#im talking about the latest ml episode
nilume · 2 years
Oh My God I Was Not Ready™️
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dont-forget-indigo · 5 years
I'm so sadddd
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lady-charinette · 5 years
For the character breakdown, Alya?
Ahh Alya...hm.
For how I feel about her, I still like her as a character. I think overall, despite the few bumps in the road (Chameleon ahem) that her character is well rounded, as in she mostly acts like a teenager with high and passionate ambitions would (a few of my friends used to want to do journalism etc and they were even crazier than her to 'get the latest scoop' or running their blogs).
Alya is a kind, compassionate and loyal friend to Marinette, I know some fans would shake their heads, but everyone makes mistakes or dismisses certain things as 'oh that's just (Marinette) being (Marinette)' while in reality it's different. I think such conflict is actually beneficial to them, to their friendship, to test its bond and not just portray them as best friends who never fight or disagree. I hope the ML team would at least mention Alya's behavior in Chameleon once, or have Marinette look back at it during a confrontation with Lila or such. Alya's positive actions so far definitely override the few negative slip ups she had, again, many fans will probably shake their heads and say 'But not me, I didn't behave like that as a teen that hurt their friends!', well you can't read minds, I imagine Alya's decision to not support Marinette's new seating arrangement to the back of the class was maybe to finally sit next to Nino for a change (her boyfriend, she's young, the relationship is new), I think she thought Marinette would be okay at least for a while before she asked to change seats again (or just stay the way it is, they do meet up during recess anyhow).
I ship Alya romantically with Nino, they're a really sweet, supportive duo. The recent episode "Puppeteer 2" only enforced that again, when Alya had doubts about being a good person and the actions she did during her akumatization as Lady Wifi, saying how scary it is to see herself not acting/looking like herself, only for Nino to reassure her quickly. I loved that scene (I'm not even going to talk about that other scene bc my eyes still need to be cleansed from that) and in many other episodes how it's obvious how they care and support each-other (Anansi, Pharaoh, Mayura...etc.)
BROTP? Marinette is number one obviously, but if there were a Group BROTP it would be Alya with all the girls (minus Chloe and Sabrina) in class, I love how supportive the girls are of each-other in their endeavors (not just with Marinette's love troubles but also in Party Crasher for planting trees...etc). I could also imagine with Adrien, as in, she would show him the ropes concerning how to be 'cool' and 'sassy' and 'headstrong' and (Adrien channeling his inner Chat) would humor her and they would both goof off. Or Alya teaching typical social cues to Oblivious Sunshine Child so he can survive on his own (also, stay away from Lila). She would also play wingwoman and try to get Adrien to see all the things she saw in Marinette, all the positive but also awkward things about the girl, using her own relationship as advice (that flaws are also part of the character and that they are good).
Unpopular opinion? I don't think I have one concerning Alya...maybe Alya being complstely different in her youth? As in, she wasn't the tough nut she is now but always felt like she was in her older sister's shadow as the middle child? As in, Nora being really good at sports back then and her parents fully supporting her and buying her equipment and paying for necessary classes, but Alya just feeling insignificant bc she didn't have such 'cool talents' as Nora, she just had a thing for journalism and writing and watching/filtering news. (Her parents supported her too, but to Alya then her hobby felt small in comparisson to Nora's). But after a while, thanks to Nora's support, she realizes she should be proud of the things she knows and loves that Nora doesn't and that it's okay to have different hobbies and interests. Alya grew more confident after and tried teaching the same to the Twins.
Err...I think I threw in a few things about what to change for Canon Alya..hmm...maybe include more scenes with her and Nino,Marinette etc. Just something similar to her and Mari having a sleepover (without akumas, thank you Hawkmoth) or Nino and her training for their superhero jobs or talking about them ('Do you think I can do that? Protecting people? I just mix music.' 'Don't worry turtle boy, I just chase down the latest news but soon we'll be the latest news people will talk about so we'll do everything we can to be good news.') Oh! Maybe more interaction between Adrien and her, just talking or Alya telling a joke but Adrien not getting it and Alya going full big sister on him to teach him things ('Alright Agreste, let auntie Alya tell you all there is to know about the big wide world.' 'Auntie Alya??')
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lunian · 6 years
Sorry for not answering many of your messages related to latest ML episode. 
Im just so tired talking about it, being too busy and almost dead by real life shit.
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inkshila · 6 years
Hi, I'm really frustrated right know:( Do you know something about the next ML episodes?
hey, same :/
i heard someone talking about a new ep airing march 8th? but it appears that family channel will re-upload Riposte instead? idek anymore. but tbh i’m thrilled to see how things develop after stormy weather 2 since Marinette apparently will try to become closer to Adrien AS FRIENDS. that is, if the episodes actually have some plot consistency (which we can’t compleeetely rely on because huh, we’re talking about ML’s writing team soooo). Also it seems like stormy weather 2 (on the production list) is one of the latest eps so probably the next eps’ plot will be about something that happened before SW2? but im not sure so yeah thats what i got... wbu?
