#im...not entirely sure what im saying but hopefully that helps ghsgjsg
gothamcityneedsme · 5 years
heyo, i read about 1/4 of candy, and havent read any of the meat epilogue, but i gave up because i think it just mostly wasn't what i expected, and it left me in a pretty sour mood for most of the day, but seeing some of the Hot Takes you've been reblogging makes me intrigued, do you think its worth slogging through?
Honestly it depends on who you are and what Homestuck means to you. Admittedly I am a Homestuck fan for whom Homestuck isn't an integral part of my being--but I do love it and I fully understand people who do value Homestuck deep in their hearts. I think reading it quickly is a bad move regardless--even for me, but i feared the corruption of fandom and spoilers more than I wanted to really take my time. I will probably reread them at a slower pace to ruminate more. If you are to read them, take it slow. If you feel like you need every scrap of Homestuck in your life to understand it, then do so (this is how I largely felt).  
There is a lot that happens and a lot of interpretations you could have based on the events, and it really is a ride. But if it disturbs or hurts you, i dont think pain is worthwhile.
For perspective, i read to Meat 25, then all of candy, then i finished Meat. I personally loved the journey, although reading that much definitely tired me out--ive spent about 24 hours reading (only stopping to sleep/work).
My answer isnt very conclusive Im afraid. I wouldnt suggest the epilogues to everyone--and they dont even actually end Homestuck at all, so its hard to reccommend without more to them. It certainly doesnt inspire fandom creation the same way the Credits did imo--but thats because of how visceral and disturbing the epilogues are tbh. 
Personally, I found it worth it--I am going to analyze it as a part of Homestuck and I will find viewpoints that completely disreguard it as lacking something integral--because I believe seeing a story in its entirety is important--but at the same time, if reading them is harmful, it isnt worth it. 
Make a choice though--read or dont. Summaries cannot possibly do justice to the reading expierence and skimming will not let you think enough to connect the pieces.  Dont do anything inbetween imo
Idk this is difficult to really talk about becuase Im still processing a lot--and its 6am and i havent slept lol. Do whats best for you. If the Skaianet leaks didnt bother you a few months ago, then the epilogues should be easy. (They bothered me a bit, felt disgusting and irreverent--but in a way that is often Homestuck itself--sometimes).
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