#im still taking a hiatus from UT
hellbubu · 3 months
Ugh, its awful. I need to mask SO hard whenever I'm home. I explained to mom about my social battery and now she uses that expression alllll the timeee....but she doesn't seem to realize I'm including *her* too, in the 'people that tire me out' category ¬¬ She gets mad I go to bed late, but it's the only time of peace and quiet where i can do stuff without noise and interruptions from others! Usually when im alone im a depressed useless lump half of the day, but the need to mask with a smile and answer and interact and be *cute* is just so engraved in me i do it automatically and it never ends *cries* Sorry for the rant lol (also, im too tired to write correctly so sorry for that)
Derrick forcing the others to play bad and Red house losing AND redmond not noticing would be hilariousssss
Oh, man, imagine a teen movie with this plot xDDD I'd watch the hell outta that!
Ikr!! Like, WHO kills someone to supossedly 'solve a problem' and immediately goes 'and bringing them back will solve everything! Like, why ?? If getting rid of him was the solution, why bring him/them back...??? Ugh, teenage boys. La edad del pavo, indeed.
Gaaahhh, imagine Druitt being a friend of the LM. *shivers* I mean, it makes sense? All these pervs seem to run in the same circles...(although LM has the 'easiest' option of taking what he wants from helpless children 24/7 9 months of the year, and the security of them not being brave enough to tell anyone or being able to scape. Imagine the nightmare of having caught the eye of that creep, blergh.)
Fr, fr, we se Seb, LM, UT and....one more teacher? For such a 'prestigious' institution, the education sure seems lacking (this is why they send the royal brats off to Eton lmao)
Right, right???? They should have totally manage to escape! And we weren't shown any more violence or blood or ANYTHING. So what. happened. (Also, I imagined Violet with the knifes cause there's no way he'd be able to take on two guys lol. Poisoned darts would work as well, Dementia!)
asjdhakjafhsdkjfshd, I've seen all kind of theories! Still, all I know is that UT is obssessed with Phantomhives but somehow doesn't care about killing Ciel OR about who slaughtered them. (Alsoooooo....if UT was able to save r!ciel's body before seb burned the body...does this mean he was there??? inside the house where they were torturing the boys??? for how long????? why didnt he save them????)
Poor Joanne. Truly, a hellish year. *tu-tush!* Also, he was probably so relieved about the canoe incident since people would talk more about that than him...only to end up pissing himself in front of the others. ALSO! Was he even made prefect?? Like, i saw a post about him being too young and being passed over, which would MAJORLY suck, since the other prefects are the only people he can talk about that night with. But the blurry red house prefect we see is blonde so idk. (I bet you he joined the boyband purely out of pettiness to fuck the P4 over. Im sure the others -except Soma, poor clueless baby- joined for the same reasons lol)
Awww, that's so cute! And a totally worthy endeveour for a 2nd son to invest in! FU r!ciel (i wanna like you, bb, but the fandom hasnt given me much hopes about you and i still have to read the manga)
SPEAKING of that. Yana went on hiatus!!!! I'm in despair.
Victoria being mad jealous of Claudia over UT would be hilarious. Basic in a 'powerful-women-can-only-be-enemies' kinda way; but hialrious.
I DO feel that if she did order it would have made more sense to 'save' the twins (or at least one) and earn their devotion? Give them a false enemy to burn and keep using them as her loyal dogs. But if she gave the order to erradicate the family completely someone fucked up MAJORLY. I bet heads rolled xD
A shift in power would make sense...but how? An Earl is a looong way from the crown (and with her many children and even grandkids!?). Maybe she started something supernatural over Albert's death? And Vincent found out? Questions, questions.
Beso <3
Constant social interactions are the worst especially when you can't be yourself. Having to act like you're someone else is tiring and you should really get some rest. Like not just sleep or be alone for a bit, but take some days to actually properly recharge, if possible.
He wouldn't force them to play badly during the tournament, only during practice... or at least I hope so. The Red House getting beaten by the Blue House because of Derrick does sound fun tho.
