#im so stressed about everything that enters and exits my body on the daily
Friendly reminder that fat people have eating disorders other than binge eating too.
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niigoki · 7 years
TWICE title: we’re a mess (let’s finish what we started) - Chapter 10 pairing: NaMo, MiMo, Saida, JeongMi, 2yeon, Chaeyu
Read on Ao3 or AFF
If Charles Darwin himself came to Im Nayeon with scientific proof that being awake for 24 hours relying on pure caffeine was unhealthy for your body and could cause numerous illnesses that would hinder the path for humanity’s evolution, she would look at him in the eyes, and call bullshit.
Nayeon was positive that coffee had been invented by a miracle-worker, and their sole purpose on this Earth was to give young adults the key to surviving increasingly difficult lives. The beverage was bitter, yes, and maybe it was making her entire body shake with the strength of a small-scale earthquake, but when she thought about the positive aspects of not having to sleep anymore, it didn’t feel so bad.
Nayeon had nine days to practice her singing, dancing, and memorize the dialogue for her musical and her commercials – those tasks became much less stressful when she had 8 extra hours her day to do so.
Who needs sleep, anyway?
“Nayeon, you’re eating your script.” The voice of her co-star sounded distant and reverberant, even though she was right by her side. Probably nothing Nayeon should concern herself about.
“Yes, Jennie, I need to get this as soon as possible.” Nayeon’s eyes were unfocused as she munched on her salad.
“No, I mean you’re literally biting a piece of your goddamn script.” Jennie removed what Nayeon thought was a leaf of lettuce out of her mouth, making her snap out of her dissociating state. Looking down, she saw the tip of paper wet and crumbled.
“Oh.” Nayeon blinked slowly, paused, then used her fork to get an actual leaf of lettuce. “I see.”
“Girl, are you okay?”
“I’m wonderful. Thank you for asking.”
“Yeah, that’s a no, then.”
Jennie was a sweet girl, and one of the first friends Nayeon made when she got into the Drama Club. She was pretty, dedicated, and the best dancer in the cast, everybody knew it. When their first play was announced, Nayeon and Jennie fought over the main role with blood, sweat and tears, but in the end, no one could really measure up to Nayeon’s talent. Jennie didn’t resent her for that, however, and only tried to get closer to her, to get some tips on acting. Nayeon felt incredibly relieved by that – other girls had eyed her with envy the first time Mr. Kwon had complimented her, but not Jennie. The two were close friends now, and supported each other on a daily basis.
However, Jennie was not part of the group of nine from high school, so she didn’t know Nayeon nearly well enough to realize when the girl was truly troubled; the fact that she did notice something was wrong was telling.
“I’m just focused on the task at hand,” Nayeon replied in a monotone, finishing her late lunch. It was three in the afternoon, and she had ordered delivery – eating backstage was prohibited, but everyone did it anyway.
“I could put my groceries in the bags under your eyes, honey,” Jennie said, sass dripping from her voice. “Are you resting properly?”
“Yes, I’m sleeping fine,” Nayeon lied, putting her utensils down. Eating while reading her lines had become a habit, so she didn’t lift her gaze. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You know that overexerting yourself won’t help, right?”
“Jennie,” she finally looked up, one hand curled into a fist on the table. “I can do this.”
The way the words had come out was strange, forced, as if Nayeon was talking to that awful voice inside her head. As usual, she needed to convince herself before she could convince anyone else.
And, as usual, she was failing at the task. But that was okay, because Nayeon was good at pretending.
“I never said you couldn’t.” Jennie was calm despite the outburst. “We all know you can. Hell, you’re good enough that we all collectively agreed that the main role should’ve gone to you, do you know how hard that is to accomplish?” Her impish smirk was a welcome sight in the middle of the chaos.
Nayeon chuckled a bit at that. “I know.”
The girl reached to rub her shoulder. “Don’t overdo it, okay?”
The more people worried about her, the more undeserving of their worries Nayeon felt. She grinned with her teeth, but it was a soulless expression. “I’ll do my best.”
After wiping her mouth and throwing away the plastic container and utensils, Nayeon got up and grabbed her bag, making her way towards the exit.
“Where are you going?” Jennie asked. “I thought you were going to rehearse.”
“I am,” Nayeon had one foot out of the door by the time she processed the question. “I need to practice the dance moves.”
It was a musical, after all.
Jennie waved her goodbye and told her to be careful, and Nayeon left the theater building. Her legs felt heavy, and the scorching sun on the way to the main building burned the back of her head with ridiculous intensity. It felt like she was walking on molten lava, and she was sure that she was seeing mirages in the distance. Nayeon blinked quickly, rubbed her eyes, and kept pressing on.
Entering the building was a relief; as soon as people stepped in, they could feel the comfortable chilliness of the air-conditioner. Nayeon paused for a second, a sudden dizziness attacking her sense of balance, and she leaned on a wall. She held her head, wiping the sweat out of her forehead with a groan.
“It’s just the change of temperature,” Nayeon whispered to herself. “You’re okay. Move on.”
She urged her legs to walk again, but there was a delay in her thoughts. Where was she going again?
Oh, right, the dance studio.
Nayeon frowned, trying to remember where it was located. She would have to go downstairs; her main concern right now was not falling face-first on the floor.
“Move.” She gritted her teeth, and finally, with much effort, started walking again, still touching her hand on the wall.
Her fingers slid on the surface, and it was a nice, raspy texture. The building was old, and everything in there was worn out; Nayeon worried that one day the place would just fall apart. The equipment used in the classrooms got heavier by the year, and she wasn’t sure that the wooden floors could take the weight.
She didn’t know why she was suddenly concerned about such trivial problems. Maybe it was to distract herself from her other, more pressing matters.
Was this her way of protecting herself from the thousands of turbulent thoughts going on in her brain? If so, Nayeon thought, then I’m good at not self-destructing.
“Either that, or I’m going crazy.” She paused. “I’m talking to myself. Wonderful.”
Nayeon finally reached the corridor and was about to turn, when someone bumped into her. With her legs already weakened and her body pretty much in another plane of existence by that point, Nayeon couldn’t hold on, and fell backwards. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact, but a strong arm wrapped around her torso, stopping her demise.
“I’m sorry!” That voice was familiar.
Nayeon opened her eyes, then rolled them. “Oh, great.”
Sleep-deprived Nayeon, as it turns out, had no filter.
Jeongyeon stared at her, blinking, then straightened both of them up, letting her go. “Good morning to you, too.” And because they’ve known each other for too long, Jeongyeon immediately frowned when she noticed her ex-girlfriend’s pale face. “Wow, are you okay?”
“Nothing, just—” Nayeon pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “Everyone’s been asking me that lately. You, Jennie, Jihyo, Mr. Kwon. I’m fine. Can we move past this?”
They stared at each other for a few seconds, and the atmosphere was awkward. Jeongyeon ruffled her blonde locks. “Fine, sorry I asked.”
“Ok, great.” She didn’t want to face the her right now, because looking at Jeongyeon’s loose shirt and eyes reminded her of how beautiful she was at the party, which reminded her of the kiss, which reminded her of her lies, which reminded her of the reason she was lying, which reminded her of her feelings for—
“I don’t have time for this,” Nayeon shook her head and walked past the girl. “I need to go.”
“Nayeon.” Jeongyeon grabbed her wrist gently, but Nayeon broke free with a violent tug.
“Don’t touch me.”
It was hostile. It was wrong. Saying that to Jeongyeon felt wrong, and Nayeon regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.
But instead of feeling hurt and afraid, Jeongyeon just put both her hands up calmly. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
“No, I didn’t—” Nayeon’s heart was beating out of her ribcage. “I didn’t mean that. Not in that way.”
“I know.” A small smile made its way to Jeongyeon’s face. “You’re stressed. I get it.”
“Yeah,” Nayeon looked down, ashamed, then closed her eyes with a sigh. “I’m sorry, either way.” She opened them again, and allowed herself to stare at the girl for a second.