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mr-adrien-swagreste · 5 years
The Similarities of Miraculous Ladybug & Code Lyoko
Note: Now originally I was only going to talk about how both series like to just say “whatever” when it come to Structure, but then I realized something: There are a lot of similarities between the two series. First I will discuss the first part.
As a fan of Miraculous Ladybug, one of the things that grinds my gears about the series (other than constantly teasing us with The Ships) is the order structure of the Episodes. I mean we were given The Origin Episodes around the Finale of Season 1.
Funny enough there is another series that is also a French Animated series that does something like this as well. Code Lyoko. Their Origins episode if I remember correctly was in its Third Season around Episode 55 or so. Even more funny; Thomas Astruc who’s the The Big Boss of Miraculous Ladybug was also involved with Code Lyoko. I guess his perspective of “Does a Show need Consistency/Order in its Episodes” hasn’t changed that much since his time with Code Lyoko.
Okay. Part one of this complete. Now let’s touch on the similarities of these great series. I’ll include them in bullet points in order to keep track of each point brought up.
Both series revolve around Kids/Teens who are constantly at battle with an Individual with Powers of Manipulation via one form or another. (Hawkmoth creates Akuma that have powers that vary from Envoronmental Manipulation to Clones of the MCs powers; XANA can manipulate The Environment like when he Turned Off Gravity & also control others in later Seasons, multiple Season 3+ similar to Hawkmoth as of late)
Both Villians have the Power to Corrupt other individuals. (Gabriel initially, XANA Season 2+)
Both series have a Major Focus on Shipping
Both have a ship that includes a Socially Awkward Blond Male & a Strong Talented Female character (Jeremie & Aelita Lyoko & Marinette & Adrien Miraculous)
Both series introduce a “Challenger” to The Ship in The First Two Seasons (ML: Kagami & CL: Sissi in Season 1; ML: Luka & CL: William in Season 2).
Both series have a Female character in the cast with Pink Hair (not like it a common Hair color)
Both have the Male Love Rival as an Edgy, Kind Hearted individual who at first people won’t like simply because he’s The Love Rival but quickly warm up to die to their personality. (Luka right away, William after a few episodes)
Character Designs are similar (even more so if you took the bangs off of the characters which we were able to see thanks to @sweetsweetsweetie & their Lila Rossi Post)
At one point in both Series, someone joins the Main Villian intentionally or unintentionally (William in Code Lyoko, Lila & Chloe in Miraculous Ladybug).
Both series have a Female Bully Character with an Important Father (Sissi in Code Lyoko with The Principal as her Father & Chloe with her Father The Mayor).
While Im on that topic, I’d like to also throw in the Lying Female Bully just to Spite the MCs Comparison via Lila & Sissi.
We could go one step further with the Redemption of said Female Bully Character but Chloe went backwards as of the latest episode hasn’t started yet.
Both series revolve around The MCs fighting the Corrupted Thing of the Day while only one of them having the Power to Purify it.
Both Series have a means to Reverse any & all damage done as a result of Villains Plans (Miraculous Ladybug & “Return to the Past Now”)
Actually now that I think of it, the average episode in both series follow the same formula: Villain initiates their current master plan, Heroes fight to stop it, Female MC stops Villain right before it goes all down hill, Female MC reverses all damage, end of episode. Of course some episodes spice things up with affect the Shipping in one way or another.
Both series have an Wise Old Man that helps the MCs directly or indirectly in the plot (Fu in Miraculous & Franc Harper in Lyoko)
Both series kill off their Wise Old Man character (physically in Code Lyoko, Fu’s Memories (technically the Fu we know is dead) in Miraculous Ladybug)
Both Series Exist because The Wise Old Man messed up big time in the past (Hopper created Lyoko & X.A.N.A. while Fu lost two Miraculouses which found their way to Gabriel)
Both Series have a student(s) that is obsessed with Journalism (the two kids in Code Lyoko & Alya in Miraculous)
Both Series have characters that are talented in Music (Adrien via Piano & Luka via Guitar; Aeilita & Odd (tho Odd isn’t nearly as good as Aeilita) via DJ)
Both Series have a Highly Intelligent Kid that’s clearly smarter than the rest of the cast, including the adults (Jeremie in Code Lyoko & Max in Miraculous)
Both Series have a wacky individual that works at the school (The Principal aka The Owl in Miraculous & Jim Morales in Code Lyoko)
Half Joke: Both Series have a Furry (Adrien as Chat Noir & Odd in his Lyoko Form)
I could go on even more but I think I’ll stop here. As to why....well...”I’d rather not talk about it”.
The one thing I hope Miraculous Ladybug doesn’t do is give us The Middle Finger when it comes to The Ships. What I mean by this is after 96 episodes of Code Lyoko, The Ships are left in an ambiguous state where nothing really felt confirmed. I hope that’s not the case with Miraculous. I’m ok with the current status of it being “On Hiatus” since the characters need more growth & Season 4 + 5 should give us that.....but if they do to us what a Lyoko did, the Fanbase (myself included) will lose our minds.
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