#imagine nico losing will like achilles lost patroclus
ginnyluna · 4 months
Thinking about the parallels between Solangelo and Patrochilles (specifically The Song of Achilles's version), because turns out it's so much more interesting than i first thought it'd be. Cause at first glance, we obviously think Will = Achilles (gold and sunshine aesthetic, extremely lovable, charismatic, optimistic, trusting, admired) and Nico = Patroclus (darker aesthetic, soft, sensitive, shy, abandoned and rejected backstory, very strong emotions). And it does fit pretty well, at least for their personalities and physical characteristics.
But thematically, it's the complete opposite, which is what makes it so interesting for me. Will is the one (like Patroclus) who chooses to heal instead of fighting, who desperatly wants to save EVERYONE, who needs to learn to take care of himself before taking care of anybody else. Meanwhile, Nico is the one (like Achilles) who is this insanely powerful, mythical fighter who could absolutly destroy anything or anyone in his path, who always only rely on instincts (even though they have been wrong many times before and he should really learn to listen to other people's inputs), who doesn't always think of the consequences his actions might bring, and who would and actually has gone berserk from despair over the death of a loved one.
Yes, Solangelo parallels Patrochilles, but it's not necessarily how you think, and that just opened up a whole bunch of new story possibilities in my mind...
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