#im so glad this is done i started this on the 23rd i think. im. it wasnt supposed to be a finished piece
galaxygermdraws · 2 years
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The S8 nostalgia continues to hit so I drew all of Boatem. This. Took. Nearly 3 days to render. Because I decided to render all of them individually, and by that I mean each of them have their own layers. Was that an unhinged decision of me to make? Yea. But, the final result is something I am really happy with!
(reblogs with comments/tags are appreciated. I will be putting the individual stills of each member under the cut. Thankyu)
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I got a friend request from an obvious catfish on facebook and they just messaged me and Im messing with them. Acting all innocent while they are trying to get me to get on webcam with them. They are pretending to be a pretty blonde girl but every single friend they have is a young guy from India. Wild. I am trying to tell them frog facts.
Honestly I am just glad today is over. It wasnt even a bad day, my arm just really hurts and I feel a lot of stress in my stomach. I just wish James was home. I wish I didnt have to go to work. But that may not be a problem for much longer. But Ill get to that. 
I slept a little better last night and didnt wake up as miserable. I got up and scrolled on my phone for a little but then I felt pretty good and got up and dressed and I loved my outfit and I just felt really nice. I hugged on James for a little bit and then I was off to work. 
It wasnt a bad day at all. I am so glad I wont be alone anymore next week, but it wasnt a bad time. I mostly worked on my store and read my book. I did miss having stuff to sew but thats alright. Im going to get things prepped this weekend so I will have things to do. 
The kids were better about just doing their work today. And at the end of the day I checked a bunch of their school sites and was very proud of them for how caught up they were. One of them had everything completed! Amazing! So proud. 
We never made it outside today but the kids were kinder to eachother and played in the gym. I had brought a wrench and fixed the tightness on the skateboard trucks. Felt much better to ride on them both. The kids are getting better at riding them too and its cool to see that. I for sure am on the look out for some cheap boards at the thrift store. 
I had a nice lunch and had a nice day with my kids. But I also just felt a lot of stress. About being out of the house. About everything in the world. About our governor undermining the mayors of the counties that are putting stronger restrictions in place. And no one knows if school is going to go back in session in January. So I went to talk to Mr Burns about the contracts. They are supposed to go through the 23rd but then I dont know. 
And basically what he told me was that the PAL sites all had a meeting yesterday and a lot of the sites are very unhappy with their teachers and feel very frustrated and dont want to continue the program. Except my site! Mr Burns says they got the best teacher, and they have had no problems with me at all. I was so flattered. And I barely do shit so I cant imagine what these other teachers are doing! But even though they like me and have no problems at this site, the contract seems to be with the entire county and so if all the other sites are unhappy they might cancel the contract and Ill be out of the job. Im not that worried. James has had some really promising  interviews lately and my store is going well so itll be fine. But it has been nice to have something consistent, even for a little while. 
I was very glad to be done at the end of the day. I had had fun helping my kids start sewing, and I had fun playing card games. But I was hungry and ready to get out of there!
I packed up and said goodbye to everyone. Wished them a good weekend and headed out. I stopped at burgerking and ate all the fries on the way home. But soon enough I was back at the apartment and so glad to be. 
I set up in the dungeon with my burger and somehow knocked over my drink. Soda flipped over. Ugh. I cleaned that up and had my burger and felt dumb but I was excited to see the snow on our animal crossing island! Jess said she was able to build a snowman so I had to run around trying to figure that out. But I didnt have enough grass space. So I made some of those. And later on I was able to log back on and find some snowballs and made my first snow man. It was very exciting. 
I packed up some more orders as well. And I cut some fabric. But I was tired and so I laid in the studio and I guess I laid on my arm weird because it still hurts, hours later. I was feeling pretty low, pretty bummed out. I tried to start wrapping some gifts but it didnt help me feel much better. I did some dishes. And now I am hanging out and I think I will take a bath and drink some water and try to be positive. 
I am really excited to have the weekend off. I am hoping to maybe go to a park tomorrow. Just enjoy a nice day. I hope you all sleep well. Goodnight everyone!!
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theycallhertaytay · 5 years
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Dear Taylor,
I know everyone has their own unique “Taylor Story” so I thought I would share mine too! My name is Brittany, I’m 29 (also born in 1989 🙌🏻), a wife, mama to 5, pediatric nurse, and a longtime devoted fan! I’m turning 30 this year...on August 23rd (💗) and I honestly can’t thank you enough for what will for sure be MY BEST BIRTHDAY YET!
So here’s my very long story that I hope you will see one day!
The first CD that my then boyfriend (now husband) bought for me when I was younger was Fearless. I like to think that my love for you started way back then! So whenever he rolls his eyes at me for stanning too hard, I remind him that it all began with him! 😉
Ever since that first CD, you’ve been a source of comfort for me. My life has been anything but calm...but throughout it all, I feel like I’ve always had you there with me.
The first song that my 10 year old daughter learned to sing as a toddler was Sparks Fly. I can vividly remember her sitting in her pink car seat in the back of my car as we drove around singing as loudly as possible.
When my second daughter was born, Never Grow Up was my theme song as I learned to navigate my way through motherhood with a 2 year old and a newborn (while simultaneously attending nursing school). I had a lot of post partum anxiety and yet that song really helped me to gain perspective and shift my thinking.
I trekked over 500 miles to see you on the 1989 tour in Salt Lake City (for the 2nd time that tour). I was 39 weeks pregnant with my 4th daughter and went against my doctors advice to travel so late in the game. I was dressed as a fox and whispered to my belly before the show “just stay in until Taylor’s done performing, then you can come out!” I was just imagining myself going into labor with a full face of fox makeup in an unknown city...needless to say, I’m glad she didn’t come for another week!
With my 5th baby (1st boy), I was watching you perform in my living room during the iHeart radio Jingle Ball in 2017. It was December 1st which marked the first day of my baby boy’s birth month (he was due the 5th). You came on as the last set, which meant I stayed up extra late! An hour after you finished, my water broke. I had Ready For It blaring in the car as we made our way to the hospital a few hours later while I was in full blown labor! My boy has a special connection with reputation, I can just tell. Im sure it’s because it was basically his soundtrack while in utero!
I just want you to know how thankful I am that you’ve been with me all these years. My children have taken their first steps to your music playing in the background. I’ve spent many hours rocking my babies to sleep while humming your songs. I’ve bonded with my pediatric patients about our common interests (YOU!) and I’ve gotten to show them all of the amazing videos I’ve taken over the years at your shows! I’m not able to spend as much time as I would like on Tumblr because #fivekids, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me. Your music has essentially become the soundtrack to my life and im so grateful for it. You’ve always been there for me and I will always be here for you! Thank you for everything @taylorswift 💗💗
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ninliane · 5 years
Haikyuu Secret Santa 2019 Gift Exchange!
tadaaa here’s my part for the gift exchange! this is for you alicia ( @bokunotan ) ! you said that you liked dadchi so i give him to u uwu. you know tbh daichi is the one character im not confident in writing in so i had to read a few fanfics to help me sort out his character! (it was mostly @imaginethathaikyuu haha thank you.) please tell me if you want it rewritten alicia! this is my first time writing for daichi but i think i did okay for a first shot haha. also thank you to @supern-a-vengers for hosting this event! anyway i used your name in the fanfic (honestly i love your name so much) so i really hope you enjoy your present :))
also if the title sounds weird its really supposed to sound like that, it’s a title of an old christmas song haha.
merry christmas! 
the day before the night before christmas (daichi x alicia)
It was the cold winter morning on the 23rd of December; you hadn’t done much except for making breakfast. You thought to get into the Christmas mood you could play some music while you cooked breakfast. It was..nice.
Calm music was playing as you enjoyed cooking, eating your piping hot food to warm you up, and curling on the couch nearby the window as you sketched random thoughts that would pass by your mind: the passing snowflakes, the white and leafless trees, the running water that had yet to be frozen.
‘What on earth..?’ you thought to yourself.
You looked at your notebook in confusion as you cautiously lifted your pencil. It was a face, but its features weren’t quite there yet. Who were you drawing?
That question ran through your mind for the rest of the morning until a vibration from your pocket shook you out of your thoughts.
‘The rest of the third years are going to go to the shrine since it’s almost Christmas, do you want to go?’
Oh? This was strange. Daichi rarely texted you. You read the text over and over again until you came to the conclusion: why not? You quickly put on your winter outfit but as soon as you finished you looked at yourself in the mirror and immediately started over. This went on for a good twenty minutes. Why can’t you decide what to wear? Usually, this would be easy for you..wait why are you even self-conscious? There’s no special reason to look nice is there??
You decided on going with a long unbuttoned beige overcoat. a long-sleeved striped shirt, and cute checkered shirt, long boots, a white scarf and a cute beret to top it off. Twirling around in the mirror you smiled to yourself, “Yeah this looks good.”
It seems all that time you spent in front of the mirror cost you. You ran through the crowded shrine, trying to look for your company. “Oh no..I’m not too late are I?” you looked frantically looked around. 
“Oh! Daichi Daichi there she is!”
“Where? Oh, I see her!”
“Go go go!”
“Agh- guys stop pushing me! And keep your voice do-“
You whipped your head as you heard your name called. It belonged to your fellow classmate Sugawara Koshi, linked in his arm was a certain volleyball captain, struggling to stand up. Behind him were two faces you knew well: Kiyoko and Asahi. You smiled at the familiar faces and walked up to them, your coat and scarf gliding in the wind as you walked. 
“Hi! Merry Christmas!” you greeting smiling. “Merry Christmas, Alicia-chan.” Kiyoko greeted, as did Sugawara and Asahi. The captain, who had just been standing there frozen, didn’t say anything. His eyes widened at your appearance, simply just, well, staring. You noticed this and your cheeks heated up a bit. “Merry Christmas, Daichi-san.” you said offering a smile. Daichi on the other hand, who was still frozen in awe, had to be hit by Sugawara. ‘Oi, respond you dumbass.’ the vice-captain whispered. “Oh! U-uh Merry Christmas, Alicia-san!” he stuttered which made you laugh. A laugh he oh-so adored. 
“This guy is hopeless..” his friend thought. Throughout the day the five of you walked throughout the shrine, getting fortunes and making whishes. As the four of you clapped your hands and closed your eyes, Daichi peeked one eye open, glancing at your as your eyes were tight shut, concentrating on your wish. He smiled and closed his eyes again, deciding to wish for one more thing.
Sunset arrived and the five of you walked down the steps. Kiyoko and Asahi are pulled to the side by Sugawara and you cocked an eyebrow, but soon distracted by it as Daichi approached you. “So, you got any winter plans?” he smiled. You laughed and shrugged, looking at the city glow that began to emit through the dark sky, “Not much, might just stay home and chill.” “Oh, is that so.” you stayed in silence for awhile before he continued. “Hey..if you’re not doing anythi-“
“Daichi, Alicia!” the two of you whipped your heads to Sugawara, who was walking away as he dragged Kiyoko and Asahi with him. “Asahi and Shimizu are gonna head to the restaurant nearby so I’ll join them, see you guys!”
 ‘Ah..so it’s just the two of us now..’ Daichi looked back to Alicia, “Alicia-san, would you like me to walk you home?” she giggled in response, “That would be nice thank you.”
The sun had now set, and the walk was comfortably quiet until Alicia spoke up, “You know I’m really glad you texted me today, I originally was just gonna stay at home but I really had fun with everyone, especially you!” she teased. Through the cold, Daichi felt his cheeks warm up, “Oh, haha really? I’m glad you accepted!” he’s gonna keep hidden from the fact that it was Suga who stole his phone and texted the message to you as he was too nervous to do it. He chose his words carefully as he mumbled, 
“S-so um..”
“Would you like to do this again?” they both spoke at the same time.