Jeongyeon’s shirt was too big for her, which was a cute look, but it kept exposing one shoulder; looking at it, Nayeon noticed something. Her gaze fell on slight crescent marks on her bare skin – four of them, lined up in a row. She frowned. “What’s that?”
“Huh?” Jeongyeon tilted her head to the side and when Nayeon pointed with her head, she looked down, then froze, pulling her collar back up. “Oh. That.”
There was no explanation for a moment, and Jeongyeon was averting her eyes, and that’s how Nayeon just knew. She was well familiar with that body language; the fidgety stance, the diminutive posture, as if she’d been caught committing a crime, the way Jeongyeon tensed almost imperceptibly – but Nayeon noticed it.
She noticed everything about Jeongyeon.
“…Oh.” Was all Nayeon said in return.
“That’s… something I need to talk to you about.”
“No. Just—” Exhaustion washed over her, and she couldn’t afford that right now. “I have a musical in nine days, followed by a day-long recording of five commercials that will really boost my chances for a profession in the area, and I can’t—” She stopped to breathe; it was like her lung capacity had been cut in half. “I can’t deal with… this, right now, on top of everything.”
“Jeong, please. I can’t have my career falling apart, too.”
‘It’s all I have,’ crossed her mind.
She didn’t wait for Jeongyeon to reply, and finally left the corridor. The stairs felt wobbly under her feet, but she held on with all she had to the handrail, running downstairs in auto-pilot. The lower level of the building felt colder than usual, and it echoed with each step as she finally got to the studios.
Nayeon reached for the door handle, but it was like her hand passed right through it – a ghost filled with regret and pain. That’s when she realized that everything was blurry. Was she going to faint?
No, that wasn’t it. Nayeon felt wetness on her cheek and forcefully rubbed her eyes, slapping her face in the process. “Don’t cry. Stop crying. I’m not crying.”
Can you blame her for finding happiness somewhere else? With someone else?
“Go away. I’m not dealing with you, either.” She was glad that no one was around to hear her monologues. Maybe she was losing her mind.
You want to know, don’t you?
“No, I don’t.”
Lying to others might work, but lying to yourself just makes you look pathetic.
With another push, Nayeon finally touched the door, and snorted. “Fuck off.”
She rather liked scoffing at her inner voice.
She didn’t like thinking about Jeongyeon fucking someone else.
She was such a hypocrite.
   Momo dragged her feet across the classroom, not in the slightest mood for her History of Dance class.
She’d been grumpy. Her roommate was passively pissing her off, one of her best friends was breaking her own heart, and her crush was acting strangely. Not to mention her own convoluted feelings that she’d been trying to avoid lately.
Momo was a wreck. She had wolfed down an entire plate of chocolate.
She couldn’t bail on class, however, seeing as she’d always had a hard time with the subject and her grades had been dangerously low throughout the semester. Fortunately for her, there was something about this snooze-fest of a course that made her whole day worthwhile.
When she spotted her target, Momo smiled, and approached her from behind.
“Guess who,” she whispered in Mina’s ear, covering her eyes with one hand. Mina jumped, startled, but soon relaxed, pressing her back against her best friend’s front.
“Momoring.” Mina had this way of calling her name that made Momo smile; perhaps it was the childhood memories attached.
“You’re no fun,” Momo teased, letting her go.
Mina turned to her with the brightest smile. “You’re too obvious.”
“Am I?” That’s when Momo noticed her expression. “You’re looking happy.”
“…I am,” Mina said, biting her lip and looking down. “Actually, I need to talk to you. Sana, too.”
The sudden shift in the mood was heavy, and Momo felt like something was either terribly wrong, or terribly right. She had a hunch, but the prospect of her being right made her stomach turn.
“What is it?”
Mina shook her head. “Later.”
At that point, the teacher walked in, yelling for everyone to sit down. Momo huffed, annoyed, but followed Mina to their seats.
The way they positioned themselves was the same ever since they could remember – Mina sat in front, and Momo sat behind her. Momo joked that she liked this arrangement, because this way she could always have her back; Mina would only roll her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.
It was cheesy, but when it came to the girl in front of her, Momo couldn’t help herself.
Mina loved the feeling of being protected. She grew up with a loving, wealthy family, but she’d always been introverted by nature. Speaking up was hard, so she hardly ever initiated a conversation with strangers; everyone else was always too loud. It was rare for her to feel welcomed anywhere.
Fortunately, as fate would have it, Momo and Sana walked into her life when she was very young. The two girls were also noisy like the other kids, but when they noticed Mina playing all alone, they decided that they would never allow her to feel left out again.
The two had kept their promise – they made Mina feel so safe. And, even though both had their own way of accomplishing that, Momo had always stood out.
They knew that Sana was more perceptive than she let on, but she also needed guidance for the most part. Momo, on the other hand, was always there, paying attention, making sure that Sana wouldn’t get lost on their way to the new school when they moved to the city, or holding Mina’s arm when it snowed so she wouldn’t trip. All these little gestures made Momo incredibly endearing in Mina’s eyes. She was glad to have someone like her by her side for so long.
When Mina first confessed that she was crushing on Jeongyeon, Momo made sure to be there for her every time she felt heartbroken. She would crash at Mina’s house suddenly with funny movies and candy in hands; she would ask her out on ‘friend dates’ when Jeongyeon and Nayeon were too busy to hang out with them; she danced with her at prom to distract her from the sadness of a hopeless crush. Momo had always been there, one way or another.
The thought made Momo’s heart skip a beat, apprehension taking its place inside her.
She leaned across her desk, reaching for Mina’s shoulders in front of her, and wrapping her arms around her loosely as the teacher spoke. Mina turned her head slightly, questioning, but Momo just traced her fingers on the girl’s collarbones softly. “Nothing. I just missed you, is all.”
She felt Mina’s fingers lacing with hers. “I missed you too.”
“Are you okay?”
“I am.”
Momo took a deep breath. “…Can’t you tell me your thing now?”
“Not now,” Mina rubbed Momo’s knuckles with her thumb. “Things are okay, though. Promise.”
Suddenly Mina’s cellphone vibrated, and she let go of Momo’s hands to check. The brunette couldn’t see who was texting her, but by the way Mina’s lips curled in an affectionate smile, she could guess.
Momo removed her hands and buried her head on her arms, closing her eyes.
She wanted to be wrong about this.
Class went by as smoothly as possible with Momo stealing glances at Mina’s constant lack of attention – it was like her phone was her lifeline, and whoever was talking to her had the answers to the mysteries of the universe. Mina wouldn’t drop the thing for one second, and the teacher actually scolded her for it at some point.
When the bell finally rang, the two got up. Mina put her phone in her bag, finally, and Momo eyed her. “Let’s go?”
They left the building side by side, the sun hot in their heads. Momo wanted to hold her hand a little, but she didn’t. “Are we getting Sana?”
“She’s at the dorm already.”
“Oh, good.”
Silence followed, then Momo spoke again. “So… how’s your secret project going?”
“Oh, it’s— it’s almost finished.” There was stutter in her voice, and that didn’t go by unnoticed. “You’ll see it soon.”
“Right,” Momo blinked, a bit nervously. She put her hands on her pockets. “It’s hot today.”
The moment she had to start small talk to keep chatting with her best friend, Momo sighed. Something told her that what Mina was going to tell them was going to be life-changing.
Arriving at her room, Mina knocked on the door slightly, then opened it. Sana was sitting on their desk reading, and lifted her head at the sound. When she spotted her two best friends, she smiled, jumping out of the chair, and throwing her arms around Momo’s shoulders. “You didn’t drop out of college!”
Momo held her in place, laughing. “Excuse me?”
“I haven’t seen you in what, a week?” The girl placed a loud, sloppy kiss on Momo’s cheek, prompting her to drop Sana and wipe her face with the back of her hand.
“Ew, Sana!”
