#imagine susie calling him and saying that lmao
susiewlff · 2 years
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“I have to tell you what happened this summer. I was in Los Angeles to visit my eldest son, who studies there. That evening, I was in a restaurant with a shirt given to me by Daniel Ricciardo, with a rather fancy design – I love his clothing line. The Mercedes photograph was there, he’s an artist. He gave me Oakley glasses, 80’s style, took a picture of me and posted it on our Instagram account. Susie called me immediately to tell me I looked like an idiot, that I looked like Borat… All this to say I need to accept that I am a certain age, and so I cannot wear just anything like Lewis does!” — Toto Wolff about that photo.
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
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A buncha scribbles from session 15 of the BatIM Cthulhu game! including:
Prophet swapped Sammy in for a brief moment of awareness before the final ritual to release the muses, in which he was relieved to see Susie okay and Susie was glad to see him... back to normal! Oh geez. Sammy doesn't actually know what Prophet's interactions with Susie were, but he's sure he probably regrets them
Susie hummed a little bit of a new version of one of the Bendy songs Sammy had been working on and oH YEAH THATS RIGHT SHE'S STILL KIND OF POSSESSED,
Back when the Coney Island ride they were underneath was flooding, I specified that Prophet was going to climb up the stairs "on all fours" to minimise chances of slipping and falling and I just wanted to try to draw this lmao. i forgot he was wearing a vest here
with Joey exhausted, Allison was the only one who could conduct the final ritual, and Sammy ended up calling out Prophet to keep an eye on her. i was just way too amused by the idea of sammy just TAKING A SWIG OF INK WITHOUT BREAKING EYE CONTACT TO DO THIS
also in addition to me drawing just so many scribbles of sammy lawrence i DO have some out-of-context quotes for you!!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[GM] It kind of jolts, and turns – assumedly – towards you, [Sammy] *laughs* YOU CAN’T TELL which direction it’s looking in, just, IT HAS MOVED
[GM] And some tentacles are gonna come at you guys! Like they do. [Jack] #JustTentacleThings
[Joey] This IS Joey’s arm, which means if it does get destroyed by the circle, Joey’s going to be missing an arm…! [Jack] I can fix it, it’s fine, [GM] It’s fine! Yeah! [Sammy] How many limbs would you like to be made of ink, Joey Drew?! [Joey] I dunno if he’s gonna have a CHOICE! [Sammy] You’re going to have fewer working limbs than Moonlight.
[Sammy] These guys might all be those goop people, who are harder to fight than humans – [Henry] I don’t think Henry’s thinking about that. I think Henry just heard Bendy and Joey scream and is in Go Mode. [Sammy] Well-- [Henry] I mean, it’s a smart thought! I don’t think Henry’s having it right now.
[Sammy] Leon, if you want to surprise us all and do something really heroic, PLEASE go for it [Jack] I thought you were going to say “please DON’T” [GM] “Don’t be a hero!!” [Sammy] No no, I think it’s fine, if he wants to be a hero, I think he should do it. [Joey] I mean, if he wants to grab Colette and RUN, that would be great, [Sammy] Yeah, nobody can DRAIN INK out of HIM! [Jack] Unless we’re about to learn something,
[Sammy] No, wait, that was Colette’s parents. I can keep all my minor NPCs straight! [Jack] Straight? In this campaign?! [Sammy] *startled laugh* [GM] Tell me about it…! [Sammy] We can’t keep ANY of our NPCs straight! We’re fundamentally terrible at it.
[Jack] I’m imagining it like, you know when you try to use an item in the wrong place in pokemon? [Joey] THE MASKED MESSENGER SAYS: IT ISN’T THE TIME TO USE THAT!
[Joey] Hold on. I was going between two normal ideas, and then I had a really weird one, so I need to check something. [GM] Joey? Making bad decisions in the finale of a scenario? What a thought! [Joey] hIS SANITY IS NINETEEN, SO!!!!
[Joey] Okay. I have an idea. >:3 [Sammy] Oh NO. [Henry] Oh no. Have you got a Joey Plan™? [Joey] *cackling* [Sammy] *muttering under breath* We really should’ve just… waited for Henry…
[Joey] Joey is going to realise the ink is being siphoned from them for use in whatever this guy is trying to do, and he’s not pleased about that, [Sammy] Yeah, neither am I. So far we’re on the same page – [Joey] It’s HIS ink–! [Sammy] It, it’s not – okay. [Joey] So, remember when Joey was visited by the Masked Messenger, and they had the little battle over ink possession? Joey is going to take over the Ink in the circle -- [Sammy] OKAY! This SURE is a Joey Drew™ Plan, [Joey] -- and reclaim it for himself, and take over the magic! [Sammy] Well, the LAST time we had a circle dedicated to doing something with the Yellow King, and Joey switched it to be himself instead, that went SO well, why WOULDN’T you do the same thing again!! [Joey] Listen, he has 19 sanity, I don’t know what you’re expecting from him. *rolls* …….He has 18 sanity, I don’t know what you’re expecting from him!
