#unrelated but also the animated hair movement is so nice.............
yume-fanfare · 5 months
*shakes you* she was her god she was her universe
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this is true cinema i believe this fully. amidst the heavenly choir, the profound monologue and the hopeless situation, a glimpse on how she is still but a childish girl who loves her friend. sua alienstage you are everything
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delimeful · 3 years
you cant go back (1)
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BTHB: Locked Up and Left Behind
first in a new alien series! this one is completely unrelated to WIBAR :)
warnings: abandonment, violence, injury, mentions of death and starvation, mild cliffhanger
Virgil was screwed.
This was quite a familiar phrase for him. He most frequently utilized it while trying to haul Jan away from whatever batshit scheme he was joint-deep in before it blew up in their faces. Normally, however, even he could admit that his panic, fury, and/or despair was sometimes exaggerated for emphasis.
“I’m absolutely, massively, unbelievably screwed,” Virgil tried out in a low hissing whisper, and grimaced when it came out sounding like an understatement.
In the corner of his eye, his helmet’s display screen blinked an eye-numbing red, informing him that there was a breach in his suit, and the atmospheric pressure inside had been completely disrupted. There would normally be beeping, too, the shrieking ‘you’re about to die’ kind that made his shelling turn pitch with terror in simulations, but— well.
He’d been able to endure about two clicks of the racket before giving in and tearing through the audio speakers with his teeth, ruining them entirely. It meant he wouldn’t hear any of the vital organ failure notifications, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to experience a sickening play-by-play of his death on another planet anyhow.
The others had left him in some kind of dilapidated shack, hand-painted a faded red on the outside. It looked unstable, but it was apparently built sturdier than any of them expected, enough to not even creak as he thrashed around with all his free limbs. He’d been cuffed around one of the support pillars, which meant that even if he could break it, it would probably just immediately collapse and crush him to bits.
Considering there was an enormous crack in the glass of his helmet, he hadn’t really thought he’d get the privilege of worrying about how he was going to die. Aisleen— the one who had bashed his helmet against her elbow plate— had certainly agreed. She’d waited until after the others had left, granting him a quicker death the way her culture called honorable.
Janus would have disagreed loudly. Not just because Virgil was pretty sure his only friend didn’t actually want to see him choke to death on the probably-somehow-toxic atmosphere of a Deathworld, but also because that guy could go on about interplanetary ethics for rotations if you let him.
Virgil wrenched at his restraints for the hundredth time, ignoring the hot pulse of pain that came with the movement. His chitin had to be cracking by now, but the rawness of that was easier to focus on than thoughts like, ‘I’ll never get to watch him argue someone in circles again.’
The worst part wasn’t wondering if they’d fess up to abandoning him or not. No, the worst part was he wasn’t actually sure which option he preferred.
He could imagine Janus looking for him, searching for leads that didn’t exist, stubborn the way a starving shilsho would stay locked onto flesh. Never knowing what actually happened. Jan hated not knowing things, the way Virgil hated sitting with his back to an open entryway.
But if he knew… If Janus managed to wrest the truth from them— or if they bragged about it— he would blame himself. They’d left Virgil because he was just a weaker version of Janus when it came down to it, and because he backed Janus up no matter what, and because it was funny, leaving the twitchiest guy on the crew to die on a world where anything and everything could kill you.
At least Janus wouldn’t be tempted to come down and retrieve his corpse. The other Chelcera was all about self-serving scheming, and there was no way the benefits outweighed the costs. He had to believe that much for his own sanity.
Virgil closed his eyes, trying to push away the what-ifs and the mental flash-images of Janus stuck in his position. He had more than enough to worry about already.
Since the atmosphere didn’t seem toxic enough to kill him outright (for now), there was a surplus of possible ways he was going to bite it. Weather, wildlife, or withering into a lifeless husk due to lack of sustenance.
Alliteration, nice. He was funny when he was on the brink of deathbed hysterics.
For now, he was only in conceptual danger. The shack was sheltering him from any outside elements, being terrified had killed his appetite, and there didn’t seem to be any heat signatures nearby, though his vision was limited by the sides of the helmet.
It made his skin itch, not being able to see behind him, but his auxiliary arms were spread out and taut, waiting for even a wisp of movement. If anyone tried to attack him from behind, they’d strike quick and true.
Of course, then he’d probably be immediately immolated by a pissed-off Deathworlder, but at least he could go down fighting.
If he was vicious enough, they’d have to kill him, and he wouldn’t have to worry about being taken alive. Bitter venom welled up in his mouth at the thought, and he tried to breathe deeply.
He was thinking too far ahead. For now, he’d struggle and swear and watch his atmo tank dwindle down to nothing, see if it changed anything. Maybe he was going to asphyxiate, after all.
He made it through the night.
The sun was close to this planet, enough that he was warm even in the stripped-down version of his bodysuit and in the enclosed shade of the barn. He thought he might even get overheated if he tried to sunbathe here, which hadn’t ever been a concern back home.
Thankfully, the meager sun that spilled through the half-open window didn’t reach him, so he didn’t have to add boiling alive to his list of potential deaths.
Unthankfully, more and more heat signatures popped up as the dawn arrived, all small but still potentially life-ending. He’d heard more than enough horror stories about palm-sized Deathworlder creatures that could kill you with one bite. He wasn’t letting his guard down.
The noise that accompanied the day was welcome— he was exhausted, and every unfamiliar chattering call or whistle made his aux limbs lift back up defensively, keeping him from dropping off into sleep.
He was not falling asleep on a Deathworld. That was just asking for trouble.
The energy crash hit hard, though, and by the time the sun was overhead, he was warm and sleepy enough that he almost missed the slow creak of the door.
He definitely didn’t miss the bright splotch of heat that trotted in, though. He quickly flicked his sensor eyes closed, getting rid of the heat-sense overlay, and felt his hair stand on end as he met the slitted eyes of a small, furry quadruped.
“Mrow?” the creature chirped at him, tail winding back and forth in the air. Its fur was colored in abstract patches, and he could see the tiny fangs in its mouth as it yawned threateningly.
Virgil resisted the urge to hiss, wriggling his wrists desperately. There was no point in antagonizing a Deathworlder creature preemptively while bound and helpless, a voice in his head reminded him. It sounded kind of like Janus.
The creature stalked a little closer, predatory grace in every one of its movements, and paused to watch him again. It’s pupils seemed rounder now, ears flicked up attentively. Virgil resisted the urge to twitch his backlegs, keeping still like a terrified prey animal as it approached at a leisurely pace.
He’d had all of his bulky outer suit stripped from him by the others-- no point in leaving the soon-to-be-corpse with a pricy surface suit. They’d even taken the shoes, which had felt a bit like insult to injury.
Now, with the local fauna drawing close to his feet, it felt more like just plain injury.
As bad as the odds were, he was fervently hoping that he could make himself seem tougher than he was. Maybe having to work for its meal would scare it off? He grit his fangs and drew himself up in preparation to lash out as much as he could in retaliation for whatever damage the creature was about to inflict on him.
It trod directly over his feet and brushed its little head up against his legs, a low rumble beginning to emanate from it.
He stared blankly down at it.
“What?” he clicked quietly, and the creature chirped back at him, taking a tight turn to loop right back around and brush against him in the opposite direction. Still, not a hint of pain.
Did… Did it have contact poisons, maybe? There was a residue of shed fur building up on the ankles of his undersuit, but it seemed surprisingly harmless.
With another, louder rumble, the creature settled into a crouched position-- directly on top of his feet. Its eyes drifted slowly closed, the vibrations it was making rolling through him.
Oh, Seryl and all her stars. It was sleeping on him.
It seemed docile for now, but what would it do if he woke it? Even he threatened to bite people who interrupted his naps, and he wasn’t a tiny wild creature governed only by survival (no matter what Janus told people). His flimsy inner suit wouldn’t stop an Ampen’s claws, let alone Deathworlder teeth or claws.
The creature continued to be a warm purring weight on his feet.
He resigned himself to a very tense next few hours.
Patch, as he’d taken to mentally calling the creature, didn’t end up attacking him. When it woke, it stretched languidly, chirped up at him a few more times, and then departed shortly before the sunlight began to fade.
And then, the next morning, it returned. Despite Virgil’s many fears, it continued to show no interest in harming him. At some point in the day, he even accidentally fell asleep with it, and still, no surprise ambush.
Despite Patch’s yawns and rumbles and claw-flexing stretches that could all technically be threat displays, it seemed bizarrely… almost... fond of him.
There was the slightest hitch, on the second day, when he realized Patch could come in the other windows and approach from behind while he slept. Surprisingly enough, the thought of the creature sneaking up on him was less distressing than the idea of accidentally striking out at it while asleep.
The presence of a non-hostile creature keeping him company had been... surprisingly nice when he wasn’t busy freaking out about it.
Once he’d imagined that awful scenario, he couldn’t dismiss the possibility, and so he spent an inordinate amount of time using his aux limbs to fiddle with the sealing latch on his helmet until he could tug it free. The slick surface and broken glass of the visor meant that he fumbled it basically as soon as he got it off, letting it drop to the floor behind him, but the reserve power had already long died anyhow.
And then, when Patch returned a bit after the sun’s rising, they hissed viciously at him the moment he turned his head. They proceeded to refuse to come anywhere near him for a good long portion of the day, at first bristling and pacing back and forth, and then eyeing him oddly while pretending not to, and then finally approaching slowly-- in what Virgil struggled not to view as a predator’s stalk-- and deeming his feet a suitable resting perch once more.
He’d like to say he never had a friendship so exhausting, but his best friend was Janus, so this was basically different ditchport, same junkyard.
“You two’d probably get along,” he said to Patch after he’d been forgiven for the horrific crime of exposing his face. “How do you feel about schemes?”
Patch had imitated one of his double-click noises perfectly, which was somehow mostly-adorable instead of mostly-terrifying. He tried to make one of their little round chirp sounds and mangled it horribly, but thankfully the resulting look they gave him was more alarm than offense.
By the fourth day, he’d begun to keenly feel the effects of being completely without nutrients. It was really only thanks to his nature that he’d gotten this far. Chelcerae were sporadic eaters-- big meals sustained them over longer periods of time compared to other aliens. The downside of that, of course, meant that when his body finally realized that there was no food coming, the hunger pains were going to be all-consuming.
Working at Janus’s side, he’d gotten used to having food when he needed it, or even wanted it. It just figured that he was probably going to die the same way Janus had first found him: starving.
He fell into sleep more and more frequently. It passed the time, and being asleep made it much easier to ignore his impending doom.
Of course, if he’d been aware of the rude awakening he was in for, he wouldn’t have been so eager.
In fact, if he’d known what exactly was going to find him sleeping on that fourth day, he probably wouldn’t have dared to shut his eyes at all.
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vivi-mire · 2 years
So what did you think of the G-Witch trailer? I already have an HG Gundam Aerial and Figure-Rise Suletta pre-ordered. Also RG Burning/God Gundam, but that's unrelated.
It looks so pretty!! and the music creates such a cool vibe. the animation style is very pleasing to look at, and the mechs so far look like they'll make for some great fight scenes. That one part where the Aerial is holding out it's hands.... very Unicorn reminiscent lol. I'm very excited to see more of it. I also like the few glimpses of characters we have so far- that shot where the two girls are causally waving at a suit and it turns to look at them... I love the atmosphere
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The suit is a monoeye too.... It looks like it might be some sort of training suit, just from the blocky-ness and how basic it looks.
I really do like the artstyle for this one- the shapes all look so nice plus the hair movement has been great. Plus I love characters with distinct eyebrow shapes and this series seems to be rife with them. And the colors!!!! the colors have been so pretty!!!
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the red and blue lighting!! and her expression!! Suletta is so cool!
the short fight scenes shown definitely give Unicorn vibes- which is nothing but a plus in my book.
one thing that struck me was how in the beginning, Suletta isn't the one piloting the Ariel. She's watching it reach out to her. Does she get inspired by seeing it Setsuna style? she has what looks like luggage and some sort of mobile device floating around her, so it could be a rescue of some sort- but she also has her helmet off so it might not be anything that dire. Speaking of helmets, we get to see the smallest bit of normal suit in that shot! I'm a sucker for the chunky normal suits so hopefully the final product is something I'll enjoy.
I'm jumping around a bit, so bear with me- but during one of the fights shown we see this guy:
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Now that's a familiar design! A heaping spoonful of Zaku, a bit of Ginn with those shoulder shields, and honestly a bit of Kastrysha with that body type and head shape.
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LOOK AT HIMMMMM!!!!!! He's so pretty! that beauty mark isn't playing fair... I can tell I'm either going to love him or hate him. But right now I love his energy and general vibe. He's got a big old pink beetle mech and I love him for it.
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And how could I forget her! Miorine!!! Honestly I do think she will be more of a rival character and not the char clone- she just seems to be too close to the mc, if that makes sense? Like not in a friend way more like in a proximity way lol. If I remember correctly, on the website she does not have a mech associated with her, which is interesting. Is she there only for the education part of the school? She's the daughter of the chairman so she has some major association with it. My own theory right now is that she pilots the Ariel first and ends up having to share it or even give it up to Suletta, causing a divide between them. Ariel is a very nice mech so it would make sense that the chairman's daughter would be the one to use it. Can't wait to see what's up with her.
And lucky!!! I hope to get my hands on the Ariel hg some day. The god gundam is pretty sick, just in general. I can't speak for the rg but i do have the mg, which is pretty sweet
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
[SYT] 5. the leading lamb
Show Your Teeth
Characters: Fiona, Winter, May, Robyn, Joanna Rating: Mature Tags: implied abuse, hurt/comfort, parental sibling, confessions, fluff Word Count: 7,219
Summary: Three Mantle Rats are invited to an Atlesian Party. What can go wrong?
Read on Ao3
A/N: as a survive it’s very important for me to NEVER focus on the abuse itself. I try very hard to imply it and show the damage it can do but honestly I’m tired of reading stories where it’s just pain. So I try very hard to focus on the recovery and healing. I’d love feedback on this. Also check Ao3 for NSFW art lol. i forgot tumblr hates links so i think i’ll just edit it back in after a week or something to keep things organized.
Some how a shopping trip also turned into a raid on the local arcade. Fiona was winning despite what all the leaderboards was saying. Winter was cheating, she had to be. Robyn and Joanna was the better shot, they were the only ones that used range weapons a regular basis! Still Winter came in first. May should have won the batter’s game, her favorite weapon was a staff. Number One? Winter Schnee. The other three loudly cheered Fiona on as she adjusted her grip on the hammer.  
The last game was a the gold on ‘Test of the Strength.’ Sure, some of was actual strength but almost all of it was leverage. Fiona loved stealing… borrowing! Loved borrowing heavy weapons. Axes… Elm’s hammer. She almost got Marrow’s boomerang and still had two years to do it. A worker quickly stepped in as Joanna was some how about to convince the man they’ll settle the matter like adults.  
Several minutes later they had enough tickets to buy all the giant stuff animals on display. Like adults, everyone gave their tickets to the children nearby.  
Like an adult, Fiona slammed her fist on the counter and demanded the giant lion.  
“By the brothers, Fi…” Robyn mumbled a little embarrassed.
It was the fifth time she’d manage to surprise and fluster the women. Fiona wasn’t counting the smirk tugging at her lips and cute mole on her chin. The fluttering in her chest wasn’t getting worse and her hands didn’t feel cold and empty when she looked at Robyn. Fiona only hugged her stuff animal tighter.
“I won and Winter cheated! I deserve a trophy!” Fiona argued sticking her tongue out at them. In truth she just needed something to desperately keep her hands occupied. Joanna was the only one that smiled fondly at her and ruffled her hair. The other three acted disappointed.  
And to be extra annoying she refused to absorbed it and forced the group to return to Robyn’s apartment. Fiona dumped several bags of clothes onto the living room floor and then took the couch with her new best friend. May took the time to choose to pick out everyone’s outfit and will most likely buy a few more accessories when they head up to Atlas.  
“What should I name it?” Fiona asked with a grin, ears wiggling happily.  
“Childish,” Robyn said with a soft teasing bite. Fiona didn’t notice the way her eyes light up, all bright and unguarded. Or noticed Robyn’s habit of blowing her fringe out of her eyes.  
“Deviant,” May said slowly shifting through the bags. Eventually the others helped her but Fiona stayed on the couch.  
“Selfish,” Joanna added.  
“You all suck,” Fiona mumbled. She fell back, laying down on the couch and not even taking up all the space. She held up the stuff lion above her, playing with its tiny round ears as her own fluttered happily.  
Today was the most fun she had in years. And not because of the sex. A sudden shiver rolled through Fiona’s body, a flash of heat dried her mouth and warmed her cheeks. The sight of Robyn stretched out before her… The sweetness rolling off her tongue and down her chin and neck. Her ears fluttered, remembering how Robyn screamed Fiona’s name.  
Fiona buried her face against the muzzle. Trying not to groan at the memory. Robyn was her teammate, going to be her huntress partner. Not… Fiona tried to shelved her dancing heart. It was just… stress relief between friends. Casual hookups and friends with benefits weren’t unheard of when majority of Atlas’ population was asexual.  
Robyn will be her new partner. They’ll pass their combat final with flying colors and… and ideally Robyn will stay. Fiona swallowed her racing heart back down to her chest. She’d get to see those stupid eyes everyday.  
“I’ll name you… Spring.” Fiona said cuddling her trophy. Robyn glanced at her with a smirk and raised brow. “For new beginnings!” Fiona huffed and pouted at the women. Robyn’s smile eased the tension from her shoulders, looking… a lot how like Winter looks at May. Stupidly fond and earnest and Fiona had to look away with ears fluttering about.  
“You have competition now,” Joanna teased, elbowing her partner. Fiona saw a light blush on Robyn’s tanned cheeks for a second. They all turned back to the elites, noticing May holding up an outfit that wasn’t for any of them.  
“They won’t be able to do any compression for awhile,” Winter said. They, meaning the Thief. Fiona sat up, resting her chin on her trophy’s shoulder. The two elites picked out an outfit for the Thief on their last shopping trip. May shifted a little more, looking away uncomfortably.  
Fiona realized that she never saw May in anything that she didn’t want to wear. She switched between the boy’s and girl’s uniform according to her mood, wore makeup whenever she felt like it and never because it was required. Fiona always thought it was May being May, a rebellious brat tired of all the rules… the rules just never applied to her in the beginning.  
Fiona touched her ears, only being able to relate on a different level. “Scarf’s are good too,” Fiona said. Her teammates gave her a pointed look with a soft sneer. Fiona pouted at it back before Robyn playfully sat down next to her and tugged at the scarf around her neck.  
“Are you ever going to give it back?” May tried to be teasing but was still a little tense.  
“Maybe… not?” Fiona mumbled, an idea hitting her. She blushed and looked away. It was stupid and humans always got the wrong impression but it was true. “Maybe we should give it to the Thief-”  
“Glade,” May gently reminded.  
“We should give it to Glade,” Fiona corrected. “They responded pretty well to me and May so it might calm them down.” Joanna and Robyn glanced at each other a little confused. “Um… Faunus are wired differently,” Fiona answered, fidgeting a little in her seat. She never actually had to explain it to May and Winter. The pair picked up on it because they’re secretly super attentive and sweet. “We’re not hunting dogs, it works on a subconscious level and we don’t really notice it.” Fiona said. She was dancing around the subject a little because her nose was a little more sensitive than the average Faunus. Everyone had their own unique scent. Winter smelled of cool fresh air, like fresh dawn and a new beginning. May smelled of flowers, so soft it wrapped and cuddle Fiona from the inside.  
Robyn and Joanna smelled like the forest of Mistral. Deep and rich, the kind of ground you could really set roots in and grace with flowers. Every bit of them was different parts of a home Fiona would like some day. No wonder Glade snuck in earlier.  
Robyn and Joanna raised a brow. The slight movement helping Fiona realize she was quiet a little too long, “People just smell nice,” Fiona blurted out with a blush. “Familiar smells are calming while strangers are…”  
“Upsetting?” Robyn asked.  
��Kinda? It’s why May cuddles me when we need to sleep in hotels.”  
“And why they practically dragged you into Robyn’s room last night,” Joanna said with chuckled, “That’s adorable.” The three students blushed softly.  
The little lamb grumbled and shifted in her seat. Fiona didn’t tell them it was a sign of trust and acceptance in Faunus culture. So when they dropped off the clothes at the clinic and the Thief- Glade, walked into the clinic’s staff lounge with the scarf wrapped around their neck, Fiona smiled brightly, ears wiggling happily.  
They chose the grunge outfit her elites bought, subtly turtling into the scarf as they tucked their wavy pale green hair into beanie… Keeping their eyes closed until they slipped on the dark reflective shades. Was their Faunus trait their eyes? Where they nocturnal or did they have non-human eyes?  
“Thanks,” The Thief. said with a soft smile.  
“Yeah, of course,” May tried to act like Winter, stoic and aloof. It was an adorable failure that had Fiona and her group of mismatched friends snickering. She grumbled at the mismatch group and looked focused on Dr. Pietro, “Are you attending the Schnee recital tonight?”  
“Perhaps, Young Glade here has offered to help me finish my work but I will definitely attending Silvio’s birthday later this week,” Dr. Pietro said with a smile while the Thief frowned a little.  
“Glade? What am I a stray dog?”  
“We even got you a collar,” May taunted, pulling at collar of their flannel shirt. Glade only scoffed and quickly retreated back into the clinic, favoring one side over the other. Everyone noticed and gave Dr. Pietro a worried look.  
“A broken leg that never healed right. Completely unrelated to what happened this morning.” Dr. Pietro said. " We had a close call with Ms. Goodwitch and Silvio earlier but they’ll be safe. If they stay here," He stressed the last bit loudly and pointedly.  
“I promise I’ll keep you all out of trouble,” Glade yelled somewhere in the clinic.  
“Not reassuring!” Fiona yelled back as they left. She took a few dancing steps in front of the group, smiling up at her friends, “So we ready to head back to Atlas?”  
“Let’s see… Glade? Treated and recovering. Window. Fixed. Weapons?” Robyn asked.  
“Check!” Fiona smile with a flick of her wrist, a switchblade was suddenly in her hands and flicked open. The others seemed to falter a little, a quick blush appearing on everyones face and Robyn looking particularly… bothered. Fiona only brightly smiled at her until Winter cleared her throat.  
“Atlesian lesson 101?” The Schnee asked next.  
“They’re bitches,” May and Robyn answered at the same time. Fiona giggled as Winter lightly glared at them both. “Public opinion is everything,” Robyn answered. “And 102, deliver what they think they want.”  
What the Atlesians wanted from Robyn wasn’t far from who she actually was.  
Joanna cleared her throat, “An average civilian, rising to the occasion to save a brilliant mind during a sudden attack on Mantle, the charismatic hero who always gets the girl in the end,” she narrated the hard-light poster dramatically before throwing her head back and laughing.  
Thank god Winter had the foresight to drag them to Schnee Manor before the actual recital started. The only people around were servers, security, and fiends. It gave time for the Mantle Rats to get used to the environment, to the disgusting show of wealth. They had space for real trees in the city. Gated behind a wall with security cameras pointing out in every direction. Marble, chrome, rich dark oaks constructed the building and hard-light lamps advertised the Schnee emblem and tied it all with a soft blue glow.  
Then there was the hijacked hard-light poster.  
It was suppose to be displaying the poster May showed them earlier today, Weiss sinking on stage. Instead it was Robyn. Valiantly fighting Grimm in the foreground, fending off those creepy long fingers and giving Fiona time to grab Silvio as the ground erupted beneath them. Fiona tilted her head.  
It looked like a movie still.  
A very hot one Fiona would probably take for herself later but it didn’t feel right. “Is this what people see when they watch Huntsmen and Huntresses fight?” She asked softly. “Just action and adventure? Not, y’know… helping people?”  
“It always seems like saving people is the ultimate form of help. It gets rather tiresome.”  
The group turned around to see Goodwitch approaching. Her usual wear was formal enough, a lot more than the group’s casual suits and dresses. Robyn’s tie was purposely loose the top two buttons left open for that perfectly clean your-not-important-enough-for-me-to-care persona the group decided on. Just thinking about it made Fiona’s hand twitched. She wanted to pull at it for a while now. She enjoyed Robyn’s shock and flustered face and that tie… Robyn’s her teammate, not a casual fuck.  
