#im the biggest fucking fan of his hairstyles
tsuzuruchipalace · 4 years
rating mankai company based on character design
Note: I will take into account hair, color scheme, sprite poses, mostly outfits that are not from plays or scouts, and memorability. This is half an objective view and half my personal opinion.
Disclaimer: I curse a lot for comedic effort. I am mean because I am funny. No, you cannot disagree.
Spring 🌸
sakuya: you get what you see. a literal spring babey. his hair and color scheme’s a little generic, but he’s mankai’s poster boy, so that’s understandable. speaking of generic, his main pose is just this emoji 🧍‍♂️ his outfits tend to be kinda basic, but any outfit with a mostly pink top gets him bonus points. 6/10
masumi: okay his hair is elite. probably one of the most memorable character design aspects among the cast. his mole and eyes also make him very pretty. love my boy’s dark color scheme. unfortunately, points must be docked for baiting us with the emo fit, then as the story progresses, he starts dressing like the trust fund kid he is smh. 9/10
tsuzuru: i love you tsuzu but. my mans is so basic. if he didn’t have such a great personality, he’d be as bland as untoasted white bread. the saya of a3. his best design aspect is the fact that he doesn’t dye his roots. his outfits look comfy, but not necessarily eye-catching. 4/10
itaru: everyone who starts a3! with no knowledge of these characters has one (1) thought about itaru. sec sea man. so obviously there’s something appealing/good about his character design. i think part of the appeal is his fuck-all demeanor. obviously, his eyes and hairstyle are attractive, but the way the artists draw him gives him an air of not caring, which is also attractive in a way. his dyed tips are also nice. he looks kinda lame when he dresses professionally, but his casual outfits hit. especially the ones with light pink. 8/10
citron: although i’m not a big fan of the “character is foreign and therefore must talk and dress different and be funny” trope in these types of media, his fashion does make him stand out from the other characters who tend to have more basic clothes. citron’s summer, travel, and autumn outfits SLAP and anyone who says otherwise has bad taste. his hair and eyes are interesting, but his overall color scheme can be a bit repetitive. 7/10
chikage: i hate this guy’s fucking bowlcut. fucking salad bowl lookin ass. every outfit is the same turtleneck and sneakers in two alternate colors. his outfits are so plain. only thing i like is his casual outfit glasses. HOWEVER. that’s the point. he’s supposed to look boring and blend in because he’s a spy. it’s a smart design, i just don’t like it so im docking points. stay mad about it. 5/10
Summer ☀️
tenma: im yawning. you think tsuzu was boring? this guy has orange hair and i still find his design boring. that’s how you know he’s basic. he’s got generic messy shounen protag hair. he could be from any property. if i drew fanart of him, people would ask where he’s from. he either dresses like your slightly homophobic frat boy classmate or a grandfather who gets his shit stolen by the asshole kids next door. 2/10
yuki: he has the r a n g e. all of yuki’s casual outfits hit. they’re all different, but cute in their own way. to no one’s surprise, one of the best styled characters. though i like his general color scheme, i’m personally not the biggest fan of his hairstyle. it’s okay, but a little plain at times. but i think it suits him well. 7/10
muku: i love him. muku’s design is what i love about this game. you see him, and you immediately know what his character archtype is supposed to be. he’s the soft, cute boy. and if this was a mediocre series, that’d be all muku is. but since this is a3, he’s so much more than that. he’s smart, passionate, sensitive to others’ feelings, and protective. a3 does a great job designing characters that look exactly like their archtype, but having a much more developed personality than that. getting back to the actual subject at hand, i love his hairstyle and color, as well as his outfits. you can never go wrong with light pink hair. i may be biased but fuck you. 10/10
misumi: another great memorable design. his eye shape and hair style are really unique. his outfits also elevate his design. street fashion is always a plus for me. though sumi’s design is special in the world of a3! where most of the characters are just. guys. regular lookin dudes. i think that outside of the game, his design would not be as unique. 8/10
kazunari: personally, im a fan. maybe it’s cause i have an affinity for blonde anime boys. but his hairstyle is pretty unique and his trendy looks set him apart from most characters, even outside this game. and he has a pretty lovable expression in his sprites. his fatal flaw is that his fits are either a hit or miss. they’re either really cute or wtf. at least he’s memorable. 8/10
kumon: i love that he reminds me of an owl. his hair and eyes are very cute and his color scheme is great. and i think they did a great job making him look related to juza, but still very much his own character. but he dresses like your classmate from middle school that looks like a nike-sponsored highlighter. yeah, he’s the sporty one, and i like the windbreakers but... i cannot excuse his summer fit. also, i find his design a little tame compared to some of the other characters in the game. 6/10
Autumn 🍂
banri: i hate his hair. i hate it so much. i know in canon it’s nice and he takes good care of it, but it looks so fucking greasy. the style makes him look so greasy and it makes me mad. he looks like an asshole. i mean, he is, so it fits. if this dumb bitch changed his hair more often, i’d like his design so much more. you saw this coming; his love for cheetah print is fucking repulsive. BUT, maybe unpopular opinion, minus the animal print, his sense of fashion is not bad. why do yall clown on it. if the fit is fresh, the fit is fresh. anyway, he looks like an ass, but objectively his design is kinda eh. 5/10