 The snow fell on their hair as they looked into each other's eyes. “Oh, uhm I mean just the two of us,” Alicia quickly spoke, “..if that’s okay with you?” she made eye contact again. Daichi thought these kinds of stuff only happened in dreams or on TV, he really couldn’t believe what was happening. “Yes, of course! I’d love to!” he earnestly told her. Alicia gave back a warm smile. Daichi leaned into her face, 
“Then I’ll pick you up for New Years'.” she felt his hot breath whisper into her ear. Alicia didn’t know what came over her to have asked such a request, but she knew she didn’t regret it. She finally finished the faceless drawing that was in her notebook. She stared at it for a bit before laughing.
“I should probably have him in front of me next time.” 
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 17th-February 23rd, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 17th, 2020 to February 23rd, 2020.  The chat focused on Crossed Wires by Iris Jay.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Crossed Wires by Iris Jay~! (http://crossedwires.irisjay.net/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until February 23rd, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic!
Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Just started on this comic. It's highly addictive. The art is super expressive ( I am always really jealous of people who can use dot shading effectively), and the story is fast paced. It keeps you turning pages. I did not see the twist of the vr helmet coming at all and I love that. I love thinking I am reading one thing and then finding out I am reading something else. It suddenly made the character design choice of having a dragon samurai as the MC so much more understandable. This choice was fun to begin with, but it so much more perfect when you realise it's an avatar. I'm only on page 25 and I have to get back to work,so it's early days yet for a favourite character. So far, I'm just annoyed at all the characters for talking in class
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I made it through the comic, and it was a really fun read! I like how the mechanics of the universe embellish the concept of hacking without... making it "unrealistic"? Like, I often see hacking portrayed in media as just typing gibberish code and saying "i'm in", which is generally pretty silly. What Crossed Wires does is turns hacking into essentially real-world heists, where you need disguises and acting and people watching your back. Sword fights aside, that's actually way closer to how hacking actually works (like, it's easier to get someone to tell you their password than to crack the password database). My absolute favorite example of this is the ending of Chapter 02 (which is also my favorite scene of the comic). Michael has been built up as this absolute dirtbag, and the number of creeps he somehow has following him has made him nigh-unbeatable. I'm not going to spoil exactly how the gang gets to him in the end, but watching him get beaten down was one of the most satisfying things I've ever seen in a comic.
I agree that story wise, the way it handles hacking is really unique. Which tbf to TV, real hacking is generally actually very boring. And as @snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) says, there's actually easier ways like just getting someone to tell you their password that are way easier. In real life, even, the first thing companies who are hired to test another company's security do is just show up in person and try to trick their way past people. People are really the worst enemy of all security. But anyway, even though it's a bit weird, I definitely think turning hacking into this real life VR experience is unique while capturing the real life flaws that humans create for security ventures. I also like that the beginning really just starts right up with this premise without taking like 20 pages to exposition. Just gotta accept a fighting dragon, which works really well in this case.(edited)
My favorite moment in the comic so far is actually probably the one morning chat between Cass and VRRMN where they have a serious talk about their relationship and the future. I actually like that their relationship is built on the point that sorry isn't enough, and that while you can see VRRMN's sincerity, you can also justifiably see why Cass isn't going to forgive so easily. And it was just a very real and heart breaking scene since no matter the direction,, nobody was going to be happy. Which tbf, I also like this scene because Cass is my favorite character. I like that Cass is a smidgen more down to earth than some of the other characters so far, and I really like this dilemma where Cass wants to leave hacking, but keeps coming back. Plus Cass is cool and badass, so there's that too.
Ironically, though, I think I like seeing Cass and Alan interact the most. I like this kind of...brother sister relationship they have going on where Cass just wants to protect Alan who is way too eager to get over his head. So all their interactions are super cute
But lets chat about art for a second. I really like that the art style in this is like this interesting mix between modern and cyberpunk. When it comes to stories where you have VR or similar involved, there's a lot of directions to go. Some just use the same art style throughout, some drastically change it, etc. It all depends on what is being sold to the reader in terms of setting. What I like about the art, though, is that despite it really doesn't change much, I'm sold on both the modern real world and the cyberpunk sort of feel I get from the world of the hackers. I always feel like both aspects are unique and have a lot of character, which I don't find in a lot of other similar comics
Iris Jay
Iris Jay here, author of Crossed Wires! Thanks for the rad comments so far, it means a lot that y'all are reading my weird queer hacker comic. <3
And I'm glad you dig the worldbuilding!! XW originally started as a Hackers fan comic, and I wanted to capture the same general feeling of it-- a cyberpunk story that wasn't happening in some neon-lit future, but now, the present, albeit with slightly better graphics capabilities. (Of course, with VR technology rapidly catching up, it's probably going to be historical fiction by the time I'm done with the series, buuuuut what're ya gonna do...)
Cass gets a LOT of cool stuff coming up very soon in the comic. I'm super excited to show y'all where the story goes next!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Oh, one other thing I love - I really like how both of the main protagonists are trans. Like I really think it adds some interesting parallels and theming to the story - these are both characters who felt rejected by the world, they went into VR for escapism and for avatars that portrayed who they really were. And I'm interested to see how the theme of a person's VR avatar being very closely tied to their identity is explored further in this chapter (I'm guessing it will be, particularly with regards to Cass).
Im only about 30 pages in but I dig the style difference between the digital world and the dots for shading, and the real world with the greyscale shading. It's really cool. And the use of big areas that are colored black!! Love that kinda stuff, want to get better at using that myself!
Comic Tea Party
9. What exactly is the Amphisbaena Project and how does it work in a way that it physically affects a person? What is the goal of the people who revived it, and who revived the project in the first place?
10. Do you think Cass will ever forgive Vrrmn/Theresa for the events that happened between them in the past? Can their relationship be repaired, and how will their soured relationship affect their separate relationships with Alan?
11. Do you personally believe in the hackers’ mission in exposing wrongdoing despite it being illegal? In general, what do you think the story has to teach us about standing up for both ourselves and for society?
12. Overall, how do you think the events of the story will change Alan, his relationships with others, and his pursuits of hacking? How will the other characters change and grow as people over the course of their adventures?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I feel like the Amphisbaena Project maybe started as like an anti-hacker measure. Since it's not like hackers are doing legal things, so it walks that ethical grey line of what is and isn't ok to do to law breakers. Like, if someone is invading your home, is it fine to shoot them. But now I think the people who revived it (which I have no guesses as to who yet), are using it to eliminate business rivals. Cause that sounds like something a corporation would do. As for how it works, I think it's just a simple matter of information overload to the brain, just on like...a brain-breaking level. Which this leads me into the moral quandry of, do I believe in the hackers mission. The short answer is no, because personally speaking I don't believe breaking the law is good in most cases, and often wrongdoing taints the results. However, I also emotionally understand why people would do this. The characters have made their personal mission sort of clear, and that makes me empathize with their plight. So all in all, I feel the story teaches us that standing up for yourself and society isn't easy. Whether it's an emotional or physical hardship, there are sacrifices and sometimes, you just gotta be ok with that.
Let me move onto character growth. I don't feel Cass will ever forgive Vrrmn, but I do think Cass will move past it to the level of being cordial. And I think Alan will be a big part of that, since both seem nice enough to not want to put Alan in the middle of their personal issues. So while the relationship will never be what it was, they'll probably be able to say How are you without Cass sneering. XD As for Alan, I kind of feel that the story will teach Alan more humility. We've already seen quite a bit of this, but I think his overwhelming confidence could still be more tempered as the story goes on. Not just because Alan will face strong people, but with more experience comes more wisdom. So at the end, Alan will be able to recognize that those boasted skills in the past weren't so great. As for other characters, I feel like I need to know them more before I can say.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
What I'm most looking forward to in the comic is probably just seeing more of Cass. I'm interested to see where Cass goes both emotional and physically as the hacking world begins to change somewhat do to the events of the story. Overall, this is a stylistically interesting comic that covers a lot of ground with lots of interesting visuals that complement the story well.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Crossed Wires this week! Please also give a special thank you to Iris Jay for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Crossed Wires, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://crossedwires.irisjay.net/
Iris’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/irisjay
Iris’ Shop: https://shop.itsnero.com/
Iris’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/irisjaycomics
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redditnosleep · 7 years
I Found My Brother’s Diary
by healthyear. Trigger warning for child abuse.
May 30th 2015
Hi journal. I dont wanna call you a diary or else the kids at school will make fun of me. And I dont want them to do that. Its allmost summer and I cant wait. I cant even beleive Im almost done with second grade. Im so old! Soon Im going to be 30 and being an astronot. I cant wait for summer. I mean Mr. Riley is cool and he gives me candy but I dont want to stay in his class forever!
Me and Luke are going to play all summer it will be so fun. We are gunna play video games and monopoloy, monopoloy is my favorite bored game. We are gunna go to the beach and the zoo and the park. Luke is my bestest friend and Im so glad I have him. Nobody else at school really wants to play with me. Except for Sidney but she only laffs the whole time! Some times she pushes me and laffs . Im never sure whats so funny but i laff to becus shes laffing! I like to laff.
I have to go now. Ill talk to you later!
June 2nd, 2015
Sorry I forget to write some times. I have been busy. Me and Luke have been playing. Im so glad I have someone to play with. Last year I had to play with immaginarey friends, since I didnt have Luke. Luke just moved here this school year. Nobody else had immaginarey friends anymore accept for me so it was kinda embaresing.
But now I have someone. I have Luke!! Hes so nice to me and Im so happy to have him.
June 4th, 2015
Sorry I keep forgeting!!!! I will try to talk to you every day now. Yesterday Luke and I were playing and then he holded my hand. I liked it. I saw big kids at school and out at the store holding hands befour but I had never ever done it. I like Luke a lot.
June 5th, 2015
Today at the dinner table daddy was talking abowt gay mareige. He doesnt like it. He said all kweers should dye. I dont know what a kweer is but they must be bad.
I just asked mommy what a kweer is and she said a gay. I dont know what a gay is eether but i will ask Luke tommorow may be he will know.
June 6th, 2015
Luke kissed me!!! I asked him what a gay is and he kissed me and said thats what a gay is!! I was scared at first he scared me but then I was happy I liked it and then I was scared because I liked it. I dont want daddy to hate me. I have to talk to him and tell him gay is ok. Luke told me not to do that and it would be bad. I dont want to listen to Luke tho I want to tell daddy that I did a gay.
June 8th, 2015
I told daddy. He yelled at me and took me up to my room. I started crying. He said I will give you some thing to cry about.He yelled at me moore and told me it was bad. He beat me up a lot. Worse than the kids at school. I cant reelly feel my left hand but Im write handed so its ok. My eyes are both swoolen, thats what mommy said.
Mommy was crying to. I dont know why. Daddy didnt give her something to cry about.
June 9th, 2015
I told Luke I told daddy. He got mad at me to. But he didnt beat me up. He asked if I told daddy about him. I said no and Luke was happy again. I like when Luke is happy. I dont reelly like beeing at home write now. I told Luke that and he said he could help me. Im happy.
June 12th, 2015
Sorry!!!! I forget again. I have been busy playing with Luke. He made a plan. We are going to leave and then daddy wont beat me up again. Luke is xsited for this plan and me to. I dont want daddy to beat me up again. It hurts a lot. I think Im going to have to leave you behind journal. Thanks for allways beeing there for me just like Luke is.
June 15th, 2015
My brother Andrew saw me with Luke yesterday. He told me to stop playing with him. I think Andrew doesnt like kweers eether. Thats ok I will be a way with Luke soon.
Reading this made my heart, first swell as I learned about his cute boyfriend, and then break as I learned what my father had done to him. It finally sank as I realized his cute boyfriend had been the 40 year old man I had told him to stay away from. My brother has been missing since June 17th, 2015, and presumed dead on August 23rd, 2015.
I do not think he is dead. If you find a suspicious 40-looking year-old man in the Miami area with an 11 year old boy, he responds to the name of ‘Brandon’. Please help find him, police have stopped working with me, since it has been so long. It also might not help that I am a 16 year old boy, so I am not the most reliable source. But please. I miss him so much, and if you were me, you would want your brother back, too.
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theclaireflanagan · 6 years
We Went For A Ride|| CLAIRUS
WHO: Claire Flanagan & Cyrus Hayward
WHEN: Monday, April 23rd
WHERE: Lima Streets and Local Park
DETAILS: Claire asks Cyrus if he wants to go on a drive to help get her mind of things. Ends up she has to face what she was trying to escape.
