#im sorry but this show is literally a comedy you can't change my mind
gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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mew: I love that my bf gets along with all my friends :)
ray: sure jan.
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
✨ episode 1/2 - running commentary✨
- ok so im slightly disappointed that it's the eps i watched in the screening BUT IM DETERMINED TO LOVE IT ANYWAY SO WE REMAIN OPTIMISTIC AND WE MOVE~~
- angel crowley is so young and innocent my poor boy he's been through so much
- like now im watching it, it feels like putting it in a cinema was a Bad Choice and maybe that's why I didn't like it??? it feels way more authentic and cosy on tv
- im sorry but crowley sounds like such an old man in the park scene, "frozen peas... it's good for them too🙂"
- seriously this is so much more palatable on tv format i can't get over it
- aziraphale god bless ur little cotton socks
- god crowley's legs got me SWEATIN
- ugh crowleys hand in the cafe is so FRUITY
- lmao "purely selfish action" aziraphale is so self aware and I love it
- no im sorry but goob is the fucking star of the show you cannot change my mind but dialogue and delivery wise he is currently CARRYING
- Dartmoor mention had me creasing, that's literally on my doorstep
- aziraphale's bitchy ass face then he sits down in the backroom honestly watered my crops and healed nature
- okay im sorry but the dialogue is still a little off for me I won't lie💀
- beelzebub's accent is just 😘👌 perfect, but equally feel like they'd be perfect in a production of oliver
- god believe me i feel for nina but... I... do not like her, and they are NOT suited for each other at all
- that dance is so low effort I'm sorry it should have been the macarena or cha cha slide
- crowley's bow tho is so hot he's so graceful he looks like a swan
- and yeah the refs to the other years that aziraphale did the dance is GIVING ME HEART PALPITATIONS ugh
- he and goob are like cats on a hot tin roof like IMMEDIATE hissing vibes
- lmao ok so that episode does end there then... such a weird ending im sorry but yeah let's fully retract the alternate episode theory (but @prime you need to hire me for s3 just a thought bc 👀)
- anyway ep2 I'm sorry but the angelic herald speech thing is cute and funny but also so cringe hmmm
- gabriel is lord farquaad ugh
- I HAVE TO REMEMBER THIS IS A COMEDY UGH but i miss the slightly serious undertones in s1 sob god I hope they come back later on
- shax is mommy I don't make the rules
- I noted it in the screening but angel wings for earrings, Maggie????
- nice job on the lie aziraphale well done once again making excellent choices you're so smart and valid (utter moron)
- oh goob you really are going through it my bby I love u
- crowley's face after may god forgive you KILLS ME this scene is honestly the stand out one in both ep1 and ep2 if you ask me
- TY TY TY god bless u but you also make me so uncomfortable
- jobs youngest kid truly gives me life
- lmao the fact that aziraphale does actually recognise when crowley tempts him is hilarious tho bc he just conveniently disregards it by the bench scene in s1 hmmm character development or character regression WHO KNOWS
- ok no I'm sorry but the mukbang scene is so unnecessary and uncomfortable
- "whack the kids" honestly the best line of this scene imo, but upon reflection and rewatching it, crowley's demeanour is rather heartbreaking whilst he's reclined getting ratted
- 'but just to be able to ask the question' UGH CROWLEY STOP
- lmao shoemaking and obstetrics what a combo god bless
- THEY CAN ARRIVE AT ANY SIZE lmao and Michael is too sharp for their own good... but I do hate that gabriel is utterly inept, he came across as cruel and calculating if a little ignorant in s1 but not this comedically stupid
- "yes I bloody am" TY MY LOVE
- Michael sheen and David Tennant deserve nominations for the children swap scene alone, imo the strongest bit of acting in the ep im sorry 'you have my word as an angel' KILL ME
- why is nina obsessed with crowley, like I get it babes but also why
- ok the rock scene is so much more emotional on tv, so much better
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jackals-ships · 23 days
JACKAL I must apologize I was like I WILL GO CHECK F/O LIST because I am not 100% sure which bot you ship with (<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) though I thiiink it's Megatron bUT sorry if I'm wrong fkdjashkj BUT BEARING IN MIND I HAVEN'T FINISHED S1...I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SHIP(S) 👀 and perhaps read fic at some point if you are able to find it @goldenworldsabound
(<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) IS AN ENTIRE MOOD THO HFKF tfp is like some sleeper cell activation code i SWEAR,,, + ur all good !! i gotta fiddle w my f/o list a lil and then repost it bc i kept meaning to make minor changes an then forgor,
BUT ANYWAYS YES !!! he's also, hilariously, one of the f/os i have a physical lil guy of despite being not on my radar as long as like garrus hf
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also a read more bc i woke up Rambly today <3
he gets to sit with the ponies :} bc he canonically likes mlp at least according to the lil ask Megatron bit + there was a whole comics crossover (2 I think actually?)