Fiona took a slow breath and looked back up at Goodwitch who eye did bounce between the gold bird pin everyone wore on their body.  
“I’d like to formally apologize on Qrow’s behalf,” Goodwitch said a bit reluctantly. “Though I do not apologize for his absence. He’ll probably just puke all over the floor or hassle the servers.”  
"If you want to apologize stop bringing up that drunk," May said, her arm leaving the small dip of WInter’s back. Winter tried to stay relax but was glaring hard up at the Vale huntress.  
Goodwitch smile, “Best idea all day. Worse being people sneaking Grimm into the city,” She finished looking at Robyn and Fiona. The words made Fiona’s heartbeat leap into her throat. There… that was one explanation. The only reasonable. May did say something about a greater plan. Glade was the only one that acted- No. Fiona looked at Robyn, Glade was the only one that had the skill and resources to act. “James has told me you’ve looked into previous cases, Detective Hill?”  
Detect… Detective?! Fiona tried not to sputter at the title. She tried to relax her ears, stop them from sticking straight out from the sides of her head. Joanna chuckled softly beside her and ruffled her hear, unfreezing her muscles.  
“Fighting rings have started to bring in small non-Atlas Grimm to spice things up,” Robyn said. Fiona pulled her head out of the gutter, trying to focus on the conversation. Joanna set a hand on her partner’s shoulder, calming her down enough to continue civilly. “We’ve been trying to get the military involved for months.”  
“Do you think these events are related?” Goodwitch asked.  
“We put a dent in the major rings so I hope not,” Joanna whispered. “If Atlas gangs figure out how to turn Grimm into weapons…” Fiona didn’t want to think about those Imps agains.  
“We’re already seeing some bandit tribes in Anima use similar tactics,” Goodwitch informed. One reason why Atlas was so crowded and industrialized was that Solitas made living outside of proper settlements difficult. Normal citizens without a protective Aura can’t even leave the kingdom without expensive equipment. “Extort them for protection by leading the Grimm to them and leave them once the main horde arrives.”  
“They can’t all be connect,” Robyn said firmly shaking her head. “Twisted mines follow the same path every now and then.”  
Goodwitch stared at the group for a long while, then smiled sadly, “I don’t suppose I can steal you from Atlas, can I?” Goodwitch asked.  
“She’s mine,” Fiona blurted out, heart skipping a few beats as panic filled her for a second. She was so close to making things up to Winter and May. Just one last thing before they all continue with their training and studies, two years until they graduation. Robyn nudged her out of it a playful smirk comforting the little lamb. “She’s my partner for our combative final.”  
“Ridiculous,” Goodwitch said with a deep scowl, “With how you all fought, I’ll see ensure James pass the three of you and accept you two into the Academy,” She looked at the students then at the detectives. The group blinked stunned until Goodwitch raised a brow.  
“Thank you… ma’am,” Winter said softly. Even her eyes were wide.  
Goodwitch only nodded. She turned on those high heels and practically marched away, “I look forward to working with you ladies again.”  
“As long as that creepy as bird doesn’t break my shit!” Robyn called out after her. Robyn was practically bouncing, a large smile on her face as grabbed Joanna’s hands and practically bounced, “Heard that Joan! We’re Atlas students-”  
“Your an Atlas student.” Joanna said pulling her hands free and pushing them firm on Robyn’s shoulders to stop her small bounce. " We don’t have the money for both of us to attend."  
Fiona winced in sympathy, “I’m on almost five scholarships and it’s… not easy,” Fiona said softly. She needed to write essay’s attend tournaments, her workload was nearly tripped the average student’s. Another reason why she was so desperate to stay with Winter and May, another team would just hold her back. “I’m lucky i got teamed up with a perfectionist and a competitive idiot.” She nodded to Winter and May, both avoiding their gaze with an uncomfortable look. This wasn’t a conversation her elites usually hear.  
Robyn scowled, gritting her teeth. Joanna smiled and patted her head like a she was pouting puppy, “We’ll figure something out Rob… Today is still our day off, right?” She looked at May who nodded.  
“Would you two like a small tour of the manor?” Winter ask, already leading the group out of the foyer. They headed to the kitchen first, trying to walk past all the giant paintings of her family but Robyn stopped at the giant portrait. Winter tried to encourage the group to walk past but Joanna eyed the giant suit of armor and sword next to it. “My grandfather, Nicolas Schnee.”  
“I read about him,” Joanna said, “When Robyn first suggested we go to Atlas Academy I laughed at her.”  
“Yeah, I was so hurt I almost kicked you out,” Robyn mumbled. She turned towards Winter, “But you three know why we want to become Huntresses now.”  
Fiona looked at Winter who pressed her lips tight. She only turned and walked deeper into the manor, forcing the group to follow. May didn’t leave her side, pressing into her shoulder every time a server passed with a tray of empty wine glasses. Their hands brushed every so often but neither of them made a move to hold on.  
It was obvious why May joined. Winter was hung up on the fact that they only met their new friends yesterday.  
“Same as you but a little different,” Fiona said, wiggling her ears for effect. “To help everyone, Mantle is just the start-” Suddenly hear ears perked up, flicking in the direction of the private area of the manor. It sounded like glass breaking.  
“Damn it…” May mumbled. This time her hand finally slid into Winter’s, “I’ll check, you stay.”  
“No.” Winter said, voice brittle and body so taunt it was ready to snap. Fiona hung back, letting May try and calm her not-girlfriend teammate. She also stopped Robyn from springing into action.  
May stepped close, their heads leaned together to whisper as soft as possible. Fiona tried to ignore it but it was impossible with how quiet the hallways were. “You come, they come.” May said. Then her voice soften, “Please… Don’t put this all on me, Win.”  
Winter blinked. Blue eyes shinning and cracking. Fiona would never say tears were in her eyes. After another squeeze Winter finally relaxed and let go of May’s hand. “Alright… Let’s go-”  
“Stop! Please!” Silvio’s voice broke through the thick walls.  
Immediately the group broke into a sprint. Winter was the fastest and Fiona was trailing behind her after absorbing her heels. A Glyph light the hallway. Before Fiona could stop her, a Beowolf roared, crawling out of it and slashing the door opened. She could hear two kids scream and another glass breaking.  
Fiona only had a moment to take in the scene before the two kids ran towards them. Three adults and thanks to Fiona’s sensitive nose she could smell some alcohol on all their breaths. Weiss was in Winter’s arms in seconds and once Silvio stumbled out of Author Watt’s slacken grip, he was behind May.  
“Let’s go.” May shoved Winter out of the room. She fought it, eyes on her mother and father. The Beowolf slowly growling.  
“Please,” Weiss whispered. That finally broke Winter’s furious trance. She stepped back but left her Beowolf growling viciously it made Fiona’s ears twitch painfully low.  
May lead them back to kitchens, Fiona could tell by the delicious smell and the clanking pots. It was the only life in the manor, the staff singing loudly and enjoying their work until the rich snobs came in and they’d have to act pleasant. When the group came in they immediately froze, nervous. They took one look at the kids and quieted down. The singing wasn’t as loud but still lively and cheerful.  
Fiona watched some energy and return to the kids, a small weight lifting off their shoulders as Klein quickly appeared. His light brown eyes shifted from them to Winter, “Oh dear… what happened now-”  
“Nothing.” Weiss said softly.  
“Nothing new,” Silvio said with a scoff. He sat at the table, taking a dessert and stuffing it in his face before retreating into his Scroll. Klein sighed and replaced it with a fresh treat from the counter.  
Fiona looked at Winter and May who gave her a gentle pleading look. The little lamb grabbed both Joanna and Robyn’s hands, leading them out of the kitchen. “Come on, their garden has real flowers in them,” Fiona said, trying to sound cheerful for the sake of the kids. Weiss didn’t smile and Silvio didn’t look up from his Scroll.  
No one wanted to speak until they got the garden. Even then the heavy silence lingered, growing heavier as the trio watched the sunset on a bench. Finally Joanna sigh let out a loud sigh, leaning heavily into Fiona and pushing her into Robyn who easily bore the additional weight of two people.  
“Maybe we should take Goodwitch’s offer and go to Vale?” Joanna mused softly. “It’d be cheaper too. Warmer. Friendlier.”  
“But they don’t need us,” Fiona said softly.  
Robyn came back to reality. Fiona and Joanna had to right themselves as she leaned forward and rubbed her face. “That is so messed up… Not even the rich has it easy in this fucking kingdom,” She was trembling. Voice on the verge of breaking and so damn angry. When Fiona tried bending down Robyn harshly turned away.  
“I can smell you crying… sensitive nose remember?” Fiona whispered. She moved, taking Robyn’s other side so her and Joanna could sandwich Robyn in. Her hand hesitated, hovering above Robyn’s knee. Just as she was about to pull back Robyn uncurled and grabbed her hand. She held onto tightly as she leaned her head on Joanna’s shoulder and whipped away the tears with her other hand. “Now you know why they’re so protective of me… And why Winter wants to become a huntress.” Fiona said softly, rubbing comforting circles on Robyn’s skin with her thumb.  
“What’s good is being an officer if I can’t even arrest a drunk huntsmen, let alone those three,” Joanna growled. She took a deep breath. Her arm was long enough to rest heavily on Robyn and Fiona’s shoulder. It was like a loose hold, so Fiona snuggled into both of them. For a long moment they all just sat there, letting their brains turn off.  
Winter was the first to find them with a tray of food and drinks. She looked guilty but smiled seeing Fiona’s and Robyn’s hand tightly intertwine. Fiona haded how soft Winter’s voice came out, “I’m… I’m sorry you three had to see that.” She said. Fiona got up, passing the tray to Robyn and wrapping her arms tight around Winter.  
“I’m sorry we can’t do anything they deserve,” Joanna said back. The three Mantle Rats invited Winter to sit with them on the bench but Winter politely refused, withdrawing a little instead. But she was here… and May asked her not to put it all on her anymore.  
Fiona extruded a picnic blanket for them to sit on. Joanna and Robyn looked comfortable on the bench looked relaxed stretched out on the ground. After some thought, Robyn dropped her head onto Fiona’s lap. The little lamb smiled down at her, both enjoying and needing a sense of touch. Fiona selfishly let her heart beat faster, eyes wandering to Robyn lips and eyes as she played with the platinum strands of hair.  
The cowardly part of Fiona wished Robyn didn’t relax the way she did, closing her eyes and humming softly in approval. At same time she’d hope to see it more. No wonder her two elite always got grumpy whenever their morning routine was interrupted.  
“We’ve dealt with families with… similar situation,” Robyn explained, slowly turning her brain back on. “I can recommend some good therapist for your sister. Silvio too.”  
“That’d… that’d be much appreciated. You’d have to talk to May about Silvio, she’s already helping him with… other things.” Winter said softly. She hide half her face behind a drink, her eyes meeting Fiona’s for a moment then down to Robyn and Joanna. “Thank you,” She whispered into her drink.  
“Don’t thank me yet,” Robyn said with a small smile. She rolled onto her stomach and Fiona missed the warmth of her scalp and softness of her hair. “One more thing. Just pin May to the wall and fuck her already.” Winter blushed hard, coughing softly and trying to clear her throat. Joanna patted her back while Fiona giggled.  
“I… I can’t-”  
"Can’t? You practically fucking her through me," Robyn continued to press. Winter blushed harder, completely off balance and embarrassed by the topic. It was rare a sight, one that only May pulls off on a good day so Fiona jumped in.  
“Technically, I was fucking you,” Fiona corrected, lightly flicking Robyn’s nose. “Because Winter’s too sweet on May to actually fuck another person,” She leaned forward and grinning at the Schnee. Winter tried to get Fiona to submit with a hard look. When Fiona started wiggling her brows a little Winter was forced to set her drink down or risk spilling it all over their semi-formal clothes. She barely remembered they were here for an Atlesian party.  
“I don’t know if I should be upset that you two noticed before May did,” Winter grumbled softly. “But I didn’t think she liked me back until this morning.”  
Fiona tapped her chin thinking back on their years together. “Honestly… I didn’t either. You? You were so obvious! The morning routines with the hair, how protective you were over her!” The pair might have edged each other to the extremes but that also meant they were always softer and much more relaxed when together.  
“I have been hinting at it when since we were young,” Winter confessed. All the Mantle rats flinched. Joanna ran a hand through her hair, messing up the gel the Marigold styled it with.  
“Well of course May don’t realize it!” Joanna said with an annoyed sigh. “You’ve been giving her mix signals-”  
"How was this morning mixed signals?!" Winter hissed with a deepening blush.  
“Just tell her,” Robyn said waving her hand.  
“Tell who what?” May asked rounding the corner of bushes with another tray of food. “Klein wanted to make Fiona’s favorite since we haven’t snuck back in awhile.”  
“Yes!” Fiona cheered taking the tray of fruits and sweets, strawberries covered in chocolates to fluffy cream stuffed puff. After throwing one in her mouth she teasingly dangled one in front of Robyn’s face. The women rolled her eyes, taking a bite of the strawberry and watching as Fiona finished it off.  
May sneered, “Glad I haven’t missed much.”  
“They’re trying to convince me to tell you about my undying love for you,” Winter said, in her default tightly controlled and dry tone. Before anyone could act surprised May threw her head back and laughed so hard her face went a little red.  
“Yeah! Do it after Weiss’ performance.” May said with a bratty cute grin. Fiona tensed, a smile plastered to her face as she tried not to scream. Damn it May! “Announce our engagement so your father and my cousin can die of a heart attack!” She bent down, taking Winter’s hands and gently pulling her up, “Come on! Show’s starting soon and Silvio wouldn’t shut up about us grabbing front row seats.”  
Within a few minutes the the theater was full and the lights dimmed to darkness. Fiona looked around. Her eyes spotting most of the military in the booths above the crowd. Goodwitch sitting irritably next to General Ironwood. Across from them senior Clover Ebi was sitting next to the freshmen Marrow. The other Faunus was busy looking around the theater too, a determine look on his face.  
“There’s a lot of Atlas students here…” Fiona whispered a little uneasily.  
“We do have two Atlesian scientist and the one visiting from Vale with his family,” Robyn said. Fiona looked back up the balconies. Sure enough she spotted the Vale scientist with his Faunus wife and daughter.  
Unfortunately due to May and Robyn’s hassling each other, they didn’t get center seats, but from this angle Fiona was able to see just behind the curtains. At the side of the stage was a hooded figure in robs… Weiss next to them with Silvio a little ways off. Fiona strained her ears but it was too far.  
The hooded not-Schnee figure took the center of the stage and from his Scroll Silvo activated the music. A slow piano piece fitting for the rich audience. Slowly the stage lights turned on, letting Fiona’s sensitive eyes adjust while gradually getting brighter for the humans to see, piano growing louder, picking up tempo.  
“You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream like thoughts, become a river stream,” the mysterious stranger sang. Her voice was lower than Weiss. A shock mummer spread across the crowd but the opening act wasn’t phased even as Fiona watched the military in the booths grow a little tense. They only relaxed when they realized another voice would join occasionally, Weiss standing beside Silvio, harmonizing into her mic. “Yet may the tide every change, flowing like time to the path, yours to climb.”  
Fiona turned back to the stage, ears flinching a little whenever the music was too high for her sensitive ears. Whoever the mysterious singer was, she knew how to entertain walking the stage, posing and gesturing to the audience until the easily swayed like Marrow was at the edge of his seat and the reserved ones like Vine was absolutely enthralled. Robyn looked amazed, beautiful lavender eyes wide.  
“Thou seek the light with an outstretched hand,” Slowly the opening act’s voice faded. Weiss’ voice growing louder but she hadn’t walked on stage yet, “A divine blade lies before you so command the wake of dreams, to restore the world, cut 'way the seams,”  
Then the tempo picked up yet again, a drum encouraging Fiona’s heart into a powerful and steady beat. The mysterious singer reached out the audience, “Join in our prayer, in our song of birthrights and love,” She sang loudly. Weiss’ voice slowly appeared again, matching harmonizing so perfectly it had Fiona’s ears shuttering in pleasure, “Come the sun, illuminate the sky. Pray that we may quell the dark. Light take the throne. Lost in thoughts, all alone.”  
Then the lights dimmed, the music slowed to pause. Fiona heard Robyn and Joanna catch their breath next to her. Fiona saw the mysterious singer rush to the side, encouraging Weiss onto the stage. She vigorously shook her head for a moment until Silvio whispered his own words of encouragement, gesturing to where Winter was sitting.  
With a huff and a stomp she rushed to her position, the opening act helping her on the left and then rushed to their own position on the right side. It was then she noticed the slight shaking in her hands. As Silvio increased the lighting, Fiona could see the redness in her eyes she missed before.  
Poor kid. Still having to preform after the bullshit three adults put her through. Fiona heard Robyn gasp softly, “This is all improved…” she muttered.  
The verse repeated but this time the music didn’t slow. The drums became louder, drums and violins filling Fiona with a rush as she listened to every word, “Thou seek the dark with an un-sheathed blade,” Weiss’ voice was beautiful, it sent chills down her spine and the haunting familiarity of her assistant pulled everyone in like it was story, “Now a white ivory throne beckons so obtain the fate you sow on this path be wary friend and foe.”  
The way they moved on stage, circling each other or stepping close and matching their steps was almost poetic. “May thy chosen path lead way, and grace you with virtue but surely balance awaits,” Slowly Weiss took the lead, the opening act smiling as Weiss’ hands stopped shaking. She looked directly at her sister in the front row, “So be it bliss or pain you gain beyond the route-way’s end. You’ll gain resilience and weakness. The trials, the thorn in your side becomes the greatest strength, in you.”  
The song was a message to her sister, Fiona realized with a happy smile. She looked at the older Schnee. Winter looked proud. She reached over to her partner, grabbing her hand giving it a thankful squeeze. Fiona glanced at Robyn her own hand feeling stupidly empty. Until she notice Silvio and the hooded singer nodding at each other.  
“Descend into the abyss thou see- Hey!” Weiss screamed as she was suddenly shoved into the orchestra pit. One of the musicians threw their instrument aside to catch her. The crowd gasped, all the military huntsmen and students shocked in their seats. The music changed, suddenly blaring through the speakers but the volume wasn’t enough to make Fiona flinch.  
“The future is bulletproof the after is secondary!” The opening act sang. Finally the hooded opening act ripped off their hood. Fiona’s mouth hung open as a familiar helmet and gold horns standing on stage. I promise I’ll keep you all out of trouble, Glade said before they left Mantle. “It’s time to do it now and do it loud!”  
“Are you serious!?” May screamed in the theater. Fiona looked at her elites. May was almost pulling her hair out and Winter jumped into the orchestra pit to check on her sister. Glade grinned, hard-light ears taking shape and floating above their helmet.  
They pointed at May, “Kill joys! Make some noise!”  
“Your fucking dead-”  
“Na, na, na, na, na!” Glade stomped their feet in time with the rock music. Fiona barely pushed May back into her seat as the military moved in. Thankfully it was the students first. Vine swinging in with his semblance and Elm’s massive thighs launched her off the balcony and towards the stage. But Glade only smiled, never missing a beat, “Drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs, I don’t need it but I’ll sell what you got,” The pair was only able to make an entrance. The Dust in Glade’s clothes glowed a bright purple. A low warping sound ran deep in the room. Vine gasp a sudden weight pulling him down with Elm. It was enough force for the pair to crash through the stage.  
The crowd sneered and laughed. “Bring what Rat in and they all come,” Someone said behind them. Fiona was pretty sure it was May’s cousin but she wasn’t about to ask the Marigold to check. Fiona only kept watching. Winter had snuck Weiss back behind the curtain and was now glaring at Silvio. It looked like she was trying to lecture them but the kids were smiling, busy watching Marrow clumsily climb onto the stage while Harriet appeared with a trail of lightning behind her.  
Fiona laughed at the nervous looking boy, “Come on Marrow!” She cheered. Glade has yet to attack anything sentient and alive so he won’t get his ass beat but humiliation can be just as painful.  
“You’re looking good for someone who almost died this morning,” Harriet taunted.  
Glade only smirked, “But I’ll take what I want form your heart and I’ll keep it in a bag, in a box, put an X on the floor!” They continued to sing. Glade bounced around, light on their feet and motioned for the pair to come at them, “Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more! Shut up and Sing it with me!”  
“Marrow…” Harriet ordered the kid.  
Marrow took a deep breath, tail straightening as he concentrated, "Stay!" He hasn’t perfected his semblance yet but Glade’s singing paused, body moving slowly but still moving.  
Harriet grinned cracking her knuckles before running forward. Just as she was about to reach them, the gravity Dust glowed bright. Harriet lost her footing but the momentum continued until she crashed into the wall. The audience laughed even harder. Robyn and Joanna roaring next to her.  
The poor freshmen couldn’t hold his semblance and dropped it, panting heavily. Just as Clover was about to step onto the stage the lights shut off. Glade reach over, throwing Clover at Marrow. With a sharp whistle a wall of ice rose up, blocking all of Ironwood’s favorite students on stage. Glade ran to the side, grabbing the blind Schnees and Watt and running out of the theater. Before they disappeared they gave Fiona a pointed look.  
The little lamb grabbed everyone and ran to the nearest side door. Klein gasped, semblance activating with a small scared sneeze and red eyes was looking at them. “Good, good, I was worried ya’ lot wouldn’t catch on,” Klein smirked, voice gruff and a little aggressive. Fiona giggled, she always like this one the best. “You… I can’t believe you’re in on this too!”  
“Don’t blame me lil’ miss,” Klein scowled and growled back up at May, “Originally we were just gonna turn off the lights and sneak Weiss out, but the lil cunt made a friend and well…” Klein gestured to the theater and the loud shouts and yells. Ironwood was demanding the lights be turned back on and the crowd was starting to panic a little, “Best get ya’ out of here, eh? Rides out back, hurry on, now.”  
Fiona new the manor well enough to get the group there. Robyn tried to stop laughing. It was a good thing Fiona was still holding her hand because she was sure Robyn would have been several halls behind them. There were other security guards around but they would see a server accidentally stumble into them or slow down the cart of food or equipment.  
“I’m glad Weiss is still being look after.” May muttered softly under her breath. That finally got Robyn to stop laughing a sobering smile aimed at her elite.  
A chauffeur waited patiently with the door opened for them. Winter didn’t jump, only gave them a small smile while the kids giggled to themselves. May was the only one still furious, “Where’s Glade?”  
“They ran off while I was lecturing Weiss and Silvio,” Winter explain. “Said something about, 'How they weren’t paid enough for that,” She finished looking pointedly at the young adopted Watts. “How long have you two been planning this?”  
“Sneaking out in the middle of the performance…” Weiss blushed and looked away. “A few… weeks?”  
“It was suppose to be during my party but… then… fuck my uncle,” Silvio huffed. The mood died a little but Silvio was still grinning. “It was so worth it.”  
“You two should have told me,” Winter said.  
“You should come around more often- Ow!” Silvio winced as both May and Weiss punched him.  
Winter took it in stride. She closed her eyes, as if concentrating to break the aloof and cool facade. She smiled, gently and earnestly leaning towards her sister and the young genius, “I guess you two will need to fill me. How exactly did two brilliant kids made a fool of the military? Hm?” They both grinned up at her.  
May acted like a grump rolling her eyes but leaning heavily into her partner side. Fiona grinned at the scene, ears fluttering happily. Robyn sneered and chuckled, fingers playing with the tips of her ears while Joanna had an arm slung around both their shoulders again.  
Fiona hadn’t realized she didn’t let go of Robyn’s hand until she was swinging their joined hands in the elevator. May set the kids up in another suite, talking a little more with the kids. Fiona and Robyn naturally gravitated to the balcony while Winter and Joanna collapsed onto the king sized bed with a deep sigh.  
“What a day…”  
“I’ll say. Fighting Grimm, sex in the changing room, a picnic and a show,” Joanna teased. The trio blushed hard and Robyn still made no move to pull their hands apart. This time she caught the women glancing at her lips. Fiona tighten her grip, fighting the urge to pull at the loose tie.  
“I’m going to live variously through you two again.” Winter said. Fiona nearly jumped and the pair looked at Winter, lounging like a cat next to a bear that was Joanna. The Schnee looked pointedly at their hands, “Just make out already.”  