[Henry] Henry is going to shove the blade of his axe against this guy’s throat and tell him if he does anything fishy, he’ll kill him. [Joey] (This includes turning into a fish.) [Joey] (No more tentacle monsters, no more fish monsters, none of that!)
[Henry] 32, which is a hard success. [Sammy] …What’s your intimidate skill?!? [GM] Oh, y’know, :) [Henry] 85. [Sammy] *nervous laughter???* [Jack] Normal amount. [Henry] Normal amount! [Sammy] YEAH, the same number as Sammy’s musical skill??? OKAY COOL!!!
[Sammy] Does Sammy look like his mascara is running? I just want to know.
[Joey] Can I… *quietly* ...grab Colette and toss her out of the circle? [Sammy] … YEET HER? [Joey] yEAH,,, [Henry] Can’t be more damage than falling over a fence. *everyone giggles except for Sammy* [Sammy] …Okay.
[Sammy] I can’t believe Joey is stealing Prophet’s nemesis. Rude. [GM] I mean, Joey DID stab Moonlight. They can share! [Joey] …I don’t know if they can share. They’ve been doing very bad at sharing.
[Jack] Also she’s not an ink creature, so, big win for you, Leon!
[Sammy] It grabbed me in the leg, right? [GM] Yeah! This is the cool leg scar. [GM] Not to be confused with the not-cool leg scar, [Jack] He’s just never going to live that down, huh. [Sammy] He COULD, if everyone would stop bringing it up! [GM] Sammy wakes up and hopes dearly that Prophet tripped over a fence so at least it’s both of them, but no…
[Joey] So – hold on, let me see if a thing existed back then. [GM] Oh boy…? [Joey] 18th century. Great! Okay, so I’m going to drain the rest of my magic points, to do a new toon action – you know those, circular saw blades? [GM] BUZZSAWS???
[Henry] Henry’s gonna do something suuuuuper risky,,, [Henry] He’s going to drop the axe and summon the scythe. [Sammy] ….OKAY, [Joey] Okay…! I’m very curious what’s going to happen if Henry uses the scythe on the mirror. [Henry] Oh, I wasn’t thinking that. [Sammy] UM, [GM] This is fine, this is great! [Sammy] Nervous chuckle, I’m in danger, [Henry] Henry is going to say “Sammy, duck!” and, swing the scythe [Sammy] OH, OKAY, I WILL DO THAT, [GM] Make a dodge roll! [Sammy] OhhhHHH THAT’S NOT GOOD… THAT’S NICE, BUT IT’S NOT GOOD,,,, My dodge is 55 and I rolled a 69, [Joey] Nice [GM] Nice! [Henry] And since it’s in close quarters, I’m guessing it’ll go through both of them. [GM] Yeah! Roll damage! [Sammy] CAN I,,,, PUSH THAT ROLL MAYBE,,, [GM] [GM] No. :) [Henry] *cackles*
[Jack] THAT’S trauma for future Sammy!!
[Jack] He’s gonna see if Sammy’s okay! See what’s going on. [Sammy] Sammy still looks pretty shaken up, and will tell him, “Stay back my sheep – I will join you soon.” [Henry] “I’m not going to hurt him!” [Sammy] jUST GIVES HENRY A LOOK,
[Sammy] So that’s seven damage! [GM] Okay! You see that the shadowy figure on the other side is ALSO trying to hit the mirror. [Sammy] Huh. Can I tell anything about the shadowy figure, now that I’m right up next to the mirror? [GM] Yeah! :) Uh, looks kinda familiar. It’s maybe somebody you’ve seen before. [Jack] yEAH I thought it might be,,, [Sammy] …wait, what? [GM] Maybe somebody… last scenario… [Jack] Who’s in Carcosa… and wants to break the mirror… [GM] Yeah, someone like that maybe! [Sammy] ………….. Is it… is it Moonlight…? [GM] Yeah! Yeah it is! ...Anyway, the mirror breaks. :)
*successful dexterity check to avoid getting knocked over* [GM] Okay, you keep your feet! [Sammy] Thanks, I like my feet.
