#imagine crip shopping with this man
lateraniansweets · 4 months
I mean if you want to write on the pregnancy I’m interested in hearing your thoughts, I guess I went a little too dramatic in trying to come up with an idea lol
HELP (totally understandable)
i think the way amuro would react to the news mainly depends on two things. how long the two of you have been together and if we're talking about zeta or cca amuro just because of the state he's in mentally in both iterations.
for cca amuro we have the non-canon (?) beltorchika's children novels that i love and hate as a good benchmark on his reaction tbh. wether or not you guys have been in a long term relationship doesn't matter because he'll take responsibility so he won't walk out on you (but axis will make him buy milk). in terms of like the relationship between the two of you having an already established relationship matters. he'd take responsibility which in this case can be child support to full-on marrying you (the things id do to marry amuro ray tbh) even if he doesn't really want to because to quote BC novel amuro 'it's not like i have a choice' which makes me lean on the idea that he'll marry you for the baby as that's his idea of taking responsibility.
for zeta amuro i just have one question. how?????????????? like in between joining karaba and his house arrest schtick did he have the chance to get laid and have a baby.
okay but seriously giving zeta amuro the weight of incoming fatherhood will make things worse for him. he was miserable and dealing with sm trauma from the OYW and adding a child into the mix is just terrible. i don't think you or him would be happy in this situation with amuro's inner turmoil and the constant stress/danger that he/both of you would be in during the gryps conflict.
overall i dont think amuro's the type of actively want a child and dreads the idea of being a father. personally i think parenthood would just make him more of an internal mess even if its the better adjusted cca amuro so yeah.
i like to think that in the surprise baby situation because im a sucker for sweet moments its in a timeline/au where amuro is actually given the time and support system during zeta where he isn't constantly getting called a coward for not wanting to fight or go to space because of magic newtype PTSD.
in this timeline i think he'd still have a certain degree of apprehension to the situation but would cope with it better and wouldn't straight up ghost you for 4-5 business days to let the whole thing settle in like i think cca and zeta would. like i said in cca he'd take responsibility but there wouldn't be any sort of driving force where marriage (if you guys aren't already) becomes the go-to ie char saw a dinosaur documentary during his quarter life crisis and decided to replicate it. or literally just his life during zeta. i think without that rush or push for marriage would do him good and help settle him for fatherhood.
anyways tldr; amuro has a lot going on in his life becoming a soon to be dad has a good chance of making things worse for him even if he doesn't realise it.
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pynkricee · 7 months
Permanent Red Stain: Part 3
(WARNING: TAGS: Slutty, Choso smut, bossy choso, sexy choso , 18+, Rough Sex. Unprotected sex, fluff)
KyiGo, is a woman in her 30's, divorced from her ex after 5 years of marriage, leaving her with a two year old daughter to raise. After a year of being single, trying to find self-love and her self-worth again, she finally wanted to step back out into the world and discover something worth wild. From understanding her hatred to understanding the person that it turned her into, she will always try and do what's best for her baby girl. Even if it meant sacrificing her happiness? Even if that may mean stepping into a new love she never imagined? Or breaking the cycle of being afraid to love again....
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“So….what would you say to letting me take you out?” -Choso 
“So..Did you fuck her yet?”
“No…Gojo..’DAMNIT’! How many times are you going to fucking ask me that?” Satoru Gojo was the type that gave no fucks when it came to sexual emotion. He was pretty swift at personally turning his emotions off when it came to certain women. Probably because he was hurt so much, and most of it was due to the way he looked and how he carried himself. From my understanding and the little things he's said to be, Sato had a habit of keeping his guard up even if he felt like he was in a position to make the best out of a bad relationship. That was just him. He was waiting for the right one. 
 Gojo, stood 6’2, blonde, blue eyes and he was a sweet soul. He mostly stayed to himself and worked everyday, every week.  He was the official type who liked his peace and so did I. That was probably one of the only things that we had in common. 
“Until you tell me that you fucked her….” Gojo was my boy and one of the only people that I actually associated myself with. Satoru was a soft man...and he tried to hide it with everything fiber in his being. Coming to the tattoo shop was a way I could tell that he released his steam from his everyday life.  Not that I could blame him for it because I used to be in the same position he was in emotionally. 
Preparing my ink needles for tomorrow's appointments, I decided to close up shop early tonight for my date I had scheduled with  KyiGo. With Gojo being my left hand man, my brother Yuji would come in tonight and clean up a few retouches I had scheduled. Next to Gojo, Yuji was clean and crips with his work, when he wasn't being a smart ass to all the women who came in. I swear at times the women just came in to fuck with us like we were the “New Blood” in the city. This wasn't motherfucking Vampire Diaries let alone Twilight. So if they weren't with their boyfriends on the weekends, all the local women were hanging out at our shop for the night. (If you get it then you get it. It got to the point to where it was fucking annoying.)  
Jumping down into my tattoo chair, almost knocking it off its hinges, Gojo was being too nosey for his own good. 
“You going to tell me what she looks like or am I gonna have to guess? You know I don't like guessing…” 
I sighed sucking in my bottom lip. Just thinking about what she looked like made my dick hard at times and if Gojo noticed my reaction at the slightest mention of her.  “I'm not going to tell you, but I can show you.” Unlocking my phone I handed it to him. I noticed his eyes glimmered and he became quiet. His light blue eyes looked my way with his light bangs slightly pulling a shadow over them. (I've never seen him look at me like this before. Ever. Kinda made me wonder if he knew this girl.) 
“Does she know you have a picture of her?” He asked, slightly hanging the phone over his fingers.
I sneered the side of my lip up, snatching my phone back from him, sliding it into my back pocket. 
“Of course she does. I actually sent it to her.” (A picture of her and her daughter I took for family-fun day.)
“She's beautiful…” He sighed leaning back in the chair. He turned his head lazily towards me with his arms spread out on the arm rest. He let out a small sigh from the corner of his mouth, throwing his leg around the chair. “Don't fuck this up..Cho.” He stood up patting me on the shoulder and walked over to his station. 
My throat all of a sudden became dry, as  at the drywall in front of me. 
I hope I don't fuck this up….
Yes. He finally had the balls to ask me out because lord knows I didn't have the courage right now. And of course, I said yes…
For the next week whenever I picked my daughter up from school, Choso and I were always caught having a conversation.
Whether if it was about the smallest things, even if it was him complimenting me on any changes I made to my appearance. I could have changed my earrings and he would tell me how pretty they were or how they complimented my skin tone. I noticed my body language started to get more relaxed around him as well. I wasn't as tense as I was from the first time I met him. 
And for him having my number…..
He did call me when  it came to my daughter. Luri was really a boy in a little girl's body so she was constantly hurting herself while she was at school. But that wasn't any different than it was then when she was at home. She was tough like any other child, but she had her moments when she would cry for me and he wouldn't hesitate to call me to come to the school if need be. 
Now when it comes to my ex husband, I don't talk about him. I don't think about him. I don't dream about him. I hardly breathe around him.  The only time I communicate with him is for the sake of my daughter and that was it. Anything else was pretty irrelevant. When it came down to our relationship..it was a toxic one. One that I felt like I was alone the whole time and I was the only one doing the work to make it work. I cried so many times thinking to myself that I was a failure and what I was doing wrong. (When in reality it was mainly all him. And it took me to let him go completely to realize that. ) Dealing with someone who couldn't take accountability and never wanted to talk about our issues, was mentally and emotionally draining.. it was over-stimulating in the worst way possible. I knew I wanted something better for myself. A life better for my daughter. I wanted her to see what it was like for someone to love her mother correctly that way in the back of her mind, she would only accept that love in return within her older years. That's all I wanted for my baby girl when that time came.  
Saturday night finally hit after a stressful week. It was 8pm. The stars were so bright tonight. Almost like it was a sign that this was the perfect time for our date. We decided to try something different than what we were used to. A coffee and croissant date. I thought it was the cutest idea when he texted and told me the night before. The plan was to meet up around 9pm at Castain Park downtown. This was an open park with a beautiful water fountain in the middle that stood about 20ft high. It was mainly a place where students from the university came to study during the day but at night, it was a ghost town area. 
After dropping off my daughter with my sister that night, I spent a good amount of time getting myself prepared for this date. I didn't tell my sister any details about Choso. Yes my sister Dhay and I were really close. We told each other everything even when I would come down to our sex lives, but I didn't include her in any of this yet. I wanted Choso to be all for me at the moment and me only. I wasn't ready to talk about him or introduce him to my family or even my best friend.  I just wasn't ready. 
I decided on keeping my look clean and simple for the night. Tight white long sleeve, black wide leg pant, black Dynasty Combats, and my fave black trench. The makeup was simple and sweet like honey. Mascara, a couple beauty moles added to the many I already had. A soft red lip with my fenty beauty gloss boom over it. I straightened the top of my hair so it covered some of my undercut, but not the fresh designs I had got cut in layers for tonight's date. I added a touch of my favorite Billie Ellish number 2 perfume. Not too much, but just enough to where he couldn't get enough. All in all, my prescription glasses finished the look. I was so nervous at this point that I could feel my whole body shaking as I stood in front of this 20ft fountain trying to keep warm plus keeping my damn nerves from being shot and walking off. This was the first date I've been on in a while, so you can understand my frustration. 
“Hello beautiful…” I felt a small tap on the back of my shoulder and I Instantaneously calmed down. My breathing became shallow and my heart skipped a beat. I turned around, making eye contact with choso.  “ I was hoping to make it here before you did.” He said with a slight smirk. (God this man was so beautiful.) Holding a coffee holder with what smells like two Chai lattes and two cinnamon rolls, this angel came prepared. He stood above me with his hair down today, the sides tagged behind his ears, bangs hanging softly over his eyes. A white leather jacket, with a thick black turtleneck sweater. (But not too thick that I couldn't see his build bulging through it.) Light black jeans that cuffed his ass perfectly, so perfectly I could see his print fighting for its life underneath too. Hell yeah baby….you could cut the sexual tension we had with a knife. He sported a pair of black yeezys but to top off his look with a couple of black metal rings and a pair of simple studs in his ear. I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip when I was standing in attention in his sight. I wasn't going to try to hide it. Neither was he as he licked his lips, blushing as he looked down to the ground. “ Hmmp..” that little sligh sound he always makes out the side of his mouth as he rubbed the edge of his bottom lip with his thumb. (I swear…at this point I could feel my body on fire. The things I felt in this moment, were about to push me on the verge of tears)
(…fucking intrusive thoughts…)
Taking the coffee holder out his hand, we started walking to a nearby bench to have a seat. “You look very handsome Choso.” My face turned red as we finally sat down. I handed him his latte and his cinnamon roll. “Thank you Angel Bean.” 