I think that the previous P4 took all the brain cells when they left. Otherwise, why would they 1. think that killing a bunch of boys was a good solution and 2. think that bringing the boys that they killed back to life was a good idea?
Druitt and the LM are both pedos, but I think Druitt would think he's better than LM because he (Druitt) has a title, is a doctor, and gets away with buying and selling kids. LM has to watch in the shadows as boys are beaten, while Druitt goes and kidnaps kids to sell. Druitt thinks LM is in a league waaaayy lower than him. He doesn't seem to even realize LM can do as much as he does (well, maybe not the selling part) and not even be found out. He (LM) brings it up once but Druitt is too busy salivating over a boy (Ciel in a cheap wig and different clothes) to pay attention.
I like to think that the bullies have never been held at knifepoint, so when Violet pulls out one, singular, butter knife they freak out and think Violet will manage to kill them. Meanwhile, Violet is just stabbing air and swinging his knife around while praying that they'll back off so Greenhill can kill them.
Maybe he got there just after Sebastian was summoned or something. He thought "holy shit, if he (Sebastian) knows I'm here, he might just eat the other twin. I need to keep quiet so I can still the other's body. I'll bring him back to life so they can play happy family later."
I think I might like R!Ciel if I read the manga. Alas, I can't. But O!Ciel would always be my fave twin. He's always been so kind. <3
I heard she's working on the ending. I do think it might take a few years for it to end tho. I feel like there's still too many questions for it to end soon. I'm not a manga reader, but even I know that there's still quite a bit left until they start to unravel the Phantomhive murders. Like, the current arc might lead to the final one, but from what I understand SebaCiel have yet to meet UT&R!Ciel again and are on their honeymoon... so quite a while still
Maybe Claudia fucked her over and Vincent was about to too, so she'd rather just get rid of them all. We know she doesn't trust O!Ciel because she had the Charles follow him during the Circus Arc. So it might not be too far-fetched to think that many of the previous Guard Dogs have turned against the crown at one point or another and she might've wanted to start over with a cleaner slate.
I mean, maybe Vincent just saw something he really didn't like and was willing to fuck England over. Let drugs freely on the streets and sell secrets regarding England. But I could be wrong. He does have this dude called Chlaus as an informant and this guy travels a lot. So, if Vincent were to try to fuck shit up and then make a run for it with the help of Chlaus but the Queen finds out...
Besitos :* :*
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clacy2812 · 2 years
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Pride i drew from Twitter :D
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sainadazai · 3 years
"I Missed you sex" with Bokuto
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As you sat outside your home in the patio chair that hardly cushioned you, waiting for the sound of his boisterous laughter, you couldn’t help but smile. It had been a whole week since he’d been away, and boy, no one ever told you how much you could miss someone. This had been the worst week of your life, because you hadn’t even prepared for the feeling of going to sleep without him, you never thought you’d have to. 
Now, of course, Kou was always a volleyball player, he left for small trips here and there throughout your relationship, but you’d gotten together after he sustained a sports injury, and was sent on hiatus. Never had you ever been more proud of being an athletic trainer and physical therapist than the day you met him. With his pouty face and casted up leg. Yet somehow the whole time he was with you that day was spent laughing hysterically. 
For the year and a half you’d been together, he hadn’t been to one traveling tournament, only practices and local games. He was always home by nine. So it's obvious how the past week had gone, but now it was finally over and you could sleep next to him again, touch those broad muscles and lay across his wide chest. You could kiss all over him, and feel the ecstasy that is his touch. 
Car revving is what makes your eyes focus in again, and you almost start to tear up when through the passenger window you can see his white hair poking up in all directions, a smile on his face as he barely focuses on driving, opting to stare straight into your eyes with the excitement of a child. 
He steps out of the car as you begin standing to go meet him, both of you are running at each other before you know it, interlocking all your limbs in a messy and aggressive hug. Legs wrap around his waist and when he finally feels that contact he’s been missing all week, he almost melts. 
“Hey..” you whisper, laughing a bit through it.
