#he already said that she hates him wearing hoodies
susiewlff · 2 years
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“I have to tell you what happened this summer. I was in Los Angeles to visit my eldest son, who studies there. That evening, I was in a restaurant with a shirt given to me by Daniel Ricciardo, with a rather fancy design – I love his clothing line. The Mercedes photograph was there, he’s an artist. He gave me Oakley glasses, 80’s style, took a picture of me and posted it on our Instagram account. Susie called me immediately to tell me I looked like an idiot, that I looked like Borat… All this to say I need to accept that I am a certain age, and so I cannot wear just anything like Lewis does!” — Toto Wolff about that photo.
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darkbluekies · 2 months
Oooo okay for the Drabble I think Jerry and Silas cause you know why not also because i like them a little too much
Silas & Jerry drabbles: comforting a scared darling
Mafia!yandere OC & female!yandere!mafia
Warnings: graphic threats from Jerry
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First, you didn't want him to leave for a mission when you were supposed to go to bed, and when he did you wanted the lamp on. You and Silas had watched a horror movie not too long ago. Silas hadn't imagined that you would take it so hard.
He knows that he shouldn't have left you alone in the bedroom, but he has to have this meeting. He should have seen it coming.
"Boss, your spouse is here", his second in command says from the door. He's been standing by the wall to keep an eye over the room, to make sure that no one will try to do anything. "Should I send them away?"
He should have known that you wouldn't go to bed. He excuses himself and stands up, walking over to the door. You're standing outside, wearing one of his hoodies. This new fear of yours have brought out a clinginess for him that he can't resist. You're just too cute.
"What are you doing out of bed?" he asks in a hushed tone so that his men won't hear and grab your arm. He knows why you are here, but he wants to hear you say it.
"I can't sleep", you whisper for him only. "I'm so scared, please ..."
"We've talked about this, little thing, nothing will hurt you. Everything we saw was made with cgi and rehearsed numerous times. Nothing was real. You know that."
You glare at him. How dare he belittle your fear? He senses his wrongdoings right away.
"No, I didn't mean that", he says quickly and moves closer. "Baby, listen, I'm just saying that what you are afraid of was never real. It can't hurt you."
"That doesn't mean anything. Just because you say that doesn't mean that I'll surprisingly stop being scared."
He can't resist your scared eyes. Silas sighs and hugs you.
"I have to do this meeting, it's urgent, I can't go to bed with you", he says, and then decides. "Okay, you'll sit next to me and stay here until the meeting is over. Eyes down, got it?"
You nod. Silas leads you into the conference room and lets you sit on a chair close by him. Your head is turned down, hand holding onto his pants. No mafia man is as scary as that fictional monster.
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Darkness? Why are you araid of darkness? It's such a stupid thing to be afriad of, when Jerry is the definition of it.
"Don't be absurd", Jerry says and turns off the car. "Nothing will touch you as long as you are in the car!"
"Then let me keep the car light on", you say.
"No, it will attract threats."
"You said that nothing would hurt me in the car!"
"As long as you keep the lights off."
"Jerry, I can't deal with darkness."
"Y/N, I really don't have the time to fight with you. I have a man to kill if you have forgotten and the longer I am here, the further away he comes."
She sighs at your teary eyes.
"I'll be gone for a minute — two at most — and then I'll take care of you. Wait here — in the dark — for me."
With that said, she's gone. Those two minutes she's away, you've already started crying. She's back in a wit and is quick to take you in her arms.
"You're such a coward", she cooes and hides your face into her shoulder. "You have nothing to fear as long as I am here."
"But you weren't here! You were out killing some man!"
"For two minutes, baby. I'm here now. Breathe before you pass out."
"I fucking hate the dark ..."
"I know, baby, I know." She kisses your forehead. "I'm not going anywhere else for tonight. I'm going to take good care of you."
You cling onto her.
"Don't cry, you little baby", she whispers. "The darkness isn't anything to be afraid of, you know? It is actually a good thing, believe it or not. Without the darkness, i would be in jail by now. The darkness hides things you don't want to see. You should actually be thankful."
You sniffle.
"Oh, pull yourself together, baby", Jerry sighs. "I already told you that I am here and that nothing will happen. I will cut the throat of anything that tries to put their hands on you. Does that comfort you?"
"A bit ... maybe."
"Well, let me try again then, if you insist on being so fucking difficult. I will, personally, dig out the eyes of the naive enough to come close to you, in darkness or not. I will cut their hands of, braid their veins and create skipping ropes with them. Is that good enough for you?"
She laughs as you tug at your lips. Jerry might not be the best at comforting, but she will do everything for you.
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novemberheart · 15 days
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{overview} Your heat doesn't quite go as planned. Kate provides your pack with a predicament
{warnings} fem reader, poly141, a/b/o dynamics, heat cycles, MDNI, heat cycles, p in v sex, knotting, cursing
Chapter 22 <- Chapter 23 -> Chapter 24
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There was a soft knock at the door making John stir.
“Come in,” he groaned, sitting up with you still against his chest. You mumbled something incoherent, drifting right back to sleep. Johnny came in with two takeout containers. John stood up, keeping a firm grip on you as he tossed a few pillows onto the floor, knowing you would throw a fit if your nest got dirtied by food. Johnny set the containers on the ground, grabbing Simon's hoodie off the bed and tugging it over your head.
You were out of it. Just a few hours ago Kyle had come in to make sure the two of you had water and said you were up and chatting, now you were like one of the pillows on the ground. There had been no moans or groans since last night, your first time, making everyone a bit nervous. You should be working through your heat. John threw on a pair of sweats, as Johnny had you propped up against some pillows. You smiled at him softly, wrapping your arms around his bicep. He pressed a kiss against your heated forehead, wanting nothing more than to stay with you.
“You can stay, ‘Tav,” John assured. He didn't seem too out of it. If it wasn't for his dark eyes and flushed appearance he would seem exactly the same. Johnny smiled, pulling you into his lap, and grabbing your lunch to feed you. You purred against him, happy to smell something other than John’s campfire and fog scent.
“Simon wants to call a doctor,” Johnny spoke slowly. John hummed, already knowing what he was speaking about. You should be deep into your heat by now, especially after being sexually active. He should be deep into his rut as well.
“Is a bit concerning isn't it?” John sighed, between bites. “Give her the rest of today. Her body is experiencing a lot of things it hasn't before. Our girl just needs some time to work through it, right pretty?” he questioned looking over at you. Your eyes were nearly closed, staring up at Johnny like you hadn't seen him in months.
“That’s fair,” Johnny agreed, working a spoonful of corn into your mouth. It was quiet for a moment.
“You gonna mark her?” Johnny asked- bordering on a request. It was the thing he hated most about being a beta. He would never be able to see his mark against your skin. At least he would be able to wear yours when the time was right.
“Didn’t quite discuss that too much before. We got a bit heated making out one time and she asked me to do it then. But I want her to have a clear head when she makes that decision,” John explained. His hand reached out, running up and down your leg.
“Would you let her mark you?”
“Absolutely,” John replied without missing a beat.
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Kate groaned, trying to balance her coffee and tablet in one hand to fish her phone out of her pocket.
“Laswell,” She spoke, using her elbow to push a pile of papers off the edge of her desk.
“Kyle found something,” She immediately recognized Simon’s voice.
“That’s one of the things he’s good at,” Kate shot back, plopping down on the couch in her office.
“It's about our girl.”
Laswell froze.
“What’s wrong? She alright?” She had just talked to you a few days ago. You were nervous about the situation with your heat but were happy otherwise.
“Kyle was looking at her tracking app a couple of days ago when he noticed another chip under her name popping up under the ‘connect’ list. He clicked it and it knew her location and everything,” Simon explained.
“Did it have another name registered to it? Like how you and John are on hers,” Kate asked.
“Negative,” Simon sighed. “Kyle thinks it disconnected from the owner, that's how we were able to find it.”
“You think the owner is going to want to pursue it?” Kate questioned, her stomach beginning to turn.
“Hope they do,” Simon grunted. “It says it’s located in her leg- the chip.”
“The leg?” Kate mumbled. “It couldn't be a chip then. She would’ve felt it. It would have to be a small wire of some kind. Can you put her on the phone?”
“She’s in lockdown with the old man,” it was vague, but Kate knew what he meant. It also explained why John wasn't blowing up her phone right now. They couldn't discuss it with the two of you in such a vulnerable state. “Me and Kyle were thinking about flying back to base,” Simon added.
“You think it's that serious? Maybe she got it when she was little?”
“She would've known about it by now. They aren't meant to be in more than five years. Besides, we can't take any chances. If we don't pursue this and something happens”- Simon cut himself off.
“Look at L.T. Ghost taking care of his pack,” Kate smiled. She couldn't quite tell if the sound on the other end was a purr or static. “Let me dig through some medical files. If there is danger, you all should be there, especially when they are this vulnerable,” Kate reminded. “I’ll keep you updated.”
“Thank you, Laswell. For everything,” He clicked the red button before she could respond.
She had a feeling you were included in that ‘everything.’
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It felt like you were watching yourself from behind a glass screen. You could see everything, hear everything, yet you couldn't take control. Forced to watch from the sidelines. John had eased the ache in your body last night, and the feeling had yet to return. Why hadn't it? What was wrong with you? Why couldn't you just be a normal omega? You couldn't even perform in your heat, or help your alpha with his still lingering rut. What good were you?
A loud whine woke him up, his head quickly shooting up from its resting place against your stomach.
“What pretty girl?” John soothed you, wrapping you tightly in his arms. How could he be so nice- so understanding? He should be out looking for a better omega.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, as he swept the tears away.
“Nothin' for you to be sorry about, love,” he assured instantly. He paused for a moment. “Why are you apologizing?” he asked softly. You hadn't done anything but be a perfect little omega for him, despite the fuzziness in your brain.
“I can’t,” was all you were able to get out, sobs wracking your body.
“Bloody hell, sweetheart,” he cursed softly. “No reason for that,” he used the hem of his shirt to wipe away your tears.
“I’m not a good omega,” you gasped through your sobs. A warning growl rumbled in his chest, making you jump. It was a natural instinct to bare your teeth at someone who talked b about your omega- even if it was the omega themselves.
“There’s definitely no reason for that,” he snarled, pressing a rough kiss against your cheek. He slowly put the pieces together as to what you were getting at. He didn't even think the toll of not completing your heat would have on your self-esteem. That was bullshit though. You were much more than how well you could fuck him in a delirious state and he was a bit surprised you even entertained the idea. His sensitive girl.
“If I can't get into a heat how am I supposed to take a knot, or be marked?” you grumbled sadly, finding the energy to paw at your face.
“You can get into a heat, pretty. Your body is still adjusting to the pack and to me. By this time next year we’ll be laughing about this.”
Next year? He wanted to keep you?
“You still want me?” It was the lowest sentence you had ever uttered, yet it was a blow to him.
His first feeling was that of insult. Did you think that lowly of him? That he would toss you to the curb just because you were having a bit of trouble? Then he saw the look in your eyes. You were so small- beat down and defeated over something he had hardly thought twice about. You weren't the you he was used to, you were the raw, unfiltered, scared version of yourself. The version that had jumped from omega holding house to omega holding house. The version of you that had been let down by so many people in your life. The version of you that had been overlooked and disregarded due to your status.
Now that version of you was his.
He wouldn't have it any other way.
“More than anything,” was all he could manage.
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You were relieved when the fire returned in your veins. Your hands patting your alpha’s chest to wake him. He gasped awake, his trained eyes scanning around the room for a threat, relaxing when he just saw your happy face. He smiled softly until your scent hit him.
“There you are, pretty girl. Just needed some time,” He chuckled, rolling over so you were on your back. You nipped at his neck, your hands wandering under his shirt. He lets you do as you please, without rushing or urging you along. The soft pads of your fingers running over scars he had long forgotten about.
“You’re so handsome,” you mumbled, tugging his shirt off the rest of the way. He smiled softly, his beard tickling your cheek as he kissed along your clothed shoulder. The bare skin of your legs against his wasn't enough for him. He tugged Simon’s hoodie off of you, purring as he was finally able to feel you fully.
This time he went slow- as slow as he should've gone for your first time. He was drawing it out, with every drag of his hips you were pushed near the end only to be yanked back. You were a desperate little thing under him. So needy and scratchy that he had to put you on your stomach.
“Only patient girls get kisses,” is what he had told you. You whined, leaning your head back, hoping he was just being a tease. His hand gripped the base of your neck, gently pushing it back into the pillows. He chuckled- a bit cruelly- from behind you, a particularly deep thrust making you cry out.
“Please?” you whined, your bottom lifting off the bed so prettily for him. He hummed, running a hand all the way up your arched back. He leaned over you, his lips pressing against your wet cheek.
“I think the betas spoil you too much,” he mumbled, his hips returning to the slow speed. “Think all you have to do is say please with those pretty eyes and you get whatever you want hmmm?” he half-asked, keeping himself sheathed inside you.
“Yeah,” you agreed softly, making him chuckle. He kissed the small ring on your finger Kyle had bought you. The beta was just supposed to run to the store to get popcorn for movie night and ended up coming back with a ring that cost half a paycheck.
You wiggled your hips, taking it upon yourself to start pushing yourself back on him. He watched as you slowly found your own rhythm. He cursed softly, watching as your cunt swallowed him whole. He gave you soft encouragement, the grit in his voice making the tightness in your stomach swell.
“Can I?” you asked through a strangle moan. Even after all his teasing, you were still his obedient omega. His chest rumbled, causing the vibration to shoot straight through you.
“Course, sweetheart. You earned it,” he praised. That was all you needed, shaking around his cock with a breathy moan. He held your hips in place to keep you from running away, your spasming walls causing his eyes to roll back.
