#imagine all the baby lambs and calves love Fushimi
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I need stardew valley "AU" misaru where they have a little farm, cats, cows and chickens and a child. Sleeping in the same bed and all the fluffy things it is possible to do. And sharing a farm ofc.
Aw, like imagine cozy little farm Misaru, very slow and sedate and Fushimi complains about farm work being all stupid and messy and hot. Like imagine the two of them living in this small farming village, Yata grew up on his family’s small farm but decided to strike out on his own to make things easier for his family, since it was hard to provide for all five of them on their tiny farm. Yata saves up money to buy a little plot of land in another village and starts planting, selling his crops at the market and buying some livestock. He also meets cranky apple merchant Fushimi, who ran away from his family and who happens to live on the plot of land next to Yata with a bunch of fruit trees. Fushimi hates farming and does the bare minimum to keep his farm in shape, selling fruit and scowling at anyone who comes near his fruit. Yata thinks that guy is super annoying but his fruit is pretty good actually (and one day a prickly cat shows up at Yata’s farm and becomes Yata’s new barn cat, he names it Saruhiko).
Maybe at some point Yata is having an issue with his crops and Fushimi ends up helping him, it turns out even though he hates physical work Fushimi knows a lot about what kind of dirt is best for crops and the best way to water and plant your seeds, basically lots of technical knowledge. In return Yata helps clean up Fushimi’s farm a little and assist with the harvesting, imagine them sitting together afterward like throwing blueberries at each other and getting all messy. At this point Yata decides that Saruhiko is really cool and eventually the two of them decide to combine their farms into one, you know, for convenience, not like they’re married or anything (all the people of the town assume they’ve gotten married).
They build a little house in the middle of their land (well, Yata does a lot of the building, Fushimi supervises) and imagine them sharing a bed together, this big soft bed filled with feathers gathered up from all their chickens. Fushimi complains he’s allergic but he actually really likes how soft and comfy it is, and of course he likes being next to Misaki the most. Yata’s probably the one who gets up super early in the morning to collect eggs from the chickens and feed the animals, Fushimi shows up later all cranky and tired to check on the crops. Yata goes back to the house to make a fresh breakfast so it’ll be ready by the time Fushimi’s done doing his rounds, imagine on hot days Fushimi has a big sun hat and Yata makes sure he brings enough water and comes inside if it’s too warm. Somehow even though Fushimi complains about all the livestock all the animals love him best, when he walks by the cow pasture they all come running over mooing, Yata has Fushimi shear the sheep because they’ll all come right to him and want to get in his lap (the only animal who likes Yata best is the barn cat Saruhiko, though their second barn cat Misaki is more attached to Fushimi). It’s a lot of work but secretly even Fushimi doesn’t mind that much, as long as they have each other. 
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