breakdown + knockout are also My Besties they started out as like kinda baby crushes <- local aro can't tell the difference between Feelings even in fiction more at 11 [lighthearted] before megs came for my braincell with the fuckin. steel chair HFJ so seeing you go 👀🥰 at knocks i was like FUCK YEAH LETS GOO !!! im dropping into his work station from the ships vents like oooo someone's got a cruuuuush ooooo you wanna be all (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)don't u knocks- (jackal is once again banned from the nemesis)
okay okay but; i rlly only have one fic Finished and luckily had the foresight to post it to AO3. it's a lil older so not totally in character + canon but still silly and cute hjfkd
when i get into something with a lot of continuities i tend to kinda? squish em together? or take bits and pieces going >:3 my city now, so the jackal x megatron ship is Primarily TFP but ive also absconded with fun movie details (like megs being i think it was 30? 40 ft tall? Fuck Huge,,,,) and also bits of comics lore/designs (holomatter is an interesting concept and im chewing on Meg's as we speak. gnawing on his arm even-)
but regardless this ship is totally my Slice Of Life Comedy Hour Chill LoFi Beats type of ship HKF like im a sucker for darker stuff higher stakes but i think this one has 0 stakes
like. like jackal and megatron literally met because jackal enjoys long walks on the beach exploring places Away from the city and Generally Away From Ppl to just sorta vibe. and ofc the normal thing to do when coming across a Definitely Alien And If Not Alien Then Like Secret Government Ship is to walk away. NOT wander ur happy lil ass inside like :0 yooooo what do These buttons do
and then when you get kicked out instead of getting squished like the bug you shouldn't come back via the air vents. again. and again and again and AGAIN and AG- until the local alien warlord gives in and is like "yeah okay this is my life now ig???" (soundwave was totally helping them btw. he likes drama 😌 and also has his own human hi adri so he can't say shit-) (also I've never decided on the Actual number of times they break it, in my brain it keeps slowly going up jus bc I find the concept SO funny. pov you're an alien warlord worried you got alien rodents and oh no NVM it's the human again. FUCK-)
it's absolutely the slowest burn too bc Meg's Refuses to admit that he has a crush on the weird squishy thing that keeps breaking in (until he's decided they're dating. and doesn't bother mentioning this) while jackals just 🥰 hehehoho big robot friend who calls me scraplet and sweetspark and sometimes puppy 🥰🥰🥰 also threatened to kill any mech who was mean to me 🤔🤔 weird. aaanyways
THERE'S ALSO a running joke in my head of that "what do you have?" "A KNIFE" "NO-" but it's jackal running off with energon bc you can't SHOW ME a cool liquid and have me NOT want to drink it !! Just a sippy. jus a lil- we'll have the hospital on speed dial pleeeeaaaase-😭
anyways tldr jackal megatron is "I'm not trapped with him he's trapped with me yaaaay :D" and "robot google; weird fuzzy feeling in spark?? how to remove weird fuzzy feeling?? robot google human exterminator near me-"
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cattles-bians · 3 years
Damie Vibecca exes AU part 4
post directory
[em note: this one is LONG i had to split it!!!]
obsetress: deflecting to viola protecting becs
obsetress: once they are dating
obsetress: and thinkin thoughts
em: viola asks rebecca if she wants to put a hit out on peter and rebestiecca is like????
em: that’s hot but
em: u can do that? also maybe don’t. but mostly that’s hot
obsetress: i was literally gonna say peter is still her ex and he's a persistent fucker even though it's been a year at least and viola's response is... not far off from canon!
obsetress: becca just stares at her for a minute and then she's cupping viola's cheek and murmuring "come here" and pulling her down
obsetress: they're like kissing or whatever and rebecca's murmuring "that was hot, you know" between kisses and viola's like "oh?" and becca's like "don't be cheeky, you know it was" and vi just grins against her mouth
em: I’m Really Invested In This Crack Ship
obsetress: ok but rebecca tells jamie and dani about vi offering to put a hit on peter and they're both understandably and reasonably aghast and rebecca's just like (takes a sip of wine, ducks head, smiles to self) i think it's sweet
obsetress: dani and jamie look at each other out of the corners of their eyes
obsetress: (later, dani agrees how absolutely out of line it is but also admits that it sure does feel nice to be so taken care of sometimes)
obsetress: (jamie throws a pillow at her)
obsetress: also thinking about secret soft vibecca are sometimes and how horrified dani and jamie are the first time they see it with their own eyes
em: jamie and dani excessive PDA queens get a taste of their own medicine
em: it’s so funny that i’m like. always on the verge of viola horny posting but as soon as it’s vibecca i’m like look at these babies. these beautiful babies
obsetress: viola and rebecca kissing one (1) time at brunch and jamie, arm slung around dani’s shoulders, is like “oi, no one wants to see that” and dani, leaning into jamie, one hand in her lap, crinkles her nose and rebecca’s like “y— you’re kidding, right?”
