#ima try to add a song for each fic
kisumore · 2 years
tw: hints at underage drinking
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Sakusa Kiyoomi would never admit it, but you're his best friend.
When people look at the two of you, he sees the lingering question of "how are they friends?" and he understands, he really does.
He's aware he's not an easy person to get along with: he's prickly and hides in corners and glares at anyone who comes close, but you never seemed to care.
You came along one day, plopping down next to where he was standing (at a secluded corner during a party), turning to look at him and ask, "mind if I sit here?"
And because despite the fact that he doesn't like people in general, he also had his ridiculous pride which made him want to prove to Komori that he could make friends on his own.
So he let you, and the rest was history.
So when he wakes up to his phone vibrating like crazy at 2 am one night and sees that you called him—called him 17 times to be exact—he's never dialed your number so quickly in his life.
And his heart breaks along with your voice.
"What happened?"
He hears you breath shakily, hears the faint rustling of the sheets as you sit up, and he hears as the tears start falling.
"They broke up with me."
"Oh," is all he can say, because despite the fact that you're falling apart on the other side of the line, he can't help but feel relieved, knowing you will never have to cry over that asshole ever again.
"Yeah," you say. "It's okay. I wasn't what they wanted anyway."
Sakusa wants to correct you, because he knows you're all anyone could ever want: loving, kind, loyal to a fault. Anyone except your ex, apparently. "They must be stupid then."
You giggle, sniffling a bit. "Maybe so."
Silence falls, but Sakusa decides silence is better than your cries. He sits there and wonders how to make you feel better when he's so far away.
"You know what the worst part is?" you ask after blowing your nose. "I can't even call them my ex. We weren't anything ever but it was everything to me. What am I supposed to do with that?
We were close, and for a moment they were almost mine but they gave me absolutely nothing to hold on to."
You're crying again, and Sakusa takes a deep breath. "I don't know," he admits. "I don't know."
You wake up to the sound of your phone falling to the floor.
You groan, rubbing your eyes (they sting like hell), and squinting at the clock. 10:47, it blinks back at you.
Your phone is dead, so you plug it in and make your way to the kitchen. The house is dead silent, a good thing because your head is still pounding from last night—how shitty of your ex to break up on you on fucking Christmas of all days.
How in character, you suppose ruefully.
Your memory from last night is hazy; you clutch at your head in pain while you serve yourself a glass of water. You remember arriving, their smile at you as they said, "you look amazing." There were quite a bit of people there last night, someone had offered you a cup of something, and then another, and then another. You remember an image of your ex's eyes hovering over yours, the warmth of their breath fanning over your lips as you lean in and nearly- nearly kiss them.
And you remember hearing them admit to someone that they never cared for you, that it was all a stupid dare and they were getting bored.
Your mind goes back to the four months you spent together, and all the nearly kisses you had.
You gulp down the water, grip tight around the glass. Omi was right, you sigh. How annoying.
Ah shit, Omi.
You dash back to your room where your phone lay abandoned and you huff impatiently as it takes forever to turn on.
You have 3 unread messages from - Omi 🤮
Omi 🤮: Hey are you feeling better?
Omi 🤮: y/n?
Omi 🤮: When you're done moping about that damn fool text me, okay?
You no longer feel bad about making him stay on call with you at that ungodly hour.
You're mean, you respond. Jerk, you add for good measure.
The response is almost immediate.
Omi 🤮: You're alive
Omi 🤮: I was starting to get worried
This boy-
Omi 🤮: How do you feel?
Your angry reply dies as you fall back on your bed with a huff.
you: Like shit
Omi 🤮: Have you eaten?
Your stomach grumbles and you grimace.
you: I'm on it rn i swear
He doesn't respond, so you let your phone plop next to you on the bed. Then it starts ringing.
"You're not 'on it' or anything, you liar."
"Oh my god, what are you a creep"
He chuckles. "Just go get food. You'll feel better."
"Okay, okay, you're so annoying," you put him on speaker once you reach the kitchen.
"You're the annoying one here."
"Whatever," you laugh as the cereal falls into the bowl. "You love me anyway."
"Hmph," is all he says, and you laugh again, imagining him scrunch up his face (like he's constipated, you snort), like he always does when he doesn't want to admit he cares.