Cyrus threw on a hoodie as he slipped on his shoes. He wondered what was going on with Claire, but he figured he would find out once he was downstairs. He closed the door behind him after making sure he had his keys and jogged over to Claire's house, which luckily enough was across from his house. "Hey shorty." He called out when he saw her.
Claire didn't know what was coming over her, the girl who normally tried her best to ignore emotions seemed to be running into them left and right this last week or so. The emotions and confusion with Sam and trying to be on good terms with him again and then after what happened with Cyrus just didn't help it. But still after everything the person she wanted to see was Cyrus, glad that he said yes to going on a drive with her. For the first time since she got home from school a smirk grew on her lips at Cryrus's nickname, "You know you are the only one who can get away with calling me that? But hey you. Thanks for making time out of your busy schedule for me." She said teasingly, getting in the car adjusting her leather jacket when the cold air hit her.
"Well, I do call other girls that, not just you. So don't get comfortable with it." Cyrus pointed out as he looked at her and nodded as he slipped into the passenger seat. "You're welcome, kinda need a break from homework  and looking at colleges anyway." He put his seatbelt on, started to flip through her CDs. "Let's see what kind of music you have now."
"You think I get comfortable with anything? Where is the fun in that?" Claire said as she started the car once they both got settled. "Yeah? Well I am glad it all worked out. Homework is bearable but all this college stuff is something else." She glanced over at him before focusing her eyes back on the dark roads of Lima she knew like the back of her hand. "I would like to hope I have some good variety in there. Ever since I got my job I made sure to add to the collection."
Cyrus shrugged a bit as he continued to flip through her CDs and nodded as he glanced over at her before he glanced ahead. "I want to make sure I don't miss out on the chances of scholarships." He replied, settled on a random CD and pop it in. "Good because I don't know which CD I just picked." He laughed as he placed the case in the back.
"You won't miss out, Cyrus. If there is anyone who can get a scholarship and get out of here, its you. No matter what you end up deciding to go to school for." Claire pressed play when he finally chose the CD, and shook her head. "Well I would hope so considering you helped me build up most of this collection." Finally the music filled the car and they were on a more open road, she let out a sigh of relief. "So what schools are you looking at?" She asked trying to distract herself from the other things running through her mind.
Cyrus shook his head as he relaxed against the seat and scratched his neck. "I actually didn't." He replied as he gave her knowing look and looked back ahead. He slipped his hands into his hoodie pocket and shook his head. "Nope, Im not gonna be talking about schools with you. I've already had an earful from my dad this afternoon." He glanced out the window and let out a breath.April 25, 2018
Claire lifted her fingers off from the wheel like a surrender, "No school it is, this drive is suppose to take our mind off things so nothing like that will be allowed. But just know if you need to get away from them for a bit you can come to my place. My dad said it is okay for you to stay over."  She laid the offer out but soon changed the topic knowing that he didn't want to talk about it. "Well we can talk about how I think after this summer I may finally have enough money saved to go on a roadtrip this summer and bring some friends."
Cyrus nodded as he listened to her and looked at her. "Tell your dad thank you, really." He replied before he relaxed a bit more in his seat. "Oh yeah? Where to?"
"I will, but it is no problem. If anything he is glad that I would have some company while he is gone. It isn't easy for him to have a job where he travels so much." Claire glanced over at him smiling softly when she saw him relax. "I am not too sure yet.  I am thinking of making my way to California or Florida. See if I can go when any festivals are going on."
"Yeah, I understand that. Maybe I'll crash at your place tonight." Cyrus replied as he looked over at her and looked back ahead as he scratched his eyebrow. "Ahhh I see. Well, if anything make sure that you get me something from there."
"Feel free to, it would be nice to have someone around. You can stay in the guest room or in the living room if you want..." Claire shook her head as she took a turn after waiting at a red light, "Oh no no, I won't be bringing you anything back because I would want you to come with me. I know how much you like to travel and you are one of the only people I think I could stay in a car with for a long period of time."
"Alright." Cyrus repiled before she spoke again and looked back at her. "Havent been traveling all that much though and Im sure your cousin can say something different. I'll think about it, promise."
Claire met his eyes for a moment and smiled, glad that he would accept the offer of staying over if he wanted to. No matter what happened on Saturday he was still her best friend and someone she cared a lot about. "Good I would hope that you would. The most I have done is coming here from Ireland but other than that I have been a few places. But I would like to be able to see more of it with you." Her eyes glancing over at him then back on the road, "You know a best friend is always a good person to travel with." She said hoping to clear up any tension that may be still around since Saturday.
Cyrus rose an eyebrow when she said that she would like to see more of it with him and he adjusted a bit in his seat. "Yeah, but maybe Sam can go with you instead? I mean, its always the best to go with him?" He suggested as he looked at her and looked back at the road. "I know, but best friends arent supposed to kiss but we did."
Claire sighed lightly her fingers tapping on the wheel, her body falling slightly when he brought Sam up. The problems that she was trying to escape from starting to come up again. "Cy, Sam is great and a nice guy. But he isn't the best friend who has known me forever." She met his eyes when she glanced over at him, running a hand through her hair at what he said. "I know...but after all that has happened with you and then with him who did I want to see tonight? Who did I know I wanted to spend time with?" It may be pushing things but she needed him to know how much she really valued him and their friendship.
Cyrus opened up his mouth but closed it as he bit down on his cheek and glanced outside. "Maybe it would be a good thing we can continue this conversation when we're parked somewhere because I dont wanna cause an accident." He said softly.
Claire nodded and tried her best to stay focused and find a spot for them. “Yeah...that may be a good idea.” Her voice getting softer then its normal confident tone. That is when she found the park they use to walk to when they were kids and she pulled into a spot. She put her car into park and then took a second to just stare at the wheel. Wanting to build back her confident posture and tone, but finding it hard to do so.
Cyrus unbuckled his seatbelt, gotten out of the car and headed towards the park. He climbed on a picnic table, pushed up his hoodie sleeves and tried to think where all of this was coming from. It was unusual for him to have an attitude towards Claire but maybe it was the fact that things were changing and he didn't accept them. He pulled out his phone, texted one of the guys from the garage about covering their shift and put it back in his pocket as he waited for her to come out of the car.
Claire watched was finally able to turn and watch him as he got out of the car. After taking a moment she shut off the car and made her way to the bench, sticking her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. She took a seat on the bench and then looked at him. Trying to search his  face for an answer of what he was wanting to say, not being able to help but be worried when he said he thinks they should be parked to talk. Finally she brought her hands out and started to fiddle with the material of her jacket as habit, "I'm sorry if I overstepped or anything...I just felt like that needed to be said." She said lightly her eyes going back to him.
"What needed to be said?" Cyrus asked softly as he kept looking forward. "The fact that you want to travel the world with me or the whole who I wanted to see tonight and who you wanted to see tonight? Or the college thing?" He glanced over at her briefly with an eyebrow raised.
"I guess everything..." She said looking down after he glanced at her. "I mean apart from the college stuff that was just small talk." Claire paused before she continued speaking, "But everything else, yes. And it is all true and I thought you should know that. That even after what happened on Saturday I still want you around and nothing could change that."
Cyrus slowly nodded as she spoke and let out a breath. "I think, with everything. We should take some time and think about what happened. I mean, to me, I need some time to get used to things on how they are now before we hang out more." He replied as he wiped his hands against his shorts. "Its happening kinda fast to me and I just need to process things." He stopped for a minute before he looked at her. "That's not why you invite me out for a ride with you, is it?"
Claire looked up at him, "I know, I understand that. I mean me too, it is a lot. Something I know we both weren't ready to have to deal with." Kind of glad that she wasn't the only one feeling like this was a whole new thing she had to try to understand. "I guess I am just so use to us always hanging out, that I didn't even think of it before asking you." She met his eyes when he looked at her. "No...no I didn't have any intentions or plan for this to be brought up. I just wanted company to clear my mind and you were the first person I thought of."
Cyrus listened to her, slipped his hands into his pockets and nodded. "Yeah." He replied before he let her talk once he looked away. "Why do you need your head clear? Did something happened?"
Claire looked back down at her hands before turning around to lean against the table part of the bench. "Nothing too crazy. I just needed to get away from social media, I guess. I am letting things get to me that shouldn't get to me." Her eyes watched the wind blow the trees and tried to focus on that. "And I just need to get back into my normal headset of being in my own world, I think I am just opening myself up too much again. And that never ends well."April 26, 2018
"Like what?" Cyrus asked as he watched her and then looked at the trees before he looked back at her. "No, but at least you're aware of what's going on instead of letting it go on for a while. I mean, opening up isn't always bad you know." He looked back ahead and chewed on his cheek once more. "Its about Sam, isn't it?"
"I know it isn't...always a bad thing. But it is just getting harder to separate who I can and can't do that with. I am just getting reminded how quickly anything and anyone can be taken away from me. And realizing that I may be the main problem in all of those circumstances, like I am the common denominator." Finally Claire took a breath after she got it out off her chest then leaned forward letting her head rest in her hands. "God I sounds so damn pathetic." She just shook her head at what he said, "I mean yeah he is part of it, but it is just opening my eyes to more things I could lose. And I don't know what to do about it."
Cyrus listened to her ramble, letting her talk and sat there, taking things in before he saw her rest her head in her hands. "Naw not really." He leaned back onto the table as he glanced down at her and rested on his elbows. "Its apart of life, we lose people, people change, people grow apart. There's nothing in our power to stop it from happening. We're only teenagers who are struggling to figure out who we are in life. You can't keep on shutting people out, Claire or stop yourself from opening from people." He paused a bit. "Ima ask you a question and I want you to answer honestly, are you still in love with him? Did something happened between you two at prom?"
Claire listened to him and took his words in, knowing he was right, he always was. Especially when it came to how she would respond to people and accept them or push them away. She was ready to respond to him when all of a sudden he brought up Sam. This caused her to open her mouth then pause for a moment before continuing. "I...I did love him. I loved the times we spent together. But that is all in the past and it must be for a reason right? If things were meant to work out they would have." She paused again before continuing. "So currently do I love him? No I just miss the past I guess." Claire sat back up thinking about prom, "No nothing happened, we shared a dance and he went back to enjoying the rest of the night with his date. And I think that was probably for the best."
Cyrus paused for a bit, to let the information sink in and turned his body towards her. "Why's that? Is it because something happened between the two of you at some point? I mean, I saw you two talking and I saw the Instagram picture that Julia posted of Sam, then you texted me about coming with you to clear your head. Its understandable that you have feelings for him and its okay." He paused a bit and licked his lips. "You're not going to like what Im going to say, but I gotta say it. Maybe there's a part of you who misses being with him and still loves him and thats what you're scared of. You dont want to accept that reality."
Claire took a breath, "Well yes something happened before prom, I opened up and told him how sorry I was for everything after going out with Jesse. I drank too much and he came to get me. We kissed but that is it, we both knew that we weren't thinking."  Another breath leaving her lips after she confessed her actions from that evening. She still wasn't able to met his eyes when he turned towards her, especially at what he said next. "I don't like it...thats true and I thought of the same thing. Thought that I would have to be able to accept that. But...if I really cared about him  and missed him..." Claire paused not knowing how she should say what she was going to say next. "I just don't think I would have ended up at your door the other night and let the night go where it went. I would have tried to confront him and tell him how I feel. But I didn't...I wanted him to enjoy himself and be happy."
Cyrus looked at her as she spoke and swallowed as he glanced down at his shoes before he glanced at her. He let silence fall in between them, scratched the back of his head. "Wow." He said softly after a while. "I think you need to confront him about everything, because you need to tell him what you told me and I think that we need to push pause on whatever we're doing. It would be for the best, really. 'Cause its not fair to me, its not fair for you, as of right now while you're dealing with the situation between Sam & you."(edited)
Claire knew what kind of information she dropped between the two of them but it was bound to come out at some point. It had to come out for her sanity at this point. She knew it would take a moment for him to respond but it was like a breathe of relief left her when he finally said something. All she could manage at the moment was to nod at him knowing he was right. But soon she was finally able to muster up words for him, "You make it all sound so easy, Cy...." She ran her finger through her hair again, moving it all to one side. "But you are right, right about everything. Like you always are somehow." She glanced over at him sighing softly. "Can I just say I am sorry about all of this? I didn't mean to make things more confusing. Even though I do a good job at it."