juza: im sorry im DEADLY fucking biased when it comes to juza, but he’s so handsome. his hair is a such a rich, pretty shade of purple and his eyes are so mesmerizing. his hairstyle is so attractive. his face is so pretty. yeah his design isn’t crazy unique, but the simplicity just works. im so sorry im this man’s whore i didn’t choose this life... but i can stop being a simp for one second to say that he has a boring fashion sense. i mean it’s kinda hot how simple his outfits are but his travel fit is good-- wait a minute i just remembered the fucking sandals. docking one point. 9/10
taichi: okay shut the fuck up i LOVE taichi’s design. so eye-catching and fun. as i’ve said i love street fashion, and taichi’s lil e-boy fits are right up my alley. that shade of bright red goes so well with his fashion sense, making a really cohesive design. with his main outfit, you can tell he purposely dresses like that to be trendy and it’s so smart. 10/10
omi: im sorry omi stans but his design is kinda,, boring. i legit had such a hard time identifying him when i first got into this game. the scar saves it a bit. but... only a bit. he’s just got. hair. and a dad outfit. i mean his tits are huge, but i don’t think i can call that a character design aspect. kinda forgettable design. i don’t dislike it though, so he ranks higher than tenma did. 3/10
sakyo: im not sure why but i really like sakyo’s design?? the contrast of his light hair and his dark clothes is nice. also, megane rights. even when i thought he was an npc during my first playthrough, i really dug his design and thought he was memorable. i actually cannot pinpoint a reason why. i wish i had more constructive things to say... but upon thinking about it, he has a karen haircut, which kinda dampers my thoughts on his design. i like his moles, but i honestly did not notice them until the game pointed them out. 7/10
azami: azami has a damn good design. i don’t think anyone can deny that. the long hair, the contrast of black hair and bright blue eyes, his eye shape. all very eye-catching design aspects. and the street fashion style strikes again. the color scheme matches well with everything. this review is lame, but there’s really only good things i can say about his design so. 10/10
Winter ❄️
tsumugi: it’s so late and im so tired of looking at these sprites. anyway, tsumugi’s design is okay. i think his color scheme’s a bit limited and his outfits are a bit meh. he has a more respectable bowlcut than chikage, but it’s still a bowlcut and it’s still boring. i think the best part of his design is his eyes, they’re very soft and kind. but other than that, tsumugi looks pretty basic. 5/10
tasuku: tbh, i didn’t even realize that the godza member tasuku was the same character as the winter troupe guy in the game’s opening until the middle of episode 3... yeah. im slow. ooooooor... tasuku has the worst fucking design in the game. yeah i said it. come at me, but tasuku’s design fucking sucks. i literally thought he was a minor character until they forced me to realize he wasn’t. his fashion sense is... questionable at best. i look at that man’s hair and think he doesn’t shampoo. he looks so bland i could dry up from looking at him. im sorry but his tits do not make up for the sheer fucking snorefest of his character design. he’s so boring i won’t elaborate anymore. 1/10
hisoka: ya get what ya see part 2. i like that i can tell he’s the sleepy and mysterious character just by his design, but honestly, that’s a character trope im generally not a big fan of. so i wasn’t thrilled by hisoka’s design at first. but it’s effective. i like the hairstyle with the white hair, but i’m not too fond of his color scheme. his outfits look comfy and soft though. it makes sense, but it’s nothing too memorable if you compare him to characters outside the game. 5/10.
homare: ah, now this is a memorable character design. his hairstyle annoyed me in the beginning, but now i love it. it’s so unique and fun. and i like the purple. i also like his outfits. very classy. but honestly, most of his charisma lies in his face. i think that the pure eccentricity of the hairstyle is enough to put him in the top tier without considering any other element. you really could not find this design in any other media. fuck it. i don’t need to consider anything else. 9/10
azuma: i’ll be honest. im not a fan of long-haired anime men. especially the pretty, flirty types. i don’t know, i just don’t vibe with them. originally, i didn’t like azuma’s design, but now i do. i don’t know how, but i think it’s because azuma is just that powerful. his ponytail makes it more bearable for me and i like the way his bangs frame his face. he just has pretty eyes and face. unfortunately his color scheme is a little too repetitive for me and his casual outfits are a little boring. 6/10
guy: maybe it’s because he looks dead inside, but i love him. i don’t even know this character that well yet, but i think his deadass expression is great. the darker under-eyeline sets him apart from the other characters and i love how he dresses. i think his hair is kinda eh. i personally like it, but objectively, it’s meh. it’s a solid design, but ngl it’s nothing special when i really think about it. 6/10
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ringobean · 5 years
i've been trying to write my first fanfiction for fun, come to read it and tell me what do you think of it 😉 its not finish yet, but the rest of the story should arrive soon.
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A strange meeting
Im (Y/N) i have 19 years old, as part of my studies at the university, I decided to leave for a year in England to perfect my English, as an absolute fan of the Beatles, I obviously chose the University of Liverpool. I absolutely wanted to immerse myself in this city that gave birth to my favorite band.
I managed to find a roommate in a big house with 3 other foreign students, there is Luna who is Spanish, Michelle is French, Eline is Dutch, we have about the same age, and the same passions, especially with Michelle, who owes her name to her mother who is also a Beatles fan.
All saturday night we like to go together to the Cavern Club, mythical place to listen to new bands and have a drink and meet lots of new people.
after a great new evening, we go home, and I go to bed listening as usual my playlist with all the Beatles albums by looking at their pictures, on different social networks, especially the photos of Ringo who is just the man of my dreams at any era, I also love to read fanfictions especially the smut ones with Ringo, until I fall asleep.
