#im too lazy to put all of their names in here srry
zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
I got a problem...I just watched the bnha episode that had Kai in it and now I love pretty crow man even more...So I was wondering, how would Overhaul react to a really understand and all around nice s/o who is super shy, but secretly is a badass. It might be kinda funny cause she could just walk up to enemies and they never think anything of her until they try to attack kai or something and she is quickly able to disarm them.
I just have a little tiny heartattack evertime he appears (also mimic's voice, dear god, I couldn't stop laughing when he said "PUNK")
Overhaul/ Chisaki Kai x reader
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It was just a simple walk on the city, a simple, calm walk with you on the streets of the city of Tokyo... He was becoming so stressed with the experiments and all of his work on the yakusa that he was at the point of what you called "exaustation".
"So there's a group of rats that wants- Overhaul?" Hari stopped on his rambling just to see his boss staring numbingly at the front door. He called but no response.
"Overhaul?" He tried once again waving his hand at the front of the young leader's face just to all of the sudden his head falls straight to the table.
Nemoto and Kurono stares for a while with wide eyes before Hari made his way out of the office while saying "don't let anyone enter, I will bring (Y/N)..."
Let's just say that he was just a bit tired, just a bit...
On that day you and him talked for a while about his health and while Kai was extremely careful with any sickness and germs he was terrible when it came to mental health or when he reached his limit but wouldn't admit it... After minutes of coaxing the stubborn golden eyed man, you finally had him convinced to take one entire day off of work; you had to talk with Pops before and he only said "please make him, he is going to kill himself with exhaustion, that boy never stops..." he does this because he is gratefull to you Pops :(
So there you were, walking besides each other on a quiet street with only the city lights to illuminate the dark night. He took just one moment to look at your features and your reply was just a silly shyly smile making one grow on his lips as well under his black surgeon mask. It's almost impossible for him not to take at least two minutes of a day to just admire your figure.
You were so reserved and shy; it took longer than he expected to develop a relationship with you but no way in hell he was gonna to say that he regret it. You were perfect, the incarnation of the only good things on this word, why do you think he called you angel all the time?
He is not going to hide his pride as well when almost everyone of the base and all the eight precepts are enchanted by you... Your gentleness and care were at first allarming to them but as the time goes by, you had become like a sacred object to them. Overhaul made very clear to every one in the base that if anything wrong happened to you, the person whose was responsible was going to view something way worse than hell itself.
Mimic strangled a guy when he asked for your number one time and Chisaki was very grateful...
Well but what was suppose to be a loveable walk to relieve his nerves turned to one annoying encounter with a man, recognizing Overhaul's features and daringly aiming a gun at his head.
"You bastard! You killed all of my comrades you fucking sociopath!" Yelled the man trembling as he stared with fear yet with rage at the both of you.
Chisaki annoyingly took a big breath and securely pushed you behind him never lowering his guard but also not alarmed neither.
"Angel stay back, this will not take too long." He whispered not even once breaking eye contact with the man.
"Are you seriously going to yell at this hour of the night? Don't act so foolish, the more sound you make you will atract the heroes here, and as far as I know you aren't a saint and they probablygoung to arrest you, so I would think carefully..." he monotonous spoke.
The guy flinched at hearing his voice and when he notice Chisaki carefully starting to take his right glove off the man nervously aimed at your head trembling more than ever and sayed:
"O-one more move from you and your little toy is dead! I know she's quirkless! One wrong move from you and you can say bye bye to her right here and now!" He almost cried while saying this to Overhaul's face, and he couldn't miss it the way Kai's eyes darkened at his threat.
How. Dare. This piece of trash. Involves you in this?
That man iss going to wish to never had born after he is done with him.
"Go ahead."
"W-what?!" The guy flinched
Chisaki finally broke contact with the guy to stare at you.
"What the hell you're doing?" He whisper-yelled at you, suddenly gripping you with his arm to prevent you got any closer.
Didn't you notice this guy was aiming a fucking gun that could explode your brain?!
"You heard me, go ahead." You pointed at your head mockingly "What? Scared of what might happen to you after?"
The guy yelled an "I warned you" before he merciless pushed the gate.
"(Y/N)! DOWN!" Overhaul yelled.
Wait what?
Where was the gun shot? Where was the bullet?
Chisaki started to looking for any injuries in your body, but got nothing.
He stared at you with wide wondering eyes which you only replied with a giggle holding in front of him some bullets.
"It was quite simple actually! He got distracted following us so I took the chance to sneak around, remember when I said I only wanted to check out something?" You shown with more enfasis all of the gun's ammo.
If it wasn't for the mask you could see the proud smile that it was forming at the face of your boyfriend.
Before he could reply something, both of you flinched when the guy yelled grabbing a knife out of nowhere and came rushing in the direction of Chisaki.
You buffed mumbling something close to "it's like an cockroach, you can't get away with it that easy" and simply punched the guy straight on the jaw with a following kick on the stomach causing him to fall on his back on the dirty ground. He tried to grab the knife that scaped his hand but you were quicker and stepped hard, merciless, on his hand. You pulled his hair to expose his neck while with your another hand you aproach dangerously the knife to his skin.
Chisaki crossed his arms over his chest admiring the scene with a smirk all the time; taking steps closer to a point where he is inches away from both the man and you.
"Done already?" You asked pulling closer the knife to his neck.
"My, aren't you a sneaky dangerously little angel yourself darling?" Chisaki mused ignoring the guy's presence.
You choose to ignore the coming blush to prevent the stranger to get away.
"N-no wonder why you are with this f-freak..!"
Now the strong kick he felt on his face was from Overhaul, making the guy actually hit, with force the wall of the alley. Oh dear, now that wall had a little of blood printed on it.
Chisaki helped you get up as he talked with someone over the phone; looks like this guy is in a hell of a ride.
"Angel, wait for me out of this alley. It will not take too long." He spoke while carresing your cheek with his gloved thumb.
You nodded, he took very quickly his mask to give you a peck before putting right back where it was.
"Mind me giving me this?" He pointed to the bullets that you stole from earlier.
You gave straight away and as you make your way out of there you could hear a faint "click" and the voices of Chrono and Rappa before you completely got out.
After a half or a entire hour you saw your boyfriend calling over to you, he was clean and just with his hair a bit messy but besides that no one could tell what had happened on the inside of that alley.
Honestly? Neither you wants to know... Chisaki Kai can be very cold and cruel when he wants and whenever he wants.
"I didn't know you had that on you angel." He mused impressed aproaching close to your ear to whisper "such a deviant... where did you, shy little angel, learned such brute movements?"