Cyrus just shrugged at her words, not having anything to say at the moment. "Its cool and it happens, its ok." He replied as he looked around and not at her, knowing that he felt hurt but knew it was coming eventually. "I knew it was going to happen, hence why Ive been distancing myself from you on top of being busy. Im glad that you told me though before we actually continued to figure out what the hell is going on between us or it would've hurt a lot worse."
"Hurt?" Claire said feeling her heart fall for a moment before looking back off at the park in front of him. "I never meant for that to happen. You are the last person I wanted to make feel that way."  She played with her hands for a moment before taking her keys out of her pocket. "But that is why you are right, we need to figure things out. And I need to fix my problems. I can't put them on other people. That isn't fair." Taking a breath before putting her confident face on and standing up. "I'll take you back to your place, I troubled you enough for one night..."
Cyrus looked at her. "It kinda hurts but Im glad that you told me about Sam & you. Really." He said before he shrugged. "It happens, its out of our control, really." He nodded as he agreed with her. "Make sure you're doing it for you, not for anyone else and we gotta figure things out on our own and exactly, its not." He watched her stand up and jumped down from the bench. "Alright." He brushed off any piece of wood that gotten on him and headed towards her car.
Claire nodded,  "I know and maybe that is what I need more than anything, just to spend time with myself and figure out what I need and want.  As long as you know that I didn't mean for this all to happen." She let her arms cross over her chest as they headed to the car, keeping her eyes ahead. "I will, I need to at this point I am done feeling this all the time. So confused." When she reached the car she got in and waited for Cyrus to get in for her to start the car.
"I know you didnt." Cyrus replied as he rubbed her back in a comforting manner and gave her a small smile. He pulled his head up, slid his hands into his pockets and slipped into the car. He leaned over and gave her a hug. "Its gonna be okay."
Claire finally felt a small smile grow on her lips when he rubbed her back. She glanced over at him, and met his eyes for a moment. She really wondered what she did to have such a helpful person like Cyrus in her life. Her body relaxed in his touch when he hugged her, she moved to hug him back. Taking a breath to hopefully compose herself and her thoughts. “Thank you, so much.”
Cyrus nodded. "No problem." He replied as he rubbed her back before he broke the hug between them shortly after.
Claire hoped he knew she meant thank you in more ways than one. Thank you for helping her open her eyes, for being there for her, and being open mind. And on top of all of this still being able to comfort her and tell her it will be okay. When they parted she smiled softly at him, even though her eyes were tired from lifting everything off her shoulders for him. She finally put the car in drive, “Let’s get home, we should at least try and get some rest for school tomorrow.”
Cyrus nodded as he agreed. He knew that this was the right thing to do and he wanted her to be happy, he wanted everyone to be happy. "Yeah, we should." He agreed, trying to figure out what was going to happen next but all he had to do is trust he would. He buckled up, relaxed against the seat
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revechaleur · 7 years
Språkvision 2017 Reviews (+ Rankings)
Since Språkvision is over, I’ve decided that maybe it’s time that I’ve posted my opinions of each of the entries. Alongside, to make this post more unique, I will also do a predictions (my ranking) vs the actual placing of the entries.
I’ve been inspired by @fangadavenstormvind to do these opinions, so go check out her post :)
(Opinions coming from the Swedish HoD herself! 🇸🇪)
01 Israel - “Hafuch” by Itay Levy 
Mot really my cup of tea, but it didn’t deserve second to last.
Result: 23rd (-1)
02 Greece - “Η αλήθεια μοιάζει ψέμα” by Demy (1 point)
Honestly, this is so much better than This is Love (anything in her discography is but that’s tea for another time). It was underrated in my jury vote, and if I could, I would’ve gave it more points.
Result: 3rd (+7)
03 France - “Adolescente Pirate” by Léa Paci (12 points)
This was my winner! I was hoping this would win, but it got top 10 so I’m glad :) well done to you Aquila!
Result: 7th (-6)
04 Armenia - “Dashterov” by Aram MP3 & Iveta Mukuchyan  
I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t a real fan of this, but a couple days ago I started listening and i actually… liked it? it really was a shock that it was top 10 but ya know this song isn’t for everyone.
Result: 6th (+14)
05 Croatia - “Zaljuljali Smo Svijet” by Nina Kraljić
Nina Kraljić’s voice isn’t exactly my liking, which was why I didn’t give this points, but this song was super nice. It did deserve second and I wish I gave it points.
Result: 2nd (+13)
06 Latvia - “Viktorija” by Aarzemnieki
This song is quite catchy and one of those songs you could sing to at a camp fire :)
Result: 18th (-4)
07 Hungary - “Balaton” by Dorogi Péter and Meszes Balázs ft. Odett
This song is unique, and I get that it might not be to everyone’s liking, but it sure didn’t deserve last place.
Result: 24th (-5)
08 Romania - “Amici” by Ilinca (7 points)
When it comes to ballads, you only hit or miss when it comes to me, and this definitely was a HIT! I’m glad ilinca has so much more to offer aside from her yodeling. Reall underrated in Språkvision.
Result: 17th (-13)
09 Russia - “Мирас” by Gulnaz Battalova
I don’t really have strong feelings on this song, but it’s not bad or anything. I like the meaning though.
Result: 5th (+13)
10 Spain - “Mas Macarena” by Gente de Zona ft. Los Del Rio
I really didn’t like this at all, sorry. I mean, I already didn’t like the Macarena and the weird remix with the rapping was just a mess. Not really my liking.
Result: 21st (+3)
11 Serbia - “Ego” by Milan Stanković
Milan Stanković had a glo up!!!! what!?!? more like a glo down, this song is eh.
Result: 20th (-6)
12 Ireland - “D'Aon Ghuth Amháin” by Seo Lin (6 points)
The Irish language is quite beautiful and this song just creates positive vibes all over!! I gave this 6 points and my thoughts on the song haven’t changed since. A well done on the Irish HoD and congratulations on the win :)
Result: 1st (+5)
13 Germany - “Chopin” by Elastiq (3 points)
I guess I favored this song more than Språkvision did. Parody songs are actually funny if done right, and this was done right. Again, another song that was underrated in språkvision.
Result: 19th (-11)
14 Ukraine - “Університет” by Vivienne Mort
I really don’t like coffee shop music but this song is definitely great to listen to when you need some chill vibes.
Result: 9th (+8)
15 Norway - “Om Igjen” by Razika (2 points)
This song was my 9th place and it’s a fun song to listen to. I wish I gave this more points besides two.
Also, #fakeneighbors but #realbros (inside joke between Olivia and I) <33
Result: 16th (-7)
16 Sweden - ”Tagen på Sängen” by Axel Schylström
This was my song. All the songs in my national final were songs I liked so it’s not like I wouldn’t have anything positive to say. The betting poll said that i’d win televote, but the jury vote favored me more.
A big thank you to Israel, Greece, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Germany, Ukraine, Norway (thank you for the douze btw <3), Italy, United Kingdom, Estonia, and Iceland for your points <3
Result: 14th (xx)
17 Finland - “Juranoid” by Hevisaurus
This isn’t really the type of music i’d listened to :/ but i see why some people might enjoy it.
Result: 12th (+11)
18 Lithuania - “Nauja Istorija” by Mark Les & Moniqué (4 points)
Lithuania just did #that. Moniqué is one of my favorite artists now and I’m waiting for her to represent Eurovision. Such a great song and such a great artist!
Result: 11th (-4)
19 Italy - “Abbracciami Perdonami Gli Sbagli” by Bianca Aztei
This song was right in the middle in my ranking and I wish I gave this points. Such a great song with a great message!
Result: 8th (+4)
20 Albania - “Duart Lart” by Alban Skenderaj
This song is meh. It kind of grew out of me and I’ve started to lose interest.
Result: 22nd (-9)
21 United Kingdom - “Gwenwyn” by Swnami (10 points)
This song is really good! Well done Hendrik for sending in a welsh song. I gave it 10 points in the jury vote and I’m glad it got top 5.
Result: 4th (-2)
22 Estonia - ”Seitse Pühapäeva” by Karl-Erik Taukar (5 points)
This song is quite fun to listen to! I really like the music video and I think that’s why I was actually so hooked on the song. It was one point above me and I’m glad it actually was tbh. Such a bop!
Result: 13th (-8)
23 Bulgaria - “Ne Si Za Men” by Kristian Kostov (8 points)
I’ve listened to this song a couple times – both then Bulgarian and English version – and love the Bulgarian entry a bit more. I wish I didn’t overrate it in the jury vote though, it’s a cool song and all but i started listening and liking other songs a week after after I submitted my jury votes.
Result: 15th (-12)
24 Iceland - “Dönsum” by Fridrik Dór
Nothing like good ol’ funk – I really enjoyed this song and im glad it made top 10. I regret not giving it jury points.
Result: 10th (+1)
Biggest jump: Armenia (+14)
Biggest drop: Romania (-13)
Again, a great job to the @sprakvision admins who organized the contest for us. This was my first contest and it was quite some fun!
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threelxttledxcklngs · 5 years
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((Gooood morning tungle, I live, and so I’ll be giving my thoughts on Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance in the cut below. Got a lot of thoughts on DDD so it could get lengthy uwu
I...probably don’t have to say this, but below the cut are spoilers for both games, mostly for DDD.
Starting off with Re:Coded, from my understanding, it’s the most hated game in the fandom, and I don’t really understand why? I guess I can understand the platforming being an issue, but I really liked everything else about it. The gameplay was ever-changing, making the worlds unique, even though you visited them all before in literally every other Kingdom Hearts game, the story was a little plot-break, but not to the point where it was completely useless to us, and, uh, hello??? My son(s) have a bigger role than shops??? Always a fan of that. I love my blue baby duck son uvu. 
But seriously, I love how the story of this game isn’t completely required to the overarching plot of the series. What I mean is: in any LoZ game, you can just pick it up and play it, and you won’t be lost as to what’s going on. Kingdom Hearts might actually cause your brain to explode if you tried to do that. Except maybe Re:Coded. You can either pick up Re:Coded and play it without even touching the other games, or you can just not play it at all, and you won’t be missing much. The most important development in the story is what leads into BBS (I assume at least), and when Maleficent talks about the Book of Prophecies. Not to say that Kingdom Hearts’ method of overarching storytelling is wrong or bad, but as someone who wanted to play the game when it first came out, it can be frustrating to have to catch up now, nearly 15 years later. Ultimately, I really just like the plot of this game in general as well, but that may be just because it reminds me of this show that used to be my hyper fixation as a kid: Code Lyoko.
Basically, I think Re:Coded is shat on more than it deserves to be, and it’s a good game that anyone can play, be they a hardcore KH player, or a casual gamer. 
Now for KH:3D DDD
Okay, I’m going to get the negatives out of the way first, as per usual, because there are some things that seriously bother me, but don’t worry. Once I’m done shitting on the game, I’ll clean it up, I think I have more positives than negatives. 
Truthfully, most of the negatives are from me personally. You see, the 3DS is my favorite system I think. Probably because much like Scrooge’s No. 1 Dime, the 3DS was the first major purchase I ever made on my own, earning money from my own job. I got my 3DS in 2013 with a little game called Kid Icarus: Uprising.
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This is an image that is produced by this game. I know damn well what this baby is capable of. Kid Icarus Uprising was released on March 22nd (23rd outside of Japan) 2012. Kingdom Hearts 3D was released March 29th, 2012. So very similar release dates. You’d expect that the same company that made this possible on the DS 
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Would produce the same kind of quality that KI:U would have on the *3DS.* Right? Right? In the opening cutscene, we get some amazing looking clips like this
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So the gameplay must look awesome, right?