I wake up slowly with the presence of human warmth at my side and a sweet scent of cologne with musk mixed with the smell of tobacco, I gently open my eyes and I see a young Ringo sleeping peacefully at my side, even more beautiful than in my usual dreams, he opens in turn his beautiful blue baby eyes, I literally melted of love, my God that this dream looks so real! I don't want to wake up, and he says with his beautiful deep voice "Damn, I should'nt drink so much, I can't remember how I ended up in the bed of such pretty bird" WHAT? Wait a minute it's not a dream, I open my eyes wide and I get up with a start, dead with fear, he looks at me with big astonished eyes, and there I turn my head and I see lying on the floor of my room Paul, John and George, I think I'm going to faint, I didn't drink much last night, and I don't take drugs, what is this shit, they wake up slowly and there I start screaming and crying, shouting their names, and repeating that it's impossible, and that i need to wake up.
John looks at me amused and says "wow I know I'm used to make girls shout, but not at this point, especially since we are not very famous yet" and they start all 4 to laugh. "Not famous yet???" "you're just the biggest rock band of all time, and you tell me you're not famous?" Paul laughingly replies that they are quite popular in Liverpool, but not the best rock band in the world at the moment.
my roommates worried, quickly get into my bedroom.
"what's going on?" Says Michelle, "And what are these 4 boys doing in your room, when did you bring them back?"
"This 4 boys?, Are you kiding me, Michelle?? You don't recognize them?"
"Huuum sorry, but no..."
"Wow, Michelle what a lovely name and nice outfit" says Paul!
it was summer and we had only very light pajamas, which did not hide much of our bodies. But in 2019 it was not indecent, which wasn't the case in their time, hence their amazed looks.
"Thanks" she said, embarrassed by his insistent gaze, which undressed her from head to foot.
George said "see, we arn't so famous yet, your friends didn't know us, you're must be a crazy fan"
"Ok, ok it must be a fucking prank, where is the camera? Congratulations, girls you found great look-alikes, very similar by the way, but that's it, all the good jokes have an end"
"You've gone crazy (Y/N)", Luna told me worried, "or did you take drugs last night?"
I rolled my eyes, searching for my phone under my pillow.
"Wtf is that thing?" asks me Ringo.
"A phone... you brought guys as nut as you to what I see" Said Eline.
"Im not crazy and im gonna prove it, it's all of you, who're nuts!"
And then, no more Beatles playlist on my phone, no more pictures, and no more of their posters on my walls.
I do a quick search on google, and nothing about the Beatles, nothing, I start crying again, i didnt understand about what's going on.
Ringo look at my phone like a small kid who discovers the world.
"Wait a minute, love, why there is this date on your weird phone"
"Because we are in 2019, August 23, what year do you think we are?"
"What the hell, are you fucking kiding us" said John really afraid.
"We're in August, 23, 1962, we were at a party last night organized by our manager, to celebrate the arrival of our new drummer, and we have to record our first record in a few days" sais Paul.
Im trying to calm down, and explain to them as quietly as possible that something really strange is happening.
"Really, guys, just look at us, look at the style of the room, my phone, our clothes, our hairstyles, do you really get to see that in 1962?"
"And girls, look at them, do they really look like to boys of 2019?"
Ringo pulled out a cigarette pack from the pocket of his jacket, lighting a cigarette with an old vintage lighter.
"See, look at the pack, the lighter it no longer exists in our time"
"I must admit that they seem to have come from another time, says Michelle"
"but they come from another time, what Paul has just said is true, the first official Beatles concert with Ringo at the Cavern Club was on August 22, 1962, why am I the only one to remember them?"
"we should really stop drinking so much, what are we doing here, how did we get in 2019, what is this shit" said George panicked.
"I really don't know how you made it to land here, but we must find a way to get you back to your era, otherwise no more Beatles, and impossible for me to imagine a life without listening to your music."
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Truth of Dare (and I’m gonna do them all cause I’m bored)
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs.
Truth: I guess Peter Pan even though technically he was a character and not a celebrity
Dare: 1. The Stranger - Billy Joel. 2. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift. 3. You’ll Be Back - Hamilton. 4. The Trolls - Frozen. 5. Second Chance - Shinedown
2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash.
Truth: I got tongue tied in front of a cute guy. He either found it adorable or pathetic
Dare: Done
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word.
Truth: My eyes, my hands, my boobs
Dare: Mint-rumneigh: funny. nope4hope: roommate? potatouprising: nerdy. thegirldownthelaine: cool. wonderwomanlovesyou: fandoms. flynnomalleys: Choices. choicesobsession: Choices. mrsperegrintook: Roommate. an-indecisives-choice: Choices
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll.
Truth: Raised me
Dare: Done
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
Truth: Probably slapping myself when I fuck up
Dare: @taylorswift @the-average-gatsby @juliajm15
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed.
Truth: McDonalds
Dare: @asimplepotatofarmer @therulesdonotknowme @joshpeck
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
Truth: Like 7 whole hours but I’m still tired from this week
Dare: Done
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr.
Truth: Therulesdonotknowme but unfortunately I’ve already burned that bridge, I think the only reason we’re still mutuals is because he never gets on tumblr. It would be cute for him to show me around his city
Dare: Done
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie.
Truth: Our parents got us together when we were one
Dare: Couldn’t find one
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following.
Truth: Glee
Dare: @benditlikegumby
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
Truth: Necklace: museum gift shop. Shirt: my friend’s grandma. Pants: goodwill. Glasses: glasses store. Bra: Kohl’s. Underwear: Kohl’s
Dare: It’s blank
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
Truth: Rachel, Diana, Phoenix, Hannah, Star (why I picked it). Shane, Eric, Matt, Lucas, Connor
13: (truth) What’s your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies.