"Are you still gonna come?"
"Why wouldn't I?" you ask. "I gotta be there to support my bestie, my bff, my partner in crime-"
"Stop," he groans and you laugh again. "I just figured you'd be too busy moping about that loser."
"I am not moping," your grin falls from your face and he snorts.
"You woke me up at 2 am last night because you were moping."
"I just got my heart broken; jeez Omi, can't you be nice to me for two seconds," you groan. "I was gonna apologize for waking you up but since you're being an ass about it now I won't."
"You love me anyway," he repeats your previous words back to you, and you wish you were there to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," you roll your eyes. He hums, and you sigh.
He says nothing else, letting you eat your cereal, a more somber mood settling between you both.
"Thanks," you eventually say. "I mean it."
He hums again.
"Love you." And seeing the 6:34:27 long duration of the call, you know he does too.
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Past The Point Of No Return (Ch.1)
Summary: Your the young and fiery Cryptographer for M16 who happens to be the obsession of the mysterious and disfigured Safin. When you threaten to bring him down, he makes sure to drag you down with him.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Minor descriptions of blood/violence
A/N: Please Read!! I haven’t seen any Safin x reader fics, so I decided to write one myself. Ik the movie comes out in November, but I cannot wait. I’m in love with this pyshco man. This will be a mature story by the way and I’ll try updating as soon as I can! I’ll add warnings before each chapter starts. Just take a few notes in! Ik the movies come out in November so this is pure speculation on Safin’s origins/motives. Bond is back in business and took back 007 while Nomi took 008. Reader is a Cryptographer for M16. Your codename will be C but y/n will come in soon. Also, Reader is female. Hope you enjoy!
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The Pandemic had caused discord throughout London. It didn’t seem like it would infect the globe in less than three months. But when Q had gotten the virus, the office had shut down in less than twenty-four hours. If you weren’t a field agent, then it was required to work from home. For someone like C and Q, it wasn’t a big deal. All of there work required communication from electronics. But evil was always on the rise. It never stopped. March had dragged into June as the Pandemic only worsened. y/n wasn’t one for social interaction, so thriving in isolation wasn’t the worst thing on the planet.
M16’s biggest threat was the infamous Safin. Even Q couldn’t encrypt any information on him, nobody could. Safin was a prime example of an anarchist. He refused to let some Pandemic stop his reign of terror and thirst for world domination. His movement of so-called “absent authority” was causing terror in post-soviet countries. Violent protests, property damage, the list when on. The anarchist targeted smaller countries that wanted to break free from there governments. Bond called Safin “a man who wanted to play god because he was bored”. Safin was a true anarchist (and a possible sadist). Information on his past and whereabouts were near impossible to find. He would insult M16 constantly since he knew he was winning the game of cat and mouse. It seemed like Safin was going to keep upsetting established order until the brink of a civil war.
But you were always one step ahead.
C, or y/n, was a Cryptographer for M16. After Bond’s hiatus, they had been recruited for there work in the military. You were the perfect candidate; bilingual, hands-on, young, intelligent, and fiery. One of the many languages you spoke was Morse code and other military languages. Not even Q, the smartest man in M16, was fluent in all of them. But with your aid, he caught onto it quite well. The Cryptographer and Quartermaster had made quite an efficient team and friendship. While Q gave orders and signals to the double’s oh, you stayed in the back, encrypting the signals and decrypting codes. Having a Cyrptographer was truly an aid for M16. You were praised by all of agents for your hard work and loyalty to the world of espionage. Enemies and other organizations envied for the cryptographer.
Before the lockdown, you had noticed a pattern in the protests. The leading agitators would all wear bandannas covered in the phonetic alphabet. Any normal person could see nothing in this. But with years in the military and language, you quickly followed onto the pattern. Q had noticed it as well along with the other double oh’s. The only people who spoke the phonetic alphabet in M16 were you and a few agents, and not even Q could decipher such a code. The message said many things, mainly gibberish. But you did not give up so easily. Whenever you saw a challenge, you attacked it with rigor. After rearranging for hours on end, ten codes had stuck out to M16 that could be a lead in bringing down the anarchist.