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Look how awful it looks!!! It looks so terrible!! Terrible in comparison to how it should look!! Like I said, I know what my baby can do, and it can produce some amazing quality!! Look at the difference between the basic gameplay of KI:U
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And then a serious cutscene on KH:DDD
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It looks like DDD was planned and programmed for the DS, but then moved to the 3DS at the last second!! Seriously?? Pokemon X/Y looked better than this!!
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It’s disappointing to say the least. Fortunately, there is an HD Remake that looks worlds better, but I still can’t help but feel disappointed in the low graphics quality. 
Sora is also way dumber than he should be, and I find it an odd choice that Riku became the Keyblade master over him, but not necessarily a bad one. 
And there’s one thing that demands an explanation. Well, two, technically, but I’ll settle for one of them. 
In the end, while Riku is still asleep, Sora, Donald, and Goofy are all having a tea party. Why. And why is Sora wearing this?
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Now that I’ve gotten all the negatives out of the way: THE SOUNDTRACK THE SOUNDTRACK THE SOUNDTRACK THE SOUNDTRACK!!!!! Oh my GOD, this soundtrack is amazing!! This is by far my favorite version of Traverse Town, and Traverse Town might just be my favorite hub area in Kingdom Hearts thus far. Traverse Town and The Grey Area. Traverse Town and Prankster’s Paradise both look super fun as well!! I also like the addition of Neku and the gang, and once I’m done with the KH series, I’ll be checking out The World Ends with You.
The addition of Flow Motion also makes the game look super fun, and all the worlds are different!! Something sorely lacking in most of the other KH games. I was really getting tired of hearing the same songs and going to the same worlds over and over and over again, especially in the case of the Colluseum, where you literally just...keep doing the same thing over and over and over again? Maybe that’s fun to play, but I’m at the disadvantage of watching. All the worlds I guess maybe with the exception of The Grid and Riku’s version of Prankster’s Paradise but shoosh are unique, new, and fresh! It’s so refreshing!! And the Country of the Musketeers???? And Fantasia’s world? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MADRE DE DIJOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was quite the surprise lol. Oh! And the travel method, where you drop between the worlds, looks super fun!!
Ultimately, there are only a few Kingdom Hearts titles that I can actually play. 358/2 Days, Re:Coded, and Dream Drop Distance. 
358/2 Days doesn’t look very fun, Re:Coded, although I do enjoy it, isn’t something I’d want to go out of my way to play, but I’d gladly take it if someone offered it to me as a gift, or even for a cheap price. Dream Drop Distance? I want it. 
I legitimately want to get Dream Drop Distance to play on my 3DS, it looks fun super fun, and ultimately, that’s an element in any video game that’s more important than story. 
Oh, and if you’re curious about my thoughts on the story of KH3D, I’m told that it’s super confusing, but like...I understand it? It’s something I’ll have to go back and rewatch to be able to explain it, and I really just don’t feel like doing that, but I understand it. I think. At the very least, I don’t see why everyone is saying it’s so confusing. I mean, the overall goal of the Organization beyond “let’s make 13 Ansems/Xehanorts” is a little blurred. Obviously, there’s some connection between that and the X-Blade, otherwise the naming scheme would be different. Lea became Axel, Sora became Roxas, Ansem became Xemnas, all the member’s names are anagrams of their previous names, with an X added. Makes me wonder what mine would be, considering there’s only one vowel in the name I usually go by. Going by my full name, it’d probably be Zaxibeth or something, and that sounds badass. 
I’m getting sidetracked. So far, DDD is probably one of my favorites in the series, but I have a feeling, based off the one screenshot I keep seeing floating around on Tumblr with Goofy, Sora, and Jack Sparrow, that III will change that.
~ Double Z))
0 notes
buddynotes · 6 years
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How to Get Over You.
This is the first time that I am going to be honest with my posts. My timeline would be December 2019. By then, regardless... I have happily move on and I can’t wait to look back and realized that all these craziness is just silly and embarassing phase of my life. I am inlove with my husband and he is my focus. I do not want distractions.
But for me to reach that goal. I will have to help myself stay focus. Redirect my thoughts and the need to know what’s going on. Eversince I left Singapore, I have tried several times and failed. I am going around circles. I guess it’s gonna take longer than I hope but I will see.
This is going to be a collection of thoughts on how I should move on and get over whatever craziness I am feeling right now. I do not have anyone to talk to about this so it’s all on me. I can only help myself.
Today is 3rd Jan 2019.
I just read an article about how to know when you let go. I just find it funny in my situation. I have been wanting to let go. My heart and my don’t want to. I guess when I started being busy that’s when I will not think about you.
Today is 4th Jan 2019. I gotta start exercising.
I have been unsuccessful today and messaged. Of course, saw this in green. ✅✅. Lately, these 2 checks had been given me disappointments and heartache. So, again, Facebook will have to be avoided.
I was playing mahjong also when I realized, the feeling of finally winning is always wrong. Decisions that I had done were always wrong. No wonder my life is a series of regrets. Regret is actually a strong and wrong word when it comes to wrong decisions. But it just made me realized. I was always wrong. I was wrong to think that I was the one he was inlove with when he said that something happened and that he was inlove with someone else. All the posts he did are not about me. REGARDLESS... It is a sin. It is wrong. I was wrong.
Today is Jan 5th. I shouldn’t have messaged. “Sometimes it’s just better to let things be. Let people go. Do not fight for closure. Do not ask for explanations. Do not chase answers and do not expect people to understand where you’re coming from” - saw from instagram.
So, there was a response when I woke up. Why is it everytime that happens, my focus is all gone. It doesnt necessarily made my day - although sometimes it does. Im such a loser.
Today is 6th Jan. 2019. Back to work.
Last night was one for the books. For the first time, I think, we just bonded and had a serious chat. I know, I know. This is about getting over. I’m still reaching for that. It will definitely be a big year for me when it comes to that goal.
Today is 7th Jan 2019.
I think I already know what to do. I will start hiking. That’s when I will appreciate where are. Then I will forget you.
Today is 8th Jan 2019.
It’s always been a week since I messaged. Myself is again finding reason to share something to communicate. While the last chat was way good. Better than ever. That doesnt mean, I have crossed a certain border where he can easily opened up. My mind is racing again to want to know some answers like who’s the girl who mentioned that she’s still inlove. Isn’t that a red flag already? Why is my and heart so stubborn. Why can’t it just accept to just be grateful with what you have. Learn to let go. Althougj it’s funny that there isn’t anything to let go... I guess in my situation, it’ll just be about accepting what is. Being grateful. Loving the person who deserves all your attention. Praying and being faithful to God. Focus on things that are productive - literally. Like a baby. Or maybe a course or something else uselful to one’s self. Today, we’re gonna go hiking. My first in Canada.
Today is 12th January 2019.
I am pleased with what I have accomplished so far. It’s been 2 weeks. I am glad. I think it’s gonna be that fast.
Today is 20th January 2019.
I was wrong. Today, I suddenly had the urge to be in touch which is as usual, not a good idea. Everything about this scenario is not a good idea. Not healthy. Nothing good will come out of it. From now on, i will focus on some other things - about making money and gaining self-respect.
Today is 23rd January 2019.
Let’s start all over again. My mind is so full of it again. I will not stop to start again until I am able to fully move on. It’s been a year and it’s about time to stop.
Today is 26th January 2019.
We are back to zero. Yep!!! Will always start again. Until it stops then I’ll just keep on starting.
Today is 30th January 2019.
0 notes
whence-the-woody · 4 years
I used to do big, reflective summaries of my year and even tho I am feeling reflective today, I wasn’t able to do that last year and I actually really like the format I went with last year of just listing memz so I’m going wih that. Intention review etc will be in another post. So, my 2020 memories:
Gearing up to leave a job I hated, packing up my life to move away properly for the first time. Going flat hunting with my mum and my brother and having a literal choice of one
I did Home which I dont really remember so it was probably fine
This was the month the Gallavich wedding aired and gaslit me into believing there was still anything positive about that show/ship. Tbf at the time I was LIVING for it
Cinema kick with Mum including CATS. What a moment. 
Last day at said crappy job (just weird and awks. I didnt really know how to feel) and starting a new one - everyone was so lovely from the off and even tho I was bored at times I was optimistic
Staying with my brother for a few days, him helping me move in which was all very nice. 
My flat having no hot water for the first week - I only cried about it once. And me having nothing but an air bed for 3 weeks. Not ideal but grateful to have amenities and furniture by the end of the month
I think this was both kareoke night for one persons birthday and a 90s party for another - both excellent nights
People were talking about COVID by the end of the month but I was like pfft we’ve been here before with swine and bird flu, it’ll be all hyped up then go nowhere 
I think I was getting my first allocations by the end of the month which I was grateful for because going from an insane workload to none at all was tricky and I wanted to get going
Oh March 2020. How we did not see you coming. 
Before the lockdown even happened I remember people were panic buying. I stocked my freezer a bit, not because I was worried but because so many shelves were empty. All the shops starting looking apocalyptic and I was despairing over how silly everyone was being. You couldn’t get online shops anymore and there was no loo roll to be found - still think thats just so dumb. I had to go to 4 different stores to find oats and was so annoyed, weird little tidbit but I remember it. 
 I remember sitting down on my new furniture - eating a meal I had made, watching John Mulaney and feeling good in my new home - and seeing the Boris announcement. Other countries had already locked down so I had mentioned to my manager that I might have to go home to my Mums if it happened here - she had asked, I didn’t really believe it would. I had arranged for a friend to visit that month and when she cancelled I was like I think everyones being dramatic but okay. Then the 23rd, they announced a lockdown from midnight and I straight away messaged everyone to say I was panicking, asked my manager if I could leave and packed to drive back to Mum’s the next morning. I was in my flat about 6 weeks. 
I know for a fact that March felt like the longest month to ever happen but now I cant remember anything else from it - the announcement was so late in the month, I wasn’t working from Mum’s for that long before April. I think we were told to WFH if we could mid-month but I didn’t. Cant for the life of me now think why it felt so long. I know for those last 2 weeks I was refreshing the news constantly to see what was happening. I was still skeptical and thought the numbers were too low for such drama
WFH for real. Excruciating daily calls “to check in”. Working my first cases from home, only on the phone, with no idea what I was doing. Taking turns wearing headphone with Mum because we were both having confidential conversations. 
Walking my pup to get my alloted hour of exercise. Taking regular breaks to go outside - I think this was when there was a heatwave. Eating lunch outside. Sometimes doing weights or yoga during my lunch break - that part was actually pretty great 
Discovering podcasts - especially FDRF. They were the real MVP. 
Still constantly checking the news for updates. 3 weeks turned into 6 and so on and so on. 
I came back to my flat for one of the long weekends. I had accepted that it was going to be longer then 3 weeks and I needed more stuff. I went for a very hot walk through a ghost town - at the time it still seemed like there were too many people about. Still picnics in the park happening. 
Everyone flinching when they say each other and steering well clear. It made you feel tainted even though its what we were suppossed to do. 
Clapping for carers - absolute bullshit placating, hated it. 
Always being left off the list of keyworkers.
Still feeling like yeah its bad but ?? This cant go on forever 
A year of build up to a move then the rug was pulled out from under me, I tried not to complain because others had it so so much worse but it was hard. Is hard. 
We watched all of Location, all of Marvel, Bake off etc etc. I cried when Tony Stark died. 
I went back through my ENTIRE tumblr. I realised how little had changed really, it was very existential. 
I had to come back to my new city because I was on a duty rota for 2 weeks. I was actually very excited and had a good time. I got to see people IRL!! Including some I was working with. It was definately a heatwave at that point - we were swealtering in our cars and full PPE but I was so glad to be out and about and back in the city. Putting a face and proper clothes on again was very weird
I dont remember anything else from May specifically. I think March and April lasted 10 years but then May June July were a blink. I think I had accepted how bad everything was by that point, I had stopped looking at the News for updates. I think this is where zoom started to be a thing maybe. 