Truth: Spiders
Dare: @mellifllxous @cultured-pearl @benditlikegumby @im-significant @homofied
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
Truth: A dress that’s comfy but also cute
Dare: @thewonderofafairytale
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies.
Truth: A bob. But I tried it and I can’t quite rock it
Dare: Couldn’t find one
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll.
Truth: Something in the film industry
Dare: Pretty much done already, half of them were in another post
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone’s lock screen and home screen.
Truth: Probably somewhere close, fuck the bus
Dare: Done
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
Truth: I was 18
Dare: done
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
Truth: Me and my friend climbing onto the cat structure
Dare: @literally all the choices blogs: Choices. @parfaitfaye: kpop. @cultured-pearl: boys and Taylor Swift (it’s ok me too). @person #1 who I’ve fallen out with: Once Upon a Time. @other person I’ve fallen out with: music. I know they’re not all really tags but I couldn’t think of many
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad)
Truth: Actually pretty cute, pink and turquoise accents, posters and stuff on the walls
Dare: Done
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it.
Truth: Kelsier from Mistborn, Harry Potter from Harry Potter, Raydan from Choices
Dare: No more pictures, my phone’s dying
22: (truth) What are three things you’re looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have.
Truth: Film shoots later this summer, seeing the cute guy at the gym cafe, getting some damn sleep
Dare: @nayla-sa: 4000. @potatouprising: 1500. @thegirldownthelaine: 2000
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
Truth: I’m bored of this question, I must have answered it a thousand times
Dare: My phone is dying so no
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
Truth: Laptop, phone, stuffed dog, crush log, stuffed cat
Dare: Phone is dying so no (i’m on a school computer for the rest of this)
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves.
Truth: The reason I was late to work was a half-truth
Dare: Nah fam that’s too much work
26: (truth) What’s the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it?
Truth: Coco
Dare: Done
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you’ve been meaning to post on tumblr.
Truth: I’m creative, I’m smart, and I like boys
Dare: Phone is dead
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr.
Truth: I don’t
Dare: Phone is dead
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
Truth: Procrastinating, staying up late, eating junk food. Most of my bad habits involve lack of impulse control
Dare: I don’t even know how to do that
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs.
Truth: Crushed on a married coworker. I have to keep that secret from pretty much everyone including him
Dare: @irunwithscissorstofeeldangerous @the-average-gatsby @huffylemon @joshpeck @this-is-my-temporary-url (I helped her pick it)
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peachyhyvck · 7 years
some of my favorite pics of mark lee
author's note: yes bitches, I'm back with another!! this one’s a tad bit different from the last, and its got almost double the amount of pictures,,, but I hope you still enjoy it, nonetheless! this pic set includes waayyy too many categories to list off so you're just gonna have to look through them and see for yourself! (’; sO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, HERe are,, my favorite pics of mark lee:
cute mark:
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okay, but mark’s selfies are always so damn precious and they never fail to put a smile on my face
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everything about this picture is just perfect... his smile is so facking cute, and do you sEE THAT LIL DIMPLE???? ADORABLE.
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I honestly don't know what the hell is going on in this picture, but his facial expression is so fucking cute that I'm squealing like a damn pig rn so,,,,
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I remember watching this for the first time and,, I kid you the fuck not,, I actually threw my phone across the room
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wow..... I've never been sO soft!! for someone in my entire life.......
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these might just be my 2 favorite pictures of mark lee....?? I mean, I say that about every picture, but these 2??? utterly flawless.
candid mark
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I looovveee his damn hair so so sooo much in these last 4 pictures and if sm fucks with it in any way, shape, or form,,, you best watch the fuck out........ (lmaoo this was before sm went and fried his hair aGAIN but tbh I expected nothing less from them,,,)
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he looks so smol and innocent in this picture and I'm barely keeping my shit together!!!!
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he looks like a motherfucking prince in these photos!!!!!!! I mean, am I right or am I right ??!?!?!!?!%@$^&
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idk man I just really love his smile and it truly brings happiness to my poor, dysfunctional, bitter soul
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these pictures are THE definition of ethereal!!!!!!
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I'm gonna take a moment to interrupt the ““cute”” theme I've got goin on to insert this (?) gem because idk what the fuck he’s doin but it really made me laugh so I thought I'd share
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I think I just heaved the biggest content sigh in history because I just really, really love mark lee
disrespectful mark
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idk who gave mark permission to be this blatantly rude but it sure as hell wasn't me!!!!
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alright I'm really gonna need him to stop because I feel all shaken up and I'm Not okay with this at all
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props to the camera person for holding their composure cause I sure as hell would’ve dropped Dead under such an intense gaze
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“mark” and “tough” don't really fit together all that well, but looking at this picture I'm absolutely, 100% positive he could beat the living shit out of me
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dunno what he’s doin but veins really fuck ya girl up and his arm in this photo is really testing me,,,,,,
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he looks so good???? but like,, too good?????? idk. I disapprove. NEXT
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these polaroids are both a blessing and a curse and the fans who got these are honestly the luckiest bitches on earth cause damn y’all really snatched yourselves a couple of winners!!!!
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no no non no on Ono nono. what do you think you’re doing. stop it right now and put the fucking jacket back on!! and no more tank tops..... my heart can't handle such things........
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honestly, I don't even know anymore..... I'm literally speechless......... I just don't know how its humanly possible to look That FUCking gOOD!!!! everything about this picture is messin with my head and he’s reaalllllyyyyy startin to test a bitch,,
boyfriend mark
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well, damn. he’s really out here just servin us these boyfriend looks, isn’t he???