Angel Bean? That was a new one. But it was so cute so I couldn't complain. “So what made you pick Castain Park out of all places?” I asked as I slowly sipped my latte and brought it down from my lips, I could feel some about to drip down my chin, but before I could catch it Choso brushed his finger across my chin catching the access with his thumb, then slowly began rubbing it in his inner lip to taste. His gaze then shot up to me, sultry and low, licking his lips after. My panties were instantly wet. So wet that I knew if I weren't  wearing jeans, I'd definitely leave a permanent stain. 
He leaned back taking the sight in then sighed. “No one really comes here at night so I thought this would be the perfect place for us to get to know each other better.” He sipped his coffee, spreading his legs open.. his knee touching mine. “So how's Luri?”
“Luri?” He was really asking about my daughter. Wow! (Can you be mine now....?)
“Yes Luri”? He giggled. 
“She's fine. She's with my sister right now.”
“She's such a good kid. I really enjoy being around her.”
Those words…. Meant a lot to me. Best believe I didn't take those words lightly, but from him you could tell it was sincere. “Yes she is. She's a mommy's baby. She's my everything ..Cho.” I never really discussed my ex with Kamo. He knew very little details but that was something we both knew from body language to never touch. It was the past and it was going to stay there until it was safe to talk about. He looked at me and smiled and I gave him the warmest smile I could, as I enjoyed every bit of his company.  
We spent about another hour at the park walking and talking. At one point he grabbed my pinky wrapping around his. I couldn't help but smile. To be honest.. I haven't felt this in a long time. 
The feeling of slight comfort and protection. 
 She really….makes me feel like a normal person. I can't fuck this up. -(Choso)
“Would you like to come to my house for a little? Get you out of this cold weather and warm you up” He asked, rubbing his hands aggressively up and down my back, pulling me into his chest. God… It felt so good…
“Yes, I'd like that!” 
Entering his 2024 Honda Crosstour, the car I actually wanted for myself and baby girl, sat up in 17inch rims, was dressed in all black everything. Dark tinted windows and black leather seats. This was my dream car and it was so sexy, especially on him.  Dammit … this… this really couldn't be real, especially when he turned the Bluetooth on to Lloyd Swimming Pools. No.. so not . This couldn't be real, but the puddle that decides to drip into my underwear was. Everything was so seductive and quiet about him and it made me so nervous. 
The ride to his house was so tense we could have literally fucked in the car in the fifteen minute drive… 
It was about a fifteen minute car ride to his house. I didn't pay attention to where we were nor at that moment did I really care. All my little attention was solely on him. His sexy plump lips, his dark hair he went ahead and tied at the top of his head into a messy bun. The muscles that stiffened out his sweater as he opened the passenger door, taking off his leather jacket, while helping me out. He then took my hand walking me up to his pitch black door. I could literally feel my pussy throbbing between my legs just by standing next to him. 
Opening the door to his home he let me in first, following me after locking the door behind him. Flipping on a light switch the first thing I noticed was a large, and expensive, off-black stereo system that stood up against the wall  that he connected his phone to. It automatically started playing Neyo Say-it ….
(One of my all time favorite songs! Its almost like this man knew exactly what I liked when I needed it ..)
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him drop his jacket to the floor.
“Kyi. Go…” He softly whispered behind me, placing both of his hands around my waist, gripping me tight. His breathing started to get  heavier as his grip got even tighter. So tight I could feel his nails slightly dip into my skin.
As I turned around, looking him in his eyes as my body twisted in his grip. “Cho…so..” I said softly as my eyes met his. His eyes low, full of desire and power for me. The type of power a man has when you know he has you right where he wants you. And that's where he had me…
 He aggressively leaned in kissing my lips as I let my lips match the movement of his. The kiss was wet and nasty. Our tongues fighting each other as if they were fighting for their lives. “Choso…” I moaned in his mouth, my face pushed forcefully on top of his. My hands grabbed the back of his nape as the kiss reached a deep passion of aggression. He then threw my hands to the side, taking off my coat and throwing it to the ground as our lips were  still locked as we leaned back from each other but our tongue tips still touching.  Slowly moving his hands down my hip dips, he gripped his fingers under my ass, lifting me up, walking me through a dark hallway. I felt this intense rage throughout my whole body as he carried me. Lifting my shirt over my head, I threw it on the floor and started to get aggressive as I grabbed the side of his face forcing him to put his back against the wall. My mouth went for the right side of his neck, my tongue engulfing every inch of him, as the taste of him rolled up from his collar bone, right below his ear where I softly bit into him. 
“Fuuuuuuuckkk….” He moaned out loud still having a grip on me. With his moan I bit harder which caused him to spin me into the wall. I swear for a split moment he had slightly knocked me out but when I came to, his face was not only just worried in that instant but he didn't want it to stop. I could feel the wall dent in behind me as he used one leg to hold me up and used his other hand to tear my bra completely off. His beautiful low eyes stayed fixed on mine as he then carried me to the bedroom. 
“Are.. you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you..” He whispered heavily in my ear as he held me in his grip. 
“It's okay..” I whispered back. My voice was shaken with anticipation of what was to come next, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
Opening the door with one hand he quickly threw me on his bed, taking my underwear off with my pants and shoes. He flipped the light switch on and stood there quietly for a split second, sizing me up  while I laid completely naked on his bed. 
“You're so fucking beautiful KyiGo and don't ever let anyone ever tell you any different.” I could feel my pussy leaking all over his bed with those words that just came from his lips.  My nipples. hard for him. My mouth, watering for him. My mouth needed to taste him and every part of his body needed to feel him. My body was shaking uncontrollably.  My pussy throbbed to the point to where it felt like it had a heartbeat of its own. 
He began to undress, taking off his sweater and tossing it to the closet door. His body was amazing. Especially the tattoo that tied around his waist. His thick fingers started undoing his belt on his pants, to finally dropping his pants with his underwear to the floor. Stepping out of them he walked up, his dick slapping his inner thighs. His dick was huge and the grith was deliciously thick. My eyes widened with fear at first, but as I calmed down, I felt it was just enough to fill me the way I needed to be filled. I happened to notice he also had a tattoo of a dove right above his waistline. It was so delicate but it was perfect for his stature. I couldn't take my eyes off it as my breathing became heavy, feeling the touch of his cool hands spreading my legs apart. 
“Look at me…” He whispered in a soft tone, using one finger to lit my chin up, making full eye contact with him. While using his other hand to take his dick, rubbing it against my sobbing wet clit. 
“Don't stop looking at me ..”
I nodded. Obeying every command he told me. Gripping the sheets above my head with that one hand, he swiftly interested himself in me with the other. 
“Shiiiiiiiit Choso!” I moaned loudly, arching my back as my breast set up straight to his face. In that instant he shot his arm under me thrusting in harder as he groaned steering up the side of his face as he groaned deeply. (God he was so sexy when he made that face.) He moved his grip up my back forcing me to release my arch so now my focus was back on him. My legs arched around his waist pulling him in deeper as my mouth connected back with his. He began to kiss me harder as he hit my spot, moving his throbbing penis in and out of me as my body began to shake with his movements. “You feel so fucking good Choso…”
“ Tell me…” He began to pant, his mouth open as he looked down into my eyes. “ Tell me what you want..” He asked as our bodies continued to rock together, shaking his bed more violently. “Tell me what you want so I can give it to you”
“I want you to fuck me Choso…!” He leaned over licking my top lip. His thrust slowed as he wrapped his arm under my leg, pulling them over his shoulder. We both let out a loud Gasp of pleasure as if felt like he was hitting past my g-spot as he sped up. My hips matching his pace the best way they could. “Please Don't ..fucking stop…” I was cut off by my own cry as he bent down placing his tongue in my mouth. Sweat dripped from his forehead to mine. 
“ Fuck baby you feel so good.” He placed his other hand down on my stomach to keep me from moving as my clit quickly rubbed up against him as he used his force to move upward. “ Cum for me baby… I need you to cum.” I could tell he was about to give out at any moment as I felt his body shaking. “Fuuuckkk KyiGo you're so wet for me….” I tried to press his body back with my hand but he wasn't fucking having that. He lowered his face to mine, our noses touching. “ Move your fucking hand..” He said in a sultry, sexy ass voice, that made me feel like I had no choice but to obey him. “Now.. be a good girl..” He started moaning loudly.. “ Cum for me..”
I couldn't hold it any longer. Gripping the sheets with both hands, my eyes began to roll in the back of my head. Biting my bottom lips hard I felt my orgasm finally burst from underneath me all over him. My body began to shake violently as he suddenly grabbed my hips, pressing his fingers deep into my sides. My eyes filled with tears and my lips trembled as my pussy started to leak on his dick that was still throbbing inside of me. 
“Choso… baby… Im cumming.." I cried out loud as one of my hands tightly gripped his arms, my nails digging into his skin. 
“Fuuuckk Kyi…Shit….” He groaned out loud as his hot cum shot inside of my wet cunt. My pussy was still milking him dry as his body shook above  mine.  
He finally dropped my legs to the bed, breathing heavily with an accomplished grin on his face. Our bodies began to twitch with one another as he then collapsed onto me, both of us breathing heavily. I wrapped my arms around him, placing a kiss on top of his head. 
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darveymficprompts · 7 years
Harvey and Donna go on a proper first date, but cut it short cause they’ve waited for so looong
All of this silence and patience pining and anticipation, my hands are shaking from holding back from you
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee awakens her senses, the familiar bittersweet smell bringing a smile to her lips. The gesture makes her cheeks ache- she’s been doing that a lot lately, smiling. Before her arms reach out in habit, she knows he’s not there, the empty space beside her feeling cold to the touch. He must’ve woken up a while ago, she thinks. Stretching, Donna lets out a content sigh. The aches she hasn’t felt in a long time bringing about a warmth to her cheeks.  
In the single week since they consummated their relationship, they’ve been rather- inseparable. Following Mike and Rachel’s wedding, she had flown back to Chicago, Harvey in tow- much to his insistence, and they had packed up her things, which hadn’t taken long considering most had still been in boxes. It was a good thing too, since they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and proceeded to christen every room in her small new apartment.
“This is what happens when we wait thirteen goddamn years, Donna.” Harvey had joked, sliding out of her with a sigh as he pulled her closer to him. They lay on the floor of her living room, giggles and sighs of pleasure filling the small space while they were surrounded by boxes of her belongings.
Eventually, after they had summoned as much control as possible, they gathered her possessions and flew back to New York with an unbridled eagerness to start their new life together. Donna had yet to sell her apartment back home, so settling back into the familiar space hadn’t been a difficult undertaking. Still, she had worried that leaving her new job with Jessica would’ve required a more grueling process, but luckily the older woman had merely smiled, understanding covering her features as she reassured Donna.
“I had a feeling this was coming… After all, I saw the way you two snuck out of the wedding the other day. Don’t think I don’t have eyes, Donna.”
She had yet to settle back into Specter Litt, however. Her position as COO would be waiting for her as soon as she was moved in again in her apartment, giving her ample time to- reconnect with her new boyfriend.
