#i kinda wanna write smthn about this tbh
lateraniansweets · 4 months
I mean if you want to write on the pregnancy I’m interested in hearing your thoughts, I guess I went a little too dramatic in trying to come up with an idea lol
HELP (totally understandable)
i think the way amuro would react to the news mainly depends on two things. how long the two of you have been together and if we're talking about zeta or cca amuro just because of the state he's in mentally in both iterations.
for cca amuro we have the non-canon (?) beltorchika's children novels that i love and hate as a good benchmark on his reaction tbh. wether or not you guys have been in a long term relationship doesn't matter because he'll take responsibility so he won't walk out on you (but axis will make him buy milk). in terms of like the relationship between the two of you having an already established relationship matters. he'd take responsibility which in this case can be child support to full-on marrying you (the things id do to marry amuro ray tbh) even if he doesn't really want to because to quote BC novel amuro 'it's not like i have a choice' which makes me lean on the idea that he'll marry you for the baby as that's his idea of taking responsibility.
for zeta amuro i just have one question. how?????????????? like in between joining karaba and his house arrest schtick did he have the chance to get laid and have a baby.
okay but seriously giving zeta amuro the weight of incoming fatherhood will make things worse for him. he was miserable and dealing with sm trauma from the OYW and adding a child into the mix is just terrible. i don't think you or him would be happy in this situation with amuro's inner turmoil and the constant stress/danger that he/both of you would be in during the gryps conflict.
overall i dont think amuro's the type of actively want a child and dreads the idea of being a father. personally i think parenthood would just make him more of an internal mess even if its the better adjusted cca amuro so yeah.
i like to think that in the surprise baby situation because im a sucker for sweet moments its in a timeline/au where amuro is actually given the time and support system during zeta where he isn't constantly getting called a coward for not wanting to fight or go to space because of magic newtype PTSD.
in this timeline i think he'd still have a certain degree of apprehension to the situation but would cope with it better and wouldn't straight up ghost you for 4-5 business days to let the whole thing settle in like i think cca and zeta would. like i said in cca he'd take responsibility but there wouldn't be any sort of driving force where marriage (if you guys aren't already) becomes the go-to ie char saw a dinosaur documentary during his quarter life crisis and decided to replicate it. or literally just his life during zeta. i think without that rush or push for marriage would do him good and help settle him for fatherhood.
anyways tldr; amuro has a lot going on in his life becoming a soon to be dad has a good chance of making things worse for him even if he doesn't realise it.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
Hii, can you write some dating headcanons of Stevie? Nobody writes about him 😭
hello, and yes! ik on my masterlist/characters I write for I have it as platonic only but most of these could be read as platonic if you're older, I kept the more romantic ones at the bottom if that's cool so yeah 👍 I kept him & ruben as such bx I'm a little too old for them and I see them as like babies compared to me so yeah 💀 but I got you dw lol
STEVIE ; dating/platonic headcanons
warnings ; language, talk of familial abuse & neglect, alcohol, substances, use of f-slur (I can say it guys PLEASE)
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protecting him on the streets is a must
he's newer to this skating shit and "running around with thugs"
if he can't go home for whatever reason, he's got a home at your place or on the couch at motorz
ray locks you guys in and you're good for the night, he just can't give you the keys cause he doesn't wanna get fired
he vents to you whenever he needs to
at a point he gets all "wannabe hard boy" and shoves you away while he becomes a fucking hard-core alcoholic
"Dude, what the fuck did I do to deserve being shoved away?"
"Go away! Don't you ever fucking listen? Shut the fuck up! You're just like my mom!"
damn okay moody ass bitch
you stay up at night thinking about how you thought you were grateful for the whole 'fuckshit wrecking the car' thing because it changed both him, ruben, and fuckshit (and their relationships) for the better
for a while he forces you to just let him watch you skate and stuff because he's super unmotivated too and doesn't wanna spiral like before
but in time, he warms back up to it
he's the one borrowing your clothes tbh
the only thing you ever touch of his are hats that you steal to tease him
romantic stuff below!
you put stickers on his forehead 24/7
putting random braids in his hair for no reason in private
he's scared he'll be called a fag or smthn but yk he won't
he just has a touchy partner , it's normal lol
your relationship is purely wholesome, yall r like 13 so chill
nothing happened between him n estee either bc wtf was that scene jonah
you hand him a mixtape before you leave to go home titled "for stevie <3" and when I tell you he crumbled when he accepted that he was finally learning that he could trust you and let you in
like his family issues always had him fucked up but Ray was like "Dude that's not pussy shit??? they really like you, man"
he just sat there for a moment like "omg holy shit this isn't just some fake shit that'll last a month tops they actually give a shit"
he listens to it when he's skating alone and shit
always reminds to kiss from a rose or wonderwall
he learns a lot from you and takes it to heart, like he learns to just be a normal, functioning person in society and how to behave and act and shit
like he hasn't had anyone to rlly be there to correct his mistakes or beat his ass til you LMAO
like he learns actual life skills and shit from you like how to write checks and and how long to boil noodles it's honestly sad
mostly the hug-you-from-behind kinda guy bc he's still learning how to show his love and shit
gives you puppy dog eyes without even knowing it
he's just so mesmerized by you sometimes
idk this is all I got
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nnnyxie · 9 months
i was wondering if you could make headcanons of the haikyuu girls’ (kiyoko, miwa kageyama, michimiya, and maybe yachi) reaction to the reader writing her first novel 🤭
(also my first req from you?! heheh)
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shimizu kiyoko ;
omg she’s so so so supportive of you
okay so. let’s say you’re writing a crime novel— at this point in time, she doesn’t know that you’re writing one.
one day, she walks into your office to see you researching murders, murderers, and how they got away with their crimes for so long.
she knows that you’re into true crime and things of the sort, so she brushes it off!! she’s kinda like ‘eh okay, that’s normal’
but, it’s when she sees you acting out a murder with your figurines, that she gets concerned. (plsss she just wanted to bring you food)
anyways, she questioned you about it and the embarrassment you experienced was unbelievable.
you had to explain that you were figuring out some stuff for the novel you’re writing and it all just— clicked for her.
OH and if you ask— she’ll give you pointers and correct any grammar or spelling mistakes you might have (i just KNOW she’s a pro at literature).
kageyama miwa ;
she puts her ALL into supporting you!!!!!!!
you’re writing (drum roll) an adventure/sci-fi novel!!! (because i feel like she’d like those, can’t tell me otherwise bye!) maybe it’s something like journey to the center of the earth?? city of ember???
you guys have movie nights together!! and usually your pick of genre is WIDE but recently it’s been strictly adventure/sci-fi— which she’s not mad about!! just curious!
when you’re scrolling through a streaming app, she asks about why you’re choosing just adventure and sci-fi.
at first, you didn’t wanna tell her cause you wanted it to be a surprised!! but she pulls it out of you with her charm (aka you broke bc you’re bad at keeping secrets)
she’s so excited for it!! she’s excited for you!!!
she’s always asking questions about how it’s going and always asks about your characters!! (and when she finds out you based one off of her she’s just so happy)
she’ll ask to read snippets here and there but ultimately she just lets you work until you’re ready for her to read!!
michimiya yui ;
giggles, blushes, twirls hair… she’s your number one supporter!!! the first to buy your book in ALL forms. (also, i never thought of writing for her— how stupid am i for that???)
soooo you’re writing a coming of age story!! maybe something based on your own experiences??
lets sayyy… you had some diaries or journals when you were a teenager and you dug DEEP in your closet to find them— which made her very curious.
she kinda lets it go for a bit until you’re nearly tearing up your closet to find this specific journal. then she’s just like ‘wtf are you doing?’
when you tell her you’re working on a novel— she’s so happy about it!!
she loves to support you in any way she can!! she offers to be your beta reader and who are you to deny her of such things???
she’ll give you pointers and find any plot holes there may be in your story!!
yachi hitoka ;
this absolutely cutie <3 she’s your biggest supporter and motivator!!
wanna know what you’re writing? fantasy. (because she’d love that and i love her) maybe something that’s like where the wild things are?? or over the garden wall??? (pls i love otgw)
anyways— she’s starting to notice that you’re always on your computer nowadays and sometimes you accidentally ignore her.
she’s a non-confrontational person but, she works up all the courage to talk to you about this— and i’ll be so real with you, she cries before a single word comes out. (just like me fr)
god the utter fear that rushes through you— you thought she was dying or smthn!! she starts talking while she’s crying and THANKFULLY you’re able to piece together what she’s saying.
when you explain to her that you’re writing a novel, she feels so much relief (and embarrassment tbh)
now we know this girl is smart, it’s canon!! so you ask her for some help with grammar, sentence setups, etc!! and she’s very happy to help!!!