[Joey] Joey is going to start scanning for his people, who LEFT HIM while he was being thrown around by tentacles, [Sammy] You were a great distraction, thank you. [Jack] You’ve gotta keep a better eye on your people, one of them just stabbed another! [Joey] EVERYONE ABANDONED ME! [Sammy] I TOLD YOU WHAT I WAS DOING! [Joey] Oh, yeah, no, Prophet gets a pass. Everyone else ran off, and – [Henry] YOU LEFT HENRY! [Joey] ….eh, ‘strue. [Joey] …Left Henry with others! [GM] Bendy’s still there! [Joey] Yeah. Bendy’s got me. [Sammy] Joey, any time he’s trying to leave by himself: “No, I’m never alone, I’m with Bendy!” Joey, as soon as we figure he’s fine, because he’s with Bendy: “HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME ALL ALONE?!” [Jack] Betrayed, Abandoned,
[Joey] And the water is coming in fast, [Henry] These people are going to have SUCH a mold problem when we’re done…
[Joey] Does Bendy have any magic points…? [Sammy] “I spent all of mine turning my arms into buzzsaws!” [Jack] As you do!
[Sammy] Poor Leon. I’m so sorry. You’re going to have to go straight into an asylum.
[GM] You’re pretty sure you’re not in Carcosa. [Jack] Okay, good. I needed to know if Jack would be panicking about things… [GM] He’s got plenty to panic about, but that one is currently good!
[GM] I wonder if Sammy… from Sammy’s point of view, Jack was driving when he lost consciousness, and then he’s still driving when he comes back! Like… he doesn’t even know they went to Coney Island, I don’t think? [Sammy] No, I guess not! Joey was just like “I know where they’re taking Colette” [Sammy] And now we’re going back to the Studio so it’s like, I guess we got Colette! And got wet, for some reason! [Jack] At least he didn’t end up seeing The Great Bertrum Piedmont. [Sammy] There are SO many things it’s good that he didn’t end up seeing.
[GM] Bendy is going to chime in that it was busy, but they went to an amusement park! [Joey] Joey’s going to correct him that they did NOT go to an amusement park. That was not what that is. [GM, as Bendy] “That’s what you said it was last time we went!” [Joey] “Was it like last time we went?!” [GM] He’ll think about that, go quiet for a minute, and then be like, “No, I guess not, huh!” [Joey] “EXACTLY.” [GM, as Bendy] “Yeah, he’s right, we didn’t!” [Sammy] Hm. Hmmmm. Sammy’s squinting at you both.
[Sammy] He might still cough up blood, just not embarrassingly so. Just, in a cool way!
[Henry] Henry will… “pull” is too strong of a word? But Henry will… physically encourage Joey to step back from the circle.
[Sammy] Ehhhhh, I don’t have a lot of hitpoints… [Joey] Who needs hitpoints? [Sammy] I do, I need them!!
[GM] *rolls* …hm. *mumbling to self* What do I do with that…? [Sammy] Troubling reaction! [GM] ….huh…. [Joey] Not getting less troubling!
[Henry] I don’t want to keep using the scythe spell, but it keeps presenting itself as the best option! [Joey] DO YOU HAVE, ANY OTHER OPTIONS,, FIRST???? [Henry] These things have a bajillion HP! [Sammy] I mean, you COULD do the scythe thing, but maybe don’t hit anybody else with it! [Jack] I think you should hit Sammy with it again. [Sammy] NO I DON’T THINK YOU SHOULD
[Henry] Well, my strength is higher… oh no, it’s not, I’ve been doing too much mAGIC, [Sammy] That’s what happens when you do the scythe spell constantly!!! [Henry] Uggghhhhhhh... [Sammy] “Been doing too much scythe spell, better do some more scythe spell!”
[Joey] Do we have any bonus dice left? [Sammy] *sarcastically* Well! If we end up at the hotel, I DID scout it out ahead of time!
[GM] And Joey is feeling all the way better, except for all the ways that he is not!
[Henry] I just want to say, I did not expect Weird Henry to go on for FOUR SESSIONS. [Sammy] He went out with a bang, too, sliced a scythe RIGHT THROUGH THE PROPHET, [Henry] Yeah, everything has been working out so great!
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Smiley Face 
(Frank Morrison, Dead by Daylight)
Warnings: IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, DNI. THIS HAS SUGGESTIVE MATERIAL AND I WOULD RATHER ONLY MY ADULT AUDIENCE INTERACT. Gender neutral reader, Murder, gore, blood (come on, it’s dbd), threats of death, suggestive material, Frank being a horny teenager (remember he’s 19 lmao), sadism, biting
Note: Stab me daddy- aHEM-! Thanks to @yanderes-galore​ for being super cool and theorizing with me <3
Word Count: 1,152
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You could hear a girl screech as she was lifted up and impaled on a hook, gurgling noisily on her own blood in her throat.