Donna shook her head, feet landing on the cold wood-tiled floor of his bedroom as she made her way to the bathroom, her lips quirking at the thought. Harvey Specter. Name partner. Best friend. Boyfriend. She briefly worried how their new status would carry over to work, seeing as how she had implanted her rule all those years ago within reason. But as she stepped into his shower, the hot water cascading down her body, she lets those fears wash away- the memories of his lips on her skin igniting a joy she never thought would come to fruition.
They would make it work.
“Those for me?” She greets him when she steps into the living space, watching as he s flips a set of pancakes, the batter sizzling when it meets the hot skillet.
His smile turns into a frown when he finally looks up to meet her, “You’re dressed.”
Donna smirks, “Keen observational skills, Harvey.” She makes her way round the kitchen island, a pleased smile on her lips when she noticeably eyes his attire- his usual black vest and matching tie against his crips white dress shirt… and boxers.
His lips thin, placing the pancakes on top of a plate before he turns to look at her again. “I thought you would be staying in today,” he murmurs, cornering her against the counter, eyeing the sight of her in a casual black and white dress.
“I told you I wanted to go back to my apartment and finish unpacking today, I’m starting to run out of clothes here.”
“You know, you don’t need clothes,” he reasons, shifting to stand closer to her.
She tilts her head in response, humor etched on her face as she watches him pouting. She had spent the better part of the week staying at his apartment, greeting him with one of his dress shirts which only prompted another morning round before he had to leave for work.
“You’re dressed right now,” she counters, playing with the tie around his neck, using it to tug him closer to her because she was a tease, and took pleasure in the way his eyes dilated at the bold move.
“Half dressed,” he corrects, a smirk on his lips.
“You can’t keep showing up to work late, Harvey,” she turns around then, reaching to grab the blue mug she had already claimed as her own and pours herself a helping of coffee. She hums in approval when the vanilla flavor meets her tastebuds. He’s good.
“It’s a good thing I’m my own boss,” he moves his lips to land on her exposed neck, taking advantage of his current stance to kiss her skin, tracing the visible freckles with his tongue.
“Harvey,” his girlfriend warns him. It comes out half-assed, however, when her head tilts to the side on reflex and a low whine escapes her.
“Yes, dear?” His hands land on her waist, keeping her in place as he continues his ministrations.
She somehow manages to muster up enough courage and shakes him off, moving around him to stand near his island. “You’re insatiable, you know that?” Donna laughs, serving herself a modest amount of pancakes along with the bacon he had fried earlier, and sits down on one of the stools.
Harvey sighs, grabbing a plate as he resigns to follow her into eating breakfast. “Thirteen years, Donna,” he mutters, eyeing her playfully as he stacks his own plate with pancakes.
“So you keep reminding me,” she quirks an eyebrow at him, stabbing a piece of pancake. A moan of satisfaction leaves her when the sugary delight meets her taste buds. “Do you have any more whipped cream?”
His eyes darken at her words, head tilting to the side as he watches her hiding behind a wicked smile, “No, we rant out.”
“Oh, right,” she laughs, a crimson shade creeping onto her face as memories of their night before cloud her mind. She reaches out to grab the maple syrup, settling for the other topping instead.
“We can pick some up when we go grocery shopping tomorrow.” He smirks at her, taking a bite of bacon.
Her eyebrows perk up, “How domestic.” 
He shrugs, “I just figure since you’ll be spending more time here,” they share a smile before he continues, “then I better stock up on more…”
“Whipped cream?” She smirks.
“Food.” He corrects, his lips quirking in response.
Donna nods, drowning the last of her pancakes in more syrup. “Okay, well,” she takes one last bite before standing up, “I’m gonna start heading out now, let you finish getting dressed without any distractions.”
He can’t help the sigh of disappointment that leaves his lips, nodding in resignation all the same. Donna shakes her head in response, a smile on her lips as she gathers her purse and walks toward his door, Harvey in tow. The man was whipped.
She turns to him when she opens the door, her hand coming up to fix his tie out of habit, “So, I’ll come by later after you get out of work?”
Harvey waits for a beat, forehead creased in deep thought, “No,” he finally responds.
Her hand slides down his tie then, face falling in confusion, “No?”
“I’ll pick you up,” his hands find their way to her waist, thumbs playing with the material of her dress, “Take you out on a date.”
Donna raises her eyebrows, “A date?”
Harvey nods, a slow twitch of his lips mirroring her’s, “Yeah, we’ve been- kind of busy, this past week, and I don’t know,” he shrugs, a sudden shyness to him, “I wanted to take you out on a proper date.”
She eyes him warily, a warmth settling in her chest then. Despite already being with him, in every possible and unimaginable way all the same, Harvey Specter asking her out on a date still brought about unexpected butterflies to her stomach, like a girl with her first crush.
“Okay,” she agrees softly, teeth biting her lower lip.
“Yeah?” His sudden giddiness was infectious and she let out a laugh, bringing her hands up to cradle his face.
“I’m expecting the full Harvey Specter first date experience,” she demands.
He hums in response, the wheels in his mind already turning with ideas, “Expect to be completely wooed, Paulsen.”
Donna snorts, “I’ll be the judge of that,” she lifts a perfectly arched eyebrow at him, “Okay, Specter, I’ll see you tonight,” she leans up to give him a kiss, laughing when he reels her back in to peck her lips one more time.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he gives her a final wave goodbye, a boyish glee filling him when she returns the gesture, closing the door with a smile that matches his own.
Yeah, he was ruined.
Donna smoothes a few creases on her dress, twirling in front of her full length mirror one last time.
“Damn, I’m good,” She compliments herself, eyeing herself from the four inch black stilettos she wears to the way her hair was donned in lose waves.
Her plans of unpacking had been postponed again when Harvey had announced that he wanted to take her out on a date. Taking a detour after leaving his condo, she had found herself in Saks, milling through rows of dresses, trying to filter out the perfect one for tonight, for their date. The idea still brought on a giddiness in her, and she had tried to tamper down the irrational nerves that kept bubbling up to the surface. It wasn’t like they hadn’t already taken the plunge, they’d had sex in about every room and surface imaginable in the past week. Still, it was a nice concept- getting dolled up, being taken out and shown off by her new boyfriend. It almost felt odd, considering she’s had twelve plus years of experience in going out with Harvey. They’d gone out for celebratory drinks, anniversary dinners to commemorate the day she had gone to work with him… but tonight- it was the start of something new.
A familiar knock shakes her out of her reverie, and she takes one final look at herself in the mirror, grabbing her purse before making her way out. She pauses at her door, heaving out a breath in preparation, reminding herself it was just Harvey.
“Hey,” she greets him with a smile, eyes bright as his chocolate brown ones widen. His mouth hangs open as he takes all of her in, emerald green dress hugging her skin, a daring slit coming up to rest just below her left thigh. He swallows when he notices the plunging neckline, exposing a constellation of freckles between the valley of her breasts.
His eyes finally meet her face, a smirk adorning her red-tinted lips. “New dress?” He croaks out.
Donna bites her lip, preventing a laugh from escaping her. “Yeah, you like?”
Harvey bobs his head, jamming his hands in his pockets, as he tries to avoid gawking at her from the neck down. “It’s… nice.”
She tilts her head, watching as he shifts in his place right outside her door. “Nice?”
“Yeah, you know, I uh, I like the color.” He gives her a sheepish grin and she rolls her eyes, an amused smile on her own. She closes her door then, locking it before turning to face him again. “Insatiable.” She whispers against him.
His arm drapes around her waist, drawing her closer to him as they walk toward the elevators. “You look beautiful.” He places a kiss on top of her head, grinning when she sends him a pleased look.
“So,” Donna clears her throat as they enter the elevator, “Where are you whisking me off to?”
“It’s a surprise,” he turns to her when the metal doors close in front of them.
“Uh huh,” she narrows her eyes.
He shakes his head, “Ye of little faith,” he playfully taunts her, pecking her on the lips before the doors open again, leading her out into the night with his hand firmly clasped onto hers.
“This isn’t Del Posto,” Donna frowns once she steps out of his car, eyeing the little hole in the wall restaurant he had taken her to.
“It’s not Carbone either.” He affirms, walking around his car to stand next her.
“Good,” she mutters, eyes rolling. The restaurant she had once mentioned to his ex was now forever ruined in her mind.
“Did you expect something more…?” He motions his hands, looking from the restaurant to his date.
Harvey smirks, stepping behind her to loop his arms around her form, “So I did surprise you,” he smirks, breathing into her ear.
She shivers against his touch, the thin material of her dress doing little to mask the heat emitting from his hands.
Her lips quirk, “Maybe.”
“Stubborn woman,” he whispers, planting a kiss to her temple.
“What did you just say?”
“Nothing.” He gives her his best innocent smile which falls short when she sends him a glare.
Donna eyes the place skeptically then. Brick walls adorned the outside, giving it a rustic feel. A green neon sign was plastered above the door reading De Angelo’s. She bites her lip in uncertainty, taking hold of the hand her boyfriend reaches out for her to take. Taking one glance in his direction, lips wide with unsaturated excitement, she feels herself relaxing, choosing to trust his choice for the night.
“Impressed?” He smirks.
She shrugs nonchalantly, a smile playing on her lips as the maître d' begins to lead them to their table. The little hole in the wall had been given a full Narnia effect- while the outside was rustic and slightly eclectic, the inside was nothing short of a fairy tale venue. While it wasn’t as elegant as Del Posto, its intimate setting made their usual place of choice pale in comparison.
Donna felt a shiver creep up her spine the moment Harvey placed his hand strategically low on her back, guiding her deeper into the restaurant. She side eyes him for a moment, watching the ghost of a playful smirk on his face. One week in, and she’s barely gotten accustomed to his touch, not when they had spent the better part of the last decade avoiding any kind of physical contact.
Her eyes roam the area once more, golden lamps that adorned each table lit their path, offsetting the dimmed room with a warm glow. A mixture of red and magenta rose petals aligned each small rounded table, the only pop of color against white linen. The soft jazz that met her ears made her smile widen then, the sultry sounds reminding her of times she spent in Harvey’s office late at night, listening to his father’s records as they joked and reminisced.
They’re led to a table on the far left side of the room, giving them ample of privacy even within the small space. What the restaurant lacked in square footage, it made up in the level of intimacy.
“So,” Donna begins when they’re finally left alone, menus for them to sift through sitting in front of them, “You ever going to explain how you managed to find this diamond in a rough?”
Harvey chuckles at her expected look, “Well, that’s for me to know…”
She lifts an eyebrow in his direction, “And for me to pry it out of you? Because we both know that’s what’s going to happen here.”
“Oh, really? And how exactly do you plan on… prying it out of me?” He inquires in a voice half an octave lower.
They were venturing onto dangerous territory then, she knew. It hadn’t taken long for them to realize that any type of vocalized tease between them now would only land them on the nearest horizontal surface.