“Yes, ma’am,” Robyn whispered, voice husky and slow. It sent a shiver down Fiona’s spine and she realized the women was quiet for awhile now. Fiona could almost feel just how long Robyn was holding herself back. At first the kiss was desperate and almost vicious. Fiona gasp softly when Robyn bit her lip and her tongue danced against hers. Both of Fiona’s hands was held in Robyn’s against the railing, as if this is how she wanted to take Fiona during their two rounds this morning.  
With a dazed heart Fiona followed whatever mood Robyn wanted to give. Meeting her energy as best as possible. The frenzy kiss slowed to a passionate one. Finally Robyn let her hands go and Fiona let them wrap around her neck. The kiss might have slowed but it didn’t die. Fiona only felt the warmth in her chest spread, the cold metal of the rail worth the feeling of Robyn pressed against her.  
“There’s no way you’d kiss May like that,” Joanna mumbled next to Winter. “It’d be a lot more sweet and chaste.”  
“Shut up,” Winter mumbled softly. Robyn and Fiona broke apart giggling at their banter and at each other. Fiona swallowed trying not to think too much about how she wanted to keep those lavender eyes for longer than their academic years. How Robyn’s sweetness reminded her for her elites or how that Mantle attitude reminded Fiona that she wasn’t alone in their fight.  
She didn’t want to fall but Robyn and the others were making it tempting.  
Robyn leaned in again but not for a kiss, her nose nuzzled Fiona’s cheek trying to push her head to the right but Fiona fought it for a second and took a deep breath. Lavender and a fresh spring fields filled her nose, clouding her mind in a happy daze and settling her heart into a slow dancing rhythm. When Fiona finally opened her eyes she saw May on the balcony next to them. Face red and gold eyes wide.  
“I want to do it right because…” Winter’s soft words floated through the open air. Robyn and Fiona giggled, watching May blush so hard it must have been painful but the smile on her face didn’t make her worry. Instead Fiona pulled gently pulled on that loose tie around Robyn’s neck and pull her down for a kiss.  
This kiss was slowest yet. A practiced and gentle dance as Winter continued to speak, “Because I’ve loved her since I can remember.”
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daydreamingcreature · 5 years
My thoughts on the Animal Crossing New Horizons Direct
Nobody cares about my opinions but I’m going to write down my thoughts as I watch. Keep in mind, I have no chill, little valuable knowledge, and only experience in ACNL and very little in pocket camp
Tom Nook! my boy!
The little bird in the corner has my heart
his wittle movements
The ocean animations are so pretty!!
The flowers in the wind! the detail on the trees! the rocks!!! wwaattterrr!!!! so prettyyy!
I love the animation style so much the game looks so peaceful
Deserted island means you get to build it entirely yourself? hopefully?
I love that we can still choose our map design
The hemisphere options are very nice, I never really considered how it might differ depending on where in the world you are.
Summer and winter look gorgeous
The flower designs are so pretty and I love the frost on the leaves in winter
The little coffee on the wood table!!! Does this mean that decorations aren’t limited to just your home? I love when games have less restrictions on decorations and use of furniture
The cherry blossoms in the wind are amazing!!!!
I really hope that we can sit and have a little picnic with the villagers and the sushi and fries look adorable!
The variety in face designs is a really nice change from New Leaf. I go feral for customization
i REALLY hope that the villagers’ autonomy is not just for this video but actually in the game. I feel like the villagers interacting with each other more and doing more activities besides just aimlessly wandering around would do so much for the game. I don’t really know how they would do that but a girl can dream.
I just saw the donut in one of the villager’s hands, the jar full of fruit water/juice, and the basket of fruit and i am HERE for the variety
I also noticed that the flowers were taken off of the stems instead of directly off the ground which may be a cool feature. It might allow more control of what flowers are where instead of just hoping that the island spawns the flowers you want?
it also seems like it could be an annoyance if we have to be careful in how we pick up the flowers and other materials. but I might be reading too much into it.
The mushroom decorations and furniture is gorgeous!
The orientation is a really interesting part
 It shows more of the villagers having specific objectives and movements
It also shows that we may have much more control of our worlds in that everyone is starting new so we may get to influence how the island is shaped
You building an island with your favorite villagers is making my heart explode
I used to get overwhelmed in trying to design my village and feeling like i didn’t have control over it and this would be an amazing change
The resident services tent is open 24 hours a day? that means my messed up sleep schedule will be more supported!!!
Its unrelated but still really cool to me that I’m going to be able to play animal crossing on the switch. i personally have a desktop set up in my room and I sometimes attach my switch to the family tv and i love the idea of being able to play at night on a big screen with lots of options instead of just an hour at night on my ds
It looks like the resident services tent replaces the retail store? where is Cyrus and Reese? i miss them :(
Ugh the detail of tom nook is so good
So you make furniture on the workbench? that seems cool but also could be annoying depending on how the materials are available
why is there a random pair of boots just chilling behind the tent?
i mean mood but why?
I love these new furniture designs
i also noticed there are more spaces for custom designs which is awesome
The airport is sooo pretty inside and Orville already owns my heart
eight people are allowed on the island? i don’t have that many friends :/
it is really cool that these services work because its more accessible on the switch then on the DS in my experience
I loveeee the lighting so far
So we got a phone now? that’s cool
the broadcast is cool because i never remember to actually check whats happening that day
I love more achievements because that how i focus
waitt can you die now? wow animal crossing has changed.
I love that Gulliver is back
The rescue service..... is that Resetti i hear? i hope so
i love the new furniture
this leaves room for....MORE CUSTOMIZATION
WOWWWW you can be more specific on placing flooring
The House decorations are blowing me away
I love the kitchen furniture
So far the housing system is all i could’ve asked for
Traveling costs money? i don’t know about that but it doesn’t seem much like a feature I’d use anyway
nevermind it seems a lot like the island in new leaf where you can go there to get new materials which I don’t mind at all
I wonder if each village has a native fruit or if that system is gone?
it’s really cool that the money rock is back
i just need to get friends :/
The leader system is actually really nice
The nooklink system is really cool for easier communication
especially the voice session
Okay we got to Part 2 nice
I hope we can have more villagers in our island
I felt like I wanted more villagers than we could have in New Leaf
Oh I love that we can choose where the villagers should live that’s gonna be amazing
I’m literally in awe its sooooo pretty
and the clothing options!!!!!!
I like that we can see changes before they are implemented more
nintendo knew what they were doing with the dramatic entrance
Oh that pink hair is gorgeous I’m so excited
Oh look at Label/Labelle following her fashion dreams
Okay I just saw Celeste now whereee is Blathers???
Daisy Mae is absolutely adorable omg
Once again the hairstyles are top tier
CJ and Flik look really cool
The pole vault and ladder looks sooo helpful
Oooh new bridge designs
It really seems that no part of the island is off limits
Yessss more customization with the paths
Im in awe there is so much customization!!!!
Alright Part 3
ooo the photo system looks so cool
wow they really do be plugging that new console system
Free updates are amazing
alright the pocket camp system is cool but i don’t play pocket camp
Okay so final thoughts
As you can probably tell i started to lose steam throughout the video
I’m gonna say it again, the museum looks absolutely stunning
The lighting in the game looks fantastic and thats coming from someone who relies on lighting to boost my mood
I’m so excited to play on a bigger screen and with (hopefully) less time restrictions
The customization availabilities is much more than i had ever hoped for I’m soo excited.
i was starting to get discouraged that we would run out of options or be too restricted in the game but with the more customization kind of changes my view.
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Return to Paradise -- Chapter Fourteen
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3001
         I wake up with my back flush against Taehyung’s chest. His arms wrapped around my stomach, and a leg is draped over my own. Something hard is pushed up against my butt.
         “Taehyung, let go of me,” I wiggle around in his grasp.
         “Ah,” Taehyung moans out.
         “Whoa,” I stop my movement, my face heating up. It is too early for this. Too damn early.
         “Jagi,” Taehyung’s morning voice wakes me up fully.
         “Tae, we have a problem. Well, you have a problem.”
         “What? Nothing is wrong,” he kisses my jaw.
         “Yes, there is,” I wiggle around to prove my point.
         “Oh,” Taehyung tires to hold back a moan and fails.
         “I’m dying of embarrassment, but I can’t help but like those sounds. Gah, why did I say that?”
         “Shut up,” he grumbles. “This happens sometimes. I just need to pee.”
         “Oh, so your, thing is what is hard,” I choke out, wanting to disappear.
         “Yes, my dick is hard. Partly because of you being all up on me.”
         “Then let me scoot away.”
         “No,” he whines.
         “Yes, Taehyung, go pee and then come back.”
         “Fine,” he groans, releasing me and jumping out of bed. “Don’t look, I’ll be right back.”
         I accidently catch a glance as Taehyung rushes out of his room, causing my cheeks to heat up even more.
         I take a few deep breaths and then chuckle, sitting up in his bed and looking around the room.
         Clothes are scattered across the floor; a desk is cluttered with papers, books, and a laptop. Some stuffed animals are over in a corner. The sun is trying its hardest to shine through the closed curtains. I can’t believe that last night a terrible storm was blowing through, and now it is a peaceful morning.
         “Problem solved,” Taehyung walks back into his room, clothes in his arms. “These are yours, by the way.” He places the clothes on the end of his bed. “It’s actually late morning, so you should probably get ready.”
         “Man, no more cuddles,” I pout.
         “We will cuddle a lot during July,” he walks over to me, kissing just my bottom lip. “Come on, I’ll show you to the bathroom.”
         “So demanding,” I giggle, sliding out of his bed.
         “I am the man,” he teasingly smirks.
         I reach up and ruffle his already mess hair, “Such a cute man. You can’t always tell me what to do, though.”
         “I protected you last night,” he lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. “Did you forget that?”
         “Taehyung,” I gasp. “Put me down. How can you carry me?”
         “You are light, and I am strong, that’s how. Also, I’m taking you to the bathroom.” His hand gently connects with my butt. “My clothes look amazing on you, if I might add.”
         “I can’t believe you right now,” I groan, covering my face with my hands.
         “Don’t you want me to be like this sometimes? Or am I mistaken?”
         “I mean, yes, but it is so sudden. Just take me to the bathroom.”
         Taehyung walks out of his room and heads down the hall.
         “Good morning, Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung happily says.
         I pull my hands away from my face. “Yoongi, help me,” I giggle.
         “You seem to be in no trouble,” Yoongi walks around to be face-to-face with me. “Little one, did Taehyung protect you?”
         “He did. He’s a man, you know?”
         Yoongi chuckles, “Sure he is.”
         “We have places to be, hyung,” Taehyung says.
         “Fine, I’ll let you two go,” Yoongi cups my face with one hand. “You need to get your crazy hair under control.”
         “I’ll do my best,” I smile.          Yoongi leans in and kisses my cheek, “Have I told how cute you are?”
         “Have I told you that you are getting soft around me?”
         “Just for you. I can’t help it,” he pulls his hand away from my face. “See you two later,” he nods and walks away.
         Taehyung continues to the bathroom, setting me down on the toilet. “I will be back,” he places my clothes on the counter. “Just use my shower things. Middle shelf it mine.”
         I nod, “Thank you, Tae.”
         “No problem, princess.” He smiles before turning and walking out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
         Minutes later I am undressed and in the shower. It feels weird knowing the other boys have probably used this shower. It’s weird to be showering at the dorms at all.
         I get over being uncomfortable in a few minutes, singing as if I’m back at Nari’s. I am so into my thoughts I barely register the door opening.
         “Lovely singing, jagi,” Taehyung’s voice shocks me and I almost slip.
         “Taehyung, what are you doing?” I make sure the shower curtain is closed and the boy on the other side can’t see me.
         “Brushing my teeth,” he laughs. “This is my bathroom.”
         “I’m naked,” I take a few deep breaths.
         “I would hope so, since you are in the shower. Also, I can’t see you. Hey, how about we sing together?”
         “No Tae, not like this,” I sigh. “Can you just hurry up so I can get out?”
         “Yeah, I will. I just want to spend as much time as possible with you since you won’t be spending the day with us.”
         I laugh, “You are so dorky, but that is kind of cute.”
         “I try,” he laughs with me.
         “Hurry up though, I am turning into a prune in here.”
         “Okay, okay, I’m hurrying. I wish I was turning into a prune too.”
         “Such a pervert,” I roll my eyes. “Go back to being cute.”
         “It’ll be like Thanksgiving tomorrow,” I smile as I set up the card table.
         “That’s a good way to put it,” Nari smiles as she mixes the brownie batter.
         “It’s a going away party, though,” Emily says. “We will miss you Nari.”
         “I’ll miss you girls,” Nari glances back at us. “Even if we already talked about it, and I gave you the rules, it doesn’t make it any easier.”
         “At least it is just a month,” I push the card table up next to the small dinning room table. Not nine months.”
         “Well, you will only be back here a few days after traveling. Then nine months again. I get to comfortable with you here, and I know that I shouldn’t because you leave before I realize it.”
         “Oh, yeah,” Emily begins pushing chairs up to our makeshift long table. “I don’t want to leave. The second time, that is.”
         “Just one more nine months,” I sigh. “Then we never have to leave here again.”
         “Still haven’t told your parents that plan, have you?” Nari asks.
         “No,” I answer. “I’m saving that for next year. I’ve only told Yoongi that we are moving over here, actually.”
         “That boy is good at keeping secrets.”
         “He made Taehyung a jealous boy,” Emily chuckles.
         “How?” Nari pours the brownie batter into a pan.
         “Tae asked a stupid question, like, if Yoongi kissed me,” I take a seat in one of the chairs Emily has set up around the table. “So, he did, kind of. He kissed the corner of my mouth. Barely on my lips.”
         “Ah, in a sibling way,” Nari nods, putting the brownies in the oven. “And Taehyung must have hated that.”
         “Yoongi was just teasing him, so I calmed him down,” I sigh. “There was no reason for him to jealous, and he knows it.”
         “With kisses, I’m guessing.”
         “Yes, a lot,” I giggle.
         “How was your sleepover?”
         “A lot of fun, actually,” Emily takes a seat in a chair next to me. “I feel ready for the month we get to spend with them.”
         “I agree,” I nod. “I feel much more ready for how they are going to be. It was like a trial run to see if the real thing would be good.”
         “I know we already went over rules, but please, if possible, call me every night before bed.” Nari walks over and pulls a chair out to sit on.
         “Of course,” Emily and I smile.
         “This is why you two are the best, and why I trust you to go on this adventure.”
         “I can’t wait to go swimming,” I clap a few times. “It will be so fun.”
         “Bikini’s all the time,” Emily pats my shoulder.
         “Eh, no,” I shake my head. “I also want to spend a lot of time with the maknae line. Park Jimin is such a kind soul.”
         “He is,” Nari softly smiles.
         “He is very nice to you,” Emily says. “I mean, they all are, but Jimin is different.”
         “Yeah, I know what you mean,” I nod. “He’s so cute and loving to the other members. Slowly the same is happening to us.”
         “How has Jin been?” Nari asks. “When we get together he focuses on me, but I want to know how he is with you two.”
         “He’s good,” I answer. “Seems very happy. In love, you may say.”
         “Oh, no,” Nari’s cheeks redden as she looks away. “Love, that’s such a feeling that is so strong and rare.”
         “I can see it in his eyes,” I say.
         “Yes, that man loves you,” Emily adds.
         “Do you love him?”
         “I mean, he’s the first person I have been in a serious relationship for a couple years now,” Nari runs a hand through her hair. “I don’t know this feeling. It probably is love, but I don’t know. It is hard to tell.”
         “Tell him, he no doubt feels the same,” I smile. “He’s such a sweetheart.”
         “Maybe tomorrow.”
         “Ah, it will be so cute,” Emily and I giggle.
         “Goodness, you two must be able to read minds,” Nari chuckles.
         “It does seem like that at times,” Emily says. “We can’t, though.”
         “But how cool would that be?” I grin.
         “Very cool, Amber,” Emily pats my head.
         “I just remembered something about last year.”
         “What would that be?” Nari chuckles.
         “Where is our dog?”
         Nari busts into laughs. “Ah, yes, I remember that.”
         “Oh, yeah,” Emily giggles. “That was something Amber asked for last year, but I thought it turned into Tae and her getting a dog.”
         “I just like dogs,” I pout. “And so does Tae.”
         “You two should totally get a dog together then,” Nari nods.
         “He already has a dog, that I want to meet. She, I think, lives with his parents. Soonsim is her name, and I don’t know the breed.”
         “If she lives with his parents, then you two will need a dog of your own,” Emily says. “Rescue one or two.”
         “You have a point.”
         “You can ask him if he wants a dog with you tomorrow,” Nari says.
         “So what does Emily have to ask or tell Namjoon?”
         “I’ll tell him not to touch anything and I’ll handle all his breakable items,” Emily answers.
         “He is very clumsy and breaks things often,” Nari says.
         “I am okay with that being what you tell him,” I chuckle. “Also, on an unrelated note, I think the brownies are done.”
         “This all looks so yummy,” Jungkook smiles as the boys walking into the kitchen-dining room.
         “It smells amazing,” Seokjin smiles, giving Nari a kiss.
         “Please, everyone grab some food and take a seat,” I smile.
         Everyone walks around getting their food and drinks, and then we have to find seats. That takes a little bit more time than any of us would have like, but we figure it out. To my left at the head of the table, is Hoseok, and to my right at the head of the table is Jimin. Seokjin and Nari are across from me, and to their left is Namjoon and Emily. Taehyung is to my right, with Yoongi and Jungkook to my left.
         “Thank you girls for making this for us,” Namjoon says.
         “It is a nice way to spend a night together,” Yoongi says.
         “Food brings people together,” I shove rice and meat into my mouth with chopsticks.
         “I agree,” Taehyung follows my lead and shoves food into his mouth.
         “We haven’t done something like this since Amber’s birthday last year,” Nari says.
         “Oh yeah,” Jungkook says. “We can one up that party this year.”
         “I hope so,” I smile.
         “I can guarantee it,” Jimin says.
         “Anything you guys wan tot ask us?” Emily redirects the conversation.
         “Tell us about your families,” Hoseok speaks up.
         “That’s actually a good topic,” Nari smiles. “Who shall go first?”
         “I can,” Emily says. “Um, I am the oldest of my siblings. I have a younger brother, and two younger sisters. My parents had me out of wedlock, and I am the reason they got married. We have a few cats, and some fish. That’s really it,” she chuckles.
         “Oldest, hm?” Namjoon questions. “That’s why you kind of take care of Amber.”
         “I take care of myself, thank you,” I sass.
         “No, I take care of you,” Taehyung pushes some food into my mouth.
         “We all do, in some way,” Jimin says.
         “Amber is my best friend, so I do have to take care of her in a way,” Emily smiles. “But she takes care of me too.”
         “That’s sweet,” Seokjin says. “Amber, what is your family like?”
         “Oh, well, I am the middle child,” I take a sip of my water. “Of five kids. Older brother and sister, and then younger sister and brother, in that order, if that makes sense. Kind of crazy how it all happened. My parents are a bit crazy in that regard. We also have a dog. We have always had a dog, and my younger brother has some lizards. I grew up in such a loving household, and I am thankful that they let me come over here to experience that same kind of love in a different way.”
         “That’s good, I’m glad that is has been that way,” Taehyung kisses my cheek.
         “We always want to see you two smile,” Jungkook grins.
         “And you too, Nari,” Seokjin pops in.
         “This is why I am so glad we all met,” I smile, leaning into Taehyung.
         “Your turn, Nari,” Hoseok smiles.
         “Oh, yes,” Nari giggles. “Well, my parents are happily married, and proud of me and my little sister, Yuna. We have an old family dog and cat that are the best of friends. My dad is a doctor, so I grew up and got most of what I wanted.”
         “What does your sister do?” Yoongi asks.
         “Oh, Yuna,” Nari smiles, nodding a few times. “She’s a figure skater. She’s won a few times, so I guess she’s pretty good.”
         “Wait, are you talking about Yuna Moon?” I ask for clarification.
         “The one and only,” she chuckles. “I like to tease her all the time about how she still needs to get better.”
         “She is amazing!” I don’t mean to shout, but the excitement is hard to contain.
         “Oh, I know her,” Emily joins in. “Amber and I watched the 2014 Winter Olympics and saw her.”
         “Wait, that’s your sister?” Jimin is shocked.
         “Yes, the Olympic medalist is my sister,” Nari chuckles again. “Gold medal, and I never had a doubt.”
         “Her and Yuzuru Hanyu are the cutest,” I smile, sitting up.
         “As cute as us?” Taehyung pouts.
         “Well, they are really cute,” I poke his cheek.
         “I say tie, but you two might edge out because we know you,” Emily chuckles.
         “So, Yuna is pretty good at figure skating if she got gold,” Jungkook says.
         “South Korea’s best for the modern era, Kookie,” Namjoon answers. “She’s broken many records and won even more competitions.”
         “Plus, she’s dating a super cute and talented Japanese boy,” I add. “Which people were never surprised about, but now the media really plays it up. People want them to do couple skates, but they haven’t trained all their lives for that. Reminds me of me, since I am dating a super cute and talented boy.”
         “Yeah, I am super cute,” Taehyung grins.
         “Where is Yuna now?” Seokjin asks.
         “Probably training in Canada or Japan,” Nari shrugs. “Always with Yuzuru, no doubt. Goodness, we don’t talk as much as we used to. Both of us are so busy. I can’t remember the last time I saw her outside of a competition.”
         “July task, contact her,” I firmly nod, pointing at my cousin for a few seconds.
         “Okay, okay,” Nari chuckles. “I will do that. I promise.”
         “It is dessert time now?” Yoongi speaks up.
         I giggle, “I think so.”
         “Wait,” Emily holds up her hand for a moment. “You two have things to tell your boyfriends,” she points at Nari and then me. “I told Joonie not to hold anything he could break, so spill.”
         “Clumsy Namjoon,” Hoseok smirks.
         “Shut up,” Namjoon sighs.
         “I’ll go first,” I look up at Taehyung. “I want to raise a dog with you.”
         “Cute,” Jimin giggles.
         Taehyung looks down at me, a loving smile on his face. “I would love to raise a dog with you, jagi. Just more here,” he kisses my nose.
         “Yet another reason to move here,” Jungkook says in a sing-song way.
         I giggle, turning my gaze to Nari, “Now it is your turn.”
         Nari takes a deep breath, looking at Seokjin. “Jinnie, I’ve been thinking a lot about us, and I’ve realized something.”
         “What is it?” Seokjin looks at her, sounding a little scared.
         “Nothing bad, just how I feel about you. The girls made me realized it. Um, ah, I love you.”
         Seokjin smiles so big. “I love you too, Nari. For a while now. I’m so glad they set us up.”
         “Cute,” Hoseok giggles.
         “I agree,” Emily and I smile.
         “Now kiss,” Jimin laughs.
         Seokjin gives Nari a quick peck on the lips. “You are so sweet.”
         Nari smiles, a pink to her cheeks. “I try.”
         “That was nice and all,” Yoongi says. “But can we have dessert now?”          I laugh, leaning over into Yoongi. “Yes, we can have dessert. We made brownies, and you can pick your toppings. Hope you are all ready.”
The fun starts next chapter as the traveling beginnings. Hope you enjoyed reading! :D
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allisondraste · 5 years
Temperance (10/?)
Pairing: Nathaniel Howe/ Female, Non-HoF Cousland
Story Summary:  Nathaniel and Elissa were childhood friends, but time and distance tore them apart. In the aftermath of the Fifth Blight, and Ferelden’s Civil War, both Elissa and Nathaniel must attempt reconstruct their tattered lives. As a series of events lead them to be reunited, both are reminded of so many years ago when things were much simpler.
Chapter Summary:  Young Nathaniel begins to realize some things about Liss, but it wouldn't be a party if good old dad didn't mess everything up.
First Chapter Previous Chapter [AO3 LINK]
Highever, 9:18 Dragon
The sun beat down upon Highever from a cloudless sky, uncharacteristically hot and unrelenting for the typically mild Fereldan summer. Men and women, children, and animals accustomed to cooler weather walked about sluggishly, hoping for any sort of reprieve.  Nathaniel wiped away the beads of sweat that formed on forehead as he sat on a grassy hill that overlooked a small pond where the other children played. He didn’t actually mind the heat.