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pls i hope this was good
(my writer’s block has been slowly leaving!!)
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autistic-katara · 1 year
ok finally making that writing post-
hi! i’m Ryan, or Raines_Adopted_Son on AO3. i write fanfic (mainly angst) and my inbox/dms/ao3 comments r always open for requests, here are some guidelines:
fandoms i will write for: (keep in mind i join new fandoms all the time so if theres a fandom u want me to write that isnt here that u think i like just ask, i probably forgot to update it // will say next to the fandom if ive written for it before or not)
Stranger Things (written for it before)
The Spiderverse Movies (written for it before)
The Owl House (written for it before)
Nimona (haven’t written before)
PJO/Riordanverse (including mcga and tkc // written for it before)
ATLA (including lok/the kyoshi novels // written for it before)
Heartstopper/Osemanverse (haven’t written before)
Jackson’s Diary (written for it before)
Bungou Stray Dogs (haven’t written before)
The Dragon Prince (have written but never posted)
Derry Girls (haven’t written before)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (haven’t written before)
Good Omens (haven’t written before)
stuff i enjoy writing/specialise in:
shortish one-shots (1k-2.5k words // i would like to write longer and/or multichapter stuff, this is just my current level)
heavier topics relating to mental health stuff (depression, eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal characters, etc.)
queer (specifically trans) stuff
stuff i feel uncomfortable writing/am unsure if i’m able to write it but wanna push my boundaries on: (aka send me requests but theres less of a chance i’ll write it)
nsfw stuff/smut
depictions of abuse (non-romanticised obv)
depictions of SA (specifically just the recovery tho, i am NOT writing non-con)
longer fics
multichapter fics
pure fluff (idk if i’m able to write smthn w/o angst 😭)
stuff i will not write: (do not ask me to write this stuff :))
nsfw/smut of characters under the age of 15 (that being my current age // still kinda iffy abt characters 15-17 but yk)
stuff that romanticises things like SA or abuse
any ships where both a) at least one of the characters is a minor and b) the age gap is canonically 3 years or more (emphasis on canonically, looking at u punkflower antis)
other stuff i wasn’t sure how to fit in:
when it comes to depicting types bigotry or hate or whatever theres some stuff i feel comfortable including and some stuff i dont (obviously in a non-romanticised way as just like part of what a character experiences):
homo/transphobia, i’m fine with including this, i am queer + trans and feel like i could sensitively depict those topics.
racism/xenophobia, i dont rlly feel comfortable writing abt this stuff given that i’m white i rlly dont think id be able to write that stuff properly like at all.
ableism/saneism, depends on the type tbh, maybe subtle ableism to an autistic character (i am autistic) and casual ableism to a chronically ill character (i am chronically ill) but other than that ehhhh
antisemitism, while i am Jewish and have experienced it myself, for personal reasons i’m not comfortable writing stuff including it, even if its subtle and not a big thing (other kinds of religious discrimination i wont write simply cause idk enough about allat and dont wanna be insensitive abt it)
thats all i could think of for that one but next thing: i dont like AUs. its not like i hate them or anything, and if i time traveled to the future and found out i learned to love them i would be ecstatic since thats more fics for me, but for some reason i just don’t enjoy reading/writing them (excluding canon divergence, i wouldn’t mind writing a fic with canon divergence // didn’t wanna put this in the hard-no section cause again its not like they’re smthn i hate or am disgusted by or anything, i just don’t find them appealing)
also if u dont know what i ship/what ships id be ok w/ writing just ask, a couple of them should be clear based on what i rb/post tho lmao (still if u gotta ask, ask)
anyways yeah thats all i could think of for now, i probably forgot smthn important so i might edit this later + lmk if u have any questions srsly id love to answer :)
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Okay idk wtf this is too but I’m bored at work so lemme do smthn rq.
Songs That Inspire My Works
Scary Yandere Songs:
Mezzanine-the song is sung is a very gritted-teeth type of way. Almost like the yandere is sitting in a dark room on a chair, just staring at a picture of the darling or mindlessly watching tv, positively seething about how giddy and happy she is. There’s one part of the song that goes “All these half floors will lead to mine” and it just makes me think of him basically saying that he’s gonna make her fall off her high horse and succumb to his level. Very Shigaraki vibes for a happy bubbly girl.
Still- verrryyy crazy drunk shigaraki vibes. The song was actually based on the lead singer who played with bones on a train track when he was younger. When the lyrics say “follow me into the trees, I will lead the way” that line gives me chills
Maidaiz-any generic yandere tbh, usually Dabi-actually, maybe Hawks cuz the voice is so smooth and buttery, and he’s singing about a chained girl surrounded by jewels and pearls. Idk it kinda fueled my Gilded Cage fic cuz he showered her with all this money and she still was just a captive at the end of the day
Dangerous- reminds me of kuroiro and tamaki sometimes, nothing too big here, just the reader feeling like they’re being watched by an unseen force
Kilmaa- OOOO now this is a good one cuz the whole music video and song itself is about a girl kidnapped into sex slavery basically and breaking out. In the video the girl is captured by this big powerful business man/mafia type guy, and at the end of all her trauma she stabs the guy and k/lls him. I’m thinking maybe hawks or dabi cuz yknow, big scary powerful guy gets his share of dues or whatever.
In For It- the song isn’t too scary on its own but just the slow kind of raspy way Tory Lanez sings makes me think of a darling in a club and is just dancing around when she sees maybe Bakugo staring her down all menacingly and lustful. She gets nervous and tries to avoid eye contact, but at the end of the song when it gets deeper and slower at the “I’m so offended” part, it makes me imagine he gets up and starts going after her.
Angst or Fluff
Turning Page-maybe makes me think of shigaraki or tamaki, very soft boys on the inside (and out for tamaki), like they start watching you out of the corner of their eyes unconsciously to catch you smiling or laughing. One of my fav lines is in there, “Your love was my turning page/where only the sweetest words were made” and idk it just makes me all mushy and soft
American Girls and French Kiss- I wrote a dabixhawks fic a while back, not one of my most popular pieces but I still had fun writing it. It was before 290 came out and everyone thought dabi knew who hawks was cuz of the childhood friends theory, and this song was kind of like a “fuck you im fine but not” vibe that went along with the angst potential of that side
Hold On Till May- this one I feel like can be used for dabi or shigaraki and their backstories. The song itself is about one of Vince’s ex gfs who was abused at home and would run away and wait for her parents to come find her(spoiler alert-they would never care enough to go after her). So I think in terms of backstories and exploring that part with the darling or character, you could take it both ways-either the guy is singing to the girl that it will all be okay, and that even though they’re both broken he’ll try for her. OR if it’s from the darling’s POV she could be saying like even though the character (Dabi or shiggy) have had a rough life shes there for them now.
Berenstein- super angsty song, reminds me of my ex tbh. Berenstein refers to (if I remember correctly) a memory shared by others even though the memory didn’t actually happen. I always think of this whenever there’s an ending where the character has to leave the reader and one day just reminisces about what they had. It’s like in the end they’ll move on and their lives don’t really change in terms of lifestyle of daily activities, but if they think back far enough, they can catch a glimpse of someone who used to be their everyhting. Very much dabi and shig.
Stay With Me- bakugo vibes, it’s like two ppl fighting and telling each other that the other was the one who left, but ultimately it doesn’t matter because he just wants them back and to not leave.
102- a lot of the 1975 songs get me in my feels (which is a tragedy cuz Matty Healy is islamophobic as fuck) and this one is another one. Major Dabi or Kirishima vibes, the song is about being friends and in love with a girl who is in love with someone else. It’s like you don’t know what to do with yourself and all that love you have for her
Anyways yeah if any of y’all wanna chime in w ur own fic song recommendations just reblog and continue this ig?? Tag people, or not lol just read all of this bs and have fun w it🤷🏽‍♀️
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Comforting a S/O Who just went through something traumatic
Bucciarati, Polnareff, Kakyoin, Josuke, P4Jotaro, Gyro, Giorno,
Warnings: mentions of abuse, injury. Read at your own discretion, I don’t actually write the whole scenario out, just the after effects. I’m kinda using this to help with my own trauma
-He’s the first person you think of calling, your hands trembling as you try to tell him through the phone what happened. 
-obv you break down and he tells you to calm down, he’ll be there soon. 