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tbh it might just be because his back and chest look so Broad in these photos, but I'm pickin up some major boyfriend-ish vibes!!!
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awww boyfriend mark impatiently watching the clock tick by as he counts down the minutes until he gets to see your beautiful face ((((’:;;::;
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oh damn,, boyfriend mark waiting to pick you up outside your job :^]
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can you just imagine walking next to mark and looking up to find him staring at you like this I'd funking DIE!!!!!
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boyfie mark carrying your backpack for you as the two of you walk home from school together (((((((’’:
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boyfriend mark staring at you from afar while another guy shamelessly flirts with you ;o
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tbh this is how boyf mark would look whenever the two of you get into a pretty heated argument... expect the silent treatment and some intense glares
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“oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I'm late for our date!! gotta run, gotta run, gotta ru-”
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shopping with boyfriend mark!!!!! (peep dat arm doe,,,,)
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yeah, yeah. I know it’s just a picture of his back - but like... just picture yourself walking up to that and giving him the warmest, tightest, most affectionate backhug you could......... cause same
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boyfriend mark goin to pick ya ass up while trying not to draw too much attention to himself,,, shhhh!!
pre-debut mark
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okay but mark was the cutest damn child, and like,, that's a fact
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I just wanna tuck him into bed and read him some bedtime stories )))’:::
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k I think we can all agree that mark’s mirror selfies are LEGENDARY. NEVER LET THESE DIE. EVER.
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why does his outfit remind me of something justin bieber circa 2012 would wear lmao
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don't come at me but like,, why do these 2 pics remind me of seventeen’s vernon......... i mean im jus sayin........
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this picture? is so? precious??? caN I JUST SWADDLE HIM PLEASE??????
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oh look!! this must’ve been right around the time when sm stopped allowing mark to get even the slightest bit of rest!!!
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he looks like such a lil man here dear lord
the many hairstyles/colors throughout mark’s career
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starting off with the 7th sense debut, we have marks.... questionable.... black, choppy, bangs-cut-too-short hairstyle!! it truly is one for the books....
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moving onto fire truck era, sm kinda dropped a bomb on us with the multi-colored hair. but as crazy as orange and purple hair sounds (and kinda looks) mark actually pulled it off pretty damn well???
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buT THEN IN THE MIDDLE OF PROMOTIONS THEY DECIDED TO DYE HIS WHOLE HEAD PURPLE AND BLESS US ALL!! like, I have a hard time picturing mark with extremely bright and extravagant hair colors (like hyuck or chenle) but lemme tell ya mark looked so damn good with the purple holy shit sm brinG THAT BACK!!!
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and then at the end of promotions (obvs prepping mark’s hair for dreams debut) they decided his scalp hadn’t been through enough, so they bleached it and made him blonde (((’::::
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dreams debut!!!!! whoop whoop!!!! they dyed mark’s hair a rose gold tinted color and honestly?? he looked hella good???? idk what I was saying earlier about not being able to see mark pull off bright and extravagent colors cause my boy absolutely slayed orange, purple AND pink!!!
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now we come across the holy period that was mark’s dirty blonde hair during chewing gum promotions,,,, let’s all just take a moment of silence because of how damn Good this look was..... the color and the haircut itself were so fucking nice and tbfh i have a special place in my heart for this look
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whelp..... here comes limitless!!! the BOP of the century, but also the fucking disaster of the millennium that was marks perm........... sm did my boy so dirty with this one..... as if his hair hadn't been through enough torture, they go and do THIS? sickening.
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NOW WE’RE BACK ON OUR GOOD STREAK!! after the perm settled down a bit they finally realized that they needed to make up for their horrendous mistake, SO they put a lil pink in the mix and BAM!! we got our lil cotton candy baby (^=
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and then the pink started to fade )))’:: leaving him with cute little pink tinted curls!!!! (((’::
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MFAL (what an era.....) if im being completely honest, mark’s mfal hair is my religion. it’s not nearrlllyyy as poofy and untamed as it was before, and the little blonde curls really worked for him rip...
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not to mention when they straightened it and we got our royal prince lookin ass mark lee!!!!
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head shot pop,, cherry bomb was another holy era for marks hair. it had been sooo long since we’d seen dark haired mark that it pretty much threw the whole fandom into a frenzy when it happened.
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tbfh his we young hair took a little while to grow on me. i’ve always loved the longer, shaggier bangs on mark, and the short bangs were giving me war flashbacks to t7s era,,,, and the shaved sides were so!!! different that idk. it just took me a while to adjust...
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but I would later come to Love his we young hair because it eventually grew into this fucking beauty - which is also my faVORITE DAMN HAIRSTYLE ON THIS BOY,, HOLY SHIT!!! HIS HAIR JUST LOOKS SO PERFECT AND I JUST WANNA RUN MY FINGERS THROUGH IT AND PLAY WITH IT AGGHHJJHBPWUEB
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**sigh** but then sm went and did what they always do and fucked with something that was already perfect ///: I mean, although i am pretty distraught over the loss of quite possibly the best hair style of his career, he does look mighty fine with the honey blond color so its all good (((;;
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anD THEN!! THEY LITERALLY BLEW ALL OF US OUT OF THE DAMN WATER WITH THE FUCKING BRIGHT, STOP SIGN, TICKLE ME ELMO LOOKIN ASS RED!!!!!!!! NAAaahhhh I'm just playin :”)) i’ve said it so many times already, but he really can pull off just about any color and i must say, the red is really workin for him,, uh huh, uh huh, yes sir!!
the lil duck face pout
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idk why he Always does this but it’s fucking hilarious and it never fails to crack me tf up
cute stage persona
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y’all, i dont even know. he’s in the middle of dancing but he just looks so cute and squishy!! i had to include it
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again... I have no words other than his smile is fucking. flawless.