You cringed at the sounds of death from your hiding spot, a flimsy wardrobe near the building. You two were running together after she helped you up. A nasty slash from one of those bastards (you think it was one of the girls) left you with a good-sized gash in your shoulder and the girl was kind enough to help you patch it up. That never came however, because you two were chased once again by what seemed to be the leader from what you noticed. He was hauling ass behind you two, to which you both responded by running in the opposite direction. That was when she was grabbed and hung on the hook, giving you time to get away and hide. You didn’t even know her name...
Your grieving thoughts were interrupted by the crunching of boots on dead grass near the perimeter of your hiding spot. You peeked out from the small crack in the double doors to reveal the same guy that was chasing you earlier, who you decidedly dubbed: “Smiley Face” because of his mask’s pattern. You were slightly disturbed by the amount of blood on his mask, but that was the least of your worries.
He was humming a nameless tune, wordlessly peeking behind walls and under palettes, presumably searching for you.
“Heeere, pretty pretty~!” The man calls, as if he was calling for a pet and not a human being that he planned to murder. “Don’t you wanna join your little friend there? I promise it won’t hurt for long!” He laughs breathily, and you knew it was a joke. He would never let you die a painless death, that just wasn’t an option. Smiley Face seemed like the kind of guy to kill you slowly.
“I have all night, baby~ Come on out!” He whistles.
You make no attempts to move. You shakily protect your wound from the night air as you hear him call out again.
“I heard Susie got you a little! That bitch got to ya first and to be honest... I don’t like that.” You hear him growl as he paces the area.
“I wanna be the one to make you cry and beg...” He breathes in shakily. “God, I wonder what you would say when I just-” He runs his blade on the brick of the building, making a terrible scratching noise. “Run my blade on your skin.” You shake at his words; this guy was truly insane.
“I wonder how you would sound when I stab you? I’ll sit riiight on top of you, lift my blade up real high, and then-!” He grunts loudly as he stabs into the wall across from your spot, probably imagining it was your chest instead of brick. He laughs happily and stares at the mark he left in the wall. “Fuck, I bet your screams would be so hot~” He moans, and you notice him slightly buck his hips at nothing just from the thought of you screaming. His humming continued, slightly breathier from his previous perverted thoughts. Smiley Face’s heavy breathing seemed to fade along with the sounds of his boots, so you assumed that he was finally walking away from your hiding spot. You thanked whatever god was out there and waited an extra minute or two just to be sure he was gone.
As soon as you were sure that he was nowhere close, you hopped out of the wardrobe and rushed to the hook where your short-time friend was hanging silently. A tear fell down your face as you quietly mourned her, taking the bandages from her jacket pocket to use on your shoulder. You silently thanked her and turned around, only to bump into Smiley Face himself. You scream as he wraps his arms around you, hooking his chin on your shoulder and grasping at your back to hold you in place.
“Pretty, pretty, pretty~ You should know that I always get what I want!” He giggles maniacally as he pushes you down onto the muddy ground. As your perspective of the world flipped, you could now see your friend’s dangling body right above you and you cry harder at the sight. “Aww don’t cry now, sweetpea! Save that for when the real fun begins!” Smiley Face chuckles as he forces your thighs open to sit innocently between them. You watch in horror as he lifts his mask up the slightest bit to reveal his lips, leaning down and poking his tongue out to lick your tears away. The wet muscle drags across your cheek and you jerk your head away, whimpering softly. You see his mouth turn down slightly at your movement and the next thing you know his teeth are violently digging into the soft meat of your cheek. You scream as he pulls away, grabbing at your hips and pulling his mask back down. He snuggles his hips closer to yours, sighing at the warm contact.
After a moment of letting you feel your heartbeat in your cheek, he calls out to you. “Hey.” He says, not moving an inch and letting you take time to look back at the drawn-on eyes of the mask. When you don’t do it fast enough, he digs the thumb of his free hand into your hip bone. “HEY!” He yells, making your eyes snap right to him.
“...Look, I don’t think I want to kill you. I dunno what’s wrong with me but... I just wanna play with you instead. I’m fuckin bored.” He chuckles deeply, gently rubbing the tip of his blade on your arm.
“You’ll let me play with you... Won’t ya?” Smiley Face asks in a shaky whisper. He leans all of his body weight on you, his mask nearly brushing your nose. “You’re already here so ya might as well!” He laughs, bringing his blade up to brush it against the bruising teeth marks on your soft cheek. “Do me a favor, will ya?” He asks, pulling the knife away and setting it down. He moves back and places his hand beside your head. “Call me by my name while I play with you, huh? I’d like that...” He purrs softly. You blink at him, your breaths heavy from fear.