All of them happened to lead to capital cities across the world, which happened to be countries that were infested with Safin’s anarchism. With even more research, Q managed to pinpoint possible gatherings for the terrorists. It could be a break in the case. Each double oh was sent to these locations. 007 and 008 were both flown out to Rome. The location was near the Spanish Steps. Even after the pandemic, the area had been bustling with civilians and protestors. You and Q had been in charge of guiding them to the location,
“You’d think during this pandemic, these bloody idiots would stay inside.” Bond said as he moved past the crowd of angry protestors. He wiped dust off of his grayish-blue suit.  Safin’s message of tidying the world of “corruption” sent shivers down any sane person’s spine.
Nomi was ahead of him, dressed in a white chic jumpsuit and cat sunglasses. “The wicked never sleep, Bond.”
He huffed, frustrated. Of course, when his vacation had been occurring Q would call for his aid. “Q, how much further?”
“Maybe if you would pick your pace, then you would get there in four minutes instead of forty.” Q responded.
C could hear Nomi chuckle, and followed along with her.
Bond annoyingly huffed, “I truly haven’t missed your remarks, Q.”
“Gentlemen, settle down.” You interrupted, able to see where the agents were through the bodycams.  “Keep your guard up. Your getting stares from some protestors. Oh, and do pick up the pace.”
The two agents squeezed through the crowd. Nomi had noticed them being followed. But thanks to Q, they lost them through Rome’s small puzzle-like streets. Upon losing them, the agents had left the lavish streets of Rome and into the more sketchy and depressed areas. The further they walked the more life began to disappear. Bond and Nomi stuck out in there designer outfits in the slums of Rome.
“On your right,” You stated. The agents stopped, looking upon the building. Nomi took her glasses off to examine the building. It was broken down, dark, and covered by boards.
Bond sighed, “Bloody hell. This it?”
“Unfournelty,” Q said. “Head in the back, there’s an open entrance.”
Nomi and Bond turned to the back of the building, noticing a piece of wood covering the wood. Bond attempted to move it, but his age was beginning to show. The young and muscled Nomi tore it down, letting them enter the broken down building. On the side, it was dark and empty. Shining the light of his rifle, Bond noticed a kitchen that was covered in dust and spiderwebs.
Q and C heard faint noises, which sounded like music. Nomi moved close to the stairs and could hear it coming from the upstairs. Along with the music was a light.
“See anything, double oh eight?” You asked, looking through her bodycam. The song sounded Italian. It could have been singing, or just a record player.
“A light. You think we have company?” She asked, pointing her rifle upstairs.
“Seems like it. Investigate, Keep your weapons at bay.” Q ordered.
Bond had led him and Nomi up the creaky wooden stairs. The music had become much louder. At the end of the hallway was a door closed, with light emanating under it. The two agents tiptoed to the door. Bond placed his ear against it, hearing only the sweet Italian love song. Q and C couldn’t tell what was behind that door. It could be Safin, his goons, anything.
Counting down to three, Bond and Nomi kicked the door down, guns prepared for anything. But the room was empty. It had been lite by a few candles with a CD boombox, blasting a loud Italian song. Bond examined the room for anything suspicious while Nomi went over, kicking the boombox quiet. She picked up the CD player, examining the front.
“E’ la vita?” The female agent muttered, turning the DVD over. The other side had been written in morse code. C found this odd, squinting her eyes to see. The handwriting was neat and done in an expensive ink. Not only was there writing, but it seemed like it was a list of more global cities. It seemed oddly familiar. “Why waste good ink on a CD?”
“Double oh eight, can you r-”
Bond interrupted, “BOMB! GET DOWN!”
All C could remember is Bond running towards Nomi to cover her before both of there bodycams had glitch out. She panicked, trying to reconnect to them. Q had a status of all of the double oh’s, and each of there bodycams began to flicker out. Then Q and you had realized the worst of it.
Safin had set them up.
“Fuck. It was a fucking trap.” You huffed, running a hand through your hair. They had truly hit a dead end. “Q, any signal? I can’t reach them.”
“None. I’m trying to get their signals. There cams both locked out before the explosion.” Q replied. He was just as frustrated as his co-worker. Suddenly, both of there computers froze with glitched screens. “Not only was it 007 and 008, but the other double oh’s went out.”