You blushed at his closeness and avert you eyes quickly to anywhere besides his eyes, that were practically glued on you.
"W-well..! J-just some combat lessons I am taking... Can't be the partner of the yakuza's boss if I have all the time Chrono to check over me because he was demanded..."
"Hm. I se- Wait. How did you know about that part?"
"Kai I'm shy. Not stupid."
He stares at you for a while before smirking to himself and pulling you for a quick hug. He chuckled when you yelped at the sudden contact.
"Maybe we should enjoy my breaks inside the base instead?"
"Probably?" You smiled holding him just as tight as he was.
Both of you parted and for a second you thought that was over until Kai spoke in authority voice.
"I'm delighted to see that your actions on there were for me not to get harmed but that doesn't mean Chrono will stop guarding you."
"W-wha-?! Why?!"
"You literally said to that scumbag to shoot you straight on the face." He spoke on a manner of tone voice.
"B-b-but..! He was out of bullets! I-I took them!"
"Yes, I already said I'm impressed but that doesn't change the things here angel."
You exhaled in defeat murmuring:
"I bet Hari hates me at this point..."
You don't notice Kai picking his phone again and dialing Kurono's contact.
"Chrono have you been making (Y/N) uncomfortable by any chance?" You yelped hearing that.
"What?" Spoke the voice in surprise.
"You heard me. What did you do?" Chisaki replied in a dangerous tone now.
"H-HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!" you gripped Kai's sleeves to prevent that he talked more with his friend about your thoughts.
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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l1ttlecreatures · 4 years
owen harper’s badges
i was struggling looking for places to get owen’s badges (and just find out what the badges actually were tbh) so now that i have finished im gna share my knowledge with u all 
if i missed any lmk and ill add them<33
lets start off easy dkjfh
red che guevara badge
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this is a pretty common find
very easy to find ; ‘che guevara badge’ in ebay or etsy would do the trick
here is one: Che Guevara BUTTON PIN BADGE 25mm 1 INCH Political Student Cuba Face Revolution | eBay
uk subs badge
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i love this band i will not lie 10/10 recommend
the photos we have of this are unclear - the badge looks mottled, like it could be khaki coloured in some photos, but there are no signs of badges like this online, so we could say its one of the more common black badges, but vintage, and has been weathered with time ? which honestly it looks more black in some shots than green
looking at different listings it does look like they fade to be greeny but i do not know
i dont have anything else to suggest so im going to blame it on weird lighting in the hub and move on
the plain black one is a common badge, one of the first things to come up when you type in ‘uk subs badge’ online (here is one for ur convenience UK Subs - Name Button Badge (rockbymail.com))
che guevara pop art badge (srry for lq image)
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this one took me a while to find, but thats only because i made a spelling mistake and didnt realise for ages
id say its a pretty common badge, but it is out of stock everywhere- i put my email in on the site though so ill update the post if it comes back in stock (this site- Button, badge CHE GUEVARA - pop art | Tips for original gifts (ukposters.co.uk))
i managed to get one off of ebay, through a one-off auction, i dont imagine itd be too rare for that to happen again so just keep an eye out
manufactured by pyramid international, but is not on their site
8 ball badge
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theres a lot of similar badges out there, and getting one slightly different probably wouldnt hurt that much
i managed to find an exact dupe on ebay (id drop the link but i got the last one)
this is a similar one: 8 Ball Pool 1 Inch / 25mm Pin Button Badge Black Snooker Billiards Hustler Fun | eBay
u can characterise it by the artificial reflection spot
crass anarchy and peace badge
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to get an exact dupe of this badge would be pretty hard- i cant find a place that makes them with the red like owen’s instead of the black
because of this, im assuming that owen’s badge is a genuine one
if you want an exact one then keep ur eyes peeled on the likes of ebay, depop, etsy, etc one will turn up eventually
if ur lazy then a safe bet is probably just to get one made, or deal with it being a different colour (heres a link to one of those Crass - Anarchy & Peace - Button Badge - 25mm Punk Badges, Fridge Magnet Option | eBay)
john lennon badge
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just a badge with john lennon on i found it pretty easily
John Lennon LP Cover badge Official Merchandise | eBay
siouxsie sioux badge
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another punk icon i love siouxsie so much
this one took me FOREVER to find and it was so worth it i actually think its sick
this is the site i got mine from;
Siouxsie & the Banshees - Underwear Button Badge (rockbymail.com)
the clash badge
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again... adore this band
i got the first one i saw on ebay, from this seller: THE CLASH Button Badge UK Punk Rock Band - London Calling, Combat Rock 25mm Pin | eBay, there is one left and i cant find another (red) for sale at the moment
there are a lot of similar looking badges out there, namely the same badge but with black text instead of red, which would work just fine (THE CLASH Button Badge - UK Punk Rock Band London Calling, Combat Rock 25mm Pin | eBay)
sex pistols im a mess badge
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owen has good taste in bands
this one is pretty simple to find!! (was nice to have an easy one for a change)
owens looks to be light brown with blue text in some photos and then just look b+w in others; ur call
heres a link but if you look it up then youre almost guaranteed to find one
sex pistols im a mess | eBay
circle-a badge
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kind of just ur bog standard circle a
if u want the exact badge then heres the link but ngl noones going to tell the difference between it and any other
Punk Rock Anarchy Symbol 25mm Button Badge (thevinylfrontierbarry.com)
i got my eight ball and sex and drugs and rock n roll badge (below) from the same ebay seller and they included a free one, and i love them for it
sex n drugs n rock n roll badge
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pretty standard tbh
theres a few on ebay but if u google it then theres loads!!!
you didnt need me to tell u this
here is one: SEx n Drugs N rock n Roll 1 inch 25mm Button Pin Badge Punk Skin | eBay
and here is a holographic one because who does not enjoy a holographic badge SEx n Drugs N rock n Roll 1 inch 25mm Prism Button Pin Badge Punk Skin | eBay
yellow and black tongue stick out badge
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this was one that i really had trouble with for some reason like i just could not find an exact match
i found a glittery one which honestly was very exciting for me
if you know where to get this badge pls hmu !!
manic street preachers badge
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again, this is one i was unable to locate, unfortunately
this one was really bugging me so i made a post in forum to try and locate it, but i still came up empty handed. i think the best bet would be to get one custom made.
the text appears to be the logo on the front of their first studio album, generation terrorists (1992). i recommend btw. 