“My names Frank. Call me that, will ya?” Smiley Face, or now you should say Frank’s gloved hand comes up to pet your hair. You stayed quiet, wondering whether it would be better or worse to do what he wants. You yelp as he yanks on your hair and growls deeply. “Say it.”
You sob as you weakly call out his name. You hear him sigh, feeling his hips slowly rub against yours. “Good! You’re so good...” He praises as he reaches to grab his knife again.
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huds-hub · 3 years
(( Mun's opinions of RP blogs - no longer accepting ))
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My Opinion on:
Character in general: The characters I’ve interacted with are Susie, Undertale Undyne, and (in the future), Undertale Alphys. I’ve always had a soft spot for tough gals. And I’ve gushed about Alphys before. She is my beloved. <3
How they play them: I haven’t had a *snobbishly* serrrioussss thread with Blue... but he threw two starters at me for each of my fishies that I’m looking forward to seeing where they go. All the threads we’ve had were pretty crack-ish so far! Like, the first interaction my teen fishy had with Susie is that her head got stuck between a bike rack. XD And my nerdy fish easily outsmarting Undertale Undyne operating on half of a brain cell. I’d say his depictions are spot-on because it’s easy to imagine both gals being that doofy. XD
The Mun: Blue is cool. Coincidentally, he’s gushing at me about Undyne literally right now. He’s got good tastes in muses. LMAO!
Do I:
RP with them: We will, OFFICIALLY, on two SUPER-DUPER serious threads soon enough!
Want to RP with them: Well, YEAH. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have liked his starter calls. XD
What is my:
Overall Opinion: If his depictions and passions for Undertale characters are as spot-on with the other fandoms he has muses for, he has it all worked out. Go on, give him a chance!
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hlcreators · 4 years
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AUTHOR REC:  star_k / @perfectdagger​
Be sure to show some love and leave kudos and a comment! 
And let it kill you (19k)
"Love is either a human construct or it can be real. But either it is real, or you make it so."
Louis doesn't believe in fate, but rather in choice. There's nothing romantic about being stripped out of his own.
Find what you love (26k)
“My Dear,
Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it's much better to be killed by a lover."
Or, Harry learns 16 years is a lifetime to be in love with someone else.
Santa Claus is from Turkey (11k)
Saint Nicholas was born in Patara, making Santa Claus actually from Turkey.
This bit of information has nothing to do with this fic, but somehow manages to tell you everything that matters about it: it's Christmas time and there's a turkey and a lot of mishappenings.
It also makes absolute no sense at all, but just roll with it.
a rose surrounded by thorns (3.3k)
There were nine levels of hell in Dante’s vision. Distantly, Louis wondered in which one you’d go for getting off on rimming the demon who ate your soul.
Nice day for a pizza wedding (12k)
There’s a layer of total surrealness to have your own name denied by a stranger, while said stranger has your cock in their hands.
Harry was glad he was in the sort of situation he knew exactly how that felt.
Or, a story about how Harry, 18 year old Tumblr and photography enthusiast, ended up enjoying his birthday with the pizza boy, in a night filled with pizza, his faithful camera and the doubt of how to correct someone you were flirting with that he got Harry's name wrong.
He only had Niall to blame.
Tell The World We Finally Got It Right (56k)
Louis snorted. “Nice try but I have to work, you sneaky little bastard.” Louis kissed Harry quickly with the intention of it being the last time as he also squeezed their hands together before letting go. “Seriously, go. I…” Louis hesitated a second, not really sure what to say as his final goodbye to Harry. “I’ll be waiting for you.” He settle on that, because that was a promise he knew he would be holding on to.
“Can’t wait. I love you,” Harry said, just as he had said that to Louis over the weekend many times. He finally let go of him and kissed Louis on the cheek, smiling brightly at him before he opened the door and got out of the car.
Louis would also hold onto those three words until the weekend came along.
Part 4 of the Mistletoes & Wrackspurts series, or the year when Louis and Harry finally decided to give themselves a try, (re)falling in love and making memories for a life time.
Harry’s Journal to self-discovery (24k)
Moving away from home is always difficult, especially when you come from a small city like Holmes Chapel and chooses to study English in London.
It proves to be even more difficult to Harry when she doesn’t feel like she fits anywhere but sitting on a park bench, watching The Girl move around like she’s the most fascinating being on the planet.