“Hey, Hey..” he speaks back, head tucked into your neck, loving that the two of you can greet each other that way again. 
“H-” you go to speak again, but he cuts you off with a gentle kiss. 
“Don't ruin it.” His hands squeeze at your waist, and his presence makes you break out in a giddy smile, the same one he’s wearing. 
“Love ya.” 
“Love ya. Oh! Did you clean our room while I was gone, because I so totally was gonna do it before I left, but then poof! I was on a plane and I was like Oh. My. God. Y/n is gonna be so mad, Im sorry ba-” 
“I did, c’mon Kou let's go inside..” you interrupt with a roll of your eyes. 
The two of you are happy. So pleased just to see each other again that you don't mention the underlying thoughts, and feelings. How having those hands around your waist, feeling how he is so big and towers over you, it made you dripping wet for him. How your breasts shoved right up against him, and that tiny little tank top you were wearing made him want to mark you up all over. The way you walked up the steps to your shared bedroom in those loose sweat shorts was causing him to drool, just at the sway of your hips. 
Koutarou and you didn't really have bedroom rules, there was a safeword just in case, but otherwise sex was simply recreational, it was about being close to eachother. So you weren’t afraid to pounce on him the second the bed came into your line of sight. 
Stripping your shirt off in the middle of the hall to reveal your breasts, nipples already hard both from him, and the cold air outside, then jumping on him. Your lips met his as he grasped your thighs and he bucked his hips subconsciously into you. 
The two of you just needed to feel each other, after a week of no form of touch from anyone, the only way to satiate the craving was to get as close to him as possible. You wanted him in you and on top of you, all around you if possible, everywhere. While he mostly associates touch with love, sex being the most intimate form of that, the more passion he puts into it is representative of how much he fucking loves you. Every part of you. The pleasure is just an added bonus. 
Thus it’s not unexpected when he slams you against the wall just by the open bedroom door, using it to push the two of you further together. Your back arches in contact with it and he uses that space to slit his hand in the dip of your back. 
Thick and wet kisses make their way from your mouth to your neck as his other hand grasps your left breast. He squeezes it in pulses, matching the in and out motion of his kiss, sliding his thumb over your nipple with each movement. A groan of his name falls from your wet lips when you first feel his hips grinding into yours, the much needed friction being given to you in just the right way. You could even feel how with each kiss and touch he was growing harder beneath those grey sweatpants. 
His low cut tank top exposed the sides of his chest, so you snuck your hands around and under to feel his flexing pecs, one making its way to his shoulder for grip. 
When he pulls away from your neck he speaks, “Fuck, missed you so much baby, missed your taste,” before he’s back to eating up every inch of you. You feel a bit of a shock when he jumps a bit you position you higher against the wall, latching his mouth to your unattended breast, sucking your nipple in his mouth and rolling his tongue around it, before popping off. 
“Missed all of you..” 
You moan at the warmth of his mouth on your nipple, loving the way he fucking worships you. “Miss you too, Kou- fuck- so much.” 
The sound of his name unsteadily rolling off your tongue sets him off, he needs more of this, more of you. So the man seats his hands under your ass, still kissing all over your breasts, and walks the two of you into the room. 
He even giggles as he falls over you onto the bed, the contact on your back is soft, the bed you love, but only when he is here, doing things like this to you. Contact is lost for a mere second while he rises to throw his shirt to the side, you take the time to rush off your shorts and undies. No one ever looked at your naked form the way Kou does, it's like he’s finally seen heaven, his eyes roam over you not like you're a piece of meat, but more so a delicate dessert for him to savour. 
“God your perfect, everyone must be so fucking jealous of me,” 
“Trust me, they are ~” you rouse, hoping to get a bit of jealousy out of him, because he is already towering over you like the giant he is, may as well seal your fate. It's not that you want to have rough sex, more so you need an excuse for the small tears gathering in your eyes, just at the fact that you can feel him now.
You never thought you’d cry over something like this but you missed him so fucking much, words don't even begin to explain, that's why you two do this first. Words aren't enough, but this way, the both of you can show eachother how much you needed the other when they were gone. You can give each other pleasures that only you hold the keys too, and make them feel things they only feel for you. 