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I can totally picture in my head the dorky lil dance move he did along with that face to whoever was taking the picture and honestly,, I can’t help but smile
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I have no clue what the hell he’s doing, but i could care less!!! i’m just gonna go with it!!!!!!!
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omfg he’s like that one nerdy friend who tries to act all cool but just ends up embarrassing himself ((and looking hella cute while doing so)) gaAAHHhHHH
rude stage persona
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mark is always facking adorable!! but the few times he decides to act all rude, he makes sure to have absolutely zero fucking mercy on us, and its Not fair!!
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don’t give me that face istg imma smack the shit outta ya!!!!
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he’s literally just rapping but i feel highly offended and i would appreciate a sincere apology
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mark is smiling 95% of the time, but the other 5% that he’s not, he’s making faces like these^^ and im real fuckin tired of the blatent disregard for my feelings!!
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I don't approve! I don't approve at all!!!! the look on his face is throwin me off and I'm confused!!!!!!
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mark + hats = A Look I'm here for
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first up, we got them bucket hats!!!! if ya ask me, mark can pull off almost any hat, and he kinda looks adorable in the bucket hats (especially with his blond curly mops fallin out of em!!!!)
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now onto the snapbacks! a very typical look, yet he still looks breathtaking ((’::::
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and now we’ve got the floppy hats (?) and tbh he kinda looks adorable in them???
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and finally we've got..... whatever the fuck this thing is lmao kinda reminds me of a chef hat but my boy still looks hecka fly so its gucci!!!!
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idk, but I need to rant about it !!
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not only is ya girl emo as helllllll because he successfully graduated high school despite his fucking insane schedule, (yeah,, I'm lookin at you sm... fight me), but these grad pics are the definition of heavenly !!!!!!!!
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this boy video took me for all that I'm worth.... he just looked so? fucking? good??? like I wanna know who the fuck he thinks he is just lookin all fine and shit,,,
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y’alls..... i honestly didnt even know which category to stick this beauty under because i was honestly just?? blown the absolute fuck away??? with the perfection of not only this photo, but the boy in the photo, as well??????? like,, the dark, shaggy hair along with that lil smirk are really doin some fucked up shit to ya girl and i just dont know anything anymore (((’=
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not much to say about this one.... I just think he looks hella adorable crouched down into a lil ball ((’:
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first of all: no
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second of all: No
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third of all: the hell you think you lookin at?
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last of all: N O
(like for real, who gave you the right to look all grown and shit?? cause I'd like to have a few words with them......)
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and last, but certainly not least, we've got this golden picture of mark dressed like a middle aged, white, suburban dad.... do with it what you will (((’:::::
**all pic creds go to their rightful owners
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whambamthankyoubram · 7 years
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? MORE CEREAL THAN MILK OBVIOUSLY I’M NOT SATAN
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? No bc my cheeks are cold as hell and I need warmth
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I fold the corners or put little mailings/postcards in them, whatever I have laying around!
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Tea, nothing; coffee, milk only!
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes :( There’s a gap in my teeth and I hate it. I wish my teeth were perfect.
6: do you keep plants? Nope.
7: do you name your plants? Can’t name the plants you don’t keep, my dude
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Uhhhh...no?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? YES all the time.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Side!
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? 
12: what's your favorite planet? Pluto bc it is still a planet okay
13: what's something that made you smile today? My boyfriend’s Snapchats
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Messy af
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! “In space, the skin on your feet peels off.” EW SPACE WTF
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? MMMMMM any pasta tbh I’m Italian I will eat anything
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I love my hair color the way it is now!
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. My ex never let me forget the time I was passed out on his couch, and I woke up intermittently before falling back asleep. He was watching Rush Hour. I asked him, (HALF ASLEEP MIND YOU), Oh, is this the movie with Chris Rock and Bruce Lee? (I’m awful).
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I write my thoughts and crazy paranoia in there boyyyyyeeeee
20: what's your favorite eye color? BROWN
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. Uhhhhh it’s a longchamp bc I’m a white girl
22: are you a morning person? Not really
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? SLEEP!
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Not sure
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? I’ve never broken into anything omg
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My Uggs, because I’m a white girl
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Mint
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? My BFF giggles sometimes when she talks and idk it’s cute
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Fuck yes, have you ever seen a spider? In your shower? Without your glasses on? 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I LOVE SOCKS! When I get socks for Christmas I get so excited. I can fall asleep with socks on, but at some point in the night, they’re coming off my feet lol.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I ate pizza while I was drunk #wowimsocool
33: what's your fave pastry? Cinnamon buns, does that count?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? Winnie the Motherfuckin Pooh. No :( He fell in the mud and I had to throw him out bc the washer couldn’t fix him
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Fuck yeah I do!