-Stays on the phone with you, just to make sure you’re safe until He can get to you. 
-Will put his hands on your shoulders and check over you, making sure you’re not injured. 
-if he finds even a hint of a bruise or a cut, he’s mad. 
-Especially if it’s caused by someone else. 
-Tells you to calm down again, briefly wrapping his arms around you
-His presence is anchoring, and his calm demeanor really helps you wind down from the initial panic reaction. 
-He’ll take you back to his place and make sure you eat and drink something before making you lie down, telling you not to worry, he’ll take care of it. 
-Will stay with you until he’s comfortable with you being alone.
-doesn’t even question why you’re freaking out, is just by your side as soon as possible, making sure you’re physically okay
-If you’re not, he focuses on that first, getting you to a point where you are. 
-Tells you to calm down before you try to explain what happened, and will help in whatever way you need. 
-Rubs your arms and massages your hands, talking to you if it makes you feel better but keeping quiet if that’s what you prefer. 
-”Do you want to come stay with me for a couple days? I just want to make sure you’re safe, and that you’ll be okay.” 
-turns into a helicopter boyfriend tbh. 
-His presence is quite calming though. He doesn’t outwardly show his emotions and he’s very good about keeping his cool, so having that really helps you get a grip on reality
-If you’re in tears, babe, his shoulder is right there. You don’t have to ask. Cry it out. 
-Rest Rest Rest. You need to process, but he knows you’re going to be fatigued after dealing with a life blow like this. 
-He takes what you went through and how you deal with it very seriously. 
-Bear Hugs. B E A R HUGS. (Josuke is a very touchy feely person, even in Canon. You would know this about him before going into a relationship. his arms will be around you in no time.)
-He will hold you tight, standing or sitting, and let you cry yourself out. 
-If you’re injured, he’s already healed you. that’s how this works.
-Listen I love this goofball because he’s a goofball but he also knows when it’s important to be serious, and this is one of those times. 
-He gets on your level with things. He can’t help you all the way unless he knows what happened, and when you tell him, he sees red knowing that you’re going to be hurting for a while because of it. 
-Seeing you shaken shakes him and it makes him feel better to have you in his arms, but obv if you start to get claustrophobic he’ll let go
-Depending on what the situation was determines how he’ll take care of it. If it was caused by another person, he’ll deal with them himself.  
-Don’t expect to leave his arms for the next couple days (Weeks) 
-He’s such a teddy bear honestly. Lots of cuddles and distractions. He’ll kick your ass in mario kart and dollop whipped cream on your nose just to kiss it off. You’re sticking close to him. 
-He’s going to do everything in his power to make sure you’re safe and to help you recover. 
-Ngl he’s quite nervous and uneasy to see you shaken like this but handles the whole thing with grace. 
-He’ll wipe tears off your face and calm you down to the point where you can tell him what happened. 
-He wears his heart on his sleeve so he’s going to take care of the cause of the problem before focusing on you. 
-once the problem is eliminated, and it can’t traumatize you again, he’s going to swoop you into his arms and press kisses into your temple
-”Hey angel, come stay with me for a few days. I think it’ll help if you have someone you can trust close by.” 
-He absolutely will make you hot chocolate and let you cuddle up to him, fall asleep on him, whatever you need. He’s going to be there for you no matter what. 
-If he leaves you alone and you start panicking, he’s going to get back to you in no time, cupping your face in his hands and telling you that he’s right here. 
-”Hey, angel, I’m going to go cook us some dinner, d’you wanna come join me in the kitchen?” 
-Doesn’t want you dealing with any of this pain alone. If he could carry it all for you, he would, but he understands that that’s not how it works. He’ll carry you tho
-Is one of the best people to just sit and talk it out with tbh. He’s a wonderful listener. 
-You’re knocking (Pounding) on his front door in the middle of the night or smthn
-He answers, half asleep, catching you as you tumble in, in the middle of a panic attack, trying to tell him what happened. He wakes up pretty much immediately when he sees the state you’re in
-Immediately sits you down at his kitchen table, crouching in front of you with your hands in his. Are you injured? If so, where? Is it life threatening? Can he treat it there? Okay he can handle that, let’s get your breathing under control. 
-”Hey, hey, look at me. You’re safe now, it’s okay. Deep breath. That’s it, just like that.” 
-Probably the best person to calm you down from a panic attack out of everyone on this list tbh. 
-Once he’s got you to a point where you’re coherent, he gets the story out of you and tells you not to worry about it, He’s going to take care of it. But right now, he’s more focused on what you need in the moment. 
-Cups your face in his hands and tells you he wants you to stay with him, just for a night or two, just so he can keep an eye on you. It’ll also give him time to deal with the situation if he knows you’re in a safe location. 
-If you ask, he will let you share his bed. He’ll give you comfortable clothes and tuck you in himself honestly. 
-If contact is what you need, he gives it to you, holding you against him, letting you hold on for as long as you need. 
-Whatever happens, he does worry about you and cares about you a lot, so just tell him how he can help and he’s going to be there to help. 
-He is SO gentle with you.
-You’ll have to seek him out, but he’s the first one you go to, the only one on your mind, and when you find him, you stumble into his arms, freaking out, choking out a few words to give him an idea of what happened. 
-If you’re injured and it’s something Gold Experience can fix, he’s going to fix it right away. 
-Lets you hold onto him and wear yourself out, stroking your hair, rubbing your back, and murmuring words of comfort to you. 
-If you’re in public he’ll guide you somewhere more private so you don’t have to deal with any unwanted attention. 
-His touch is feather light, but it also envelopes you in warmth and security. He’s so safe to be around. You’ll calm down fast in his arms. 
-”I don’t think it’s a good Idea for you to be alone until we get this settled. Come stay with me for a while.”
-He’ll keep an arm wrapped around your waist while you walk, and if you fall asleep on him, he’s not going to move until you wake up. 
-If it was someone else who caused this type of situation, he’s going to deal with them personally. Anybody that makes you hurt like this isn’t safe. 
-Gives you as long as you need to process what happened, and is there with you every step of the way. He’s gentle and soft spoken and makes you feel Safe and okay. 
-If you need him, he’ll come. He cares deeply for you. 
-He will use his steel balls as a tool to get you to calm down so you can tell him what happened. 
-Need a hug? His arms are open. He’ll trace circles into the small of your back until you’re quieted down. 
-He’ll press his lips into the top of your head and pull you into his lap, checking you over to make sure you aren’t injured. If you are, well, he is a doctor. He can take care of you. 
-”Alright, Doll, from the top. What happened?” 
-Will continue tracing circles into your body while you tell him what happened, using his thumbs to brush tears out of your eyes, and make sure you get lots of water in you. 
-His first priority is making sure you’re safe and cared for. Once those are accounted for, he can focus on what caused the problem.  if he can take care of the root of the problem, he’s going to.
-He has no problem letting you lean on him for as long as you need. PDA doesn’t make him claustrophobic, so if anything, if you’re the one who doesn’t want to be touched, tell him, because he’s going to be hanging off of you. 
- He won’t tell you not to be upset or scared. If you’re shaken up, he’ll be right there to help you process and recover, no matter the time of day. 
-If you’re freaking out, he’s very calm about the whole thing. If you tell him you cant calm down, he’ll take your face in his hands and tell you you can. “It’s okay. Yes you can. Deep breath. You can do it, just give yourself a minute. You’re going to be okay, I’m here to help.” 
