#im wide awake now because i got progressively more angry as i wrote that
Fuck I'm half asleep but like the thing I hate most about the lan clan is that they never try to make a change outside their own clan yk
They're so righteous, they can do no wrong, they don't gossip, they've got 5000 fucking rules that must be followed and most of those rules are things like running is forbidden excessive laughter is forbidden
But do you know what, they don't say murder is forbidden they say murder is forbidden in the cloud recesses. So hypothetically any lan clan member could walk outside the gates murder whomever they wanted and return to zero repercussions
When a sect is clearly abusing its power over the village it has power over, they're like oh don't interfere in politics, gossip is forbidden, do not slander other but they never actually go check to see if the rumours are true and if they should he helping instead of acting pious and sitting on aountain
It's ridiculous they have so many rules and yet when someone like jin huanshan is having temper tantrums and sexually assaulting maids and wives and god knows who else, they go to his stupid discussion conference and don't say a word and smile and drink his wine when they should stand up and say this is not an honourable way for a sect leader to behave please change yuor ways or step down
To sign off, the lan clan may have morals but they're all a bunch of lily livered cowards and its astonishing that lan zhan and sizhui made it so long without throwing a fit over the injustice and double faced-ness of it all
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