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? Noooo clue tbh
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean, but it’s always a mess
38: tell us about your pet peeves! I hate when the President sniffs into the microphone while he’s delivering some sort of address, blow ur nose next time or stop doing coke
39: what color do you wear the most? Black lol
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? Nose ring, no special meaning I just really like it
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? An Abundance of Katherines bc I fucking love the shit out of John Green
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Not really tbh
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Probably my bf
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? The other night, at the beach! So pretty :)
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yes
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. I couldn’t think of any, next question
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Aerosol cheese
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Bugs, yes, ew
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Don’t remember!! I bought the first Glee soundtrack when it came out LOL
50: what's an odd thing you collect? Socks?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I associate “All Night” by Chance the Rapper w my bf
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Salt bae for sure
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Beetlejuice was the only one, I watched a little of Pulp Fiction - they were both ok
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My friend :( she’s ok now but I saw her the other night and she was upset
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? Not sure 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Laughter and the way people get excited over things
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? It made me feel like I’ve been having too much sugar tonight tbh
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I’M THE WINE MOM!!!! I am the wine QUEEN ok that’s all I ever drink. My bff is the vodka aunt, but she lives miles apart from me so we rarely drink together nowadays 
59: what's your favorite myth? Dude? I don’t have one
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot. 
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? I got a really ugly hat once, and I gave a really ugly hat once, at the same Christmas exchange party 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Nope
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Hell no I’m a living mess
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Black
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? Yes, my bff 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Mad lilies! They’re my fav flower
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Depressed and tired tbh
68: what's winter like where you live? Cold but not too cold bc you know global warming
69: what are your favorite board games? Scrabble!!
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Yes lol
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? ANY KIND! Right now I’m really feeling ginger turmeric from Trader Joe’s, though, soooo good
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? YES.
73: what are some of your worst habits? Uhhh not going to bed early enough lol
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. This person is a HUGE JARLEY FAN and super adorbs!!! Hates Mon-El and LOVES TO RANT ABOUT IT AND I LOVE THIS PERSON REGARDLESS 
75: tell us about your pets! So I have a dog, he’s almost 12 years old which is really depressing bc he’s probably going to pass on soon :( I’m obsessed with him and love him so much!!
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Yeah, taking my bra off why am I still wearing it
77: pink or yellow lemonade? PINK, always
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? Hate club, get them the fuck away from me
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? One of my old boyfriends learned how to knit for me which I thought was very sweet
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Aqua! Because I like it?
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. “Comets.”
82: are/were you good in school? Not really
83: what's some of your favorite album art? Ohhhh I know this, I love Californication’s album art so much
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I have seven!!
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? No
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Wat
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? The Lion King, BITCH
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not really
89: are you close to your parents? Yes
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. NEW YORRRRRK. Concrete jungle where dreams are destroyed you’ll never get anywhere go back to long island
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Somewhere over the summer, not sure where yet tho
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? In the middle
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Top knots bc I’m lazy
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? The Weeknd LOL
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Date night, then I’m not sure!
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Ohhh I procrastinate so much
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Not sure about the Myer-Briggs type, but I’m a scorpio + Ravenclaw
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Yes! I think in November. It was chilly, but a lot of fun
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
One Headlight - The Wallflowers (listening now)
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
Love Drought - Beyonce
Under the Bridge - RHCP
Strip My Mind - RHCP
Literally anything by RHCP
Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips (I cry literally every time I listen to it)
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Neither, because I am choosing to live in the MOMENT :) 
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melonoverlord · 6 years
Ask meme for Micah
1. What would be their favorite Disney (or other animated) movie?
Isladine is the first time he’s ever seen a movie, but he would fall in love with the animated Batman and Pokemon movies because those are his life, but as far as a Disney movie goes, his favorite has to be Bambi. It’s a kid who grew up in the woods with just his mom, never met his dad, and had to learn the ways of the world on his own. Plus, Bambi’s just adorable.
2. What do they usually like for breakfast?
He tends to be a fan of softer textures for breakfast like mixed fruit, smoothie bowls, or cottage cheese, though someone usually has to pry the cottage cheese away from him because he’s extremely lactose intolerant and just loves cottage cheese.
3. What sort of cuddler are they?
He’s not much of a cuddler until he actually trusts you, and then you can’t get him off you. Once he trusts you, he will climb into your lap or lay on your shoulder or fall on your head and he will not move for anything. But it’s okay because he’s just so soft and his hair is the best to play with.
4. How do they say “I love you”?
When he feels it, he is very open about it. He’s only said it to his mother and Cecily so far, but no one has ever said it to him. Eventually when he becomes friends with everyone he’ll just tell them compliments all the time because he’s a blunt honest boy, which includes saying things he likes about people.
5. What kind of shoes do they wear?
He wears fucking fancy leather dress shoes because he’s a fucking dork. Though when his friends and future baes show him the magic of comfortable dress wear, he wears nothing but fuzzy slippers because they make his feet cozy.
6. What is their favorite accessory?
He doesn’t really wear any accessories. He has a favorite green sweater he wears a lot just because it soft and it makes him feel safe, but if and when his future boos shower him with gifts, he probably would like wearing scarves.
7. Are they more inclined towards fashion or comfort?
Usually fashion, since his mom always wanted him to be dressed to the nines. When he finds out just how good it feels being comfortable, Micah will wear nothing but jammies, and will wear more jeans with his sweaters.
8. What makes them laugh?
His own jokes, Finn’s jokes when they’re actually good and not confusing as fuck, but eventually he’s going to laugh at the stupidest shit, like someone spilling on themselves, memes out of context, and even a weirdly shaped cheeto.
9. Do they have a favorite flower?
He loves all types of flowers but eventually his favorites will be orange zinnias and daisies because they remind him of his sunbeam and snow angel.