He had hardly a minute to catch his breath before you were pushing yourself back against him again.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he growled, immediately meeting your thrusts. He wrapped an arm around your waist, rolling over onto his back taking you with him. He forced your legs apart, your back against his chest as he drove his hips up into you. The new position hit something inside you that turned you into a purring ragdoll. “Purring from my cock?” he questioned through a groan like he couldn't quite believe it. His hands had a bruising grip on your thighs, the force of his thrusts nothing but mean.
There was swelling between his thighs, and even in his dazed state he could figure out what it was. You seemed to know too- at least instinctually, judging by the way you tried to push yourself down on it. “Think you can take my knot, pretty girl?” he asked softly, his pace beginning to slow so you could talk. You nodded your head eagerly, your face pressing against the side of this neck.
He resumed, his knot slamming against you with every thrust. You came unexpectedly, your cunt gushing around him and over the sheets. You were shaking in his grasp and he began rolling his knot into you, your slick making it a bit easier. Your hips tried to pull away, but he knew it was just from overstimulation. He matched your purrs, the action causing your body to relax enough for him to ease the rest of himself in. Your body stilled as the two of you locked together, John groaning breathlessly.
You could feel his heartbeat against your back, a warm buzz filtering throughout your body.
Your world slowly turned black.
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Two days had come and gone. Today marks the fourth day of your heat.
Judging by your smell. Today is the last day. You were in the bathtub, the water too scalding for John’s enjoyment, but your sore body needed it. The alpha taking great pride in scrubbing and massaging you clean.
You hadn't been marked. John had come close numerous times, but was able to hold back. He couldn't do something that drastic without discussing it with you in length. Despite that, you had a large spot on your neck- where he planned to mark you. He couldn't stop running his thumb over it.
“Gonna be ready to see the boys?” He hummed, his fingers scratching against your scalp. You knew he was referring to Simon. Johnny and Kyle snuck in during the pockets of peace between rounds. Johnny to give you food and Kyle just to hold you.
You had missed Simon. When you were feeling extra sensitive just knowing he was outside the door made you feel a hundred times better. You nodded, as he washed the shampoo out of your hair.
“I miss him,” You smiled.
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder - especially with Simon,” he teased, making you giggle.
You put on fresh clothes, grabbing Vernie off the bed. The bed was in rough shape. John came up behind you.
“Don’t worry about that,” he insisted, pressing a kiss against the side of your head. The sheets had been shredded, the headboard practically crushed to bits and you could only imagine what it would look like under a black light. While you were only half of the reason it was in the condition it was, you still felt responsible.
“Go say hello to your boys. They miss you,” John smiled, throwing on a shirt. You beamed, practically bouncing down the hallway. They were still asleep sprawled out on the pull out couch in the living room to keep Simon company. You put Vernie down and she quickly stumbled her way over to Simon. You crawled over Kyle, curling yourself under his chin. He gasped awake, causing the others to jump.
“Still in one piece?” He mumbled, still playful even in his groggy state. He rolled over so you were under him- a position you had grown quite familiar with the past few days- resting his body on top of yours. You could hear Johnny mumble something, scrambling across Simon so he could get his paws on you. He growled as Kyle refused to move, worming his arm between the two of you and pulling you so you were smushed between them. “Can’t even get a minute?” Kyle huffed, burying his face in your hair.
“Her fault for being so pretty,” Johnny grumbled, placing the blame on you. His teeth nipping at the spots covering your neck from John. He swallowed back his disappointment at none of them being a claiming bite. The comfort of being between the betas again made it easy for you to start drifting back off to sleep. You had about five minutes of sleep when Kyle’s phone blared through the living room. You half expected him to deny it, like he usually did. Instead, he peaked at the Caller ID quickly making his way to the backyard, Simon following. You could sense Johnny’s uneasiness.
“Everything alright?” you hummed. The worst thing in your mind is that you would all have to leave and go back to base. You were due to go back in a few days, hopefully things could wait until then.
“Yeah, Bon,” Johnny assured, forcing himself to purr to relax you. “Nothin’ for you to worry about.”
Regardless you watched as John made his way down the hall about to turn into the living room, until he was ushered outside by Simon. You had the sinking feeling it wasn’t about work. Was it because of your heat? Because of how hot and cold it was? Because it didn’t last as long as it should’ve? Because you weren’t marked? Why didn’t he mark you? What if they were calling someone to come pick you up now? What if-
“None of that,” Johnny spoke, making you jump. He ran a hand over your stomach. You whined, rolling over so you could hide in his chest. “What happened?” he hummed, wrapping you up in the blankets. It smelled like your pack. Cinnamon and leather- with a gust of fresh breeze to cut the heaviness.
“It’s about me isn’t it?” You whispered. Johnny tensing was enough to confirm your suspicions. He should’ve known your omega intuition would uncover the truth before any of them were ready to share it.
“It's about work, peaches,” he stood his ground. He couldn't give up any information yet, till they knew the full story.
“Hey, Laswell,” Kyle greeted with a sigh. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He had always been a man of action- so being told to let someone else take the reigns was causing him distress.
“Well, I figured out who it belongs to,” She sighed, equally hard. Kyle and Simon looked at each other. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw John moving towards the living room.
“We need you out here,” he whispered. The alpha furrowed his brows, changing his course to the backyard.
“Her mother,” Laswell said finally. Kyle sucked in a breath through his teeth. John was confused but remained tight-lipped.
“She’s looking for her?” Kyle pressed.
“I don't see any signs of wanting to have contact with her,” Kate said sadly. “Just seems like she was trying to keep an eye out for her,” Kate suggested.
“Do you have her location?” Kyle questioned.
“Her last known location is Palm Springs, California. That was over two years ago and she's not living at that address anymore,” Kate continued. “She isn't registered anywhere else in the U.S. There's no death certificate either. Another thing is the type of chip she used. It lasts about 7-10 years before it gets broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. It’s nearing the end of its life, that's why it disconnected,” Kate explained.
They felt relieved. You weren't being tracked by some psycho who had it out for you. It was just a last-ditch effort by your mom to be a part of your life.
“Thank you, Laswell,” Kyle breathed.
“Of course. Enjoy the rest of your vacation- oh and John make sure to ice your back. I know it’s sore,” She teased, the call ending. They chuckled dryly, waiting for someone to speak.
“Her mother chipped her before she left?” John clarified, causing them to nod their heads.
“How do we tell her?” Kyle asked.
“We don't,” John said quickly. The two men stared at their alpha. “What are we supposed to say? Your mother chipped you, but doesn't want to reconnect with you? She knows about how you've been thrown around from omega-holding house to omega-holding house, yet she has done nothing to stop it. She's our omega, it's our job to protect her from information like that. Besides, I'm not sure I want her mother around her anyway. Who’s to say she won’t break her heart again?”
No one could oppose. 
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Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! See you in three days for Chapter 24🧡
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
And writing this I’m thinking, what if Charles is dating a reader who’s a HUGE F1 fan and is so expressive when she’s watching from the garage but like Rebecca kinda side eyes her and make her feel self conscious about how she acts, thinking to herself “am I being annoying? Loud?” Yes? No?
and the can she decide she dgaf because she's excited and showing her support to the person she loves?
That was always going to be the plan! Like home girl from the States, she’s Latina, we’re expressive! Even my mother who can’t stand soccer will be excited when it’s the World Cup! When it comes to Formula 1, personally, I am just as bad as the tifosi.
Not Your Average WAG
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N was not your average WAG, she does not go to the paddock in cute designer outfits, she walks into the paddock repping Ferrari. While fans LOVE her because she is just like them, a certain WAG does not.
Warning: Spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: No hate to Rebecca, I don't really have a set opinion on her like I don't know her. But she’s going to be a major BITCH like kinda classist as most stereotypical Europeans are. Also…I MADE IT TO 1K FOLLOWERS! But this is probably not my best work so do with that as you will.
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Y/N and Charles were in Y/N’s Monaco apartment, Y/N was by the kitchen counter, eating some ice cream, while Charles was watching a movie on her couch and eating popcorn. Though Y/N and Charles have been dating for a year, Y/N has never been to a race, despite her being a big fan. She is the creative director of a fashion magazine so she doesn’t have much days off and ends up watching the race on the TV she has in her office until…
“Charles, muñeco, guess what.” Y/N said, sitting next to Charles on the couch, Charles paused the movie and turned to face Y/N.
“What happened, Mon coeur?” Charles asked, Y/N took the popcorn bowl and placed it on the coffee table.
“My boss gave me the okay to work remotely so I’m able to go to the Hungarian Grand Prix with you.” Y/N said.
“Really? That’s great! Finally, you’ll get to see me in action.” Charles said, pulling Y/N onto his lap.
“I can’t wait! I’m gonna be like Luigi in Cars, I have the Ferrari shirt you gave me, your hat, I have some things from Etsy that I could totally wear like the Forza Ferrari friendship bracelet. Oh, I’m so excited!” Y/N hugged Charles and he giggled at his cuddly girlfriend. When Y/N stopped hugging him, Charles just stared at her with that dopey smile on his face. “What?” Y/N asked.
“Nothing, you’re just so cute.” Charles said, kissing Y/N’s cose, making her scrunch her nose. “We’re going to Hungary tomorrow, you might wanna pack now.” Charles taps her thigh.
“Help me pack?” Y/N asked and Charles nodded, both getting up to go to her room to pick out the clothes she’ll wear this race weekend. “Wait, you sure I’ll be able to stay in your hotel and everything? I mean i am going last minute.”
“Oh Mon coeur, ma belle, belle petite amie, I was hoping your boss would give you the okay to work remotely so I already booked everything for us. So yes, you will be staying with me at a 5 star hotel in Budapest, beautiful view and everything.” Charles kissed Y/N “So I’m thinking we could go out every night, you’ve only been to New York and Monaco, so we are going sightseeing in Hungary.” Charles said, going into Y/N’s closet and start picking out what he would like to see his girlfriend wearing. Charles placed everything on her bed.
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Y/N observed the outfits Charles picked out. “Wow, Charles, love the outfits, but you are such a guy, the yellow sundress?”
“You look so cute in it, though! Come on, mon coeur, you look amazing in these outfits and this way, I get to show up how beautiful my girlfriend is.” Charles said, kissing Y/N.
“Alright, it’s fine. I’ll just wear your hoodie on the plane with my jeans.” Y/N said.
“And you’ll still be the prettiest girl on that plane ever.” Charles said.
“Thank you.” Y/N said.
They landed in Budapest and Charles drove them to their hotel. Y/N was in awe of everything since she has never been to another European country before. When they got into their hotel room, Charles told Y/N to change into one of her cute outfits because they were going to meet Carlos and Rebecca at the hotel restaurant. Y/N came out with the first outfit.
“How do I look?” Y/N asked
“You look beautiful, Mon coeur.” Charles said, stepping closer to kiss her and twirled her around. “You ready to meet them?”
“Yes, what, should I do my hair? I think it’s messy from the plane ride,” Y/N said
“Mon coeur, don’t panic, it looks fine, but if you want to do your hair, may I suggest a half up half down ponytail with the white bow?” Charles asked.
“Muñeco, why do you like it when I wear bows?” Y/N asked.
“Because it makes you look so cute.” Charles kissed her.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” Y/N did her hair and the two walked down to the restaurant. Carlos was the first one to stand up from the table to say hello to Charles and Y/N.
“Carlos, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” Charles introduced them, Carlos and Y/N greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek.
“So nice to meet you, Charles talks about you constantly.” Carlos says and Charles blushes. “But here’s our table. Rebecca, this is Charles’s girlfriend, Y/N.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Y/N said.
“Nice to meet you too.” Rebecca said with a tight smile. “So Y/N, have you ever been to Budapest?
“No, this is my first time. I’ve only been to (the state your from or New York), (where your parents are from), and Monaco, obviously.” Y/N laughed off but she saw Rebecca make a face so she took a sip of water that was on the table. Don’t know why she’s judging when her name is literally a character from Full House.
“So Y/N, Charles tells me your a fan.” Carlos said and Y/N immediately became more comfortable, which Charles noticed immediately.
“Yes, I’m a huge fan. Ive always been a fan of Sebastian Vettel so when he went to Ferrari, I obviously went with him. But when he left, I stayed a Ferrari fan for you and Charles and damn, being a Ferrari fan is not easy.” Y/N said causing Charles and Carlos to laugh because it’s true, Rebecca didn’t react.
“You must be pretty excited to experience your race.” Carlos said.
“Oh, this is your first race?” Rebecca asked. “That’s a surprise considering you’re such a huge F1 fan.” She emphasized the word huge.
Lunch continued and when they finished, Charles and Y/N went to their hotel room.
“I think that went well.” Charles said.
“Are you kidding? Rebecca hates me.” Y/N said.
“She doesn’t hate you, she seemed very interested in getting to know you, asking you all those questions.” Charles said,
“Muñeco, i know you’re not a girl but don’t be such a guy, you didn’t see the faces she was making when I would talk. It’s like she hated to hear me talk.” Y/N said
“Well, Mon coeur, you two are going to spending a lot of time together this weekend.” Charles said.
“Well I know that but like what do we talk about? Because it became pretty clear I can’t talk about F1.” Y/N said.
“You’ll figure it out, bébé.” Charles said, kissing her.
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The next 2 days were difficult for Y/N to say the least. On media day, she walked into the paddock with Charles, wearing a CL16 Ferrari jersey, black shorts, platform vans, and a CL16 Ferrari hat with pins she bought from Etsy.
“You look great.” Charles said, kissing her. “I’m going to the MainStage for some questions, you can walk around, try to get along with Rebecca.” Charles said.
“Okay, have fun.” Y/N said. She then starts walking around, she spotted Kika, who she has met on double dates with charles and Pierre, she was wearing a sundress. Kika then spotted Y/N.