Heat shoots straight to your center when you look up to see him in front of you bare, cock hard and ready as he stands there like a greek god, posed and all. 
“Anyone jealous of what you get, then?” he asks, not because he doesnt fucking know they are, but because he loves seeing you confient, that's what he always gets from that question. 
Both of your arms stretch up to reach for him, wrapping loosely around his muscular neck, “Oh yeah, but you know your mine,” you smirk, glad to be so sure he was always faithful when he was gone. You never had to fear for that. 
“Damn right I am.” Kou mumbles before connecting your lips, using one hand to run down the side of your stomach down to your clit, then continuing to the gap of your legs, spreading you wider for him. The tips of his fingers trace your leg up and down gently, sending shivers through you, and making you moan into his mouth. Then, one finger slides through your folds to gain access to your hole. It smooths over the damp flesh for a bit, before sinking deep into you, the stretch feels heavenly, but he knows friction is what gets you. 
The finger inside you quickly begins thrusting in and out, angled so that it rubs on the underside of your hole on it's way out, and thrusts into your g-spot on re-entry. The movement has your body writhing. His lips are marking up your entire chest, taking turns on each breast and moaning against your skin. 
He could do just this forever, he loves the way your walls get wetter and wetter around his finger, and the cute face you make when he inserts another. He know how big he is, you've had to tell him before in the past so that he understand how much you need this prep. 
It's never an issue, though, because Kou loves pleasing you, gets off on it even. Sometimes he wonders if just watching you make those pretty faces and noises could make him cum. Not that he wants to today, because as much as he loves pleasing you, he misses the feeling of you wrapped around him. 
The feeling of your body beneath him, or on top of him, anywhere as long as he can feel the pulse of your cunt around him. 
"Baby please!! Please let me put it in, need to feel you" He whines, having made himself painfully hard just imagining being that close to you again. 
Little did he know how much you needed him to fill you up, wanted him to tower over you with his broad frame and pound into you. Wanted him to show you how badly he needed you, how he couldn't even get off without you anymore. 
"Oh God, just hurry up I need you, Kou." 
He takes the way your wriggling beneath him as a sign that you were close, he was too, embarrassingly so. Thus he hissed as he grabbed hold of his veiny and flushed cock to line it up with your cunt. 
The second he felt just a hint of uts warmth he groaned and rested all of his weight on his hips, not even noticing how he was practically prying you open. 
His eyes are closed to take in the feeling he missed so much, until he here's a whimper, and feels your arms wrap around him strongly. 
"What baby, are you okay? Is this okay?" He is so kind you even let out a chuckle at him. 
"Feels so so good, I didn't even know i could miss someone as much as i missed you- ahh" 
Your words were sweet and he desperately wanted to hear more but with the way you were pulsing around him, he couldn't focus, he needed to get it all out before his mind would come down from the haze of pleasure. 
His thrusting was deep and slow, each movement pushing your whole body further up on the bed. His face was wrinkled up in concentration, but he made sure to focus on how your boobs bounced up and down with his strokes, and the way your mouth fell open with loud screams of his name. 
The pleasure and heat in the room were ever-growing, sweat starting to form on both of your torsos. Until finally a wave of pleasure ripped through you and you weren't sure whether to curl away from the feeling or move as close as possible to it. 
"Me too-" he grasped the white blanket beneath you harshly as he came inside you. The warmth of his cum reminding you of how he was yours and you were his and this was home.
"You're never leaving for that long again." 