Honestly not a clue. I was between My place and Mum’s because of the duty rota. I don’t think I came back FT until end of June. I know things were starting to open up again and it was all moving far too fast - I definately wasnt going to run out to the gym or pub but alot of people were. We were suppossed to go on holiday for a week this month, with my brother and the dogs but obvs that was cancelled - it was such a lovely place as well, shame. 
Yoga was still random but I did a weight workout every day this month which was great
Turning 25. I was definately back in the city FT, going back into work. My Mum came to stay in my place for the first time. My brother came over too. We went for a walk, had a picnic in the rain then ate cake back at mine. My Mum got me a microwave for my birthday because Im AN ADULT
For my birthday also me and my Mum watched Hamilton for the first time. This then took over my entire life and was played at all hours of the day 
Kept going with daily weight workouts, moved up another set. I think this is where I re-did Revolution
Ready to start socialising again. More restrictions were being lifted too quickly which I knew but also I had to GTFO
A friend came to stay with me for the weekend. Hes not very mobile so we couldnt do much - went for a short walk into town, sat by the river and got severely sunburned. We went to a restaurant for the first time in 6 months - I had pancakes. I made him watch Hamilton which he did not appreciate enough. Also watched Truman show for the first time while eating burritos - what a mindfuck that movie is I mean really
Went for a very long very hot walk with a friend all around the fields surrounding the city. We stopped for a drink and cake halfway, more drinks were then had in her garden. This was our first time hanging out alone and it was really lovely, we spent much more time together after that. Shes probably who Ive seen the most this year. 
A couple of weeks after that we went for bottomless brunch, followed by I think 3 or 4 other bars. The joys of getting day drunk. 
I think this was the month I started using friend/dating apps and got OBSESSED. They’re just so silly and judgey and fun, I love it. 
My 6 month tenancy ran out which I chose to renew. I started negotiations with my landlord for a pet agreement. 
I think this is where I re-did Dedicate. I think weight workouts fell off a little bit because I was pretty busy. Instead of running started doing 3 walks a week which was nice. 
First time hanging out with more then one person - did a Hamilton viewing party with 4 of us. There were american themed snacks, it was great. Not a boozy night which was needed. I think I then went for coffee with 2 of the girls this month. 
First time meeting up with 2 girls I met on an app - I’m still friendly with one, not the other. It was mostly a good time and I’m very proud to have done it but then drunken politics came up and it got AWKWARD. 
Nagging and nagging and nagging my landlord until she signed the pet agreement and LET ME GET A CAT
My obsession with apps was replaced with a cat shelter/app obsession. It was very frustrating because I wanted to rescue and they make it very hard so I eventually found a for sale ad and contacted them - it was a rescue though as far as I’m concerned, she was in a horrible situation for an “owner” who had no clue and had only had her for a couple weeks before giving up and putting her up for sale. I rescued her okay. I think it was 3 or 4 weeks after getting agreement that I went to pick her up. So getting everything ready for her was a big part of this month
I did manage to fit in a 5 day holiday. It was suppossed to be solo travel abroad but ended up being a Mon-Fri with family. We did some NT walks it was nice.
Then it was literally that weekend my brother drove me to Wales to pick up my new fur baby. Instantly fell in love obviously and my whole life became about her from that point on. They told me she was really timid and scared, she had been hiding in her current place, but I was so impressed with how curious and confident she is. She was wary at first, a bit flinchy, didnt like being petted with 2 hands, didnt like loud noises, wouldnt come on the bed or sofa, wouldnt come into the living room really. I put child locks on alot of doors but shes not mischivous so its never really been an issue. She loved to play from the get go and did come to me for a fuss from day one. I adore her basically. The first time she jumped on the sofa, sat next me on the bed, slept on my bed, let me stroke her with 2 hands, her first vet trip, every little first and win has always been a massive victory, Im a v proud mama. She was no name for a few days but quickly somehow became my Myshka (the whole long list I had went quickly out the window somehow)
Did some more regular yoga. Tried to do 5 weight workout a week but it was a bit random. Walks fell off because of anxiety over leaving the cat. 
Alot of WFH to be with the cat. Definately obsessed. 
We had our team day on a farm, that was lovely
Saw my friend for Halloween - watched Hocus Pocus for the first time, had cocktails, watched a boring horror movie then Rocky Horror which is just exceptional. Lockdown 2.0 was announced but we were tipsy and over it. 
A very stressful month work-wise, lots of deadline, threat of Ofsted, management changes, admin changes, not getting enough sleep because work stress and struggling with productivity. My health suffered a bit too because I didnt have time for lunchtime exercise anymore. 
Technically there was a lockdown but it felt no different because everyone was still in school and work, I dont think people even tried this time. 
The election, refreshing the results constantly. I fully expected a T win and was happy when he didnt but still disappointed at how close it was, as was everyone 
I bought my first Christmas tree and my own decs. Christmas shopping obvs. 
I downloaded Tiktok and started to question far too much about my identity. its ongoing. 
Most important was SUPERNATURAL. I had alot of feelings, it was an absolute rollercoaster my god. What a time to be alive that was. 
A couple of outside coffees in the park which is always nice. I went to a new friend’s house for tea and met their dog, also nice. 
I did a SV for the first time in a very long time and it reminded me of everything I used to hate about my old job, so happy to have left there
Test weekend taking the cat to stay with the family dogs, she did great, shes a champ
Pretty standard Christmas month. Had a christmas movie night with themed snacks and hot chocolate with one friend. Had another friend come for the day to do the same - first time I had seen her in a year after 3 cancellations, that was very lovely
Constant restriction changes and crappy government pissing me off but it didnt affect my plans luckily
All the Tier 2, Face Hands Space signs feeling very dystopian
Brother’s 30th plans got cancelled coz COVID. Back up NYE plans got cancelled got COVID. Actual NYE was fine tho the normal show/song/crowd was cancelled coz of course COVID 
Not so good shit
I mean the whole thing in general yknow
Alot of plans couldn’t go ahead - various groups I wanted to join, a new gym, more nights out with more people, more chances to meet new people ETC
My diet has been an inconsistet shit show BUT TFB there were months where you couldnt predict what was going to be on the shelves, you couldnt get orders and the whole world felt so pointless and dark like why even care about that shit yknow
My exercise also wasnt consistent though I dont feel too bad about it. I was always doing something I feel like even if it was just walking
Ive ended the year with the same amount of savings I started with which isnt exactly bad since I moved and furnished a flat and got a new pet but it isnt great
I hate WFH with a burning passion and im worried the world has accepted that as a new normal and im not okay with it
None of this shit is over yknow
Just a general hopelessness is the face of big world things yknow. Theres really nothing we can do about it, just gotta ride that wave and vote when ya can
No travel - I had such plans!!
Good shit
My new fur baby who I love and adore beyond sanity
Starting a good job in a great city with lovely people
Growing so much in confidence because Fuck it, everything is pointless anyway and theres no point in planning or caring so imma just do me
Exploring so much of who I am through new relationships, my own environment, little things like exploring my style, picking up old hobbies, trying new routines and habits
Strengthening some friendships and maintaining others despite the insane obstacles
Maintaining a positive relationship with My Mum in particular, and my whole family
Trying new things in my new city. Still managing nights out, a somewhat proper birthday and a short trip
No actual mental breakdowns which this year feels like a win. My mental health is actually in such a better place then it was this time last year. The job was killing me, thank fuck I got out when I did 
I redid more then 1 30 day programs and did 2 straight months of weights 
My family, friends and I are all safe and well 
Music of the year:
An awful lot of Panic! 
Anyone - DL
Partition (idk dont question me)
Basically alot of drama while trying to hold on to both my emo and club days - fuck I miss clubbing yall. I dont even like clubbing. 
Media of the year:
I should acknowledge Shameless even though I came full circle on it and have now fully abandoned the whole thing and prefer my own AU where Milkoviches get what they deserve 
Schitts Creek
Hamilton obvs
Marvel technically, it was alot of hours
Derry Girls
The Old Guard
Pride - which is not new but we watched it on Christmas eve and I cried in my mums lap okay 
Ship of the year has to be Destiel I mean standing ovation for that rage inciting moment followed by a solid month of absolute chaotic good, it was glorious in its destruction. 
0 notes
30th: Constance - ummmm crackt legend????? You were someone I was so shook to see playing these games again. Not really sure what happened or why u had to leave again. But hope you’re doing well!!! Unless you’re actually racist, then I don’t! Xo <3
29th: Mark Wilson - I do not know u but you rlly lucked out of escaping a 70 day season so soon huh
28th: Nick Nox - Thank god you left early bc one Nick was trouble enough for me kdjhjfjsdkfhjd
27th: Joey Palumbo - AHHHH I’m sorry we never got to play together! I was looking forward to talking more. Maybe next time
26th: Elliot Adams - you have a cool name we never were on a tribe together tho rip
25th: Dom Rou - LITERALLY YOU’RE A STUPID HOE?????? You asked me to apply to this game with you, YOU GOT ME INTO THIS MESS, and then you QUIT on me. The beginning of this game was 1000% different with all the talks we had, and I wonder how things would’ve changed if you hadn’t walked when you did. I prob wouldn’t be in f4 lmao so i guess thanks for dragging me into this and then peacing out ily
24th: Lily Lim - LOL Lily <3 You seemed like a really sweet person, even though your timezone made it a little hard to talk. I’m sorry you were the easiest target at that first tribal we went to as a swapped tribe, but the beef between you and Saxon made it the right choice. Hope you’re doin well!
23rd: Madison - ANOTHER QUEEN GOOOOOOOOOOD????? Robbed too soon????? I was so excited to play with you and Dom and then y’all got screwed over by the swap :( I’m sure we’ll play again someday tho
22nd: Julian - Julian!!! Your vote seems so so long ago, I wonder when these will start feeling like things I remember. Unfortunately the tribal divides between us pit us against each other a bit, but I’m glad we got to talk at least a little.
21st: Asya - KJDHJKHFKJSDHFK OK IM SORRY WE DID YOU SO DIRTY??? Dom had so many good things to say about you and I was excited to finally get to meet you and play with you even though he was gone. My wig went flyin real far when you came and snappt at me about telling AJ his name was going around….oops. After that I felt like there wasn’t enough trust left between us :( but now that I am hostin you I hope you forgive me
20th: Saxon - crackt legend????? First idol play of the game??????? Im shaking. You were someone else that I had known before the game started. I know you really really care about the games you’re in and you’re someone who fights as hard as possible, so it was sad to see you go so soon.
19th: Ryan - WOWOOWOW! When we met back on Paget I really thought you were someone who was going to go far with me in this game! I had so much fun talking to you and it was great to finally meet someone new right from the start after playing so many games with people I’d already met. You’re a smart player and a really social guy, and I’m more sad that you didn’t make it than I was about D*M!!!!!! I hope you get another shot at TS and I hope the math is alright lmao
18th: Dylan - idk who this is
17th: Haley - crossroads queen…...I was excited to actually know someone on the Tengaged tribe, even if it didnt help me out very much in the long run lol. Love u!
16th: Blake - We were never on a tribe together some how??? Through all those swaps omg. I’m sorry Maksym snatcht your record tho.
15th: Tee - Queen of Ponderosa…. I hope you’re still doing okay in there, hope they been feedin u well. I was excited to play together, and I really wish it would’ve worked out, but our agendas just ended up on entirely different pages during that first merge vote :( I don’t really know what the problem between you and Matt was, but unfortunately I had to side with someone I had been more loyal to from the start. You’re a queen though!!!! And I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing the game through a juror’s lens this past month!
14th: Sean - Hey Sean!!! You were one of the few Tengaged people I felt I didn’t connect with too much, mostly because the premerge time we spent together we never really went to tribal. I know you were one of the first casualties in a long line of people who left when I wanted it to be Nick… But I liked that you were always there for the tribals, and I feel bad that you went out that way after Nick used his exile :( Hope you’re doin okay!!