“Y/N! Hey, I can’t believe you’re here, oh my gosh, you look so cute.” Kika said, hugging her, kissing her cheek.
“Me? You look amazing, I mean obviously, you’re an off duty model.” Y/N said laughing, Kika giggled as well.
“I gotta go with Pierre but I’ll call you.” Kika left and Y/N saw Rebecca wearing navy pants with a matching vest. She saw Y/N decked out in Ferrari and smiled
“Wow, if I didn’t know you, I’d think you were a crazed fan.” Rebecca said. Y/N didn’t react but kept walking around, hoping to run into Lily.
The rest of media day and Friday, Y/N tries to make conversation with Rebecca, she doesn’t really cooperate, Y/N gave up talking to her. It was now the qualifying session, Y/N and Rebecca were watching in the hospitality. Y/N saw that there were 3 minutes left in Q1 and Charles was a driver at risk.
“No no no no no no, come on, Charles.” Y/N was lowkey stressing but then Charles made it to 3rd in the last minute. “Yes!! Let’s go!” Y/N cheered, standing up from the couch. The rest of the quali sessions were like that, Y/N stressing whenever Carlos or Charles were drivers at risk and in the bottom 5. Y/N was beyond happy when Ferrari made 3 and 4, however, she noticed Rebecca side eyeing her whenever she was cheering, she tried to tone it down a little but she was happy for Charles because after Monaco, he wasn’t doing that well.
When Charles finished the interviews after quali, he entered the hospitality and sat next to Y/N on the couch.
“What did you think?” Charles asked.
“I’m so proud of you, you did so well.” Y/N said, hugging him.
“Let’s go to the hotel, change, and we’ll go out to eat?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Y/N said. They went to the car, the ride was pretty quiet until.. “Am I annoying?”
“What do you mean ‘annoying’, Mon ange?” Charles asked.
“Exactly what I’m asking, am I annoying? Are there days where I’m talking and you’re thinking ‘will she ever shut the fuck up?’ or not, muñeco?” Y/N asked.
“Never, Mon coeur, I never thought you were annoying. Why are you asking? Did something happen with Rebecca again?” Charles asked.
“I’m telling you, she doesn’t like me. She keeps making faces when I’m cheering. Like sorry for being excited that my boyfriend moved up from being a driver at risk, I like F1, I was practically raised with the sport, and she even judged me for wearing your merch.” Y/N said pouting, Charles felt bad, her first race weekend should have been a great experience.
“Don’t pay mind to her, Mon coeur. Tomorrow is the race, I hope to place on the podium, and hopefully I’ll get to see you in Ferrari merch.” Charles said.
“Yeah.” Y/N said.
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It was race day! Sadly, instead of wearing her Ferrari merch, she wore the fifth outfit to try to fit it with Rebecca. Charles saw her doing her hair, kinda disappointed that she wasn’t wearing Ferrari.
“I thought that outfit was for dinner.” Charles said.
“Well this way we could go to dinner right after the race.” Y/N said, Charles still looked at her. “I know what you’re thinking, muñeco.”
“You don’t have to change, you know.” Charles said. “You won’t really see her much next season. If you’re coming to more races, I mean.”
“I know, but I just wanna see if she’ll treat me a little better.” Y/N said, however, Rebecca stayed the same. Both were in the hospitality watching the race, Y/N was pacing because, surprise surprise, Charles had engine trouble.
“Y/N, stop pacing, geez.” Rebecca said and Y/N stopped and looked at her.
“I have had it with you. I don’t know what your problem is with me, but I am done with your judge faces. You don’t want to hear me or someone else talk about the race or express excitement when my boyfriend or someone else’s favorite driver is doing well, then don’t come to races.” Y/N expressed. Rebecca looked shocked.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Rebecca said.
“Good, now hopefully Charles will move up from P7 to podium at least.” Y/N said. She expressed emotion as she usually does and not a single reaction from Rebecca, so much better than before. Charles got P2, Y/N went to the podium celebration, and once Charles got down from the podium, he kissed Y/N, champagne flavored kisses, of course. “So proud of you, muñeco.”
“Yeah? You watched everything?” Charles asked.
“Of course, your best race yet.” Y/N said, they kissed again and went to the drivers room.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! So I’m thinking for Just An Inchident, which if you don’t know, will be an F1 Band AU
I won’t be using Y/N BUT you’ll get your own nickname so you could read for either members of the band (Carlos, Charles, Lando, Lewis, and George/Max). Comment which nickname should be for which band member and that nickname would be strictly used by them ONLY
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cumikering · 5 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 8 (end)
1.6k | fluff The stray and his forever home (part 1)
“Bone apple tea.” You placed the cup of camomile in front of Simon.
You pointed at your skull-printed shirt, the apple pie patch on his hoodie and the tea on the table. “Bone. Apple. Tea.”
He’d missed that brilliant smile too much. It was impossible to not want to kiss you. He chuckled as he pulled you to stand between his thighs.
That Sunday with your help, despite the pounding of his head, he packed the rest of his stuff and managed to move out. In the last few days he had before he left, he spent any possible moment with you, mainly eating his favourite Chinese takeout or cuddling on the couch.
Two months later when Simon came back, things crawled to how they were, with him visiting for dinner and leaving before midnight. Eventually, he stayed more and more nights a week, leaving more than a few of his shirts behind.
The divorce was finalised and his childhood home was sold. The city of Manchester didn’t mean gripping the straps of his backpack after school as he walked up the dreaded front steps anymore, nor sleeping restlessly lest someone barged in the door with another bizarre creature. The house was gone, along with the memories that breathed within the walls. He didn’t miss them.
His mum got a flat near Tommy’s and a job at a flower shop in the neighbourhood. ‘Not as nice as working with Ben’, she said. She had to buy her own bread, and none she’d found in the area tasted remotely close to how grand his were. She still cooked too much, but Tommy didn’t mind the extra whenever she dropped by. Little Joe always loved seeing his nana anyway.
Back from his next deployment, Simon held you at the door as he inhaled the warmth he’d missed terribly. After his shower, you showed him his shirts in their own drawer, not jammed between yours anymore. He smiled, pulling you in for a kiss.
In spring, he came with to visit your dad, insisting on wearing one of his dress shirts, even when you assured it was a regular lunch. He stood rigid on the porch, the neck of the wine bottle about to snap in his grip.
Your dad was taking too long. Was he arming himself before opening the door? Should he tackle and disarm him or take the shot like a man? He should have worn a tac vest.
“Si, relax.” You rubbed his back. “You’re already too tall. You’re going to scare my dad.”
Is that not a good thing?
Your dad (obviously unarmed) tried making small talk with him at lunch, but he sucked at it as much as Simon did, leaving you to do almost all the talking among the pauses. You only received short answers from the men who avoided each other’s gazes.
Also, who the bloody hell put the coriander in the chicken stir-fry?!
“Your dad hates me,” Simon declared as he drove home, the phantom taste of soap persisted on his palate despite the hours between.
“He doesn’t, I promise. He doesn’t even really like Chinese, but picked the place because I told him how much you love it. He really tried, but just doesn’t talk much with new people.” You stifled a laugh. “You should have cracked a few jokes.”
He gave you a deadpan look. “When we get home, I’m going to tickle you until you pass out.”
You’d made your flat Simon’s home too. You cleared another drawer for him, and another, and another, even when he didn’t have so many possessions. But you let him expand and take up the space he needed. He reordered a set of his ID discs for you to keep on your nightstand.
Things were… easy. Simple, like getting out of bed a little later on weekends. With his nose buried in your hair, arm around your waist pulling you flush to his chest, he held you in silence from dawn until you woke. Listening to your quiet breathing filled his chest heavy with warmth.
You’d asked multiple times if it bored him to be doing nothing, as if he didn’t lay prone behind rifle scopes for hours on end for a living. It didn’t, because being in your presence wasn’t nothing. You were real, and you were his.
You woke with a stir, a smile gracing your lips when you realised he was with you before your eyes opened.
“Good morning, my love.” He slipped the strap of your tank top off before peppering kisses on the nape of your neck down your exposed shoulder.
“Morning, Si.” You reached back to scratch his scalp.
He rolled you onto your back before crawling on top of you, kissing the column on your neck making you giggle with his weekend scruff. He pulled away to admire your eyes, always striking in the warm sun.
“Love looking at you.” You cupped his cheek, tracing the healed cut with your thumb. “You’re so beautiful, Si.”
He leaned in, and you stayed in bed a little longer.
In his shirt, you placed more toasts on the table.
“Two goldfish are in a tank…”
He handed you a buttered toast. “Don’t steal my jokes, luv.”
“It’s too lame to forget.”
“Yeah? ‘Cause I remember you howling at Tesco when I told it.”
“It was your first ever.” You smiled. “My favourite.”
“Why didn’t you tell me I was scary, luv?”
“I’m not sure they teach you to tell the scary bloke he’s scary in self-defence class.” You took a bite of the toast.
“Fair enough.” He shrugged. “Are you out of jam?”
“Forgot to grab some yesterday, but I didn’t forget your limes.”
Simon became a bit of a pie connoisseur. He figured baking was better than sparring with the intention of beating someone up to a pulp. He tried different fruits (even declared himself a pro at peeling) and techniques, and eventually other varieties. That late Saturday morning, it was key lime pie.
“Why’s the cat so small?” you asked as you tied your kitty apron around his waist.
“Because it drank condensed milk.”
He liked that you were becoming more like him. “You too, it seems.”
You mock gasped. “Rude! You know I can take you, Si.”
“Not in a fight.”
You slapped his chest playfully earning a hearty laugh from him.
Volunteering at the soup kitchen became a regular occurrence too, along with his sergeants. Sam ended up dating one of the volunteers’ daughters, the one he was introduced to. Unfortunately, his two other sergeants hadn’t had as much luck on their side. ‘Does your birdie have sisters or friends, sir?’ Eric joked, but it barely masked his hopefulness. You assured you’d ask around if they promised to keep each other safe while deployed.
It got hard at times, when things went sideways and the missions lasted longer, or when he had no way to contact you or wipe the tears off your face.
Somewhere along the way, Simon listed you as his emergency contact. You weren’t supposed to find out this way. Not this soon, not from his captain calling you about how he was unconscious, dying from blood loss from getting his leg slashed.
The first thing he did when he astonishingly woke was to call you. He could ignore the sear on his thigh, or the fact that his eyelids weighed like lead, but not the guilt that sank into the pits of him when you were in a mess of tears.
“I’m so sorry, luv,” he croaked out of his throat that felt like sandpaper. “I mean it. I’ll leave this all behind if that’s what it takes to keep you. You just have to say the word.”
“Si, you don’t... always have to bend yourself backwards for others. I chose you for who you are, and I will keep choosing you, as long as you don’t give up on this. On us.” You sniffled. “Please come home soon. I need you with me.”
Simon was glad you stood by his decision to stay, because that afternoon a year after, as the major pinned on the new insignia onto his uniform, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face when the mass erupted in applause.
Captain Simon Riley.
Among the crowd, next to Tommy and Beth, her belly carrying his niece, you had your arm around his mum, Joe’s hand in yours. From across the room, your sincere eyes made him feel like a hero, the most desirable man. He knew he wasn’t, but you looked at him like he was sunshine, and maybe, he was to you a little bit.
Nothing changed. Simon was still fatherless, still missed out on the memories a child deserved to have, but was never granted. Still bound to a past that wouldn’t go, but he was more than that.
He thought his dad was the only thing standing in the way of happiness, whatever it meant. He knew now. It wasn’t what he thought he wanted, wasn’t what he imagined, but it was perfect. This was what it was supposed to be like all along.
“For you,” he mouthed.
Simon Riley never wanted to be an oil painting admired by many, but he was, and always had been, a love note sealed with a kiss.
Line art from part 4
Thank you so much for sticking around until the end :) I greatly appreciate the support and kind words this little story has received. Take care!
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @eve-lie
@luvecarson @jaguarthecat @knight4xmas @unwrittenletter
@cmbghost @mxtokko @reaperxxxxzz @footyandformula
@opalesquegirl @audisive @sparrowgalaxy @fanficreblogs
@strawberrystargal @damalseer @onlineoutcast @vxnilla-hxrddrugs
@astraluminaaa @mehjustalasshere @corruptowlette @youllgetafuneral
@lyenera @kcmizzz @s-rinaldi-18
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3cremepie3 · 3 months
Hi!! I don’t know your boundaries for writing fics so please let me know and ignore my request!! But I wanted to know if I can request an idia smut fic with a bimbo typa gal reader!! If that makes any sense😞 she basically teases him so much it ends to them in the bedroom!!
Sweat Pea
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Sypnopsis - Idia teaches (fem) Bimbo reader a lesson after she teases him at a picnic.
Warnings - bimboism, dryhumping, cursing, expeditionilism, slight degradation
A/n - Since I already made a similar fic i decided to change up your prompt a bit. Sorry this took so long I actually hate Bimbo readers (that's the reason I got on tumblr in the first place) but I tried my best.
You loved summertime. You could wear all the cute outfits you wanted and not get cold. Well, you could get bit alive by mosquitos but Idia not wanting to see your pretty body marked up by anyone but him had a solution for that. An anti-bug bracelet that repelled them. God you loved your boyfriend he was brilliant.
But some of the things he did had you stuck in a state of wonder. "Why did you wear a sweater it's like 90 out here," you questioned. "I don't like showing my skin," he admitted. "But I love your skin deathly pale is so in style," you insisted. You pulled him into a tight hug.
His hands stayed at his sides not knowing where to grab since you were practically exposed everywhere. "I get that it's a picnic but damn did you have to wear that," he asked. "Of course, you brought it for me Idia."
He was referring to a pair of overalls he brought you that happened to be booty shorts. "But those are for cosplay." Yeah and I'm cosplaying a farmer girl don't you like my fit?" You did a 360 spin for him making sure to show off your cowgirl boots. "Everyone else loved my outfit don't be a hater."
