#im so hopeful it wont really involve any sibling/parent-child dynamics
crookedkingdom · 1 year
i am going to be so abnormal about good omens season 2
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year
considerably long sleep deprived blog management ramblings (+ question that i would appreciate input on) below the cut. apologies if i sound a little insane ive been up for almost 24 hours because my brain is going too fast to let me sleep (the downsides of being autistic and fixating on your own fucking five nights at freddys roleplay blog)
ive been trying to keep this blog mainly canon characters bc thats just. easier overall (dont have to explain every little thing abt them) but like. hhhfgh. i love the character dynamics the muses that i have offer me but like. they have very very concrete roles in the story. they have their Places.
now, i very much enjoy these roles. i enjoy playing them, i enjoy planning things to do with them and developing on them and i very much enjoy the way the people i play them WITH add to the dynamics on their end and add their own insight on my characters as my interpretations are not fully formed and likely never will be. yall r great im so happy to have found you guys.
but also. i have a very specific set of characters. other than the animatronics, i have the afton boys, cassie, and jeremy fitzgerald. and this specific set of characters are all very restrictive in a very specific way.
michael is. the human punching bag. this blog has just turned into me bullying him and like. not that im complaining, i just wasnt expecting the muse for him to hit me that hard. he has taken over this blog and that was not what i had planned. the thing with him is: nine times out of ten, when he is interacting with someone else, he is not a participant in a conversation. he is a target. that is just due to the nature of how his life is. he is the protagonist of a franchise of survival horror games. other than a few select family members and maybe like. henry, charlie, and jeremy, he doesnt have positive relationships with anyone. which means he is a GREAT source of angst or conflict, which i love to write, but it also means he doesnt provide many other forms of interaction. he may have a few soft moments here and there, with his mother or with henry, taking care of him and giving him reprieve from his father, but... thats about It. unless he finds some new friends, he doesnt do lighthearted, funny social interactions, and i highly doubt my michael will find any romantic partners for a long time. he is great at what he does. i just need to find balance between him and my other muses because i dont want my blog to be me just beating this poor guy up 24/7. thats just cruel.
evan - only really knows his parents, siblings, and maybe charlie. hes a baby. probably wasnt any older than five or sixish when the bite happened. very very good for soft, comforting moments. unfortunately , incredibly limited in who he could reasonably interact with. i mean, feel free to prove me wrong, but im coming up with a blank here.
cassie - also a child. would be good for more psychological horror type threads like how ruin was, but i do not feel comfortable putting her in real physical danger. mainly, just like evan, she is a muse i want to keep safe and comfortable, no matter how much it disregards canon. i am very very touchy around my younger child muses, for obvious reasons. yes, i am aware this is the Child Murder Franchise. no, i am not going to let you Child Murder my fucking elementary schoolers. full stop. also, moving on from that, likely wont get much interaction outside of security breach muses or muses with sb verses. once again, constricting.
and then theres jeremy. lets be real here. he has no canon connections to anyone. hes the only one with any actual connection to the fnaf 2 location, and thats just about all we know about him. obviously, hes basically an oc already. my jeremy is close to michaels age, so hes not gonna be involved with just about anyone else - hes just fucking here, basically. just SITTING here. hes my favorite child i wanna play him so bad im here waving him frantically at passersby hoping for interaction but its no use because theres nothing to work off of to START interactions. that is nobodys fault but mine. my dumb ass got attached to Background Character #43 and now i cant let him go. hes the abandoned doll collecting dust on the corner of the shelf because nobody plays with him. he barely exists.
BASICALLY, all of that mess was to say that i need to diversify my roster - i need a muse that i can throw at whoever i want. no pre-existing canon connections to anyone to complicate things, no timeline constraints until we possibly build one of our own, just, fucking. Miscellaneous Fazbear Entertainment Employee #4067 that i can put in Situations.
if i actually went through with making a fnaf muse like that, would anyone be interested in interacting with him or would i just be making a guy in my brain and then putting him on the shelf next to jeremy?? genuine question please help.
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