#im working on a silver spoon playlist next
goosters06 · 8 months
Hey guys guess what?
*spends literal hours making playlists for my blorbos(said blorbos are literal objects)*
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mvlcnes · 5 years
hey what’s good hunnies, i’m rollin up late but uh !!  my name’s maia, 25 y/o living it up it up in the ast part of the world and uh listen i don’t have discord bc i’m a literal grandma when it comes to keeping up with all the new means of being social lmao so if you would like to chat and/or plot?? just shoot me an im on here — i’m usually always mobile & i obviously love to talk a lot !  and i’m a heaux for dramatic / angst-fuelled plots .. just a little fyi … i’m excited !! so anyway !!!  onto the Idiot of the Hour you’re actually here to read about; my darling malone. i have a pinterest board for him  HERE  , a playlist for him  HERE  , his stats page set up  HERE  , and a connections page  HERE  which as you can see is bare as all hell so let’s plot !
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i think i just saw  MALONE SINCLAIR  looking down at their phone in the middle of lecture hall . i wonder if they think that will help them get through their  BIOLOGY  major . i’m sure professor baker doesn’t mind , though , especially since  MAL  can be so  + BODACIOUS . then again ,  HE  can be a little  - EVASIVE , so maybe prof b will mind after all . what do you think is catching their attention all of a sudden ? surely it can’t be more pictures of  LUXURY CARS . hey , you know , sometimes they really remind me of  BOYISH CHARM AMPLIFIED BY A ROGUISH GRIN, SPARSELY SCARRED FINGERS CLAD IN GOLD RINGS, THE LINGERING SCENT OF CLIVE CHRISTIAN NO. 1 , but maybe that’s just me . oh well . i hope their  FOURTH  year is treating them well !
chad radwell ( scream queens ) 
chuck bass ( gossip girl )
reggie mantle ( riverdale / comics )
sebastian valmont ( cruel intentions )
okay so homeboy here has had it pretty easy his entire life. his dad works relentlessly as chief of neurosurgery in lower manhattan and his step-mom had worked as a prestigious legal practitioner; one of the most sought out lawyers in the state, and later, a socialite. like the infamous philosopher dr justin roberts once said: “six figures, i was only four”, malone was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. while most would assume he’s a straight up trust fund punk, though, he inherited his father’s impeccable work ethic to a fault.
as an only child and therefore sole heir to the sinclair estate, his parents have been on mal’s ass his entire life to give his absolute best in everything he does. health, school, sports, friendships, relationships, the whole shebang. his marks were always near the top of his class, he excelled at his two favourite sports; hockey during the winter, baseball during the summer. but it wasn’t until he hit his mid adolescent years, started developing an interest in girls ( whom he once thought were riddled with cooties ), that his focus faltered a wee bit and good lil o’malley boy started being a teenager.
embracing his lavish lifestyle and all the popularity / opportunities it handed him on a silver platter basically, mal was ho-ing himself around, partying it up with the elite crowd, earning himself a pretty risque rep among his peers. it wasn’t until he met his first actual serious girlfriend that he did his best to tone it tf down. and it worked, for awhile. but !! of course he fucked it all up and even though what’s done is done, he has big regrets. BIG regrets. mainly bc girl went absolutely wild and took a baseball bat to his ferrari yikes.
after graduating high school with exemplary marks, instead of taking the opportunity to potentially thrive in the big leagues of the sports world, malone opted to stick to his roots, following in his dad’s footsteps. he got accepted into powell as a pre-med student, studying all the biological sciences, and is finally finishing off his last year as a bonafide senior. his next big plan is to attend harvard to earn his medical degree and get the ball rollin.
pitcher for the university’s baseball team, his absolute favourite hobby
future doc in the works, he’s proudly maintaining a 4.0 gpa
distinguishing labels: the casanova, the playboy, the philanthropist
money is no object to him. will relentlessly spoil his current conquests
the second a girl tries to get serious, he ghosts & moves onto the next
fancy social events are his element but he also loves letting loose 
big partier. has gotten mixed up in cocaine & hard liquor many times
his family own several luxury cars, a yacht, have their own private jet
contributes to charitable causes 24/7 but he’s a lowkey narcissist oops 
1) ok so uh he obviously needs his boy(s), 1 or 2 who he’s pretty close with. they travelled together, were each others’ wingmen at one time or another, always have each others’ backs through thick & thin. 