"They loved your tits and ass, not your outfit," he sighed. "You’re acting like you don't feel the same way," you smirked. By now the cookout line had finally allowed you to be first. You picked up a hotdog some baked beans and a Pepsi which was a perfect cookout meal in your eyes.
Idia stuck with his monster and a sandwich. You picked a place to eat underneath a faraway tree since you knew he already had anxiety about coming to a school event. Practically everyone was there even Malleus showed up. He laid out his hoodie as a picnic blanket for you both to sit on. "Wow such a gentlemen." He blushed a bit crossing his arms. You sat enjoying your food until you noticed his stares.
"What are you looking at Idia I can see you I'm not blind," you giggled. "Nothing." You could tell he was lying the tips of his hair were developing into a pink. "Your hairs turning whats the matter." You turned to face his eyes that refused to meet yours. He took a bite of his hotdog to distract himself.
You noticed a bit of ketchup that fell on his chin. So you licked it up in an instant climbing on top of him to do so. You didn't think anything of it but he must've. "Chat no way that just happened in front of the whole school." What's the problem with I'm on top of you all the time?"
Others around you on other picnic blankets heard you and snickered. "I just lost over a million aura points," he huffed. You climbed off of him watching as he quickly sat up. "No Idia don't leave I'm sorry." You grabbed his leg pulling him back closer to you. He stood looking down at your begging form.
You got on your knees ready to beg for his forgiveness but his dick took your fluttering eyelashes as a sign of something else. "Get up," he demanded. You were shocked at his sudden change of tone. "Huh?" I said get up."
And you got up grabbing his hoodie and leaving your shared picnic area. You followed behind him like a lost puppy tugging at his arm. The lanky thing was strong pulling away from your grasp. Looks like your picnic was getting cut short. You were sad to leave so early but happy to be greeted by Ignihyde's harsh Ac.
“There was only an hour left why didn’t we stay,” you sighed. “You were doing so good Idia around all those people!” Your sweaty body felt like it entered heaven as you collapsed on Idia's bed. “God you’re so dense,” he mumbled. “No im not,” you yelled.
“Yes, you are.” His hands swiped at your boots removing them completely. "Thanks for that they were so uncomfortable. “Take a guess why I wanted to leave?” Because you’re scared of being around a bunch of normies?”
His face fell into a straight one. “That’s a factor.” Hmm or maybe it’s because you weren’t hungry? Or maybe it’s because you were too hot. Or actually, it could be because you wanted to game early?”
“I wish that brain of yours would work properly sometimes,” he hissed. “If I was that naive then life would be a bliss for me.” He grabbed your face squishing your cheeks together. This forced you to look up at him.
This time you could see a clear view of his blushing face. It was a deep scarlet color and this time it clicked in your brain that it wasn’t just from the heat. “Ohhh! It’s like that!” You should’ve just told me my sweets.” Your hands wrapped behind his head pulling his body into yours.
“You know I would’ve taken care of you right there.” You kissed him on the forehead and he whined. “Of course, you would’ve whore,” he remarked. “It would’ve helped you get over your fear of people. It could’ve been like conclosure therapy.”
Idia laughed his pale face lighting up in delight. “It’s exposure therapy dumbass.” Whatever you know what I meant.” You stuck your tongue out at him since he was such a know it all. He chuckled before catching it with his.
You shared a quick kiss before he broke it off. You whined wanting it to continue. “You’re so stupid.” He said in between heartfelt kisses. “No, you’re just brilliant. Child prodigy head ass,” you yapped. “If you failed the first grade just say that,” he joked.
“Hey you know that’s a sensitive topic,” you pouted. “Sorry babe if I knew you then I would’ve helped you cheat.” I know you would’ve I’m so thankful for you!” You pulled him in for a tight hug and for a while, you stayed comfy his weight on top of you.
“Wanna show me how thankful you are?” You smiled up at him “And why should I?” Because I’m the reason you're passing now. Remember those pre-programmed glasses I made you? Cause I remember them pretty well.” His hands began to feel up sides trapping you.
“Ha fine I guess you deserve some credit.” Let’s switch,” you asked. Soon you were on top of him demanding kisses. His dick felt as though it could burst through his jeans being contained for so long.
But you showed no compassion dry humping him. He had on a thin pair of sweats that you could feel everything through. But your Jean shorts limited you so you slipped off the over alls and your shirt while you were at it.
No matter how many times you got undressed he was still as amazed as the first time. You really were all his. You confirmed that by grounding your clothed cunt down faster on him. “Feels good,” you moaned. Idia watched as you left more and more of a prominent stain on his pants. You weren’t the only one as the amount of pre he was leaking could lube you up for days.
“We could’ve done this at the picnic you know,” you hinted. “There was blankets and we were in a secluded place.” But if someone walked by,” Idia hesitated. “You probably would’ve came right then. You imagined that you were both still in the picnic location. You sat under an oak tree that would’ve hidden your bodies.
You could’ve had his fingers in your mouth keeping your lips from singing praises for others to hear. But your boyfriend was shy. “No I wouldn’t have,” he muttered. “Don’t think I don’t pay attention to you Idia. I may be stupid in school but when it comes to you…
“I know how much you like it when I wear slutty shit in public. I can always feel how warm you get when I’m close to you. I can see your eyes wander to my thighs. Like just say you want to bend me over there and I’ll spread right then and there,” you challenged.
He groaned hiding his face in his hands. “Fuck your such a slut.” He bit his lips trying to hide the sounds he was making. “It’s okay to admit my shamelessness attracts you I’m the same with you.” I know much you cream your pants to the thought of me.” Your clit rubbed against him so well that you held onto his shoulders for support.
You placed your forehead on his awaiting an answer from his eyes. His yellow ones met yours angrily. His hand slapped against your ass and didn’t wait for the recoil to stop before he hit it again and again. You yelped at the sting your pussy pooling through the material of your panties.
“I shouldn't have to keep putting you in your place.” His other hand dug into your side holding still in a bruising grip. “But you can just shut up.” He plopped you down on the bed. Now he was back on top pulling your panties to the side. His pants and cock we’re soon to follow. You watched the familiar sight and you clenched imagining him entering you.
But he didn’t instead he thrusted onto your bundle of nerves. You shook as he thrusted forward everywhere but your aching slit. “Stop teasing you know I want you.” Your hand attempted to line his cock up with you. But it was quickly grabbed and strapped up above you.
“Fuck I’m close guess your just gonna have to wait.” You looked up your eyes begging him to give you mercy. But he never did his cock just smeared your juices around as it missed it mark. You felt an orgasm silently approaching. But you knew Idia was already soon to blow his breath ragged and every word coming out his mouth being a cuss.
“Fine, you were waiting awhile to cum .” You gave in letting him use you until he stained your stomach with stringy cum. His fat cock lost its Harding but stayed near your cunt. He took a moment to catch his breath before cackling.
You looked up with tears in your eyes. “Why did I get with a villain,” you wondered. “I’m not the bad guy here,” he growled. “Miss fuck in public you don’t always get what you want sweet pea.” None of that mattered you were 100% gonna fuck him in public no matter how many years it took you.
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jinnie-ret · 7 months
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stray kids x ninth member male!reader
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: implied anxiety, implied disassociating
word count: 2.1k
summary: he's going through voice changes in their debut era and fans are already sending in hate
Requested: anon!
This is my first male!reader fic so please be kind, I hope you enjoy! <3
He was so excited to finally be a part of something, not that he had been training for long. But when Bang Chan told him he saw potential in him, despite their 6 year age gap, and recognised how well he got on with the other members, he was quickly added onto the line up for Stray Kids.
During the survival show, Y/N was babied, of course he was, the maknae in the upcoming JYP boy group. Fans of the show fauned over his fluffy black hair and the oversized hoodies he'd wear, making him look smaller. It was similar to how Jeongin was babied too, the two of them being the youngest and seen to have that sweet, innocent air around them. Plus, for Y/N's case, his voice hadn't broken yet at the age of 14, so that fed more into how he was perceived by fans.
However, it was not long after the group had finally debuted that a more mature, deeper voice had overcome him. Of course, not without the struggles of getting used to it. Originally singing the chorus of District 9 wasn't difficult, in fact it was easy. His gorgeous, husky tone was unique yet when he hit those high notes his voice was instantly recognisable. Now, he had to deal with voice cracks, and the rapidly depleting self-esteem that came along with it. This is what he trained to do after all.
"You're getting stressed out. We need to practice getting your voice in a position where it can hit those high notes again. It's not going to help if you're standing there thinking you can't do it," the vocal teacher sighed, putting down her sheets of the lyrics Y/N had been singing.
She was firm, yes, but she was being kind about the situation too. She has coached many that had gone through the same thing as Y/N, and all she wanted to do was to see him succeed, but he couldn't see things through her eyes, that was far too big of a mountain to climb for him. A treacherous journey to realising not everything is one dimensional.
Y/N could only focus on those last four words. 'You can't do it'. And he hated the way that everything suddenly felt hot, and how his throat itched. How his neck itched. He started subconsciously scratching lightly at his neck, feeling the stress flood through his body. He scratched away at the thing he wanted to change most, knowing he couldn't turn back time and have things stay the way they were.
All the comments he had read, all the whispers he had heard, circulating in his brain, like an endless loop of vicious words to bring him down. He would be the reason Stray Kids would fail, they had said. He wasn't good enough, they had said. It all came from jealous trainees that were bitter they didn't get to debut instead of him. The only failure apparent in this situation was Y/N realising that.
"I need some air," Y/N barely managed to speak as he rushed out of the small practice room, tugging at the strings of his hoodie and making his way outside.
Fresh air.
Just breathe, Y/N.
And he managed to do so, not without his mind taking him to another place as he stared up at the JYP sign on the building. Was he meant to be here? Did he deserve to be here when his talents were no longer there? Y/N just couldn't see it the same way anymore, he couldn't see himself the same way anymore when the thing he had been praised for so deeply had changed. Even the people who had supported him before had changed their opinions, because his growth had shattered the image they had of him.
Y/N was unaware of the familiar presence beside him, one that had playfully called out his name before realising something was wrong. He was gently guided back into the building, and swiftly surrounded by the warmth of the 3RACHA studio.
"Hyungs! I found Y/N but he's not talking to me," Jisung's voice quivered as he himself was now feeling worried about his dongsaeng.
Changbin took Jisung aside, hushing him and reassuring him that he did the right thing, whilst Chan took it upon himself to understand what was happening to his youngest brother.
"Hey, hey, you're ok, come on, look at me," Chan spoke quietly, yet he managed to break through Y/N's mind as the younger looked around the studio.
"I shouldn't even be here," Y/N shook his head, voice monotonous. Just being there upset him further, yet he still fought against everything within him to show that side.
"What do you mean? This is our studio of course you're allowed in here, I mean, I know Channie likes his own space sometimes but this is different," Changbin moved to stand in front of Y/N too, having successfully calming Han, "hey, no no no don't float away again, I need you to listen," Changbin forced Y/N to sit down in the sofa. Han automatically wrapped his arms around the younger, wanting to do his best to show he was there for his fellow member.
"What's going on Y/N? Your vocal teacher said you just ran out of the building. She was waiting another 45 minutes until Seungmin turned up for his lesson because she couldn't find you," Chan sighed as he sat down in his chair, opposite the distressed boy.
"I bet Seungmin was much better than me," Y/N mumbled, but even with that, throat thick in emotion, his voice cracked yet again. Flustered that it had happened yet again, Y/N's fist came down against his own leg, huffing in frustration.
"Yah yah, don't do that!" Han frowned, pulling Y/N's arms away from him.
"I'm just so frustrated!" Y/N spoke through gritted teeth, looking up at the ceiling to keep his tears at bay.
"About what?" Changbin prompted Y/N further but he just stayed quiet.
"You need to tell us ok, we're your hyungs, we want to know what's going on, we need to know," Chan moved closer, resting his hand on Y/N's knee.
"My stupid voice," Y/N whispered, embarrassed to admit it.
"What about it?"
"Ever since it's broken, you know, gotten deeper, I just sound stupid when I try singing, it's embarrassing, I mean, it makes sense when they say I shouldn't even be in the group anymore, I-" Y/N opened the gates to his mind as his mini ramble began and was quickly cut off.
"Who said that..." Changbin frowned deeply.
"Stays, other trainees," Y/N threw his hands up in the air, just done with the whole situation.
"Trainees are saying it too?!" Han gasped, looking at Chan and Changbin worriedly, a hint of malice in his eyes as he thought about all of those around them that still acted like their friends.
"Y/N they're just jealous, you can't listen to what they say," Chan began, sighing once more as he ran his fingers through his hair, somewhat at a loss of how to reassure Y/N anymore.
"Easier said than done. Why did you even have me join this group when, when... when I was just going to make us fail!" Y/N exploded, pushing himself up from the sofa and out of Han's arms, away from Changbin's concerned glances and especially away from Chan's words which went in one ear and out the other straight away.
It wasn't long until he found what he thought was an empty practice room, not noticing the bags of his other hyungs that were for once tucked away neatly in the corner of the room. He found solace in the emptiness and allowed himself to collapse to his knees, breaking down into tears of frustration, sadness and all the other emotions he kept pent up.
The rest of Stray Kids returned from a small snack break at the vending machine, all going together of course, you wouldn't find one Stray Kid without another, even this early on in their time of being together.
"Hey hey hey, aegi, what's going on? Omo..." Lee Know gasped as he saw the baby of the group shaking and sobbing. He ran up to Y/N and wrapped his arms around him, the other members astonished until 3RACHA ran in and finally found Y/N after hearing the commotion.