The heat wasn’t the only thing unusual about this particular summer, as everyone at Castle Cousland busied themselves with preparation for the arrival of King Maric and Teyrn Loghain.  From what Nathaniel could gather it was to be an important meeting of powerful people that would also include several feasts, music, and other festivities. Prince Cailan and Lady Anora were to accompany them.  
For days, Liss prattled on and on and on about getting to see the Prince and his betrothed in an almost breathless way,  eyes glittering with excitement. Nathaniel wasn’t certain she actually knew what it meant to be betrothed outside the pages of her stories.  She’d read countless tales of young maidens and their arranged marriages to handsome knights with polished silverite armor and crooked smiles.  He had, after all, listened to her recount the stories at great length. He knew her favorite characters and why they were her favorites. She’d even shown him drawings she’d made of a tall, muscular-looking woman who wielded a broadsword.  According to Fergus, she’d even begun to write her own story, filling pages upon pages of a journal but never willing to talk about what she was writing. He annoyed her about it nearly every day, and nearly every day she awarded him with a scowl and a firm punch in the arm.  It was clearly very private, and Nathaniel pretended to not even know it existed.
As he sat upon the hill, watching her splash around with Delilah and Thomas, who Father had permitted to join him in Highever this year, as well as the servant girl Liss’ parents did not like her to play with, he would have done just about anything to have her tell him the same story for the fifteenth time.  It was lonely on the hill, but he definitely could not join them in the water. Delilah or Thomas might tell Father, or worse, Father might see. He still did not understand why he wasn’t supposed to spend time with Liss. He didn’t expect he ever would. Father rarely explained his rules, but Nathaniel trusted that he knew what was best.
“How did I know I’d find you sitting here by yourself,” a voice rang out from behind him, followed by a chuckle.  It was Fergus who joined him. He was basically a man now, taller than ever with a deep voice and the beginnings of a beard.
“It’s kind of my thing,” Nathaniel answered with a sigh.  He didn’t want it to be his “thing.”
“I’ve seen you have a good time, Nate,” Fergus stated bluntly as he sat down on the grass beside him, “Just never when your old man is here.  What’s up with that?”
“Nothing,” Nathaniel snapped, darting his head toward the other boy who only smiled in return.
“My sister says your father doesn’t like that you two are friends.” Fergus plucked at some blades of grass at his side, tearing them between his fingers. “Is that true, or is she just making things up, again?”
“It’s true.” Nathaniel returned his gaze to the pond, his chest tightening as he watched Liss wrap her arms around Thomas in an attempt to pull him under the water, as she held Delilah’s hands, and as she kissed Rila’s cheek. “ I don’t know why.”
“I think I do.”
Fergus nodded grimly.  “I overheard your father talking to mine.  Something about wanting to arrange for my sister to marry your brother.”
“Like a betrothal,” Nathaniel huffed, “Liss will love that.”
“Father wouldn’t have it, said that Couslands do not treat their children like property, and that he would not decide Liss’ future for her.”  He shook his head and laughed. “There was some angry shouting, and then your father stormed out of the room.”
“My father does a lot of angry shouting and storming out of rooms,” Nathaniel took a deep breath, and stared at the ground, unable to look back out at the pond or up to Fergus. “I still don’t understand what this has to do with me being close to Liss.”
Fergus tried and failed to contain a laugh, so he ended up half-snorting as he slapped Nathaniel roughly on the back. “Well, if Liss fell in love with you, that’d get in the way of her marrying little Tom one of these days, now wouldn’t it?”
“Me? And Liss?” Nathaniel’s voice cracked as he spoke, causing him to squeak.  It’d been doing that a lot lately, and it was not helping him to sound serious or like anything other than some kind of awkward bird. He narrowed his eyes. “That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said, and you say a lot of stupid things.”
Fergus fell backward, cackling and holding his sides.  Had Liss not been otherwise occupied she would have punched him to make him stop, but Nathaniel preferred to wait him out. Especially since any time he opened his mouth there was a potential to incite more obnoxious laughter. “Sorry Nate,” he said between laughs, “I know you can’t help your voice but…” he trailed off, “Hey, at least by next summer, you’ll sound completely different.”
“You can impress my sister with your deep, manly voice.”  He elbowed Nathaniel in the arm. “Hmm?”
“It’s not like that, Fergus,” Nathaniel protested. “We’re just friends.  We’ll always just be friends.”
“Right, right, whatever you say,” Fergus threw his hands up, “But you sure put up with a lot of my sister’s nonsense to just be a friend.”
“I don’t put up with anything.” Nathaniel let his annoyance show in his voice, “I like Liss’ ‘nonsense.’ It’s-.” He paused, realizing the initial end of that sentence proved Fergus’ point.
A devious grin stretched across the older boy’s face, one so similar to Liss’ that Nathaniel couldn’t hate it.  “What were you going to say? Were you going to say that you think it’s cute?”
“You were,” Fergus shouted, “Hah! I knew it!”
Nathaniel rolled his eyes and ignored Fergus’ teasing.  Did he like Liss in a different way than just friends? Was that why watching her spend time with the others when he couldn’t join made his chest hurt. He wasn’t used to feeling so angry or resentful toward his sister and brother, but ever since they arrived, he wanted nothing more than for them to go home.  Now, with what Fergus overheard about Thomas, he wished it even more.
He watched as Liss climbed out of the pond, dripping from head to toe, quickly averting his eyes to the ground when he realized the linens in which she swam had become translucent in the water. He’d gone swimming with her before. This was nothing new to see, but it seemed impolite now.  His heart climbed into his throat as he saw her walking in his direction from the corner of his eye. Fergus was still talking about her, and Nathaniel panicked.
“She’s coming, shut up,” he said slapping Fergus on the arm.  Fergus looked at his sister and then back at Nathaniel, eyes sparkling with amusement. He took a breath, and opened his mouth to speak again, but Nathaniel covered it with his hand. “Shut. Up.”
Fergus raised his hands in a truce, eyes still smiling, and Nathaniel uncovered his mouth, but continued to glare at him with the most threatening expression he could muster. Not that it would stop the much larger boy from embarrassing him.  There was no force in Thedas that would do that.
“You two are missing out on the fun,” Liss said cheerfully, plopping down on the ground beside Nathaniel.  Cool water droplets bounced from her hair with the movement, sprinkling onto his skin.
“Don’t be silly, Sis.” Fergus’ voice was full of irony. “Nathaniel doesn’t know how to have fun.”
“Be nice.” Liss leaned over and around Nathaniel to smack her brother on the head. “You okay, Nate?” Her hand fell on Nathaniel’s shoulder and he looked up at her even though he knew he shouldn’t. His heart immediately skipped a beat and he wanted to bury his head in the dirt.  He’d never thought about her like that before. Why now? Clearly this was Fergus’ doing for mentioning it.
He just nodded and Liss gave him a disbelieving look.  She’d known him long enough to know better.
“I,” she announced, poking his cheek and letting her finger rest there, “Don’t believe you.”
His face burned hot, and he wasn’t sure if it was the actual heat or the insufferable shame he felt just being so near her now.  He turned his eyes to look at Fergus who looked as if he were about to burst, then lightly swatted Liss’ hand away. It was absent minded, an attempt to alleviate the embarrassment boiling up in him, but he knew what it meant to her.
Nathaniel forced himself to meet her gaze, and to see the hurt expression on her face as she pulled away from him. “Liss, I - ,”
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she stated tersely, standing up and stomping away, back down to the pond where the others greeted her fondly.   He brought his hands to his face and shook his head, falling back into the grass.
“That went well,” Fergus teased.“Tell me again how you don’t like my sister.  I’m waiting.”
“Piss off,” Nathaniel muttered, voice muffled by his hands.
Nathaniel had the remainder of the afternoon and evening to ruminate. Despite Fergus forcing him to distraction by dragging him to the kennels, he couldn’t seem to get Liss off his mind. He still was not quite sure what to make of anything that happened. He had only known her for a few years, but it was impossible to remember a time when she hadn’t been a major part of his life. He honestly didn’t care to. There had been so few people who took such a vested interest in him, who truly cared.  For all that he preferred solitude, he enjoyed her company more. Even when he said he wanted to be alone, it did not apply to her. He loved her, and he wasn’t afraid to admit that.
However, the new set of feelings that had smacked him this summer made him uncomfortable. He was afraid to admit to those because that meant that things between he and Liss could never be the same again.  He would never be able to look at her without feeling like he was suffocating, without his chest aching. And, if what Fergus said had any truth to it, and he figured it did knowing Father, he would always feel that way.  He would never be allowed to act on it. Ever.
With a mournful sigh, he flung himself down on his bed.  It was still early for sleep, but if he lay there long enough, it wouldn’t be.   He could drift off and not think about Liss and how pretty she was, or how she smelled nice, or how she smiled when she talked about her favorite books.  He also wouldn’t have to think about the hurt in her eyes when he brushed her off earlier. He would have dreamless sleep and think absolutely nothing about Elissa Cousland or how she made him want to die.  Maybe it was just a fever and he’d wake up with the tangled ball of emotions inside him gone. He rolled his eyes at himself. Unlikely.
A rapid succession of knocks at his door jolted him from his bed and he rushed to answer it.  Unfastening the lock he reached for the handle but the door burst open before he even touched it, and he took a step backward to keep it from hitting him in the nose.  Liss barged into the room and shut the door behind her, leaning against it. Her eyes were red and swollen from tears that continued to fall, and she was sniffling, trying to catch her breath.
“Liss, what’s -.” She fell forward into his arms, catching him off guard.  All the shame and embarrassment from earlier fizzled away, replaced by overwhelming concern.  He hugged her to him tightly, unsure what else he could do.
“I’m sorry to...to bother you,” she said through sobs and sniffles,”You probably don’t want me here.”
“No, it’s fine,” he reassured her, “What’s wrong?”
“After we finished swimming, Rila and I wanted to show Delilah and Thomas our spot in the garden.  You know the one?” She looked up at Nathaniel desperately, and he shook his head. He knew the one.  “While we were there, your father came to look for your brother and sister, I don’t know why - something about introducing them to some important people at dinner... “ She trailed off, tears still streaking down her face.
Nathaniel’s heart dropped like lead into his stomach.  He had an idea where this story was going, and it made him sick.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her out and away from him so he could look at her directly. “What did my father do, Liss?”
A look of anguish crossed her delicate features and she shook with sobs again.  He’d never seen her like this before. “He saw Rila, and he got really angry. She didn’t even do anything, but he was just so angry.  He called her a ‘knife-ear’ and told me and the others we had no business playing with ‘filth.’
“Rila ran off, and I went to find her once your Father left, but she wouldn’t listen.  She told me she hated me and never wanted to talk to me again. This is all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault,” Nathaniel grasped her shoulders more firmly, “She is your friend and you couldn’t have known this would happen.”
She pulled back. “But I did!  Mama and Papa have told me tons of times, but I just didn’t listen.  I’m stupid. I’m a stupid, dumb person who never listens.” She tapped her forehead repeatedly with the heel of her hand.  “Rila is never going to be my friend again.”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, almost in a whisper, and she wrapped her arms around him again.  Her hair was still damp and smelled like the outside air. He wished he knew what to say, that he was good at consoling people, but that was not a strength of his.  He wondered why she sought him out instead of her parents, instead of Fergus.
“I get it now.”  Liss’ expression hardened as she pulled away again, and she offered him a definitive nod.  “I know why you are different when he’s here. I didn’t before, not really, but I do now.”
“Father is…” He sighed. “Difficult.”
“I hate him,” Liss snapped, unapologetically.
“Sometimes... I think I might, too.”  He laughed bitterly and walked to sit on the edge of his bed. “But he’s my father, and I have to respect his wishes.”
It was staggering to think that he might hate his own father, let alone admit it out loud.  Liss walked over and sat beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder. She didn’t say a word, but she didn’t have to.  He understood the gesture well enough. He offered her his hand and she laced her fingers through his, squeezing tightly.
They sat there for several moments in heavy silence until footsteps and the voices of men were heard down the hallway.
“Rendon, I assure you Nathaniel is not having an undue influence on Elissa,” Bryce’s voice urged, “And I certainly doubt she’s in his room right now.”  He had spoken so loudly on purpose. It was a warning.
Liss and Nathaniel both startled, and they looked at each other with widened eyes, conveying their plan without any words.  She drew a finger to her lips and slid down to the floor, crawling under the bed. He hurried to busy himself, taking a book from the shelf, rushing to his desk an pretending to be intently focused on the dusty tome that was almost certainly about Mabari.
There was a gentle knock at the door. “It’s open,” Nathaniel shouted, his heart pounding in his chest.
Bryce entered first, followed by Father, who looked around the room suspiciously.  “See,” he said in the same cheerful tone Liss always used. “She’s not here.” He winked at Nathaniel discreetly.
“Yes, well.” His father approached the desk, boots clicking against the stone floor.  He placed a hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder with enough pressure that it was uncomfortable. “One can never be certain with this one.  He is always up to something.”
“Nathaniel has always been on his best behavior with us,” Bryce’s voice was happy, but his eyes looked sad.
“I am sure he is.”  He released Nathaniel’s arm and walked out of the room.  Bryce lingered behind for a moment, offering an apologetic expression before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.
Liss crawled out from under the bed and stood, more shyly than he had ever seen her, in the center of the room.  She had the same expression her father had worn.
“I should probably go.” She motioned toward the door with her thumb. “I don’t want to get you in trouble, too.”
Nathaniel wanted to ask her to stay, to say that he didn’t care what Father thought, that it was worth the risk because she was the only friend he had ever really had.  But he didn’t. He just hung his head and watched as she left his room, closing the door gently behind her.
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nam-nam-joon · 6 years
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Pairing: taehyung x reader
Genre: fluff
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: cuddling, otherwise none~
Summary: you initially go over to polish the balcony of your neighbour, who then invites you to stay for lunch - and a nap afterwards
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The sun had climbed high enough in the sky to fully shine its light on the tiny balcony you currently occupied, surrounded by pots, flowers both dead and barely alive. Accompanied by a small shovel and a sack of soil you’d spent the last hours trying to save what could be saved concerning the plants that had sat the winter long in the pots hanging on your neighbour’s handrail; receiving nothing but a thin sheet of snow and the unrelenting pecks of birds.
The stack of newspapers under your shins served as a pillow against the cold floor, and you took a moment to shuffle around to sit back on it more comfortably.
Taehyung had put cheap bamboo wrapping around the metal bars running around the edges of the little outside space and it provided a great shield against the, admittedly, still freezing breeze. It was nearing April now and the wind had yet to change from biting cheeks to caressing the little flowers peeking their heads out from the ground. You, however, were currently comfortably warm bathed in the bright light.
Several bones popped as you stretched your back out.
Dirt collected under your fingernails and in the creases of your hands.
You didn’t really bother wiping them clean, not just yet. There was still a weak little bush of lavender needing assistance; but before you could reach for were it currently lay between the repotted catnip and fuchsia, the glass door in your back opened.
The smell of something delicious wafted outside together with a gush of heated air.
Taeyhung’s head peeked out and down on you, a grin stealing on his features as he observed you lazily blinking up at him.
“Remind me again which of us is the cat?” He asked, amused. You chuckled and stretched your legs.
“It’s really nice out here. Warm, sunny… very pleasant. Also, fresh air. You should try it sometime, does wonders for your body.”
He wrinkled his nose in fake disgust before his face momentarily vanished back inside.
Moments later it popped out again, together with the rest of him.
In his hands were two glasses of juice, one of which he graciously extended toward you.
You accepted with a word of thanks and took a sip.
“You’re almost done?” He noted after a moment of quiet; intelligent eyes running over the mess you made on his tiles. You nodded.
“Yup. Sorted out everything that was beyond saving and put it in that basket over there, everything else is in these pots here. Only gotta put your lavender back now. When it gets warmer you can go out and shop for replacements for your… whatever that stuff with the long little branches and loads of dead little leafs was.”
He leaned back against the closed door and nodded, gaze still taking in the shrubbery while his tail softly swished back and forth behind him.
It flicked abruptly, just before he opened his mouth.
“Do you want to stay for lunch? I made noodles and soup, and there’s some leftover from the take-away BBQ I had yesterday evening. More than enough for two.”
You finished your juice and leaned forward to place the empty glass on the railing to the side. Taehyung’s eyes followed your movement and his left arm, with its hand stuck into his pants’ pocket, twitched.
He ignored the amused raise of your eyebrow and his ears turned backwards.
“Is that a thank-you for saving your greenery?”
His hand, half on the way to the glass, changed course and came up to rub his neck as his eyes finally met your gaze again.
“If you want to? Although you’re probably doing only yourself a favour here; I can’t say I care that much about them…”
“Evidently.” You tsked, soothing the harsh comment with an easy smile. “Nah, my pleasure. And yes, I’d love to grab a bite. Got some work done?”
He seemed to pause briefly before finally picking up your empty glass. “I- Yeah. It’s still way too many files to look through and write emails, but- It’s less now.”
“Some nice people with the applications?”
His strong eyebrows creased the skin between them.
“A few. Most of them don’t immediately fall out, but it’s the other documents you have to really look out for if you want to weed out those who don’t, y’know, really want to help.”
You nodded in understanding and turned back to the helpless lavender still lying on the floor.
Taehyung lingered a while longer but then returned back inside with a swish of his tail, leaving you to his pots once more.
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He kept quiet during your lunch, after you’d scrubbed your hands clean and brushed a few stray leafs out of your hair.
“Everything alright?” You asked, after both of you had picked up your spoons and started eating a few mouthfuls.
He chewed on a piece of vegetable and stared into the foggy liquid for a while. When he lifted his head and his tawny eyes found yours you noticed how worn out he looked.
The shaded rings around his eyes and the slightly matted hair hadn’t been noticeable in the bright sunlight.
“-Yes.” He hurried to answer, hiding a yawn behind his palm. “Yeah, I’m just- just tired.”
He shot you a quick, unconvincing upturn of his lip’s corners before picking his bowl up again and continue eating.
“Maybe you should take the afternoon off. Have some rest.”
As soon as the words had left your lips you saw the shift in his face, the hardening of the muscles around his jaw.
“I can’t. We have so many young ones in the shelter at the moment - we can’t afford- I can’t afford to keep them waiting for too long. They need good families, as soon as possible.”
“Okay.” Your voice was deliberately soft after his outburst. He sighed and avoided looking you, and so you reached out with your right to cover his left hand gently.
His fingers twitched but he didn’t pull away.
The tension in his shoulders eased somewhat, up until the point that his ears rose from where they had flattened to his scalp as his gaze slowly rose to yours.
“If I can help in any way - please let me know. Okay? I’m always here, just across the hall.”
A tired, but this time genuine, smile, stole on his face as he tilted his head and gave you a long look.
“I know. Thank you. You’re an awesome neighbour.”
You grinned.
“I sure hope so. Otherwise it’d be a shame if some of your new pots would magically find themselves on the terrace three stories down, hmm?”
One of his eyebrows quirked up.
“Are you insinuating you’d - you’d push them over the edge?” His eyes narrowed. “Not funny.”
The boxy smile contradicted the serious tone of his voice greatly and you laughed.
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Without him needing to ask, you picked up the dishtowel and began to dry the bowls that he placed dripping wet on the little rack.
The small smile he send in thanks warmed your insides.
Now and then you could hear a faint tune from the radio in the next room, playing calm pop music. Even the street below his kitchen window was almost devoid of cars passing by; only the occasional couple or warmly wrapped individual sauntering past.
You felt his presence on your right as he joined you standing next to the window, looking down.
The warmth on his face as he took in yours made you smile.
He opened his mouth, caught sight of something on the upper right part of your hair, and paused.
There was a quick glance of his pointy canines as he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, biting down on it before seeming to overcome the struggle taking place inside.
“Do you- Would you mind, uh- You wanna stay for a nap?”
The shyness was new, but you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t somewhat endearing.
Work must have really worn him down.
"Sure. The couch?"
Visibly relieved by your positive reaction, the cat hybrid’s tail flicked as he turned towards the living room.
“I would take the bed, usually, but with the sun… we could place the cushions on the floor and? With, with a blanket?”
You inclined your head with a small smile. “Works for me.”
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The cushions turned out to be a lot smaller for two people than expected, but after you’d given Taehyung your Okay that you didn’t mind body contact he wrapped his limbs around you, pulled himself almost completely on top of you.
After a bit of shuffling he finally rested his head next to yours, one of his arms lying across your upper chest, one leg hooked around yours.
“Want me to pet your hair?”
The quiet "Yes" almost escaped your ears.
You felt the small shiver running through him at your words and suppressed a smile. Your neighbour of the past year was more like a cat than he liked to admit, sometimes.
It took you a moment to find out where he liked your fingers rubbing soothing circles into his hair the most, lightly scratching the base of his ears, and carding through the locks at the nape of his neck, to getting him to fully relax.
The thin tail snaking around your upper thigh was the first sign you did something right, before Taehyung drifted off far enough to no longer care if he purred or not.
Day to day you hardly ever saw him embracing the animal side of him, whether it be curling his lips over his teeth but refraining to hiss when a car drove through a puddle near him and splattered him with muddy water, nor purring in comfortable situations. Or at all.
Now, you held your breath, fingers pressing down on the spot above where his ears would have been, had they been human.
The sound was minimal at first, started as a soft rumble deep down in his chest. Under your administrations it rose to a steady vibration that travelled through his body into yours, the spot where his chin met your shoulder almost tingling.
He sighed and adjusted his position, hand tightening on your side, pulling you further into him. The leg on top of yours stretched minimally before settling back into its place, his hips rolling forward once without any determination behind it.
The steady rise and fall of his purring, together with the warmth of his body and the blanket on top of you lulled you in.
The sunbeams streaming through the windows bathed your little pile into an island of light, the walls and rest of the room slinking back in shadow.
You risked a glance sideways.
Taehyung was so beautiful.
His lashes fanned over his cheekbones, his lips slightly parted for breathing.
He must have forgone shaving this morning; you could see the thick stubbles of his whiskers dotting the skin next to his nostrils as well as the thinner ones of his would-be human scruff peppering his upper lip and over his chin.
Something tugged softly on your heart.
Your hand dropped from his hair to his cheek, caressing the soft skin there.
He licked over his lips and tucked his head in, rubbing his cheek against your touch in his sleep.
“Get some rest, Tae-Tae. You deserve it.”
You whispered, foreheads only parted by an inch.
“As long as you don’t go anywhere.”
His voice was thick, words slurred by sleep, and you doubted he was fully awake.
Nonetheless did it surprise you; the absence of his purring making the room sound weirdly quiet all of a sudden.
“I won’t.” And you picked up carding his hair again, Taehyung slipping back into a deeper slumber. When his purring resumed you felt heavy, deciding to give into sleep as well.
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You blinked your eyes open an indefinite amount of time later.
The world was warm and you felt pleasantly heavy.
Upon attempting to move you found Taeyhung had now completely made himself comfortable on top of you. His face rested in the crook of your neck, breath hot and a bit wet against your skin, while his left hand held onto the pillow under your head next to your face.
You placed a hand on his side, feeling the resistance of his last rib and then the firm softness of his waist below.
He grumbled in response.
“Shouldn’t we get up?”
He groaned, pressing down on you and adjusting into a more comfortable position, as if that would be answer enough.
You gently rocked him from side to side, all the movement you could muster at this point.
“Do you have any idea how distracting you look, sitting out there, taking care of my stuff and potting my plants?”
His voice was raspy and deep, muffled by both your pullover covering your shoulder and the blanket.
“No.” You answered truthfully, fingernails running over his scalp once more.
He groaned in satisfaction.
Then he lifted his head, as if remembering your position, your person.
The purr building in the back of his throat died down.
He blinked.
“And your pets are criminally good.” He narrowed his eyes. “Have you been practicing on a hybrid I don’t know about?”
You grinned at the suspicious look on his face.
“I swear, I’ve been true and faithful. You are my one and only.”
His ears turned back and the apples of his cheeks slightly deepened in colour.
You laughed out loud, as best as you could with his considerable weight on your chest.
“Okay Kitkat, off now. I really need to use the bathroom. Don’t you have work to do, too?”
With a begrudging sigh he gave you free, sheepishly blinking at you with half his face buried in your pillow.
The end of a grin was visible on his lips.
“‘Kitkat’?” He repeated, voice caught somewhere between an amused snort and touched.