like the last one, if u have any info on where to get one of these then hmu !! ill add it 
sex pistols rock n roll swindle badge 
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this badge had me confused for a while ngl
for a while i was sure that it was a different band and spent uh. quite a while looking for a badge that matched that description and then i checked my list again and i had a lightbulb moment where i realised that there were two sex pistols badges and id only done one (i may be stupid)
not that this realisation changed much as i still wasnt able to track one down anywhere
i played around in some editing software and made a (pretty bad but shhh) template thingy? which u can use to get ur own badge printed somewhere idk 
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onto the final badge (thats if i didnt forget one)
go deh badge
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original badge manufactured by london based brand better badges (known for being one of the biggest exporters of punk badges in the 70s and 80s)
i cant find a place to recover one of these badges - i can only find two pictures of it online (that arent torchwood screenshots)
your best bet would to be get one made i reckon
i also made a template thingy for this one in case u wanted to get ur own printed. the font i used was futura condensed bold in case u wanted to do ur own (instead of using my ugly little attempt)
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bonus: the frankenstein patch 
Curse Of Frankenstein Sew On Patch Hammer Horror Film Movie | Etsy
dont think i missed any but in case i did then let me know!!! ill try my best to find them 
thank u for reading hope i helped ! <333
when i was identifying some of his badges this post by scarecrowprops on ig really helped (https://www.instagram.com/p/CLuW01IjliB/) nd also this post (https://iant0jones.tumblr.com/post/141100170804/owens-badges-on-his-lab-coat/amp) 
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quackspot · 4 years
i started thinking about that gay bastard oc of yours. platano. can u tell me about him
omg u wer thinkgin about platano..... mr banana man... mr 4011. i am obsessed with the banana code srry i just got back from work (it was good :-D)
any way. um. im going below the cut. he kidnaps people and he murders people and i hate him because he’s also a massive weeb so. hm
HISTORY OF PLATANO... yea his name is spanish for banana
his father, pablo, will probably get a name change someday but i literally never think of his father since the only thing he did in platano’s backstory was disappear 
since platano’s world has characters based off like. fruits and vegetables (there aren’t really any limit to what the characters are based off of. it was in my lazy google translate name phase so we have like... a gay character named arcenciel who becomes dadlike through my powerful canon-changing touch. also arcenciel wears the colors of the rainbow as often as he can i haven’t figured out a good design for him since i’m not used to using more than 5 colors. he also owns a hat factory)
i think arcenciel and platano are friends they met when platano was like. 17 probably and arcenciel would be around uhhhhh ummmmmmm 21??? idk man but in canon he’s probably around 30 . yes i m saying “in canon” because i wrote a really dumb and horrible story back in 2018 arcenciel used to have HUGE internalized homophobia and i turned that into a running joke and i dislike that so that’s a reason why i’m not sharing the fun little story i wrote for my friends
(the best part of that story is when arcenciel threw his light-up rainbow heelies at platano, thus starting the boss fight which the main cast LOST.)
ok back to the topic at hand. platano.
i have a whole doc named platano where i just wrote drabbles about him so i’m going to summarize them
the first one was his friend, percisi (my only cishet oc he’s very short and very aggressive while also dressing in a soft-colored turtleneck since he’s based off of peaches) using a misunderstood form of satanism to summon satan. guess what percisi and platano summoned satan for. it was a manga update! wow
i won’t say the mangas name it was an inside joke
so platano was like “hey satan can i have this manga now please please” and satan went “sure just kill people for me” 
that determined platanos job for the next 7 or so years <3 wonderful. 
(it was basically me writing a backstory for a scene to happen in the main writing i wrote for my friends. he killed someone because someone else in the building was trying to summon satan. very confusing but okay i guess.)
i think right after that i wrote about platano meeting his boyfriend, sage, for the first time. i have horribly mixed feelings about their relationship since it’s very. Hm.
so platano kidnaps people to watch anime with him because all his friends left him and his best friend, mangue, is too busy being a dictator over the Land of the Fruits. i shit you not fruits oppressed the vegetables. i wrote that dynamic between the two because i was learning about the revolutionary war in US History. something like that at least
(the Land of the Fruits is not the official name)
on the topic of kidnapping people. guess who his favorite person was. sage. it was sage. so he tried to take sage often but they probably discussed Proper boundaries since everyone else tried to run away. hmm i am now going to write a bit right now 
“Platano,” Sage started. “Why do you keep kidnapping me? It’s rude and I hate it.”
“What else am I supposed to do?” The yellow-haired fool leaned on his sword, digging the tip deeper into the ground. 
“I can do that?”
“You keep making my dads worried.” Sage looked around the area, fidgeting with his hands. 
“Oh. Okay. Want to hang out? Watch some anime?” Platano paused for a moment, but managed to say “Maybe kiss?” before Sage got to answer.
“I- KISS??? We can watch anime together. We can go now.” 
Sage ushered Platano through a portal as fast as he could. 
His dads were never worried.
hmmm maybe that’s alright idk i’m a little tired so it’s probably a little out of character. sage probably isn’t that loud but i think it was trying to be the dynamic of “oh, we’re not dating” when they kiss every sunday at 5 pm by a romantic river scene 
he’s a character who is, at his very core, horrible and bad. he is portrayed in a way i DESPISE but i’m too lazy to correct it. his interest in sage actually started with me going “hmm i think platano would draw sage like this” then sauce giving me fun facts about his oc, sage, yea sage is sauce’s oc <3 epic win . so sauce gave me fun facts about sage and i was like “time to doodle these in platanos ‘art style’” when in reality it’s just the mockery of people just getting into an anime art style, with the chin so pointy it could cut a cake 
i might reread my old writing from 2018. i gotta agree with the judges for that year i did not write very well
it mightve actually been made in 2017 which would be FUCKIN CRAZY im gonna check rn 
yea it was started in 2018. february 14th... huh . finished it completely in june of that year it was 41 pages total and it’s not even double spaced how did i write something without double spacing it
so bob is a fluffy little anthro cloud with a grey top hat and bowtie. he is amazing. i love bob. bob is another one of sauce’s character and mangue (mentioned earlier) was made by my friend jamie 
(you can always ask for their tumblrs but i’d ask them if its okay to share their tumblrs. i might just look at them and reblog their stuff cuz i like their art!!! maybe jamie posted a drawing she made recently on her blog but tbh i don’t think she would she’s more of a twitter user)
ok so im skimming thru UMG which is the story it stands for “Universe of Magic Gardens” and it was originally made for a prank on ponytown so people would go “what’s UMG” and my friends and i would be like “ur mom gay xDDDDDD” or something like that . horrible but i’m glad i’ve changed from . that.
here’s a bit i actually like AKLJFISJFIO
“What the actual FUCK, Ilkie?!” Arcenciel cringed in fear. “Put it back- it’s too ugly.” He pointed at Platano, whose arms were crossed. 
