#im turning off rbs on this one i dont wanna start shit lmao
jefferythejelly · 1 year
I knew I made a good choice in following you because you actually watch all of Foolish’s streams and like his friends
now anon why do i feel like ur vaguing people... (or maybe thats just me)
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milktar · 5 years
i saw rb (briefly) yesterday. we were supposed to hangout but some shit came up so he offered to drive me home from toronto. in the car he’s saying all this shit (in front of his best friend) like “oh yea im buying a condo, you could move in if u wanna” and “wanna come to niagara with us for the weekend?” in front of us his best friend of 17 yrs...like what....
and at one point he turned around and was like “put on ur seatbelt” and i was like lmao why im in the back seat and his boy was like “he’s just saying that cause he cares about you” in a mocking way to rb. like idk if he was tryna embarrass him bc he knows he likes me or s/t??? anyways after i got home he started texting me all this whack shit about “me being honest because if we don’t have trust we have nothing and he’d rather me tell him some fucked real shit then lie n look good n i always got u.” and im just staring at my phone like.....BOY WHAT?! do u think i was out hooking up w someone before we met up or using or something like what, are u cool???? (i was at my fuckin therapists then went to my girls place lmao)
so i called him bc im like this is not a text convo (but obvs he wants to do it over text bc rb is really bad at talking about....anything serious) and im just like ok what the fuck do you want from me? you play me hot and cold, you say all this shit then ghost me, like whats your plan here? and he’s like “you do the same thing to me” and im like yaa bc idk what the fuck u want nd he’s like “i just want you” and im like “in what way?” and hes like “in all ways.” i swear to god my head fucking melted. so i asked why. and he kinda chuckled, and was like, what kind of question is that? i told him you cant answer a question with a question. he said he doesnt know. he just feels something for me. i gave the same answer, and he goes “sounds like fate” 
S0o0o0 ya im a fucking mess! and im like what about fay (bb ma) and he’s like “im not sleeping with her. i’m not living with her. she’s the mother of my children though. you gotta understand, it’s complicated. my kids are my life, so she’s obviously apart of it.” and i respect that, part of the thing that makes him so damn attractive is that he’s got so much love for his kids. the way he lights up when he see’s them/talks about them is so cute. but i told him straight up i dont wanna be ur fuckin side hoe so if u want me to be real with you, and ur all about trust, you gotta be real with me too. he says he’s being real. 
i’ve got half the world whispering in my ear that he’s toxic and all lies and i shouldn’t believe a word he says and this is a terrible idea and that he’s just a shitty person and half telling me you’ll never know unless you really give him a chance. just don’t put your heart on your sleeve. protect yourself.  focus on yourself primarily. (my big brother is my fucking life guru) 
he pinky promised me he’d hang out with me today (we’ll see) and my mum is cool with him coming over lmao even when he dropped me off he’s like “tell your mum i got u home safe so she knows im a nice guy” 
i need a fucking bath and i have no weed rn which is sort of really tragic cause my brain needs a fucking bowl........fuckin EH MAN 
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lunarssong · 6 years
quick little summary/title: this started out as a rant but if you scroll down to the large bold, there’s a metaphor that should hopefully help explain why terfs are so god damn awful and dangerous
me? sending an ask off-anon to a terf because im both pissed and a fucking dumbass? its more likely than youd think
in fact! im not even gonna censor the word terf! if i dont feel like dealing with their bullshit replies and rbs then i literally just fucking wont!! yeah they might send in death threats but guess the fuck what?? im leaving my anon on fuckers, because honestly that shits gonna be funny to me! and if they try to doxx me (very unlikely, but i am trans and its not riskier to mention that because its already obvious, and ive never directly made a post about terfs before, so i really dont know whats gonna happen) or something then like! im a minor! we can sue those shitheads and hopefully bring more media awareness to how god damn shitty terfs are! literally dont even start, lmao.
have the damn ask because i wanna elaborate on it
“hi there! i wish you’d delete your tumblr, because you are dangerous. you are a violent misogynist, and make me ashamed to be a feminist.
you’re gonna attack me because i’m off anon, but you’d probably call me a coward if i was on it, lmao.
anyway! stop disguising your misogyny and transphobia with shitty ass ‘feminism’. i was raised by a feminist with a feminist mom who literally can’t believe y’all exist because your ideas are SO far from actual feminism.
just say you hate trans people and go.”
tbh? its so fucking wild to me how they literally spit out misogyny, transphobia, and lesbophobia but then get all pissy when someone calls them out on it,, but then have the nerve to accuse that person of being misogynistic and lesbophobic? like,, honey. honey, what? the fuck? how much of a dumbass are you?
