bydesiign · 5 years
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she’s serving your honor, i’ll have a coke
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bydesiign · 5 years
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“SO YOU’RE THE ONE KEEPING MY LITTLE RESEARCH ASSISTANT SAFE?” It’s always interesting to see who the Lone Wanderer drags into Megaton. Despite their vault upbringing, they sure have no trouble making new friends. “And a ghoul no less. Hm, I bet I could dedicate a whole chapter to ghoulification.” Her head tilts, suddenly seeing the figure in a brand new light. It isn’t only the vaultie who could help her research. “Could I ask you some questions? I promise itïżœïżœïżœll only take a few minutes.”
@royalmuses liked for a starter.
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bydesiign · 5 years
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“WHAT ARE YOU DOIN’ SNOOPIN’ AROUND THE UPPER STANDS, MISS PIPER?” Eden sits outside the Colonial Taphouse, her legs crossed. A smile rests upon her features as she leans back in her chair. “I hope no one up here has caused enough fuss to be part of your next story,” she adds. Most of the residents in the Upper Stands steer clear of trouble, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their fair share of controversy. Wealth, from what Eden understands, draws a distinct line between humans; the rich and the poor seldom coexist. It’s a division that makes little sense to her, all things considered.
“Or have you just come to sit with me?” she jokes, giving the reporter a friendly blink. “You know I never mind a bit of company.”
@horrorempathy liked for a starter.
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bydesiign · 5 years
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bydesiign · 5 years
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Vanessa listens to the other nursing her own drink. She ponders the question a moment before finally gather her words.
“Honestly? Based on what I’ve seen through Connor working with Hank it doesn’t look to bad. It has made hate crimes go up again.” Vanessa hadn’t really experienced much with androids till moving to Detroit, and as of her life so far she really hadn’t  had a bad experience.
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     “Just means all of us have to step up and protect them,” Rona replies with a nod. Maybe she’s still on the fence about androids and their humanity, but she doesn’t see much sense in anybody beating them   ---   even if some of them don’t even have pain receptors. “You’re right, though. Connor’s a good example of the good that’s come of it.” He works without complaint, and mostly keeps to himself, but it’s clear that he cares. And that’s all that matters to her. “I’m sure things will settle down eventually. People adjust.”
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bydesiign · 5 years
@vibeco   //   sc.
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     “You know, you should really join us on the Waverider sometime.” As usual, Ray speaks earnestly, eyes lighting up at the prospect. “I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind.” Mostly. Their ranks are ever changing these days, Legends coming and going. Having Cisco around for a few days wouldn’t alter the dynamic too much. 
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bydesiign · 5 years
@disciplc    //   sc.
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     “Easy, killer. I’ve done some stupid shit in my day for a pretty girl, but taking over an amusement park full of raiders? I think I’ll have to pass.” James knows that he doesn’t exactly represent the moral high ground, but he prefers not to mingle with raiders   ---   no matter how terrifyingly attractive some of them are. “I’m not going to be playing Overboss for much longer, anyway. S’not really my thing.”
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bydesiign · 5 years
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bydesiign · 5 years
@longthoughtlost   //   sc.
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     “I hope you haven’t been terrorizing the locals while I was busy,” James says, shooting a grin Celia’s way as he approaches her. Busy is, after all, one word for his disappearing with someone he met at the Dugout Inn overnight. There’s no need for details. He doubts Celia is pleased that she’s been kept waiting, but he glosses over that. “So   ---   today we’re hunting a man who shares his name with a cereal brand. Fascinating stuff, right? Where’s Dogmeat?”
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bydesiign · 5 years
@rottendoe​ asked: “Too shy, or too scared?“ / @ max !
         ❝  captain america: tws starters. ❞     //    accepting !
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   “Um, BOTH?” Max turns to Rachel, eyes wide. “Have you seen the competition for this photo contest? There’s no way I’d win.” She looks down at her lap where her camera rests, shoulders hunched. “I still have a lot to learn. I feel like everyone’s light years ahead of me.” She shakes her head, the ends of her bob bouncing with the movement. “I’ll wait for the next one.”
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bydesiign · 5 years
@riigged​ asked: “Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so
 no, not really.“ for eden!!
       ❝  captain america: tws starters.  ❞     //    accepting !  ( @riigged )
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     “There’s no need t’be catty, sunshine,” Eden says in an airy tone. “If you didn’t want anyone mistakin’ you for an Old World singer, maybe you shouldn’t dress like one.” She points at his outfit, her free hand on her hip. “Sure sounds like you’d fit in just fine with the rest of the folks in the Upper Stands, though  —-   with that attitude n’ all.”
