#im still trying to find a good fc for his twin
salvatcrechild · 2 years
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jacob and leon salvatore –– the salvatore twin brothers
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mountphoenixrp · 3 years
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We have a returning citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                  Freya, the Goddess of Fertility,                     whose origins stem from Ancient Scandinavia.                          She is now the owner of Dagger & Roses.
FC NAME/GROUP: Im Jinah ( After School ) GOD NAME: Freya PANTHEON: Norse OCCUPATION: Owner of Dagger & Roses HEIGHT: 171 cm (5 ft 6 in) WEIGHT: 49 kg (108 lbs) DEFINING FEATURES: Warm Brown Puppy Eyes Turns Silver When Uses Her Charm. Beauty Spot Under Her Left Eye.
PERSONALITY: The fairest of them all, Freyja, the goddess who was devoted to a fault constantly wanting to make everyone in presence feel special and only wishes for small trinkets to show their love to her. Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people. Freya tend to suppress her own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts. The goddess is altruist, and they take seriously their responsibility to help and to do the right thing. Despite her collection of her finer things, she does spend a lot of time volunteering for charity especial animal shelters. Overall, Freya values order, love, compassion and wishes for peaceful world for all. Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all.
HISTORY: Once upon a time, they were two beautiful Vannir god twins Freyr & Freyja, she was the goddess of fertility, love & beauty who were believed to rule the Vanaheim the land of Vanir gods. The twins along with their father Njörðr were given to the gods of Asgard in exchange for a peace treaty. The goddess naive heart fell deeply for the god Odin who became her husband by charming him with her beauty & wits however he was mysterious man who only care for seeking knowledge leaving Freyja feel such loneliness so started to fill the void with companionship of others and material possessions. It all began where she would cry unique gold tears when she missed him greatly as he was off on his adventures and the time where she could not find him as she hunted him across the earth after her beloved but once again he couldn’t be found. Freyja became known as party girl of the Aesmir as she enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, creating friendships, sharing love & living in the moment. The goddess surrounded herself with many lovers & treasures to fill the hole which her husband left inside her yet despite everything her heart still stay true to him no matter whomever she slept with, her heart still belong to Odin no matter what.
There is lot more to Freyja other than being party girl, Freya is the archetype of the völva, a professional or semiprofessional practitioner of seidr, the most organised form of Norse magic. It was she who first brought this art to the gods, and, by extension, to humans as well. Given her expertise in controlling and manipulating the desires, health, and prosperity of others, she’s a being whose knowledge and power are almost without equal. Not only she is well versed in witchcraft, Freyja is warrior goddess and she shared Odin’s love of battle. She and Odin divided the chosen slain human heroes so that some of them would come to Valhalla to live with Odin and some would go to Sessrumnir “the field of the host” – the hall of Freya. Freya War Goddess was a master of the Battle Boar whose name was Hildisvini. Her boar became the symbol of war. Apart from the boar, people believed that Freya got itchy feet that she always wanted to travel in her chariot pulled by black or grey cats. She was also in possession of a falcon feather which she used to fly across. This falcon feather once appeared in the rescue of the kidnapped Idun the goddess guarding the apples of youth. It was clear that goddess could not stand by doing nothing, she always wish to be doing something never resting or pause to think about things.
After Ragnarok everything changed, Freyja found herself in once again in a beautiful woman body along with the curse of people seeming to do anything for her. The only difference is that’s some reason her features were Asian not Nordic which was fascinating to her. The goddess saw this as do-over start over maybe found some peace & love which her heart desperately craved trying contain her thirst for battle. Living as simple human in different lifetimes, adapting to the fast-pace world. Not really feeling she belonged anywhere, she sometimes live for mortal help raise their child for some time before disappearing into night as start ask questions on why she never ages. Freyja would give herself many names throughout her travels, from Eva meaning the giver of life which is Hebrew take on Gefn which she used before when travelling Earth when searching for Odin.
Eventually Freyja finally makes her arrival to the mysterious mount phoenix not even sure what to expect in a place like this. The goddess did becomes the new owner of the flower mill since she loves the scent of flowers & beautiful staff members. As her time pretending to be human she became fond of coffee as it was her life source to get through the day. Business is mere child play for Freya too since she is very good always getting what she wants through manipulation so running flower mill wouldn’t be problem either. Unfortunately Freya had to go away on some secret business to tend to, sadly letting go of the ownership of Flower Mill. Freyja decided to create own business from scratch since there is no store which sells weapons or antiques she decided to create her own collection even selling some of her treasures. Naming the store Dagger & Roses creating floral aesthetic store with beautiful ornate swords, daggers & bows in the glass cabinets. The most dangerous things tend to be most beautiful even Freyja offering lessons to people who wish to learn art of fighting and make perfect warrior out of the customer who would be welcomed to Sessrumnir.
