#im so totally normal about them in everyway!
B, C, G, H, I, J and Y for Haru
VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET  idc that it isn't the holiday these are cute af
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Haru loves flowers, he think's theyre a cute little way to tell Tarhos he was thinking about him. Granted his gifts are very spur of the moment and most of the time the flowers are just like..shittily picked flowers from someone's poor garden--but the thought still counts. He doesn't have a favorite, but sunflowers remind him of his sister, so that's about the best you'll get for an answer.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Unlike Robin, Haru can appreciate candy and sweets and is very fond of chocolates. He'll eat pretty much anything given to him but his favorite kind is dark chocolate flavored with orange peels.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Haru falls in the middle of this, he knows what people would like but his issue is timing and mostly forgetting things until last minute. He ends up setting alot of reminders for himself for special dates like Tarhos' birthday or their anniversary--but otherwise Tarhos will get a really awesome gift--3 days after it was supposed to be there.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Vice grip on it--he doesn't get close to people easily and is even more twitchy about letting someone in. He took a big risk with Tarhos, and its one risk he has never once regretted.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Haru doesn't struggle with the phrase, he's very confident with his feelings, especially towards Tarhos, and he will never hesitate in saying it. Its like saying the sky is blue.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
...YES AND NO? He gets bitey towards people if they get too close to his pretty boy, since he's protective, but he never assumes Tarhos is the perpetrator or like...is mad at him?
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Haru does not give a shit if Tarhos is a whole foot taller than him he will stand infront of his baby and protect that man until the world implodes. He loves him so much--like hell he's going to risk ANYTHING hurting him.
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sammysnaughtygirl · 3 years
FANFIC 'We meet again CHARACTERS:SOULLESS Sam & Grace with HALEY summary:grace and soulless sam meet a second time WARNING;; anger,violence,sex,adult language
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Soulless sam was up to his usual thing hanging out at the bar looking for single women to hook up with he wasnt picky he would he just take any woman home at this point,he was just looking for a good time and some hot sex,he had been hunting all night and t was his time to have have some fun he thought.he skimmed the room searching or his prey there were plenty of beautiful ladies just waiting to be groped' but Sam wasnt satisfied until he heard her laughter coming from the entrance he turned just as she walked into the bar, she was wearing a dress that flung to her body and traced the outine .her long brownish red hair flowing behind her, as if she had won a contest Sam stood there in aw as she took notice of him watching her,she reached for her friends arm and whispered something into her ear as they both giggled,they continued to thier table, all the while not letting anyone intervine with them ,as Sam approached them thier glare outshined his glory,he didnt even stop to notice that Grace wasnt about to invite him to thier party!Sam started to speak when Grace tuned him out ,her friend haley wasnt about to go against her friend,so she too ignored him ,which made Soulless Sam fruious.his anger begin to boil as he tried to speak again,Grace spune around to face him why you just buzz off she snigered? i know your kind she told Sam, i know excactly what you want and you wont find it here so just beat it ,haley slide closer to Grace ,dont even think about touching her haley spoke she,s mine and only mine get it?Sam wasnt giving up so fast,so its like that Sam replied' yeah, thats right haley snatched his shirt collar dont you get that your not wanted here.dont do that Sam asked her nicely dont touch me. so get lost and dont think that your gonna touch something thats mine haley shouted to Sam.Grace was getting angry by this time with them both,stop Grace angrily shouted at them,im nobodys property, so just stop it .Haley apologized to Grace and suddenly left the room.Sam on the other hand wasnt about to leave without rising to the accoustion and earning what he had come for,so where,s your girlfriend going he asked Grace,she,s going to get our baby Grace replied to him,you ladies have a baby?yeah,we do its not your