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emakenz · 3 years
another hannibal x reader fanfic idea
Reader is a special agent alongside Jack and is similar to Will but not quite, reader's just as reserved but more anxious than anything. Has a lot of empathy like Will, but usually misinterprets the information given, as reader usually doesn't process things as a neurotypical, or even Will, would. But on the right occasion, on a huge case, reader is in the right and Will is in the wrong, and Hannibal's intrigued by reader's mind. Reader seems dull and presents similarly to a lost puppy, anxious and confused easily, all unintentionally but it's just how they are. But Hannibal finds them interesting, he sees potential in them like he did Will, but this is different. He sees how reader is around others and how much they dislike interaction, other than the very few people they DO like, and how awkward and uncomfortable they tend to be. He wanted to see how far the discomfort goes. He doesn't hurt reader or anything, he just invites them for dinner, and as he expected, they decline. They don't know him much and are kinda intimidated by him. He feels the need to gain their trust, have them attached to him, imprint on him. He can see through their facade, how much they crave contact, but they're so scared. He wants to coddle them. Earn their trust. Reader never accepts his invitations, and Hannibal would usually consider such rude, but given how reader isn't good with socializing and processing, he doesn't. The case reader solved earlier had been broken in at this point and they all found their culprit, going in for the arrest, but there happened to be more than one person opposing the team, and reader manages to get majorly hurt. Hannibal wasn't at the scene at the time, but later when he finds out about reader's mishap on TattleCrime, he panics thinking they died. He just started taking interest in them and they turn around and die on him? Freddie didn't know about reader's survival so of course she left the page ending in a cliffhanger. Hannibal waits and waits for days for news from the site but nothing new comes. He hasn't been called in for the FBI at all recently. Jack hasn't called or notified him of anything. He was antsy. During Will's routinely visit in his office, Will discloses reader's shape, that they're okay. Hannibal eases with the information and asks for their whereabouts and visits them the next day, with soup. They're all woozy from the meds they've been given and are an open book for Hannibal to skim through. He spoon feeds them as he sat beside their bed, they would normally shy away and avoid the contact but the drugs kept them sedated. He revelled in it. Having them open and honest and so obedient and cooperative just had him on a high. He visits them daily until they're released, he doesn't let them go home though, he takes them to his home to watch over them and help them heal under his care. They're still kinda out of it from the meds, and really just likes how sweet Hannibal is to them and reader just clings onto him after a week or so. He got what he wanted. As reader sobers up and heals 99%, they don't remember much of anything. They just go along with staying by Hannibal as he takes good care of them. They're anxious, and that won't ever change, but Hannibal tends to ease the tension in them. He calms them. A soothing agent. Reader attempts to be independent often but Hannibal has none of it and takes care of everything. They're off duty until he says they can go back, he's considered their provider at this point, therefore he says what goes. Whether the connection between reader and Hannibal is platonic or romantic or even paternal/familial, it's still a very tender, loving, and affectionate bond. Hannibal being touch starved and reader being clingy, a match made in Maryland.
If anyone actually writes this, please tag me and credit me for the plot! I wanna read smthn like this but i dont wanna spam an authors inbox with this, its too much, id feel horrible tbh. But yeah :)
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yomiurinikei · 3 years
Nikei and/or Yuki asking the other one out headcanons please! I need more lucky pen in my life.
*sips juice* this was requested months ago hi anon i'm so sorry /gen (i'll add tags when i'm off my. second flight)
•yuuki is absolutely terrified of outright asking nikei out directly. he can't do anything but find excuses to invite him over
•it's so fucking bad,,, just ask the boy to dinner or something for christ's sake????
•nikei, when yuuki invites him to hang out: okay. this should be a good chance to investigate and be sure i know how to ask him out when the time is right
•meanwhile to yuuki, this is the ninth "kinda date" they've had, and he's trying to gauge if he should outright ask to plan their next date at the end of this one, or if it's too early to use the d word
•shinji listens to yuuki question if he should be more forward, and immediately flashes back to when he overheard nikei asking the CoU if they think what he's been doing with yuuki counts as a date
•shinji winces, yuuki takes that to be a no, and we see absolutely zero progress on the rom-com situation
•speaking of the CoU tho, it's like... 75% their fault that nikeis so clueless
•he was so so so certain maeda was making a move, but they all went "mmmm idk bro :///" so he keeps scrapping the idea
•"he said it felt like we were a couple when we were getting photographed by that team that came in to write about hopes peak daily life" "yea, a couple of besties 🙄🙄🙄" "oh huh"
•aiko to the rescue!!!
•she comes by the school one day, bring ur parent to school day or smthn hpa is fucking weird- (it's a boarding school i can imagine she'd want to see her son at the vv best school ever)
•and just innocently asks nikei "oh u and yuuki are together, right? has he been treating you well? did you enjoy your date last weekend? he wouldn't stop telling me abt it :]"
•nikei politely says he had a lovely time, then excused himself to go screech at the CoU
•half in joy because "holy fuck i was right" and half in anger because "holy fuck i was right and you bitches told me i wasn't"
•yuuki returns from wherever and "👁👁 mom?????" when aiko happily says she approves of nikei and thinks they're good together so far
•so he takes that as confirmation that nikei worked things out!!!!
•things aren't too much different? nikeis a bit more affectionate now, and yuuki brushes off nikeis initial hesitance as "oh he's just confused after being called my bf :)"
•a bit later they're trying to make plans for their one month anniversary and can't decide on when that is
•and so all is revealed!!! they're both embarrassed as fuck tbh
•but!!! they decide to make the day of the aiko incident their official anniversary/day they got together! hooray!
•cue nikei finally asking yuuki out :D he wants to plan the date and surprise yuuki for their one month!!!!
•when yuuki asks nikei out it's a lot of working out when they're free, what they wanna do, what's available, etc etc
•with nikei it's. generally a surprise for yuuki!!
•"ditch ur plans" "why" "come to my mysterious date" "nikei i can't do that" "fake ass bitch......." "HEY"
•sometimes it's a surprise for both of them. nikei will just b wandering around looking for smthn to do and then try to come up with plans on the spot
•yuuki rlly likes it when they do stuff together, while nikei is more a fan of being able to do his own thing, near yuuki!
•so a lot of their dates involve going out to go do smthn, then get back to someone's dorm and just vibe!!
•no matter what tho, they always have fun, and by now, they know to actually call it a fucking date-
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rotttnapple · 3 years
so I’m tryna get rid of A Migraine (I cranked my screen brightness up from like, zero, a couple times checking colors like Wow! That’s Suddenly So Different!) but here’s some very specific titled playlists I’ve been vibing to while writing!
you're the hero waltzing with the villain, realizing they were right all along for when you just really wanna hear a whole bunch of folks going absolutely apeshit on instruments but it’s like, coordinated A playlist for a 19th century villain plotting their revenge some softer vibes, some folks going HOO HEEE HOOO AUUUGH but it’s in italian or german or something, it sounds very nice
since you're looking I'll put on a show modern music with girlboss vibes (not sure what a girlboss is tbh) but with some peppy pop to it but she’ll also kill you
a dark academia playlist for reading the classics much piano (good) and quite chill if you don’t want to suddenly feel the urge to take over your local Pizza Hut in a loincloth 
pov: you're the villain with a tragic backstory very good stuff in here, modern, when you need to write something that’s kinda sweet but also sad and maybe there’s a knife? like a small to moderate knife maybe
you plan to assassinate the lover who betrayed you just started listening to this one but so far big girlboss (what is that??) bosswife (???) vibes but she has titanium heels on her stilettoes and they’re sharpened to a point Oldies music playing in another room and it's raining (no thunders , fireplace) for when you just need to unwind and relax <3 this one is one of my favorites but the channel has all sorts depending on what kind of chill zone you’re looking for and it’s wonderful other general recs without Oddly Specific Titles and Individuals!   Heilung | LIFA there’s dirty men with shields and a lady wearing antlers do I need to even Say anything (yes I posted this before)
The Heavy Horses - Murder Ballads & Other Love Songs just casually strumming a guitar and singing about accidentally shooting his new wife sometimes SYML - Mr Sandman yes they changed the pronouns but BITE ME I LIKE IT. honestly just listen to it and shhhhhhhush. Jacob Lee - Demons this is weirdly enough my go-to song when writing smthn Spicy I'll Take Care Of You · Mark Lanegan this was recommended to me and hot damn these VIBES (I also can’t remember the name I just remembered a second ago, it do be like that) Shakey Graves - Roll the Bones this guy is weirdly sweaty but I dig it Nanci Griffith - This Old Town this was on one of two albums that played continuously, twelve hours a day, for three straight days during a bathroom remodel, for some reason I remember this one and another one (awful) the most Living Room Songs || Ólafur Arnalds what I write to when I’m writing something Painfully Tragic, these songs are very sad vibe :( Kany García, Residente - Banana Papaya no I don’t know what’s going on, kind of NSFW, gay, this is part of my Rook Island playlist 
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idk-my-aesthetic · 5 years
isle kingdom au
so i’ve had this idea for an AU for a little while, but i don’t wanna actually write anything for it until i’m done w/ my current descendants wips, but i also wanna talk about it lol so ig im making a post? please send me asks about it i wanna talk about it.... anyway
**tw for child abuse and semi-graphic descriptions of violence.
basically the premise of the au is that even though he tried to get it passed at first, ben never went through with pulling the vks off the isle. he kept meaning too, but it just kept being pushed to the back of his list of priorities bc he was so busy w/ being king and never happened 
so bc of this, the core 4 stayed on the isle and never got off it. if you’ve read the stuff in my keep them close series u probably have a better idea of my hc of the isle, but the basics of it are that 1) most of the parents are really bad and abusive + the conditions are disgusting 2) none of the kids are really evil and 3) the vks are all kinda frenimes/rivals and will work together to keep eachother alive even if they act like they hate eachother or will even hurt eachother
so, in the ‘canon’ timeline before going to auradon the core 4 are a gang and slowly gaining power. they’re already the top of the vk gangs and are like gaining on some of the adult ones.