why is it bolded. anyway.
i just saw a part where eau used y’all... water cowboy moments <333 i really need to make refs for all of those old characters. all of my umg-related characters have to be my oldest-living ocs. 
i cant believe this is making me genuinely reread my old writing just to go “WJHFSIDAJKSFIOJ WTF????” 
some of the lines on it sound like something you would hear on like. a school bus or somethin 
looking at umg like “wtf how did i add so much Meat to this writing” bc most of my writing now is mostly quotations to progress the story (like the quickie i wrote earlier. i could add meat to it but im  tired lol)
OK THIS IS MORE GENERAL BUT MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS WAS WRITING HAIKUS FOR PORTALS. after you visit a place enough times it’s kind of just an instinct to open a portal there so you don’t have to recite a haiku 
uhh ok here’s another bit becuase im feeling like living la vida loca.  ur biggest regret should be “can you tell me about him” by this point bc i’ve written too much to go back now
He landed on his face once he was outside of the hat. Meko quickly walked over to the guest room, opened the Portals for Dummies book, and flipped to a page. It looked devious.
“Banana, mango,
Each tasting amazingly.
A taste of evil.” 
Meko did the dance on the page, it consisted of something that looks like it’s from an anime. A portal opened, the familiar scent of bananas and mangoes coming from it. With some hesitation, Meko stepped in. He quickly made it so only his head peeked in.
it wasnt bolded this time but i like it bolded. ok i understand how i added meat it was just shitty expired meat ALKFSJSHDAIUJKFEIODSJAK . it wasnt even that much meat DAMN. it just looked like more.
actually that’s all i will write. i could  do more w platano but yea at his base he is a blonde twink who kills people because he wanted a manga but now he’s friends with a dictator. woo! wow. amazing character writing. i cant wait to get motivation to rewrite everything and make platano a good villain (he will still be very interested in anime sadly. idk why around that time i liked making characters who were obsessed with anime i didn’t even watch it much myself. i think it was because i wanted to put capes on them)
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bleunoia · 7 years
human anatomy
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pairing: zach dempsey / reader
genre: smut lmAO SRRY was bound to happen
description: study session with zach gone wrong- well actually study session gone right IF U ASK ME
You were failing biology, there was no other way to put it.
You had started off first semester fine, but when the teacher started talking about meiosis you were gone. Everything you tried could never get you ready for the tests, essays, and projects. Sleepless nights, re-reading textbooks, and listening to mundane audios were all for shit as you still got a fat F on almost everything you turned in. 
You were at your wits-end, just about ready to say “fuck it” and give up when an angel by the name of Zach Dempsey offered to help. With a shy smile and a “i’m not that bad at biology, I could help you?” He saved your academic life.
So now here you were, laying on his bed, taking notes on what he was telling you about the cell cycle.
Studying with Zach was pleasant and you had learned more in the past hour than you ever had in the months with your teacher, but being with him presented an entirely new set of problems. With his tall, well built figure and kind brown eyes, also not to mention his extremely kissable li-
“Did you get all that?” His voice broke you from your spell and you could feel a small blush arise on your cheeks from being caught practically drooling over him. You mumbled something incoherent, along the lines of “sure, yeah, totally.” 
He chuckled at your flustered response and grabbed his phone to check the time. “Oh shit, I totally lost track of time. It’s almost midnight, shouldn’t you be home?” 
You let out a groan, “Oh shit, my parents are going to kill me!” 
You had told them you were studying at one of your girl friends houses and would be back by dinner, a fat lie, but your parents wouldn’t let you leave if you told them the truth. You frantically searched for your phone all over Zach’s bed, until you finally found it under the mess of your school papers. 
You had 2 missed calls from your mom 4 hours ago and a few texts from the friend you were supposed to be studying with. You were confused on why your mom only bothered to call you two times, slightly offended at her lack of interest in your well-being. 
“dude ur mom just called, i told her you were gonna sleep over since IM SUCH A GOOD FRIEND. UR WELCOME BITHC! wya tho.” You let out a giggle of relief at your friends message, not believing how the stars aligned in your favor tonight.
“Guess i’m staying the night!” You exclaimed, causing Zach to widen his eyes in surprise. “Do you have any pajamas I could borrow?”
“You’re staying the night?” He stuttered out, his adams apple prominent as he swallowed thickly. 
“I mean if it’s alright with you? My parents think i’m sleeping over at one of my friends houses and i’m too lazy to actually go over there.” You were telling him the truth, but wanting to spend more time with him played a big part in your desire to stay over. 
“Yeah it’s totally fine with me, let me just go grab you something to sleep in.” You watched as his lean figure stood up from the bed and walked over to the cabinet, ruffling through his clothes. He pulled out a white t-shirt and some black sweats, handing them to you. “You can change in the bathroom, its down the hall.”
You expressed your appreciation and set out to find said bathroom. You changed out of your clothes, folding them neatly on the counter and pulled on his shirt. His scent enveloped you like a welcoming hug, he smelled of fresh laundry and the faint scent of vanilla. You didn’t bother with the sweats, your boy-shorts would do the job and you weren’t accustomed to sleeping with pajama bottoms anyways. Gathering all the clothes you returned to the room, finding Zach making a make-shift bed on the floor. 
“Is that for me? Because i have no problem sharing a bed with you.” You questioned, plopping down on one side of the bed. 
“Actually its for me, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Zach’s sweet consideration for your feelings was a breath of fresh air and you couldn’t help but smile adoringly at the boy. 
“Nope. You’re sleeping next to me tonight whether you like it or not, i’m a cuddler.” You got under his dark blue covers and patted the space next to you. He stared at you, not believing that you wanted him in bed with you. You could see the flushed expression on his face and let out a laugh. “God, come in Zach, really.” 
He mumbled a small ‘ok’ and stumbled into bed, facing you. You turned over so you were looking him straight in the eye, a small smile on your face. You could feel his breathing quicken at being so close to your face. “You have nice eyes.”
“Thank you, so do you.” You softly said, giggling slightly at how cute he was being. He scooted his head closer to yours and drifted his eyes to your lips. “You’ve got some nice eyebrows too.”
You let out a laugh, thinking he was going to compliment another part of your face. “Really? I was thinking about shaving them off, but I won’t now that I know they’re appreciated.” You said jokingly.
“Well I definitely appreciate everything on your face.” Your heart began racing at the tone of his voice and how he was looking at you. You mumbled a small ‘thank you’ in response, suddenly shy under his intimate stare. 
He inched his face closer to yours, almost nose-to-nose. “Can I kiss you?” 