They began to explain what happened to Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin whilst Felix sat down in front of Y/N to help calm him down, brushing his hair out of his face and rubbing his leg soothingly. He tried his best to listen to Y/N at first but due to his growing knowledge of Korean not being up to par with Y/N's incoherent sobs, it was easier to stick to physical affection. You could say Y/N was in a Lee sandwich, the best place he could be right now.
"Can't... Shouldn't..." Y/N sobs soon calmed down and the rest of his members gathered around him in a semicircle, Minho still hugging him from behind. Yes, he could come across as cold and brash sometimes, but no one could tell you just how soft Minho really was apart from his members. They knew him the best.
"Y/Nnie... please you have to listen to us, you're in this group for a reason," Hyunjin patted his knee from beside him.
"T-they didn't say anything about Jeongin's voice when his broke!" Y/N exclaimed, pain clearly still there, tired of all the judgement he had been receiving. He wasn't able to listen to his hyungs right now.
And the boys go quiet not knowing what to say back to Y/N, they were sure he didn't mean to offend Jeongin but it didn't stop Seungmin from patting his shoulder in support.
"Not, not, oh gosh not that I wanted Jeonginnie hyung to get hate I'd never want that for my hyungs I just..." Y/N put his face into his hands, feeling bad as if he has indirectly insulted his hyung, just because he was feeling hurt. From behind him, Minho hugged him tighter, whispering in his ear to try and gain his attention.
"It's ok, I know you didn't mean it like that," Jeongin smiles from across him, and Y/N could tell it was a genuine one.
"Look, our vocal teacher said something to me earlier about what was going on, she was worried about you, she thought she said something wrong," Seungmin trailed off, trying to get to the bottom of the matter.
"No she was actually really nice about it, it was just too much of a reality check and then my mind just took control and... Ugh I don't even know," Y/N came to a realisation that his vocal teacher wasn't being rude to him and it was all these overwhelming feelings that had built up and caught him out.
"Just take a moment, yeah, and think, would I have added you to this group if I didn't think you had the talent, had the potential," Chan rose an eyebrow, firmly talking to Y/N to make sure he understood what he was saying.
"Or his personality, personality is important too," Felix piped up, not wanting Y/N to feel like his worth was only reduced down to one thing.
"Of course it is, but that isn't what this is about right now, answer me, Y/N," Chan nodded to Felix before looking back at his upset member.
"N-no..." Y/N stuttered, realising the depth of what his leader was saying.
"Good. We can see how good you are. The only reason fans are getting annoyed is because it's a change they haven't adjusted to yet. Just like you're adjusting to this change too. Now, they shouldn't be sending in hate, so please, I will do everything it takes for you to not listen to it anymore, ok?" Chan promised Y/N, sitting in front of him and making sure he got that one answer he needed.
"O-ok, I-i understand now, thanks hyung, I-i love you all," Y/N felt the stress leave him, finally able to understand things from a different perspective.
"Aww he said he loves us!" Minho suddenly picks up Y/N and spins him around, causing the younger boy to squeal.
"I wish I had a camera!" Seungmin laughed along.
"I need to remember this forever," Jeongin and Han fooled around, widening their eyes and pretending to screenshot this happy cute moment into their brains.
It was definitely a moment that Y/N would be teased about in the future, being exposed for his true feelings for his hyungs when normally he'd be quiet about what he thought about in the normal way. It was just a good thing they got in his head this time, because now they had a happy memory to think about instead.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria
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stop-talking · 7 months
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (pt. 2)
Mike Schmidt x fem reader
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2.2k words
Tags: 18+, mike x fem reader, no use of y/n, exes, enemies to lovers, slowburn? sassy mike, sassy reader, pet names, banter, angst, fluff, babysitting Abby. (no smut... yet.)
Part 1 Part 3
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Mike calls you up to ask a favor for the 2nd night in a row. He hates having to resort to you, his ex for Christ's sake, but he has no other choice. Besides, after last night... maybe he doesn't hate it so much.
"Again?" You ask, feigning annoyance. "What, did your usual babysitter fuck off and die?"
Mike winces at that. "I hope not. I can't really afford anyone else right now."
"And why do you expect me to come be your free labor, Schmidt?"
"Because I'll owe ya one?"
"You already owe me one from last night."
"I'll owe you two."
You scoff in an attempt to cover a laugh. Damnit. Why did he have to be so charming?
"Fine. But we are not making a habit of this."
"We aren't. I promise. I'll look for a new babysitter this weekend. I just can't leave Abby alone overnight."
"That's a strange way of saying you can't go another minute without me."
"You're delusional, woman."
"A delusional woman you owe two favors, Mikey. Be careful throwing insults."
Now it's Mike's turn to stifle a laugh. He coughs in a feeble attempt at covering it up.
"What, catching a cold?"
"No. You just make me sick."
"Stop flirting with me and hang up already."
Mike does just that, slamming the corded landline phone back into it's holster. The little smiley face sticker Abby stuck to it years ago seems to taunt him almost as much as you just did. He sighs, leaning against the counter and wondering how he got himself into this mess. He shouldn't enjoy it so much when you toy with him like this. That's all it was, he was being played with. But damn it, after being lonely so long... he'd take what he could get.
You arrive at his house around half an hour later, annoyed at the prospect of crashing on his couch for the 2nd night in a row. You try to make your displeasure evident with a scowl as he opens the door, but when you see the way he's gawking at you...
"Stop staring. It's rude." You can't help but smirk slightly as you scold him, he's just so easy to mess with.
"Did you really have to dress like a slut just to babysit?" Mike hisses as you set down your things, taking in your outfit. A pair of shorts that you'd definitely be cold in, and a white tank top. Of course, you had a hoodie too, but it was unzipped, and he was more focused on what it didn't cover.
"Hey, last time you said..." Mike nods to the kitchen, and you trail off as you notice the girl sitting and coloring at the table. Abby. Oh. Right.
"You're not in any position to judge my clothing choices, Mikey."
Mike shivers as you whisper in his ear. What exactly is that supposed to mean? His clothes are fine, right? He studies his hoodie and jeans, then shakes himself and grits his teeth as he follows you into the kitchen.
"Look! Mike drew this one!" Abby excitedly shoves a piece of paper in your face as you sit down at the kitchen table with her. It's a sketch of a forest, pine trees and shrubs. It's actually rather well drawn, and you take a minute to look over it.
"It's nice, but you're the better artist for sure." You slide the paper back over to her and give Mike a teasing smile as he sits down across from you, on the other side of Abby.
"Oh, I know." She turns her attention back to her own drawing, another one of Mike. And... wait, was that...? No, it couldn't be...?
"Abby, what are you drawing?" Mike asks the question before you can, craning his neck to get a better look at her paper.
"You." She responds vaguely, still scribbling away.
"Okay, but what exactly is he doing?" You ask, scooting closer to her for a better look.
"And what am I wearing?"
"A suit. It's your wedding." Abby casually drops a bomb on you both, still not even bothering to look up from her paper. Wedding? Mike?
"You're engaged?" You turn to the dumbfounded older Schmidt, and discreetly scan his hands, looking for a ring.
"N-no? What? Abby, I'm not getting married." He finally sputters, face flushed a light shade of pink.
Abby doesn't respond, still focused on her drawing. Now that you're sure what it is, you can totally see it. The red isle. The benches. Mike, wearing... something that sort of resembles a suit, if you squint. And... a bride. You nearly choke when you spot her.
"Abbs, who's that?" You ask, pointing a shaky finger at the bride, who almost looks familiar...
Mike gives you a look, and you both quickly excuse yourselves from the table.
"Seriously, Mike? First you tell her I'm a witch, then you tell her I'm your fiancé? Make up your goddamn mind." You scowl at him and zip up your hoodie as he closes the door behind you. The night air is chilly, and you're almost starting to regret the shorts. Almost.
Mike returns your scowl as he leans against a wall. His porch isn't exactly the best hang out spot, but you two needed to speak privately after Abby's little comment.
"I didn't tell her you're my fiancé." He growls, speaking firmly. Must be trying to make up for the way he was totally blushing earlier.
"So what, then? She just made it up?"
"Come on..." He groans, burying his face in his hands and letting the tough act fall for a moment. "You know how she is..."
It was true, his sister was... weird. He still loved her obviously, more than anyone, especially his stupid ex-girlfriend. But she was certainty different from other kids, made evident by the fact she spent more time talking to imaginary people than Mike.
"Seriously... I didn't fuckin' say that..." Mike wasn't a very good liar. But this wasn't lying, right? He'd never explicitly told Abby he was going to marry you, but he definitely humored her when she asked about it way back when you two were dating. He'd told her maybe. Maybe. To a kid, that meant yes.
"You sure, Mikey? Don't have a ring hidden away somewhere, waiting to pop the question?" You cross your arms and scoff, but it's hard to be angry when this whole thing is so amusing. Abby definitely had a wild imagination, but she wouldn't just make up something like that out of nowhere. There had to be more to this.
"Hell no. I'd rather die alone than marry a witch." He practically spits in anger, but he's more angry at himself than you or Abby. He should have shut Abby down immediately when she asked about marriage... especially considering the relationship hardly lasted 3 months. But, well, he was a lovesick fool. Way back then. Not anymore.
"Pfft. Fine. Have fun at work, Honey." You taunt him as you head back inside, and you can hear him grumble more than a few curses in response.
Little sisters and ex-girlfriends, man. Mike wanted to scream.
You nearly choke on your glass of water as Abby drops yet another bomb on you.
"C-can you repeat that?" You ask, coughing.
"Will you teach me witch stuff? You know, cursing people?" Abby blinks up at you innocently. Damn these Schmidts and their big brown puppy eyes.
"Please? When you lifted the curse from Mike, it really worked!" She insists eagerly. "He colored with me!"
You watch as she proudly holds up Mike's drawing of a forest. She must really treasure it.
"I... uh... why do you want to learn witchcraft, Abby?"
Abby cocks her head at the question. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Fair enough." You laugh and shake your head. This kid.
"Alright... but we can't do witchery on empty stomachs. What do you want to eat?"
When Mike quietly slips back into the house at the crack of dawn, he nearly trips over his own feet when he sees the state of his kitchen table.
"The fuck happened here?" He mutters, picking up one of the many papers strewn across the table. The weird markings all over it vaguely resembled hieroglyphics, not that he was an expert on those. The part that really concerned him, though, was the circle of candles in the center of the table.
They weren't lit, thankfully, but they looked like they had been. Damn it. Those were for emergencies. Like the time he forgot to pay the power bill.
"Too tired for this shit." He gives up on trying to decipher whatever-the-fuck you and Abby did, and makes his way into the living room. He pauses yet again when he sees you sleeping on the couch. Was that his blanket? And pillow? From his bed? Damn infuriating woman.
"Get up." He gives your shoulder a shake, not bothering to be gentle. He doesn't have the patience right now.
"Nngh... 5 more minutes." Ugh. You sound just like Abby.
"Don't be a bum." He rips the blanket off of you, then immediately regrets it when he remembers just how little you're wearing. Your tank top had shifted, almost completely exposing your... fuck, he shouldn't stare.
"Don't you have work?" He grumbles, flopping down in his recliner and pointedly looking away from your body.
"Nah... It's my day off." You sit up and stretch, planting your feet on the floor and reaching up to the sky as you lean back against the couch. Either you don't notice that one of your breasts has fallen out of your tiny top, or you just don't care. Mike clears his throat and looks away again. Fuck. He's definitely blushing.
"Oh, shit." With a casual hand, you tuck your breast back into the tank top. Must have moved around a lot. Damn uncomfortable couch.
"You wanna explain why it looks like I hosted a cult meeting in my kitchen?" Mike snaps, finally able to focus.
"Hey, you're the one who convinced Abby I'm a witch. Not my fault the promise of learning a spell is such an effective way of getting her to eat dinner."
Mike furrows his brow at that. You got her to eat dinner? Two nights in a row? That's an accomplishment. "...Fine. But please, clean up your mess next time. I have to take her to school in a couple hours, and if the table is-"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll clean it up. Let me get some coffee first, jeez." You brush him off and make your way into the kitchen. He still has the same shitty coffee maker that looks like it belongs in an antique store. And no creamer, because Mike hates joy.
"You want a cup too?"
"I shouldn't. Gotta go to sleep after I drop Abby off at school." He grunts from the other room, and you can hear him getting out of the old creaky recliner he loves so much.
"Ah. Night shift."
"Yeah. Night shift."
Mike shuffles into the kitchen and you both stand there awkwardly for a few moments as the coffee brews.
"You don't really look like you sleep, you know." You remark, taking in his ever-present eyebags for the hundredth time.
"Yeah, well, I do. Sleeping is just so... tiring." He scoffs, making light of the situation. He's telling the truth, though. Sleep for him is more of a project than real rest. His eyes glaze over as he gets lost in thought for a moment.
"You good, Mike?" He flinches as you place a hand on his shoulder. He wasn't expecting that from you.
"Yeah, uh, just..."
You sigh and decide to let it go, turning your attention to the mess on the kitchen table instead. He didn't owe you an explanation, especially now that you're not together, but it was still frustrating. He's obviously dealing with something, probably a lot of somethings, and he's too stubborn to admit it. That stubbornness is gonna be the end of him, you swear. It was what ended your relationship. Partially.
"Here, I'll help." Mike fumbles to help you pick up papers and crayons, colored pencils and candles. After a few minutes, it doesn't look like such a disaster.
"Oh, by the way." You pour yourself a cup of coffee, and start to stir in a few spoons of sugar. Too much sugar, for Mike's taste. "Abby's little blue dolphin stuffed animal is invisible to you now, got it? As long as it's in the house, grown-ups can't see it. I think she put it in your room to test you. Just ignore it."
"Is that what you two were doing?" Mike leans back against the counter and scoffs, but makes a mental note to ignore the little dolphin from now one. He'd humor her, if it meant she'd eat her dinner.