bc they never go to auradon, they just kinda keep doing what they already are and gain more and more power. but, as they gain power their parents start becoming afraid of them and acting like more abusive in attempts to keep the core 4 under their control 
ok bare w/ me for this next bit bc it’s gonna sound real ooc for like a sec then make sense
so, as they’re gaining power and their parents are haveing more and more trouble controlling them their parents are becoming more and more violent.
im not sure on the order yet, but basically cruella, jafar, eq, and malifacent all do something like really really bad to their respective kid, so one of the other core 4 kills them bc like. yeah. 
i have some vauge ideas of what each of them could have done and i don’t really know if i want to say them or even use them tbh bc they’re like.... bad, like real bad. which they kinda have to be, you know? bc like.... none of the core 4 would turn to killing if they didn’t have a real good reason, and their parents continuing the abuse that they always have woulden’t be enough, so the parents would have to do something really really bad for one of the others to justify killing them 
its important to mention that none of them kill their own parent. it’s always one of the other 4, im not sure who kills who just yet, but none of them kill their own parent. They’re saved from their parents by each other and they never really have any confrontation with their parents (which will change l8r 👀👀, let me explain)
Even tho they didn’t kill their own parents, everyone kinda assumed they did in order to take their places/gain power. A handful of their friends know the real story, but it’s mostly kept under wraps and it’s like general “knowledge” that they killed their parents for power. They’re not really hiding it or anything, I mean they did still each kill one of the 4 most powerful villains so it’s not like anyone is gonna be less afraid if they knew the truth. ppl just make assumptions and never really question them and they just let ppl think what they do
So bc their parents are dead and they let everyone assume they killed their own parent they very easily climb up the ranks and end up in charge of the isle bc atp they’re seen as the most ruthless/evil/powerful
So now that they’re in charge of the isle they start like..... actually making it a livable place. Ofc at first they try to make a version of Carlos’s machine to break the barrier, but they can’t get it to work so he just modifys it to steal magic from the barrair for them to use. (Another idea stolen from my keep them close series but like I like the idea lol)
And when I say they make it a livable place I mean they start doing stuff like building water purifiers, making like safe houses, establishing some kind of working economy, taking control of the barge drop offs and how everything is distributed, fixing broken electricity, etc etc
A lot of what they do is based off of Carlos’s machines and designs, which like obvi other ppl are helping him gather materials and for and build, since he has power bc he’s like one of the ppl in charge. And he like teaches other ppl how to do what he does and fix anything that goes wrong
Evie kinda puts herself in charge of setting up like medical centers + homes for kids and stuff. Also some kinda way to grow food. B4 they’re in charge nothing can really grow but they use the magic they steal from the barrier to make stuff grow. And evie can use it to make like lots of healing items and such
Jay ends up mostly in charge of like collecting and distribution of their recourses. At first like the barge is kinda a hugeeee problem to deal with bc ppl are fighting over the like moldy food and destroyed clothes and stuff. But eventually they get it organized and have stuff sent to the respective place it should, like clothes and scrap fabric are sent to a place that repairs and sells them, parts and electronics are sent to Carlos or his helpers, etc
Other minor vks like Celia, dizzy, the sea three, Diego, etc are all in this two but this is already really long so just know they’re like helping and like pretty high ranking/highly regarded. Send me an ask with questions please
Mal is kinda regarded as the ultimate leader/queen of the isle ig even though the other 3 have basically the same amount of power. Mostly bc her job ends up being keeping the adults who dislike them inline and keeping their power as heads of the isle
Most ppl are just kinda chill w/ them being in charge, especially a lot of the ppl who were banished for minor crimes. A few of the adult villains try to fight them and end up dead lol, and anyone caught doing especially bad things, like r*pe, hurting someone they shouldn’t have, being a child abuser, etc will end up killed by mal or one of the others. They don’t kill u for like every crime obviously only the like inexcusable ones. Stuff like stealing or mental illness or w/e they basically just help you work through
They’re aren’t any like real laws ig but they deal with issues as they go and give harsh punishments if needed. It serves to keep themselves seen as strong/evil/powerful despite all the good they do and helps keep others too afraid to challenge them. Like frollo isn’t going to challenge them if Ursula tried the same thing and got killed. (The fact that she abused uma and her siblings obviously had nothing to do with that,,,,,,,,,,,)
So yeah! They basically turned the isle into a inhabitable place in the years that they spent as its leaders, and it functions as its own kinda kingdom despite its harsh and confusing laws/rules
But we ain’t done yet, lol
Basically everything I’ve just explained is.... mostly backstory? Kinda? It’s the type of thing where you slowly find out about all this stuff while they actual story goes on, but I figured it’d be less confusing to explain it first :3
So the Actual story starts a few years after when Ben originally was supposed to take the vks off the isle. He, all the other princess/princes he want to school with, the core 4, the sea 3, etc are all in their mid to early 20s.
Auradon has basically no clue what’s the deal w/ the isle. They’re only interaction w/ them is through the like goblins that bring over the trash barges, but those guys are chill and basically don’t tell the aks anything lol.
So Ben is ruling his kingdom, and the core 4 are ruling their own, both sides are doing pretty well and ignoring each other, but then! All of a sudden there’s these sudden deaths/fires/some kinda terrorist attack on the outskirts of the kingdom.
I haven’t thought through this part too much, but basically he knows that they’re is some kinda threat, but he doesn’t know excatly what it is. All he does know is that the villain that is attacking is demanding to speak to the children of malifecent, jafar, cruella devil, and the evil queen.
He basically rounds up the heroes of those respective stories bc they’re all being threatened in some way or another. The mystery villain continues to do more damage and seems basically impossible to beat, and has given them a time limit b4 they’ll go and start destroying more
They discuss their options and decide their best plan is to go to the isle and convince them core 4 to help, bringing along the heroes and some of the main aks w/ them
Obviously it doesn’t go well bc they show up and mal basically has them arrested lmao
Again I have more in-depth ideas for this part but this post is already wayyyy to long so I’m trying to hurry and finish up
The talk, vks meet their respective heroes, everything is from ak/hero POV so as they explore the isle and talk to the core 4 and other vks they slowly find out about all ^^^ that stuff up there
The core 4 are eventually agree, and they go to face the villains only to find out its their parents who have been resurrected!!!! Fuck!!!!
Idk how or why just yet lmao but I will soon
Parents are obvi pissed, core 4 face their own parents and finally get like some kinda closer or smthn idk I feel like y’all get the gist
in the end auradon agknolages the isle as its own kingdom and the core 4 as its leaders and open trade/remove the barrier so the isle can continue to grow bc it’s been struggling due to lack of recourses
And that’s like the basic outline of my au! I wanna write it eventually but tbh I’m expecting eventually to be like 3 years from now bc of how much other stuff I have so for rn I’m just gonna blog about it. Obviously there’s a lot of other stuff/plots/emotional arcs etc I didn’t talk about bc like This Post Is So Long I’m So Sorry, So please please please send me asks/questions/comments/even your own ideas!!! Please. Everything about this will be tagged with “isle kingdom au” :3
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cro0kedme · 5 years
Okay I need to tell y'all this bc it fucking pisses me off that they did this.
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Alright heres the story I was at a gas station and I was gunna use the bathroom and saw that sign on the women's bathroom door and tbh was kinda salty but whatever you know? They probably got stalls and some guy came in so they put the sign up no biggie but i walked in and what i saw was not a room with stalls it had just one toilet and one sink.
Are... Are u serious?? Ur telling me that u put up a mf sign that says "WOMEN ONLY PLEASE" when its not even a room with stalls but a single room with a single toilet and fucking sink????
Why do people fucking do this? I hope it wasent an employee/ manager/ owner and it was just a mf Karen being a little bitch so they just said "whatever" cuz they didnt wanna deal with them but even IF that was the case they shoulda just told them to go away or smthn. If they where being difficult they coulda said that they would call the police if they didn't leave (and they CAN do that)
But they still did it nonetheless. I ESPECIALLY hope it wasn't a trans girl or a guy who made an honest mistake. Bc like that would just make me even more angry.