obsetress: also like. we talk a lot about what vi does for rebecca but also like
obsetress: vi massive abandonment issues and rebecca just
obsetress: she just stays
em: ur gonna Kill me here lies em
obsetress: i know i didn’t mean to and then i just
obsetress: i can’t think too hard abt them or i will Melt Down but just like
em: look if rebecca can see the best in someone as awful as peter
em: viola isnt nearly as terrible
obsetress: esp vi post dani like
obsetress: she’s obnoxious and haughty and neoliberal but
obsetress: radical love goes a long way!
obsetress: rebecca grounding her thru touch and rebecca slipping her hands around vi’s and easing them loose when vi’s hands start to clench and rebecca just pressing a kiss to viola’s temple and murmuring “i’m here, yeah? with you. not going anywhere”
em: like i just think after eddie dani wouldnt like, just go w the flw any more. like i think abt her challenging viola occasionally
em: lovingly! gently
but like, holding her accountable
em: also violas absolutely little spoon
em: like i know blah blah viola top rebecca top leaning switch but viola little spoon
obsetress: “actually viola” (vi always knows she’s in trouble when dani calls her viola) “that was really hurtful” “i’m sorry you feel that way, dani, but—“ “i don’t need you to be sorry for how i feel. i need you to show me you’re sorry for what you did”
em: dani calls vi the Full Name and viola knows shes in trouble bc thats at least 4 extra vowels w danis midwest accent
em: it is always v surprising how much like, working w kids equips you to work w adults. b/c at least w kids you dont have layers and layers of social nuance to work through. u can just say 'hey. that was hurtful and your apology sucks'
obsetress: meanwhile dani’s over here trying to explain to vi intent vs impact and how no, it’s not semantics or nuance, it’s actually kind of a chasm
em: i kind of love like um. look viola is terrible but she wasnt born terrible
obsetress: she just has a lot to unlearn
em: and id belive that even if i wasnt a ghostfucker thats just rogers theory of self actualisation babyeee
obsetress: dani viola big fight n dani's like
obsetress: "i'm sorry and i love you but it's not my job to fix you, vi" and she just breaks down and she's like "it's not"
obsetress: jesus why did my brain take THAT turn
em: wrow
em: its ok i was gonna be like 'so they obvs break up at some point....'
obsetress: anyway viola just stares at her for a second and then she's like "you put the 'i'm sorry' before the 'i love you'"
obsetress: and dani just stares at her for a long time and she's like "yeah. i guess i did"
obsetress: i KNOW what the FUCK
obsetress: anyway dani's like "i guess i did" and vi's like "is that it then?" and dani just looks at her with her puffy eyes and is like "i think so"
obsetress: dani clayton queen of saying "i love you" over and over in the midst of breaking up w someone
em: well! she has a lot of love to give but, she also has to love herself sometimes!
em: i was thinking abt scenarios n i just remembered that. whole video rental shop thing so i think that slots in nicely
[em edit: u can read here]
obsetress: god i love that lil scene
em: dani sends viola a tentative little meme peace offering and they get back to talking and its nice but maybe a bit awkward and viola mentions like, going to therapy and seeing someone for help n its
obsetress: vi's stewing on "i can't fix you" for weeks and then she's begrudgingly. BEGRUDGINGLY calling a therapist
em: like its still awkward and dani is still nursing some wounds but she can ALSO be happy for someone she used to care about
em: still cares about!
obsetress: she's always gonna love her in some way or another
obsetress: but yeah also like. smth to viola being too stubborn to do anything she doesn't wanna do except suddenly when dani clayton gets involved and that feels p canon in its own way too
em: 'i cant fix u' weird bc every time i see viola im like 'i can fix her'
obsetress: it's like ur in my head bestie
em: how do u think viola and rebestiecca met
em: not that u think abt it or anything
obsetress: MAN i was just thnking
obsetress: in this universe how did dani and jamie meet but i guess it can still just be bly tbh
obsetress: as for vi and bestiecca hmmm
em: am so caught up in the joy of fucked up interpersnal dynamics i forgot a meet cute
obsetress: honestly part of me wants to be like
obsetress: on some dating app but a dating app for posh people yk
obsetress: but then i'm like
obsetress: that takes all the meet cute fun out of it
obsetress: oh GOD
obsetress: i got it
obsetress: ready
obsetress: so like viola landlord we know this
obsetress: and then i was watching whatever ep three the other day and bex mentions wanting to do public law right
em: oooooh
obsetress: bex public housing attorney
em: OOH
obsetress: they meet at some conference
obsetress: hit it off prob fuck lbr
obsetress: and then
obsetress: comedy of errors
obsetress: whoever stays the night, they sleep together again in the morning, breakfast in bed, bex is like "so what do you do, anyway"
em: hjgbjshmdnfbmngbmhnbgs,hndg m,shndgds
em: YES
obsetress: and then they just
obsetress: also i like to think rebecca invites vi back to her hotel room and vi is so charmed by her taking charge ("""taking charge""") that she lets her
obsetress: and then like
obsetress: god for a while what if they just like
obsetress: they're so mortified and morally and fundamentally at odds but like
obsetress: the sex is so good???????