Absolute Beauty: The power to be infinitely beautiful and use it to affect others. Freyja possesses the rarest type of beauty there is ( pure infinite beauty ), which is even higher up than supernatural beauty. No one, no matter how different their beauty standards may seem, cannot deny this person’s beauty as truly unfathomable as this person possesses infinite beauty. Because of this, she can use people to get what they so desire. Some people with this ability may even have magical abilities as a result of their beauty. She can literally charm anyone into doing her bidding with a simple smile or gaze, allowing them to gain a higher advantage. Plant Generation: The power can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, whether by drawing them from already existing plants, or by manifesting them anywhere they want. The reason why flower mill always covered in such pretty floral due to this power and helps grows the freshest ingredients for her baked apple pies plus the constant supply of fresh coffee beans. Enhanced Combat: The ability to possess enhanced levels of hand-to-hand fighting skills and excel in various forms of combat. Freya fought alongside her husband Odin & Valkyries she loves good fight. Over the lifetimes she mastered various fighting styles but only to protect herself & others never fights only if she is forced too plus she trains to keep herself in shape. What do you expect from war goddess?? She’s more lover than fighter.
STRENGTHS: Freyja has level of grace, physical beauty, sense of style and social poise above that commonly found on earth. Not only she is beautiful outside, she is inside since she see her compassion & love as strength than weakness. War goddess knows how to defend herself against anything, she had to learn from previous instances of being kidnapped on how to escape through with the power of strength alone not charm or wits. She’s got silver tongue, somehow she can easily talk into doing something or her bidding if she wishes or talk her way out of it. She knows how to use her womanly charms to get what she wants and not afraid to use it. Optimistic world-view and upbeat attitude, she likes to see the world can be wonderful place despite the dark secrets and the constant war among the humans due to petty things like greed. Freyja believes in the good things and likes to share her positive opinion around. Building deep, personal connections, she likes to know what’s in people hearts to figure out whether they are good person or not. Freya doesn’t care on who you are to the society but who you are in general. She is very good at creating connections with other people cause of that curiosity. Being adaptable in stressful situations, she remains cool as cucumber as some would say. Freya knows how to handle difficult situations since she is used to being in them a lot. She spent eternity dealing Loki antics, nothing will surprise her anymore and willing to help others through the ordeal. Communicating clearly and effectively is one of main strength since she is very much social creature. Without this ability she wouldn’t been able to create the connections she has with others. Passion for serving others, she loves to please and seeing what joy it brings to others face. That what made Freyja such a good wife since she would have done anything for Odin without even thinking due to her devotion.
WEAKNESSES: Highly noticeable, can attract unwanted attention. Does not on-and-off her beauty to allow direct control or subversion of others’ wills. No control so she doesn’t know whether the person feelings are genuine or it’s her beauty curse. Most Gods are immune to her absolute beauty yet only affects them mildly but only wanting to be in her presence however it can cause humans or demi-gods to become obsessive about her. Which can be dangerous. Magpie syndrome, an irrational affinity for shiny objects. When a highly shiny object is seen by the sufferer it often may induce a compulsive need to claim it and several minutes of staring at said object in the sun. Tendency to be overly competitive or obsessive, she does like to win in without silly challenge even it simple game or something more grand. Freya already known for obsessive nature when comes to shiny things and beautiful objects even people so it is one of weaknesses for certain. Not acknowledging their own needs, she thinks about other needs before her own. Freyja is loyal to a fault and willing to go out of the way to help someone need not thinking about her needs or whether she is capable. She hates letting down other people and that’s her downfall. Taking criticism personally, words can simply cut like a sharp blade crushing Freyja instantly even though she may put on happy smile. The goddess is bleeding from the criticism even if it was over her cupcakes weren’t good enough. Criticizing themselves and others when under pressure, she is constantly questioned whether she is good enough in general and sometimes blame the others surrounding her too. It’s toxic trait she is trying her best to fix but sometimes wounds can’t be fixed so easily.