“Just one more!”
The two struggled for a while, with Sana tiptoeing to try and kiss every reachable part of Momo’s face, and Mina laughed. For a second, everything reminded her of their childhood days, with no problems and no complex feelings involved. She wished things weren’t so complicated.
Sana detached herself from Momo after several failed attempts, and the three girls finally sat on Mina’s bed, facing each other. Momo took off her shoes so she could be more comfortable, and prepared herself for whatever was coming. “Alright, we’re all here. What is it?”
Mina looked at the two girls for a moment, thinking long and hard about her words. She had no idea what Sana’s reaction was going to be, but she was sure that Momo would be shocked – especially after everything they had witnessed. However, Mina hoped that after mulling it over, Momo would understand, and be happy for her.
“…Okay,” Mina would go straight to the point, then. “Yesterday, something happened. Between… Jeongyeon and I.”
The two girls were quiet, processing that simple sentence. Mina saw Momo slowly clenching the sheet underneath them, then asking. “Something?”
“Yeah. We…” She would start slowly. “We kissed.”
“What??” Sana was fast, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “You… you finally… how?!”
Momo was unusually quiet, and that scared Mina the most. But she did her best to answer Sana first. “My secret project… I was actually spending time with her, helping her with a short movie. Jeongyeon asked me to be her actress.”
“Nayeon is an actress.” Momo spit. That hurt Mina absurdly.
One fact about Hirai Momo: she didn’t have the best handle on her inhibitions when her temper was triggered—it was painfully apparent when something angered her. Words left her mouth without a second thought, and her honest feelings radiated through her every pore. She was unable to put up a front, and that could make her incredibly intimidating at times. Mina and Sana were used to it – and yet, at this moment, Mina felt like she had been struck right in the chest.
“Well, she asked me, instead,” Mina replied, trying to keep calm. She sort of expected a startled reaction.
“Momo?” Sana frowned at her.
“Go on.” Momo leaned back, crossing her arms.
“…Well, anyway,” Mina breathed out. “We’ve been spending time together, and I was tired of not doing anything, so… I finally did something.” She looked at Momo. “You always told me I should tell her soon, right?”
Momo threw her head back with a scoff. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am serious.” Mina was starting to feel defensive. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Why am I—” Momo couldn’t believe her ears. “No, you know what, go on. You two kissed, and then what?”
Sana kept moving her gaze from Mina to Momo, a bit anxious about all this.
“Well, she kissed me back. And then we…”
“You what?”
That was the hardest part, and Momo’s behavior wasn’t helping.
On second thought, however, maybe she was helping, because her childish actions compelled Mina to just throw it out there. “Then we slept together.”
The silence was jarring. Mina felt a blush crawling up her neck, but didn’t avert her eyes from Momo’s stare. A thousand emotions seemed to cross her face at that moment; shock, confusion, anger.
“You did wha—”
“Hold the fuck on,” Sana interrupted, concerned about other things – and when she became curious, nothing in the world could stop her from getting her answer. “Where?! It wasn’t here,” She pointed at Momo. “It wasn’t in her room, either… Myoui Mina, where did you lose your virginity??”
It would’ve been funny if both girls weren’t towering over her threateningly. “Um… at the recording studio…”
“Holy shit.”
“Fuck that, you lost your virginity to Jeongyeon?!” Momo leaned forward, almost grabbing Mina’s shoulders. “How— That’s—”
“That’s what?” Mina challenged.
“I’m gonna kill her.”
“What, why?” This ticked Mina off. “It was great, for your information.”
Momo winced. The mood was hostile, but Sana couldn’t keep a snort in. She needed to know so many things at the same time, that her mouth wasn’t keeping up with her brain. “The studio— So you did it standing up? Or was it on a chair, or… no, wait, did she go down on you or was it just fingers?”
“Sana!” Momo and Mina interrupted their little war to scold their other friend.
“Excuse me, Mina just had her first time, I need details.”
“No, you don’t.” Mina’s face was beet red. “That’s not even the point!”
“I told you everything when I lost mine!”
“Because you wanted to, literally no one asked.” Momo groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, don’t tell me you don’t want to know.”
“I really don’t.” There was truth in her words, and hurt in it as well. So Momo was right about her hunch, and it stung like a bitch. She had no idea how she would be able to face Jeongyeon from now on knowing that she did… things with her best friend.
Right after kissing her ex-girlfriend, too. The anger inside her was growing rapidly, beginning to burst at the seams.
“Anyway, that was the thing I needed to tell you.” Mina tried to finish this awkward conversation, but she knew that this topic wasn’t going to go away for a long time. Or at least until she answered all of Sana’s inquiries.
“…Fine. So, what are you now? You and Jeongyeon.” Momo asked, forcing the question out of her throat. She didn’t want to hear anything else about this, but she couldn’t leave the room without knowing all the details. This was her best friend, and even though she was mad, making sure Mina wasn’t hurt came first.
“I don’t… I don’t know.” Mina answered, looking down.
“Oh, you don’t know?” Momo became hostile again.
“Why are you yelling at me? I thought you’d be—”
“What? Happy for you? Mina, she lied.”
“We all lied, Momo.”
“Oh, and that somehow makes it better?!” Momo was fuming.
“Momo, please, just calm down for a second.” Sana intervened, having snapped out of her giddy state.
She hated to see the two of them fighting, but she understood the reason. Mina had told her that Jeongyeon and Nayeon had kissed at the party, so it really didn’t make sense for that to have happened. She also knew how overprotective Momo was, so the explosive reaction wasn’t a surprise either. Now, adding Momo’s feelings for Nayeon in the mix, things got a lot more complicated. Sana didn’t want to take sides.
“No, don’t tell me to calm down!” Momo got up from the bed, and paced around the room. She looked back at Mina. “Have you considered Nayeon’s feelings about this? At all?”
“Nayeon’s feelings? Momo, they broke up years ago!”
“They kissed last week.”
“If it had meant anything, Jeongyeon wouldn’t have lied!”
“If Nayeon meant anything to either of you, you wouldn’t be lying to her either!”
That implication was heavy, and Mina stopped, feeling extremely hurt. Sana got up as well, placing one hand on Momo’s shoulder to ease her, and another on Mina’s arm. “Guys, please. Yelling won’t solve anything.”
Mina was also angry, but unlike Momo, she would never direct it at her. It felt like Momo had something against her happiness suddenly, and Mina didn’t understand why she couldn’t accept that maybe Jeongyeon had moved on. She’s wanted this for so long, and Momo had always been supportive of her, so why was she attacking her like this now?
“I thought you, out of everyone, would be happy for me,” Mina said in a low voice, breaking the silence.
“Don’t do this,” Momo said, her emotional exhaustion finally catching up with her.
“You’ve always told me to keep trying, to confess to her soon, to… to stop running away from this. I finally did, and now you’re angry? I don’t understand.”
“I do want you to be happy, but not if…!” Momo stopped, catching her tongue before she said something that she wouldn’t be able to take back. Unfortunately for her, Mina knew her too well.
“…Not if it gets in the way of Nayeon’s happiness. Is that it?”
The pain in her tone was clear, and to think that Momo had caused this – it was killing her. Yes, she did want Mina to be happy with the girl she loved, but that was before Nayeon exposed her still-lingering feelings for her ex-girlfriend. Things were too fresh, everything was surrounded by lies; Jeongyeon might’ve moved on, but Nayeon clearly hasn’t.
Picturing Nayeon’s reaction to the news created a crevice inside Momo’s heart.
Hearing Mina’s broken-hearted pleas punctured her soul.
Momo wanted to protect both of them, equally.
She was going crazy.
“I can’t be here right now,” Momo said, finally, grabbing her shoes.
“Momo, wait.” Sana was still nervous; she flickered her eyes towards Mina. “Let’s talk about this.”
“Just let her go,” Mina mumbled, hugging her legs against her chest and looking to the opposite direction.