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bydesiign · 5 years
@not-completely-human     //     sc.
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     “Oh . . . wow, look at you!” Moira’s eyes widen, gleaming happily as she surveys the stranger. She reaches out a moment, as if to touch her and assure herself she’s real, but stops, quickly bringing her hand back towards her chest. “There’s no way you’re a synth,” she says, shaking her head quickly. “All these robo-parts would get be a dead giveaway, and the Institute’s too smart for that.” At least, she assumes they are; she’s seen some remains of Gen 1 and 2 synths, but even those are few and far between, and never allowed to roam among the typical Commonwealth population. Well, except for Nick Valentine . . . 
     She shakes her head to clear the the rampant train of thought.  “Let me guess   ---   cyborg?”
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bydesiign · 5 years
She’s about to yell at him, cuss him out, before he corrects himself. She simply nods, then, going to grab her baseball bat, the old BB gun Jonas and her dad had gotten her for her tenth birthday, and a few other necessary supplies along with a picture of she and her father.
“ Amata said there’s a way out through the Overseer’s office. “ she informs him, voice breaking despite her effort to stay calm.  She wanted to cry – out of both anger and sadness.  If they had the time, she’d been interrogating Jonas as to why her father had abandoned her, but they needed to get out alive first.
“Sounds about right,” Jonas says, nudging his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. He anticipated James’s departure turning a few heads, but not even in nightmares did he imagine things would turn out this poorly. He helps Violet pack up the last of the supplies, his brown eyes wide and sympathetic. 
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“Violet, I know this is a lot to handle, but you’re tough! Always have been. You and I are gonna make it out of here, and I’ll explain to you everything I know about your old man. Promise.” He offers her a small, mostly forced smile, knowing damn well this is not how James wanted today to go.
“So, Amata wants us to break into the Overseer’s office . . .” He grimaces slightly. “Piece of cake.”
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bydesiign · 5 years
Send 💕for a deep, passionate kiss (citizensteels)
❝ free kisses!  ❞     //    accepting !      @citizensteels
With Nate still part-timing at the Time Bureau on occasion, there are weeks where Ray scarcely gets a chance to speak to him. He tries not to let it drag his mood down, but he can always tell from the knowing looks passed between the other Legends that his change in demeanor doesn’t go entirely unnoticed. 
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So, when Nate does come back on the Waverider, Ray wastes no time catching him when there’s a private moment to spare. “I missed you.” The admittance slips unashamedly from his lips as he gently pulls Nate closer, one hand rising to cup the side of his face. 
With that out of the way, Ray all but crashes into him, feeling a sort of neediness rise up in him as he presses their lips together.
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bydesiign · 5 years
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                                 THE ARROWVERSE PRIDE SERIES !
featuring ray palmer/the atom !
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bydesiign · 5 years
     Maybe he should feel guilty for suggesting that Laura would intentionally try and get him to stick around. Perhaps, though, it’s all wishful thinking. Beneath the anger and grief that he feels, there remains a desire to be accepted and wanted by the only friend he’s ever really had. More than anything, Liam wants to give her the chance to prove that he was more than just a pawn in the Railroad’s game, but the more rational part of him knows staying would only lead to more trouble for both of them. Either way, he’ll have to make a choice eventually.
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     He shakes his head, scuffing the ground with his boots. “Whatever. I’ll leave when it’s safe. I don’t want to put you . . . or the rest of the Minutemen out just to escort me across the wasteland.” He eyes her quietly, notes the tired way she holds her body. There’s still a lot on her shoulders, even without pressures from the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel.
     “Are you okay?”
@fromlandtosea    //   cont.
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bydesiign · 5 years
continued from here @killingklnds​
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“No, Raymond, don’t blame yourself for this. This was never your fault.”
The man takes in a deep sigh, looking down at his desk and trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill, to show the other man how he truly felt. He was scared, overwhelmed, unable to fight back everything ripping his soul, his heart into shreds. 
“I’m the one who caused all of this. I should be apologizing to you.”
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     He shakes his head. Nate’s only “crime” was that he cared too much to let Ray face Neron alone; no one can fault him for that. “I should have never interrupted John and Nora’s ritual,” he says. “It was my mistake that caused this, and I won’t let you take the blame for that.” He looks at Nate, one hand reaching out like he wants to console the other man, but he hesitates, and settles his hand back in his lap.
     “I wish all of this had never happened.”
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