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allegedlytessa-blog · 7 years
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TESSA PEARSON, previously known as VICTORIA WINDSOR is a TWENTY ONE year old PRINCESS from ENGLAND that is being protected, along with ROYAL TWO FC, by SOPHIE COOKSON FC. SHE is often confused with SOPHIE TURNER and known to be AUSTERE and DUTIFUL.
hello there! i’m vivian and i’m so glad the rp is up and running!! i’ll be playing the older and cloudy to say the least bit of the england twins, and i’ll be babbling about victoria / tessa under the cut. i swear i’m not as difficult as my baby so pls give this post a like if you’re ok with be bumping your ims for some plotting!
victoria is the first born living child of england’s king henry and his wife alice, only twenty minutes before her twin, charlotte. those eventful twenty minutes, along with the death of her mother due to birth complications, have marked victoria’s life. little vic was set then to become the next queen of england, and that has never not been reminded her, which took a great tool on her upbringing.
the girl’s father, lost in his grief, didn’t really engage much with the girls (especially less with charlotte), thus the moments of joy and care in her childhood were mostly provided by others such as tutors and employees. victoria, though, did get plenty of her dad’s presence in her life, and that wasn’t all for good: there was a lot of unveiled pressure in her ever since she learned how to walk and speak, and she was always expected to be proper and conscious of her duties and position.
so while her sister went out to school, meet friends and do her heart’s desires, victoria was mostly stuck in the palace receiving a Very Traditional Princessy Education with etiquette, languages, politics and whatever you name it lessons; her life was much consisted of theories and politics that would supposedly be helpful for her future.
with a stiff environment, she too grew rather stiff. most of the things she says or acts are plotted beforehand, and she doesn’t know how to change that tbh. on the outside, she seems like the most certain and stoic little queen, but in the inside she’s a very anxious girl, with little to no experience in real life, making her a little naive / innocent. you know the kind of rich girl who spends not because she’s spoiled rotten, but because she doesn’t know how to do better?? that’s probably victoria tbh. she gives too much and asks for very little in return when it comes to personal relationships, perhaps because she was always very much her dad’s perfect puppet.
talking about her dad: victoria is very dependent on the king. even if he wasn’t a perfect father (far from it), he was her inspirational figure, and she is very blind and obedient when it comes to him -- even now she refuses to talk about his decision on war, even if sometimes she finds herself disagreeing deeply or angry (not that she will ever talk it out loud)
both victoria and charlotte have been in town since the beginning, for about a year now. even though it’s been a good while, victoria -- now called tessa -- is far from being used to her life, but she tries to make the best out of it anyways. she is slowly breaking out of her shell and involving herself: she is studying at the local university (regularly, which is a first) and has a job at the museum/planetarium; supposedly, she’s doing all that she hasn’t been able to do before, and enjoying hobbies she wasn’t allowed to have, but old habits die hard and she’s very hesitant on everything she does, always with her father’s voice in her head saying how this is right and doesn’t fit what is expected of her / proper for a future queen.
tidbits i’ve thought of so far:
she has a bit of a sweet tooth, and loves glace / fruit cakes
a bad drinker. horrible. gets super whiney and overly cute, gives hugs and tosses money around. likely recites shakespeare.
she has a really hard time not acting so according to the rules in every part of her life, so it’s likely she may be a little too formal, even with people her age.
tbh it’s likely she fluctuates between a grandfather (nagging, judging) and a toddler (excited/surprised at little things) personality wise, most of the times too out of touch with everything, especially in this “new world”
she’s trying to improve herself and have “a normal life” these days tho, and has taken to better her education: she always liked stars, and things that are certain, plus she’s good at math, so she’s going for a physics major and a history minor, because she still gotta have “something useful” in life. to make her a “normal” struggling student, she’s also taken a job to fill her hours so it’s not unusual to see her at the museum
despite her attempts to fit in as tessa, she still finds it very difficult to deal with how over self conscious and paranoid she is, so she doesn’t like being out all that much bc she keeps thinking how that may give her away or smth
charlotte/thea is her life. they may be very different but vic brings the older sister to a very strong level -- especially when considering they’re not even half an hour apart. their time in town has rekindled their relationship and victoria has turned a lot of her dependency to her sister
her father is probably not very approving of the above. victoria still exchanges often correspondence with him, and he visits a couple times a year to make sure things are going well
i’m looking for someone with whom victoria has written ever since her youth. they were pen pals due to an assignment at school, and may have or not stopped the correspondence and have met at town
besides a pen pal, i’ll be needing all sorts of relationships tbh. give me neighbors, fellow students, patrons at the museum, people from her past, romantic relationships, hateful relationships, family relations, anything. this baby just needs love tbh
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