Momo pretended not to hear. Once she finally put on her shoes, she grabbed her bag and stormed off the room, slamming the door on her way out.
Mina’s eyes started stinging with unshed tears, and she rubbed them strongly. To think that her best friend, the person who grew up with her, and who knew every single thing about her life, cared more about Nayeon than her – that was worse than being rejected by Jeongyeon. Mina felt utterly betrayed.
Momo needed to cool down. She walked fast, making her way to the main building again.
Dancing always helped her let off steam.
  “Ouch, ouch, ouch, careful, please…!” Chaeyoung whined, the coldness of the ice pack surrounding her broken knuckles and hurting like hell.
“If you would just stay still,” Tzuyu uttered, holding her friend’s hand carefully. She’d been helping with Chaeyoung’s healing process as soon as the girl walked into their dorm yesterday and confessed to her roommates what she’d done. Dahyun got worried at first, but it didn’t take long for her to make a joke out of the situation – Chaeyoung appreciated it. Tzuyu, however, was taking this a lot more seriously than people realized.
“Sorry,” Chaeyoung replied, relaxing now that the pack was in effect. “It’s hard to get used to this.”
“You should be more careful, then.”
“Yeah… I will.”
They kept in silence and Chaeyoung sighed internally. Tzuyu had been acting a bit cold towards her, and she didn’t know why; it was like they were treading on thin ice around each other, and it made Chaeyoung’s chest feel tight. It was triggering her anxiety.
She needed to ask her what was going on.
“Tzuyu, is there—”
The TV suddenly made an unbearably loud noise and all the three girls in the room jumped out of their beds. Dahyun immediately turned down the volume, a hand on her chest. “Who left the volume up?”
“Oh, that was me. Sorry.” Tzuyu raised one hand, embarrassed. “I was watching a live stream on ocean creatures. Aquatic organisms are pretty quiet.”
“…Tzuyu, these live streams have no sound.” Dahyun said, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, I figured that out after pressing my ear to the TV for about five minutes.”
Chaeyoung crouched to grab the ice pack that had fallen on the floor, but took her sweet time getting up. She buried her face on her good hand, trying her hardest not to laugh, shoulders shaking with the effort. Tzuyu was so absurdly cute – Chaeyoung’s heart couldn’t handle it. It was like tiny fireworks exploded inside of her.
“Chaengie?” Tzuyu finally realized that her tiny friend was still on the floor.
“Yes, I’m okay.” Chaeyoung replied, getting up in a flash. She breathed in, sat back down, and placed the pack back on her hand.
The three girls rested their backs against the headboard as Dahyun skipped through the channels, and eventually decided to pull out the Netflix. Chaeyoung looked at her hand and tried to move her fingers slightly. She didn’t get so far, a harsh sting pulsating through her skin every time she moved the broken knuckles, so she sighed.
She side-eyed Tzuyu, then moved her gaze down to the girl’s hand. She wanted to hold it, like she usually did when they watched movies, but she couldn’t right now because Tzuyu was on her right side. That was the worst part of her injury so far.
“That’s a lot of romantic comedies on your queue,” Tzuyu said suddenly, looking at Dahyun.
“Huh?” The girl couldn’t keep a straight face for the life of her, and blushed nervously. “Oh, yes. I’ve been into them lately. You know. Just… silly stuff. To laugh about.”
Chaeyoung caught on the stuttering tone immediately and exchanged a look with Tzuyu. “Oh, really?”
“So sci-fi and trashy horror movies don’t work anymore? You know, to make you laugh.” Chaeyoung smirked.
“I never said that.”
“Look, she even has dramas lined up!” Tzuyu joined in the teasing.
“You’re right, she does.”
“When was the last time Dahyun watched a cheesy drama?”
“Hmm… let me think. Was it back in middle school, when she thought she was crushing on that boy who gave her a carrot from his lunch box?”
“I think it was.”
“Listen,” Dahyun interrupted. “I’m just in a mood, okay?”
“Oh, we know,” Chaeyoung poked her tongue out through her smile. “A mood, alright.”
“Ugh, you’re unbelievable,” Dahyun was about to go back to the task at hand when her cellphone vibrated. She took it out of her pocket and read it, a huge smile plastered on her face. “And now you’re unbelievably alone.” Dahyun got up, putting on her shoes.
“Oh, go ahead, ditch us for your girlfriend,” Chaeyoung was still in a joking mood, but when she realized what that implied, she stopped completely – she absolutely forgot about Sana’s feelings for her stupid roommate. What if Dahyun was seeing someone else? That would definitely crush Sana’s spirit even more.
“She’s not my—” Dahyun threw her hands in the air. “I mean, it’s not what you’re thinking.”
Chaeyoung sat back up. “Wait, you’re actually seeing someone?”
“I’m just gonna go see Sana, alright?”
“Oh.” That was new. “Wait. As in… just hang out, or…”
Dahyun groaned loudly, letting go of her ties. “Chaeng. Just… let me figure this out on my own, okay?”
That sentence was weird, and it could mean a thousand different things. Chaeyoung was still overbearingly protective of Sana, so she just wanted to make sure that Dahyun’s dense ass wouldn’t end up hurting the girl. “Just tell me if—”
Tzuyu placed a hand on Chaeyoung’s shoulder. “Have fun, Dahyun.”
The artist turned to her, but had to give up when Tzuyu’s stare told her ‘stop it’. Dahyun nodded and finally finished tying her shoes, getting up.
“See you.” She left the room with happy little jumps.
Once the door closed, Tzuyu grabbed the remote, flipping through the list of movies. Chaeyoung stared at her, waiting.
“I wish you would stop doing this.” Tzuyu finally said, without sparing her a glance.
“Doing what?”
“Getting into everyone’s business.”
“What? I don’t—”
“And leaving me out of everything.”
Chaeyoung froze, the weight of the girl next to her suddenly heavy. She blinked, trying to process that, but just got ultimately confused. “Tzuyu, what are you talking about?”
“Why are you so worked up over Dahyun’s love life?”
“I just… I was just curious.” Chaeyoung didn��t know why she was keeping this a secret. Maybe it was to keep Sana’s feelings safe; leaking it out to everyone might make the rumors spread faster, and her condition might get worse.
“What made you so angry you had to punch a wall?”
“That’s…” While she did tell them the truth about her hand, she omitted the reason – again, another way to protect Sana.
Tzuyu dropped the remote and finally faced Chaeyoung with a frustrated stare. “You’re lying to me. Why are you keeping things a secret? You know something, and you’re not telling me, Son Chaeyoung.” It was rare for Tzuyu to call her by her full name, so that indicated how serious she was.
“I’m not lying, I’m just…”
“You don’t trust me anymore?”
That hurt more than Chaeyoung anticipated, and she was sure Tzuyu was about to cry. In a desperate gesture, the tiny girl grabbed Tzuyu’s hand with her left, shaking her head hastily. “No, no, that’s not it! Of course I trust you, God—” She choked up. “Tzuyu, you’re the person I trust the most in the world.”
They looked into each other’s eyes, both trying to find what had been lost along the way. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were best friends; they’ve always been, and they always would be. Nothing else mattered as long as they were together, and they didn’t keep secrets from each other. That was their motto, that was their whole life.
Tzuyu turned her palm upwards, lacing their fingers together, and that was all it took for Chaeyoung to remember that.
The girl in front of her wasn’t some stranger that would ruin Sana’s reputation – she was Chou Tzuyu. This was Chaeyoung’s best friend.
This was the girl Chaeyoung loved.
She felt incredibly stupid.
“…I’m an idiot.” Chaeyoung breathed out. “You’re right. You’re always right. I’m sorry.”
Tzuyu tugged at the girl, making her fall on her lap. That was a familiar and comfortable spot, and Chaeyoung allowed herself to relax despite her racing heart. She just stared at her friend from below, and sighed when Tzuyu started running her fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp slightly. “You’re not an idiot.”