You knelt next to the pile, studying his face before he rolled on his back, taking the blanket with him and pulling it over his face until all that was visible were his eyes.
“You don’t like it?”
“No, I… I do. I do.”
“Then yes. Kitkat.”
As you left the room you could hear Taeyhung mumbling the nickname to himself.
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neveriayan-blog · 5 years
The Next Chapter 1: Kiss to Win
(Spring. Rex visits Noah at the college fair.)
Noah was a crazy guy.
As in a non-skilled, untrained, non-official Providence agent who still rushed head-long into battles as Rex's sidekick –kind-of way.
Okay, okay, so to be fair, in the six years Rex had known him, he had to admit Noah Nixon had some mad skills at table tennis, basketball, console games, and was a natural with a machine gun.
They've come a long way from those days of fighting EVOs, and tackling the Consortium and other crazy wackos who tapped into advanced machine warfare.
But over the last three years Noah had been in college, Rex found himself surprised by the new things he learned about his best bud.
Like A: Noah –at about five foot ten –has added 'the shortest basketball star to ever dominate his college' to his resume, since the rest of the players were all over six foot like Rex.
B: He has accumulated fans of nearly everyone on campus since his debut as Romeo in his end-of-year drama assessment during his freshman year.
And C: He's the number-one guy on campus whom girls want to kiss.
The long line of female fans at Noah's kissing booth was utterly ridiculous, especially since they each had to pay five bucks for a peck. Although Rex never went to college, and so didn't know about the different social ladders, he was pretty sure that there were ladies of all social statuses eyeing for his lips.
From the regular, average chicks or plus sized ones in simple skirts or jeans and plain tops, to athletic ones in their sneakers, or cute, petite types, and even the mega bombshells –Noah was like the bachelor of every girl's dream.
Someone should really make it illegal to cheat girls out of a kiss, even if it was for fund raising for the school. It really wasn't fair since Noah was obviously getting the better end of the deal. Or maybe Rex just thought that way because he was just jealous. It annoyed him that he never got any kisses for rewards even though he had saved countless of girls –much less get paid.
Here Rex Salazar, the world's greatest hero, who'd saved the world time and time again, entered the campus compounds without a single note of fanfare. One would think the Master Nanite Controller, who'd miraculously deactivated Nanites world over, would be recognized without his trademark nanite builds.
But no, without them, he was just another ordinary guy who couldn't compare to Noah. Jeez, at least it would have been great if Rex's handsome looks could command at least some attention.
When Noah told him about the kissing booth Rex gallantly decided not to crash in with his full nanite sleekness. Hence, he'd opted for a less flashy entrance, ditching his hover-bike outside the campus entrance, before coming in like a regular guy. But seeing Noah now with a throng of free kisses, he was starting to see green, and wondered if he should have dropped in on the middle of the fair with his jet pack instead.
Rex had trouble keeping his face expressionless as he closed the remaining yards across the large quadrangle where the campus fair was held. He weaved in between knots of people grouped together in front of other booths that held less interesting activities.
There were classic games like ring toss, shooting bottles, spin-a-wheel –all designed to leech the money out of people's pockets since those set ups were probably rigged such that the visitor would never win no matter how many times they try.
Still, the visitors, who looked around his age –probably most of them being college students themselves – seemed game to try. Animated chanter and cheers filled the place, with everyone lively and looking like they were having fun.
"You're late, Rex!" Noah yelled when Rex was a few steps from him and waved him over to his booth, where his next words were gobbled up by the lips of his newest customer.
Rex made a face at the garish red lipstick slobbered over Noah's face when he was released five seconds later.
"You're missing all the action," Noah added and was about to clean his lips with the Kleenex next to him, when he was attacked on the lips by the same girl.
She was a brunette. Prettier than the average girl, she would have looked compatible with Noah, except that she was acting like one freaky, possessive chick –and Rex didn't want that for Noah, as much as it was amusing to watch.
Noah clearly had the short end of the stick in this case –the girl looked like she was sucking the life out of him, fisting Noah's golden hair in a painful grip.
"Hey! No hogging!" a pissed-off girl behind yelled, prompting another to also protest.
By the time Despo Chick released Noah. He was blue in the face and looked like he needed proper CPR.
Noah stepped back and coughed, probably because he was choking on her saliva, and gave a bland smile.
"Well, that kind of invigorating action I can do without," Rex taunted with a mean smirk. Arms folded across his chest he leaned at the side of the booth.
Noah stared icy daggers with his cerulean blue orbs and wiped the lipstick off his mouth.
"Oh, Noah! My Romeo, another one!" the desperate girl exclaimed before smacking another five on the booth and lunged forward for Noah.
Rex would have gladly thrashed her if she was an out of control EVO. But since she was just one of another case of Noah's fans obsessed with him after his epic portrayal as Romeo in his school's drama performance, Rex just grinned at his buddy's misery.
After all, popularity came at a price.
Besides, it was just too damn funny.
But when the girls behind grabbed Despo Chick's arm and started shouting, Rex quickly stepped in between them before a catfight broke out.
"Hey-Hey, ladies. I know Noah's a stud, but let's play nice and share him, alright?" Rex tried to calm them down.
"Please, Noah is my dream man! I've waited all year to do this! This is his senior year, too –my last chance!" Despo chick exclaimed.
Rex didn't want to resort to unorthodox means of control, but there was nothing else he could do unless he wanted to cause a scene by physically stopping her.
Much to his surprise however, Noah laughed lightly and quirked a brow, saying, "Okay then, but you have to promise to let me breathe."
Then Noah leaned over to kiss her again.
Rex shook his head and chuckled. Despite acting like the resident flirt, Noah was actually really sweet. Well, to girls, at least.
Half a minute later, Noah pulls away, but Rex could tell that Despo Chick was still unrelenting.
So Rex did a little trick he learned since the time he discovered he'd the Omega-1 Nanite inside him.
Not being the scientist his older brother was, Rex didn't know how it was possible, but he discovered if he focused and thought really hard, he could get nanites to listen to him. It was as if the invisible, electromagnetic channels were completely open to him, making it easier to 'talk' to the nanites inside people's bodies. If he concentrated hard enough he could possess a limited amount of control over them.
Just like how he jolted 'awake' just enough nanites inside the girl and ordered them to influence the electrochemical signals in her brain to control her motor movement.
And just like that, she was abruptly turning around and she'd be miles away before the nanites would automatically shut down, snapping out of her semi-trance, and she realizes that she had been walking away against her will.
It sounded daunting, but Rex did have limitations on his abilities, and how much influence he had over other people's nanites. If there were too much static or electromagnetic interference, he wouldn't be able to connect with nanites from other bodies without direct contact. And even without such interference, he had to be standing close by, within a few steps, in order to do so.
Hence this ability fell short whenever he was in a room plugged with a phone or an internet router or anywhere that has strong wireless signals. The open grounds were generally clearer from these types of interference, which was why he could influence Despo Chick's nanites without much difficulty.
Unfortunately, it also readily gave him a shitty headache –influencing three or five people, whether through direct contact or standing close by, was just about his limit before his brains start to pound like a sledgehammer going through it.
Also, he found his abilities weren't strong enough to affect EVOs like the Consortium. He tried several occasions when they battled, but it would seem that as they had conscious control over their active nanites, they could overpower Rex's commands, which stands to reason since Rex had not been able to cure them either.
Noah gave a bland smile at Despo Girl's exit, and then speared Rex with a glare, showing his distaste at what the EVO had done. Rex knew Noah would recognize the telling signs of when he used his nanite influence. Rex rarely did it, even in battle, but Noah had witnessed it a few times before on harmless occasions.
In the few instances when Noah seriously expressed his outright dislike were about Rex's newfound abilities. Rex understood why. It was terrible to control someone against their will, like those inhibitor collars* that were placed on EVOs back when Black Knight was in charge of Providence.
Besides, Rex was not about to turn into a control freak.
He used it, only and if, it were absolutely necessary. And Rex knew Noah trusted him not to abuse his powers. Still, neither of them liked it when he did.
At least for this time, Rex was sure Noah didn't think he went completely overboard, since he didn't say anything when the girl appeared to take a sudden about turn and leave.
So Rex merely forced a smile and whispered, "You're welcome," before the next girl ungraciously elbowed Rex out of the way.
"Hey, jeez, not like Noah's the only stud around here. What about me?" Rex grumbled under his breath in annoyance.
Noah must have heard him because he gave Rex that cocky smile of his, with one corner upturned in a devilish manner, which he always does when he wanted to challenge Rex.
"Oh, jealous pal? It's not your fault that you're not born a star like me."
"No," Rex made a face, "but I was engineered to be one. Bet the girls will go ga-ga when they see my true superhero form."
"Oh yeah? You wanna bet?" Noah pushed again, in that infuriating manner that drove Rex's adrenaline in a jumping frenzy, sparking him to take on whatever stupid challenge there was, like a blind bee to honey.
Since the first time Rex met him, Noah could always egg him on and rile him into competing with him. What the contest was meant to prove didn't really matter –simply winning was.
Rex could write a list of all the stupid things they've competed over that would stretch across a whole city block.
When they were sixteen, it was normal for them to get in on ridiculous challenges, or at least, Holiday was patient enough to look the other way when they took their contest within Providence Headquarters. But now, being closer to twenty-one, and therefore no longer privileged with given the blind eye like in their younger days, Holiday scolded them more often than not that they were being downright immature.
"C'mon Rex, what's with the stalling? Not confident enough? Why don't you just admit that I'm the hotter guy between the two of us?" Noah pushed again in his cocky tone and that did it.
"Like hell I will! You're sooo on, Noah. The one that gets the most kisses wins!" Rex gave his own swaggering bite before he sent millions of his nanites buzzling into action, constructing a three-tiered platform beneath his feet to raise him to a more attention-grabbing spotlight.
The unveiling of his powers brought in the right effect of fanatic shrieks, gasps, oohs and ahhs. Finally, they recognized him as the nanite-wielding hero.
"Hey! That's cheating! I don't have a freaking stage!" Noah protested.
"Well then, you need to get an upgrade, like me," Rex taunted.
He'd come a long way from the weapons he was limited to creating back in his teens. Since being perfectly in sync with his Omega-1 Nanite, he gradually learnt to generate a variety of other useful constructs and components.
"Hello ladies, the Nanite Master, Rex Salazar, is on the grounds. So step right up for a kiss for the same amount as your resident superstar, Noah Nixon!" Rex announced dramatically through a loudspeaker he quickly generated with his hand.
The stampede and rush of females scampering to line up in front of Rex was glorifying, especially since he stole some of Noah's fans over.
Rex snickered as he heard Noah's loud humph of annoyance.
"Whatever Rex, I had a head start. Game finishes at the end of the fair at five."
Rex gave a thumbs up to agree with the rules and was convinced that this was going to be his best day ever, until his lips started hurting three hours later from all the brutal sucking and nibbling.
Rex had tasted every flavor there was of food the girls had eaten before and the unpleasant combination left in his mouth was almost nauseating. By then, the charm of getting free kisses from hordes of girls faded away.
At times like these, Rex pondered in chagrin at what possessed him to take up Noah's stupid challenge. He was actually starting to dread the line that seemed to never end.
The afternoon sun beat down on them didn't help either. Rex was sorely parched, but he didn't want to waste time getting a drink since Noah didn't take a break either.
A sideways glance at Noah also confirmed he was also feeling the abuse. Noah was slouching against the side of the booth now, with his lips all red and puffy. He probably had it worse since he'd started earlier and there was still almost two hours left.
But they both stubbornly wanted to win –they were similar in that way, among many others, which was why they'd such a tight friendship. Stupid contest or not, Noah wasn't going to give up, so neither was Rex.
Then, a commotion at the end of Noah's line caught Rex's attention.
A couple of guys, four of them, were crowding Noah's fan, shoving her –no correction, him –around. They looked cool and pretty sporty, dressed in jeans and hoodies emblazoned with the school's emblem. But they behaved like typical, rude, arrogant jocks the way that they harassed the poor, skinny twig who looked like he'd easily snap into two if they pushed him around any harder.
"What's this? A guy queuing up for a kiss with Noah? You damn fag, get outta here. Noah isn't gonna kiss a disgusting freak like you," one of them taunted cruelly.
Pushing aside his surprise that even guys wanted to kiss Noah, Rex shook his head, irked that in this day and age, such prejudice still exists.
It was as if some people needed to find an excuse to bully someone now that they'd no EVO targets to hold prejudice against.
Rex stepped down from his stage just as he saw Noah already striding over.
"Hey guys, c'mon, give him a break," Noah stepped between the poor guy and the jocks.
One of them gave Noah a look of disdain.
"What? Don't tell me, you're gonna humor this fag?"
Noah shrugged. "A little kiss ain't gonna hurt anybody."
The goons chortled.
"Oh hear, hear, looks like all-star Romeo boy is switching lanes. Better ditch the line ladies," another sneered.
Rex wasn't amused by the sarcasm dripping from the guy's words and quickly moved towards them.
Noah on the other hand, remained cool and unruffled.
He merely slung an arm over the guy's neck and gave a lopsided smirk.
"Haven't you heard? Gays are secretly all the rage for those ladies who are 'In'"
At that, Noah did the craziest thing Rex had ever seen him do –he kissed the guy fellow full on the lips.
The bullies flinched as if scalded; crying out that it was gross and what not. Then they quickly retreated as if Noah was a contagious infection that they didn't want to catch.
Rex was rooted to the ground a few feet away, jaws dropped open in shock. I didn't just see my best friend kiss another guy, Rex chanted to himself mentally. But fact was he did, and he didn't know what to make of it.
After Noah was done giving the lucky guy his kiss, he must have caught Rex's perplexed expression because he bit his lips in the way he did when he was nervous.
"Rex," Noah paused, sounding a little shaky and ran his fingers through his hair, which was all the clue Rex needed to tell that Noah was bothered –worried about how Rex would see him, maybe even scared that Rex would be weirded out.
Rex quickly shook himself out of his flabbergasted shock and gave Noah a thumbs-up.
"Yo, Noah, that was cool man! But I should have known you'd beat me to standing up for this guy. Trying to steal more limelight from me, eh?"
Noah immediately looked relieved, with a proud smile replacing his nervous one.
"What can I say? Can't stop myself from saving anyone in distress. You showed me that," Noah gave his snappy comeback and they fist bumped before going right back into the competition.
As if Noah was spot on after all, his queue suddenly increased in numbers, of girls as well as guys. It was almost a mirror image of the girls, except in guy versions. They looked like a range of different stereotypes –the bespectacled, buttoned shirt geeks, the brawny health nuts, the scrawny twigs and their opposites, and he'll be damned –even a few whom he recognized from their incredible, towering height, were members from Noah's basketball team.
"Are you sure you don't want any of this three-combo-taco of lip-smacking awesomeness?"
Rex gurgled for the tenth time that evening, to get rid of the horrid aftertaste of a thousand kisses from all sorts of girls, before answering.
"No thanks, I've had enough of lip-smacking for today."
"Dude, did all that kissing mess up your brain? We're talking dinner here. And three types of juicy meat," Noah tried again as he came up behind Rex in the bathroom and made a show of slowly peeling back the wrapper.
It had rained earlier, before the fair closed, and Rex and Noah got caught in it. So they went back to Noah's dorm room to dry off, but not before Noah dragged him to the café at the East Block to get the tacos they both absolutely loved.
Noah had already wolfed down his share before they reached his room. But it seemed like too much kissing had a negative effect on Rex, making him feel utterly sick to his gut.
Rex pretended to gag. The act wasn't so hard to pull off.
"Actually, yes, it did. I've enough kissing to last me a lifetime. Now, c'mon. Hurry up and finish it, so we can have a few rounds of 'Monkey Kong versus Killer Whale' before the game."
"What's the rush? My Xbox isn't going to run away."
Rex made a face.
As part of the school fair, there was going to be a friendly basketball match tonight with another campus that was Noah's top rival. In between Providence missions, and the few hundred miles distance between Providence Headquarters and Noah's dorms at the campus, Rex couldn't hang out with his buddy as often as he liked.
He was excited to watch Noah at his best in a basketball tournament. It was almost as invigorating as their one-on-one with each other. Besides that, he was also itching to have some fun playing video games with Noah.
He had his own console back at headquarters, but Bobo was too tough an opponent. That monkey has agile fingers at the joystick and controls, and beat Rex so many times that he'd given up.
"Besides, we haven't even compared our stats yet," Noah folded his arms across his still wet clothing and cocked a brow.
Rex groaned internally, forgetting how persistent Noah could be. He walked past Noah out the bathroom and toweled his hair dry.
"It rained twenty minutes before closing time. Did it still count?"
"Hell yeah! Of course, it does!" Noah exclaimed as he followed after Rex.
Rex helped himself to one of Noah's shirts in his closet and threw it at Noah's face.
"Better get changed first before you catch a cold."
Then Rex threw Noah fresh pants. Noah caught both in with one arm, but looked kinda comical juggling them with his other hand still holding the taco.
"C'mon Rex, how many did you score?" Noah bugged as he abandoned the taco on the counter against one wall and stripped his wet shirt.
Rex had no clue.
Since Noah did that wonderful stint with the gay guy, Rex barely noticed the rest of the girls kissing him after that –he practically lost count and stopped counting.
All that captured his attention were the number of guys who queued up at Noah's line and how Noah looked completely cool with it, comfortable even, with them wrapping their arms around his shoulders and neck, stuck to his lips like glue in what seemed like forever.
Not that there was anything wrong, but if Rex had to be completely honest with himself, he did find it kinda weird. Like, if Rex suddenly kissed Claire, Noah's ex-girlfriend, kind-of weird.
Noah wouldn't shut up if Rex didn't have a number, so he gave a rough estimate.
Noah gave an exaggerated look of despair.
"No, no! How could this be? Have I lost my charm? I'm two kisses behind you!"
Rex chuckled at his lucky guess, not like it was really important anyway. He was feeling pretty sick, and wouldn't have cared even if he lost, though he wouldn't admit it to Noah.
"Okay no, wait," Noah dropped one fist into this other palms in realization, "I did kiss that obsessed girl another two times before you made her take a hike. So yes!" Noah pushed two fists in the air like he won some big game, "Now, at least we're equal." Noah had that joking, smug look with twinkling eyes; looking every bit like he enjoyed the game just like every single time whenever he bested Rex at a competition.
It was dumb really, and annoyed the hell out of Rex, but at the same time, it was kinda fun, goofy, and cool, in a weird, comradely game kind-of way.
Rex loved these games, even if they were silly. And even if he currently felt like shit at the end of it. At least Noah had a good time –it made Rex feel like he'd fun too.
And just like that, without much thought, or comprehension on what he was doing except to wipe that smirk off Noah's face and get one up on him in this contest, Rex closed the three steps between them and pressed his lips onto Noah's.
A slight flinch and a tiny hitch of breath told Rex that Noah was completely caught by surprise. But Noah was not repulsed by Rex's sudden action, instead, started to lean in deeper, tilting his head just a teeny fraction so their lips melded into each other's grooves better.
Rex ended up being the one stunned and he pulled back a hair's length, breathing deeply.
Noah stared at him, eyes wide with an unfathomable gaze, shaky breath hot against Rex's swollen and sensitive lips.
Rex sort of jumped over the couch, suddenly seized by the desire to flee, as if he could erase his mind off the crazy thing he just did.
Why did he kiss his best friend?
His mind was scattered, and then he remembered.
"Hah! I win. I stole that kiss from you, so score one for me," Rex threw over his shoulder, and busied himself by plugging in Noah's Xbox, mentally calming down his insides that suddenly seemed to go haywire.
Rex expected some witty comeback or mock, enraged insult but there was none.
Noah was dead silent –scarily quiet. It unnerved Rex and suddenly he regretted his stupid move.
Just as he turned around, mind scrambling for some lame joke to ease the sudden tension, Noah had disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door with a resounding thud.
Great. Smooth move, Rex.
Rex started getting jittery. Was Noah going to hate him now? Because they kissed? But Noah seemed cool kissing those fifteen other guys. Or maybe it was some line they'd crossed, which they shouldn't have as buddies.
He couldn't dwell on it, as his providence communicator tucked over his ear, beeped.
"Rex, come in," Six's voice came through the device.
"Yea, I hear ya, Six."
"Strafield County. A dairy farm owner has reported on his cows rolling over, sick. Our GPS shows you're the nearest to the location so we need you to go over for investigation."
Tch. What bad timing. Rex was going to have to miss Noah's game… again.
"Woah Six, you should know I'm no vet. How about Holiday, or one of her assistants?"
"A few of the cows show signs of abnormalities. We don't know how quickly it would escalate, so you had better get over there. Pronto."
There was urgency to Six's tone, and Rex couldn't ignore it.
"Right, got it. Send me the coordinates, and I'll be there in thirty."
"Noah," Rex called out, "I gotta go-"
Noah flung the door open before Rex could finish, towel wrapped round his hips.
"Providence?" Noah lifted a brow.
"Yeah, sorry man," Rex grimaced, feeling bad for ditching their plans. Noah never complained; which was probably why Noah was still his best friend outside of Providence. "This time, we're losing cows at the farm. Six says I'm the closest, so he's sending me to check it out."
"No sweat, Rex. Saving our supply of juicy beef is more important. I need my protein to shoot hoops," Noah shot him a smile and gave him a thumb's up.
Rex grinned, relieved that the apparent weirdness between them had disappeared. Perhaps he was even over-thinking it.
"Now, that's the irony, saving the food… to save our food."
Rex joked and returned the thumb's up before he ran and jumped out the window, sending a zillion of his nanites into constructing his turbine wings.
In a flash, the propellers roared into life, spinning at full blasts and giving him lift before he hit the ground. Then he was off, zipping ahead a few hundred miles away.
*inhibitor collars:
Shown in season three; an upgraded version of the original collar used by Providence that used to limit EVOs from unleashing their full power. The new ones commissioned by Black Knight were able to brainwash EVOs.
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averagedoctor · 6 years
Hi! Could you do a doctor (11th) x reader where he meets (y/n) and they become very close and they fool around the tardis and stuff? (after Ponds and before clara maybe?)
Heck yeah I can anon!! I’m gonna combine this and the other one I got from a different anon,, cuz they’re like the same thing,,, I swear you guys gotta be conspiring or something. I’m not too sure what you meant with this one, at least how they fooled around in the TARDIS so,, basically it’s just exploring and cleaning haha
Other anon: hi could you do a 11th doctor x reader where doctor and (y/n) just go fooling around in the tardis or something? P.s. love your writing!! (thank you!!!)
11th doctor x reader
Pronouns: gender neutral
Word count: 2,487
TWs: none
Tagging: @evyiione (if you’d like to be added to this list, shoot me a message! i also keep forgetting about this oops)
Summary: How you meet the Doctor and subsequently having to clean the TARDIS with him one day
[A/N]: Currently unedited cuz I’m tired :)
The air was brisk on your skin as you enjoyed the view in front of you, jacket tied around your waist. You were sat on a bench at your local park, and it just so happened to look over a small pond. Ducks and geese were common and you loved coming to feed them. A few turtles also lived in the lake, so there were plenty animals to feed with the bread you brought. You tossed a small bit over to the couple of ducks that had gathered and they excitedly quacked at the food landing before them. You threw out a couple more chunks towards them and made sure to aim some near the turtles too. There were no geese there today, which was a bit of a disappointment. Still, you soaked in all the time there that you could. It was calming, with the breeze rustling through the trees and the sounds of birds chirping, ducks quacking, squirrels rushing around, turtles splashing, and much more. If you had to put a name to it, you would say this was your happy place. A small smile snuck its way onto your face as you watched the animals around you. As you watched the surrounding area peacefully, a shadow fell over your still form. Turning around, you saw a man with kind, green eyes and a warm smile on his face.
“Oh, hi!” You said cheerfully, a little confused. Normally, no one bothered to approach you at the park, simply because no one was interested in interaction.
“Hello.” He nodded his head, fixing his eyes on the pond. “Ducks, huh?”
“Yeah, and turtles. There should be geese, but not today.” You chatted politely, looking over your shoulder at him. He was well dressed, with a tweed jacket, white button up,dress pants, a red bow tie, and even suspenders.
“Mind if I sit?”
“Er, not at all.” You said shifting over to the left so he could come over. He plopped down on the bench, staring intently at the ducks as they milled around.