2) he need him some fwb / hook up type deals, whether they be a regular occurrence or a one time thing. if you’re bored with your man or need help getting back at an ex? that’s his specialty hit him up. 
3) while on that note, maybe a fella who’s shown interest in him & mal’s hit on them while drunk?? nothing too serious, just a lil harmless curiosity. maybe they kissed / made out on a dare or some shit at a wild frat party.
4) ex gfs!! i don’t see him having like… a fuckton of exes bc he tries to stay away from relationships but probably anywhere between 1-3?? whether they be on good terms, bad terms, lingering feelings, etc. i’m cool with whatever. 
5) maybe somebody he tutored?? bc while he gives off mad Big Dick energy and tends to think with that head lmao, mal is actually very intelligent. 
6) how about some enemies tho. like… idk man i’m SURE there are ppl he rubs the wrong way bc he’s kind of narcissistic lmao. or maybe they think he’s fake. or maybe there’s some sports rivalry or classic case of polar opposites or he broke ur bff’s heart?? the possibilities are endless.
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musashi · 7 years
IM SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART IM GAY AND EXCITED.... anyways yes palletshipping and 1-7, 16-19, 26-34, 43-40
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
oh my god ash is the DEFINITION of early pidgey. he is up at the crack of fuckin’ dawn. SOMETIMES he sleeps in like if hes on vacation but for the most part its early to bed early to rise.
gary’s definitely a night rowlet, i get the feeling he’s into introspective nights with his umbreon.
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
you cant spoon w/ ash. hes always the little spoon because he doesnt have time to cuddle you, he’s cuddling pikachu. half way through the night he rolls over with his arms and legs all out fucking spread eagle on the damn bed. in the morning he’s a hurricane of static electricity and if you try and lean over to smooch the boy you’ll get shocked right on ur face. he fuckin drools too. u have to be a strong fuckin person to sleep next to ash.
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
5. Who usually has nightmares?
neither of them really, but ash is a lot more likely to mention it when he does.
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? 
honestly i think theyre both night thinkers. solidified by the time they literally met under the moonlight to talk about their friendship before the silver conference.
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
both of them but gary pretends like hes above that and it annoys ash to no end
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
neither of em. certainly not ash “my best friend is a thunderstorm” ketchum.
17. Who works/ Who stays at home?
if this was a modern au ash would definitely be the one out and about while gary took care of the house and enjoyed his lab work from home!
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
this question has no fucking meaning to ash “currently has both a rockruff and a litten on his team” ketchum.
gary’s a meowth person.
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names?
one day ash retorts back at ‘ashy boy’ with ‘gare-bewear’ and gary loses his shit its too much
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
gary ends up kind of a health nut but only because his grandpa eats like shit half the time and hes like OLD MAN WHY
ash will literally eat garbage if you put enough soy sauce on it
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
ok gary takes long fucking showers, ash takes speedy ones but he sings at the top of his lungs and he has the most amazing goddamn voice and gary’s too gay to handle it [and so am i /slowly turns down my rica playlist]
28. Who is the book worm?
thats gary
29. Who is the better cook?
also gary
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
“do you wanna go for a walk on the beach” gary says, and he pictures a nice romantic getaway, but no, ash is running, ash is tearing down the side of the ocean, ash brought pikachu, ash is racing pikachu
31. Who is more affectionate?
gary, ash’s romance levels pretty much end at handholding and physical contact and the most romantic thing he can think of is a double battle
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation?
both of them!