And yet, as she discreetly slips off one Louis Vuitton heel, letting her foot grace the edge of his leg, inching higher in time, she couldn’t find it in her to care.
“Donna,” he warns, watching her eyes brighten with a hint of mischief and purpose.
Before her foot can meet the apex of his thigh, they’re interrupted by their waiter. She eyes Harvey with amusement, watching his subtle attempt to shift uncomfortably in his seat, accepting the waiter’s suggestion of wine for the evening with a mere nod.
“You’re cruel, you know that?” Harvey declares when they’re left alone once again, glasses now filled with a deep red Chateau Mouton.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she quips, lifting her wine glass.
He shakes his head, lips quirking at his girlfriend’s playful and teasing nature. Following her gesture, he lifts his own glass of red then, “Here’s to- us.”
Her eyes soften at his words, swallowing back an unexpected lump, “To us,” she echoes.
Their glasses meet in a soft clink, eyes never leaving each other’s as they take short sip.
“So, what’s good here?” Donna wonders, glancing down to look at her menu.
“Hmm, I have no idea.” Harvey responds, his own eyes studying the array of meals before him.
Her head shoots up then, “You mean you’ve never actually been here before?”
Harvey shakes his head, “I wanted to go somewhere neither of us have been to, I wanted tonight to be… special. Del Posto will always be our place, but I wanted to go somewhere that could mark the start of something new.” He reaches out for her hand, intertwining his fingers through hers.
“You’re something else, Specter, you know that?” She breathes out, trying to tamper down as much emotion in her voice as possible. She’s quickly come to realize just how sweet and considerate he could be in the past week. Sure, thirteen years of friendship has already led her to that conclusion, but Harvey Specter, her friend and Harvey Specter, her boyfriend were almost two different entities all together.
The hand that lay on her own starts a slow caress on the inside of her wrist, fingers gliding in a feather light touch. Donna feels her eyes closing out of her own volition then. It was something he had gotten accustomed doing after one of their rounds of lovemaking- he would curl into her, resting his head in the crook of her neck as his hand would glide down her arm, resting on her wrist.
“You okay?” He murmurs knowingly, watching her sudden shift in focus, crossing and uncrossing her legs as he continued a slow pattern on her skin.
Meeting his eyes, dilated in the soft illumination of the room, she finds herself growing hot under the intensity of his gaze.
Two can play that game.
Following her earlier intentions, she lifts her foot again, teasing the length of his leg in a slowed pace before resting on his thigh, smirking at his sudden labored breathing.
“Donna,” he warns her again, eyes growing darker before her.
“Harvey,” she counters in that low timbre she had reserved for their most private moments. In a daring move, she lets her leg drift higher, before snaking down again, repeating the gesture in a torturous pace.
“Donna, we have to… order,” he nearly squeaks out when her foot lands an inch away from his growing desire.
She hums in response, repeating a pattern of letting her leg drift down before roaming dangerously close to the inside of his of thigh, “Do we?”
“Aren’t you, uh, hungry?” Harvey stutters, mentally cursing himself for succumbing to her touches easily.
She leans over the table then, letting her plunging neckline come into full view. He swallows when the soft glow of the lamp illuminates her skin, a honey glaze radiating between her breasts. “For food?” Her tongue peaks out between her teeth, gliding it over her crimson lips before disappearing into her mouth again.
“Okay, we’re done,” Harvey announces, pulling out a couple of bills from his pocket and throwing them haphazardly on top of the table. He pushes himself off his chair, coming round to lend his date a hand. She takes it with no hesitation, eyes wide in a pleased surprise that only makes his pants feel a size or two tighter.
She tries to hide her smirk when he leads her out of the restaurant in a near rush, lip caught in between her teeth as her own arousal pools low in her stomach. She nearly squeals when he backs her up against his black Lexus, body a mere inch away from her as he breathes into her.
“You’re playing with fire, you know that?”
“I like to live on the edge,” she tries for a casual facade, failing when she swallows back a whine under his gaze. And she was, on the edge of fully coming undone as he takes one step closer to her, one leg coming to rest between her own.
“So do I,” he whispers hotly into her ear, stepping back just as quickly as he opens the passenger door for her. She gives him a half-ass glare that was ninety percent arousal, before taking a seat inside. He swerves into motion then, closing the door before rushing to the other side. He settles in front of the wheel, giving his date one last heated look before merging into traffic, speeding in the direction of his apartment.
Her back meets the cold metal walls of the elevator as soon as its doors close, a groan of surprise and pleasure escaping her.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” He sighs against her, taking her lower lip between his teeth, tugging the flesh in a gentle pull.
“Do what?” Donna pants innocently. Her eyes close when his lips meet the exposed area of her neck, moaning when his tongue peaks out to suck on her skin. She rakes her hands over the short strands of his hair, keeping him in place.
“Wear this damn dress,” he retorts, utilizing the hand that wasn’t resting on her waist to reach the slit of the green material.
Her chuckles quickly turns into a moan when his hand inches higher, taking advantage of the opening of her dress to pull the silk higher until his hand comes to land on her ass, squeezing her flesh in the process.
“Shit, Harvey,” she groans when the move pulls her flush against him, feeling his hardness pressing into her.
His lips make their way back to her lips and he angles her head with his left hand, deepening their kiss. A deep desire to have him pulls at her seams, she sucks his tongue with a fervent need and hitches her leg around his back, making him grind into her.
Their lips glide over one another with purpose, teeth coming out to tug and play before their tongues meet again, dueling for some kind of dominance over the other. Sucking on her lower lip, Harvey snakes his hand around, caressing the smooth skin of her thigh before inching it upwards, smirking against her lips when she shudders in response.
A calloused finger finally glides over her underwear, eliciting a low whine from her now parted lips.
“You’re wet,” he keens proudly, his lips meeting the curve of her mandible.
“No shit, Sherlock,” she grounds out, annoyed. She mentally curses his current living arrangement, their ascent to condo taking considerably long. He just had to live in the goddamn penthouse.
He grins against her, slanting his lips over hers again. His hand continues a slow torture, gliding his fingers over her soaked lace, matching the rhythm along with the tongue he slipped against hers.
Donna mewls into his mouth when his pace quickens, feeling herself beginning to fall under his ministrations. She uses the hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer against her still, urging him on.
The distinctive ding of the elevator makes his lips part from hers, provoking a whine of protest to fall from her lips. She sends him a glare when he chuckles in response, taking her hand in his to lead her out into the hallway.
Harvey makes quick work of unlocking his door then, half distracted by her lips tugging on his earlobe. By miraculous standards, he manages to pry the door open in under a minute, pulling her inside and closing said door with her body. Her arms wind around his neck in an instant, letting her purse fall to the floor with a low thud. His hands hoists her up, making sure her slim legs are securely wrapped around him before he blindly guides them over to his bedroom, their lips remaining locked in the process.
A throaty chuckle escapes her when he accidentally bumps into his couch, nearing toppling them over. “Be careful, mister, you’re carrying precious goods here.”
“Trust me, I know,” he breathes into her, lifting her up an inch higher, drawing out a gasp from her. Making sure they don’t risk another near fall, he keeps his eyes open the rest of the way, depositing her on his bed with an opposing gentleness.
“Hey,” he speaks softly as he looms over her, his hand coming up to lock a strand of auburn hair behind her ear.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, you better finish what you started in that elevator unless you want me to finish it myself,” she scolds him, her hands shaking as she reaches up to begin tugging on his tie, flinging it across the room when she manages to loosen the knot.
Harvey growls in response, lowering himself to her, “As tempting as that would be to watch, I’d rather have you right now.”
“Then prove it,” she orders, fingers fumbling with the buttons of his dress shirt in the dim light of his room.
Never one to back off from a challenge, he pulls her up then, making them both stand at the foot of his bed. She makes quick work of his pants as he kicks off his shoes to the side, shuffling out of the black slacks in record time. Her hand comes to stroke him through his boxers, lips landing on his neck to suck on the skin there.
“Fuck, Donna,” he groans, his eyes closing over her caresses.
“That’s the idea,” she reminds him.
Before she can continue her slow torture, he turns her body around in a flash, lips landing on her clavicle as his hand finds the zipper of her dress.
“You know,” he begins, sucking on her pulse point while he tugs on the zipper in a slow decent, “I could barely concentrate tonight, watching you in this dress,” his hand snakes inside the material, landing on her waist where the zipper comes to a rest, “I just kept picturing it on the floor.”
Tilting her head to the side, she allows him better access, her eyes closing when he finally peels the material off of her, letting the emerald pool at her feet, “That was my intention,” she confesses into the dark.
Harvey growls against her, turning her around to deposit her on the bed again. He stops her when she reaches down for her heels, “No, keep them on.”
Her eyes darken at his words, the ache between her legs growing ten-fold. She pulls him down for a searing kiss, finally removing the dress shirt that hung loosely over him.
His lips begin a slow decent, trailing them from her neck to the valley between her breasts, tongue snaking out to tease her over the the black lace of her bra. He gently pulls on a covered nipple, tugging it between his teeth in time to hear a low hiss leave her lips.
Grinning against her, he continues a torturous path down her body, mesmerized by her silky smooth skin, quivering against his touch. When he reaches the waistband of her underwear, he comes to kneel at the foot of the bed, pausing momentarily to look up at her.
“You good?” He whispers, caressing his hands up and down her legs, taking a moment to lean forward and kiss her inner thigh.
She only nods in response, chest heaving with unbridled anticipation. A pool of desire settles low in her stomach as she watches him- the view of him nestled between her legs almost making her come undone.
Leaning forward, he presses a light kiss against her covered center, his eyes never leaving hers. A pleased smile graces his features when he sees her eyes closing, lip caught between her teeth as her back arches in ecstasy.
Taking his time, he peels off the soaked material then, lips kissing the apex of her thighs, taking turns to pay attention to each one, never venturing to where she needs him the most.
“Harvey,” she drawls out his name in a pleading whine, her hands bunching the silk sheets below her.
“Yes?” He croons, sucking on her hip, right over her birth mark.
“I hate you,” she breathes out, hooded eyes falling on his own smug ones.
“No you don’t,” he chuckles, kissing her an inch closer to her center.
“Shut up and put your mouth to better use already, Specter.” Her demand only makes his grin widen, his mouth finally landing on her.
A low shriek meets his ears, and he watches her body bending against the slow lick of his tongue against her. He carefully avoids touching her where he knows she wants him to, taking his time to taste and tease every inch of her. He hisses in surprise when her legs tighten around him, feeling the heels of her Louis Vuittons digging into his lower back, keeping him in place.
He brings his hands up to hold her down, watching as she squirms under his ministrations, copper hair splayed against his gray sheets, mouth open in a soundless moan. Detaching his lips from her, he wastes no time to slide a finger into her, groaning when he feels her contracting around him. On his slide out, he sinks two into her then, making sure to watch her face as he does so.
“God, Harvey,” she groans, trying her best to grind into his hand when he stills his movements.