Chaeyoung closed her eyes, and just listened.
“You’re stubborn, yes. And I know you just want to protect everyone.” Her voice was calm and delicate, much like herself. “But you can’t carry everyone’s burdens on your shoulders.” She paused with a soft giggle. “They’re not even broad enough for that.”
Chaeyoung allowed herself a chuckle at that. “Hey…”
Tzuyu smiled, bringing one finger to the girl’s forehead, tracing all the way down her nose and cheeks. “So I wish you would let me help you, too. No more secrets, at least from me. Please, Chaengie.” Her voice broke. “…I don’t want to lose you.”
Chaeyoung’s eyes flew open and Tzuyu let a tiny tear fall. She sat up, cupping Tzuyu’s cheek and rubbing her thumb there gently to wipe the wetness. “Okay. No more secrets, I promise.” She smiled weakly. “Just… don’t cry. You know I can’t handle it when you cry.”
The tall girl sniffed, nodding. She placed a hand on top of Chaeyoung’s. “I hate crying, anyway. My face gets all ugly and gross.”
“You could never be ugly, nor gross.”
Tzuyu rolled her eyes and smiled, with a faint blush. “Please.”
“I mean it,” Chaeyoung wouldn’t stand for this. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
The sentence wasn’t met with an amused comeback, and Chaeyoung noticed that she’d been more serious than she realized. She cleared her throat, finally letting go of the girl’s cheek. “Anyway. T-the things I need to tell you.”
“R-right.” Tzuyu blinked, snapping out of it. The compliment had made something gnaw at her stomach, but she ignored it.
Chaeyoung told her everything; about Sana’s feelings for Dahyun, Momo’s weird behavior at the cafeteria, Sana’s anxiety attacks, and the reason she smashed her hand into a wall. Tzuyu gritted her teeth when she heard about the rumors, disbelief washing over her face.
“That is so awful. Sana never did anything wrong.”
“I know,” Chaeyoung hated remembering those girls faces, but she saw them every time she closed her eyes. “I couldn’t hold myself back.”
Tzuyu looked back at Chaeyoung’s hand, and took it on a gentle hold. “I wish you wouldn’t hurt yourself like this.”
“…That’s something else I need to tell you.” Now that she got to her secrets, Chaeyoung was hesitating.
She took a deep breath. “I talked to the nurse. She told me… to go see the psychologist about these angry outbursts. She was afraid I might direct it at a person, at some point.” Chaeyoung swallowed hard. “I’m… scared, Tzuyu. I don't wanna hurt people.”
Tzuyu watched her with affection, without a single drop of judgement. “Well, I’m not scared of you. Because I know you.” She touched their knees together. “And, to be honest, I noticed that your outbursts were getting more… worrying? I just couldn’t find a good time to talk to you about it. I’m sorry, I should have.”
“Oh… wait, you knew?” Chaeyoung thought that this was her most well-hidden secret.
“Chaengie, I’m your best friend. Of course I knew.”
She suddenly felt like Tzuyu knew a lot more about her than she let on, and her heart started beating a little faster. What else was she aware of? Chaeyoung promised no more secrets, but that didn’t mean that she would just unlock her perfectly hidden vault of anxiety-induced fears.
She could never tell Tzuyu about her feelings for her.
That was the one thing she would never reveal.
“I have things to tell you, too,” Tzuyu interrupted her flow of thoughts, turning serious again. “I talked to Jihyo. And there’s… a very complicated thing happening.”
“Complicated?” Chaeyoung calmed down, thankful for the distraction.
“Yes. I’m going to tell you, because we promised no more secrets between us. But this can’t get out, not yet.”
Chaeyoung frowned, confused. Tzuyu just approached her, and whispered in her ear.
As soon as she was done, Chaeyoung leaned back. Then, slowly, she mouthed, “Oh, no.”
  Nayeon froze in the middle of her routine as soon as she saw Momo walking in. She slouched her shoulders and turned to the girl, who was also rooted into place. And, because of her lack of sleep, the words came out harsher than she intended. “What are you doing here?”
“Dancing?” Momo frowned. “Why, did you make a reservation for this room?”
It really was a dumb question and Nayeon just shook her head. “No. I’m sorry, I didn’t… mean to shun you.”
“I can go to another one, if you want.”
“No,” She didn’t have the energy to think, so her emotions spoke for her. “You can stay.”
“Are you sure?” Momo didn’t know if that was a good idea, but all her doubts vanished when Nayeon motioned her to come in and close the door.
“I want you to stay.”
It was hard to refuse.
Momo looked around to make sure no one else would bother them, and closed the door. She walked up to Nayeon, and started stretching, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Nayeon stared at her friend’s gorgeous body for a second before rubbing her tired eyes and going back to her rehearsal.
It didn’t take long for Momo to notice that Nayeon was slipping, making mistakes on her steps that didn’t make sense, and just plain irritated with how everything was coming out. She grunted and muttered under her breath out loud, and at some point, she nearly kicked the mirror from being too close. Momo touched her forearm.
“You’re not focused.”
“I’m the embodiment of focus, Hirai Momo.”
For some reason this made an amused smile grace Momo’s lips. “Yes, you are, but right now you’re just stumbling around like an amateur.”
Nayeon turned to her with a livid expression, but just let her mouth hang open without a sound. Momo laughed a little, pushing her chin back, closing it. “Boop.”
“Don’t boop me.” Nayeon stepped back, huffing. “I need to get this soon. What am I doing wrong, then? Teach me.”
“I don’t know your dance routine.” Momo replied with a neutral expression.
“I’ll teach you, then you can teach me back.”
“That… sounds incredibly hard.”
“Well, then what am I supposed to do?!” Nayeon yelled and Momo jumped, startled. Nayeon felt guilt wash over her. “I’m… I’m sorry.”
Momo didn’t say anything; that’s when she really took a good look at her friend’s face and noticed the terrible condition she was in – the dark circles under her eyes, the thin lines on her cheeks, her pale, almost sickly skin, her pupils dilated. Looking down at her hands, she noticed the faint shaking as well.
Momo approached her and took her hand, talking in a gentle tone. “Have you been sleeping?”
“I don’t have time to sleep,” Nayeon replied with a shudder; she was going to try to pull away, but she didn’t want to.
She wanted to rest, and she wanted to rest against Momo, and she didn’t want to think about Jeongyeon and the marks on her shoulder, and the way she looked at her when she’d been caught, because she wasn’t even hers to begin with, not anymore, they broke up, and the regret was too much to bear, and Momo was right there, and she just—
Momo let her go suddenly and pulled up her phone, plugging it on the speakers. Nayeon just followed her with her gaze, unmoving. As soon as Momo found the song she wanted, she pressed play, and returned to Nayeon’s side.
The soothing, romantic voice echoed through the room, accompanied by a violin and a gentle tambourine in the back. Momo was close. They exchanged looks, then Momo let her fingertips slide softly up Nayeon’s arms, until her elbow. She urged the girl to wrap her arms around her shoulders, then touched her waist.
“Dance with me,” Momo breathed against Nayeon’s lips.
Nayeon swallowed, and let herself be taken – for one moment, she stopped fighting.
They started with slow steps, swaying side to side to the tender beat. It was their thing, dancing – they danced when they were happy, they danced when they were worried, and they danced when they were tired and wanted to forget their problems. It’s always been like this, and Nayeon had a feeling that she was in love with this habit.
Her cheeks reddened with each movement of their bodies, so she looked down, away from Momo’s loving gaze. With a big sigh, she closed her eyes and felt the environment around her; her fingers grazed Momo’s hair a little, and she smelled her perfume. It was familiar and nice, like everything Momo did.
Her heartbeat finally slowed down after a long day of caffeine-induced palpitations, and her muscles relaxed under Momo’s touch. Nayeon let her head fall on the crook of the girl’s neck at some point, unable to resist.