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt?
thats....... tough. im gonna go either way on this one.
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
“if lost return to gary” “i am gary”
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
ash then gary
41. Who cries during sad movies? 
ash cries during happy movies
42. Who is the neat freak?
neither of them are neat freaks but ash can sometimes be a trash goblin so gary is tidier by comparison
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
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fystarlust · 7 years
all the get to know ppl well asks 🌞
1: it's the apocalypse. you lay next to the person you trust and love most, and start talking. you know your time is limited. what is the one thing you want them to know before you two die?that i love them dearly and always will, theyre beautiful and amazing and changed my life and i look forward to being with them wherever death takes us2: you are faced with an almighty spirit. it tells you that you must choose two emotions\feelings - one of them you will never feel again, and the other becomes your most dominant. which two are those?i wish to never feel anxiety again, and for confidence to be my most dominant emotion3: what is the one thing you want your best friend to never do? why? how will you react if they do it?smoke or do drugs, id be v v upset so dont do it ellie4: do you have a favorite tv show? why is it your favorite? what is the reason you started watching it, and what is the reason you continued?the walking dead, its intense n not predictable (to me anyway), i started watching bc of my gf and continued watching bc its addicting n i love it5: do you have a favorite musical instrument? if yes, why exactly is it your favorite? can you play it/would you ever?piano, it sounds rly cool but like, elegant too, i can play a tiny bit but id love to learn more6: who is your all-time favorite character? why exactly? do you relate to them, and how?i dont rly have one7: is there anything you believe in? what is it? why do you believe in it? can you tell us something that explains this belief?ghosts, aliens, unknown deep sea creatures, theres too much evidence for it not to be real8: you are locked in a room until the day you die, and have a choice to spend this time with one person. will you choose someone? if yes, who is it? why?id choose my gf bc time flies with her n i love every second, even locked in a room for years9: what is the book that got you into reading, if there even is one? what was so special about it? when did you read it?there isnt one10: what is the song i have to listen to so i could know you better?silver spoon by bts11: do you prefer being outside when its sunny or when its dark?sunny im scared of the dark12: do you like the rain? why? do you prefer storms or light dripping?i like rain, and both but storms with wind and thunder/lightning scare me a bit13: hot chocolate with cinnamon, marshmallows, both or none?none14: do you like tea? why? if yes, what is your favorite kind?yes just normal english tea15: do you enjoy coffee? if yes, do you drink it for the taste or for the caffeine?yes, both but usually for taste16: what is your perfect playlist for studying? where is the perfect place to listen to it?i cannot study and listen to music at the same time i cant concentrate17: what is your favorite color? why? what is your least favorite shade of this color?baby blue, its bright n cute n pastelly, i dont have a least fave shade of blue rly, maybe v dark blue?18: think of a person you love. now describe them, using only stuff that only you would describe them with. (for example - my person would be described by reading a new book while there's a storm outside.)my person would be described the exact same way19: what is the song you feel like you HAVE to know to play?play what20: do you like writing? do you prefer to write on a computer or in a notebook?for work its computer bc its faster21: shuffle your playlist until you get to a song you will never skip. what is this song? why do you never skip it? do you recommend it?disconnected - 5sos, i dont skip bc its an old fave and yes i recommend22: do you like stargazing? why?yes, its pretty and calming but interesting23: what is your favorite hour of the day?11 am ??24: what is your harry potter house? did you get sorted on pottermore or do you think it represents you better?mine is hufflepuff n i think it suits me, yes on pottermore 25: what is your patronus?i cant remember😅26: do you want to write a book? if yes, did you start already?nah not for me27: what is your favorite smell?jessica28: picture yourself at ease. now describe what exactly did you picture - with who you are? where? what exactly put you at ease?me in jess' arms29: you have the option to forget one book/series completly and reread/rewatch it from the start. what book/series is it?harry potter30: what do you love most about humanity?nothing its scum. apart from people who rescue animals
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