C could hear Q cursing under his breath, the sounds of him furiously clicking his keyboard. “Shit, Shit, Shit..”
“Q, what is it?”
“He hacked us. Safin inflated the sys-”
Just like Bond and Nomi, Q’s signal that gone out. It had all be planned. Safin wanted for all of us to happen. The other agents had probably been killed. Sitting in front of a glitched-out screen, you let out a small sigh and slumped back into her chair. Singlehandedly, you had fucked up.
“Not such a clever girl now, are we?”
Raising your shoulders, y/n arched her neck back to avoid the sharp blade that was too close for comfort. The voice was velvety with a slight accent to it. From the videos M16 had received, you knew it all too well.
It was Safin himself.
“I-it was a trap..” You stuttered, unable to talk to the knife around your neck. Safin’s hand was on C’s shoulder, holding her from getting up. C heard footsteps from behind. Great, now you were truly defenseless, being held by the world’s most feared Anarchist. In the corner of your eye, y/n saw the white mask he wore to conceal his identity. It looked like a porcelain doll prop straight out of a horror film.  “A fucking trap.”
“Your little friends are gone now, No one is here to protect you now” Safin whispered into your ear. He was too close for comfort. He took an inhale of your Chanel perfume, admiring your breathing pattern. He thought y/n was so gorgeous this close. After months of waiting, Safin was so close to her, yet far. The woman who had threatened to bring down him was now enwrapped in his arms with a knife to her neck. But she wasn’t scared. Her breathing was heavy, but Safin had noticed that she was rather calm for having a blade held to her throat.
You chuckled at his “weak” response, “I have your locations all on record. M16 will bring you to your knees, you monster.”
“A monster?” He marveled, amused by Y/n’s comment. This man was a true psychopath. “My dear, you truly live up stubbornness. You lead all of those double oh’s into there demise. How innocent does that make you feel?”
“Says the one who wants to kill millions.” Y/n hissed, venom in her voice. You felt the guilt pull at your heart. “I saw your plan. You’re killing Europe city by city. Fooling the post soviet states and moving up towards the Medterrian. Your delusional.”
“Your ignorance is their power.” He purred into her ear. He massaged y/n’s shoulder to relax her (as he held her down). “You are a very talented girl, wasting her intelligence on foolish old m--”
Seeing him lose his guard, you reached for your mug full of hot coffee and threw it back at his mask. He lost his footing and fell backward as the lower piece of his mask cracked off. Wasting no time, you pushed yourself up and ran behind the desk to the front entrance. Q’s flat wasn’t far away. If you took the right routes and stayed out of action, then he could help her. As she neared towards the entrance, a sharp sting echoed through your knee to your thigh. Tripping on the edge of your carpet, your tripped and scraped your head against a coffee table, falling to the ground. You tried to stay awake and fight, but eventually succumbed to the darkness.
Safin pushed himself up, noticing that the bottom part of his mask showed his chin and lips. He turned to see y/n’s body by the door, her navy slacks stained by blood.
Safin cursed under his breath, walking over to her body to check if she had a pulse. Thankfully you did, but it was light. “Who shot her..?”
His henchmen did not respond, holding their weapons.
“I SAID WHAT ONE OF YOU IMBECILES SHOT HER?” Safin yelled, pure fury in his voice.
One of the men, donned in black and holding a sniper rifle, stepped forward. “It was me, Safin. You said tha-”
The man with the sniper rifle was shot in the neck and fell backward, choking on his own blood. Each of the henchmen jumped back. They knew when Safin raised his voice that he was going to die.
A small sigh escaped Safin’s lips as he pushed back his hair. Safin turned to face Serrano, his right-hand man. He was tall and lean with dark skin and emerald eyes. “Serrano..”
“Yes, Safin?”
“What did I explicitly say to you to tell these idiots before we entered C’s flat?”
Serrano responded, “Not to bring her back dead, but alive and injured.”
“And what do type of girl do you see laying on the ground?” The anarchist pointed to the ground, showing Y/n’s body. She had a bruise on her forehead and a bloody thigh.
“An injured girl, sir,” Serrano replied, looking down in embarrassment.