Momo exhaled against her hair, pulling her closer, until their chests touched. Having Nayeon on her arms like this made her feel a little less angry at the world, and she let her hands roam the girl’s back, tracing circles there. She felt Nayeon’s eyelashes fluttering against her neck and smiled on her hair. Their dance had turned into a simple, but profound hug.
Momo didn’t want to tell her about Mina and Jeongyeon. She didn’t want to think about it, because it just made her heart ache and her head dizzy with conflicting thoughts that she wouldn’t be able to resolve.
Nayeon deserved the whole world, and Momo wanted to give her that – but she couldn’t. Jeongyeon was the only one who would ever make Nayeon happy, and Momo had somewhat accepted that after that party. For a brief moment, she’d let herself believe that Nayeon had moved on, but that was okay. As long as Nayeon was happy, Momo was happy too.
So why couldn’t she do the same for Mina? She felt the same for her best friend – everything she wanted was her happiness.
“…Not if it gets in the way of Nayeon’s happiness. Is that it?”
Momo sighed at the words. That was true – partially. But something else ached in her chest.
The taste of Mina’s tongue was still fresh in her mouth. Everything was so confusing.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Momo confessed on a breathy whisper. She expected a question to follow, but Nayeon’s weight suddenly got a lot heavier, and Momo had to hold her up. “Nabongs?”
The girl just snored slightly against her shoulder. Momo blinked, trying to wrap her head around the fact that Nayeon had literally slept on her as they danced. With a grin, she dragged her, so they could sit against the studio’s wall.
Momo adjusted Nayeon’s position until she was finally comfortably leaning on her shoulder. Nayeon unconsciously moved her arm, settling it across Momo’s waist, and pulling her close like a giant teddy bear; Momo chuckled, tangling her fingers on her hair slowly.
She looked down at the girl who was now drooling on her shirt, and let out a breathy laugh. Nayeon was probably exhausted, but she was still stubborn to the end; she kept refusing help, but Momo knew she needed it. Right then and there, Momo promised to stay by her side, no matter what.
Her feelings were all over the place, and new emotions might’ve been growing inside her heart, but there was one thing Momo was absolutely certain about.
Carefully, she traced one finger into Nayeon’s back, writing a silent confession.
‘I love you.’
Then she pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.
   “One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three,” Sana counted as she held Dahyun by her arms, guiding her steps to match the numbers. The younger girl wasn’t as good or coordinated, but she did her best, and Sana appreciated her for it. “That’s good! You’re doing well.”
“Am I? I feel like this is supposed to be easy, but I’m struggling.” The feeling of Sana’s hold on her was soothing despite her insecurities.
“It’s supposed to help with your blood circulation,” Sana explained, letting her go. “There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Now lie down with your legs turned to me.”
Dahyun obeyed, and Sana mirrored her position. The younger girl stretched her neck to see Sana’s feet touching hers.
“Now I’m going to push my feet against yours, and you have to push back, okay? When we find a balance, we’re gonna lift our legs up slowly, then bring them back down.” Sana instructed, and Dahyun gave her a thumbs-up.
They took their time finding a good position for their legs, but eventually managed; with Sana’s expert counting, they kept exercising. The activities were relaxing and simple, and felt more like a stretching routine than anything else. Sana was good at guiding people and teaching them what to do and how to move, and she’d called Dahyun to spend some time with her as she practiced this new routine.
She needed to take her mind off her two best friends fighting, and the whole drama they put themselves into. Sana didn’t know if she should mention anything to the rest of the group, but she decided that this problem was Mina’s to solve. Right now, she wanted to spend time with the person she adored.
“One last time…” Sana spoke from the other side. “And, done.”
She got up after that, wiping her shorts and shirt. When she turned around, Dahyun was still on the floor, breathing a bit heavily. Sana smiled, walking towards her. “You alive?”
“Why does this hurt?” Dahyun struggled, her legs heavy all of a sudden.
“Wow, you’re in a pretty bad shape, huh?” Sana laughed, offering her hands. “Grab on.”
Dahyun missed the first time, but eventually grabbed her hands. Sana pulled her up with a startling strength, and Dahyun stumbled on her way to the surface, falling on top of the girl. Fortunately, Sana hugged her in place, her strong legs rooted to the ground. “Wow!”
“Sorry!” Dahyun blushed, the full contact making her head spin. When she was about to step back, she felt Sana’s arms wrapping tightly against her.
“Stay a little bit,” Sana murmured in her ear. Dahyun slowly relaxed her shoulders, returning the soft hug. She let out a breath, then smiled, feeling warm all over.
“Are you okay?” Dahyun asked after a long silent moment.
Sana nodded. “Hmhmm.”
“That’s good,” her shampoo smelled amazing, and Dahyun could feel her heart beating against their pressed chests. “So, this is what you’re majoring in?”
“It is.”
“Dance therapy, huh…” She couldn’t help but to think how fitting it was for this girl to want to help people through her passion. “How exactly does it work?”
“Well… I want to assist people through dance, be it emotionally, or physically. I think it’s such a wonderful activity,” Sana finally unwrapped herself from Dahyun and moved to sit on the studio’s floor. She patted the spot next to her, and the younger girl plopped down immediately. “For example, if someone got into an accident, and damaged their muscles, physiotherapy might work for a while, but wouldn’t it be too boring eventually?”
“I guess so.”
“I want to show people how fun dancing can be, and how they can get better by doing silly stuff to the rhythm of a song,” Sana smiled softly as she spoke, looking up to the ceiling. “It helps the body and mind.”
Dahyun eyed her, then sighed with a grin. “That’s so you.”
“Hmm? What?”
“You’re struggling with issues yourself, and yet you want to dedicate your life to helping others. I don’t know… it’s just something you’d do.” She closed her eyes, bumping her head lightly on the wall behind her. “You make me proud, Sana-ya.”
Sana’s eyes lingered on Dahyun’s beautiful profile for a moment, speechless. Without a second thought, she turned her torso, and gently placed a kiss to her chubby cheek. Dahyun’s eyes shot open and she faced her, surprised, one hand touching the attacked spot. “What was that for?”
“Just reminding you how much I like you.” The answer was simple, and yet, it made Dahyun melt completely.
With a surge of bravery, Dahyun leaned forward too, awkwardly pressing her mouth against Sana’s upper lip. She pulled back and hid her hot face in hands. “I’m bad at this.”
Sana chuckled, but her chest exploded with affection. She leaned her head on the younger girl’s shoulder, nuzzling her neck. “We can be bad at this together.”
They chatted a lot, and cuddled even more, and when the afternoon turned into evening, both girls left the dance studio with arms locked. Sana still felt nervous about walking through the main hallway, but with Dahyun by her side making silly jokes and rubbing her knuckles, things were much more bearable.
In the distance, a group of five girls stopped their conversation to stare at the couple. They were rigid, and almost doll-like as they held their unblinking gaze. One of them, a blonde that looked like she could be pushing thirty, smirked as she locked eyes with her target. Dahyun frowned at her.
The blonde lifted one hand and made a crude gesture, flapping her tongue in between her two fingers. Then she mouthed ‘slut.’
Dahyun widened her eyes and turned back to Sana; fortunately, she hadn’t seen it. With a heavy feeling in her heart, Dahyun walked faster, urging Sana to do the same.
When she checked one last time to see if the group of girls were there, they had vanished.
It felt like a target had been placed on her back.
  Mina waited by the fountain, observing the birds and students in their natural habitat. The afternoon grew burdensome, like the feelings in her chest; she hated fighting with Momo, of all people. That girl was her pillar, and it felt like things were falling apart lately. However, new, exciting things were happening; Mina didn’t want to bring herself down when one of her dreams had come true just last night.
Too absorbed in her own thoughts, Mina didn’t even realize when the person she’d been waiting for finally arrived. So, Jeongyeon tapped her shoulder lightly, making her finally lift her gaze.
“Hey, you.” she said with a smile.