"I don't know? I panicked, okay? I had to think of something harmless but still believable and exciting for a little kid."
"And 'invisible stuffed animal' was the best you could think of?"
"This is a warning. Find a new goddamn babysitter or I'm teaching her curses next. And you have to play along."
Mike can't help but smile at that. A real smile.
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Already workin' on the next part don't worry <3
Edit: Part 3
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
Jay Halstead- All My Fault Pt2
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“You need to go home” Erin tells Jay as she leans on the doorframe of YNs hospital room with her arms crossed
“I’m staying here” Jay replies not looking at Erin, instead he just focuses on his sleeping wife. He brings her hand up to his lips and places a gentle kiss on her knuckles
“When was the last time you ate? Showered?” Erin says leaning against the door to YNs room
“I can’t leave her”
“You need to stop blaming yourself. None of us caught it”
“But I knew she bumped her head, I should have forced her to get it checked”
“She said she was fine. Jay, YN is just as stubborn as you are. Now YN hates when your facial hair is unkept, so go shower, shave, get something to eat and I will sit here with YN. If anything changes I’ll ring you” Jay sighs and finally gives in
“Ok. I’ll be back in an hour. I love you” Jay stands up then bends down and kisses YN on the forehead. Erin is quick to take Jays seat beside YN and takes her hand in hers “phone me if anything happens even if it’s small”
“I promise I will now go”
Taking one last look at his wife Jay finally leaves the hospital and rushes home so he can quickly shower, shave, eat and then be back at the hospital as soon as he can, but not even 30 minutes later, Erin is phoning Jay
Ending 1- Sad
“Erin what’s going on?”
“Jay you, you need to get back to the hospital now!” Erin says panic stricken watching doctors and nurses run into YN’s room “her heart it’s…. fuck Jay it’s not good. Just get here safely please” Jay has never moved so quickly before. He throws a clean hoodie on and head back to the hospital, breaking many road laws. What should have taken 10 mins took 4
“Jay” Will sadly greats his brother
“What happened?” Jay angrily shouts storming into the hospital
“Jay you need to calm down” Maggie says pointing at him
“Don’t! That’s my fucking wife and no one is telling me what’s happened”
“Ok ok” Maggie sighs “follow me” Maggie takes Will and Jay to YNs room where Erin is stood with tears streaming down her face. Dr Brown comes out of YN’s room
“What’s going on?”
“YN went into cardiac arrest. She stoped breathing, we restarted her heart, but the only thing keeping her alive right now is the machine”
“What are you saying?” Jay frowns
“He’s saying she’s in a coma Jay. She not going to wake up” Will sadly says
“No. No. She’s fine, she will wake up and…”
“Jay, she’s gone” Will pulls his brother into his arms, letting Jay break down in tears.
Ending 2- Happy
“Jay you need to come to the hospital!” Erin shouts down the phone not even letting Jay say anything
“What’s happened?” Jay nervously says
“YN’s awake. She’s asking for you, just get here safely ok?” Jay has never moved so quickly before. He throws a clean hoodie on and head back to the hospital, breaking many road laws. What should have taken 10 mins took 4
“Maggie!” Jay says running over to the nurse
“Come with me. Wills already with her” Jay follows Maggie to YN’s room where he sees YN laughing with Will and Erin “YN Jays here” YN turns her head slowly to her husband
“Oh thank god your ok” Jay rushes over to his wife and places a kiss on her head “I was so scared”
“I’m ok. Well other than feeling like I could throw up”
“That’s the anaesthesia wearing off. I’ll see if you can get some antisickness put in your drip”
“Thanks Will”
“I’ll go ring Voight and Boden” Erin says. Jay takes the seat again and takes YN’s hand in his
“Erin said you were going to shave” YN places a hand on Jays face
“I was then you woke up. I promise I will have a shave later. I’m just glad your ok”
“Me too. Sorry I didn’t say anything about feeling so unwell. I should have let you take me to the hospital in the first place”
“Promise me from now on if you get hurt you will get checked out”
“Only if you make the same promise”
“I’ll do anything to make sure you stay safe and healthy”
“Even if you have to have a needle?”
“Even then. I love you so much YN”
“I love you too Jay”
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milaisreading · 1 year
🌱🩷: Had this idea out of the blue. Don't ask😭
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Masterlist to the Crossdresser AU
'Why are clothes for guys either boring and cheap,or cool, but expensive? This sucks...' (Y/n) sighed and looked away from the shirts and towards the dresses that were a little bit further away from the boy isle.
'Wish I could wear those for one day.' She thought sadly and picked some random hoodies to pay for. It was another period when Ego would let the team breath, so everyone was mostly either at home with their families or out enjoying themselves. (Y/n) decided to be outside the house, since she couldn't really stand being around her adoptive parents for longer than it was needed.
'My son this... my son that. So now they see me. I hate them.' (Y/n) thought to herself when she bumped into someone. The person ended up crying out in shock and dropping the clothes they were holding.
"Oh! I am so sorry for not looking! Here, let me help you." (Y/n) quickly replied and started picking up the various dresses that fell on the floor.
"It's ok! You didn't mean to!" A feminine voice quickly replied and the person started picking up some of the items as well.
'Huh? Wait! I know that voice!' Her eyes slowly widened and she looked at the figure.
"Ah? You are Chigiri-san! Hyoma's older sister, right?"
The red-haired girl blinked and looked over at (Y/n), her eyes slowly widening as well.
"Yes... you are the captain of my brother's team, (L/n) (Y/n). You remember me?" The older asked, surprised that the captain of all remembered her. (Y/n) sent her a sheepish smile and pulled down her mask.
"Well, you and your mom were the loudest cheerleaders." She answered back as they both got up from the ground. The older Chigiri blushing a little at the comment.
"We were both pretty excited to see Hyoma play again, sorry."
"No need to apologize. It was cute seeing it." (Y/n) said truthfully.
'Wish I knew how that feels...' She thought sadly, handing the shorter girl her clothes.
"The dresses look pretty cute."
"You think so?" The redhead asked as she accepted her items, rummaging a little through them.
"Yeah. The pink one looks pretty cute." (Y/n) said, pointing at the floral, pink dress.
"It is! It really is, but... I will have to pass this time." The older said sadly as (Y/n) raised her eyebrow.
"Why? You seem to want it?"
"I already picked some dresses the other day, I just came to look at these today for fun."
Still not seeing the issue, or noticing the embarrassed blush on her face, (Y/n) continued.
"So? There is never enough clothes in my opinion... or my mom's." She chuckled a little. The older Chigiri nodded her head slowly, but frowned right after.
"I used up my budget for the clothes I previously bought. These are way to expensive. Maybe another day I can buy them."
At the redhead's confession, (Y/n) stopped thinking for a moment, then felt like punching herself in the gut.
'Not everyone has as much money as you, idiot! Stupid (Y/n)!' She scolded herself as she looked between the older girl and the clothes she was holding.
"I will just return these and go home. It was nice meeting you, (L/n)-"
"Can... can I look at these dresses for a moment?" (Y/n) interrupted her, and the older Chigiri slowly nodded her head.
"Sure. But what could you possibly want from those dresses-Hey! Where are you going with them?" The girl suddenly asked as she watched (Y/n) walk away from her with the dresses, and to her horror she walked towards the counter.
"What are you doing?" The redhead panicked and ran after (Y/n) as she talked to one of the employees.
"Could you put these dresses on a separate bill from the hoodies? Thank you." She smiled and bowed a little as the woman agreed.
"H-hey, I told you I can't pay for them." The older Chigiri said as she pulled (Y/n) to her level so she could whisper it to her.
"I know."
"And what do you plan on doing now?"
"I will pay for them." (Y/n) blinked a little, thinking her answer was pretty clear.
"What?" The older Chigiri blinked in shock, but before she could say anything, the woman on the counter spoke up.
"The 4 dresses would be 15000 yen."
'15000?!' The redhead looked at the woman in disbelief as (Y/n) nonchalantly nodded her head.
"Do you take credit card?"
At the nod of the woman, (Y/n) took out her credit card from her wallet.
'Is... is that a black credit card?! I only ever saw those in movies!' The older Chigiri thought in shock as she watched (Y/n) quietly pay for their stuff.
"Thank you. Have a great day." (Y/n) called out as she left the shop, the redhead following her close behind.
"You... you are rich? Like, rich rich?" (Y/n) turned to look at the girl and nodded her head, handing her the bag with her items.
"Well, my parents are. But that's not relevant-"
"You literally payed for my clothes! How is that not relevant?!" The girl argued back.
"Or do you do this for anyone you see?"
"Hmm... no. But you are the sister of one of my close friends, so there is no harm in doing so."
The redhead was flabbergasted at his nonchalant behavior, but quickly shook it of.
"Well, then. Let me treat you with some food." The older girl quickly grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist, pulling her towards the food court.
"What? I don't want you to waste-"
"It's not waste. You are my lil bro's captain. We need to keep you well fed for the World Cup." The older Chigiri teased as (Y/n) quickly shook her head and decided to follow her along.
'I could use some food.' She thought, rubbing her abdomen a little.
What neither of them noticed was a small group of high schoolers following the duo ever since they were at the counter of the clothing store, taking pictures of everything.
"They are dating! Told you so! Look how close they are!" A girl said, pouting a little.
"Maan... I wish that was me holding (Y/n)-kun's hand." Another girl added, earning a nod from a boy and a third girl.
"Are you into guys now?" Another boy asked the previous guy.
"Well, you can't blame me. (Y/n)-kun sure has something captivating about himself."
"Shhh! Let's just follow them." The first girl said as she redied her camera for another opportunity to take a picture.
The same evening, (Y/n) was in her room, packing her things for Blue Lock again when her phone rang. She grabbed it and looked at the caller, for a moment, before answering.
"Hello, Reo-"
"Why did you not tell Nagi or I that you are dating?! This is a big mistake, (Y/n)! Football and Blue Lock need to be your priority. Not chasing girls!" Reo yelled as jealousy was seeping through his voice. (Y/n) blinked for a moment, unsure what he was talking about.
"Is it because her hair is red? I can fix mine, (Y/n)." Nagi's voice was heard next. What jarred (Y/n) was the genuine hurt and desperation that was coming out of Nagi.
Meanwhile, Chigiri threw his phone on his bed. He was close to crying as he started pulling on his hair, not believing what he just saw.
"Why my sister, (Y/n)?! Why not me!?" The redhead never felt as riled up as he felt right now.
"Big sister! Why did you have to go after (Y/n)?!" Chigiri yelled, running out of his room and towards his sister's.
Meanwhile, said girl was happily inspecting the dresses she got from (Y/n). A small blush coating her cheeks.
'He did look cute while eating...'
Poor (Y/n), and the rest of Blue Lock, were in for a rude awakening with the main topic on the internet for the next few weeks.
'IS FOOTBALL REALLY THE ONLY THINK ON THE MIND OF JAPAN'S RISING FOOTBALL STAR?! Captain (L/n) spotted with a unknown redhead girl, breaking the hearts of many fans.'
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mooningningg · 5 days
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秘密 — ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇꜱ.
[歌] secret relationship situations with jjk men
[pairings] megumi f, satoru g, yuuji i, and suguru g.
[warnings] none.
[genre] fluff.
[notes] Im back!? anyway, hit me up for request queens.
You arrive at school, your friends immediately noticing your navy blue hoodie and dark jeans.
“Hey, nice outfit,” one of them comments, glancing at you with a smirk. “Didn’t know you were into that style.”
You shrug, pretending nonchalance. “Just felt like wearing it today.”
Later, during lunch, your friends are still eyeing you curiously. “Did you see Megumi today?” one asks. “He was wearing the exact same thing.”
You try to stay calm, but your heart skips a beat. “Really? That’s funny.”
One friend raises an eyebrow. “Seems like more than just a coincidence, don’t you think?”
You shift in your seat, feeling a bit flustered. “Maybe we both just have good taste.”
As the day goes on, you find yourself stealing glances at Megumi from across the hall, catching his eye. He gives you a subtle, knowing smile, confirming that the matching outfits weren’t just a fluke.
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it was a soft afternoon, underneath the shades of the tree sat a bunch of friends, finding themselves in yet a very unnecessary fight amongst their own disagreements.
"dogs are so annoying, sure they can be cute but have you ever smelled their piss?" shoko exclaims with furrowed eyebrows, taking out the lollipop she had in her mouth to speak her mind while laying her head on suguru's lap.
suguru scoffed at her statement, "for once I agree with this woman."
shoko brings her hand to flick suguru on the forehead who flinched at the force.
"i don't know, they can be loyal at times— cats on the other hand? not so much." you protest with a shrug you had your back leaning on a tree.
shoko gasps at your statement, "cats can be loyal!"
"if considering taking a shit on your bed is loyal then sure they are." satoru exclaims with a chuckle at the end of his sentence.
suguru raises his eyebrow in confusion, "whose side are you on? you hate dogs."
you and satoru both glanced at each other with panic in your eyes, this wasn't suppose to happen.
"you literally barf around them." shoko mentions with a laugh.
"no i don't shut up!" satoru exclaims with a irritated tone before kicking the woman playfully.
thankfully enough, suguru's suspicion was soon disregarded as you all moved on to another thing to fight about.
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"this movie looks cool as fuck." yuuji exclaims with excitemend evident in his eyes.
"seriously? plumber head 2?" nobara asks, her face deadpanned and so done with whatever yuuji was on.
megumi rolls his eyes feeling the boredom already oozing out from him, "im going home."
"what? but you guys promised!" yuuji exclaims with pleading eyes.
meanwhile you stoor there, your hands in your pocket as you watch your boyfriend in secret plead both of you friends to watch his said favorite movie.
yuuji then turns to you with panic seen in his eyes, "baby please tell them to stay!"
oh shit.