13th: AJ - AJ LEGEND!!! I really did love the group we had with Kage, even though my votes over this merge have probably said otherwise. I found myself in a weird position between wanting to work with you, but not wanting to vote out any of the names you gave me, and unfortunately it got to the point where I couldn’t keep protecting as many people as I would’ve liked, especially with Nick immune. I love you though buddy, and I hope we can talk again after this is all over.
12th: Kage - I don’t even know where to start omg. All I can think of is you wearing all of those shirts…. Probably the best thing I have ever seen at a tribal council. At the very start of this game, I never expected you to be someone I worked closely with. When you went around asking everyone where they idol searched, I was initially sketched out by you - but as time went on, I really appreciated having you as someone I could put trust in as the numbers got smaller. I don’t think here is the right place to go over all of the details of why I did what I did the round you left, but I respect everything you tried to do in this game and you’re one of the funniest people I’ve gotten to know from it. Can’t wait to see what shit ur gonna pull at FTC fkjshdfk
11th: Matt - Matthew Summers!!!! It was refreshing to actually get to work together from the start of a game this time, even through the rocky swaps pre-merge. I think of everything, your vote-off is the only one I was truly blindsided by, and I wish it could’ve been another way because talking to you about video games and thirsting over RJ was a refreshing break from all the stress lol. I love you!
10th: Nick - HOLY SHIT NICK!!! The man with nine lives in this game!!! I don’t really know why or how, but at some point I decided you had become my mortal enemy in the game. I think it’s because when we first met, you seemed to be trying to pull the strings a little bit on an alliance between me and some other TG people. Plus your scary poker skills… I immediately saw you as a dominant force, and it scared me to think of having you in the game for as long as you were. You had so many tricks up your sleeve, and you always had me on my toes - you were a huge reason that the merge portion of this game didn’t get stale or boring, and even though I’m happy to have finally conquered my enemy, I hope you’re proud of how well you did!
9th: Maksym - I’m not sure when we decided to work together, but you were someone I had 10000% trust in after those first couple merge votes. Especially when I was getting nervous about something (usually about Tim targeting me), you were at least there to listen. I know the timezone difference made it a little rough, but I’m glad we got to meet here and play together a bit :) I’m sorry you were ROBBED
8th: Rodrigo - I saved this one for last because you are probably the person I have the most to say to, even though I’m not quite sure how to say it. I don’t want to make this public forum into a place for us to hash out our own personal conflict, but I do want you to know that I meant all of the things I said to you out of friendship. You were a close friend to me in this game, and I appreciated that we kept each other safe as long as we could. I know you don’t want to hear it, but when I was given the choice between voting RJ or voting you, I had to side with the person who was willing to vote with me. I so so wish we could’ve made a vote work together that round, and I apologize for not giving you the same honesty in return about me writing your name down - though in hindsight, your idol could’ve done some serious damage that night. I hope you will forgive me for writing your name, because it was 10000% the best game decision for me that night, and it doesn’t reflect at all the way I feel about you outside of this game. And even more than all this game stuff I value your friendship to me. Even when we didn’t vote together, you were a friend, and that meant a lot to me. I love you a lot, and I hope you aren’t too mad at me by now.
7th: RJ - The love of my life….. Wow. When I saw the cast for this, I was SO BLESSED to have someone so hot and so straight on my tribe from the get-go. I love how your laid-back attitude mixes so well with your passion for this game. Even when we were bouncing the craziest ideas off each other, you were never afraid to try anything, and I’m glad we made it as far as we did together. I didn’t expect to ever use that idol on anybody but myself, but the thought of losing you too soon made me do something impulsive and I wouldn’t have done it any other way :) Talk to you soon <3
6th: Jake - I’m really thankful we got to talk in the couples days before you were gone. I know I could’ve done more to approached you on a personal level even after our games didnt quite align, and it was my bad that it took me so long to do so. I hope your Glee rewatch is keeping up, and maybe we’ll get to have a tiny Bermuda reunion if I visit in the fall since we are both gonna be future teachers :)
5th: Lily - It’s so weird to think that the first time we met was all the way back in Malibu. From the blindside in that game, to meeting IRL, to beasting it out in this one together, we’ve come a long way!! You were a phenomenal player this time around - a beast in the challenges, always staying loyal, and still somehow never managing to piss anybody off. I’m sorry that it was you and not me last night, but I know one day you’re gonna come back and snatch the win you deserve!!!
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atpeacewithme-blog1 · 7 years
*May 16th, 2016
I thought it might be time for an update on everything so here we go. January 2nd 2016 John asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, January 12th I got my drivers permit and January 14th I auditioned and got casted in A theatre company’s (now they changed their name) production of Beauty and the Beast as the feather duster. the theatre company had then changed their show to Hairspray and i was casted as Penny but Jennifer dropped out and they were holding re-auditions for the role of Tracy, long story short I got it but then the show changed back to Beauty and the Beast and Mr. Harold (the director) called me saying he wanted me to play Belle!!! So excited!! I got my braces off January 26th and got a job at sales unlimited and started work on the 18th but i only worked 3 days from then until now!! I got very sick at the end of febuary/ the beginning of March so i was out sick for 2 and a half weeks but whenever i called to get hours they asked me when i was free to work and i told them then they said call back next week, like what the heck so im planning on quitting because i just cant handle that right now. Even though I was pretty sick during the show, Drowsy went very well and i enjoyed it although if i don’t get a lead next year i will be very upset, i deserve it!!!  Hope got in a very bad car accident and passed away march 24th her memorial service will be may 21st. I got into my schools spring cabaret with a number with my 2 friends Marie and Justine (We sang Bend and Snap from Legally Blonde). Denis and Jill got married April 8th it was so beautiful!! I auditioned for All-State Chorus April 16th but sadly didn’t get in by 20 points, I had the best score of the people who auditioned from my school. April 23rd south’s choir went to a small but kind of famous hockey game and sung the national anthem on national tv. Clinics for the sport I am in were april 25th and 26th and we have about 4 new people joining. I had a girls night with most of the girls from the Beauty and the Beast cast April 30th to May 1st and the was laughter and smiles and many tears. Then John and I got into a huge fight on that sunday (May 1st) and we went on a 2 day break. I went to Sandy’s baby shower on May 7th and that was cute. On May 9th I auditioned to be next years sport I am in captain, it was so nerve racking and i messed up a little during my routine only me and Lauren Lyon auditioned. On Friday May 13th I found out that only I got captain!! I am so nervous but very excited!! May 14th was Junior Prom and it was a blast!!! Today I got sick and went to the doctors and guess how much i weigh… 192 lbs…. oh my gosh do i hate myself. Tomorrow I am meeting with a therapist for the first time because sometime in the past couple of months i decided to start talking to My guidance counelor’s intern Ms. Lily and i really liked talking to her about stuff so i finally told my dad that i wasn’t okay and i needed toes someone because Ms. Lily had to leave sadly. i am kind of nervous but i am glad to be taking this step. Lastly I just wanted to say that I love John with all of my heart but i think about Victor almost everyday. I just want to be friends with him. I cursed Victor off at a resturant after one of the musical shows because he was going to do something so rude. the next night at the cast party i approached him and asked him if i could talk to him. besides the cursing him off the night before we hadn’t talked in months. so i apologized for cursing him off and i apologized for everything i have done to hurt him and asked if there was anyway we could be friends he said he didn’t know and i asked how about a point where if we see each other we smile and say hi and he said okay and said okay thank you and sorry. i walked away and for the first time in my life i hyperventilated. it was very scary. of course even after talking to him we didn’t even talk in the halls or anything, ZIP. until at the art show the other day we were at tables across from each other and he said something to me.it was very odd but i nodded. throughout the night he kept saying small things to me. i was so confused. we still didn’t talk after that. then the night of the spring cabaret i wanted to say break a leg so i did and then i basically ran away and again it was hard for me to breath. a couple songs later Diamond came up to me saying that Victor said he has no interest in talking to me and he was just being polite at the art show. later that night his sister was at the window of Mrs. Ashley’s room waving to me and i made a joke saying i have fans and as Victor walked out he was like its my sister and i was then so confused. if he doesn’t have any interest in talking to me why say anything at all. i still talk to his sister Riley every now and then because she still likes me and when see his parents we talk but for what ever reason he won’t talk to me and it really sucks because i do not want him to graduate and leave and then i never see him again, i want him in my life somehow.
Just reminding everyone thee bolded and crossed out are things I changed from my original writing.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
May 23rd, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 23rd, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Maiden of the Machine by Caitlin Like.
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Good evening, everyone~! Our final Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Maiden of the Machine by Caitlin Like~! (https://maidenmachine.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i think my favorite scene so far is when elizabeth and victor decide to sleep together. part in for its serious drama. theres so many questions about victor created from just the visuals, and then theres the stakes at hand of elizabeth's reputation. but then, there is also a good balance of comic relief to a degree since victor told her to ask no questions and she asks the one question that he probably didnt see coming. all around it was a pretty satisfactor culmination of their relationship so far at a juncture that felt natural.
another scene i really enjoyed was the ball scene where victor and eric are having a chat about elizabeth and then elizabeth and victor have a passionate liason. im mostly a fan cause of the dramatic convo. cause theres a deep and terrible sense that both characters truly know what their risking, what the situation is, and how they still are into each other. plus, its all very tense cause it just takes one person being in the wrong place at the wrong time to blow their cover.
honestly i think itd be accurate to say all my favorite scenes are with elizabeth and victor. romance is one of those genres i can struggle with, because theres always something missing. but oh man do i love the romance in this comic. there is nothing more i want than to see then elizabeth and victor finding a way to be together in spite society trying to kick that down at every turn.
i will give a special shout out to the scene where eric, abhaya, milo, and the cousin are meeting to discuss the affairs of the estate. i just like it because it basically shows all the characters' worst sides. abhaya is brash and reckless, milo is just kind of there, and eric is a greedy mofo. and whats worse is literally none of them thought to bring elizabeth. they may have their excuses of protecting her...but part of me still thinks thats a super dick move and shows even abhaya just kind of views elizabeth more as a pawn than a person. but all in all, nothing like money and estates to show off everyone's worst traits. it is very true to life, and i can respect that.
another non-victor/elizabeth scene i respect is the scene where elizabeth is out dress shopping and eric is like here i got you these dresses. just cause i knew eric was kind of a creep, but ho boy, he dialed the creep up to number 11 on a 10 meter scale. but at the same time, i think that really helped to erase all sympathy i might have had for him. thus paving the way for me to not really feel guilty on elizabeth's behalf for her trespasses against him.
Hello, I made it... unfortunately this is a rather bad week, I only made it through the first two chapters.
i also like scenes with west in them. cause I like that between all the people around Victor, West seems the most honest in a scoundrel sort of way. Which that is basically what I like about him in every scene. He causes trouble and pushes the limits, but at the same time hes always at least pretty upfront about his intentions.
thats unfortunate cause its a great comic, but glad to see you anyway math!
Which kind of sucks, I like the whole concept of the kick ass ladies. Even the pirates.
Maybe I'll find time to read more in the background.
The bit I liked most of what I read I think was back in the first chapter, when Elizabeth makes the callback to when she got out of the ropes at the very start of the story. It was a nice subtle detail which I found very clever.
I'm not at your bits yet but I can see how the Elizabeth/Victor thing is being set up. Also there seems to be some question of whether Abhaya likes him... or possibly other ladies? I may be reading my own interests into that.
you may be reading your own interests but later on there is a female character i ship abhaya with atm
so there is that
i dont think youve met her yet tho
Also, yeah, the whole estate thing creates an interesting dynamic. That was a clever way of using the period to generate conflicts.
QUESTION 2. A large focus of the comic is on Elizabeth and Victor’s relationship. At the end of the day, do you think the two will find a way to be together? If so, how will they get over the scandal Elizabeth would face and the fact those around Victor want him to marry a titled woman? If you don’t believe they’ll find a way to stay together, what will stop them? Further, given the most recent events, how will Eric Wollstonecraft play a role in the future of their love story? How does the narration framing seen where Elizabeth is addressing her potential son affect your opinion? How do you think that future came about, and how soon will it come to pass? Last, what do you think of their relationship in terms of Elizabeth wanting to make her own choices in life?
