#im taking a break from stan twt its nicer on here
haknew · 4 years
another cc on here but reading your post made me feel like twt stans are migrating on to this site and i hadn’t realised it.. i really feel awful seeing how the difference between amount of content for specific members in/and specific groups is always so obvious.. like even for skz i can see a LOT of content for some and idc about notes this is just focused on people expressing their likeness for a single member and it’s always the popular one.. like- i get it even my sis has the hots for Chan and Juyeon but she likes to write letters to all members, & the lengths only differ by 2-3 lines. And i know, if someone’s bias is a specific person, they’ll obviously post more about them! But that doesn’t mean that they can’t reblog content for another member or make a post for them :(( heck even make a single gif or one panel and you don’t have to do much, it’s the intent that counts but thing is that not many people ever intend to do it.. majority because they feel pressured to do so and i really am not calling anyone out, but being as stan on twt for so long and now finally coming to tumblr because there’s too many idiots on twt, tumblr is way better but overall the fandoms should try to be a little nicer in this sense since even if they don’t make content for a specific member they should try to reblog the content for them so that the member gains popularity as well ;( im sorry this got so long and its prolly repetitive as heck but dont worry, im sure there’s people who’ll try their best to be inclusive :)
yea actually i know quite a lot of deobi ccs and we all kind of collectively moved to twt to keep in touch when we all started getting too busy for content creating, but twt is so stressful and toxic when it comes to fanwars that i always find myself back on tumblr where things can be a bit calmer ;-; it’s why i’m back too actually i was taking a break from all the kingdom drama T-T ...
but yea i know that’s just how things are ... some members are more popular than others and it comes down to how much exposure they get, and how much content is made for them too etc. it always makes my day when someone says in my askbox they started biasing chanhee or hak from the content i made ;-; i really just want all the best for them and all of tbz ya know ? and i totally get wanting to post more about your favs ;-; i do it on here all the time,,, most my posts are about my biases,,, and that goes for many groups too, i said it earlier but i’m actually a collector too and you can tell a lot about member popularity from how they’re priced / asked for in trades ;;;; i don’t want to necessarily tell people to reblog certain things, at the end of the day their blog is their own so they should be able to do whatever they want it’s their own space ! but it’s definitely super discouraging when you’re a content creator for some of the more underrated members and it can deter you from making content for them ;;;; i know i’ve definitely felt that way,,,, since sometimes i’m like “yea i could make this haknyeon thing but it’s probably not going to get that many notes” and i know content creating shouldn’t be about notes or the numbers of likes, but really i content create to share with other people and it really is discouraging when it seems like no one really cares for what you’re making T-T ... i was so so proud of my haknyeon day post and it did ... kind of average for all the work i put into it ;-; but yea ! i agree with you definitely and although i don’t want to pressure anyone into doing things they don’t want to i’d definitely encourage people to hit reblog and maybe add nice things in the tags,,, sharing content so more people can see it is a great way for both the members and the creators to gain more exposure and that’s definitely something i hope can continue in the future ^^
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