And to Harry, she kind of is. Too bad she doesn’t know why (yet).
High-five of your love (12k)
Reason #24: Because you forgot to buy a birthday present
Or, the fic where Louis is a mess of a woman, who's so busy looking for a job to help pay rent she manages to forget her almost-wife's birthday present.
She makes do in the end, anyway. She always does.
supposedly, this is steph's gift (from last year lmao) (4.6k)
this is the supernatural au nobody asked for. basically we headcanon HARD that louis is a fox so i started to write this.
so: louis is a fox familiar. harry is a witch. louis is traveling around the country trying to look for a witch good enough to bond with, harry is the witch dumb enough to help niall on his cases. they fall in love, even if witch/familiar relationships are frowned upon.
also liam is a hunter of generations and niall is the sheriff (not really) who shouldn't be meddling with witchcraft but he does anyway.
Pride and Prejudice AU that never was (7k)
Basically the p&p no one asked for and that i got too lazy to finish. or as i like to call it "louizzie hates harrcy, but they hate bang a lot anyway".
You can’t blame gravity (for falling in love) (28k)
“You know,” she’d always start, “I never understood why these chick flicks are so addictive.” She’d give a small laugh into her cup, hot steam warming her face, the living room in their hometown house lit only by the television, both of them cozy under blankets while the girls slept in their bedrooms. “You’re never, you know, that smooth while talking to the one you really want. When you like the person you’re dating you’re actually quite a mess, flustered and clumsy all around. You can’t control it.”
Or five times Marcel fell, and one time Louis did it (plus an extra one).
If You Ever Wanna Be In Love (119k)
“Finally! I mean, hi again… surprise?” Lottie had almost an innocent expression, but Louis wouldn’t be fooled by that.
Harry Styles was looking at him, nervously biting his lip, waving long fingers with different rings on them at him. “Hi?”
It had been more than three years since they last saw each other and there was Harry Styles at his fucking door again. Louis was fucked.
Part 3 of the Mistletoes & Wrackspurts series, or the one when a Holiday season together might be just what a wizard and a muggle with a too complicated past between them need to find each other again.
Butterflies (3k)
”Just a touch on the shoulder I’m passing out Wish I could of told her I’m freaking out For I have been poisoned by butterflies I have been stared blankly by those eyes What don’t kill only makes us stronger, well I guess I’m stronger now Roll with whatever flows or comes my way I always say”
(Butterflies - Hudson Taylor)
Love Is On The Radio (35k)
“So Louis, who’s the lucky person that will not only get to see Arsenal and Manchester United facing each other, but will also possibly become your girlfriend… or boyfriend? I mean, that’s a good catch, to ask someone out like this on the radio. It will be hard to say no after this.”
“It’s, hm, his name is…” Oh boy, Harry was about to pass out, he couldn’t bear to hear what Louis would say. Susie was looking at him, worried eyes watching him from the till as she noticed that Harry had simply abandoned his cupcake duties. “Harry. Harry Styles.”
To win a pair of tickets to watch Manchester United playing, Louis may have possibly lied to Nick Grimshaw on the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show, asking Harry, his best friend, to be his boyfriend. Problem is - Harry has always been in love with Louis and so, this Valentine’s he’s gonna see his dreams come true, with a tiny bit of a twist, in order to watch the football team they have loved together since they were kids.
Sick of Losing Soulmates (I Like You) (7.6k)
Time and hearts will wear us thin So which path will you take, ‘cause we both know a break Does exactly what it says on the tin
‘Cause I’m sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin I can finally see, you’re as fucked up as me So how do we win?
I hope I’m not stuck on your waiting list Because I dream of you in colors that don’t exist And I think it’s high time for you to know I like you I like you I like you And I hope you like me too
Part 2 of the Mistletoes & Wrackspurts series, or the interlude in which 3 years apart seems to be nothing and too much at the same time.
Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic (92k)
There were only a few things Louis didn’t believe in. You could include in that list the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and also Father Christmas. Having four little sisters, though, he had to pretend that all of them were real for the sake of keeping their imagination alive.
Surprisingly, there was one thing, that not until his oldest little sister turned 11 did Louis believe in and did he think would actually be real: magic.
Louis’ sister was a witch and everything he knew would never be the same again.
Part 1 of the Mistletoes & Wrackspurts series, or the Hogwarts AU where Louis is a muggle, Lottie finds out she is a witch and Harry is Lottie’s wizard friend from Hogwarts, with a lot of magic, letters, owl cuddles and crushes on boys from different worlds.