“Easy, Donna,” he breathes against her, kissing her lower abdomen as he tries to calm her. She tries breathing through the sensations, the rapid beating of her heart dulling out the rest of her sensations for a hot second.
“That’s it,” he encourages, starting to pump his fingers in and out of her in time with her breathing. “This good for you?” While he knew she was never one for heavy dirty talk during sex, he had quickly come to realize that his voice was the one thing that would help push her over the edge.
Donna nods in response, her eyes screwed shut, small moans leaving her lips every time his fingers curved into her just so.
When he feels her muscles starting to contract further, he pulls out, lips quirking at the low whine that escapes her.
“Harvey, I swear to God…”
By way of responding, his mouth is on her again, his tongue snaking out to the hood of her clit, running slow tiny circles around the area. He knew she was close then, by the way her moans turned into gasps and her pelvis bucked into his mouth, trying to guide him closer. He slides his fingers into her once more, rocking them slightly, curling into her as his lips wrap around her clit fully then, sucking the bundle of nerves with renewed vigor.
Her hands find their place on his head, pulling at the short strands as she lets out a strangled cry, body doubling over as her orgasm rocks through her in waves.
His fingers slow their pace, letting her ride out her euphoria. When he notices her breathing slowing down, he pulls out of her, shifting on on his knees and ignoring the pain that shoots through his joints. Harvey watches her coming down from her high for a few more seconds, his chest swelling with pride and love for this woman strewn across his bed.
“You asshole,” she breathes out when she gains some semblance of reality again. Lifting himself up, he chuckles, his bare chest reverberating with the vibrations. He leans over her, hand coming up to part a few loose waves that had stuck to her forehead.
“You’re welcome,” he tells in that gloating voice that always makes her roll her eyes. Instead, she pulls him down for a kiss, groaning when she tastes herself on his tongue. Her hands reach over his back, landing where her heels left an indentation.
“Still glad I kept these on?”
His lips quirk at the mention of her stilettos, a weakness he won’t ever deny owns him, “Hell yeah.”
She shakes her head at his fetish, her own lips turning up out of her own volition. “Okay, hot shot, what else you got?” Her eyebrows raise in challenge, bringing a hand to slide under his boxers, stroking his hardness in a teasing pace.
Harvey growls in response, standing to pull the last barrier between them down his legs. He reaches over to peel off her black heels, smirking when he watches her eyes hungrily raking over his naked body. “Like what you see?”
Licking her lips in a way that only makes his eyes darken further, she motions for him to come closer again. “I’d like it more if you would hurry the hell up and fuck me already,” she breathes into him, pulling his earlobe between her teeth and tugging the flesh hard enough for him to hiss out in a mixture between pain and pleasure.
His lips slant over hers in a bruising kiss, using his hands to guide her up the bed, settling over her when her head meets the pillows. He blindly reaches behind her, finally ridding her off her black laced bra. Her eyes close before his mouth lands on her, teeth pulling on her nipple before soothing her with his tongue. He follows the same routine on the other one, kneading her abandoned breast with his hand, playfully tugging on her nipple as he slides a leg between her, alleviating only some of her ever-growing ache.
Before he can think twice of finally sinking into her, she wraps her slim legs around him, flipping him over in one fell swoop.
“My turn,” she announces, inching down his body with a purpose and a glint in her eyes.
“What?” She claims innocently, wrapping her hand around his erection. The cool touch of her hand on his heated flesh makes him jerk in response, his eyes growing to slits as he glares at her.
“Don’t,” his warning comes out half-assed, a sigh leaving him as she begins a slow trail over him.
“Come on, let me have my fun,” she pouts, the gesture only making him groan in response.
“Promise?” She smirks, already moving up to settle over him.
“Yes, just-”
“Just what?” Donna breathes, watching him carefully as she takes him in her hand again, teasing her entrance with the head of his penis.
“Just- move. Please.”
She resigns at his plead, finally sinking down on him with a low groan.
“Oh, God.” Her eyes close when he’s fully sheathed, biting her lip as she gets accustomed to his girth.
“‘Harvey’ is just fine, thank you.” Her eyes narrow down at him, watching him trying to hold onto his smug look behind the resolve that threatens to slip. Deliberately holding his gaze, she begins a slow rock against him, hands planted on his chest to steady her.
Her recent orgasm did nothing to dilute her need for him, that familiar pleasure building up within her all over again as her movements begin to quicken, little sighs leaving her with each downward thrust.
“You gonna leave me to do all the work here?” She moans on a particular hard thrust.
His hands land on her waist, thumb caressing her sweat soaked skin, “I’m just enjoying the view,” he confesses softly. He watches her breasts bouncing slightly with each move, the soft light from the moon outside casting her body in a silver glow. Her mouth is parted with the low sighs and gasps that escape her, and he tries not to lose it when she brings a hand up to rake her hand through her hair, riding him in a slow tortured pace.
“Harvey…” she whispers, her breathing coming out shorter and he knows she’s close when she begins to clench around him, her movements over him becoming sloppy. He grabs a tighter hold on her, beckoning her to lean over him, claiming her lips when she’s within reach. He begins to thrust into her then, slowly at first and then faster, repeating the pattern until she starts to quiver in his arms.
“Fuck, Harvey, harder,” she moans into him. She tries to keep their lips attached, but oxygen becomes too much of a necessity and she resorts to resting her forehead against his, biting her lip when she meets his heated gaze in the dark.
His hips begin to quicken at her request, thrusting up into her, meeting her own downward force.
“Come on, Donna, you can do it. Come for me,” his low encouragement is enough to send her over the edge, a loud cry that sounds a lot like his name leaving her lips.
He continues to thrust into her, barely giving her enough time to come down from her high before his pace continues to quicken. She sucks on the skin of his jaw, spurring him on to meet his own bliss. Three more thrusts, and he’s emptying himself into her, a slow mantra of “Donna” and “I love you” leaving his lips.
She collapses on top of him with a sigh as her third orgasm of the night rocks through her, her body feeling limp on top of his own hardened one.
“I think you killed me,” she admits, feeling the rapid beat of his heart against his chest, matching her own.
His chuckle reverberates through her, wrapping his arms securely around her, “That makes two of us, babe.”
Her head shoots up, “Babe?”
“What?” He shrugs, locking a strand of hair behind her ear, “You don’t like it?”
Donna bites her lip in thought, “It has potential,” she finally accepts.
His grin meets her own then, their teeth nearly clashing in the process.
She grimaces when they pull apart, shifting uncomfortably on top of him suddenly.
“What?” Harvey frowns, watching her look of semi-disgust.
“I’m all sticky and sweaty, I need a shower.”
He chuckles in response, “You know, I have a better idea,” he croons, caressing her bare back as he looks up at her with playful mischief.
She narrows her eyes at him, “What the hell could be better than a shower?”
“Okay,” Donna concedes, a girlish giggle escaping her as she settles back against him, “This is better than a shower.”
“Told you,” he gloats, nuzzling her neck. The water sloshes around them when she reaches over to the side, picking up her glass of the white wine Harvey had poured for them earlier. He had slipped out of bed, not even bothering to put on his boxers- much to her amusement and appreciation- and ventured into his ensuite, the sound of running water finally peaking her interest enough to follow him.
“A bath?” She had perplexed.
“A bubble bath.” He had corrected, a shit-eating grin on his face as he poured a decent amount of body wash into the tub. He’d scurried out of the bathroom then, scrounging through his fridge for a bottle of her favorite Riesling.
“So, you do this often?” She raises her eyebrows, turning to face him as she takes a couple of sips of her wine.
“Do what?”
“Soak in your tub, surround yourself with… bubbles,” she scoops a helping of the scented suds, placing them on his chin and smoothing it out alongside his jaw.
“No,” Harvey takes her own glass from her hands, smirking when she frowns.
“That’s mine,” she points out.
“And what’s yours is mine,” he shrugs, handing her the glass again.
“You have your own, you know,” she quirks at him.
“Sharing is caring,” his signature Cheshire Cat smile sends her heart racing again and she mentally curses the effect he has on her even when she’s only half annoyed with him.
“I don’t like sharing,” she huffs.
He leans over to press a kiss to her pouting lips, laughing when the bubbles she had placed on his jaw smears her own.
“What?” She giggles.
“Nothing, you just have,” Harvey lifts his hand then, but instead of wiping away the soap, he playfully smudges her nose with a heap of the slippery substance, “-a little something.” He grins.
A joyous cackle leaves her suddenly, taking in the ridiculousness of them, “Oh yeah?” Donna scoops another helping of the bubbles that surround them, placing them on his head, laughing when they slide down his hair, masking his face with it.
“You sure you want to do this?” He playfully warns her, the little she could see of his eyes through the bubbles glinting with a plan.
“Harvey,” she warns, knowing the look on his face held more than amusement.
He scoops a handful of frothy water and lightly throws it in her direction. In an attempt to avoid the splash, Donna turns her head, her body moving with her in the process, and causing a third of her wine to spill into the tub.
“Harvey!” She squeaks. The noise meant to come out in annoyance, but the arm that’s around her reels her back in, and he places a wet kiss onto her sudsy cheek, bringing about another set of giggles from her lips. “You’re drunk,” she breathes out, her eyes bright when she meets his gaze again.
“Would it be too cheesy to say, drunk on you?”
She scoffs, “Yes.”
He hums in response, nodding before he attacks her neck, nuzzling the area with kisses, the bubbles still adorning his jaw tickling her skin. She squirms at his actions, her body alighting over his mere touch and kisses, heart swelling at the still foreign giddiness that bubbles up in her.
When his fingers decide to come into play and tickle her side, she nearly jumps, causing more wine to spill over.
“Okay, that’s it,” Donna reaches behind her, playfully slapping his cheek to gain his attention. When he ceases his movements, she leans over to deposit her wine glass on top of the small table next to the tub. Turning around in his arms, she straddles his lab, smirking when the movement causes his pupils to dilate, “You, mister, need to behave.”
Harvey swallows back, placing his hands on her waist, “Or what?” He challenges.
She raises or eyebrows at him, “That’s a pretty ballsy response considering I’m currently in a position of power right now.” Donna grinds down against him for emphasis.
“You’ve made your point,” he groans out.
“Hmm, good,” she leans over, pecking his lips with a slide of her tongue against them.
“You’re a tease, you know that?” He hums against her, nuzzling her nose with his own.
“How so?” She asks, eyes wide in faux innocence.
“Earlier, for starters,” he begins, trailing his hand up and down her bare back, “You made a bet with yourself to see how long I’d last through dinner, didn’t you?”
She bites her lip, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He growls in response, his teeth landing on her neck, nipping at the skin just below her pulse. “Green, Donna, you know what seeing you in green does to me.”
“So it had nothing to do with the high slit or the plunging neckline?” She quips, a gasp leaving her when he sucks on her skin.
