#im sorry this turned farcille related
danganphobia · 1 month
also whats falin doing in the college au. is she also in the dnd club . is she havin fun . tha silly <3
falin's chilling! she's into entomology and zoology. marcille's more of a philosophy/theology major but she met falin through electives and fell for her instantly. love at first sight. u-haul lesbians.
she and marcille have been dating for a while and unfortunately they have become laios' lesbian Parents when he's having his own gay crisis about toshiro. he would come to their dorm at like three in the morning with his favorite pillow because he's in his feefees and falin's just like. sighs, "i'll get the hot cocoa" and marcille says, "i'll get the couch blanket" and they listen to laios vent his feelings about how cool and pretty and out of his league toshiro is and that he doesn't know what to do because he's just some lame broke college student that lives vicariously through their dnd club meetings because he wants to be as legendary as he is in his campaign.
falin and marcille listen to him mope and console him. marcille is just looking at falin like "do you think he's gonna cry himself to sleep anytime soon" and falin shakes her head and pats laios' head, saying "it's okay brother, i'm sure toshiro's just as nervous as you are. maybe he has his insecurities too."
and marcille's like "dude's family's fucking loaded falin, pretty sure his bodyguards have bodyguards." and laios starts sobbing even further. safe to say laios ends up sleeping over at farcilles' for like the thousandth time. marcille is praying he gets over his stupid fucking gay feelings and confess his feelings to toshiro already because not even she herself was this pathetic. but they stay with laios until he falls asleep anyway they barely get any sleep later in the morning themselves.
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