“I’m  the Doctor, by the way.” He said, tearing his eyes away long enough to catch your eyes and extended his hand. His hands were warm and calloused and he had a firm grip at that.
“Y/N. Just the Doctor?”
“Good name, and yes, chose it myself.” He said proudly, turning his focus back to the lake. You chose not to comment on his choice of name. “You know, bread really isn’t healthy for them.”
“Well, they enjoy it. Why deprive them of that? It’s not like people will just stop.” You laughed, but oddly felt defensive. These ducks and turtles were the place you could escape to and you weren’t going to let one man ruin it for you.
“Fair point.” He held up his hands in surrender, eyes glimmering with mirth.
“Thank you.” The two of you lapsed into a silence, the Doctor clasping his hands together. He seemed flighty, as if part of him wanted to stay but the other part wanted to leave as fast as possible. His leg jittered up and down, the rustling of his pants disrupting the ducks that were treading closer to you, bread on their mind. You threw them the last piece and watched as they happily gobbled it up. He let out a small chuckle through his nose as they waddled away.
A few more minutes passed of neither of you saying anything and it was making you anxious. Gathering up the empty bread package, you crumpled it into a ball and shrugged your jacket back on.
“It was nice to meet you, Doctor.”
“Oh, yes, yes, it was nice to meet you too.” He startled, words jumbled up in his mouth. You nodded slowly, turning to walk away.
“Actually, Y/N, I have a question. Have you ever wished to go somewhere beyond your imagination?” You paused in your steps, revolving cautiously back around to face him.
“I… suppose so.” You finished after a pause. “Why?”
“Would you like to travel with me? Anywhere?” He blurted out, heat rising to his face.
“Uh, I’m not sure that’s so smart… that is how people get kidnapped.” You laughed halfheartedly, tugging on your sleeve. He was taken aback by your statement, as if that had never occurred to him.
“No! Oh no, I’m– it’s not–” He floundered, getting up. “Please, come with me, just for a moment.” He grasped your wrist, eyes pleading. Against your better judgement, you did follow him, and you weren’t sure why. He led you to a small blue police box that barely looked like it could hold him, let alone another person. “Come on.” He gestured as you lagged behind.
“Are- are you sure? I don’t think we’ll…” You were cut off by him tugging you and you squeezed your eyes tight, expecting to hit a wall. However, when that didn’t happen, you blinked and found yourself in a enormous room.
“I… woah… it’s…”
“Yep, bigger on the inside, I know.” He winked, straightening his bow tie. Star-struck, you spun in circles trying to take in the majesty of the situation. Wherever he had pulled you into was stunning and impossibly large.
“How?” Was all you could manage to get out when you looked back at him, questions in your eyes.
“TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. Quite a beauty.” He said fondly, strolling up to the console. You trailed behind him, mouth agape. “This, however, is the real magic.” He grinned, pulling a lever and some knobs. The TARDIS began to shake and emit strange warbling sounds and soon the Doctor was grabbing your hand and pulling you outside. It couldn’t have been possible, but you were in a totally different place. You were at a loss for words, your hand covering your open mouth.
“1920s New Jersey. I haven’t been here before, that’s fun.” He said offhandedly, sticking his hands in his pockets and looking around.
“This  is… this is amazing.” You breathed, recovering from your shock. “Anywhere, yeah? You said anywhere?”
“I did.” The Doctor beamed. “Would you like to join me?”
“Yes.” You let out a laugh, gazing at the skyline before you.
That was how you met the Doctor. The start of the greatest chapter in your life. Everyday a new adventure, a new place, an entirely different time. It was thrilling and nothing like how you thought your life was going to go. This man saved your life on multiple occasions, just like you saved his. You were the perfect team, a match made in heaven, a match literally written in the stars. He was your best friend.
Stretching, you walked into the console room to see the Doctor staring intently at something that had popped up on his screen.
“What’s up for today?” You asked, bouncing around to his side. He started at your sudden movement, your head resting on his shoulder.
“Oh, the TARDIS just needs some maintenance done, no big deal. I can get that done quick and we’ll be on our way.” He smiled, knocking his head gently on yours.
“Ooooh, can we explore then? Since you already have to hunt around for maintenance?” Your eyes glimmered with excitement, hoping the answer was yes. You wanted nothing more than to get to venture into her deep areas, having only had the time to see a few specific areas between traveling and home.
“Alright, fine.” The Doctor caved, rather fast, sighing. He understood your want to go and see what other rooms she held, and your unrelenting requests to were finally getting to be annoying. He spun around, coattails flapping, and pointed at the far left corridor. “This way.” He said confidently, his mop of hair leading the way.
Soon after you entered, hallways began to twist and turn as you went further and further.
“Maintenance should be around here somewhere.” The Doctor called back as you lagged to look at the rooms you passed. You saw rooms full of souvenirs, rooms of pictures, paintings, a secondary library (you knew it wasn’t the main one due to lack of a pool), and one full of assorted lights. It was like the Doctor’s storage area. Some that you passed were empty or piled high with unused furniture. Guessing by the amount, you judged each companion got their own new set of furniture and didn’t even know it. As you walked, you drifted a hand along the walls, feeling the coolness and rivet bumps. The hallways seemed dim and bright at the same time, and you couldn’t figure out why it seemed like that.
“Hey, Doctor, how many rooms are there?” You asked after going by one that held a singular cube. “And why does this one only hold a cube?” You stopped and point at the window in the door that revealed its contents.
“I have no idea. There’s always just… more.” He chuckled, striding over to the cube room, gazing in. “Ah, yes, well, some things should remain unknown. Now, we’re almost there.” He winked, taking the lead again as you caught up to his side.
“You own a lot of things, have you ever thought of cleaning it all out?” You joked, poking his side.
“Oi! Don’t do that,” he grumbled, sticking his tongue out at you, “and sure, I’ve thought of it. Being alive for over a thousand years will get you in those moods sometimes. There’s just too much to fully go through… and some memories that I’d rather leave alone…” He trailed off, eyes drifting towards the ground. Mouth twitching into a frown, you coughed awkwardly and stared at the ground. You knew he had lost people close to him recently, ones that he traveled with, but you were never sure how many he’s had in the past. Based on this, you guessed a fair amount.
“I’m  sorry.” You said softly, bumping his elbow with yours in an attempt to lighten things up.
“No, no, it’s fine.” He smiled tightly and the two of you continued in relative silence until you reached the area needing maintenance.
The Doctor took a sharp right turn after traveling straight for so long, walking right up to a solid metal door.
“Where is this?” You asked as he used his sonic to open to door.
“Maintenance.” He said vaguely, pushing his way into the room. Inside, it was all steel with cords hanging from every possible edge in the wall and covering every inch on the floor.
“What the–”
“Think of these as… extension cords. Cords get tangled, so we’re here to untangle them.”
“Wha- untangle these? Where do they even come from? Why are they here?”
“These have all been a part of her in the past. Scraps from other TARDIS forms. Like, this.” He rummaged around in the pile of cords and pulled out a white sphere. “Blimey, this one is quite old. Anyway, she gets clogged up. This is like her overflow room where all the spare parts that can be used later go to. She’s not so great at keeping them clean though, so here we are.” He finished with a grand flourish and you bit your lip in worry.
“How are we supposed to clean this?”
“All we have to do, really, is relocate some parts. The problem isn’t so much the cords, it’s what’s under them that matters.”
“Ah.” You said dryly, wading over cautiously to the Doctor. “What happens if we just… don’t clean it?”
‘If we don’t, she’ll overheat, or become irritated, or both. Either way, that throws off her flying and that would be quite disastrous. I’ll grab what needs to be sorted and your job will be to take it out to the hall. We’ll deal with it there later.”
“Okay…” You said, swaying, taking the white orb from him and kicking a path to the hall. This process continued for about another hour after the Doctor found all the extra parts he could fish up.
“That’s all of it.” He grunted, placing the last piece unceremoniously on the floor.
“Now what?” You asked, hands on your hips as you looked over the pile at your feet.
“And now, we move it.” He smiled while you groaned, hanging your head before shuffling over. It took another thirty minutes until you got them all moved to another room. Lucky for you, there was an empty room a couple rooms past where you currently were. Having that there made life a lot easier.
“Thanks for dragging me along for that. Wasn’t as much exploring as I hoped, and didn’t think it would be cleaning.” You glanced over at him to see him shrugging.
“You never know with the TARDIS. Come on, I’ll show you something to make up for all that work.” He led you out the way you came in, somehow finding his way out of that maze and you couldn’t even remember what the previous corridor looked like. Blinking, your eyes adjusted to the lighting being thrown in the main console room, a stark difference from whatever dim-bright landscape you’d just been in. You were about to ask what he was leading you to when he took you down the middle hall towards the main library. Once in, he skirted around the edge and browsed the books, a finger trailing along each spine. Just when it seemed like  he wouldn’t be able to find it, he let out a satisfied exhale and plucked a book off the shelf.
“I know you’ve been curious about the people I’ve traveled with in the past. So, as a reward for helping me, here’s some pictures.” He flipped through the rather thick book to reveal all sorts of different pictures, even some in black and white. It was mainly women that filled the book, but there were some men sprinkled in.
“You really have a type, huh?” You laughed as the Doctor gave you a frustrated look.
“I most certainly do not.” He said, indignant, before nodding back at the book. You could tell he was getting to a more current time period when the pictures steadily became clearer and clearer. You caught a glimpse of a woman with red hair and a man beside her, but he promptly flipped the book shut.
“I think that’s enough for today, yeah?” He said quickly, exiting the library. You followed him, as always.
“Thank you, Doctor.” You called out as he stepped up to the console.
“Just a favor for a favor.” He smiled warmly, but you could detect a hint of sadness in his eyes. “Well, now that’s taken care of, off we go!” He sprung up, perky again. You climbed the stairs up to him, a smile on your face.
“Off we go indeed.” You placed a hand on top of his and you both pulled the lever down together, grinning as the TARDIS took flight.
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sazandorable · 6 years
Descriptions Of Lord Asriel That I Cannot Fucking Handle
(spoilers, btw)
So. Surprisingly probably no one ever, it turns out i just Can Not Handle Lord Asriel. I feel personally victimized by Lord Asriel and everything it means about me. I remembered liking him a lot but I never realized how this fucking man apparently shaped my tastes for all male characters and father figures ever. (DISCLAIMER THO: YEAH OK I DO HAVE MY OWN DADDY ISSUES BUT HE IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM MY DAD AND UNRELATED TO THEM. Shocking, yes.)
On first rereading attempt I excruciatingly managed to get through the first chapter and finally just stopped there and screamed in a pillow and stepped away to collect myself, and it took me over 6 months to even consider going back to it.
Which I’m doing now, but that means I still had to reread that first chapter again.
And yeah. Y e a h.
Have a collection of my suffering through the first 3 chapters of the first damn book
"Good evening, Wren,” said Lord Asriel. Lyras always heard that harsh voice with a mixture of pleasure and apprehension.
This is the third thing said about Lord Asriel ever and is also where I first lost it back in October and I’m STILL absolutely losing it, WHAT A SENTENCE.
Gods, Lord Asriel explains everything about me and my tastes in character kdfljdkgjldjgfljglfdgjfg DAMN IT.
jesus, every ten lines i need to take a break and calm down
The Butler looked uncomfortable. Guests entered the Retiring Room at the Master’s invitation only, and Lord Asriel knew that;
Lyra’s uncle moved across to the fire and stretched his arms high above his head, yawning like a lion. He was wearing travelling clothes. Lyra was reminded, as she always was when she saw him again, of how much he frightened her.
that lion simile is totes uncalled for
(Stelmaria:) “You should rest.”
He stretched out in one of the armchairs, so that Lyra could no longer see his face.
“Yes, yes. I should also change my clothes. There’s probably some ancient etiquette that allows them to fine me a dozen bottles for coming in here dressed improperly. I should sleep for three days. The fact remains that —”
He’s snarky and funny and he makes you want to bundle him up under five blankets and he’s still intimidating I hate him so much
“There are only three dozen bottles left of the ‘98.”
“All good things pass away.”
HE SAYS THIS SHIT ABOUT A FUCKING BOTTLE OF WINE (and still intends to drink it)
Then Lord Asriel stood up and turned away from the fire. She saw him fully, and marvelled at the contrast he made with the plump Butler, the stooped and languid Scholars. Lord Asriel was a tall man with powerful shoulders, a fierce dark face, and eyes that seemed to flash and glitter with savage laughter. It was a face to be dominated by, or to fight: never a face to patronize or pity. All his movements were large and perfectly balanced, like those of a wild animal, and when he appeared in a room like this, he seemed a wild animal held in a cage too small for it.
*burrows face in book*
*slowly rolls over and crawls on floor to a cliff from which to throw self off*
Too much. Way too much. What the fuck.
(also please note there has been absolutely zero physical description such as hair or eye color, and yet this is the most eloquent and striking description of any character so far)
He seized her wrist and twisted hard.
“Lyra! What the hell are you doing?”
“Let go of me and I’ll tell you!”
“I’ll break your arm first. How dare you come in here?”
“I’ve just saved your life!”
They were still for a moment, the girl twisted in pain but grimacing to prevent herself from crying out louder, the man bent over her frowning like thunder.
b y e
what the fuck is that last simile oh my god Pullman PLEASE stop making Asriel sound like legit pagan god
There was a knock on the door.
“That’ll be the Porter,” said Lord Asriel. “Back in the wardrobe. If I hear the slightest noise I’ll make you wish you were dead.”
She darted back there at once, and no sooner had she pulled the door shut than Lord Asriel called, “Come in.”
I can’t quite put into words what it is exactly that tickles me so much about the fact that Asriel calls out so fast without giving Lyra any spare time to hide properly, but it does. (He’s a ruthless ass, basically.)
And then I won’t copy that but he basically tells Lyra that he won’t help her but still deliberately makes sure she can see what he’s going to show everyone, he keeps telling her to stay out of this but also decides to show her, knowing full well that she’ll be interested. And of course he enrolls her to be his spy. The amount of misplaced and unexpressed fatherly pride he has to be feeling right now. We get absolutely no hint of it in the text, but. He’s so mad and unkind with her but what he must be FEELING right now, seeing Lyra suddenly wildly jumping out of a wardrobe out of nowhere saving his life like a proper little spying little shit. Like father like daughter lakdklskflanfklsdnf GET OUT ASRIEL AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
As soon as the door closed, Lord Asriel looked across the room directly at the wardrobe, and Lyra felt the force of his glance almost as if it had physical form, as if it were an arrow or a spear. Then he looked away and spoke softly to his dæmon.
ex c u se me. things that are uncalled for, 2: this
She came to sit calmly at his side, alert and elegant and dangerous, her green eyes surveying the room before turning, like his black ones, to the door from the Hall as the handle turned. Lyra couldn’t see the door, but she heard an intake of breath as the first man came in.
“Master,” said Lord Asriel. “Yes, I’m back. Do bring in your guests; I’ve got something very interesting to show you.”
And this was just chapter one.
Chapter 2, just a paragraph later:
“Master,” said Lord Asriel. “I came too late to disturb your dinner, so I made myself at home in here. Hello, Sb-Rector. Glad to see you looking so well. Excuse my rough appearance; I’ve only just landed. Yes, Master, the Tokay’s gone. I think you’re standing in it. The Porter knocked it off the table, but it was my fault. Hello, Chaplain. I read your latest paper with great interest...”
He moved away with the Chaplain, leaving Lyra with a clear view of the Master’s face. [...] Lord Asriel was already dominating the room, and although he was careful to be courteous to the Master in the Master’s own territory, it was clear where the power lay.
how does anyone ever handle Lord Asriel in-universe. Also please note how he blithely and pointedly lies to the face of the man who just tried to murder him. This asshole I just
Then he just goes on being as dramatic as possible and pointedly and dramatically ignoring people and showing off a mutilated human head to a bunch of old men with no warning, presumably also just for the shock factor and shits and giggles again.
(Lyra’s narration also mentions quite a few times that she wishes she could see it and wants to hear more about scalping and i also love this child so much)
Lyra looked again at her uncle, who was watching the Scholars with a glitter of sardonic amusement, and saying nothing.
Asriel: *just stands there saying and doing nothing*
Me: *points at him* fuck you
She woke up with a start when someone shook her shoulder.
“Quiet,” said her uncle. The wardrobe door was open, and he was crouched there against the light. “They’ve all gone, but there are still some servants around. Go to your bedroom now, and take care that you say nothing about this.”
“Did they vote to give you the money?” she said sleepily.
“What’s Dust?” she said, struggling to stand up after having been cramped for so long.
“Nothing to do with you.”
“It is to do with me,” she said. “If you wanted me to be a spy in the wardrobe you ought to tell me what I’m spying about. Can I see the man’s head?”
Pantalaimon’s whiter ermine-fur bristled: she felt it tickling her neck. Lord Asriel laughed shortly.
“Don’t be disgusting,” he said; [...]
He says this but he laughed. Like father like daughter fuck me I bet he’s just so conflictedly delighted that she grew up this way and they got to have this little spying family bonding.
“[...] Do as you’re told and go to bed.”
“But where are you going?”
“Back to the North. I’m leaving in ten minutes.”
“Can I come?”
He stopped what he was doing, and looked at her as if for the first time. His dæmon turned her great green leopard-eyes on her too, and under the concentrated gaze of both of them, Lyras blushed. But she gazed back fiercely.
“Your place is here,” said her uncle finally.
once again Lyra’s direct and completely spontaneous request for Exciting and Adventurer things, but also urgh, urgh, urgh, that gaze, and how Asriel needs a minute to tell her no. He thought about it. He pictured it. And then he said no but she put that thought in his head and he didn’t say no immediately and uhrgikdfhgjfdhjghfkghkdg.
“[...] Do are you’re told and go to bed, and if you’re a good girl I’ll bring you back a walrus tusk with some Eskimo (sic) carving on it. Don’t argue any more or I shall be angry.”
And his dæmon growled with a deep savage rumble that made Lyra suddenly aware of what it would be like to have teeth meeting in her throat.
Lyra compressed her lips and frowned hard at her uncle. He was pumping the air from the vacuum flask, and took no notice; it was as if he’d already forgotten her.
and this is the end of that but we get a flashback in chapter 3 of Asriel’s visits:
[...] and he called her to stand in front of him and tell him what she’d learned since his last visit. And she would mutter whatever she could dredge up about geometry or Arabic or history or anbarology, and he would sit back with one ankle resting on the other knee and watch her inscrutably until her words failed.
i was just about to yell “WAIT THE THING ABOUT ASRIEL IS JUST BIG DICK ENERGY” but no it’s not just that, it’s definitely also a lot of gratuitous being a bastard.
and then he leads her on with questions about her dirty nails just to make her lie then reveals he saw her playing on the roof, but then instead of chewing her out about it he’s just 
watching her sardonically.
And then he listens to her talking about what parts of the roofs are or aren’t accessible and encourages her to explore the undergrounds.
“I’m surprised you haven’t found that out.”
(fuck you!)
then he gives her pocket money (in gold) and asks her if she respects the Scholars and Stelmaria laughs when Lyra answers ‘yes’ and Lyra blushes.
ok that’s it thanks for coming to my TED about how much i love and hate Lord Asriel his terrible parenting and his fucking incredible ideas of family bonding
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thej13579 · 5 years
Sora La Bouff (KH/TPATF Semi-Twinning)
After succumbing to the Power of the Waking, Sora finds a new friend in Charlotte La Bouff. But he soon finds himself succumbing to her desires.
Here's a story that I had planned for a while. This is actually part of my two year anniversary since I started writing here. I originally planned to have this paired with an unrelated Charlotte La Bouff TG story, but I decided to make this story part of a trilogy that will be released throughout March so I scrapped the unrelated story.
If you have any constructive criticism and feedback, feel free to comment or reblog.
The last thing Sora remembered before he began falling was Kairi and then nothing.
As he continued falling, Sora began to see shapes forming. The area was beginning to resemble less the everlasting void he was in and more of a city. There were lights all around and people were celebrating. For what, the Keyblade wielder didn’t know. As Sora gently floated to the floor, he could see a sign.
“New Orleans?”
The keyblade wielder began looking around. It was now daytime. The place seems friendly, lively and upbeat. There were no Heartless around, thankfully.
What he found was a mud puddle, or rather he found his face right in said puddle. Must’ve forgotten to pay attention to the environment around him. Sora struggled to get up, the mud was tracking all over his clothes, getting dirtier as he pulled himself up.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
Sora swept the mud out of his eyes to see a woman. She was wearing a pink flapper dress with a feather boa and a matching cloche hat. She looked fairly attractive with bright blond hair and a sweet smile on her face. Her hand extended towards the muddy teen.
“I’m fine,” Sora took the woman’s hand, allowing her to help him get up. “I dealt with worse. This is nothing to me.”
“Probably,” the woman shrugged. “But your clothes. They are so dirty.”
“It’s nothing,” Sora shrugged. “I can handle it.”
“Nonsense,” the pink-clad woman took Sora’s hand and began leading him down the road. “Muddy clothes are quite dreadful and you need a bath as well. You’re awfully filthy right now. We’ll get you all cleaned up at my house.”
As Sora was dragged through the city, the two approached a large house. They went inside and the Keyblade wielder could only look in awe at the fancy furniture and decorations throughout the area.
“That’s my place,” the woman said. “What do you think?”
“It seems like a nice place to live in,” Sora commented. “You’re rich, huh?”
“Yeah,” the woman nodded. “By the way, I never got your name.”
“I’m Sora,” the teen answered. “And you...”
“I’m Charlotte La Bouff,” the pink-clad woman answered back. “It’s nice to meet you, Sora. Now, let’s get you to my room.”
Charlotte wasted no time in dragging Sora over to her room. The Keyblade wielder was surprised at how girly it was. A large pink canopy bed, princess dolls and plushies filled Charlotte’s shelves alongside books of fairy tales and a wardrobe filled with princess dresses. It was a room fit for a princess… or more accurately, someone who adored princesses.
“Let’s find you something to wear.” Charlotte dashed over to her wardrobe and opened it up, allowing Sora to get a good look at the clothes on display.
“But the only clothes you have are…” It was then Sora put two and two together. “No. No way! I’m not wearing a dress!”
“It’s not all day,” Charlotte shrugged. “Just until your clothes are clean. I’ll arrange a maid to get those things all cleaned up. I doubt you want to wear these muddy clothes any longer than you have to.”
As much as Sora hated to admit it, he knew Charlotte was right. The mud on his clothes were starting to dry up, making them increasingly stiff and uncomfortable to wear. He may have to wear one of her dresses for the time being, but no one would have to see him in her clothes as far as he knew.
“I suppose I can borrow your clothes for a bit.”
“Wonderful!” Charlotte pointed to a nearby door. “The bathroom’s right here with everything you need. Knock when you’re done so I can give you your clothes. My clothes are too big for you, but I have some hand-me-downs that could fit you quite well. Toodles.”
Sora was quick to make his way into the bathroom. As the bathtub began to fill, he quickly took off his dirty clothes and went right into the tub.
He was quick to scrub off the dirt and any remnants of mud that got onto him personally. Cleaning himself up went smoothly even if he had to use Charlotte’s Berry Princessy shampoo and her Peachy Princess body wash in the process.
Sora looked down at his body as he dried himself off with a pink towel. He knew he was never a very hairy guy, but he noticed that all of his body hair had oddly disappeared while he was taking his bath. Maybe the Peachy Princess body wash was also some sort of that nair that he heard about?
“Probably not a big deal,” Sora stroked his leg. “But it’s still rather weird.”
Once he was done and completely dried, Sora ran up to the bathroom door and knocked on it.
“Um… I’m done.”
“Wonderful!” The door opened and Sora quickly found a bundle of clothes in his hands. “I bet these would simply make you look fabulous. Come out when you’re done.”
Charlotte quickly shut the door, leaving Sora alone with a bundle of her clothes. He set them down on a nearby dresser and went through each article of clothing: A pink bra and matching panties, a casual pink sundress, two-inch heels and a floppy sun hat to complete the ensemble.
Sora sighed. He knew he didn’t have a choice. He didn't have any spare clothes and the outfit Charlotte gave him is the only thing that could fit him at the moment.
It’s just clothes. It’s not like this was going to be permanent as far as Sora knew.
Besides, he had to admit that dress is kind of cute.
Once Sora was dressed, he turned to the bathroom mirror.