You sharply inhaled at his question, but nodded in affirmation. He slowly raised his head from the pillow, not breaking eye contact, and softly placed his lips on yours. You immediately responded, bringing one hand up to cup his face. His kiss was sweet, just like him. You brought your other hand up to his hair and slowly brushed your fingers through the soft strands. He let out a sigh of content against your lips and pulled away to look into your eyes. You gave him a smile as if to tell him it was alright to keep kissing you, you wanted it too. Within seconds he pulled you back into him and molded your lips together. He was licking at your lips, grazing his teeth against your skin and you parted them to give him entrance with a faint moan. You ran your fingers down the base of his neck, pulling him closer. He tasted like chocolate, maybe a hint of coffee, and you had never tasted anything better as you massaged your tongue against his own. He moaned softly and lifted himself, trying to get more comfortable by slipping between your legs. You hugged him closer to you and brought your leg up to wrap around his own, pinning him to you. He gasped, pulling away for a breath and you brought your fingers to caress his cheeks and push his hair out of his face. “Are you okay with this?” 
“Yes, are you?” You were out of breath and slightly sweaty from the heat of having your bodies pressed up against each other. He chuckled at your question, “I’m more than okay.”
You mumbled ‘good’ and lifted your face up to his, chasing your lips with his own. You could feel him smirk before kissing you back, this time biting your lips lightly. You began roaming your hands down his back, finding the bottoms of his shirt and lifting them to slide your fingers over the smooth expansion of his skin. As you continued kissing him you began moving your body up to get better access to his lips and thats when you felt it; the hardness against your inner thigh that made him grunt slightly as you moved against it.
“Shit, i’m sorry.” He stuttered, pulling away from your mouth. Instead of responding you kissed him again, this time purposefully rubbing yourself against his length. He broke the kiss and brought his face into the crook of your neck letting out a low moan. You trailed your hands down the front of his chest, feeling him bring his lips to the warm skin of your neck. He licked a stripe up to the underside of your jaw, making you whimper underneath him. He trailed butterfly kisses down your neck, sucking on your skin as he went along.
You slid your hands over his abs and pulled his shirt over his head, making him separate from your neck. You brought your lips to his smooth skin, peppering kisses over his jugular. You could feel him press harder into you as you swiped your tongue up to his ear, taking his earlobe between your lips. Your actions drew a sigh from him, “Fuck baby girl.”
His voice shot straight to your core. It sounded raspier and deeper than usual, driving you absolutely crazy. You separated from him, taking the bottoms of your shirt, lifting it up and over your head. His eyes widened in surprise, taking all of you in. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”
He began kissing you again with new intensity, taking your hips in his hands and pulling you flush against him. You tilted your head to the side, giving him access to your neck as he trailed his lips further down. He planted soft wet kisses over the flesh of your chest and you tangled your fingers in his hair, slightly pulling at the strands. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your back, signaling you wanted your bra off. He gave you a soft kiss before unclasping your bra and bringing his warm hands to cup your breasts. You whined as he descended his mouth on you, taking your nipple between his lips. He lightly sucked on it before continuing to strew kisses down your body, stopping at the top of your underwear. Your breathing turned shallow as he looked up at you, pupils blown. 
“Touch me, please, you’re driving me insane.” You breathed out and Zach inhaled sharply at the desperate tone of your voice. He pulled your panties down and you shivered at the feeling of being so exposed and vulnerable in front of his eyes. His lips suddenly came forward, kissing your clit gently, taking you by surprise. You whimpered at his touch and he grabbed your thighs, kneading the skin gently. He continued pushing his tongue against you, licking between your folds before sliding two fingers into you. “Damn, you’re so wet for me.”
You were on fire, the feel of his tongue against you mixed with the touch of his fingers building you up amazingly. 
“Does that feel good?” he asked, breathing heavily. 
“Fuck yes,” you whined out. He brought his lips back up to your clit, sucking roughly making your hips buck up in reaction. His fingers pumped in and out of you as he continued to suck your clit between his lips. You threw your head back and shot your hands down to his head, pulling the strands of his hair. “Zach, I need you in me.” 
Zach stopped what he was doing and you whined at the loss of his touch. “Are you sure?” 
You grabbed his face and dragged him up to your lips in response, muttering “couldn’t be more sure” against his lips. You sucked at his bottom lip hungrily, bringing your hand down to palm his clothed cock. He groaned into your lips as you slipped your hand past the band of his boxers feeling how hard he was. You pulled the rest of his boxers down, freeing his erection. “Fuck, baby, I want to feel you.” 
“Then do it.” He moaned at your response and your hands pulling at his cock. “Don’t, I won’t last if you keep touching me like that.” 
You whimpered at his words and moved his dick to line up with your entrance, not planning on waiting any longer. His breathing turned shallow as the head of his cock dipped into you and you wrapped your legs around him to push him further down. You let out a long whine as you took him fully inside of you, your body arching up against him and your nipples flush against his chest. He stayed still, letting you adjust to his size, distracting himself by sucking a hickey against your chest. “You’re so fucking tight,” He choked out. “Why do you feel like heaven?”
You dug your nails into his shoulder blades moaning out, “Move Zach, please.”
He lifted up and then dropped again, letting out a low grunt against your neck. You brought your hands up to his cheeks, lifting him up to your mouth and messily kissing him. He continued to thrust into you, drawing moan after moan from your lips. He began kissing underneath your jaw, biting the flesh hard enough to leave a mark. You clenched around his cock in response causing a choked moan to leave his lips. 
“I’m not going to last much longer baby, you feel too good.” 
“I’m not going to either.” You rose your hips to meet his thrusts, desperate for release. Your walls began to pulse around him and he began to thrust quicker into you, sensing you were close. He took his hand, bringing it down between your bodies to rub your clit roughly, bringing you closer to orgasm. 
“Come on, baby girl. Come for me.” He murmured into your ear.
That was all you needed to get to the edge, you threw your head back, staring unseeingly to the ceiling as a huge wave of pleasure washed over your entire body. You clenched tightly around him and you felt his dick twitch inside you before he was releasing with a loud moan. You gripped onto his shoulders as he continued thrusting into you, riding out your highs. He slowed his movements to a stop and brought his forehead against yours, breathing heavily.
You smiled at him, not believing that what started off as a study session turned into this- not that you were complaining. He softly kissed your lips before pulling out of you. He gently collapsed on you and you hugged him to your chest, running your hands through his hair and down his back. 
“You’re amazing.”
You giggled at his words and kissed the side of his head endearingly. He turned his head up to you, giving you a sweet smile before kissing your chin. You smiled softly back at him, feeling your eyes droop in sleepiness. He chuckled at your sleepy expression and wrapped his arms around you, snuggling you into his chest.