obsetress: that they keep just meeting up and then
em: romeo and juliet situation
obsetress: yk how it goes
obsetress: the sex is good and they see each other as like
em: thats so fucking good thank u hannah
obsetress: super rare intellectual equals whatever
obsetress: thank u i am exceedingly proud rn
obsetress: honestly at this point i'm
obsetress: rebecca and vi uhaul change my mind
obsetress: like not too quick because isabel but, quick enough to be considered
em: so the joke is like. obviously 'extremely pda damie' but when rebecca and vi are alone they Also cannot get their hands off each other
obsetress: they both just. worry about appearances too much meanwhile
obsetress: tweedle dee and tweedle dum in the overalls and mom jeans dgaf
em: accidentally seeing ur friends compromised is just part of the package of being friends w damie. however jamie accidentally catches vibecca in the act and shes Horrified
em: hypocrits
em: danis like yeah what do u. think theyre doing
em: dani is nonchallant bc shes dated viola of all people
obsetress: i mean could you imagine
obsetress: between vi and dani's just
obsetress: insatiable libido
obsetress: dani, very seriously: jamie, when two women love each other––
em: dani likes dating jamie bc it means she can top occasionally :) maybe even more than occasionally
em: jamies like ooh my god i knw i know how are u so casual about... rebecca... and ... viola... (dani just pulls her in fr a smooch)
obsetress: they have each other's clothes half off and dani's like "i'm so casual because i dated her too, babe" and jamie's like "can we not have this conversation right n"
obsetress: also i still have this on my clipboard from earlier we bopped around so fast but
obsetress: vi and bex hooking up early on:
obsetress: rebecca knocks on vi's door at, like, 6:00 pm after work, vi opens it, rebecca just grabs her and kisses her, vi pulls her in, becca kicks it closed behind her, vi shoves her against the door and they're kissing against it, then vi's ducking her head to kiss along rebecca's neck and rebecca's like "how many people did you evict today" as she angles her head and then viola's finding her lips again and tugging at her lower lip with her teeth "probably not as many landlords as you shortchanged today" and rebecca's laughing and pushing her backwards down the hall as viola tugs at her blouse
em: GOD. viola is probably like
em: ok, disclaimer: fuck all landlords
em: but at least in this fantasy world perhaps viola is 'fairly' 'reasonable' n shes absolutely playing it up for the hate sex angle n rebecca Maybe Assumes shes lying but
em: stupid morons in love
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: i think i've mentioned this before but like
obsetress: now that it's more fleshed out
obsetress: then they're at drinks one night (and when did it go from just sex to drinks? neither of them could tell you) and viola's kinda quiet n moody (n rebecca already knows she Gets Like This sometimes and that she'll usually say whatever she's thinking eventually) and finally she's like
obsetress: "i have... a daughter" and rebecca's just like "tell me about her" like it's the easiest thing in the world
obsetress: and viola's head snaps over and she stares because she was.... not expecting that
obsetress: and so viola does
obsetress: and rebecca's just like "i'd love to meet her one day"
em: soft.....
obsetress: they always turn back to soft
obsetress: like they have a fuckin mind of their own
em: rapidly oscillate between horny and soft
obsetress: that's the mood
em: violas probably like. yknow, rebecca's young and up and cming n she probably assumes rebesticca isnt interested as something as full on as a kid but shes like 'do you have any photos'
obsetress: fuck!!!!!!!!!
em: rebeccas like do u think i didnt. see the photos at ur apartment lmao
em: theres a childs drawing on the fridge
obsetress: rebecca has known almost from the jump but was
obsetress: giving viola her time
obsetress: also smth smth giving her time instead of time wearing her away etc etc we're all in hell
em: cracks knuckles
em: bestie....
obsetress: pls
obsetress: it's what i deserve
obsetress: first tho
obsetress: consider
obsetress: the way viola's face lights up when she's talking about isabel and showing rebecca all the pictures
obsetress: hold pls
em: soft......
obsetress: this one chief
obsetress: right here
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