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fivescuddles-blog · 6 years
worry | susie putnam
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a/n: i love susie ah! since their pronouns are uh, quite ambiguous, i decided to use they/them in this imagine! there should be wayyy more susie imagines! hope you enjoy!
word count: 1,907
characters: susie putnam x reader, sabrina spellman, harvey kinkle, roz walker, mr. putnam
requested: nope lmao
summary: y/n is worried about susie not turning up to school and decides to go check on them
warnings: bullying, i think that's it
“Y/N, I still don’t get why you can’t just tell them?” Sabrina says exasperatedly as you walk arm in arm down the corridors of Baxter High. You sigh.
“Exactly Brina, you don’t get it! It’s easy for you to say, you’ve got Harvey! But… I don’t know, they’ve never given me a hint that they like me before so why should I make it awkward by telling them?” You ramble, shaking your head to yourself as your mind filled with self-doubting thoughts. “It’s not like Susie’d ever feel the same way anyway,”
Sabrina elbowed you sharply in the side, earning a hostile hiss from you. “L/N, if you say that one more time, I’ll tell her myself, goddammit.”
She giggled as you shoved her lightly into the lockers on your right before catching sight of Roz and Harvey speaking a little further ahead. The two of you walked slightly faster in order to catch up.
“Hey guys!” Roz greeted, smiling at you both. You smile back and instantly get absorbed into the conversation, something about which movie you were going to be seeing tonight – a horror, obviously. You shuddered at the thought before realising something.
“Wait, have you guys seen Susie? I haven’t seen them this morning...” You trailed off looking questionably at them.
Roz shook her head. “Nope, they didn’t turn up at the gate so I just assumed they were ill, but I am a bit worried about them though,” she replied, furrowing her eyebrows in worry.
You bite your lip. “But… but they usually call me if they’re ill, they know I’ll worry about them...” You say again, anxiety now beginning to settle in.
Ever since you’d began middle school, you knew that boys had been tormenting Susie, although you were never around to witness it. You were always there to clean up the aftermath, a sobbing Susie and an angry group of friends. You always thought that violence simply wasn’t the answer, but you were starting to have your doubts.
Harvey broke you out of your thoughts, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder with a soft smile. “Hey, try not to worry too much. I’m sure they’re fine! Maybe they were just too ill to make the phone call, okay? We’ll see them when they come to the cinema tonight anyway,” he comforts.
Sabrina grins widely. “Yeah! You know Susie would never miss a movie night, no matter how ill they are!”
Chuckles were shared around the group at that statement before the high pitched school bell blared through the halls and the school day began. The rest of the day pretty much went normally, boring classes and chaotic walks between them. However, there was still something in the back of your mind that you simply couldn’t shake.
You’d had a crush on the sweet brunette ever since you could remember, having been friends with them and Sabrina since you were children. You’d never told them, though you’d definitely strongly hinted at it more than a couple of times. But Susie either never seemed to realise or just ignored your advances altogether. Which was why it had to remain a secret. A silly crush and nothing more. No matter how much you wanted it to blossom into more, it just wasn’t worth losing one of the best friendships in your life currently.
A sigh left your lips as you walked to the cinema after changing at home, your head buzzing with thoughts about Susie. That was before something caught you eye. A glint of purple in the grass. At first you ignored it, passing it off as some litter or a candy bar wrapper. But the feeling of dread in your stomach convinced you to look again.
It was a ribbon. Simply lying there in the grass. It didn’t occur to you right away, but there was something that just felt… wrong about this situation. As you bent to inspect the ribbon closely, that was when you realised. Embroidered onto the plum satin were two initials – S and P. Your eyes widened in confusion.
It was the ribbon that you had gifted Susie for their birthday.
They always wore it, whether that be on their wrist or in their hair. They always had it with them. And yet, here it was. Alone on the trail near to the school.
So many questions were running through your mind. Why was it there? Where was Susie? Why hadn’t they came to school that morning? Were these two things connected?
You took a deep breath, trying desperately to soothe your racing brain. You closed your eyes and forced yourself to think rationally about this. C’mon Y/N, you thought. They could have dropped it on the way to the cinema? Maybe that’s why they didn’t meet me at the usual place, perhaps they lost it and didn’t want to face me after it?
After convincing yourself that everything was fine and so was Susie, you began to continue your walk towards the cinema after picking up the ribbon and depositing it into your pocket.
You soon arrived at the bright entrance, catching sight of your friends just ahead of you.
1 – Sabrina, who was holding loosely onto Harvey’s arm with both hands and grinning at you excitedly.
2- Harvey, smiling at you and waving with one arm (while also subtly rolling his eyes at Brina).
3- Roz, walking towards you to greet you, her hand open.