Mina’s heart immediately jumped out of her chest, and it felt like a thousand butterflies went loose on her stomach. She mirrored her expression, biting her lip to stop her smile from growing too much – an impossible task, as it turns out. “Hey yourself.”
Jeongyeon sat next to her, arms behind her back. “I found something on the way that I think would suit you.”
Jeongyeon lifted her arm then, revealing a tiny flower. “May I?”
Mina was sure that this girl didn’t exist. She couldn’t possibly be real.
She just nodded, shyly, and Jeongyeon placed the flower behind her ear with delicate fingers. She smiled then, admiring her work. “I was right. It suits you.”
Mina looked back up with red cheeks and touched the tiny blossom perched in her hair. “You’re so charming.”
Jeongyeon shrugged, sliding a bit closer. “You make it easy.”
They just stared at each other, their new feelings overwhelming their senses. Mina wanted to pull her close, kiss her deeply, hold her for the rest of her life – was that what being in love felt like? It was such a new, amazing feeling; the rawness of it all made her dizzy.
“I thought you’d be rushing to edit your movie,” Mina finally said, breaking the spell.
“I will. I just wanted to see you first,” Jeongyeon replied, scratching her neck. “Before, you know… spending the whole afternoon watching your face on a screen.”
Mina giggled at that. “You’ll get tired of my face.”
“There’s no way I could,” Jeongyeon’s words were filled with sincerity, and her eyes were positively shining – maybe it was the sun, but Mina liked to believe that they had a light of their own.
Suddenly Momo’s words rang on her mind, and Mina hesitated before asking. “Jeong… what are we now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, what is… this?” She pointed at herself, then at girl in front of her. “I told you how I feel about you, we kissed, and then we… went beyond that.” Mina hid her face in embarrassment. “A lot beyond that.”
Jeongyeon’s laughter was nervous as well. “I mean, technically you only told me what you felt after we—”
“T-the point being,” Mina interrupted. “I was just wondering. If we’re… dating now, or…”
The words were heavy, perhaps with a weight that Jeongyeon didn’t know how to carry anymore after spending so much time in love with a girl whom she thought she would marry. It scared her to no end, because Mina deserved an answer and something concrete in her life, but Jeongyeon was incredibly afraid of ending up in the same situation as before.
Remembering the kiss from a week ago didn’t help calm the turbulent waters inside her heart. Jeongyeon was still lying about something important, and she didn’t want to start a relationship with such a secret weighting down on them. She needed time to tell Nayeon about Mina, and to tell Mina about Nayeon.
Jeongyeon took a deep breath and held Mina’s hands. “I’ll probably sound very selfish right now. I hope you can forgive me.” Mina nodded, urging her to continue. “But… can you give me time? At least until I’m done with this assignment. There are… some things I need to tell you, Mina. And I want to do this right.” She sighed. “You’re too important to me for me to mess this up.”
It wasn’t quite the answer Mina was expecting, but she reckoned it would be better for both of them. She also needed some time to confront Momo again and make her see her side of this story. Having Momo’s approval was everything to her at the moment.
Mina also knew what things Jeongyeon was referring to – the kiss at the party. She couldn’t give away that she knew about this, or else she was sure Jeongyeon would feel betrayed, and more complications would result from this.
So, Jeongyeon and Momo. Mina paused, feeling like she was forgetting something.
“Have you considered Nayeon’s feelings about this? At all?”
Even after Momo’s outburst in her face, it was only at that moment that it finally hit her.
How would Nayeon feel about all this?
Mina felt terribly self-centered all of a sudden.
“Minari?” Jeongyeon’s voice brought her back to reality, and she shook her head.
“Alright,” She answered. “We don’t have to rush this. I understand.”
Relief washed over Jeongyeon’s face and she felt so happy that she simply leaned forward and kissed the corner of her mouth. “Thank you.”
The gesture sent Mina’s heart flying. With Jeongyeon still close, Mina tugged slightly, shyly chasing after her. Jeongyeon blinked for a second, confused, then realized what she wanted – she had no idea why she was so bad at reading Mina.
Their mouths touched again tentatively, and Mina sighed against those lips, heart soaring and cheeks red. Jeongyeon brought one hand to the back of her neck, parting Mina’s lips with a swipe of her tongue. They kissed slowly, much differently from what they’d done yesterday, enjoying the feeling of having each other close like this. Jeongyeon pulled back for a second, only to deepen the kiss a bit more. Mina let out a tiny groan from the back of her throat, making all the hairs on Jeongyeon’s neck stand up. There was something addictive about kissing Myoui Mina.
Unfortunately, they had to part after a few moments. ‘The way Mina looks after kissing should be immortalized on the silver screen’, was a thought that occurred Jeongyeon for a brief second.
“I need to go,” Jeongyeon chuckled sadly.
“R-right!” Mina felt a bit self-conscious – they were pretty exposed outside. “I’m sorry. Go on, you have an entire movie to edit.”
“Yeah,” Jeongyeon didn’t move for a second, then saw Mina’s little flower crooked on her hair. She adjusted it with a dumb grin, then cupped the girl’s cheek. “I kinda don’t want to leave.”
Mina was sure she was going to die from the amount of affection she felt. “You have to.” She shot her a gummy smile. “I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
Jeongyeon sighed, helplessly. “Okay, then.”
With one last peck to Mina’s lips, she got up, moving away with a wave. Mina laughed, covering her mouth, then licking her lips as she watched the girl’s figure get more and more distant. She felt so giddy that she fell backwards, legs up kicking slightly.
A sudden buzz on her phone made her sit back up. She grabbed it and opened the message in their group chat.
 [GodJihyo, 4:49pm]:
Attention, we’re all gathering this Saturday. Tzuyu’s family will be traveling, so get ready for a house party
IMPORTANT: No one else can come but us
Also you have no choice in the matter
See you there!
 Mina didn’t know what to type back, fingers frozen on the screen; it was impossible to defy Jihyo when she became this excited about an event. She sighed, afraid of what was going to happen if everyone gathered for the day.
A sudden wind blew, making Mina’s tiny flower fly away.
It felt like a warning.
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ibilenews · 4 years
Lagos sex workers slash rates to attract customers despite lockdown
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The noisome ambience reeked of marijuana and cigarettes as our correspondent walked down Ipodo Street on Tuesday evening. Sitting on the outskirts of Allen, Ikeja, Lagos, the busy street is one of the few places with a semblance of bustling life characteristic of Nigeria’s economic capital since the state went into lockdown about three weeks ago.
Dotted with all kinds of small shops and few residential buildings, Ipodo Street is a melting pot for kerb-crawlers, miscreants and commercial sex workers once night falls.
As of 8pm that day, nothing significant has changed in the crowded hood despite appeals for social distancing to slow down the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Hi, Hello,” three ladies walked up to our correspondent while sauntering around a storey building in the middle of the street.
“Let’s go to my room,” one of them in her early 20s, Blessing (not real name), muttered as she led our correspondent to a small, dingy room on the first floor of the brothel housing an expansive bar on the ground floor.
“I don’t lick am o,” she remarked leisurely while approaching the room.
“They say COVID-19 is everywhere but e no fit catch me by God’s grace,” she added dismissively, agreeing to treat our correspondent to a blowjob when he insisted.
“COVID-19 never reach Nigeria,” Blessing declared as she asked our reporter to sit on her medium-sized bed littered with clothes. “How many people have you seen contracting it in Nigeria?” she queried when told the virus had infected hundreds of people and killed about a dozen in the country.
Blessing strongly believes coronavirus is a ruse and a conduit for diverting public funds. “I hear e don dey many states. Na lie. Na money dem (government) they pack. They go steal tire. They go chop the money forever.
“If coronavirus dey, we wey dey here, why we never contact am. The thing no dey anywhere for Nigeria,” she said.
Fun goes on amid lockdown
On Tuesday, March 31, a day after the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari’s (retd)lockdown of Abuja, Lagos and Ogun commenced, the National Coordinator, Nigeria Sex Workers Association, Amaka Enemo, said sex workers in the country had suspended activities.