He pulls back from her then, his eyes meeting her own, now hooded with desire. “While those didn’t help,” he playfully pokes her side, laughing when she jumps in response, “You could wear a goddamn garbage bag and I’d still want you,” he finishes quietly.
Her hazel eyes soften at his words, a sigh escaping her as she leans forward, her fingers raking through the short strands of his hair at the nape of his neck. “You can be sickly sweet sometimes, you know that?”
His lips quirk at her words, before turning serious again, “I’m just- trying to make up for time lost, is all.”
Her heart stutters against her chest, still not believing any of this was really happening, that this was now her life- taking bubble baths with Harvey Specter. Boss turned friend turned… everything.
“We have plenty of time for that, Harvey,” she brings her hand up to caress his cheek, removing some of the remaining bubbles that reside.
“Like the rest of our lives?” He surmises, a sudden shyness to him as he lightly scratches at her skin below the water.
Donna bites her lip in an attempt to tamper some of her emotions. The man really knew how to render her speechless these days. “Yeah,” she finally speaks out, voice hoarse with sentiment.
He gives her a soft smile, pulling her toward him to slant his lips over hers.
“You know,” she breathes into him, “I’m actually… really… hungry… right now,” she asserts between kisses.
“For me?” He grins against her, sucking on her top lip before focusing on her other one.
“No,” Donna parts from him then, earning her a pout from him, “For food,” she laughs.
His chest vibrates with mirth, realization hitting him. “Right, we skipped out on dinner to-”
“-have dessert?” She smirks.
“One of our better decisions as COO and managing parter,” he states proudly.
She shakes her head at his antics, “Speaking of, we’re going to have to set some ground rules before work on Monday.”
His smile fades only slightly then, “Now?”
Donna bites her lip in thought for a moment, “No, it can wait ’till after you get me some food.”
He quirks his lips, “I’ll go fetch us some snacks.” He plants a kiss on the corner of mouth, being careful to move slowly as to not slosh the water around them too much.
She grins when he steps out of the bathtub, his bare ass coming into full view before he wraps a towel around his mid section. He sends her a knowing grin in return before disappearing out of the bathroom.
Lifting the wine glass to her lips again, she lets herself settle further into the tub, eyes closing as the past month’s events flash through her eyes. The idea of spending a day at home, relaxing with Harvey, making love to him, taking a bubble bath with him, and every other moment they had shared in between had been nothing but a mere fantasy weeks ago. She had long suppressed those feelings, swept them under a rug and went on with her life trying to convince herself it wasn’t something she needed or wanted…
…until she had kissed him. And then everything went to shit when he blamed her, they argued, she left… She had given up full hope of having any kind of future with him, any kind of happiness, for that matter. And now, while the concerns of how they were going to juggle their new status with their professional life still gnawed at her, she couldn’t seem to let it reside in the forefront of her mind.
Not when her best friend was half naked in his kitchen, clattering around whilst humming a ridiculous tune to himself- just loud enough for her to hear- trying to find them midnight snacks after they missed their dinner just because they couldn’t wait to fulfill a greater need.
“…so this is really all I had, and I know it’s not a lot, but it’s edible, I think,” his laugh makes her look up then, watching as he saunters in with a tray filled with an assortment of cheese, fruit, crackers, and some chocolate. He stops in front of the tub when he catches her steady gaze on him, a crooked smile on her lips, “What?” He wonders, amused.
Donna shakes her head, “I’m just- happy.”
His whole demeanor softens then, a deeper smile setting roots on his face, “Me too, Donna. Me too.”
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend, only bought this dress so you could take it off
67 notes · View notes
jifsy · 7 years
Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious
Wrapchic Tower Hill
What do you do when you’re hungry and searching for something to eat in a new city? This girl was famished and needed to find a London vegan restaurant or at least a restaurant with vegan options. That’s when it hit me. Why not give Wrapchic a try? I previously visited a Wrapchic in Soho and knew I had to go out of my way to visit Wrapchic again. This time I visited the new Tower Hill location and I’m so glad I did.
London Vegan Fast Food
Once you step inside the this London vegan fast food restaurant, you know it’s different. Full disclosure here: Wrapchic isn’t a full vegan restaurant, but when I can find more than one item on a menu, for me it’s a vegan restaurant. Whether you choose to dine in or take away, there are tons of choices for vegans, vegetarians, or carnivores at Wrapchic. Finally, somewhere I can eat and not stress about only ordering a side of steamed broccoli.
Other food options including wraps, curry pot, wraposas, and even breakfast.  That’s right – get a wraplette with eggs and filling or a paratha with your choice of filling or even a baked good with a Wrapchic Indian inspired twist.
What Is Wrapchic?
Inside Wrapchic
In 2012 Wrapchic set out to become “the most loved burrito company in the world” and you’ll feel the love the second you step inside one of their restaurants. The menu board is displayed at the front of the restaurant so step and take a peek at the offerings. From there choose whether you want a burrito, bowl, wrap, or one of the many other Wrapchic offerings.
Wrapchic menu
Not sure what to order or need a little more time? Have a seat at one of the tables and take your time looking over the menu. The staff will even come over and answer any questions you  might have. What other London vegan restaurants offer such an easy process for ordering?
The great wall of Wrapchic
Even if you have special dietary needs, you’ll never feel like a misfit here. Check out all the love on the Great Wall of Wrapchic, which will make you feel like you’re not alone here.
Want to understand more about Wrapchic? Check out the spice story in the Spice Bazaar. In case you didn’t know, they have a strict no fry policy, too. And the interior design is a comfortable Indian/Mexican shabby chic mix of textures and colors.
Wrapchic Burrito and wrapchos
What's a Wrapchic burrito? It's a flour tortilla with choice of filling, salad & chutney on a base of hummus or sour cream. Click To Tweet
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and Wrapchos
Mr. TSG was really hungry and wanted to devour the entire menu. Although I was in search of a London vegan restaurant, Mr. TSG is a vegetarian and didn’t hold back on dairy items including cheese. His choices included the Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and wrapchos.
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and Wrapchos
What’s a Wrapchic burrito? It’s a flour tortilla with choice of filling, salad & chutney on a base of hummus or sour cream. Mr. TSG chose the sour cream, paneer masala filling (Indian soft cheese coated in tava spice served with tikka sauce), and additional jalapeños. Think Indian meets Mexican inside a tortilla and that’s a Wrapchic burrito.
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito
What did he think of the burrito? He thought the size was great and that the mix of the rice, chutney, slaw, and paneer made for a different, but completely tasty burrito. In fact, it was so big that he could’ve stopped at just the burrito alone for lunch. But we all know he didn’t just have a burrito. What were the wrapchos like? If you like nachos,  you’ll like wrapchos, especially if you choose a filling to add on top. Both were served with three side sauces including mango chutney, Fire in the Hole sauce, and a red sauce.
Wrapchic Fresh Sauces
Side sauces of Mango Chutney and Fire in the Hole
Everything at Wrapchic is fresh, including their sauces. They even brought us over bottles of the sauces to try out. As you can see from the date labels, because the sauces are made fresh, they’re designed to be use immediately. The Fire in the Hole sauce, a dairy filled -hot and creamy green sauce was one that Mr. TSG liked, but I couldn’t try. He said he liked that it enhanced the burritos taste and was hot, but not so that you couldn’t enjoy the food. This coming from the man who likes hot sauce so hot he starts hiccuping.
Wrapchic Soya Amritsari Bowl and wrapchips
What's a Wrapchic bowl? It's all the goodness that goes inside a burrito minus the tortilla. Click To Tweet
Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips
As for me, I decided to try the Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips. What’s a Wrapchic bowl? It’s all the goodness that goes inside a burrito minus the tortilla. Mine was served with rice, black beans, Soya Amritsari (meaty soya chunks coated with amritsari sauce), slaw, lettuce, and salsa. The soy chunks with the rice were perfectly paired with the crunch of the slaw and lettuce. It was filling, satisfying, and a strange but most noteworthy delicious mix of Indian and Mexican flavors.
Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips
The wrapchips as a side are oven baked potato wedges lightly spiced with tasty Indian spices. Not sure why I eat so many potatoes when I’m in England, from jacket potatoes to chips to crips all the time. It’s the exact opposite of how I eat at home, but they’re so good.
At Wrapchic I could easily order a vegan meal off the menu without issue and I received a balanced and flavorful meal. I felt satisfied afterwards and didn’t feel weighed  down with preservatives or feel the after effects of fried food. Overall, my meal was fast, but delicious and I wouldn’t hesitate to visit Wrapchic again the next time I’m looking for a London vegan restaurant.
At Wrapchic I could easily order a vegan meal off the menu without issue and I received a balanced and flavorful meal. Click To Tweet
Drinks and Dessert
Menu, beverages, and dessert
While I would’ve liked a lassi, an Indian yoghurt based drink, since there weren’t any non-dairy versions available, I chose the light and refreshing apple and cucumber drink instead. Mr. TSG didn’t hold back and chose a diet Pepsi and two desserts. If it seems like one wouldn’t be enough for him, you’re right. First he had the Mango Mousse, a light and creamy mango mousse with mango on the bottom of the cup. Then for his second dessert he chose the Saffron Cheesecake. Think a cheesecake cup with a graham cracker base and a smooth mousse over top. I think he liked both because although he was quite full at this point, he could still enjoy a light, sweet ending to his meal. Each was only a few bites offering a nice light, sweet dessert that tasted like an indulgence without being heavy and calorie laden.
Taste the Revolution
Wrapchic is a revolution as far as London vegan food is concerned. Let’s be real here for a second. It’s a revolution as far as food in London or in any city today is served. Fast food can be delicious, vibrant, and healthy if you set out to create this type of food from the get go rather than fried and greasy food served fast. If Wrapchic can do it, imagine the possibilities.
Fast food can be delicious, vibrant, and healthy if you set out to create this type of food from the get go rather than fried and greasy food served fast.Click To Tweet
Wrapchic Tower hill
Want to learn more? Another way to find out more about Wrapchic is on their website as well as Twitter, FaceBook, and Instagram.
Final Thoughts
Wrapchic Tower Hill
Sometimes you want to break free from heavy food, sit down meals, and fancy food. If you’re looking for a healthy meal fast, Wrapchic is a perfect option. There aren’t many places to order healthy food fast rather than junk food in minutes so why not choose it as an alternative to a quick meal? The next time you’re in London, take the Tube to the Tower Hill station and walk about 3 minutes to Wrapchic on Byward street. If you’re looking for an affordable meal with healthy options, whether vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise, you have to stop in at Wrapchic.
Wrapchic Tower Hill, London 8 Byward Street Tower Hill London EC3R 5AS
Have you tried Wrapchic yet? What did you think? Do you know of another London vegan restaurant I should try? Let me know in the comments below. While you’re here, check out the other Travel Shop Girl dining reviews, too.