"baby?" nobara asks again, she heard it, she just wanted to make sure if she heard it right.
your eyes instantly went wide with yuuji flying up a hand to cover his mouth but it was too late.
you four stared at each other... awkwardly.
"so— you two?" nobara asks, her eyebrows furrowed feeling slightly nervius about the situation weirdly enough.
your minds race to things that could get you out of this situation but nothing came out so you just sighed in relief, "yeah."
"unfortunately." megumi insults with a serious expression before earning a jab from yuuji who received a punch on the back of his head from the raven haired
that was one way to announce your relationship.
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It was inevitable, of course. you knew the conditions of dating suguru, he was attractive, of course girls would throw themselves on him. going their way to try their chances.
you knew it from the start you agreed to keep your relationship secluded and a secret.
you watch from a good distance as suguru shifted in his position as a random girl stops him on his tracks on his way to you with a slirty smile, pushing up her chest ridiculously.
suguru scratches the back of his head with a awkward smile, they were talking. but it wasn't audible from your distance so you just watched. you knew you couldn't act rash, you trusted suguru.
before you knew it, the girl had already walked away with pain and anger evident on her face, as if something with suguru's words had shattered her heart.
you see your boyfriend walking his way to you, his usual soft and warm smile not falterring for a moment as he finally stops in front of you, "well that was annoying."
"she looked angry." you mention, folding your arms in front of your chest as he chuckles, you couldn't scan any tone or emotion in his chuckle it was as if, a rumble in his chest to sweeten the words he was about to say next.
"it was nothing, let's go?" suguru offers to you, discarding the topic. you knew more than to push it further.
you knew suguru, you knew at the end of the day he was gonna come home to you, only you.
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mchlgayser · 2 years
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starring: neymar x female!reader
warning/author's note: mention of a bitch trying to look like u- this is OBSESSION, neymar being sooo pissed off, not at you ofcz you're his babygworl 🥺 heavy cursing???? almost a fight scene. P.M.G ALERT ⚠️ 50% angst and 60% fluff, (no shit) I kinda hate it bcs it was chaotic not proofread
extra note: none. have a nice day xx
song suggestion: copycat by billie eilish
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The call ended, you said goodbye to your boyfriend and he disconnected the call. Your head was against the pillow, eye boring on the dream catcher that hung outside your balcony, gazing as it sways left and right as the wind blew.
Just a minute ago, Ney woke you up from your beauty sleep with a call, he's practically reminding you about today's practice. He wants you to be there to watch him practice before a big game that was coming soon. After all you couldn't say no to him. You sat up stretching your joints and stood up to have a bath.
It was a long and warm bath, you had already readied a pair of clothing which is a black turtleneck along with a pair of oversized hoodies, you are wearing loose ripped pants and a G.A.P cap.
After five minutes, you are done putting on some light makeup and a pair of Nike air force. Finally, grabbing on your car key and left the room with your bag over your shoulder. One hand holding your phone and the necessity.
You get into your car and drive off to the venue where he'll be practicing.
It was a twenty minutes drive, minus the traffic as it was week day and parked your car on the vip basement parking lots. A few securities is guiding the site and you, with leisure walk to the entrance, one of them immediately recognized lets you in without questions but someone beat you to it. A girl in her mid-twenties, probably around your age, with hair in 'blonde' color, wavy curls coils, shoulders bumping against you. Her sharp eyes was on you the whole time but so were yours 'Yes?' She started with a harsh manner
You simply rolled your eyes at her 'I'm here for my boyfriend.' You said, eyes challenging. She scoffed 'Guards please take this delusional woman away!' She ushered but none of them budged 'Are you deaf?!' Sh yelled pointing her index finger out 'Now--'
She was cut off by a familiar voice of your boyfriend, he was running towards your direction 'Neymar--' The woman's eyes went wide, mouth agape upon seeing Neymar with arms around your body, your head hidden by his broad chest
'Sorry, I was't late was I?' You said pecking both of his cheeks and one final kiss in his lip 'No meu amor, you came right on time... Oh I see you met our new assistant manager.'
You gave the woman a nasty playful glare and give your boyfriend an innocent smile 'Yes, Let's go anjo, I wanna meet Kyky!' You implied to your friend, Kylian and he bobs
What you didn't know at the moment was a nasty, horrendous plan had come up to the woman's head. A creepy smile crept to her angel-liked features as she strutted back into her office room.
The next day, you came back again to the practice venue to see your boyfriend, you had also promised your friend, Kylian a fancy dinner with him today. You get in the lobby seeing a few staff eating brunch and some of them chit-chatting. You came upon your friend, Angela whom you meet months ago when she started working here and she was talking to the woman from last night.
They were intrigued with the talking until she sees you approaching 'Love, Meu Deus, how're you?!' She said, excusing herself and went to hug you, you gladly hugs her back 'Hello Angel, it's nice seeing you again!' The two of you broke the hug and the woman made her way beside Angela 'Nice meeting you again, miss Y/n' You eye her up and down and something, somewhere triggered in you. The way she's dressing. It was familiar, so oddly familiar.
Angela looks between her and you with wide eyes, she gasped 'Shit, haha Y/n, I forgot I got something to show you. It's regarding my sister's weds!' You get the hint obviously since Angela is an only child.
You hum and left with her 'You should've thinking what I'm thinking right now didn't you?!' Her voice is harsh and quiet, you half-shrugged 'Is it because she wears the same clothing I wore on your birthday party?'
She eagerly nods, you gulp the huge lump on the back of your throat 'It might be just a coincidence, I mean it can happens right?' She stopped you abruptly 'If going to your social media account to stalk you and copy you does it still means coincidence?' Your eyes was now on her, fully.
'How would you know anyway?'
She hid somewhere in the hall corner and whispered to you 'I sees her last night,' She backed away 'But she told me cus she find you pretty.' Now you didn't wanna come to any rushed decision and accuse her even though you know how shitty she was by the way she acted yesterday. You decided to set the conversation aside and just focus on today. Spending times with Ney and Kylian.
The practice ended, and both Ney and Kylian are now in the changing room to shower and change attires. You waited outside on the bench playing with your phone
'You are so cute Neymar!' You heard a voice approaching, you tilted your head back seeing Neymar, Kylian and Alexandria who you get to catch name is. She had an arm loosely wrapped around Ney's arm and she was laughing while Ky eyed her the whole time. You witness Ney getting uncomfortable by her constant touches so you decided to step up
'Hand to yourself please!' It didn't came out serious but playful. You stare up at her as she slowly lets go and let out a short awkward laugh 'Awh party pooper!' She mocked you.
You didn't said anything after that and let her be, Kylian told you that he's and Neymar are ready to leave. He had already reserved a table for you three and now was finally the time to leave the venue. Alexandria perks her ears at this 'You three are having dinner together? Cool can I tag along!' It wasn't a permission but an order. She wanted to come along
Both Kylian and Neymar didn't wasted a second and said no but your answer is a yes 'Sure.' You shrugged. Ney shot you a confused look but you held his hand tighter.
The food is placed down, and Alexandria is having her best time laughing and trying her best to get both Ney's and your friend's attention. Keyword, trying. Both of them didn't pay her any of that and instead acts like she doesn't even exist. You had to purse your lip most of the time to stop yourself from laughing out loud at her attempts.
'So Y/n what do you think if I dyed my hair (your hair color)? Do you think it'll suit me.' From the corner of your eye, you see Kylian uncomfortably shifting on his seat, you smile back at her, eyes creasing 'That'll look good, definitely!' She smirk and bobs her head up and down 'Great!'
The conversation goes on, and you unintentionally left Alexandria out of the conversation, joking around with your two best guys, some times eyeing her to see she's been playing with her food, head down and awkward.
'Don't remind me of that!' Ney complained at you, Kylian is laughing his ass off at the two of you 'That was legit hilarious! The fact that he, himself didn't notice it just makes it ten times funnier' He snorts.
Alexandria huffs loudly averting the two attentions on her 'You guys left me out' She pouted, grumbling incoherent words to act naturally cute, Ney faked a silent gag at that and you pushed him giving him a stern glare. This time he pouts mumbling stuff
Alexandria soon leave, Kylian following suit ten minutes later. You and Ney are still walking, taking a breather together at the park, hands in hands gazing on a starry night atmosphere 'Has Alexandria been giving you hard times?' You eyed up at him and let a small toothy grin 'Nah, not yet.'
'It's been almost half an hour, wanna go home?'
'Please...' He wrapped his arm around your shoulder directing you to the car and driving to your both's shared apartment.
Two days went by after that, and for that, you haven't come by once to the venue because of your hectic work. Ney is understanding so it wasn't much of a problem since you have already promised him to drop by today, your vehicle parked and you entered the place. It was empty only a few stuff passing by. The players must been practicing, you thought walking to the main field and as you strut you came across Alexandria. Oh how you felt like shit that day was. She had her hair in (your hair colour), wavy curls just like you did but it was slightly longer. You feel nothing but anger. Her heels too. She was wearing the same pair as you. The one Neymay got you on your birthday which is also the same date as you both anniversary.
She was smiling, walking up the tunnel towards you 'Oh what a coincidence, we look very similar today!' How badly you wanted to pluck those teeth of hers. That wicked smile never wore off of her face. That disgustingly beautiful hazel brown doe visions.
Two steps away from her and you scoff 'Aren't you looking stunning today? I hope you car got flat tyre in the middle of the wood.' You barked back at her intentionally bumping her shoulder against yours 'And, please... Stop being so fucking pathetic and go fuck yourself somewhere else, needy whore.' The sound of heels clicking against the floor clearly heard along with her rigid and fast breath. Her chest heaving up and down is a violent manner.
You saw Neymar doing two touches with his teammate as you seat on the bench and watch him practice, Alexandria came again taking a seat beside you 'Y'know, it was't so bad hearing you barked like a dog earlier, can't wait for it in the future.'
'What future? You'll get hit by a truck tonight.'
Never spare her a glance, you wave your hand at your boyfriend after making contacts, she swatted your hand down and Neymar who clearly sees everything are not exactly pleased by it.
You glare at her, taking her wrist in your arm and start squeezing it 'You really should stop pissing me off, I don't wanna get into a fight with a low life bitch like you.' didn't get the enough chance to dodge it, Alexandria placed a loud and hard slapped across your cheek 'Who's a bitch now huh?!' You exhaled a long sigh, putting your bag down and stood up towering over her small figure, your hand made its way to the back of hair as she yelps in pain, slapping your hands both telling you to stop but it all fell on deaf ears.
'I warned you. To stop. Being. A. Bitch.' Punctuated each words with an echoing slap. Neymar rushed to you pulling you away from her, she fell to her butt and cries, a few strands of her hair was on the palm of your hand, you cringed waving your hand to get it off 'It hurts you bitch!' She screamed, you scoff turning away from her, Neymar turns to her 'Now, don't call my amor that you filthy woman, I've keep up with you this whole time not for you to talk shit and call my girlfriend names, now even dressing up like her, dyeing your hair to look like her. You are delusional. You need helps.' Neymar bursted, eyes raging with pure anger and rage.
She sniffle, looking down on the floor 'You should just pack up your things and leave or we gonna make it harder for you.' Mbappe confessed in a playful state. She started scurrying like a mice bowing her head at you thousand times and left, running.
You moaned feeling relieved that she's finally left, right now all you wanted was to go home and rest. This is a long day after all. Neymar stay behind comforting you with kisses and hugs 'Do you wanna go home now minha princesa?' You gaze up on him 'Can't I?' Neymar did not wait a second and left with you afterwards.
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oceaneyesinla · 2 months
A continuation of this because I've been thinking about it for days
You're about to throw another dress on the floor in frustration when you catch your grandmother watching you. You meet her eye through the floor length mirror in front of you and you hate the tears that well up in your eyes.
"Now, now, little one. Dry those eyes. Tell me what's on your mind." Just like always, your grandmother soothes you immediately. Since you were a tiny child, she's been your partner in mischief and your biggest supporter.
You wipe at your eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie you wear, "I ... none of these dresses look right. I-I want this to go well." Your voice is barely a whisper as you make your admission, staring at the wood grain of the floorboards underneath your feet, "I really like him."
Your grandmother's sandals enter your vision, and a gentle hand lifts your chin until you're meeting her eyes, the same as your own. She's smiling, "You'll look beautiful in whatever you wear, so long as you feel comfortable. And any man worth having will see that too."
You can feel a smile tugging at your lips, and your grandmother leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead. When she pulls back, her smile has changed from loving to teasing, "Besides, this boy was telling me earlier just how pretty he thinks the girl working at the front counter is."
"Oba-san!" Heat floods your cheeks as you pull your chin out of her hold, covering your face with your hands. Moments later, you peek out between your fingers, "Really?"
"Would I lie to you, little one?" She pats your cheek before moving to your wardrobe. She takes a cursory look over the assorted clothes before pulling out one of your dresses, holding it out to you. It's one you haven't worn in a while, but as you look at it, you remember just how much you love it. The fabric is soft and the cut is flattering - it's comfortable, just like your grandmother said.
You're standing outside the store, playing with a patch of dry skin on your hand as you wait. Just as you're thinking to yourself that you should probably put on some hand cream when you get home, Umemiya appears down the street, and he looks as beautiful as he did earlier. He's wearing black jeans, and a button up shirt which is just tight enough to emphasise the strong muscle of his chest and arms without looking too stretched. His hair is still slicked back, like it had been earlier in the day, but now a few strands are falling into his face.
Heat pools in your cheeks as you stare at him, and you raise your hand to wave. He spots you after a second, and gets halfway to raising his hand before he seemingly freezes, blue eyes widening. From where you stand, you can just about see a flush of red staining his cheeks as he takes you in.