Enemo told The PUNCH that although sex workers offered “essential services,” they would remain indoors because their services involved “substantial bodily contact,” adding that the association had sensitised its members to the dangers of COVID-19.
Enemo had said, “There is sensitisation across the country including within our network. Sex workers also offer essential services. However, there is no way sex workers can do their work without bodily contact. So, they are staying at home to watch what happens.
“The government has announced a lockdown and as law-abiding citizens, we will not flout the law. If the government says sit at home, we will all obey because nobody wants to die.”
“Abeg, forget that thing; (there is) nothing like coronavirus in Nigeria,” Blessing reiterated, dismissing the national coordinator’s statement. “I told you that government is just using it to steal our money.”
“Do you want short time?’ she asked in obvious desperation to get down to business.
“It is N2,000,” she concluded without waiting for a response.
After haggling back and forth, she agreed rather reluctantly to collect N1,000 offered by our correspondent.
“Hey! Na because of this COVID-19 you com dey price am like this, abi?” the light-complexioned, short lady marvelled. “Ok, let’s do it quickly so I can go outside to look for another customer,” she added, handing a small bottle of sanitiser to our correspondent preparatory to the ‘action.’
“I only use the hand sanitiser for customers like you who believe there is coronavirus in Nigeria,” she noted, indifferently.
Our correspondent at this point backed out to the disappointment of Blessing who lamented she hadn’t got any customer all day.
“I wouldn’t have wasted my time talking to you if I knew you were not a good customer. My manager would think I had a customer already,” she thundered.
Manager, sex workers cut down charges
About to exit the brothel, some sex workers loitering around the alleyway surged forward to engage our correspondent.
One of them, about five-foot tall, donning a pink skimpy skirt and see-through top exposing the better part of her cleavage, wanted to take our correspondent to her room.
Our correspondent, however, insisted to have a discussion with her over the transaction at a corner outside the premises where a tall, lanky man in police uniform was puffing away on a cigarette. She agreed.
“Give me N3,000 for 30 minutes,” the young woman, identified only as Ruth, demanded.
As part of the terms and conditions of the deal, Ruth assured our correspondent of as many rounds as possible while the duration lasts. “But if you ‘come’ early and you can’t regain your stamina, na your luck be that o,” she added amid wry smiles.
The price was eventually reduced to N2,000 and after a second thought, she accepted the offer citing low patronage for her decision.
When the transaction appeared to have been finalised and Ruth wanted it sealed in her room, our correspondent digressed into COVID-19.
“Coronavirus no dey anywhere,” she asserted confidently. “I wan carry am sef if hin dey. No virus fit infect me because God made it clear that my body is not for the devil; it is not for sickness. It is for Him.”
She continued, “Some of my friends who believe the virus is real had left. For those of us here now, we don’t believe it exists. Let’s go inside; I will give you hand sanitiser.”
Ruth later walked away to scout for another prospective customer when she realised our correspondent was non-committal.
On Toyin Street, about 300 metres away, a sex worker, popularly addressed as Slim, agreed to cut N3,000 out of the N8,000 she normally charges for an all-night romp.
Like Blessing and Ruth, Slim also attributed the discounted price to the effect of coronavirus on their business.
“No dey fear coronavirus. You no fit catch anything wey no dey,” she stated in presumption of this correspondent’s follow-up question.
Slim disclosed that the fear of contracting the virus had scared many customers away and disrupted influx of clients into the facility.
From four customers on average daily, the 22-year-old said she hardly got one offer these days.
“We used to pay N4,000 to our manager every day but now it has been reduced to N2,500 because of low patronage. On Sunday, I didn’t have any customer, so I was unable to pay the manager but he recorded it for me as a debt.
“I am praying to have good customers this week. Things are hard this time but we have to survive,” she stated winking a face filled with frustration.
Asked if they had been facing harassment from policemen patrolling the area to enforce lockdown, she said, “They don’t enter here even before the coronavirus issue started. Police have good relationship with the owner of this place.”
No kissing, blowjob please
For a first timer, it takes intelligence from ‘an initiate’ to unravel what goes on behind the red gate of the ‘coded’ brothel located on Obafalabi Street, Ojodu-Berger.
A warm smile from Showbaby (as she preferred to be identified) and soft music playing via her small mobile phone welcomed our correspondent into a small but tidy room inside the facility. A standing fan stationed at a corner of the room kept the place cool and comfy.
Asked why she and her friends were still operating at the brothel despite the fears of COVID-19, she said, “Wetin be coronavirus. No be wetin government wan use steal money. I no believe am o.”
“They have been using it to steal money and that was why they had to extend the lockdown for another two weeks. I don’t believe in it,” she added, bluntly.
No doubt the lockdown has affected their business in terms of patronage even though she didn’t admit expressly.
She later conceded that patronage had dropped, especially because the bar within the premises where they get most of their customers had been running skeletal operations.
In the past, one would hear music blaring from loud speakers from a distance, but now, only people familiar with the terrain would know that such a place exists and still catering to the needs of ardent customers.
“How you want am; short time or till day break?” Showbaby asked in a cheerful mood. She pegged the price of short time at N2,000 but after much haggling, she reduced it by half.
“As everything dey lockdown now, make I just manage am,” she said as she took her seat on the bed.
When our correspondent expressed preference for romance only, she said, “That one too dey, but na im dey take time pass, so you go add money.”
After few minutes of haggling, she agreed to do same for N1,000, stressing that she wouldn’t have gone below N1,500 but for drop in patronage. “But there will be no blowjob and kissing,” she added a caveat.
“We no dey do those ones for now but I go make sure say you cum’,” the chubby dark-complexioned lady noted on why those two options had been removed.
She however got angry when our correspondent offered N500 for a romance.
When told to manage it since patronage had dropped, she said, “Which yeye coronavirus? You for tell me since say na N500 dey your pocket. I for no allow make you waste my time,” she said as she opened the door and took her phone.
“If I insult you now people would think I’m not fair,” she ranted while reporting our correspondent to her neighbour, who was also waiting patiently to have her own customer.
Across the stretch, some of the workers still had customers trickling in though not as many as they would have been if there was no lockdown.
Sex workers’ coordinator, doctor, police react
Reacting to the failure of some sex workers to comply with the social distancing practice, Enemo told Saturday Punch on the phone that many Nigerians had also flouted the lockdown directive to contain the spread of coronavirus.
She said, “When government said there is lockdown, people are still moving. So they (sex workers) are human beings like every other person. We are trying to send palliatives to them.
“There is shutdown and you advise people to respect that but you cannot force them. It is their health and they are not doing it for me. I cannot be going out to enforce it because I will also be putting myself at risk.”
A public health physician and Head, Medical Centre of Federal College of Education, Akoka, Lagos, Dr Rotimi Adesanya, stated that commercial sex workers defying lockdown order were putting themselves at high risk, noting that using hand sanitiser wasn’t enough to protect them from contracting COVID-19.
He said, “As everybody is being advised on social distancing, commercial sex workers too need to observe it. They are putting themselves at high risk. All over the world, COVID-19 is a reality. The countries that have everything are suffering today how much more Nigeria that does not have everything to protect the citizenry.
“They should be on lockdown for their own safety. The nature of their job is such that they are meeting with strangers. They are more at risk than any other person and using hand sanitiser is not enough because it can’t stop sneezing which may arise during bodily contact with customers.”
The Police Public Relations Officer in Lagos State, DSP Bala Elkana, explained that sex workers were not exempted from lockdown, adding that police would raid any locations where they operate.
Elkana stated, “I just heard from you that they are still operating. I am not aware of any area where commercial sex workers are operating now because the lockdown order is applicable to everybody. If we have information about where they are operating in violation of the lockdown order, we will definitely enforce the order. They are not part of those exempted from lockdown by the President.”
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