On my new SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SCALE of 1-5, with 1 being super easy and spontaneous and 5 being you better plan far in advance, this is definitely a 1. With hours from 8 am 6 pm (Monday – Wednesday) and 7 pm (Thursday – Friday), and 11 am – 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday, having a healthy and delicious fast meal at Wrapchic is a no brainer. That’s why Wrapchic gets a BIG thumbs up as far as spontaneous travel goes.
While we were provided complimentary meals from Wrapchic, as always all opinions and photographs, unless otherwise noted, are my own.
The post Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious appeared first on Travel Shop Girl.
Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious published first on http://ift.tt/2vy5Wr0
0 notes
migrately · 7 years
Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious
Wrapchic Tower Hill
What do you do when you’re hungry and searching for something to eat in a new city? This girl was famished and needed to find a London vegan restaurant or at least a restaurant with vegan options. That’s when it hit me. Why not give Wrapchic a try? I previously visited a Wrapchic in Soho and knew I had to go out of my way to visit Wrapchic again. This time I visited the new Tower Hill location and I’m so glad I did.
London Vegan Fast Food
Once you step inside the this London vegan fast food restaurant, you know it’s different. Full disclosure here: Wrapchic isn’t a full vegan restaurant, but when I can find more than one item on a menu, for me it’s a vegan restaurant. Whether you choose to dine in or take away, there are tons of choices for vegans, vegetarians, or carnivores at Wrapchic. Finally, somewhere I can eat and not stress about only ordering a side of steamed broccoli.
Other food options including wraps, curry pot, wraposas, and even breakfast.  That’s right – get a wraplette with eggs and filling or a paratha with your choice of filling or even a baked good with a Wrapchic Indian inspired twist.
What Is Wrapchic?
Inside Wrapchic
In 2012 Wrapchic set out to become “the most loved burrito company in the world” and you’ll feel the love the second you step inside one of their restaurants. The menu board is displayed at the front of the restaurant so step and take a peek at the offerings. From there choose whether you want a burrito, bowl, wrap, or one of the many other Wrapchic offerings.
Wrapchic menu
Not sure what to order or need a little more time? Have a seat at one of the tables and take your time looking over the menu. The staff will even come over and answer any questions you  might have. What other London vegan restaurants offer such an easy process for ordering?
The great wall of Wrapchic
Even if you have special dietary needs, you’ll never feel like a misfit here. Check out all the love on the Great Wall of Wrapchic, which will make you feel like you’re not alone here.
Want to understand more about Wrapchic? Check out the spice story in the Spice Bazaar. In case you didn’t know, they have a strict no fry policy, too. And the interior design is a comfortable Indian/Mexican shabby chic mix of textures and colors.
Wrapchic Burrito and wrapchos
What's a Wrapchic burrito? It's a flour tortilla with choice of filling, salad & chutney on a base of hummus or sour cream. Click To Tweet
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and Wrapchos
Mr. TSG was really hungry and wanted to devour the entire menu. Although I was in search of a London vegan restaurant, Mr. TSG is a vegetarian and didn’t hold back on dairy items including cheese. His choices included the Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and wrapchos.
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and Wrapchos
What’s a Wrapchic burrito? It’s a flour tortilla with choice of filling, salad & chutney on a base of hummus or sour cream. Mr. TSG chose the sour cream, paneer masala filling (Indian soft cheese coated in tava spice served with tikka sauce), and additional jalapeños. Think Indian meets Mexican inside a tortilla and that’s a Wrapchic burrito.
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito
What did he think of the burrito? He thought the size was great and that the mix of the rice, chutney, slaw, and paneer made for a different, but completely tasty burrito. In fact, it was so big that he could’ve stopped at just the burrito alone for lunch. But we all know he didn’t just have a burrito. What were the wrapchos like? If you like nachos,  you’ll like wrapchos, especially if you choose a filling to add on top. Both were served with three side sauces including mango chutney, Fire in the Hole sauce, and a red sauce.
Wrapchic Fresh Sauces
Side sauces of Mango Chutney and Fire in the Hole
Everything at Wrapchic is fresh, including their sauces. They even brought us over bottles of the sauces to try out. As you can see from the date labels, because the sauces are made fresh, they’re designed to be use immediately. The Fire in the Hole sauce, a dairy filled -hot and creamy green sauce was one that Mr. TSG liked, but I couldn’t try. He said he liked that it enhanced the burritos taste and was hot, but not so that you couldn’t enjoy the food. This coming from the man who likes hot sauce so hot he starts hiccuping.
Wrapchic Soya Amritsari Bowl and wrapchips
What's a Wrapchic bowl? It's all the goodness that goes inside a burrito minus the tortilla. Click To Tweet
Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips
As for me, I decided to try the Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips. What’s a Wrapchic bowl? It’s all the goodness that goes inside a burrito minus the tortilla. Mine was served with rice, black beans, Soya Amritsari (meaty soya chunks coated with amritsari sauce), slaw, lettuce, and salsa. The soy chunks with the rice were perfectly paired with the crunch of the slaw and lettuce. It was filling, satisfying, and a strange but most noteworthy delicious mix of Indian and Mexican flavors.
Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips
The wrapchips as a side are oven baked potato wedges lightly spiced with tasty Indian spices. Not sure why I eat so many potatoes when I’m in England, from jacket potatoes to chips to crips all the time. It’s the exact opposite of how I eat at home, but they’re so good.
At Wrapchic I could easily order a vegan meal off the menu without issue and I received a balanced and flavorful meal. I felt satisfied afterwards and didn’t feel weighed  down with preservatives or feel the after effects of fried food. Overall, my meal was fast, but delicious and I wouldn’t hesitate to visit Wrapchic again the next time I’m looking for a London vegan restaurant.
At Wrapchic I could easily order a vegan meal off the menu without issue and I received a balanced and flavorful meal. Click To Tweet
Drinks and Dessert
Menu, beverages, and dessert
While I would’ve liked a lassi, an Indian yoghurt based drink, since there weren’t any non-dairy versions available, I chose the light and refreshing apple and cucumber drink instead. Mr. TSG didn’t hold back and chose a diet Pepsi and two desserts. If it seems like one wouldn’t be enough for him, you’re right. First he had the Mango Mousse, a light and creamy mango mousse with mango on the bottom of the cup. Then for his second dessert he chose the Saffron Cheesecake. Think a cheesecake cup with a graham cracker base and a smooth mousse over top. I think he liked both because although he was quite full at this point, he could still enjoy a light, sweet ending to his meal. Each was only a few bites offering a nice light, sweet dessert that tasted like an indulgence without being heavy and calorie laden.
Taste the Revolution
Wrapchic is a revolution as far as London vegan food is concerned. Let’s be real here for a second. It’s a revolution as far as food in London or in any city today is served. Fast food can be delicious, vibrant, and healthy if you set out to create this type of food from the get go rather than fried and greasy food served fast. If Wrapchic can do it, imagine the possibilities.
Fast food can be delicious, vibrant, and healthy if you set out to create this type of food from the get go rather than fried and greasy food served fast.Click To Tweet
Wrapchic Tower hill
Want to learn more? Another way to find out more about Wrapchic is on their website as well as Twitter, FaceBook, and Instagram.
Final Thoughts
Wrapchic Tower Hill
Sometimes you want to break free from heavy food, sit down meals, and fancy food. If you’re looking for a healthy meal fast, Wrapchic is a perfect option. There aren’t many places to order healthy food fast rather than junk food in minutes so why not choose it as an alternative to a quick meal? The next time you’re in London, take the Tube to the Tower Hill station and walk about 3 minutes to Wrapchic on Byward street. If you’re looking for an affordable meal with healthy options, whether vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise, you have to stop in at Wrapchic.
Wrapchic Tower Hill, London 8 Byward Street Tower Hill London EC3R 5AS
Have you tried Wrapchic yet? What did you think? Do you know of another London vegan restaurant I should try? Let me know in the comments below. While you’re here, check out the other Travel Shop Girl dining reviews, too.
On my new SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SCALE of 1-5, with 1 being super easy and spontaneous and 5 being you better plan far in advance, this is definitely a 1. With hours from 8 am 6 pm (Monday – Wednesday) and 7 pm (Thursday – Friday), and 11 am – 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday, having a healthy and delicious fast meal at Wrapchic is a no brainer. That’s why Wrapchic gets a BIG thumbs up as far as spontaneous travel goes.
While we were provided complimentary meals from Wrapchic, as always all opinions and photographs, unless otherwise noted, are my own.
The post Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious appeared first on Travel Shop Girl.
Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious published first on http://ift.tt/2uCE2ez
0 notes
cartzypage · 7 years
Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious
Wrapchic Tower Hill
What do you do when you’re hungry and searching for something to eat in a new city? This girl was famished and needed to find a London vegan restaurant or at least a restaurant with vegan options. That’s when it hit me. Why not give Wrapchic a try? I previously visited a Wrapchic in Soho and knew I had to go out of my way to visit Wrapchic again. This time I visited the new Tower Hill location and I’m so glad I did.
London Vegan Fast Food
Once you step inside the this London vegan fast food restaurant, you know it’s different. Full disclosure here: Wrapchic isn’t a full vegan restaurant, but when I can find more than one item on a menu, for me it’s a vegan restaurant. Whether you choose to dine in or take away, there are tons of choices for vegans, vegetarians, or carnivores at Wrapchic. Finally, somewhere I can eat and not stress about only ordering a side of steamed broccoli.
Other food options including wraps, curry pot, wraposas, and even breakfast.  That’s right – get a wraplette with eggs and filling or a paratha with your choice of filling or even a baked good with a Wrapchic Indian inspired twist.
What Is Wrapchic?
Inside Wrapchic
In 2012 Wrapchic set out to become “the most loved burrito company in the world” and you’ll feel the love the second you step inside one of their restaurants. The menu board is displayed at the front of the restaurant so step and take a peek at the offerings. From there choose whether you want a burrito, bowl, wrap, or one of the many other Wrapchic offerings.
Wrapchic menu
Not sure what to order or need a little more time? Have a seat at one of the tables and take your time looking over the menu. The staff will even come over and answer any questions you  might have. What other London vegan restaurants offer such an easy process for ordering?
The great wall of Wrapchic
Even if you have special dietary needs, you’ll never feel like a misfit here. Check out all the love on the Great Wall of Wrapchic, which will make you feel like you’re not alone here.
Want to understand more about Wrapchic? Check out the spice story in the Spice Bazaar. In case you didn’t know, they have a strict no fry policy, too. And the interior design is a comfortable Indian/Mexican shabby chic mix of textures and colors.
Wrapchic Burrito and wrapchos
What's a Wrapchic burrito? It's a flour tortilla with choice of filling, salad & chutney on a base of hummus or sour cream. Click To Tweet
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and Wrapchos
Mr. TSG was really hungry and wanted to devour the entire menu. Although I was in search of a London vegan restaurant, Mr. TSG is a vegetarian and didn’t hold back on dairy items including cheese. His choices included the Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and wrapchos.