There was an awkward between the anarchist and this men before he commanded, “The lot of you, take the girl and prepare the car. Serrano, wipe all of her devices and anything that can track her. We leave on the submarine by dusk.”
The men nodded as the muscule grabbed C’s motionless body and carried her out. Serrano destroyed her phone, computer, and any camera or electronic that lingered in the flat before they left the crime scene. Entering the range rover, Serrano sat in the front with the driver while Safin sat in the back with the unconscious Cryptographer.
As they began to drive to the docks, Serrano asked, “Safin, what do you see in this girl? She is not James Bond or Madeleine Swann.”
“I see a source of information. This girl is not some receptionist or analyst.” Safin explained as he looked at her sleeping body. Your face was more relaxed than it was thirty minutes ago. There was something so intriguing about the Cyrptographer that Safin couldn’t pinpoint. “She fell into her very own trap, letting us access all of the M16 databases. M16 just lost there most valuable asset.”
“A bargaining chip?” Serrano questioned.
“Not just a bargaining chip, but an intelligent girl who is going to be vital to us.” He explained, “Unlike Bond, she is not redundant. She has many values, I know of it. You will see, Serrano. The world will open it eyes to y/n.”
Safin couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The remaining sunlight from the purple sunset shined on her face. Seeing your face, he knew Y/n not only ordinary on the inside but the outside. A woman that was much younger than he was made him feel less bitter about the world. He had a lonely life and seeing a young and beautiful such as yourself made him drop everything to the floor. The way your floral smelling [y/h/t] [y/h/c] hair fell out of the small bun and rested on your shoulders, [y/s/c] glowed in the sunlight, and the sweet aroma you wore drove Safin mad. Unknown to your knowledge, he had been watching over you for quite some time. You had a desk job, but occasionally accompanied the double oh’s and even had taken out some of his henchmen in the past. Y/n was a girl who not only knew how to decrypt some of the hardest codes to M16 but could defend herself if needed. Safin’s mere intrguement with you had grown into an obsession. Now the woman he obsessed over was sitting less than a foot away from him. Upon seeing the cryptographer, he knew that he needed you. He wanted y/n more than anything in the world. M16 didn’t deserve such talent. In Safin’s eyes, all they had ever done for y/n was hold her back from being your best self; by his side.
“I’m sorry they hurt you.” He cooed, pushing a glossy lock to get a better view of y/n’s face. “I have freed you from there incompetence. I know you will demand to leave and mindlessly say that you hate me. But I promise you my sweet, you will grow to like me and your new home.”
Safin felt like he was the luckiest man in the world.
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
okay so since it’s izuki’s birthday let’s... analyse his character songs and what they say about him! i’ve been wanting to do this post for awhile, and what better day than today?
(shut up, i am not obsessed)
(okay maybe i’m a little obsessed but i mean LOOK AT HIM)
first up is kitakore which you can listen to here!! kitakore is really just a fun hammy song with tons of puns (literally. every line is a pun. it can feel like a punch to the gut. kitakore!). BUT there are still a couple of impactful lines!
Uzagararete mo yamerarenai (English: Even if I get on your nerves, I can’t stop)
i honestly think that this line attests to izuki being neurodivergent in some way. as the amazing Timb @natureismynature​ expanded on in her fic (which you can read here), izuki’s puns could be a form of verbal stimming that helps calm him down. it’s one of my favourite headcanons that he’s autistic and/or ADHD (the latter being projection, tbh), because yay for neurodivergent characters~
kitakore is sung with a quick tempo and a peppy beat, which adds to the whole relaxed vibe of the song. this is something you could sit and listen to while chilling on the beach, or while scrolling through memes on your phone. it also showcases the VA’s ability to bring out the light edge that’s ever-present in dear izuki’s voice!! nojima’s voice is strong and clear throughout, never faltering as he rattles off pun after pun in time with the music. really perfect for izuki and his love of dajare!
next we have tatta hitotsu no hibi which you can listen to here and. oh. this song really hits you in the meow meow after the playful 2010s boy band sound of kitakore. GOD it just says so much about the kind of person izuki is???