He had to admit that he looked better than he thought, but he still didn’t look great. His hair was spike-free from the bath he took earlier and it was covered by the sun hat. The dress fit fine on him, but he knew it was obviously meant for a woman; someone who had breasts and womanly hips, features Sora doesn’t have.
Sighing, Sora reluctantly left the bathroom, struggling not to trip in his heels. He couldn’t help but feel confused. He can jump buildings and he has light-speed reflexes. How is it that he can’t walk in these shoes?
When Sora stumbled out of the bathroom door, Charlotte was waiting for him. A smile crept up on her face.
“Oh, Sora,” Charlotte pulled the Keyblade wielder into a hug. “You look nice… what’s with the long face?”
“It’s just that I… feel silly.”
“Well, lucky for you, I know just the thing to fix that.”
“You do?”
“Yeah,” Charlotte pushed Sora onto a chair and dragged it towards her vanity. “Nothing makes a girl feel pretty like a face full of makeup and I bet it’ll do wonders for you as well. Now then...”
All of a sudden, her hands were holding various makeup supplies - powder, lipstick, mascara, blush, a bunch of other things he doesn’t recognize at all.
“Let’s get you all dolled up.”
She descended on him like a hungry animal
An enormous cloud of face powder forms around him, making him cough and shut his eyes. Sora could hear Charlotte’s voice going a mile a minute as he felt various cosmetics being applied to his face.
“Those brows are too bushy and those lips need a little lipstick to be nice and kissable. I bet there are plenty of boys who would be dying to kiss you by the time we’re done. Oh-”
When he manages to open them again, he’s back in front of the mirror… and his face is now completely unrecognizable. Red lipstick has been applied to his lips, his eyelashes are longer and coated with mascara, he has subtle black eyeliner, his cheeks are pinker and his eyes are covered with blue eyeshadow. He looks down at his hands and his fingernails have been painted red and had extensions to boot. His ears even had pearl studs in them and his eyebrows were plucked into high, feminine arches. Completing the look was his hair which was styled exactly like Charlotte’s.
“What did I tell you,” Charlotte exclaims. “Don’t you look so much better with makeup?”
“I guess I do,” Sora admitted. While his body still looked a bit too masculine for the dress, his face looked beautiful. To him, it sort of looked like Barbie’s head and clothes were on Ken’s body.
“Now, since we still have plenty of time before your clothes are clean again, I think the two of us should have some nice tea together.”
Charlotte turned towards her bedroom door.
“Follow me.”
As the young woman proceeded to leave the bedroom, Sora looked down at his heels. He knew he didn’t want to trip and potentially injure himself, so he decided to emulate Charlotte’s movements as she could obviously walk in them without much trouble. He watched as Charlotte wiggled her hips and he could see her feet walking heel-to-toe. Sora proceeded to emulate both of those mannerisms and he found himself walking in heels with no trouble at all.
Sora quickly followed Charlotte down to the backyard patio where a butler was pouring some hot tea. He could feel a slight shiver as the wind gently passed through his hairless legs.
Charlotte quickly sat down, smoothing the skirt of her dress. Sora followed suit, taking care to follow Charlotte’s example. He didn’t want to wrinkle his dress. He knew Charlotte wouldn’t be too happy if he ran the risk of ruining it.
“You know, Sora,” Charlotte said. “Looking back on this whole thing, I feel like we developed a strong bond over these past few hours.”
“Really? I love making friends!”
“Well...” Charlotte nodded. “I feel like we’re more family.”
“I’m like a little brother to you?”
“More like a little sister,” Charlotte giggled. “After all, what little brother of mine wears dresses and makeup like you right now?”
“I suppose I do look the part. I look quite the girly girl, right?”
“Oh yes,” Charlotte nodded. “I can tell that you’re quite girly and I mean very, very girly. Why almost as girly as anyone can possibly be.”
“I’m not that girly,” Sora protested.
“But you are,” Charlotte rebutted. “I bet you love the dress that I let you borrow and don’t tell me that you weren’t smiling when I showed you the end result of your little makeover. I saw that.”
As much as Sora wanted to protest and as reluctant as he wanted to admit it, he knew Charlotte was right. He did like the dress Charlotte lended him and he definitely loved his little makeover.
“I guess you’re right,” Sora reluctantly confessed. “But…”
“It’s your body, right.”
Sora gasped. How did she know?
“Don’t be so shocked, Sora. I know that dress wasn’t meant for a body like yours. If anything, I’m surprised it fits you as well as it did.”
Sora looked down at his body. His muscular arms, rough frame and his lack of womanly breasts ensured that he would never look as feminine as his new friend. He almost felt ashamed to think of such a thing.
“Cheer up, Sora. That body issue you have is nothing we can’t fix.”
“Fix?” Sora wondered. “What are you-’
Before Sora could finish, Charlotte quickly shoved a piece of chocolate into his mouth. The young keyblade wielder couldn’t help but find the taste of the candy to be incredibly sweet. He couldn’t stop chewing it.
“You like it?”
Sora nodded.
“Then have some more.” Charlotte handed Sora a package of chocolates. He was quick to eat the rest of them, taking pleasure in each and every bite.
“I love the chocolate,” Sora gleefully said. “Thank you.”
“No problem, Sora. After all,” Charlotte grinned. “I’m helping you become a presentable woman.”
“Wait, what?”
It was then Sora felt a weird tingle throughout his body. He looked down at his arms in confusion and what he saw paralyzed him with shock. The muscles in his arms were slowly shrinking, leaving them soft and slender.
“W-what have you done to me?”
“I just gave you some chocolates,” Charlotte giggled. “Apparently, they have some sort of special chemical that’s supposed to make anyone who eats it more feminine on the outside and inside. I don’t know the full details on how it works, but that’s not the point. The point is that you’re already quite feminine in both areas so I decided to give you these chocolates to crank it up a bit. Aren’t you excited?”
“N-no!” Sora cried out as his body changed further. The chocolates were quick to work on his abs, shrinking his well-earned muscular figure into a much more dainty and delicate frame. His height wasn’t immune as he shrunk several inches. His build is now more resemblant of Kairi than his old self.
“I know the changes can be quite stressful,” Charlotte approached Sora. “Let’s go back to my room. I have just the thing to help you.”
Charlotte grabbed Sora’s arms and dragged him back into her house.
“L-let me go!” Sora cried. He tried to break out of Charlotte’s grip, but he couldn’t so much as budge her arm. What made his feelings of weakness even worse is that his chest began to swell. He could feel a pair of breasts pushing out from his chest, perfectly filling out his bra. He poked his breast with his free hand. It can’t be real.
Of course, Sora knew better. They were very real.
Before he knew it, Sora was back in Charlotte’s room. The young woman placed Sora on her pink canopy bed. The increasingly feminized boy reluctantly complied as he tried to relax. There was one part of his body that hadn’t been changed yet and he wasn’t looking forward to its replacement at all.
“Now then,” Charlotte pulled up a chair and sat down by Sora. “Time for the last step. I’m going to give you a bunch of my opinions. Those opinions would go through your head and your new feminine mind will gladly accept them as your opinions as well. You’re going to be quite the girly-girl by the time we’re done.”
“Yes,” Charlotte pulled out a list. “For starters, as I mentioned earlier, you are girly and I mean very, very girly. In fact, you want to be as girly as possible. You adore anything feminine and you can’t stand the thought of doing anything masculine such as playing sports and fighting others. You’re disinterested in such masculine activities at best and downright disgusted at worst.”
“That’s not true!”
“But it is true,” Charlotte rebutted. “Your favorite color is pink and you wanted to make sure that everybody knows it. From your wardrobe to your room, not a single aspect of your life was spared. Ever since you were a kid, your most beloved hobbies are playing dress-up, tea parties and reading fairy tales. Even today, you still love doing those three things.
“No!” Memories began to flow into Sora. Playful spars with Riku and Tidus begin to fade away and in their place were tea parties with Selphie and other girls that he can’t quite remember the names of.
“Yes. You were always quite the sweet and perky young lady. You tried your best to be kind and friendly to everyone you meet. The thought of fighting others just simply scares you. After all, you’re just a dainty and delicate girl. You let men protect you and speaking of men, you want one.
“I want a man?” Sora reluctantly asked.
“Yes you do, but you don’t want just any man. You want someone handsome and brave, someone more than capable of sweeping you off your feet and holding you in his strong, muscular arms. You want a man who can make you feel safe when the danger has passed, someone who can make you feel like a princess when you’re with him.
“I don’t want a man!”
“Of course you don’t,” Charlotte responded. “At least, not just any man. You want a prince too. You always looked up to me as your big sister and you sought to emulate me in every way possible. Ever since you were little, you dressed like me, acted like me and you even decided to have the same dream as me. To this day, you wanted to be a princess and you want to marry a prince. I understand.”
“You do?” Sora asked. It was getting increasingly difficult for him to focus on the memories and feelings that he had as images began of dresses, princesses, fairy tales to pour into his mind. He can feel it consuming his mind.
“It’s not hard to see why you want to be a princess,” Charlotte replied. “I bet I have the exact same reasons as you. To have your body caressed by soft and pretty dresses, to hear the wonderful clacking sound of your heels against the ground. Don't you want to have a tube of lovely pink lipstick slowly applied against your lips leaving them plump and kissable? And then to have a dashing prince hold you in his arms and give those kissable lips of yours a long smooch? It’ll be true love."
“No,” Sora denied. “That’s not true, I can’t-”
He clutched his throat. His adam’s apple slowly disappeared into his throat, leaving the keyblade wielder with a rather girlish voice.
“Then give it a try. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself wearing the loveliest dress you have ever seen. Imagine yourself being swept off your feet by a handsome prince and as the two of you ride on his horse together, your prince will pull you into a long and loving kiss. Just imagine that. Wouldn’t it be so wonderful?
Sora finds himself closing his eyes again. But as hard as he tries to fight the image off, he can see it clearly in his head. He can see himself in a lovely pink dress with layers upon layers of petticoats. He can see a handsome and muscular prince sweeping him off his feet and taking him back to his kingdom. He can feel his heart racing as the prince leaned closer and closer to him.
“It’s going to be okay, Sora. Just accept your feelings and everything will be just fine.”
It was then… they kissed.
Sora can feel the last change being made to his body. His manhood quickly shrunk to the point where it barely existed anymore. In the blink of an eye, Sora soon found himself the owner of his new womanhood. In spite of such radical changes to his body over a short period of time, the process was fairly painless.
“And… done,” Charlotte set her list down. “See that wasn’t so bad, was it, Sora?”
Sora tried to say something, anything, but no matter what, he couldn’t get any words out. It was then something in him snapped, or rather in her. Sora knew any semblance of masculinity she once had was forever gone. She was a woman now, both inside and out.
“Speechless, huh,” Charlotte giggled. “No matter. Now, we got to get you ready for the party.”
“Yes, your birthday party, sis. Come on, let’s go to your room.”
Charlotte pulled Sora off of her bed and dragged her out of her room. She quickly took her little sister next door and into another room. It was the exact same room as Charlotte’s complete with dolls, princess dresses and books of fairy tales. The only real difference that Sora noticed was that her pink canopy bed was slightly smaller than Charlotte’s. She knew it was her room.
“Now…” Charlotte walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a bundle of pink fabric. “Let’s get you out of my hand-me-downs and into one of your own dresses.”
When Sora was completely dressed, she gasped at her reflection. Gone was the casual pink sundress that Charlotte gave her earlier and she was now wearing a rather familiar pink gown… it was the one from his fantasy from earlier.
Sora could recognize it from its extremely bright pink color, its layers upon layers of petticoats, the flowers embroidered onto it, the off-the-shoulder sleeves exposing a fair bit of his breasts… her breasts.
Sora looked down at her chest. It was flat just a few hours ago and now it’s containing amply sized breasts. At least a B-Cup. Those were far from the only changes that she noticed. He was now sporting an hourglass figure with girlish hips, slender legs and a vagina where his penis once was. Such massive changes without his knowledge or consent would normally make the former keyblade wielder scream, but she couldn’t find herself being able to care enough to do so. After all, the changes made her look much better than she did before. She would’ve looked like a joke if she wore that dress with her old body.
“How about you redo your makeup?” Charlotte asked. “It’s a little smudged and you could use some practice.”
“Of course.”
Sora went over to her vanity and began doing her makeup. As she applied blush to her cheeks, she can recall something from long ago. A vague memory. Something about a trip away from an island with a boy with silver hair and a girl with dark red hair.
Sora looked at her face. First, blue eyeshadow, then mascara. The contrasting colors would make his eyes stand out more. Sora knew that a woman’s eyes should be the first feature that a boy should catch rather than… certain assets.
Another memory popped up. She can vaguely recall teaming up with an anthropomorphic dog and a duck to find her two friends.
Sora applied bright red lipstick to her lips, forming an ideal "cupid's bow" shape that left her mouth almost begging to be kissed. Preferably by a handsome prince.
The last memory that popped up was what made Sora shudder. Hordes of Heartless running around hurting people and Sora was quick to stop them. She can recall dodging each attack and slaying the monsters through the power of the Keyblade.
Of course, it wouldn’t make sense for a dainty young lady like her to be out fighting monsters or do anything dangerous like that. She’s not Sora the Keyblade Master. She’s Sora La Bouff, the second daughter of Eli “Big Daddy” La Bouff, Charlotte’s little sister and a young woman who longs for her prince. While originally reluctant to do so, Sora was quick to toss aside her old life and take her place as the youngest daughter of the La Bouff family.
The last thing she did was put the silver tiara right on her head. She looked like a princess. She was ready.
“I’m done!” Sora turned to her sister who was looking at her with pride.
“I knew you can do it!” Charlotte pulled her little sister into a hug. “Before we go, there’s something we need to talk about.”
“What is it?”
“There aren’t going to be any princes here tonight. Now before you get upset, let me explain,” Charlotte said.
Sora could barely hold in a sigh of disappointment. “What is it?”
“First, even if there is a prince here tonight, you can’t ask him to marry you as you are still too young for marriage. About two years, I believe. But,” Charlotte grinned. “There are a few nice young men your age that I bet are dying for a dance with you. Now come on.”
Charlotte ran out of Sora’s room and she quickly followed. It wasn’t long before the two ended up in a fancy ballroom. Sora knew she had to put on a show to impress her guests.
She quickly cocked a hip towards her audience, threw a bunch of glitter above her head and blew out a kiss.
“Go get em, sis.”
At the behest of her sister, Sora nervously approached the center of the ballroom and as if it was orchestrated by fate, a young teen walked up towards her. He was strong, muscular and dwarfed Sora in physical size. He silently bowed to her. Sora quietly curtsy back and the man took her hand into his.
The two proceeded to dance throughout the ballroom. The other guests were silent, eagerly watching Sora dance with the boy before her.
As the young man pulled Sora towards him, her eyes leaned towards another boy her age not too far from her. Maybe she can have her next dance with him?
While Sora was dancing with man after man, two of his enemies were laughing maniacally over his fate.
“It’s done,” Maleficent grinned. “Sora will no longer be a threat to us anytime soon.”
“Well color me surprised,” Pete laughed.
“What do you mean you’re surprised?”
“Well, it’s just that considering our current track record with those do-gooders I’m shocked that our trap worked as well as it did.”
“Our past failures lately were little more than small hindrances on our road to victory. Sora’s mind and heart are now trapped in the little fantasy that I set up for him and with each passing moment, he is becoming more and more the dainty little lady you see before you. If the Heartless ever find him here, he’ll be completely helpless.”
“But what about if someone else comes in to rescue him like that silver-haired brat, Riku?”
“Then they will find themselves succumbing to the same fate,” Maleficent answered. “And for girls like Kairi, they will be in for quite a surprise.”
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steph1roth · 7 years
Character Bio
Did this today.  Wrote up a bio for a character I’ve been thinking about.  I may actually get something written this weekend or tonight.  Feels good to be writing again. 
Personal Questions
 1. What is your real, birth name? What name do you use? 
Amarantha Taele Nakano.  My mother and father call me Ama (A-maa), I do not allow this name for people I do not know well, otherwise I offer my middle Taele. 2. What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features)
I am 5-foot-8-inches tall and weigh about 155 pounds, mostly muscle, I live in the wilderness is Cleigne so being strong and fit are a must.  My hair is brown, but it is so dark that it appears black unless the sun is hitting it, in which my hair will fade into a reddish-brown.  I have a darker complexion that I inherited from my mother and her eyes.  I have heterochromia, just like my mother, my right eye is blue and my left eye is green. I am in my late 20’s and I wear sturdy clothing that provides protection and freedom of movement. 3. How do you dress most of the time?
Mostly in warm leathers.  Layers so that when it gets warm I can shed some.  In the warmer months it is cotton underclothes with leather leggings, tunic and knee-high boots.  In colder months it is much of the same except there is a layer of wool between the leather and cotton.  The leather is much heavier, lined with furs and scarves.   4. How do you "dress up?"
I have a single ‘nice’ dress that my father bought for me in Insomnia.  I wear it on special occasions, like weddings and parties, but I don’t go to parties often.   5. How do you "dress down?"
Not sure there really is a ‘dressing down’.  It is either normal or fancy. 6. What do you wear when you go to sleep?
Depends on the setting.  When at home I sleep in the nude.  When traveling my cotton underclothes. 7. Do you wear any jewelry?
I wear my mother’s wedding ring around my neck in leather pouch under my clothes.   8. In your opinion, what is your best feature?
My eyes, not necessarily because they are the best, but because they are unique. 9. What's your real birth date?
I was born on April 24th, of the year 726 ME. 10. Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?
Rustic.  I live in a small cottage with my mother and father in Cleigne.  It is kept neat, sparsely (but comfortably) furnished to keep my ailing mother as comfortable as I can. We mostly use our wood stove and lamps during the warmer months and save our generator for the winter.  We also have a small vegetable and herb garden. 11. What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much?
My mother’s wedding ring.  I hope to use it someday.   12. What one word best describes you?
 Familial Questions
 1. What was your family like?
It was just my mother, my father and me.  My mother was always frail in health fighting the winter months with ailments of the lungs and fluttering in her heart.  My father was a strong man, a hunter, who worked out of Cleigne.  My mother died in the winter of 750 when I was 24.  She passed peacefully in her sleep.  My father took her death very hard and threw himself into his work. He was killed early in 752 by daemons. 2. Who is your spouse, and what are they like?
I am not married. 3. Who are your children, and what are they like?
I have one child, a daughter, her name is Ivka. She is two years old. 4. What is your relationship like? Are you married?
I had long distance relationship with a young man from Insomnia.  I met him by chance when he was 15 and hit it off great.  We’d meet several times a year, mostly when he was camping with his family.  I would travel out from my home and spend several nights with him.  Sometimes we would meet in Hammerhead.  We ended the relationship when he entered the Crownsguard.  
Childhood Questions
 1. What is your first memory?
My mother’s voice.  She used to sing me a lullaby every night before I went to sleep. 2. What was your favorite toy?
A wooden toy behemoth my father made for me.  I loved carved toys of wildlife.  He brought me one every year for my birthday. 3. What was your favorite game?
Go.  I used play with my mother every night before bed. 4. Any non-family member adults stick out in your mind? Who were they, and how did you know them? Why do they stick out?
Various members of the Crownsguard.  Usually once a year, around my birthday, one would come visit.  They’d bring some gifts, ask after me and my mother, and chat with my father.  I assumed they were my father’s friends as he was once in the Crownsguard.   Several of them came to both my mother’s and father’s pyre. 5. Who was your best friend when you were growing up?
I had a cat growing up.  We didn’t live near people so I didn’t interact with other children my age until I was much older.  When I did I found that I had little in common with them.  
Adolescent Questions
 1. How old were you when you went on you have your first kiss? 
I was 22 when I had my first kiss.  I lived isolated from others so I was still a virgin until this point. 2. It is common for one's view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it?
Authority is only good when it is used wisely. Heed the laws meant to protect yourself and others.  If laws are unjust or allow people to suffer then you must rise up to challenge them. My father taught me this.   3. Did you enjoy your apprenticeship?
I apprenticed under my mother until she was too sick to teach me.  I became an alchemist, like her, specializing in making potions and elixirs to sell to the hunters in the area. 4. Did you do well with your tutors?
My mother and father were my tutors and did their best to teach me everything they thought I would need to survive in the world. My father was a highly educated man, both academically and martially, as such I was taught everything he knew. 5. Who was your idol when you were growing up? Who did you first fantasize about in your life?
My mother’s unwavering strength even in the face of her own mortality. 6. What is your favorite memory from adolescence?
The first time I made love under the stars.  I remember it fondly.  The bark of the tree digging into my back as I was hoisting into the air.  The sweet pain and awkwardness of having sex for the first time.  His scent.  I’ll never forget it, even after all this time and distance, it was one of the best nights of my life. 7. What is your worst memory from adolescence?
Ending it.  Ending it for him and his future.  It wasn’t with me but elsewhere so I let him go.  Never had something been harder.  Even though my heart still holds the ache left behind I do not regret it.
 Occupational Questions
 1. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it?
I am an alchemist, I also use White Magic, but not like my mother did.  I make potions and elixirs for the hunters that pass through the region.  I don’t charge for them, but they usually leave me money anyway.  I do pretty well on donations from the hunters in the area and it brings me great joy to help others in need.   2. What is something you had to learn that you hated?
Learning about the royal family and all their descendants was pretty boring.  I don’t know why my father thought it was important but he did so I learned it. 3. Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why?
My money was spent taking care of my mother until she died.
 Likes & Dislikes Questions
 1. What hobbies do you have?
I enjoy singing, hiking, archery and carving (something I picked up from my father). 2. Who is your closest mundane friend? Describe them and how you relate to them.
Click here to enter text. 3. Who is your worst mundane enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along.
While I wouldn’t call her and enemy, me and Cindy don’t get along, she’s a nice girl and all but I don’t like how she seems to string boys along.  She once ‘took’ in a boy I was interested in to the back of her garage I didn’t see them again until morning.  She took offense to me calling her a shank, which I am not proud of, but since them we have simply agreed to not speak with each other unless we have too. 4. Read any good books? What were they?
I didn’t have access to many books before moving to Insomnia. I have two books that my father had that came with me when I left Cleigne after his death.  Both were philosophy books. 5. What type of places do you hang out in with your friends?
I am slow to make friends, even now, I am on friendly terms with the people that I work with in Insomnia but I would call them ‘friends’.   6. What annoys you more than anything else?
People who talk just to fill the silence or hear themselves.  And Gossip. 7. What would be the perfect gift for you?
Something handmade. 8. What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
The first time my daughter smiled at me. 9. What time of day is your favorite?
Sunrise. 10. What kind of weather is your favorite?
Rain. 11. What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food?
My favorite food is fish, any kind, and pears.  I really do not care for dried foods. 12. What is your favorite drink?
Sake. 13. What's your favorite animal? Why?
I do not have a favorite.  I love all animals but if I had to choose it would be cats. 14. Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? 
I used to have a cat, she stayed with the cottage when I left. 15. What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.)
Breathing.  I count my breaths and listen to my heartbeat.  It grounds me.   16. What habit that others have annoys you most?
Too much talking. 17. What kind of things embarrass you?    
Gossip and very personal questions. 18. What don't you like about yourself?
My lack of social skills.  
Sex & Intimacy Questions
 1. Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Why?
I find all sorts of people attractive gender does not matter, but in order for a sexual relationship with someone I must have a emotional connection with them. 2. Have you ever had a same-sex experience? Who with, what was it like, and how did it go?
Once.  It was short and lasted only one summer.  A hunter that was about my age.  We hit it off really well and ended up in a passionate relationship until she had to move on.  I still remember her fondly. 3. What is your deepest, most well-hidden sexual fantasy? Would you ever try it?
Does making love under the stars count?  I don’t have anything super kinky in mind besides out in the open, under the trees with nothing but the cover of night to cloak us. 4. What was the wildest thing you've ever done, sexually? Who was it with and when did it happen?
I have had lots of sex outside.  More sex outside than inside actually.  That seems hard to do in Insomnia though. 5. Is there any sexual activity that you enjoy and/or practice regularly that can be considered non-standard? (Bondage, Fantasy Play, etc.) Why do you like it?
No. 6. Is there any sexual activity that you will not, under any circumstances, do?
Nothing illegal.  I open to trying anything at least once. 7. Do you currently have a lover? What is their name, and what is your relationship like?