I ship Abhaya with everyone.
yeah i have to say if theres one thing i appreciate its combination of progressive themes while at the same time acknowledging that the period was not the friendliest towards these things
especially in regards to how elizabeth is treated since her only purpose apparently to everyone is to get hitched to a titled guy
and i mean
thats depressing
yet also true to the period
even though we get to see elizabeth take a journey and reject those social conventions
in regards to the current question, i am choosing not to think about whether in the long term elizabeth and victor will get together for the rest of their lives. because if they dont i will cry but i could see this realistically being the case given the tone of the narration. cause that...does not sound like an elizabeth who lives in eternal happiness.
Back, sorry. Yeah, I'm usually not much of one for period pieces, but I like the narrative viewpoint. Also, pretty neat airships.
There was the point where she talked about leaving Victor behind back in Chapter 1 (I don't recall the exact circumstances) but I wondered if it was because he causes her heartache, or just because it make their lives more complicated.
Incidentally, the first thing I thought of with the name "Lovelace" was Lady Ada Lovelace. The mathematician. Not sure if that was an intentional reference to another well regarded woman.
i love period pieces but i think the steampunk aspects help twist it enough to make it a bit more unique.
(I don't think the time frames synch up but I don't recall when the comic takes place...)
Oh, it's definitely unique. I like the gadget aspect too.
i would not be surprised if the name choice was purposeful. if only because the comic has lots of strong ladies. i doubt well see any real historical figures though.
i appreciate that the comic actually kind of starts off with the airship escapade
cause it really showcases the ways in which their world differs
where you get airships
and sky pirates
That's a good point. Helps with the world building before we get down into some of the classic period issues.
yes. and i also kind of like it starts off more action-y. not that there isnt action bits later mind you. but more i think it helps set up the main conflict while tying in the romance. because it makes it so the romance isnt some forced subplot. rather its kind of integral and has as much to do with the whole highjacking as the rest of the story. since later on youll see that elizabeth's proximity to victor keeps bring that part of the story into the limelight
That's a good point, in terms of tying things together. Also possibly sets up a key antagonist (or at least revenge plot) in that burned pirate lady.
she does come back
i will spoil that much
I figured she had to some time, whether it was by the present updates or not.
I've resumed reading a bit in the background. Seems like both the Watson ladies are doing their best to get arrested. ^.^
well at least Abhaya is.
cause Abhaya is a risk taker who puts herself in many situations where people are gonna stop and stare
Well, yes. But Elizabeth also seems to be taking risks where Victor is concerned. Or at least stepping out of her comfort zone.
Certain people have certain effects on us I guess.
nah thats true. I just think Elizabeth just takes more social risks. Like not the kind that are gonna get her arrested, but more the kind that are gonna get her socially shunned.
whereas Abhaya is the punch one who is gonna get charged with assault
That seems like a valid viewpoint. It fits with their personalities when we saw them in their youth.
The cutting back and forth between the two sisters in Chapter 3 is well done.
yeah in general i like the PoV switching of the comic. because every scene is pretty well-chosen and advances the plot in some manner. and it lets us see others parts of the comic developing. cause later on you do get to see more of victor without elizabeth some and get to go "hmm" to all that hes up to.
Ha! I like Chapter 3, page 31, where all the dialogue seems to fade out as Victor touches her. Cute.
QUESTION 3. Besides romance, there is a larger plot posing real and deadly danger to the characters. Who do you think the Angel is? What are the Angel’s goals, and why is she excessively targeting Victor? Further, what do you think the source of her power is? Also, what does have kidnapping people like Ambrose have to do with her goals? Alternatively, is Ambrose there of his own free will (and if so, why)? Considering Abhaya is being sought by Amabel for help, what do you think Abhaya will do? Will Abhaya be able to uncover more of the truth, or is Abhaya just going to get herself into more trouble? How will Abhaya’s involvement affect Elizabeth and herself? Last, can Amabel be trusted, or is it possible she’ll abandon Abhaya when Abhaya might need her?
spoiler Amabel is who I ship Abhaya with
Related to those questions, I do wonder a bit if Victor has a sordid past or something. Like maybe his empire wasn't entirely built on the up-and-up... with his knowledge or possibly without it. So there could be a reason there for him to be targeted.
I've looked on the character page and I approve this ship.
oh yeah. Victor is 100% definitely a scoundrel. There is one scenes that really hints at this, but even before that i agree with you. Victor is not on the up and up entirely. I don't think he made his fortune without cracking a few skulls.
although idk if this is what makes him a target persay
or maybe it oes
but more in the way hes done the forbidden when it comes to tech
Was he totally aware of the repercussions of whatever he did though? Because the people around him seem to like to keep him in the dark.
im sure he knew the repercussions. the people around him are more about keeping him in the dark about romantic matters. cause as was implied by one of the questions later on you find out the main thing ppl arent telling victor is that elizabeth is just there to open him up to the idea of marriage so he can marry a titled lady
cause everyone is all about those titles
In regards to the current question while you're away, I think Abhaya will help Amabel and get herself caught and get into a whole mess of trouble that for once, Elizabeth will have to break her out of. But I think it'll be a dual sword cause I do think Elizabeth's relationship to both Abhaya and Victor is gonna put her in the crosshairs. cause like, what an easy way to get Victor to show up. Get Elizabeth, tell Victor you'll never see her again if you don't show up.
as for the angel's goals, I feel shes on a path of vengence against the entire world, but particularly victor cause hes high up there in the industrialist chain
and knows something she doesnt and that she needs to bring her plans to fruition
Back. Okay, that does make sense, darn titles.
Interesting, this Angel talk. I wonder if it's the same "angel" we see in the title card for Chapter 2?
Sounds like you think it's not personal, the Angel's path, merely that Victor is a convenient figurehead.
i mean the angel is kind of the one from the title card. those are her wings for sure, though she doesnt look quite like that the one time you meet her
it could be personal, but i feel like the angel just has bigger fish to fry
from the impression i got from her
since shes kidnapping a ton of ppl
and you dont need to kidnap ppl to your cause if all youre doing is hunting down some industrialist
who almost got caught
if not for abhaya and elizabeth
Ah, so she's the one behind the disappearances then.
(Still reading in the background.)
yes. i mean its pretty implied but you get confirmation later that yes its her. though you can definitely speculate on the why
cause i have no clue
shes still enigmatic
Looking for a husband? ^.^
shes reading the wrong romance advice book
when elizabeth and her meet, elizabeth will point her in the right direction
and the angel is like "oh wait so youre not supposed to kidnap them? huh?"
And then we ship Angel and Elizabeth.
no. ill ship Abhaya and Angel
Elizabeth and Victor are the OTP
i said but then was like "nah id totally ship Elizabeth with West"
Heh. That's fair, they are the main couple. Though West is an interesting guy, just needs to learn social cues.
nah thats why west is amazing
he doesnt know social cues
and is awkward
yet helpful
and hes the only dude of victor's who seems to be in elizabeth's corner
Right. I think it was said that he's not used to the lifestyle?
yes that is what he said
which makes me want a side chapter just about what he did before he came to victor
cause i dont feel like victor would just hire some rando. he must of seen something in west
Maybe he took pity on the guy, something about the scar.
that could be cause victor understands the burden of scars
or something like that
whereas i just think west's scar gives him character
QUESTION 4. Mixed in with the present drama is a lot of unsolved past drama. Who do you think Victor really is? What do you think happened to Victor based on Milo’s story that he was telling Abhaya? How do you think Victor managed to overcome this to become the person he is today? Also, what do you make of the room Victor seemed to have sealed off in his house? Besides Victor, there is also a lot of drama between Jules, Abhaya, and Milo. What do you think happened between the three of them that managed to damage their relationship forever? Will spending more time together heal their wounds, or is it impossible at this point? Further, what was Jules up to the whole time he was away with Victor? Last, what do you think Jules’ goals were for introducing Elizabeth and Victor, and why does he seem immensely conflicted about her presence?
Sorry, biab
I think Victor was some fellow servant kid who was Jules' only friend after Jules got sent away. And then Victor almost died. Although I'm changing my previous speculations. Maybe the Angel is more literal and she literally showed up, saved Victor with tech with the promise to return, and then left. So now shes back for her comeuppance. Meanwhile, Victor decided technology was great and he needed to bring it to the world cause it was what would keep him alive and save others.
as for the three, at this juncture it seems pretty heavily implied Milo and Jules were in a relationship and that Milo called off the wedding to Abhaya cause he didnt want to live a lie in regards to how he felt about Jules. Regardless of the what, while Milo i feel will legitimately forgive and forget, I dont feel Abhaya or Jules will. Abhaya cause she doesnt seem the type to ever forgive ever. And to just hold onto her hatred and seethe. Jules in the meantime I think wont forgive until he gets revenge in some way. Cause the two probably betrayed his trust big time and he kind of got the most screwed over by what happened
i think Jules wanted them to meet for the exact reason that the others implied: they want Victor to warm up to the idea of women so he can get married. However, I feel Jules now feels like a jerk who is taking out his anger at Abhaya on Elizabeth who had 0% to do with what happened between the three. and yet he knows hes in too deep to turn back now.
Could be that Victor was initially poor... in fact maybe he married into the company somehow? Could the Angel be his wife? o.o
I wondered about Milo and Jules. My initial thought had been that Abhaya had called off the engagement though, so that's an interesting other look at things.
Jules and Elizabeth were close too, back in the day. One wonders if he's that good at seeing how things play out long term.
nah its definitely his company. but victor was probably poor. if only cause everyone calls him new money. so it means he has no predecessor parent who made their fortune.
Jules strikes me more as the type who things hes great at planning but really, really, really isnt
and then tons of consequences come about that he has to accept and deal with
That makes sense and could explain the sympathy for West too, maybe he knows West even though it doesn't necessarily go both ways.
Yeah, Jules seems to think he's got everything well in hand but he doesn't seem to account for the human factor.
Made it to the end of Chapter 4/Act 1 now. Apparently the Angel kidnaps people to literally graft wings onto her spine. Ouch.
Interesting callback to Victor's wounded leg though.
i think even more than the human factor, Jules is just bad at making plan Bs for when things do go wrong. then panics and makes bad decisions
like not telling victor the factory is in danger
Maybe that thing that Victor has in the factory is a time machine. Turns out he's actually from the future, he brought back all the technology and that's why the Angel is after him, she thinks it's stolen.
You're not wrong there, about Jules.
ya know...i can support this time traveler theory. i mean it doesnt quite fit considering flashbacks
but id 100% buy victor built a time machine
cause why not
victor is amazing
Maybe his company is corrupt because they're still trying to get the patents.
i mean
its a company
so its probably corrupt to some degree regardless
That's also a good point.
i mean i can point out the fact they want victor to marry a titled lady to be a form of corruption. cause thats just marrying someone to advance your social standing for the business
I guess we're near the end... haven't said anything about the art yet. I suppose I like the shading, and I thought the sound effect use was clever.
Need someone to star in the commercials.
"Ladies and gentlemen, my wife loves this new device I call a roomba."
i really love the clothes. i mean theyre simple, and yet all seem to fit within the period that this comic is trying to go for
but if they get a roomba what are the house wives supposed to do
not sit at home cooking and cleaning all day?
also about the art, i really love the steampunk designs. you can definitely tell the steampunk inspiration in them, yet theyre really unique and not really like any steampunk ive seen before
and i can for sure appreciate uniqueness
Yeah, that's true. And there was that neat detail of the corset being laced up the front, I wouldn't have thought of that.
Uniqueness is good. I wonder what the machine connection will end up being.
With the whole "maiden of the machine" thing there. (Won't be a roomba, after all.)
ah thats a good point as well. i loved that detail about the maid being able to tell elizabeth didnt have a maid
Maybe Elizabeth gets upgraded too.
the comic was about the angel all along
and the angel's victory
Sadly, this wraps up our final Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Caitlin Like, as well, for making Maiden of the Machine. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Caitlin Like’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://maidenmachine.com/
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Caitlin Like’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/caitlike
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