And ya know even if it was a guy who did this on purpose; or hell even MULTIPLE GUYS doing this ON PURPOSE who fucking cares!? It doesn't have stalls to peek at people doin there business just a single room with a toilet and a sink with a lock.
And even if they didnt want those guys to do that (even tho it hurts literally NOBODY) and they told them as much, just fucking call the police on them. Cuz as much as the police suck at there fucking job they'll probably still come and escort them off. Especially cuz its a public place (even if it is just a gas station)
So I wanted to write on there stupid sign 'its a bathroom assholes nobody cares dipshit' but i didnt have a pen plus it IS a public place and i didnt want the little little kiddies to see so I just tore the sign off the door, looked straight at the camera said "I dont care" shoved the paper in my pocket and threw it away outside.
Im going back there tommorow because im not letting them fucking get away with this shit. If they fuckin ban me ill get someone else to go over there and talk some sense into them (assuming they r the ones who put the sign up and not a karen making them do it. Also even if it was a karen they shouldn't have listened to them and told them to suck it up or leave. And again if they didnt do that call the police on them for bein a lil shit. Bc y'all know if the employees didn't call the police on them karen woulda probably called the police on THEM)
But oh I hear u cry "u shouldn't get into fights with people who don't wanna change" and ta that i say, Idk if they dont wanna change, if they just fucked up or if it was a karen. Im going to ask them tommorow like i said and I'll get more info to get a clearer pic of why they put that stupid ass sign up on a bathroom that even non binary peeps could go to (but knowing stores theyd probs just say family bathroom but still)
Y am I going thro so much trouble for a stupid sign? Bc its fucking wrong! Thats why! I hope i don't need to explain why but even if its just in a gas station I dont stand for it! If ya are doin this shit in a bathroom that doesn't even have mf stalls then we got ourselves a problem.
U don't think starting fights with people over a sign is a good idea??? Oh my gosh! I don't give a shit about what ya think! Bc I KNOW that this shit is wrong and when smthn is wrong im GOING to make it fucking right bc im a stubborn person who cant take a hint.
So a simple PSA for y'all, don't do this shit or im coming for ya.
I'll keep ya posted on what happens tommorow or later in the day depending on what happens.
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spocks-titties · 4 years
Tag game!
@itsaconquestofimagination tagged me to do this!! Tysm queen!
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag people who you want to get to know, and/or wanna watch movies with all day!
Name: Gaby!
Top 3 Favorite Songs (In Order): It’s hard for me to answer this, and especially give them in order, but I will give some of my fave songs with no particular order. Like Real People Do- Hozier, Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last For A Night)- All Time Low, and Escape (The Pina Colada Song)- Rupert Holmes
Favorite 5 Comfort Movies (In Order): Another hard one to give in order so here’s 5 of my favorite comfort movies. Coco, Brother Bear, Dead Poet’s Society, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Chamber of Secrets
Favorite 3 Characters (In Order): (These too are in no particular order) Ofelia (Pan’s Labyrinth), Mercutio (Technically from a play, but there are like 50000 different movie adaptations of Romeo and Juliet), and James Tiberius Kirk
Favorite place to be when you are writing (if you write): Honestly, coffee shops. Like, something about sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop is really motivating to me, so I tend to do school work at coffee shops too.
Favorite Food to eat when you are watching movies: Popcorn, mostly, but I do like to eat raisinets too during movies (look, I hate raisins, but smthn about raisinets is just gd delicious)
Your go to drink on a night out with friends: Ok, I just turned 21 and have not been able to go out drinking with friends, but I have been drinking a lot of Rum & Coke recently
If you could live in any world, which would it be, and why?: Honestly, the fantasy world I am currently writing about, but, if that isn’t an acceptable answer, I will take the Lord of the Rings. My ass has been obsessed with fantasy since day 1, and I would give anything to live in a cottage and occasionally make friends with elves and rangers, and the occasional hobbit
If you could take one character, and spend the rest of your life with said character, who and why?: This is kinda tough for me too tbh. Julian Bashir. For a lot of reasons. 1. Absolute cutie pie, 2. doctor, 3. Julian do be lowkey funny. Idk I’m a lil obsessed with Julian, he’s probably my fave DS9 character, and I also feel like we could get along really well
Ok so I’m only gonna tag a handful of people: @yet-another-arcana-blog @threedaybreakdown and @maggiedragonpotter
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dipshithqs · 5 years
☠ ◞ ashton moio . 23 . cismale . he/him . › is that rocco mena i see walking through the campgrounds ? i can’t believe that the sagittarius is spending their summer here . i heard that MOUSE is a pizza delivery boy when they’re at home in chandler , arizona . but while they’re here , i’ve seen them stuffing his face while humming all night longer by sammy adams . i’ve called them the village idiot but that’s only because of their PLAYFUL and DIMWITTED tendencies . apparently , they’re back at camp silver lake this year because he missed the place . ‹ played by t , he/they , 18+ , mst . ›
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name. rocco age. 23 birthday. 11/23 sexuality. heterosexual
full name. rocco spencer mena pronunciation. ROCK-oh SPEHN-suhr meh-NUH meaning of name. “rest” aliases. mouse, ,rocky, roc gender. cismale pronouns. he/him species. human zodiac sign. sagittarius hometown. chandler, arizona occupation. pizza delivery boy/camp counselor label. the village idiot faceclaim. ashton moio
🍕 a Very Dumb™ 🍕 obsessed w/ rap/hip-hop and constantly tries to write his own songs 🍕 super bad at writing but actually a decent rapper 🍕 generally liked by the kids ,, , mostly bc they can get away w/ a lotta shit w/ him 🍕 pinterest board 🍕 has been a pizza delivery boy fr 3 years 🍕 was a clerk n a babysitter before that 🍕 never taken seriously 🍕 loves energy drinks 🍕 still lives w/ his parents 🍕 developed a panic disorder n started getting panic attacks at 13 ,, , after his first run at camp silver lake 🍕 Would Rather Be Sleeping 🍕 bit of a momma’s boy 🍕 spotify playlist 🍕 a Good Choice if all you wanna do is sit around n eat cheetos all day 🍕 been skateboarding since he was 9 🍕 was close friends w/ 3 out of the 10 kids that disappeared 🍕 parties like a frat boy
why are they labeled as the trope that you applied for ? remember that kid in class that used to sit at the table during arts and crafts time just eating glue and putting stickers on his face ? that was mouse ... . ... and he hasn’t changed, ,,,he’s labeled the village idiot ‘cause homeboy is dumb as dirt ! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !! a safety hazard. w/ the kinda luck he has too,,, he’d end up getting someone else ( along with himself ) killed ,,, fortunately, , where he lacks intelligence ... . n luck ,, ,  he makes up for in friendliness who are some of their character inspirations ? ( bonus points if you list some horror movie or television show characters ) gOd i wish i had more characters frm horror movies/tv but highkey philip j. fry from futurama, , a dash of charlie kelly from it’s always sunny in philidelpha,, touch of michael kelso from that ‘70s show minus the narcissism ( tho mouse has his moments ), ,,,, , andy dwyer from parks and recreation ,, , lowkey xander harris from buffy the vampire slayer do you think they’d run into danger or run away from it ? it depends tbh, ,,but probably run away , ,, like 93% of the time he’d run away what are the worst parts of their personality ? o god he is so. .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... ..so dumb, ,,fatally dumb, ,, , keep-your-distance dumb,, ,, actually making him annoying at times ( especially in serious situations ) ,, , n he can b V lazy so asking him to do. .. ... Anything .. ... can b such a Chore, ,, this makes him appear selfish at times,,, as well what are some connections that they would have formed at camp the first time they were around ? his main focus would’ve probably been the boys at camp the first go around, ,, since he was just set on having fun w/ a group a friends n girls just seemed Annoying at the time,,, , so BROS !!!!!! [ insert me and the boys meme here ] there’s a possibility he’d gotten a hardcore crush at camp the second go around ( at 14 ) tho are they nervous about returning back to camp silver lake ? why or why not ? noooooo he is v much Excited to b returning,, , thanks to his good ol’ ‘ subconsiously blocking out tramatic experiences ’ method ,, ,albeit ... .. . he didn’t expect to come back ,, , but couldn’t resist what’s their favorite scary movie ? so hard !!!! he’s def more into comedy or cartoons than scary or gore but he can b down fr a good funny horror ,, ,,, probably tucker and dale vs evil finally, what are some connections you’d like for them to have ? ( please list a minimum of three ) would fckn Love something along the lines of those two guys/heterosexual life-partners (shaggy/scooby, jay/silent bob, monty/jasper, etc) pLease ,,, might b pushing it but maybe something like cloudcuckoolander’s minder ?? listen .. ... ... ..he’s gonna die Quick w/o a smack whenever he tries to do smthn stupid (n thts all th time fjds),, !!! just friends !!! r smthin like it,, , def can see him crushing on someone, ,trying to hit on ‘em,,, , pulling out those cheesy pick up lines n they just Do Not Want , ,,,, ,lbh he’s not bf material, ,, ,, ok but i'm down fr aaannnnyyyytttthhhiinnngggg tho honstly it’s cool to just come up w somethin on the fly, ,, pLS HMU !!!!!!!