because like. im a pretty big dumbass! like ive walked into a mirror before because i thought it was a door! im a dumbass!
but even i know that trans women literally cannot discriminate against cis women by saying that theyre (plural, but trans women can 100% use they and thats totally valid) women! because guess the FUCK what?? theyre fucking women! if yall shitheads (terfs) wanna call that misogyny then yall cant call yourselves women either!
if yall assholes wanna call a specific group of lesbians/wlw pointing out, “hey! we experience discrimination because of an entirely irrelevant physical feature we all happen to share that has literally no actual affect on whether or not we are women/wlw” lesbophobia or speaking over minorities then wow.
wow, are yall gonna be shocked when (if) you realize what the hell yall doing that qualifies as.
oppressors literally depicting and/or committing fucking hate crimes, sometimes even as serious as murder, rape, etc. (this is referring to terfs, i should never have to point that out) is NOT comparable to an oppressed as hell minority saying that people who literally want them dead should not be in safe spaces intended for people of a community they both happen to belong to.
to put this into perspective for yall out there literally worse than garbage (terfs)! imagine this scenario.
youre in a community of women. trans women may or may not be a part of this particular community, shut the fuck up, thats irrelevant. a group of straight women pop up, and start saying that being wlw is misogynistic and harmful to women. this is bullshit. you know that immediately. why wouldn’t it be? you explain to them the obvious reasons why it is not. they ignore you.
they begin to spew utter bullshit, claiming things like “women should never marry other women. you’re ignoring the fact that a man’s place is as a woman’s wife, and basically trying to be men, which is like admitting that men are superior.” or, “as straight women, you flaunting your homosexuality,” the woman gestures to a lesbian couple who aren’t even holding hands and haven’t been touching the whole time theyve been there. one has a small rainbow heart sticker on her purse. “makes me feel threatened in my femininity. (insert plural of 4 letter slur against lesbians that i dont feel comfortable typing a single letter of) arent really women, their existence is heterophobia and misogyny. they shouldn’t be allowed in female-only spaces because they normalize masculinity.”
over time, this group of straight women grows. they call themselves feminists, claim theyre fighting for the rights of all women! unless those women happen to love other women and dont perfectly fit their (cisnormative too but terfs are awful so they like that) heteronormative idea of a woman. they protest at the very idea of saying “significant others”, “partners”, or even “wives and/or husbands” because it doesnt fit their idea of being a woman. because they think having a wife and loving women is only for men.
eventually, they start getting braver and braver. they start going to feminist rallies, and if they spot gay women, or even women they think look gay, theyll get up in their faces, threaten them, call them slurs. theyll try to record them, try to get them fired from their jobs or outed to unsupportive families. or even just expose them to the potential of assault in their day-to-day life. because theyre gay. and that doesnt affect the straight women at all, but they hate diversity and are homophobes. so they need an excuse.
sometimes theyll get their other gay-exclusive feminist friends to record them committing violent acts against wlw feminists, just to take stills from those videos out of context when the gay women defend themselves, and then go crying to the media, twisting the roles of victim and aggressor to paint a violent picture of wlw. they say that feminist rallies should be an event only for real women or allies to their cause—meaning, to them, no wlw, and certainly no mlm. they probably even try to turn all homophobia towards gay men into a sexism issue (they are sometimes tied, but not mostly). but they lose their shit when anyone tries to tell them to get out of these safe spaces for women, because by attacking wlw for literally nothing beyond existing, they are ruining the safe part.
people start to become ashamed to call themselves feminists, and are often lumped in with these homophobes. even if they themselves are gay. straight feminists who love, support, and fight for wlw begin to feel guilty for being straight. new labels for feminist ideology begin popping up, the gay-exclusive feminists strike them down and turn them into jokes.
their end goal is to reverse victories like gay marriage, remove gay representation both in the media and in history books (sometimes even arguing that famous wlw were ‘just close friends’ with their wives or girlfriends), and to send wlw right back to hiding and marrying men for fear of their lives.
all in the name of thinly veiled homophobia feminism!
but wait, you cry, that sounds nothing like feminism! it actually sounds like misogyny and homophobia!
think about who yall are the real-life equivalent of in that scenario.
need a hint because youre so brainwashed? try changing ‘gay/wlw’ to ‘trans’, ‘straight’ to ‘cis’, and ‘gay-exclusive’ to ‘terf’.
i doubt any of them will actually read through this, let alone realize their flawed perspective due to it, but hey. maybe ill sway some people who’re on the fence about how horrible terfs are.
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