everyday normal baby ,but he,s ours.Sam was amazed at how calm Grace had grown,so this baby is it a boy or girl?well,id like to call him a boy but sometimes it seems we have a girl,Sam was confused,he shook his head your foolin .No i am not,Grace pointed to the door haley will be back and she will be bringing our baby when she comes,so i suggest you move it along sam', I knew we had meet before your voice, i reconized it the minute i heard you laugh well you need to forget it and me because my girlfriend and i dont want any trouble.oh, and thats what i am is trouble right? Im not afraid of you nor your girlfriend ,and what i want is you ,Sam stood staring at her with his eyes glued to hers ,just tell your girlfriend to back off,and we wont have any trouble ,cant you give her the night off or something? Grace thought for a minute and then she rembered something,that haley had brought to her earlier ,sure we can have one night but thats it ,it cant be anything more 'fine by me Sam shrugged as he agreed. give me some time,ill be back she assured Sam,Grace rushed over to the bar hand me the phone she instructed the server,as he girl behind the bar held out the reciever for Grace to take ,she dialed the number while waiting for an answer she imagined what was in store for the night a head of them ,she knew haley would understand why she had to agree to be with sam even for just one night the line stared to ring ,hello' haley calls out hi" haley please understand what im about to tell u ,but i need to end this thing with him right now,i totally get it haley nodded,but just rember ,i am here for you ,i love you no matter what ,i know you are Grace leaned in and hugged her girlfriend dont worry im gonna be fine. Haley knew how strong Grace was but that didnt take away her concern .Grace
turned to face Sam ,ok im ready ,while wrestling with what she knew she had to do and knowing what was in her heart,Sam brushed up against her to make it known what he was exspecting,sliding his hand down her backside ,lets go to my place Sam instisted,so the jumped on Sams harlely and rode off.when they reached his cabin Grace started to almost regert her decision until it happened. Sam wasnt acting like sam anymore,he was almost nice even,Grace didnt want to drop her gaurd because her heart was fragile and she wasnt about to give into Sam.as the two entered his cabin Sam couldnt take his eyes off Grace, what is going on she asked him with a low voice,what do you mean sam replied? you know what i mean Grace said,im sorry i dont,but why dont you enlighten me,your being all sweet ans stuff thats not you at all,Grace reminded him,oh well forgive me ill do better ,Sam replied" as he ripped her dress right off her and slung it to the floor ,he slowly removed his own clothing as Grace watched ,Sam then motioned for Grace to come to him,she walked to him with her head held low as not to look directly at him,Sam took Grace,s face in his hands and stroked her cheeks ,he rubbed her pinkful lips with his fingertips ,Sam then scooped her up and threw her on top on the bed ,which only had a sheet and one pillow,he hoovered over the top of her looking down at her with sparkles in his eyes,he leaned in and kissed her with such force she gasped,trying to catch her breath.Sam continued his quest ,he ran his large fingers over her breast make her tingle in everyway,Grace found she couldnt move,nor did she want to,Sam gathered her long brown hair and sniffed it ,as he once again shooved his tongue into Grace,s mouth he took all of her in that he possibly could at one time.Sam pushed Grace over onto her backside as he licked her bottom,he took his penis in hand and enterd Grace with one stroke Sam was moving his butt up & down side to side with such emotion and force he could fill the tention between them as he also could fill the sexual pull.ooww Grace let out a moan ,that made Sam smile the excitement was building and he felt it coming.Sam begin slapping Grace,s butt as she let out serval gasp and moans,Sam softly stroked her nipples ,as the two ,togather exclimbed and dropped onto the bed out of breath and exhausted.after they had finished Grace moved toward the door im ready to go now she implied,but the night isnt over Sam told her,yes i know but we cant do that again, i cant Grace informed him. but you agreed Sam replied,yes i know i did ,but things change Grace answered'you have no idea what will happen if we let this conitnue .Sam was confused its just sex ,no its not just sex and its not just me and you ,i have to think about haley here. right Sam replied,but no butts i have to go,and i have to go now. Grace started toward the door but Sam reached out and took her hand ,please dont go.
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