height. 5′8″ weight. 138 lbs eyes. brown hair. dark brown race. hispanic/latino nationality. american complexion. beige build. scrawny voice. x scent. cheese dust,, fruity pebbles, ,,body spray
parents. donté + maría siblings. jamie children. none enemies. none ( that he knows of )
education. high school languages. english, spanish disorders. panic disorder habits. eating 'til he passes out, ,taking looooong ass naps ,, ,playing on his skateboard in the cabins ,, ignoring his general duties as a councellor/steering the kids off course
positive. optimistic, supportive, playful, tenderhearted, easygoing negative. lazy, dimwitted, self-indulgent, immature, careless
moral alignment. neutral good jung. enfp-a enneagram. the peacemaker four temperaments. phlegmatic tropes. crying wolf, the ditz, buffy speak, dumb is good, too dumb to live, kindhearted simpleton, casanova wannabe, manchild, butt-monkey, the slacker, know-nothing know-it-all, fun personified, extreme omnivore, cloudcuckoolander, adorkable, unfazed everyman, innocently insensitive archetypes. the performer, the caregiver, the rebel aura. red tarot card. the sun
strength. 3/10 dexterity. 4/10 magic. 0/10 cunning. 2/10 willpower. 4/10 constitution. 8/10
musical-rhythmic intelligence. 6/10 visual-spatial intelligence. 2/10 verbal-linguistic intelligence. 3/10 logical-mathematical intelligence. 1/10 bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. 3/10 interpersonal intelligence. 6/10 intrapersonal intelligence. 5/10 existential intelligence. 6/10 naturalistic intelligence. 2/10
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
soft bias tag! ♡
tagged by @bangs-chan @bangchans @seungminty THANK U I LOVE U 
ok for real this tag was actually rlly fun to do :’)))
tagging: @jeongin @himeaegyo @hanjisunng @reosian @3rxcha @doublekn0t @felixeslee @jiisung henlo pls ignore if u have alrdy done this love u btw
DISCLAIMER: i get rlly mushy in this because every hour is softjin hour ;(
who is your bias?
kim seungmin hwang hyunjin!
what made you notice them?
ajsdjahdg his voice!! tbh his voice was actually the reason i got into sk in the first place ahahjsd LMAO can u believe i havent swerved for the last 8 months DAMN im loyal anyways im rlly particular when it comes to rapper n their voices n hyunjins rap part in hellevator just,,,fit in so seamlessly,,,and it just sounded so smooth n perfect nd you bet your sweet arse i did a Phat double take when his part came on in the song
what’s your favorite thing about them?
u want me to pick just one?????????
OKAY LIKE i think my absolute favorite thing abt him that made me LOVE him is like how hardworking he is like duirng the show when jyp criticized him a lot :((((( he still worked super hard even if he was a lil bit discouraged but in the end he!! did!! That!!!!! nd like i love that quality of him and i honestly look up to it like being able to work super hard n want to improve even after lots of criticism is so hard for me but watching him b so motivated n determined just makes me ;;____;; and wow he just alwys wants to learn!! and improve!! wow i m in love with him
OTHER THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HIM include how cute n cuddly he is like,,,,always clinging onto everyone else like how do u not love that and i also love the way he smiles and laughs like my god u thought the sun was bright?? well then u havent seen his smile ://// i love the way his eyes just kinda scrunch up when he laughs and its the Cutest thing EVER and every time he smiles or does his little scrunch thing i rlly. RLLY. just wanna kiss him but u didnt hear that from me ;u;
who would initiate skinship more?
probably him bc im shy af asjdkas and i can imagine just walking beside him when he randomly just takes my hand or swings his lanky af arm around me
who would hog blankets more?
ME bc im needy and i get cold easily :’D
who would be more clingy?
he wld be more physically clingy but i think i wld be more mentally clingy bc i get sad when im apart from people 
who would say ‘i love you’ first?
i think he’d say it first just bc he doesnt seem like he gives any craps LMAO n would just go for it asjkdah i’d be way too shy to say anything first
who would be more easily flustered?
me bc i could just look at him and then get flustered let alone talk to him n be near him 
what cuddling position would you two have?
he’d be the big spoon because have u seen how tall he is and then i’d be the little spoon because have u seen how small i am LMAOO but sometimes i would wanna face him so i can like throw my leg over him like a pillow if u know what i mean
which colors remind you of them and why?
peach and warm pink!! bc he’s a peach :(((( but i think its bc when i think of him i  literally think of the sun and jus t how bright he is
which season would you like to spend with them?
winter!! bc imagine cuddling under blankets and watching movies and eating snacks in the dark w him while we wait for it to be midnight on christmas eve :( and also its sweater weather so him!! wearing hoodies!! all the time!!
i would luv spending summer with him too tho bc imagine all the late night dates we could go on since it doesnt get cold (in cali at least) at night nd spending all day doing dum stuff like the dum lovers we are :(((
who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
LMAO GOOD ONE you can bet u will see us at the store buying premade cookies bc we dont got the time nor the skills to be baking
which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
honestly both of us would make bad puns it would just depend on the day and the other would react like “i suddenly am single” every time
who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
both of us bc we lov kkami and want more friends for kkami :’((
which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
this is a trick question bc both of us would burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart
who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
fun fact i’m deathly afraid of heights so he would probably be the one leaning over the railings and then i’m pulling him back telling him how one day he’s gonna fall over n how he should give me all his stuff when he writes his will
what would watching a horror film with them be like?
id be under the blanket and covering my eyes for dear LIFE while hes laughing and tryna pry my hands away from my eyes AND HE’D PROBABLY TRY TO PRANK/SCARE ME LATER AFTER THE MOVIE ASKDJHAHSDKJ
who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
im the cheesy flirt bc i barely know how to flirt at all meanwhile
him: is doing nothing at all
me: god can u stop flirting with me already
who is more competitive?
IM SO COMPETITIVE AHSKJD im the type of person that says “wait best out of 3″ LMFAO so i can imagine us making a bet over smthn and then the loser has to pay for food and ill get petty and ask for a best out of 3 match LOL
who would have to be given constant reminders? (remember to eat, don’t forget your keys, etc)
also me bc i get distracted super easily and i forget to eat and sleep literally every day
who sends memes and who sends cute ‘i miss you’ texts at 3AM?
he sends the i miss you texts n then i respond in reaction memes
him: i miss you
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annabelle--cane · 6 years
(these are the hcs in the form of msgs i sent to my friend connor !!)