But there was something wrong. Susie wasn’t there.
You reached your friends, furrowing your brows as you looked around the crowded foyer. “Where’s Susie?” You asked, without so much as a greeting.
Harvey raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh, they didn’t tell you?”
Panic settled into your chest. “T-tell me what?” You asked, eye wide.
Sabrina quickly let go of Harvey and placed her hands on your shoulders. “Susie called and told me that they won’t be able to make it tonight. Something about having the flu and not wanting to spread it around,” she spoke quietly, smiling kindly at you and she slowly stroked your shoulder. “You okay?” She asked worriedly when you didn’t respond.
“I… I… I have to go to them,” you say, in a trance-like daze, before breaking away gently from Sabrina. “I have to make sure they’re okay,” you continue, looking at your friends as they all give you encouraging smiles.
“Go to them,” Roz repeats, giving you a thumbs up as you retreat, going back the way you came and walking back out of the cinema.
I knew something was wrong when I saw the ribbon, I should have just listened to my gut, damn it. You think, wanting to just hit yourself for being to clueless. You followed the trail until Susie’s house came into view, speeding up as you see the lights on in their bedroom window. If the lights were on then surely she was safe. Once you got to the door, you quickly gave it a knock and waited impatiently for it to open, your foot tapping anxiously on the ground. You looked at the knob as it turned and the door opened to reveal Susie’s father. You quickly put on a smile.
“Hello, Mr. Putnam. Um, is Susie here?” You asked politely, fidgeting with your hands behind your back. He returned your smile and nodded.
“Yep Y/N/N, she’s just up in her room, okay?” He said, inviting you in. You cringed at his use of pronouns but followed him in, going upstairs almost immediately. “Tell me if you need anything!” He shouted up the stairs after you.
You plodded along the landing over to Susie’s room, listening quietly behind the door as you heard soft sniffles coming from inside. You soon opened the door gently, pushing the wood and allowing your eyes to meet a curled up Susie on their bed, their legs pulled to their chest and their head buried in their knees.
You felt your heart ache for them as you stepped into the room, clearing your throat as you walked. Susie’s head snapped up, the tear tracks on their face catching your eye and sympathy to course through you. You advanced cautiously towards them.
“Wh-what are you doing here, Y/N/N?” Susie whispered, fiercely trying to scrub at their cheeks to get rid of their splotchy complexion. You walked slowly towards the bed and sat down next to them.
“I was worried about you, Suse… You didn’t turn up at school, and then the movie night… You never miss those,” you explained, looking questioningly at them as they tried their best to avoid eye contact. “What’s wrong?” You asked as you reached out a hand towards them.
Susie jerked back. “N-nothing! I’m fine!” They replied shakily, moving slightly away from you and keeping their arms under her duvet cover. You narrowed your eyes at them.
“For some reason I don’t seem to believe that,” you said doubtfully, before slowly reaching out again. This time, they let you, staying still as you lifted the duvet cover off of their small frame. What you saw almost lead you to screaming.
Bruises covered their arms and legs, visible due to the pyjama shorts and t-shirt they were wearing. You didn’t know what to say.
“Susie, I… wh-what happened?” You asked shakily, gently tracing a bruise left on their forearm with feather-light touches. Their eyes teared up before they threw their arms around you. You welcomed them into your arms happily, wrapping your arms around their back and holding them tightly in your embrace. Susie sobbed softly onto your shoulder as she forced out her story between sobs. “Sh, sh, take your time Suse,” you calmed her as you stroked her shoulders softly, holding the back of her head with of your hands and playing with the strands of hair soothingly. As you played with the soft strands of hair, you subtly intertwined the purple ribbon that you’d found on your walk back into their hair, playing with the sleek satin and you listened to their story about the boys on the way to school.
Once they’d finally been able to get the entire story out, you felt your blood boil. Good god, were those boys gonna pay. After a few minutes of simply holding Susie and whispering soothing words into their ear, you felt them pull back slightly from the hug and was preparing to let them go, before you felt the feeling of their soft lips on your own.
You were caught of guard completely, not expecting this from your best friend after comforting them moments ago. But you melted into the kiss, moving your lips against theirs gently, your hands moving up to cup their cheeks as their arms slithered to hook around your neck. You stayed there for a few moments, simply bathing in the pure bliss of it all, of the long overdue kiss that should have happened a while ago until Susie was the one to first pull away to breathe.
There was silence as you both panted lightly, staring into the other's eyes in amazement until you finally broke the silence.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that to happen,"
A smile grew on their face as Susie blushed lightly at your comment. "And you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that..." They replied, before bringing you in for another kiss once more.
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