What are they like? Why are you attracted to them?
I do not currently have a lover. 8. What is the perfect romantic date?
Watching the sun set and the moon rise.  I know it sounds sappy but after living in the wilds for so long the constant lights and sounds of the city make me nostalgic. 9. Describe the perfect romantic partner for you.
Strong.  Not just physically, that doesn’t need to be the case, but mentally and emotionally. Someone who can trust me enough to let me carry their burdens as well as help carry mine. 10. Do you ever want to get married and have children? When do you see this happening?
I have a child.  As for marriage, maybe someday, but I doubt it.  I let that one go. 11. What is more important – sex or intimacy? Why?
Intimacy.  I must have a emotional connection to someone before I can allow such a thing to happen.  I am not one for one-night stands. 12. What was your most recent relationship like? Who was it with? (Does not need to be sexual, merely romantic.)
Nothing recent.  
Drug & Alcohol Questions
 1. How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it?
17.  My father took me out for my birthday to one of the towns nearby.  I had just gotten my first daemon kill.  I wasn’t hunting but was ambushed while hunting more mundane prey.  He was so proud and grateful that I was alive that we got thoroughly sloshed. 2. Do you drink on any kind of regular basis?
I do now.  A glass of wine or sake at night. 3. What kind of alcohol do you prefer?
Wine or sake, sometimes something harder. 4. Have you ever tried any other kind of "mood altering" substance? Which one(s)? What did you think of each?
No. 5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not?
People can make their own choices.
 Morality Questions
 1. What one act in your past are you most ashamed of?
Calling Cindy a shank, even if she did steal a boy I wanted.
2. Have you ever been in an argument before? Over what, with who, and who won?
Plenty.  Won some and lost some. 3. Have you ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won?
A few.  I can hold my own, but I only learn from the ones I lose. 4. What do you feel most strongly about?
Helping others. 5. What do you pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress people?
Nothing.  I don’t need to impress anyone. 6. What trait do you find most admirable, and how often do you find it?
The ability for people to endure and still remain kind even in the face of adversity. 7. What one act in your past are you most proud of?
Allowing the greatest love of my life to walk free. 8. Do you have any feelings in general that you are disturbed by? What are they? Why do they disturb you?
I have dreams.  Nightmares really.  Things I can’t remember when I wake but I know they terrify me. 9. What is your religious view of things? What religion, if any, do you call your own?
I believe in the Astrals. 10. Do you think the future is hopeful? Why?
As long as life endures I believe it is. 11. Is an ounce of prevention really worth a pound of cure? Which is more valuable? Why do you feel this way?
Depends on the context.  Sometimes preventing something cannot be done until a cure is found. 12. What's the worst thing that can be done to another person? Why?
Lots things can the worst depending on who you are. To me.  Taking a life before its time. 13. What's the worst thing you could actually do to someone you hated?
I don’t like to think about the things I could do to people.  I am in a position of healing others.  I could refuse, let those I hate die rather than save them, but where would I be? No better that those that seek to destroy us. 14. Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that? If you think the whole leader-follower archetype is a crock of shit, say so, and explain why?
Depends on what is needed at the time.  I can lead and follow. 15. What is your responsibility to the world, if any? Why do you think that?
I have a gift of healing and I must use to heal. I am no oracle.  I cannot heal plagues and scourges, but I can close wounds and save lives. 16. Do you think redemption is possible? If so, can anyone be redeemed, or are there only certain circumstances that can be? If not, why do you think nothing can redeem itself?
I think so.  Everyone deserves a second chance if they really wish to change. 17. Is it okay for you to cry? When was the last time you cried?
It is never a weakness to cry.  Sometimes it is all we can do.  When my father died. 18. What do you think is wrong with MOST people, overall?
Apathy and fear.
 Miscellaneous Questions
 1. What is the thing that has frightened you most? Do you think there is anything out there what's scarier than that? What do you think that would be?
Losing my child.  Nothing is more terrifying than the thought of losing someone so young. 2. Has anyone or anything you've ever cared about died? How did you feel about it? What happened?
My parents died. 3. What was the worst injury you've ever received? How did it happen?
Physically or emotionally?  I’ve had my fair share of both.  I’ve been gored by beasts, bitten, scratched and kicked. The worst? The worst was emotional. I’ve already talked about that thought. 4. How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
Decently. It’s on my arms and legs. 5. What is your current long-term goal?
I don’t really have one. 6. What is your current short-term goal?
Survive in the big city. 7. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they, and do you plan to get rid of them?
A stare a lot.  It is not to be rude or anything I just like to watch people.  Sometimes I get odd looks but it’s a habit from living in the wilds. 8. How private of a person are you? Why?
Decently, though by no means am I closed book. Just some things should remain private. 9. What do you do when you are bored?
Make things and read. 10. What is the most frightening potential handicap or disfigurement you can conceive of? What makes it so frightening?
Being paralyzed.  Not being able to stop what’s happening.  True powerlessness.
0 notes
3one3 · 7 years
The Sequel - 814
Fish Store
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea/BVB players, and random awesome OC’s (okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
“Hi hello good afternoon! No you don’t have to call me back.”
“I can if it’s important.”
“This is fine. I just called because I was chopping food and speakerphone is easier than texting. I’ve already eaten the food now. Can I come to the beach next week?”
“When next week?”
“The middle. Or the end.”
“That doesn’t really narrow it down.”
“TWT or FSS but I have to leave in the morning on S. Are you going there or do you have other plans? Schü is with DFB and I want a mini break before WCF.”
“I have to do a thing in Berlin in Tue. I was going to spend a few days there instead of the beach but I can do both.”
“Is anyone going to Berlin with you?”
“Toni, but that can change. Would you like to meet me there and be my translator around town? :) Or do you need the beach?”
“I need *you*. Location not important.”
“Are you ok?”
“Mhm I just know I’m gonna miss you by then and I’ll want to see you before I go to the WCF.”
“Meet me in Berlin Tue evening and we can be tourists for 2 days.”
“K!” About 12 seconds after she sighed with relief and put her phone down, Christina heard André announce his presence in her cozy viewing lounge.
“Anybody home?” he called from by the door, which was in a de facto little hallway made by the glass on one side and the dividing wall for the “cafe” on the other. His girl held her hand up so he could see her. Zoe found the most squishy, rider-swallowing sofa in the entire world to put right up by the windows, which were floor to ceiling in the middle of the room so that one could sink into said couch and still be able to see what was happening in the indoor ring. Christina was laying on it though, and the arms were very tall, so no one could see her there without getting closer. She had a brand new burgundy, monogrammed throw pillow for her head and shoulders, and two very sleepy Toy Fox Terriers in their little coats for her lap. André leaned over the back of the black leather couch to kiss her hello. “Were you napping?” he questioned. No one was riding in the ring below.
“No, I was sulking.” His wife turned her lower lip over and moved her hand from Spencer’s head so that he could pet him too. “Dirk is hurt. Not very hurt. Just a little hurt. Temporarily hurt. But hurt enough that I can’t take him to Omaha.”
Oh for fuck’s sake, the footballer groaned inside under the influence of snap panic. The only thing that could possibly make our situation harder right now is the horse being injured. The world is going to end. This is a disaster. This is-
“Do you want a latte? Or a martini? We have the possibility of both now with the professional espresso machine and the full bar,” Christina pointed out somewhere between sarcasm and resignation. She liked her lounge. There was a nice refrigerator and freezer, a microwave, a blender, the espresso machine, a coffee maker, a full size sink, a drawer full of utensils, cabinets with coffee mugs, plates, and bowls, and even a dishwasher with which to clean all that stuff. There were two square tables for 4, and a wet bar area with a counter and 4 stools. A comfy reclining chair accompanied the couch by the windows, and then there was another sitting area at the far end of the room with two more sofas, a couple of upholstered chairs, coffee and end tables, and even a TV. The walls were burgundy with 12” crisp white adidas stripes at about eye level, and full of poster-size photos, actual posters or framed and matted advertisements and magazine features, and shelves heavy with the spoils of competition. The sheer number of trophies around the large room made Christina feel self-conscious, because all that silverware on show said “major bragging” to her. Zoe insisted on displaying everything.
“No. Are you okay?” André reached to the right to pet Lucky too, who was closer to his mom’s knees. Both dogs were shedding white hair all over her navy breeches and black knee socks, even with their coats on. The effect of Dirk’s injury on her was of much more concern to their dad than her tidiness. She looks awfully relaxed here though, he decided after taking in her state.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just bummed. I wanted him to get to go to a final on his own, without the team. He doesn’t have many chances left, probably. Do you want to sit? I’m willing to lift my legs so you can share this couch with me, but just know they’re coming right back down in your lap if you do. My knee is kiiiiiillling me.” The rider really was okay with her prized stallion’s situation. She was being honest with him, not just pretending, or trying to hide her feelings for his benefit. Also, she was too tired to be upset.
“Why aren’t you icing it?” Her partner moved his hand to the inside of her right knee, over the synthetic suede knee patch part of her breeches, and gently palpated it.
“Puppies like warm laps, not ice.”
“What’s with Dirk? How did he get hurt?”
“Bad step, probably. There’s some swelling in one of his fetlocks. He jogs sound but he didn’t feel right when I got on him. Tom is sure it’ll go down with poulticing. We gave him some horsey Tylenol and he’ll have a few days off with cold hosing and poultice and then we’ll see. I’m not worried. This is too close to feel good about taking him to the Final though, so I changed my entry already,” Christina explained while playing with the unfinished end of her long braid. She believed the couch had claimed her as its own, and was fine with that. There was no desire within her to ever get up, or move other than to pet her pets, put her hands in her track jacket pockets, or rest them on her chest. Her hair ended up there and she could play with it without having to move much. “Rio gets a chance to defend his title. I don’t know if any horse has ever won the World Cup back to back,” she added with a thoughtful and curious lilt.
“There is something you don’t know?”
“Shut up.”
“Do you still want to take Mausi to a fish store today?”
“You’re funny,” she giggled. Who says “fish store”? You go to a pet supply store, or an aquarium supply store even. Maybe in German it’s literally a fish store. She enjoyed the curious and confused look on André’s face while he tried to figure out what she thought was funny, and also how much better he looked since having taken his beard down a notch that morning after her extensive campaigning to get him to shave. He was much more handsome to her when she could see more of his face instead of a dead ginger colored animal clinging underneath it. “I don’t think Luke wants to go anywhere. I just had lunch with him a little while ago and he still seems kinda under the weather. He wasn’t very hungry, or at least not for veggies and chicken and millet. Espen said he just wants to nap and watch TV or hear stories. I have one more lesson to do and then I was gonna go hang with him.”
“When is your lesson?”
“Do you think I should go check on him, or can I sit in the middle of the ring and try to talk to you while you try to teach?”
“I think he’s fine with Espen, babe. He’s better off, from a wellness point of view, with a paid professional than with his noob dad. I don’t really care though. You’re welcome to stay and be bored.”
André was happy to remain and be bored. He made a to-go cup of tea to bring down with him when the resident trainer put her sneakers back on and shooed the dogs down the stairs, around the corner, through the hall, and back into the barn. Footballers were allowed in the indoor, but not terriers. The one who paid for the indoor sat on a jump in there and talked to her whenever she wasn’t telling Stefanie what to do with Julian. He did that before in London sometimes. Sometimes the lesson plan dictated that Christina was going to be talking the entire time, and there was no point in him hanging out. Sometimes the exercise involved more observing and then giving comments or advice sporadically, and she was more than capable of having a conversation about something unrelated while studiously examining every stride and hand movement. Something they talked about that afternoon during the lesson was her plan to spend two nights in Berlin with Juan. That made the player less happy, but not enough to complain. He hoped she’d go to Germany’s friendly on that Wednesday since it was happening right at the Westfalenstadion. She said she probably wouldn’t have gone anyway because it was just a friendly and had “terrible game” written all over it. Whenever the team came together for just one training session before a match, it was indeed a signal that the contest wasn’t very important and probably wouldn’t turn into an all time great.
Better than hanging out during Stefanie’s lesson was hanging out as a family at home afterward. Espen was relieved from duty and the lethargic little prince of the new castle spent his evening alternating between resting on one parent and two, depending on in which way they were resting on each other. They watched a 1981 comedy starring Bill Murray, John Candy, and Harold Ramis, about some friends who join the army. Everyone got rubs. Christina got ankle and knee rubs. Lukas got back rubs. André got head rubs. No one wanted to get up to make dinner. It was supposed to be steak and sweet potato taco night. The blonde boys had to gang up on their chef to get her out bed to do the grilling and the avocado smashing, and then she had to go wake them up to do the eating. André and Christina teamed up for story time. They did a shortened, semi-modernized version of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, and split up the parts. The rider was better at conjuring different characters for the female roles than the player was at making up different voices and personalities for the male ones. Lukas surely didn’t understand most of what was said, regardless of the acting. He enjoyed it nevertheless, and it did put him to sleep on time.
“Are you going to read to me now?” André yawned when Christina returned to bed after transferring the child to his crib. Bed was base camp for the entire family for about 6 hours, and that was perfect. That was all he wanted on a cold and gray weekday. His girl was okay with it too, and without a literal acknowledgment to herself that a day like that was exactly what she needed for things to start feeling right in their relationship again, she was already feeling the effects of that.
“Can we watch the end of Monaco and Man City? And can I lay on you?”
“You’ve been laying on me for half the day. What makes you think you need permission now?”
“Half the day,” Christina snorted whiled crawling into the spot she wanted, between André’s legs. “My day starts a lot earlier than yours. It’s a lot longer.”
“Poor Prinzessin. Her life is soooooo exhausting.”
“You should suggest Bring Your Girl To Work Day to Tuchel, and I’ll try one of your typical days and then you can try one of mine, and we’ll see which is more tiring.”
“I would like that just because I’d get to spend a whole day with you.” He smooched the side of her head while she moved around to find a comfortable position, and it made her pause, and stop. Did I push a wrong button, he wondered, momentarily disheartened and worried that an innocent peck was no longer acceptable. Christina was pushing on both of his thighs to hold herself up, leaning back against him, intending to fold her legs up a little and then settle into the perfect comfy spot. There was no lowering back down.
“Can you flatten a little so I’m still up here?” she asked timidly.
“What do you mean?”
“When you sit up this straight and I sit in the middle then I’m far away from you.”
“You’re literally going to be laying on me...half of you is touching me...”
“No I mean from your face...” She let go of his thigh to bend her arm and hold his left cheek instead, and leaned over her shoulder to kiss the right cheek. He put an arm around her and slid down some so he wasn’t so upright, and her legs unfolded as they arrived at a sort of natural arrangement where the footballer was like a cozy lounge chair and if the rider turned her head and lifted her chin then she could have all the kisses she wanted. And that was why she didn’t want to be far away from her partner’s face. Kiss convenience suddenly mattered. He was correct to remind her that they’d been at close quarters ever since they got home that day, but that closeness didn’t involve any kissing. He caught himself each time he went to instinctively press his lips into some part of her, afraid of the reaction he’d receive. And Christina saved all of her affectionate pecks for Lukas.
“We should have put this on sooner!” His dad was surprised by the score in Monaco. Pep’s City was headed out as it stood, after a lot of back and forth in terms of goals and away goals.
“I hope y’all get Monaco in the next round if they go through. They don’t believe in defending. It’ll be fun since your team doesn’t believe in it either.”
“The only way your defense could get worse is if Tuchel put you and Dembele at center half.”
“I was once a very good left back.”
“When you were like 14.”
“You were a really good pony rider when you were 14 and you still are, so...”
“I was also really good at tying my shoes and still am, so...”
“If Guardiola’s team can’t outscore them, what makes you think we can?”
“He doesn’t have a Schü,” Christina smiled, patting the arm wrapped around her and holding up one of her breasts. “Or an Auba,” she added under her breath.
“Marco might be back by then.”
“That’s good.” Sort of. For the team. Not for you.
The pair of football fans watched the remaining 10 or so minutes of the match in silence. The action on the screen was pretty intense. One goal for Manchester City would have changed everything, and nobody watching the Champions League would have bet against it after what they saw Barcelona do to PSG’s 4-goal advantage taken with them to the Nou Camp. Half of the pair wasn’t actually that into the game. She never liked the Manchester City manager, and decided from the moment André turned the match on that his team was not going to stage a comeback- that he was going out, in shame. She nodded off while her lounger watched intently. Happy place or no happy place, trademarked and capitalized or otherwise, he could still be a very nice place to rest. Christina fell asleep in that place the night before too, just rotated 45* to the right. His breathing was comforting and his smell was familiar, and nice to her nose. And the way his arm felt around her, even when he was sleeping and no matter whether it was truly holding onto her or just resting on her person, was incredibly important.
He didn’t hold her like the wife he was obligated to hold at night, or that he was entitled to hold, or that he was simply in the habit of holding. His hold on her was exactly as passive but necessary as hers on Lukas the baby zebra when she slept alone and felt stressed out, and the same as with all the other important stuffed animals that served lengthy residencies in her bed since she was a toddler. André held her like she was the thing that helped him sleep comfortably at night, without any bad dreams or having to figure out where to put his arms. Christina knew how weird it can be to have to find a good arrangement for one’s arms with nothing to holding onto, when you don’t know if you should just fold them in front of you, or tuck one under your pillow, or fold your legs up and sandwich your hands between your thighs, or stick them out straight, or what. All of those options have pitfalls, like numbness, or just a feeling of awkwardness that leads to restlessness that leads to poor sleep. She was accustomed to falling asleep with one arm tucked gently to her body and the other on her partner’s chest or stomach, or having a forearm in front of her own chest to hold onto, or a hand there to engage in some way. Even if the arm didn’t make it in between hers, it could just hang over hers and kind of lock them in so they didn’t want to move around. If the arm and the hand just rested on her hip, or her thigh when she curled up, then she could put hers on top of it and it would stay there as if docked to the other limb. Sometimes she could hold a whole person in her arms and then really not have to figure out what to do with them. Without a partner for bedtime, only a stuffed animal could provide the rider with an easy and comfortable arm solution, and only an easy and comfortable arm solution could make sleeping alone feel all right, or make sleep in general come quickly and peacefully. She felt “not alone” with André’s one arm around her during the match, and that made it easy to nod off.
Most nights, in another time, he would have felt rather inconvenienced by that. Having to keep his legs apart and being unable to straighten them out wasn’t the most comfortable position, and it was early still. Most nights, it would be annoying to get trapped there, and he would shamelessly wake his wife to get freedom to find a more comfortable arrangement, or even to go do something elsewhere, without her. Sometimes he played video games when she went to bed early. Sometimes he just watched TV in another room with the dogs. He thought about that while he watched the post-match breakdown by the pundits who were as eager as Christina to tear Guardiola apart for his team’s performance. “Most nights” hasn’t been a thing for us in over a year, he realized. You can’t have a “most nights” when you don’t have enough nights to distinguish between “most” and “some” or “a few”. It’s nice to be inconvenienced this way when the real “most nights” is wishing there was a girl around to turn your thighs into armrests and pass out on you. When did she switch from white v-necks to black, I wonder. She had one of the white ones on last night, but every other night she’s been home and I’ve been home she has black. Is that like a reflection of her mood? Is she in permanent mourning? It’s too bad I won’t be home tomorrow night. We only seem to have two nights in a row together and we have to spend the first one fighting, or having heinous life conversations. I just want to do nothing with her. Or go on a date! I thought last Sunday was going to be like an all-day date, but she barely talked to me. It was like she went on an all-day date with Mausi and her phone. I can’t believe I won’t see her for a month. Does she understand that I’m upset that I won’t see her for a month even when seeing her is more often unpleasant for me than nice? Doesn’t that count for anything?
André used his girl’s topknot to scratch a little itch on the side of his nose, and considered what to do next. The inconvenience of being made into a lounge chair for a napping beauty was actually really great for the time being. Trapped and immobilized was fine for him since it wasn’t a “most days” situation- it was a rare exception, to be savored. But he didn’t know how long he could remain still and comfortable for the object of most of his problems, and he wanted to do other things with her besides serve as furniture. He wanted to talk more, since they were able to do that. He wanted to work on the affection deficit. He wanted sex too, and not just because he physically missed it. The more Christina went off to do things with Juan, the more André felt he needed to be with her to remind her what they had together, and to reassure himself that they still had it. Part of him was very jealous of the sexual relationship his wife had with his old teammate, and he did know how unusual it is for someone to believe only a fraction of his conscious was worried about something like that. For most people, all of them would be freaking out about it. For most people, he believed, a spouse having any sexual relationship with someone else would be a huge deal. He just accepted it. He encouraged it because he thought it was good for his relationship, and good for Christina. It was getting more and more difficult for him though. Letting his girl hook up with her best friend now and then was fine when they had a vibrant, healthy, happy sex life. Despite her assurances that they weren’t sleeping together that often, the Borussia player felt as if that relationship was starting to take the place of his own sexual one with her. That kind of thinking didn’t blend well with his football struggles.
Feeling inadequate and treated like an underperformer at work- at his passion- was not best complemented by the same at home. Two of the things he missed most that night were the authentically appreciative pat on the back from his manager, and the little squeaking sound Christina made when she was maximum-level turned on. He missed contributing value on the pitch and in his sheets. He almost didn’t even miss the feeling of being free from stress and conflict anymore because it had been so long since he experienced it. It was practically forgotten. He wished for it the way one does for something he’s never known, instead. For much of his life, André missed tranquility at work and at home the way Christina missed soda and espresso whenever she tried to drop or cut back on caffeine. He’d come to want that tranquility more like the way 6 or 7-year-old Christina wished to go to The Lost Forest to meet puggles and flying pigs.
What does Prinzessin dream about these days, he wondered as he let the hand on her tummy move a little, to rub gently. Being on an Olympic podium? Riding in the jump off at the World Cup to defend her title? Or more mundane things, like a morning without crunches and side plank dips to maintain these, he considered, a finger following a contouring line down the side of her abs. Playing with penguins? I could see that. I could see her playing on an ice slide with a ton of penguins. She would wear that wool hat with the furry ball on top and it would bounce around when she laughs, which would be the whole time, probably. Her dreams aren’t usually nice though. They’re crazy, and anxiety driven I think. She’s always telling me about having to run or hide from bad guys, or being confused at the airport because she can’t get to the right gate. She hasn’t told me about any dreams in a while. I am torn between wanting her to have a nice dream right now and wanting to tickle her, the footballer thought with the beginnings of a mischievous smirk. It would probably cause World War III. “I’m so tired and you can’t even let me sleep for 5 minutes because you need attention wah wah wah”. I do need attention. What’s wrong with needing attention? Isn’t it flattering when someone wants your attention? I like it when she sits next to me and quietly pokes my arm until I acknowledge her, like a cat touching somebody with his paw and staring. I like when I’m trying to talk to Papa on the phone and she starts taking clothes off and pretending it’s not to get attention, or she walks through the room in some ridiculous underwear like it’s normal to change into a thong for bedtime. I’m quite tired too, André yawned in conclusion. I guess I can stay relatively still for her a while more. No sooner had he prepared to convince his legs to stop complaining about being stuck in their current position did the girl keeping them there begin to move.
“Love you,” Christina murmured sleepily while turning to the left and trying to pull her bare legs up close to her upper body. She wanted his chest for a cheek pillow instead of for the back of her head. Her eyes didn’t want to open, and they didn’t. André took advantage of the opportunity to straighten his legs. He was still going to be stuck in an uncomfortable position, especially since his wife had just managed to wriggle her way to trapping his crotch under her hip, and her feet were pushing flat against his inner thigh.
“What are you dreaming about, Prinzessin?” he inquired.
“Sebastian Vettel,” was the not very awake sounding response.
“He’s gonna...win in...two weeks. Held.”
Little known fact, the player narrated to the imaginary audience in his head while petting hers. Chris always calls Vettel her hero in German, never “hero” in English, because she saw a VT that the BBC did with German fans for the German Grand Prix forever ago and she thought it was really emotional and a bunch of people in it called him their “held” and now each time he does something impressive, or just impressive to her, like when he’s disappointed with being second even when everyone else is thrilled with what he did, she thinks “mein held”. I hope she starts telling me things like that again. I like the inner workings of her head. I love them, actually. They’re what make her special. I’m happy that she’s having dreams about her hero though. That’s a good sign.  
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