#im so sleepy goodnight you goobers
fuggerbucket · 10 months
Info/HC's about my h!teenage Ren and Stephen(Stimpy) AU:
Ren is mixed with mexican and german descent. Although his family is mainly a spanish speaking household. (Last name has been passed down generations) While Stephen is just white..🫠
Stephen first noticed Ren behind the school trying to light a cigarette, and hasn't left him alone ever since
Ren is a junior (16/17) while Stephen is a sophomore (15)
Unknown to everyone (since he hasn't told anyone) Ren transferred into this highschool a few months ago. For almost all his life he has been attending behavior modification facilities and/or been attending programs to fix him. He was one of the more popular people over there since he was huge trouble. (I don't want this to sound like he was a "cool badboy😈😝" he had/has serious issues.)
Everyone views Ren as odd. Like that one person you see in highschool sitting at the most random secluded spot ever. Being like "wth"
Stephen's family is high middle-class, while Ren's family is not extremely poor but struggles financially.
Ren's neighbor used to have a pet chihuahua, one day it escaped from their house and was running around. Ren wanting to do good chased it and picked it up, on his way to return it to his owner. It didn't end well since that chihuahua ended up biting a small chunk of Ren's ear off.
My AU takes place in 2002, but at the same time might be sometimes modernized.
Stephen has a chubby cat named Stimpy! (hehe)
Despite skipping school a lot and barely paying attention to teachers. Ren is smart. Like you'd be surprised knowing he is intelligent. While Stephen has a harder time understanding school work than the average student. He has a short attention span when it comes to school.
Ren takes anger management classes and is known there for having a really bad meltdown one time when speaking about his feelings.
Stephen has a pretty good home life, although his father is a bit absent.
Ren's father name is Pedro Christoph Höek. His mother name is Valentina Angel Pérez.
The school counselor calls Ren into her office regularly just to check up on him. She's the very rare person that Ren doesn't seem to mind.
Stephen had 2 past non serious relationships in middle school. Usually lasted for about 1 month or less. Ren used to date a girl he met at one of his troubled teens programs. It lasted for 6 months and he was the one to break up with her because she was too clingy.
Well guys this is all I can write for now, I hope you guys find this interesting to read!
Sorry if there's any spelling errors! (*゚Д゚)
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