“Go to sleep baby.”
haadhbsjdbhja u guys this is my first smut im screaming!!!! I HOPE I DIDN’T FAIL U GUYS, ESPECIALLY THE PERSON THAT REQUESTED THIS!!
also just a quick side-note, i really love that all of you guys are sending me requests but I have a long list to do so for now i’m going to leave them in my inbox until I finish up at least half of the ones I said yes to. I’ll try to get to them as soon as I can!! thank u 4 ur support, all of u are extremely appreciated <3 <3
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avi-stella · 7 years
Hiya Im gonna attempt to make an interesting request lol so uh- please excuse my crappy English, srry will be long. I saw this post about a necklace with charms of the moon phases each person of a couple was born under and I was thinking/ what if there were couples who were destined to be together, as in one born under halfmoon and the other born on the other half (also works with crescent and others) also remember that texting chat w/ zen when he was drunk I think lol/ about fairies cont.
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This is so late! I’m so sorry for the long delay! ;_; Your request was really interesting (I’m a sucker for fantasyyy), and I hope I was able to do justice with it. Thank you for requesting!
Everybody who was born on this earth possessed a strange mark on their left wrist: a phase of the moon. They say that there is somebody out there in the world who possesses the other half of your mark—your soulmate—and once the two of you touch, the marks will glow and change to that of a complete full moon.
Zen was confused; he already had the mark of a full moon on his wrist. Did that mean that he already found his soulmate? His other half, and that he just missed them? Or did it mean that he was his own soulmate? It wasn’t that farfetched and uncommon, and though the idea amused him, he couldn’t deny the aching need for love and attention from someone else. The actor put a lot of focus into his work, but even so, he still wanted to know what it was like to be his other half. To feel like a whole.
It was late at night when the young man finished up with rehearsals. He had ended up sticking around a bit, not yet ready to go back to his cold and lonely apartment. The actor walked slowly, burying his hands in his pockets while idly kicking a pebble down the street. The night was dimly lit with the light of the full moon hanging overhead in the sky. The same full moon as his mark. The same full moon as those who were complete, but Zen felt empty.
Breathing out a reluctant sigh of defeat, the young man continued on his way back home, trudging along as his heart ached with longing. The loneliness always seemed to become much more painful whenever there was a full moon. Sometimes, Zen would joke to himself that it was because he was a werewolf, but he knew himself better than anyone. He couldn’t lie to himself, no matter how hard he tried.
Zen decided to take a small detour from his usual route. The young man allowed his feet to take him wherever they wanted, not really paying attention to where he was going. Eventually, Zen found himself at a small creek. It was a beautiful sight, the greenery almost giving off an ethereal glow; the young man couldn’t believe his eyes.
There were…things, floating around and glowing. Zen almost thought of them as fireflies, but that wasn’t it. They were something else, but the actor couldn’t figure out what. They seemed almost…otherworldly.
Just then, the actor could hear light laughter sounding in his ears, the voice almost child-like and mischievous. Zen spun on his heel, but he was greeted with nothing but air. The laughter continued to surround him, carried by the wind. Usually, the actor would have found himself terrified with such a situation, but oddly enough, he felt…safe. He didn’t think that whoever or whatever these voices belonged to wouldn’t harm him.
Suddenly, there was a strong gust of wind that sent Zen’s hair flying all around him. His hands immediately shot out of his pocket to tame the long locks, and then everything stopped. A stillness passed over the creek, the wind gone and air eerily quiet. The laughing voices had hushed, and the atmosphere seemed to shift somehow.
Zen took a step back at the abrupt change, ready to turn on his heel to leave when several voices started to chime in the small breeze that started to pick up again. Whispered voices speaking amongst one another with a hopeful tinge.
“He possesses the full mark.”
“Perhaps he is the one.”
“And perhaps not. Why bring our princess further grief by giving her hope if it is nothing but false in the end?”
“The possibility still exists. She wanes with each cycle. It is worth a try.”
The voice abruptly directs itself towards Zen, catching him off guard. Following the voice’s command, all the glowing “things” form a straight line. It’s an entrancing sight, and Zen finds himself completely captivated. His eyelids slowly start to become heavy, and when the glowing line moves forward, Zen is tempted to take one step towards it.
He follows the trail without much thought, his mind in a blissful haze. It feels as though he would be promised something if he follows these things, and he can’t find the strength to resist. The voices continue to encourage him, urging him to keep moving.
“Our princess is waiting.”
“She will be so happy if you are the one.”
“Perhaps you will be happy too.”
“Maybe you will finally be complete.”
“Complete…” Zen repeats, finding the word to feel pleasant on his tongue.
The actor’s feet drags into the water; he isn’t too sure when that happened, but he doesn’t resist whatever hold he was currently in. The moon is reflected on the rippling surface of the water, and Zen can’t look away. He stares at it intently, finding the water’s surface to move closer and closer to his face before he is completely submerged.
Drowning, drowning. Zen is drowning, but it isn’t suffocating. His chest feels so light, his vision fading as he sinks further and further down in the deep blue.
When the young man’s eyes flutter open, he finds himself to be lying in the middle of a bed of flowers. He slowly sits up, pressing a hand to his head as he tries to remember what happened and how he got here…wherever “here” was, exactly. Crimson eyes glance around, trying to get an understanding of the surroundings.
It looked to be in the middle of a lush forest, the greenery vibrant and full of life. The open air felt so clean and light, and every time Zen breathed, it felt as though he was being cleansed. The young man stands up and sees a small trail. Seeing as he had no other idea on where to go, Zen starts to head down the trail.
Following the trail, the actor delves deeper into the forest. There was something about this place that made his heart leap in anticipation. It feels as though this was where Zen was supposed to be. Like this place was waiting for him. Like he was waiting for this place.
The actor is broken out of his thoughts when he hears the familiar voices from in the creek lingering in the air. They sound distant yet close, and so Zen decides to follow them. The volume increases with each step he takes, signalling that Zen is getting closer to the source. He comes across a curtain of vines, the voices coming from just behind it.
Not knowing why, Zen takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and excitement. He draws the vines back, and he’s greeted by the sight of a gorgeous young woman kneeling amongst the grass, head and arms resting on a tree stump. Delicate-looking wings protrude from her back, giving lazy flaps which sends leaves to dance with a gentle breeze.
Zen is mesmerized, unknowingly taking one step closer to get a better look and accidentally stepping on a twig. The snapping sound breaks you away from your thoughts, and your head shoots up, looking at the male before you with curiosity and wonder.
“Um, hello…” Zen awkwardly greets you with a nervous laugh. “I’m Zen.”