jerm writes a song to propose obviously its rlly hecking sappy bc. seriously how would it not be and uhh this goes off the hcs where brooke nd jake run a florists and brooke is a genius breeder anyway like ?? jerm spends a lot of time on this song he plays it for like. every member of the squad + dustin and michael and christine are a bit confused bc jerm’s acting kinda shady ??? nd keeping secrets ?? but like. theyve talked abt getting married nd such so like. they doubt its anything breaking-up type brooke helps him like !!! get rlly nice flowers for them. they make a new type of flower for his proposal and theres. so much planning that goes into it he nd brooke r like. they act like theyre plotting smthn and its all in good fun i wanna say he proposes in like. a park or smthn. outdoors central park ? is the only park i can think of in nyc and ofc theyre in nyc theyre actors who r gonna make it big christine wins a tony for best actor at somepoint just saying and jeremy is in tears good tears obviously anyway jerms like !!! rlly nervous nd he has his guitar and the song memorized to a t and his two bouquets of special flowers (people have asked him about the flowers bc. theyre rlly cool. and he points them to brooke’s shop) and hes invited them on a date after avoiding them uhh all day so he doesnt spill anything and they show up. together ofc. and theyre like ? u wanted to demo a song for us ?? out here ?? and hes like uHhh not rlly demo more uh play it for u haha here r these flowers nd idk how transitions work so he sings it and hes !! so worried he"ll mess up but he hits every note perfectly and his voice doesnt even crack and michael and christine are just. freaking out and oh my gosh hes on one knee and he has one box w both rings in it bc itd be weird to have two and ! theyre matching and theyre crying bc. omg. and just. hdshsjhsnshsksn and they tackle hug him and hes like be careful ull wreck my guitar and ur flowers they say yes obviously and theyre just. hfjshsns several ppl have recorded this bc as ive said theyre actors gonna make it big
oh btw their rings !!! they have opal rings bc michael and christine dislike the diamond industry & opals r really pretty nd gay bc of the rainbows in em
and their wedding !! rich, jake, and jenna are the like. best man, demiman, and bridesmaid. are there multiple bridesmaids ?? jenna gets top position tho jdjsns jeremy wears a wedding dress idk whether christine wears a dress or a suit or smthn else tbh djjdns and she and michael get their special bouquets again and theyre like. aaaaa and also they totally sing a revised version of jeremys proposal song or smthn. one built for all three of them to sing together. bc uhh i want them to isnt that enough they have a pie thats cut in thirds and is three different kinds !! in the colors of the polyam flag w a pi symbol on top of it they also have a wedding cake. the pie gets thrown at dustins face and he isnt amused but everyone else is it was christines idea dustin and rich’s bring their bfs !! their tablecloths are pride flags/pride colors !!! they do this thing where they both kiss jerms cheek at the same time for the u may now kiss ur spouse bit then michael pulls jerm into a dip & jerm turns to christine after and lifts her into the air to smooch her and theyre All marrying each other btw so they all have vows for each otherrr jerm says new stuff from the stuff in his song bc. he has so much love for these two lovely lovely people in his life. and michael says all his sappy romantic stuff to jerm and then turns to christine and spills all this stuff about how much he loves and cherishes her and !!!! christines got so so much love for these two guys and shes a. real sap have u heard her sing abt guys she likes ?? she mentions the “voices in their heads”, an homage to when/how they got together in the first place (theyre !!! all !!! high !!! school !!! sweethearts !!!) and she tells michael she is so glad he stuck around and didnt give up bc hes one of her favorite people and she loves being their player three !!! and aaa brooke is the flower girl did i mention that ?? shes also a maid of honor but. also flower girl. their cake has got !!!! so many iced flowers on it and theyre all in the colors of their pride flags i can list em off jddbnds (bi, pan, gay, ace, gen and they also exist as real flowers bc brooke made them !!! she made pride flowers. there r so many pride flowers. her flower shop is super gay their wedding bands have P1/P2/P3 engraved on them !! and jenna puts all their wedding photos into an edition of her news organization dustin asks her to take the photos of him covered in pie down publicly several times she refuses she had michael hack her site to block her from doing so anyway so she could turn to dustin and go Look I Physically Cannot Remove Them she does the wedding photos thing for everyone else’s weddings btw !!!
that is all djshsnsn - 🗡
this is so well thought out and bjegbgebgebb
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saveme-ruinme · 7 years
Boyfriend Changkyun
A/N: requesteeeeeeed pls request things so i can write them just drop an ask and imma try and write also might end up doing the whole of monsta x at this point lmao also shout out to the staff for letting me bullet point on mobile bc editing the html for this shit on mobile was fuckin awful anyway leggo
An actual literal baby
Hes the maknae of monsta x so idk what u expect
Like at first hes all cool and chic and what not and it impresses the hell out of u bc the rest of his group (for the most part) are just rly fckin stupid
And then u get to know him and its like oh no hes weird af too alright cool
Also kinda shy? About being affectionate?
Like does that thing where he will hold ur hand or put an arm around u or whatever casually
And if u point it out will deny it like ’…. idk what ur talking about’ while still holding ur hand
Changkyun is just hella lowkey about affection especially in public so dont expect too much
He will do it tho if u ask its just that he will be redfaced and embarrassed the whole time bc hes a big baby
Except when u guys are at home and hes in one of those playful moods bc then he will smother u with kisses and hugs and dote on u
And ur sitting there like ’??????? Where is this coming from????? Who are u and what have u done with changkyun’
Also u gotta be okay with the rest of monsta x probably being too involved with ur relationship
Hes their baby boy so they have to watch out for him while also constantly bothering him
Like jooheons gonna buddy up to u bc changkyun is his hashtag best bro so he wants to make sure ur not fuckin around with him so he would be ur friend to accomplish this but will tell u straight up that hes lookin out for his bro
Kihyuns would lowkey about it like he will perform full thorough background checks on u to make sure ur not wanted by the cops or some shit idk
Dont take it to heart bc theyre just lookin out for their baby boy (honestly same tbh) but once they figure out that u actually care and love him then ur alright in their books
And their involvement somehow gets worse bc now theyre always making fun of u guys
Like wonhos life mission to bother changkyun so thats all hes gonna do and ur unfortunately another thing wonho can use against him
For the most part ur very :// about it until wonho is like hey u wanna prank ur bf
And they its ;P rip changkyun bc pranking him is fun especially if its a sudden prank bc that face he makes when hes surprised/flustered is funny
Works out fine bc he annoys the fuck outta u too
Honestly a fuckin weirdo tho
Like sometimes when u go to the dorms and walk in his room hes just in some stupid ass pose waiting for u
Ur standing there like ‘what the fuck’
And hes lying there with his toes in the air or some shit like 'ive been expecting u… lets get food’
Just go along with okay hes like that and its funny as hell
Likes to talk shit with you in english about the other members while theyre in the same room bc most of the time they dont understand what hes saying and u juat laugh bc once they find out hes gonna get his ass beat
Forces you to watch scary movies!!!
Bc hes a shitbag and loves terrorising u but also lowkey loves it when u hide against him
Honestly just tries to be an asshole and get on ur nerves but it backfires when u turn it against him
Like I said before hes rly shy about affection so he was rly shy about gettin down and dirty with u
Took you a long time to make him comfortable about having sex with you
You had to take things slow and work up to things and kinda baby him a little which is fine bc u dont wanna rush him
It was cute too tbh bc he seemed so innocent and shy
But after he got comfortable he got weird
Not kinky weird just when hes tryna seduce u its weird bc he wouldnt outright tell u hes horny and he wants to fuck
Nah hes gonna make weird as faces at u from across the room or text u a whole bunch of emojis that dont make sense and takes u ten minutes to figure out
Or say some stupid shit to try and seduce that leaves u more confused than turned on
I mean it still works once u figure out what hes asking for just that afterwards ur like why dont u just come out and fuckin say or rub ur boner against me or some shit like a normal person
(He tries to rub his boner against u but u were sitting on the couch and he tries to rub against ur arm or smthn it was rly weird but u still sucked him off bc at least he tried right)
Its funny bc he will say some dirty shit or be the type to imply dirty shit all the time but as soon as you get serious about it hes shies away like no i was kidding
And ur sitting there like ur a fuckin baby always teasing him like that
Speaking of, tease the shit outta him when u do suck him off 10/10 would recommend bc he just doesnt know what to do
Not the type to boss u around in the bedroom at least not seriously bc hes so clueless and flustered so it doesnt work out well
I bet he likes to be told what to do tho and is probably a whiny brat about it too
Like u try and tell him to eat u out and hes like do i have to and likes to bicker with u until u have had enough and just sit on his face
Loves it when u ride him honestly even better when u tie him up bc he cant do anything but watch and hes all wide eyed watching u bounce on him
The worst honestly but hey hes down to experiment
You gotta warm him up to the hardcore shit but he would do it for you
See thats his thing sometimes he pretends to be all chic and cool to impress you
And other times hes really fucking annoying
But at the end of the day he just rly loves u okay he does and he doesnt know how to express it properly so this is what he ends up doing
Changkyun is always there for u too
If u text him he will always text back it might take him a while bc time differences but he’ll text u back and will genuinely listen to what u have to say
And if u miss him he will sneak out the dorms to come see u
Buys u food if u say ur hungry or buys u things u said u liked once and just gives it to u no questions asked
Actions speak louder than words kinda guy really
Or more like he talks with his actions more than his words bc sometimes he just doesnt have the right words to articulate how much u mean to him and how much he loves u
And he really does love u bc u love and accept him for who he is without question
You accept his weird side when hes bein hyper when hes happy or sad or serious or stressed you accept it all offering a haven where he can just be
That is why hes always trying to offer the world to u even if u dont want it
Changkyun is ride or die honestly
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