Betsu ni fukan shitai wake ja nai sa / yoyuu mo nai Onaji kurai tomadou kedo / Aah~ (English: It’s not that I want a bird’s-eye view / I don’t have any time to spare But that means I might lose my way in equal measure / Aah~)
izuki’s eyes see too much, sometimes. but if he didn’t have them, he wouldn’t be able to keep up with the rest - even with how much he practices - and that HURTS. 
Hagayusa ha tokidoki / mawari mo makikonde Atarashii chikara wo umidasu (English: There were times I got everyone else caught up in my impatience As I tried to invent new strength in myself)
he’s constantly trying to find something, anything, just to stay on the others’ level. and sometimes he pushes too hard and goes too far but... to him, in the end, all that matters is flying to the top with seirin. he doesn’t want to be a burden - in izuki’s eyes, to be a burden to seirin is the worst imaginable thing.
Itsuka nanimokamo ga omoidebanashi ni natte Natsukashii oretachi ga iru ne Ureshikatta koto bakari ja naku tatte Hoka ni ha kangaerarenai / tatta hitotsu no hibi datta Sou omoeru ki ga suru / ima no zutto mirai de (English: Someday, all of this will be nothing but memories And there we’ll be, fondly reminiscing about them They might not all be happy memories But I can’t imagine them any other way / those irreplaceable days I have a feeling that’s what I’ll think, someday way off in the future)  
this. just... the sheer fucking wisdom of this...??? keep in mind this kid is literally 17. but these lines so highlight the aspects of izuki’s personality that i love most - his unerring resilience and his ability to look towards the future without wanting to be stuck in the past or present - something i struggle a LOT with. izuki’s always got his head raised, never down, and that’s gorgeous.
tatta hitotsu is very different from kitakore in terms of sound, tempo and range. it’s sung at a lower, softer tone, and is much slower. the background music, while itself soothing and beautiful, truly only serves to accentuate the VA’s voice as he guides you through izuki’s character. the song is smooth, and its more sober tone is perfect for the wisdom izuki’s dropping! nojima’s voice is low but firm; he effortlessly dances across every note, stringing together something that’s heartfelt and gorgeous. the lower pitch really brings out what izuki’s like when he gets serious - calm, but firm and unwavering.
last but not least, challenger spirit (the hyuuizu duet), which you can listen to here!! i love this song so much because tbh it reminds me of everything i love about hyuuizu. 
Dual: Oretachi ha chousensha datte / nando demo omoishirou Sonotabi tsuyoku natte kita kara (English: We are the challengers / Let’s never forget that Remembering that fact has helped us grow stronger)
both of them are always pushing each other. they remind each other what it is that they’ve come this far. they have a unique connection, and don’t need to say half the things that others would have to, in order to understand each other!
H: Kuyashisa nara norikoeta / senpai no iji darou I: Shimeshita ijou ni kurai tsuite kureta yo na (English: H: Our regrets? We’ve overcome them / That’s our will as senpai I: They’ve exceeded our expectations and risen to the challenge)
Yume mitaku tookatta yo na Demo naze ka shinjirareta n da Kono chiimu de miru mirai wo Okujou de chikatta mirai wo (English: Dual: Just like a dream, it seemed so distant But somehow, we could believe In the future we see with this team In the future we swore on the roof)
here we see how they both are consistently on the same wavelength. that’s why that final pass happened so perfectly - because it was hyuuga, who izuki had known for so long, loved for so long (read that however you want). because it was hyuuga, and their effortless chemistry made it possible. perhaps i’m overreaching, but... i love them so much.
coming to the song itself - it has a strong beat, but also melodic. like the perfect blend of kitakore and tatta hitotsu! the drum work in the background is truly fantastic. re: the singing, the gentleness within hosoya’s voice jumps out here, whereas nojima dominates the duet. nojima’s voice comes out firmer and stronger, and hosoya is more melodic and goes with the flow. i think their voices blend beautifully - the juxtaposition of izuki’s clear, powerful voice with hyuuga’s gentler, smoother one is just perfect! it also embodies their friendship: though hyuuga seems to be the overpowering presence, they share equal parts, and there are areas where izuki takes charge as seen in this song.
(okay maybe i’m reading too much into it but can you blame me i love them)
and with that we come to the end of this little rant!! hope it made sense haha
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