"Eh, I'm not sure, I mean if the sex is like that every time…" 
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freshiegayboi · 4 years
small announcement
im gonna finish my comms/commitments for ut fics
and then im taking an indefinite amount of time off from writing for the fandom as a whole
all my fics will go on hiatus till i come back ill still do the occasional art, probably
thanks for sticking with me, if you decide to <3
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aicosu · 6 years
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Hey so, I’m making this post mostly for readers of Kismet or Ladylionhart. I knew both her and her story had a pretty hefty following, and despite it not being updated I know as a fic reader myself, I would be wondering what happened if I went looking.  SO! I got a tumblr message a few days ago saying that LadyLionhart’s reylo story “Kismet” was plagiarizing my solavellan story “Message Sent.”  It’s not the first time I’ve been linked stories claiming this. Message Sent is a Wrong Number texting slow burn. And those are way more common than you’d think. Anyway, I investigated, and this time it was pretty damning.  Feeling sorta deflated and honestly just… tired, at seeing the amount of praise in the amount of it clearly ‘heavily inspired’ if not just straight lifted, I didn’t take any screenshots or comparisons. Im not the kind of person to make call out posts. So I messaged Ladylionhart on tumblr, before even deciding to make a report or a post… or whatever. I was also worried maybe I myself was being paranoid about the similarities.  In the morning I got the above messages, and no opportunity to respond, because her entire ao3 account, the story, and her tumblr were all deleted.  So that’s that I guess. Sorry to the readers of Kismet. That sucks. I know it was well loved. Sorry I had to be the one to pull the plug on it.  As I said, I didn’t take any comparison screenshots. I didn’t think it was gonna be straight deleted. But here is my list of notes from what I found similar in the stories, so hopefully it doesnt seem I inadvertantly got it deleted just cause it was a text/wrong number fic.  And if you have read Kismet and want to compare yourself, here is my story Message Sent published in march, 2015  (TFA/reylo came out dec, 2015 and Kismet, from what I remember, was published early 2017) -wrong number au, texting based romance -Professor and younger romance interest, age gap -she calls him professor, he calls her troublemaker  -the first message is about a book, and a misidentify as the professors assistant -Her name is stated, His name is a pseudonym -his texting is super formal, hers is young and casual -scene where he texts her during a meeting  -scene where he shoes her his view from a balcony -scene where she mentions a bakery and he visits  -he leaves her a gift, visit a bookstore -scene where they go to the same party and pass by each other but dont notice -scenes where he shows her pictures of his apartment -text convos about how theyd rather be with each other (flirty pre-sexts) during the party they are at together but dont know it -text convos of her being a roomate/living alone, convos where she trie sto guess his taught subject -She loves his hands/picture of hands not face, he did not mean to take picture of his hands -guided masturbation scene  -scene where he leaves the dinner table because of sexts
Whole text conversations seem lifted straight out of my own fic at times. Which is a little strange to read, since me and my bf roleplayed the texts in my fic. (Reading my boyfriends texts in someone elses fic, even with a slight word or lore change, is just really weird. Sorry im not trying to make this personal, it just happens to be) Kylo/Ben seems to talk a ton like Solas, in tone, cadence, formality. Etc. She also seemed to go on hiatus right before they were to meet and I went on hiatus right after I wrote them meeting. That one could be a coincidence but ehhh I dunno. Maybe she ran out of ideas. 
As far as what my response would have been? I dont know. A simple dedication page would imply I consented and I really… didn’t and I dunno that I would have. I honestly dunno what my response would have been tbh. I’m still unsure. Lots of the lore and surrounding events were changed and word choices were, if not the topics. And I feel for her readers.  But did Kylo have to be a professor? Did they have to visit a bakery/coffeshop/bookstore? Does he have to also show her a picture of his balcony? You can tell this exact same story without these exact details I think. I don’t think I would have cared or messaged her if it was a wrong number and Kylo was a tattoo artist and Rey was a thief who’d stolen the phone, or something.  Anyway, Sorry to all the Kismet readers. Sorry, she decided to delete all her works and account, and not just this story. Hope that clears it up in case you go back to your favorite bookmark and get a 404. :/
EDIT: I do not condone or want anyone calling out Kismet readers for not knowing that it was stolen. Its not their responsibility to check for plagiarism, and uts not their fault at all. It is the fault of the author and even then I DO NOT CONDONE ANY HARASSMENT OR CALLING OUT OF HER EITHER. I speak for myself do not speak for me.
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