10. Would they be the one to propose to their significant other?
He has no idea how marriage works other than that it’s a thing in Batman, but when he learns what it is, he would probably want to propose to Finn and Wisty but is too afraid of thinking they’ll say no that he’ll hold it off for so long, until one of them starts to propose, in which he’ll say “no i wanna do it. luk im on the ground now i get to do it”
11. What bad habits do they have?
Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, simply staring at people because he doesn’t know what to say, and just not getting social clues at all.
12. What are their biggest insecurities?
He has a lot of insecurities without realizing they’re insecurities. He knows he’s the worst sibling and doesn’t have a lot of talents, and thinks he’s stupid and that no one wants to be around him. Long story short, he thinks he’s the Worst (tm).
13. How do they wear their hair?
Usually in just waves on top of his head. He has fluffy set a curls that isn’t really long enough to put into a hairstyle, so it just rests there waiting to be pet.
14. Are they an impulse shopper? If so, what would they buy?
Boy has never had money in his life so when he can finally have things, he’ll just buy anything and everything he sees because he figures he’ll never get it again. In particular he would buy pokemon cards, Batman comics, and gifts for his boos.
15. When do they usually sleep?
He tends to sleep pretty early like at 9pm because he gets tuckered out just doing his best. He is the boo that is always trying to get the others to take a nap.
16.What makes them worry?
Everything. He actually made a list to Wisty once which includes (in rough order): People, his mission, Cecily leaving him, thunderstorms, water, school, Wisty, Nadiah, Finn, Nat, loud noises, the color red, bees, and the color orange.
17. Do they have any creative outlets?
One of his hidden talents is definitely origami folding. It was one of the more calming tasks he did at home, and in the chaotic mess that is Isladine, he finds it incredibly destressing. And he’s pretty good at it.
18. How do they comfort an upset loved one?
He’s very very new at comforting people that aren’t Cecily, but he takes more of a practical stance when comforting, and tries to offer advice or will ask the comforted what they want to do about the problem. He won’t become the emotional support until much later.
19. What are they like when they’re sick?
All of Micah’s energy goes into the internal struggle of “Keep me alive” and “finally, the sweet release of death”, so he just becomes a sad lump that refuses to move, and just cries because everything hurts. You cannot unroll him from his ball unless you are Finn or Wisty because they’re the only people he will trust when he’s sick.
20. Do they say what they’re thinking, or keep their thoughts to themselves?
One of the good things about Micah is that there is a very small number of things he will keep secret. Usually everything about him is an open book and you will find his underlying feelings then and there.
21. What is the best gift they’ve ever received?
He’s never gotten a gift, but eventually it will be a friend.
22. Are they good at keeping track of time?
He has impeccable timing and is really good at guessing the time down to the minute. Sometimes he’ll play games with himself on what time it is and about 95% of the time, he is right.
23. What is their favorite ice cream flavor?
Strawberry. But it probably should be dairy-free Strawberry because he throws it up the next day, but he’ll live and die with the consequences.
24. What would they order from a fast food/take-out place?
From fast food, he will end up falling in love with dunking fries in milkshakes as well as chicken tenders, and for take out, probably an unholy amount of white rice and pineapple chicken.
25. What is their favorite pizza topping(s)?
He’s a Hawaiian boy all the way. Ham and pineapple is the only thing you need to make a pizza delicious.
26. What is their favorite type of cookie?
Ginger snap cookies. He tends to like things with a little spice and he can’t handle nuts in anything soft at all.
27. Do they paint their nails?
He doesn’t like the feel of anything extra on him, but he will allow Nadiah, Nerida, or Wisty to paint his nails because although he doesn’t completely trust them as people (particularly Nadi and Nerida), he trusts them to go gentle with his nails.
28. What is their favorite board game?
It technically counts as a board game, but do not play Twister against this kid because you will first lose and then be either turned on or concerned on how flexible this kid is. He will get in a backbend going all the way back to his legs to make a move, and he can and will hit any space.
29. Are they more of a pants or skirts kind of person?
He is a slacks boy. He would look super cute in a skirt, though. He’d probably try Wisty’s skirts when they get together because he wants to know what they look like on him.
30. Do they dream often? What about?
He dreams about being caught in thunderstorms a lot, which is why it’s one of his biggest fears. In his dream, he is standing in his forest while a storm rages around him, knocking out all the trees until finally it strikes down on him.
31. Do they have any phobias?
Oh tons. Thunderstorms, water, people, Nat, Nadiah, the color red, the color orange, being abandoned. If you name it, odds are he’s afraid of it.
32. If they were a pokemon, which would they be?
There’s really two that fit him. The first is Sylveon because he is a sof boy at heart that if you try to befriend him and eventually do break down his walls, he will love you no matter what and there is nothing you can do to break his trust. The second is Pikachu because he does have a little bit of a stormy and electric personality that causes some people to be put off at first, but if they again break through his barriers, they see that the eye of the storm is nothing more than a scared boy who wants to love.
33. How well do they handle sea travel? Air travel?
He hates the sea with a burning passion and if you tried to force him out there, he’d probably choose his own death. He’s fine with air travel and genuinely likes heights until he has to figure out a way down. The only thing he won’t do is if he has to fly when there’s lightning. If that happens, he will again choose his own death.
34. Which Disney character are they most like?
His backstory is eerily similar to Rapunzel, which he doesn’t recognize yet, but his personality is closer to Eeyore. A sweet but very pessimistic and sad boy who loves his friends and hates his life.
35. What sort of parent would they be?
He’d carry his blunt attitude from his childhood to adulthood and would the parent that would answer any questions his kid asked with blunt tenacity. If their kids asked them what happened to the fish, Finn might say that “Puddles is just on vacation” and Micah would cut in with “u didnt feed him so he died”
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