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito and Wrapchos
What’s a Wrapchic burrito? It’s a flour tortilla with choice of filling, salad & chutney on a base of hummus or sour cream. Mr. TSG chose the sour cream, paneer masala filling (Indian soft cheese coated in tava spice served with tikka sauce), and additional jalapeños. Think Indian meets Mexican inside a tortilla and that’s a Wrapchic burrito.
Paneer Masala Wrapchic burrito
What did he think of the burrito? He thought the size was great and that the mix of the rice, chutney, slaw, and paneer made for a different, but completely tasty burrito. In fact, it was so big that he could’ve stopped at just the burrito alone for lunch. But we all know he didn’t just have a burrito. What were the wrapchos like? If you like nachos,  you’ll like wrapchos, especially if you choose a filling to add on top. Both were served with three side sauces including mango chutney, Fire in the Hole sauce, and a red sauce.
Wrapchic Fresh Sauces
Side sauces of Mango Chutney and Fire in the Hole
Everything at Wrapchic is fresh, including their sauces. They even brought us over bottles of the sauces to try out. As you can see from the date labels, because the sauces are made fresh, they’re designed to be use immediately. The Fire in the Hole sauce, a dairy filled -hot and creamy green sauce was one that Mr. TSG liked, but I couldn’t try. He said he liked that it enhanced the burritos taste and was hot, but not so that you couldn’t enjoy the food. This coming from the man who likes hot sauce so hot he starts hiccuping.
Wrapchic Soya Amritsari Bowl and wrapchips
What's a Wrapchic bowl? It's all the goodness that goes inside a burrito minus the tortilla. Click To Tweet
Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips
As for me, I decided to try the Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips. What’s a Wrapchic bowl? It’s all the goodness that goes inside a burrito minus the tortilla. Mine was served with rice, black beans, Soya Amritsari (meaty soya chunks coated with amritsari sauce), slaw, lettuce, and salsa. The soy chunks with the rice were perfectly paired with the crunch of the slaw and lettuce. It was filling, satisfying, and a strange but most noteworthy delicious mix of Indian and Mexican flavors.
Soya Amritsari bowl and wrapchips
The wrapchips as a side are oven baked potato wedges lightly spiced with tasty Indian spices. Not sure why I eat so many potatoes when I’m in England, from jacket potatoes to chips to crips all the time. It’s the exact opposite of how I eat at home, but they’re so good.
At Wrapchic I could easily order a vegan meal off the menu without issue and I received a balanced and flavorful meal. I felt satisfied afterwards and didn’t feel weighed  down with preservatives or feel the after effects of fried food. Overall, my meal was fast, but delicious and I wouldn’t hesitate to visit Wrapchic again the next time I’m looking for a London vegan restaurant.
At Wrapchic I could easily order a vegan meal off the menu without issue and I received a balanced and flavorful meal. Click To Tweet
Drinks and Dessert
Menu, beverages, and dessert
While I would’ve liked a lassi, an Indian yoghurt based drink, since there weren’t any non-dairy versions available, I chose the light and refreshing apple and cucumber drink instead. Mr. TSG didn’t hold back and chose a diet Pepsi and two desserts. If it seems like one wouldn’t be enough for him, you’re right. First he had the Mango Mousse, a light and creamy mango mousse with mango on the bottom of the cup. Then for his second dessert he chose the Saffron Cheesecake. Think a cheesecake cup with a graham cracker base and a smooth mousse over top. I think he liked both because although he was quite full at this point, he could still enjoy a light, sweet ending to his meal. Each was only a few bites offering a nice light, sweet dessert that tasted like an indulgence without being heavy and calorie laden.
Taste the Revolution
Wrapchic is a revolution as far as London vegan food is concerned. Let’s be real here for a second. It’s a revolution as far as food in London or in any city today is served. Fast food can be delicious, vibrant, and healthy if you set out to create this type of food from the get go rather than fried and greasy food served fast. If Wrapchic can do it, imagine the possibilities.
Fast food can be delicious, vibrant, and healthy if you set out to create this type of food from the get go rather than fried and greasy food served fast.Click To Tweet
Wrapchic Tower hill
Want to learn more? Another way to find out more about Wrapchic is on their website as well as Twitter, FaceBook, and Instagram.
Final Thoughts
Wrapchic Tower Hill
Sometimes you want to break free from heavy food, sit down meals, and fancy food. If you’re looking for a healthy meal fast, Wrapchic is a perfect option. There aren’t many places to order healthy food fast rather than junk food in minutes so why not choose it as an alternative to a quick meal? The next time you’re in London, take the Tube to the Tower Hill station and walk about 3 minutes to Wrapchic on Byward street. If you’re looking for an affordable meal with healthy options, whether vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise, you have to stop in at Wrapchic.
Wrapchic Tower Hill, London 8 Byward Street Tower Hill London EC3R 5AS
Have you tried Wrapchic yet? What did you think? Do you know of another London vegan restaurant I should try? Let me know in the comments below. While you’re here, check out the other Travel Shop Girl dining reviews, too.
On my new SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SCALE of 1-5, with 1 being super easy and spontaneous and 5 being you better plan far in advance, this is definitely a 1. With hours from 8 am 6 pm (Monday – Wednesday) and 7 pm (Thursday – Friday), and 11 am – 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday, having a healthy and delicious fast meal at Wrapchic is a no brainer. That’s why Wrapchic gets a BIG thumbs up as far as spontaneous travel goes.
While we were provided complimentary meals from Wrapchic, as always all opinions and photographs, unless otherwise noted, are my own.
The post Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious appeared first on Travel Shop Girl.
Finally! Wrapchic Makes London Vegan Fast Food Easy and Delicious published first on http://ift.tt/2wmAGMc
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: A Searing Show Commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the 1992 LA Uprising
Aviana Del Carmen Manson, Caitlin Dennis, Leroy Hamilton, and others, “Stories of 1992” in Re-Imagine Justice at the Community Coalition, Los Angeles (all photos by the author for Hyperallergic)
LOS ANGELES — A bank of TV sets flicker on and off one by one, each showing a different media clip from the early 1990s: gang members being interviewed, talking heads spewing political punditry, videos of looting and burning buildings. Then, they all turn on, showing the same footage of a man lying on a darkened stretch of road, illuminated only by headlights, surrounded by several LAPD officers, who proceed to taser, kick, and hit him with their batons for several minutes — instantly recognizable as the 1991 Rodney King beating.
This incident and the officers’ subsequent acquittal is seen as the spark that ignited the 1992 LA Uprising — generally referred to as the LA Riots at the time — which resulted in dozens of deaths and the burning of a thousand buildings throughout South LA. The installation is part of an exhibition, Re-Imagine Justice, mounted by the South LA-based community organization Community Coalition, that aims to take a deeper look at the causes of the uprising, explore the neighborhood’s transformation, and highlight current issues of injustice and inequality.
“Re-Imagine Justice” at Community Coalition
The show combines contemporary artwork, archival material, and media installations to present a complex portrait of the unrest and its aftermath, foregrounding the perspectives of people from the area who lived through and were affected by these events. “Most of the artists are from South LA,” one of the exhibition’s organizers, Cristina Pacheco, told Hyperallergic. “That was critical. We wanted space for the community to tell their own story.”
One such space is a room remade in the guise of a looted liquor store, in disarray and covered in graffiti. Six video monitors are inset into the walls, playing firsthand accounts of the unrest. “That’s one of the most fascinating things about this,” said Pacheco, “that everyone has a different narrative about what 1992 was. You sit in this room and you hear the six stories, and where they were.” Titled “Stories of 1992,” the concept for the piece came from Ariana Del Carmen Manson, a high schooler who is involved in the organization’s student leader program, and realized by a team of collaborators.
Gerri Lawrence, Glauz Diego, Caitlin Dennis, “Angels of the Movement”
Upon entering the exhibition, another installation titled “Angels of the Movement” draws parallels between the deaths of three children separated by decades, but sharing tragic similarities. In the setting of a pristine candy shop — a marked contrast from the looted storefront — blown-up photos of three smiling African American youth line one wall: Emmett Till, Latasha Harlins, and Trayvon Martin. A candy or convenience shop played a role in the killing of each child: it was where Till encountered the white woman who would falsely accuse him of accosting her; where Harlins was shot in the back of the head after a disagreement with the shop owner; and where Martin purchased the bag of skittles shortly before he was gunned down by George Zimmerman. Harlins’s killer, who thought she was trying to steal a bottle of orange juice, was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, serving only five years of probation with no jail time. In addition to King’s beating, this incident further inflamed tensions in LA leading up to the ’92 uprising.
“Re-Imagine Justice” installation view, at Community Coalition
Martin’s killing features in another work, arguably the most disturbing in the entire show. “One Dark Night” is a virtual-reality experience produced by Nonny de la Peña and Emblematic Group that uses audio of the 911 calls made on the night of his shooting to convey a narrative left out of conventional news stories. After donning VR goggles and headphones, each solitary viewer watches a CG recreation of the events, as various 911 callers recount what happened from various perspectives, beginning with Zimmerman’s and switching to the residents of the housing complex where Martin’s father’s fiancée lived. Martin is only depicted once, briefly when Zimmerman first spots him; the rest of the story shows concerned residents as they pace about their homes and peek out the window, frantically relaying to emergency operators the struggle happening outside.
Enkone, “1992 Civil Unrest ‘Peace Treaty'” (2017), mixed media painting, 24 x 36″
These works accompany a main gallery space filled with mostly contemporary artwork that looks back on the events of 1992. Lili Bernard’s collaged painting of Harlins surrounds her beaming face with pictures of juice bottles and protestors, gold glitter and costumed jewels, as though she were a religious icon. A 2017 painting by Enkone depicts the 1992 “Peace Treaty” between the Bloods and the Crips, two notorious gangs who set aside their animosity to rebuild their neighborhood in the wake of devastation. Kahlil Joseph’s film “Wildcat” (2013) is a poetic cinematic vision of African American cowboys in Oklahoma, countering the narrative in popular media that overwhelmingly associated blacks with urban poverty.
  Kahlil Joseph, “Wildcat” (2013)
Although the 25th anniversary of the uprising is the catalyst for the show, it extends well beyond the fiery events that began on April 29, 1992 to look at systematic forms of injustice. “It’s forcing people to look at inequality in a much more structural way,” Community Coalition President Alberto Retana told Hyperallergic, “so people come away realizing this was about more than just Rodney King, this was about the community that had decades of disinvestment. We hope that this serves as a point of inspiration for people to get involved locally. The Civil Rights Movement was not just about the March on Washington. It was about what was going on in Memphis, in Birmingham, in all of these different locales. We hope this triggers that kind of involvement in a broader sense.”
Archival T-shirt on view in Re-Imagine Justice
Re-Imagine Justice continues at the Community Coalition (81o1 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles) through April 29, culminating with Future Fest, a rally, march, and concert that begins at Florence and Normandie, ground zero for the 1992 unrest.
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