You stare at the newcomer warily before returning his introduction with your own name, standing up from your position and dusting yourself off as you give your wings one final flap. Zen nods, repeating your name in a whisper to get a feel for it, finding heat to rise to his cheeks when he does. “Are you…an angel?”
“Angel?” You repeat in surprise at the male’s impression of you before bursting into a fit of giggles. “No, not at all. I’m what you humans call a faerie.”
“A faerie…” Zen breathes out. “You’re beautiful.”
You’re taken aback by the blurted out compliment, and you bow your head, embarrassment flooding your cheeks. “How did you get here?” You try to change the subject.
“I’m not sure…” the actor responds. “I was at a creek, and I followed some voices, and…well, now I’m here.”
“Oh, I see…it must have been a full moon then,” you answer wistfully, tilting your head back to gaze at the sky. Sensing the young man’s confusion, you explain, “The line that separates the realms of the supernatural and humanity weakens with the full moon. My children must have guided you through one of the doors for you to enter this realm.”
“Children? Door…?”
You giggle at the male’s perplexed expression. “Those voices you heard. They most probably belonged to my children—the ones who serve me. They must have guided you here for a reason. Tell me, Zen, what is your reason for being here?”
Zen’s heart skips a beat when you say his name, and he scrambles to answer, “I-I’m not too sure, exactly. I just…felt…‘lonely’, I guess…?”
“Lonely… I see,” you respond idly, staring down at your hands that seem to flicker in transparency. “I can understand that. I’m lonely too…waiting.” Your eyes stare faraway, your fingers gingerly rubbing your inner wrist.
“What do you mean…?”
A sad smile crawls onto your lips. You don’t know why you continue talking, but you do. “I’m waiting. For my 'other half’.”
Zen seems to freeze at your words. Taking his silence as your cue to continue, you try to explain to the best of your abilities, wondering just how much information a mortal like him can hold. “Long ago, there was a faerie who was blessed by the moon spirit. She fell in love with one of the first humans to ever exist, but at some point, they were separated. They promised to find each other again—their other half.”
“The moon marking…” Zen realizes. His eyes widen with surprise, not having known that such a thing dated back so long ago and had such a magical root to it.
“Is it the same for you humans?” You ask, not having expected a mortal to be aware of the tradition amongst your kin.
The young man nods, stretching out his hand to show you his mark of the full moon on his inner wrist. “They say once you touch your soulmate who possesses the other half of your mark, it will glow with the mark changing to that of a full moon, but as you can see with mine… Well, maybe I just don’t have one.”
“I’m sure they exist somewhere. You just haven’t found them yet,” you attempt to cheer up the male, your heart clenching at his defeated expression. “…I should go. There are things I must tend to.”
Not quite understanding the strange feelings in your chest, you swiftly turn on your heel to leave, almost afraid. In your haste, you trip over your own feet. You brace yourself for the impact, but it never comes. You feel a warm hand clasp around your wrist, effectively stopping your fall. A faint glow shines from both your inner wrist and Zen’s, surprising the both of you.
You turn to look at Zen, your eyes wide with wonder. Slowly, the actor lets go, and you both glance down towards your marks. For Zen, it’s still the same mark of a full moon, but it seems different somehow. He can’t quite explain it, but there is one thing he’s certain of: he’s finally found you.
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wildchildfreecs · 7 years
Me and some friends came up with a Really Awful (GREAT) au, where things hurt and Gon turns dark side. I’m posting the partially edited chat log instead of summarizing ‘cause I’m lazy af, but this will be added to my Verse’s list. I just have to think of a tag
If you’re interested in RPing something from this sorta AU, please hit me up, I’d absolutely love to.
gabriel the gondad - gon is the PERFECT example of someone who could have ended up REally, REAALLLY dark but didnt, out of sheer luck of his upbringing 
can -  yeah, and if he went to hisoka for training oh my gosh
Café con Leche -  ^^ OMG i'd love to read that
can - the poor boy would do a 180
gabriel the gondad -  c h r i s t please? ? ? henckin??? ohhh man fucknign please i LOVE hisoka corrupting gons morals i love gons morals being corrupted but i love hisoka doing it even more chefs kiss and Poor Killua watching his light turn black and ugly
Café con Leche - omg yes it would corrupt him so much cain what if he tries to kill Hisoka
can - and that would make killua go back to his family
gabriel the gondad -  O h h h h
can -  omg
gabriel the gondad -  oh this is good
Café con Leche -  OH MY GOS
gabriel the gondad - DFDF
Café con Leche - WHAT IF
gabriel the gondad -  GUCK
Café con Leche -  YES BUT ALSO lISTEN what if Hisoka completely fucks killua up And Gon walks in and just looks at him
gabriel the gondad - and doesnt care
Café con Leche -  all bloody on the ground YES
can -  YESSS
gabriel the gondad -  "You did this to yourself, Killua."
Café con Leche -  And Killua weeps and reaches out for him
gabriel the gondad - and gon Leaves
can -  And then cue illumi like "see this is why i said assassins dont have friends"
Café con Leche -  Illumi saves him
gabriel the gondad -  C H RI ST
Café con Leche -  and Killua goes back home clad in darkness AND OMG WHAT IF FUCKING ALLUKA TRIES TO PERSUADE GON
gabriel the gondad -  C H R I S T ALLUKA NO oh o h n o what if killua makes a wish
Café con Leche -  OOOH oh my god what if his wish brings Gon back but gon realizes what he's done
gabriel the gondad -  gon still REmembers and he wont forgive himself
Café con Leche -  and he can bear to live with himself BUT he has to save killua
gabriel the gondad -  ooooooooo c hrist c h r i s t the Drama the Pain I Love It
Café con Leche -  and hisoka and illu just keeps trying to keep tem corrupted them* and gon sees killua again and killua is just ice cold, dead in the eyes
gabriel the gondad -  WHAT IF.... KILLUA.. yes Y E S
Café con Leche -  and gon knows its all his fault it's like kite all over again f uck
can -  and hisoka is like, "this is why you shouldn't put your faith in other people~ only live for yourself and your own pleasures"
Café con Leche -  Hisoka whispering in Gon's ear how it's all his fault and he should just accept it
gabriel the gondad - this is,, So Good im eating my own fist OK BUT LISTEN CONSIDER hisoka telling gon "this is your fault. this is why you should live for only yourself" and gon turns around and punches hisoka in the face with as much nen as he can muster and says "if i live for myself, I'm killing you first." bc hisokas the one. that did this to him
can -  hisoka would be LIVID And all hisoka has to say once Gon is dead is "Pity~ He wasn't nearly as ripe as I'd hoped. Such a waste."    
