have a girlfriend!”
Your heart dropped instantly and Bucky continued. “I actually wasn’t supposed to tell anyone because we’re keeping our relationship a secret but I couldn’t hold it in any longer!”
“That’s.. That’s great Buck.” you say. “When did you two start dating?”
“A week ago. We’ve been talking for a while though. Her name is Ella. Isn’t that such a beautiful name?” he was practically drooling at the thought of her.
“It is.” you nod, forcing a smile. “I’m happy for you, Bucky.”
“Thanks.” he flashed you a goofy grin. “What is it you wanted to tell me?”
You had almost forgotten the reason why you came to his room in the first place. “Uh.. I just wanted to tell you that dinners almost ready.”
Bucky nods and thanks you before you exit his room, instantly making your way to your room where you broke down in tears.
“Oh my god.” Bucky breathed.
Something clicked inside of him. There was a reason why he always came to you for advice, a reason why he’d always go to you when he felt down. He loved you - he was in love with you. He couldn’t believe how long it took him to realize this but he decided to not waste anymore time.
“Where’s Y/N? Is she at home?” he questioned the two men sitting before him.
“She should be. Why?” Steve answered.
Bucky jumped up from the couch and ran over to his room to put on his shoes before grabbing his car keys and rushing out of the building, heading straight for your apartment. He couldn’t believe how stupid he was over the years. There you were, always there for him when he needed you, in love with him and he chose someone else who ended up breaking his heart.
Upon making it to your apartment, he parked his car and instead of taking the elevator, he dashed up the stairs in a hurry. Out of breath, he knocked on your door repeatedly until you swung the door open, thinking it was that annoying kid who liked to knock on your door then run away.
“Oh hey Buck.” you say. “Sorry about how I answered the door. There’s this kid that-”
He shut you up with a kiss. He put everything he had in it. It was rough, but soft; needy to be more precise. You pulled away first, confusion written all over your face.
“Bucky, what the he-”
“I’m in love with you.” he blurts. “I always have been, I was just too stupid to realize it back then. I thought Ella was the one for me but really, it’s you. I can’t believe it took me this long but Y/N I’m so madly in love with you, it’s unbelievable.”
“Bucky, where did all of this come from?” you question, that obviously not being what Bucky expected you to say.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean just the other day you were telling me about some girl you met at the bar the night before and now you’re telling me that you’re in love with me.” you say before groaning. “Oh my god did Steve tell you about how I feel about you?”
“So you love me back?” he smiled, full of hope.
“Of course I do you giant idiot! I made it quite obvious.” you respond.
“Am I really that oblivious?” Bucky nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.
“All signs point to yes.” you nod, causing Bucky to groan.
“Are you gonna keep bashing me for being stupid and idiotic or are you gonna let me in so that I can make out with you?”
You tap your chin for a bit before answering. “I think I’ll go with the first one.”
Bucky laughs, stepping forward and taking you in his arms. “Stop being mean and kiss me.”
You let out a laugh, lips connecting with his as he moves the two of you inside, shutting the door behind him.
“Took you long enough.” you mutter throughout the kiss.
“Shut up.” he chuckled, attacking your lips once more.
@your-puddin @heismyhunter @jas94kullar @buchananbarnestrash @live-in-the-now10 @jcb2k16 @plumqueenbucky @thefandomplace @chocolatereignz @blueberry-pens @professionally-crazed @idk-something-amazing-i-guess @almondbuttercup @janetgenea @buckysmetallicstump @flowercrownsandmetallicarms @rvb-and-marvel-shit @ouatalways @winterboobaer @thyotakukimkim @hattnco @millaraysuyai @themercurialmadhatter @miss-jessi29 @snakesgoethe @helloitsgrc @welcometothecasmofsar @aboxinthestars @feelthemusicfuckwhatheyresaying @fandommaniacx @hatterripper31 @coffeeismylife28 @bunchofandoms @bobabucky @under-dah-sea
Sorry for the people who didn’t get tagged.
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