Café con Leche - Imagine if killua just watches Gon and Hisoka    slowly but surely once he sees Gon near death he's returning to some of his consciousness and he cant live without his light and Illumi fucking loses it
gabriel the gondad -  c h r i s t ohhh my god
Café con Leche -  illumi tries to kill hisoka gabriel the gondad - im Suffering ok but illumi would win b/c hisoka would already be injured from his fight w gon
can -  Hisoka would retreat after that he aint dumb
Café con Leche -  illumi would chase after him
gabriel the gondad -  illumi wouldnt fuckn Let Him
Café con Leche -  make it his life mission to kill him jesus this got dark
gabriel the gondad -  YOU DONT SAY
Café con Leche -  imagine Ging seeing his son so messed up
gabriel the gondad -  o h IMAGINE MITO
Café con Leche -  mito would blame ging it's his fault he wanted to be a hunter his fault he wasnt there for him
gabriel the gondad -  ffffffffuuuuuck ok but, where gon doesnt die he beats hisoka in his fight
can -  "Kill me, and you'll be just like me~"
gabriel the gondad -  and he takes killua with him, and they leave, and they go to ging, and gon says "please help me, i dont know what to do any more" gon doesnt kill him hes Very Particuar about that breaks both his legs, rips an arm off, whatever it takes but doesnt Kill him illumi can have that right, if he wants it
Boopi -  oh
gabriel the gondad -  HI BOOPI WEVE BEEN. PLOTTING
Boopi -  plotting about wut- e.e
gabriel the gondad -  plotting about corruption
Boopi -  corruption- i- see- exiTS
gabriel the gondad -  BOOPI NO COME B A C K
Boopi -  corruption and alluka can not be within the same conversatioN-
gabriel the gondad -  listen alluka is the one who fixes everything shes still pure and wholesome
Boopi -  okay so what i understand is gon is all dark and moody and killua is suffering more gon x hisoka new evil double duo illumi and killua bonding and alluka flies down from the heavens as an angel to fix everything and re-create killugon
gabriel the gondad - she tries to recreate killugon but you cant erase the past so its still all fucked up and moody
Boopi -  does trying make it w orse cause what a twist
gabriel the gondad -  i meannnn,,,, define worse
Boopi -  dang is this au that dark
gabriel the gondad -  :^)
Boopi -  if everyone is gonna be dark/angst/whatever this is i am perfectly okey with this sad/wise alluka ftw
gabriel the gondad -  if by worse you mean it hurts, because one of the possibilies is gon and killua die but also the possibilty they win the fight against hisoka and have to deal with the fallout of all their decisions and wrongdoings or would worse be they never speak again, and both continue along their paths of killing and being perfect imitations of hisoka and illumi
Boopi -  omg allu's stuck in-between
gabriel the gondad -  :^) i, personally, think that killua would make a wish to fix everything but nanikas power isnt omnipotent all she can do is get gon to realize where he fucked up and from there, its up to him to try and fix it (whether or not he can is a completely different story.)
Boopi -  okay so how would alluka act with everything's different? shouldn't she be affected by it too
can -  i mean
Boopi -  maybe not nanika, but allu
can -  she probably will lose her brother and get locked up again
gabriel the gondad -  yeah, unless she escapes she'll prob get locked up again
Boopi -  if killua doesn't care then illumi is free to do whatever
gabriel the gondad -  id say its possible that,, killua does what he can to free her so he can still have one light in the world like, before he goes back to the family, he hides alluka away  
can -  if killua calls her something bad like
Boopi -  "it"
can -  "that thing isnt apart of the family"
Café con Leche -  Illumi: So Killua, what do we do with "it"? Killua: .. Do whatever u want jesus but yes i hear u gabe¨
Boopi -  can you even imagine a dark alluka
gabriel the gondad -  n o
Café con Leche -  ALLUKA
gabriel the gondad -  not my gentle sweet sunshine
can -  y es
gabriel the gondad -  n o N   O
Café con Leche -  gets corrupted cuz she loses HER light
can -  she will giggle when she kills ppl
Boopi -  just an alluka that's lost hope and enjoys the killing
Café con Leche -  omg omg boopi what if Alluka get's corrupted and starts killing because she wants to be useful to Killua
Boopi -  alluka or nanika? or both
Café con Leche -  both
Boopi -  bOTH
Café con Leche -  Alluka tells Nanika to kill people and then asks Killua to pat her head aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Boopi -  just imagine Alluka's holding [insert character name]'s head here "Killua... Pat my head and tell me I'm a good girl..." and she just creepily smiles while walking towards him with the head casually omg i srry
Café con Leche -  omg what if one day she's like "Killua... Want Gon to die?"
gabriel the gondad -  O H
Boopi -  cHILL wi dark alluka refers to herself like she's an object t h o
can -  O H M Y GOD
Café con Leche -  ......... oh my go d
can -  "I'm an object that you can use, big brother~"
gabriel the gondad -  this got a w f u l l y dark
Boopi -  "Do not worry over my feelings, big brother. I feel nothing. It feels nothing." geebus christ
Café con Leche -  imagine kurapika's roll in this
gabriel the gondad -  O H pika watching gon turn into the exact type of person he despises just like the troupe trained by an ex-troupe member killing for sport, just to get stronger, just to prove he can kill them
Café con Leche -  oMG
gabriel the gondad -  OH WHAT IF.... HISOKA..... TELLS.... GON.... TO... kill his old friends
Café con Leche -  kp is a maffia boss right.... What if Killua get's a mission to assassinate him..
Boopi -  nO not the friends pls
gabriel the gondad -  LSTIEN GON KILLING LEORIO
Boopi -  NU
Café con Leche -  yas
gabriel the gondad - walks Right Up to leorio, nen out and boiling like it was with pitou and oreo, poor oreo, laughing, trying to understand whats wrong
Café con Leche -  Gabe gabe gabe even worse he crushes his hands, makes him unable to ever become a doctor
gabriel the gondad -  hmmm good angst, but also, i feel like, gons goal would be to Remove leorio as a tie
Café con Leche - Sasuke style
gabriel the gondad -  i never watched shippuden :0
Boopi - sasuke tried to sever all his old bonds i think
gabriel the gondad -  yeah basically that kill everyone who was important to you,  so they cant be used against you gon, punching a hole through leorios ribcage, becase he doesnt have killuas technique of ripping the heart out so he just obliterates it instead leorio dying and looking up at gon and saying "i forgive you”
Boopi - stop you're hurting me
gabriel the gondad -  leorio WOULD forgive him tho this got really out of hand, really fast
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