Your worries don't seem nearly so big anymore, and you silently thank your grandmother for picking out this dress. After a few moments, Umemiya seems to reboot and rushes to meet you, stumbling over apologies. He tells you that you look beautiful, and his skyline blue gaze is so sincere you can't help but believe him.
Your cheeks still feel warm, but you feel much better now, knowing that he's just as taken by you as you are by him.
He offers you his arm with a charming smile, cheeks still a pretty pink and you loop yours through, already looking forward to what the night will bring.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
New York
Synopsis: Harry finally convinces his girl to come to see him play in New York
Ps: This is after Harry said publicly that he's got a girlfriend, YN and Him wrote Harry's House together.
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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YN has never been out of Europe.
The only time she even stepped a foot out of England was when Harry took her to the Louvre museum on an impromptu weekend vacation. It was difficult for her to manage vacations, especially with work and stuff.
But she was now going to New York on her own. She was going to shit her pants but she had ber boyfriend on her mind. He had offered to send in his private jet for her but she refused and booked the flight herself. She would have felt too bad if he paid for everything though she knew he wouldn't mind. He didn't pressured her either knowing very well he'll have his way with her in many different ways.
Harry has been going around talking to everyone on his crew that his girlfriend is coming over and how excited he is. Especially last night's show because she's going to be there the next one, watch him perform songs they wrote together. Though it won't be the first time.
This morning he drive to airport himself, an hour early and waited for her there.
YN on the other hand has been very anxious the entire flight. Especially because she was clearly sandwiched between two of Harry's fans. And she's hundred percent shre that there are more in the front and the back row. Yes, no one has really seen her face but it still made her anxious, especially hearing those girls talking about how stupid it was that Harry wrote an Album about his ex (or exes in speculation) with his alleged girlfriend. How none of them would allow that to happen if their boyfriend were to write song about his past relationships with them.
His fans have been nothing but kind to her, online, or that she hasn't come around the hate yet. Her algorithm loved her enough to not show her any hate, but only the sweet things his fans were tweeting about her the day Harry's appearance on Graham Norton show aired. None of them took sneaky pictures of her, or tried to harras her or anything like that. Even the fans who'd visit her cafe are nothing but little sweethearts.
But YN slept through it when those girls finally stopped talking. She was still going be jetlagged for sure.
Half an hour before the flight one of the girl noticed that YN was wearing one of Harry's old merch. It was an old hoodie he gave her before leaving for his US tour, she loved how worn out and loved the fabric felt against her body. And as stupid and naïve it sounds, she wore it to bed every night because it made her feel that he's next to her. It's been a two weeks over a month since his tour began.
"Oh my god, Hi!" The blonde chirped, "are you going to see Harry too?"
YN took off her earphones even though she had nothing playing that moment, "I, uh, yeah." She nodded hesitantly.
"Awesome! Are in the pit? Or the balcony? We can all go together!" She went on.
"I, ehm, I am at the very back." YN lied, Harry would probably have her stand in the pit or the family section in the balcony if there was any.
"Oh the nosebleeds!" The girl with red dyed hair exclaimed as if she felt bad for her, Did you got last in the Ticketmaster list?"
"Oh, yeah!" YN nodded trying to be as confident as possible.
And that was that for their interaction on the flight. She waited for the crowd to get off first before she grabbed her carry on bag and walked around herself. She called Harry to let him know that she'd landed safely and would be taking a cab to his LA house.
"Hey," she said a little suspiciously as he answered her call in the first ring.
"Hello, my sweet girl!" He exclaimed, "I'm waiting for you out side come on out."
He already knew she landed? Well, of course she called him!
"Are you here to pick me?" She chuckled.
"Yes, it would've been very rude of me to let my girl take a cab when I can drive her myself." His voice always sounded extra deep and raspy on the call.
"Well, you didn't had to. You know your fans are flying in from all over the world. There were a few on the flight. I don't want you to be bombarded by people this early in the morning." She ranted, waiting for her suitcase impatiently. The more she heard him talk, the more she wanted to hug him.
"I don't mind, now come on out so I can kiss you!" he whined through the phone.
"Just getting my suitcase," she finally saw the yellow suitcase she bought last minute on the conveyor belt. "Five minutes." She hung up the call and walked out to the exit. Not exactly knowing how to navigate her way out she just following the people she saw pn her flight, she'll surely find a way out of the airport.
And she did and immediately spotted Harry talking to a few people, he held his phone in his hand. Dressed his grey hoodie and black bikers shorts with his red shoes he often wears to gym. He was smiling as he talked to the girls who were on the plan with her, his dimples denting deep in his cheeks but not enough to make the crinkles appeare by his eyes. He just waved them bye before the girls left him alone.
YN knew he was going to bump into them.
He rushed towards the exit when he finally saw his girl walking out, rolling the yellow suitcase. Beaming he pulled her right in his arms in a tight embrace.
"Hey you!" She chuckled, wrapping her own arms around his neck.
"Hey you," he mumbled back pulling away just enough to look at her, he pressed his mouth on hers in a tender kiss. "I missed you!" He hugged her again.
"I missed you so much!" She reciprocated, her voice sounded more watery to her surprise.
It would be a lie to say she wasn't having a hard time coping around now that he's back in tour. Especially since her parents got to know about them, they've been giving her a hard time. Plus the things she heard on the flight have been getting to her slowly.
"Baby are you crying?" He cooed, rubbing her back, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just missed tou so much!" She mumbled now not even trying to hold back the crying weight in her voice.
"It's okay, we're together now baby." He assured her, "you want to go to our hotel now, hm?"
"Mhmm." She agreed. He kissed her cheek before reluctantly pulling away from the embrace. He took both her bags and had her tucked under his arm as he walked them both to his car. He plopped the bags in the back seat before he opened the door for her, that's when he saw her crying.
"Did you miss me this much?" He teased her, reaching to wipe her tears with the pads of his thumbs. "I'm not going anywhere, coming right back home to you!"
"I know." She whined sheepishly.
"I love you." He smiled.
"I love you." She leaned into his touch. He gave her another kiss on the forehead before he opened the door for her to the passenger seat and drive to his hotel.
Harry knows she doesn't cry, unless she's watching Brave or any other Disney or a Marvel movie. He is jealous how she deals situations under pressure calmly. So seeing her in tears today made his heart sink to his stomach. Yeah, there is not always happy times and laughs and giggles, it's just rare to see her cry that all.
If he sits down to tally the times there have crying times out of being overwhelmed, he'd be the one winning. And never once did she made him feel bad for having his breakdowns.
"How was your flight baby?" He asked.
"It was good." She nodded.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah," she nodded again chuckling, "I'm just tired."
"How about we take a nice warm bath before breakfast?" He suggested, "Sarah is excited to see you tonight."
"She texted me before I got on the flight to have a safe flight." YN smiled, "I can't wait to see her either!" Her and Sarah have become best friends from the first few times they met, especially through the writing sessions for Harry's House.
"What about me, aren't you excited to see your boyfriend?" He pouted.
"I see you all the time," she shrugged, "I don't see Sarah that often."
He gasped, "I wasn't crying just five minutes ago!"
"I am just joking Harry," she chuckled, "I missed you a lot!" She grabbed his free hand lacing their fingers together.
"And I missed you too." He beamed.
Today is Harry's day off. He usually goes out golfing or do some outdoor activities. But he was going to spend it with his girl inside today, doing all the indoor activities. He ran them both a nice warm bath right after their little love making session in the bathroom. He'd come to figure that warm baths help her loosen up, especially after a stressful day, not just physically for her arthritis but also mentally. She has told him that, plus it was as cold in New York as it was in London. And later bundle up in bed under the blanket.
"Do you want to go somewhere later today?" He asked just to be sure he's not holding her back. It's her first time in the city.
"Not today but, I want to Central Park though." YN shared, leaning into as he wrapped her up in his arms in a blanket burrito they're both now.
"We can go there the day after tomorrow, yeah?" He suggested, earning a quiet hum from her. "You never told me what happened on the flight?"
"I told you, it was good." She shared. That made him lift his head back to glare at her with squinted eyes. "Okay, it wasn't but I don't want to complain about it!"
"Don't, just share it with me." He shrugged, simply. It was that dimple?
"There were some girls sitting next to me, talking about how stupid it is that you wrote the album about your past relationships with your girlfriend, and how none of them would let that happen with them. I mean, write songs with their boyfriend about their ex and shit. It's okay, though." She explained, feeling stupid to talk about this. "And they saw me wearing your hoodie and asked if I was going to your concert and stuff. I said yes, they said I should join them but I told them I am at the very back."
"Did they not recognise you?" He was actually surprised because just when YN boarded her flight the little Behind The Album was released on his YouTube and she is in it, as they're writing Love Of My Life in the studio.
"No," she shook her head. And honestly she's glad they didn't recognise her because she really felt unsafe for many reasons in that setting.
"Oh baby, please don't let it get to you, hm?" He cooed to her, "I know it's the worst thing, but not everyone is gonna like us, or be happy because we are together. I am sorry you had to sit through all that, and it's really not stupid that we made an Album together which is now nominated for Grammys!"
"I know, I know, really didn't meant to cry like that. I've been really overwhelmed lately that's all."
"It's okay to cry, you tell me all the time!" He chuckled softly seeing the soft pout on her lips, "I think this album is the best thing which has happened to me because I got to know you so much more. And I've got you all to myself now!"
"I should say that." Her cheeks heated up hearing him say that.
Both of them knew what each and every song on the album meant. Some were written for his second album which Harry talked to her about. Some they wrote together, some he wrote for her (few of which never made it to the album and were just for both of them).
"No, I feel very lucky and honoured that you're letting me be a part of your life, my love." His hand went up to cup her little chubby cheek, fingers resting just below her ear, "I want to spend the rest of my days with you... And nights."
"I love you so much, Harry!" That made emotional all over again, "I think I'm gonna start my period."
He giggled, "I love you so much more, my sweet girl!" She gave him a firm kiss on his mouth. The door bell rang interrupting their moment.
It was their breakfast. They had breakfast in bed and watched YN's favourite movie all time, Matilda.
The very next day, YN accompanied Harry to the sound check.
Harry sometimes forgets that his girl can chaotic and hyper sometimes. Today, especially she got her a drink from Starbucks with Sarah and forgot to get it decaf, so both of them were on Caffeine high the entire time.
"You're going to hurt yourself!" Harry called for Sarah and YN chasing each other with the electric scooters they found at the venue. His drummer just flipped him off. The pit was completely empty.
"Don't be a party pooper!" Even Naomi joined them both.
"Where are you getting these scooters from?" Harry was confused, he propped his mic back on the stand and walked down the stage with Pauli, who got his hands on the last scooter. "Hey, I want one too!"
"No!" YN zoomed past him.
"Share it with me!" He started running after her, obviously she's on a scooter but he caught her, making her scooter come to an hault.
"Alright, get on." She offered. He stepped on the scooter behind her.
"You're going too fast!" He squealed, scared they might crash or fall down.
"You wanted to share," she reminded him. They circled around the stage in the pit for next fifteen minutes, before Harry felt like he was going to throw up. Lloyd was there taking their pictures, Harry's gonna ask for all of the pictures with his girl. They all calmed down eventually and just walked around a little, helping the crew place little posters and Boas on the seats for the fans in the balcony.
"I never imagined it to be that big!" YN pointed out the banner with her boyfriend's name and his achievement on it hanging in the venue. It was his first time playing back in Maddison Square Garden after the banner was installed.
"Yeah, it's quite surreal." Harry commented, glancing up at the banner.
They went back to his dressing room. It was very zen in the room. A sofa which goes everywhere with Harry on the tour, and few pillows, one of which was YN's he took from her flat the first time he left for tour after they started dating. He said it was like taking a piece of her with him.
A blue humidifier on the coffee table, a wheeled closet get wide open with a bunch of patterned and leather pants and T-shirts, sets of jackets and vest suits with his Gucci shoes. Harry Lambert was helping him put together an outfit for tonight.
"What do you think baby?" Harry asked, holding up brown leather pants and a yellow T-shirt with brown polka dots on it. YN didn't liked it to say the least, but she didn't know how to tell him.
"Baby doesn't like it." Lambert commented already getting to pick another fit, making her laugh.
"I like the green and brown jacket and pants." She pointed out.
"Don't feel like being half naked today." Harry giggled. "Do you want to help?"
"Mhmm." YN helped her boyfriend pick an outfit, Lambert left them to themselves. She picked a blue shirt with a red heart in the middle and matching baby blue leather pants. "This is so cute!"
"Yeah, you want one?" He asked her admiring the teddy on of the shirts from his Gucci collection.
"Hah! It's too expensive."
"Who said we have to pay for it?" He shrugged, "I'll ask Lamby to get you one tomorrow."
"No you won't." She warned him, "anyway, are you going to wear this?"
"Yeah," he nodded in agreement, to wear the blue outfit she picked for him.
"Watch your fans praise you the fit." She grinned proudly. He just shakes his head as he shut the door to change up, he stripped down to his boxers. Even she likes to grill him on his new outfits for the shows with his fans. It's all jokes.
"Are you still coming to the Grammy's with me, love?" He asked, now getting dressed he caught her taking sneaky pictures of him in just his leather pants, "why don't you ask me to pose for you?" He posed for her with his hands on his hips all his tattoos on show with hickeys she left just this morning on his neck and collar bones, making her giggle.
"I'm gonna put it on my wallpaper." She announced.
"It's only fair if I get to have your topless picture of you on my wallpaper." He smirked, pulling off the shirt from it's hanger and pull it over his head. She scoffed.
"Ehm, no?"
"Ehm, yes!" He challenged her, rushing towards her he attacked her with tickles.
"Harry stop!" She squealed, squirming under his touch.
"Come on lemme have a little glance." He teased as his finger tips dug in her sides gently.
"No, you had a glance this morning." She laughed with her eyes shit closed, out of breath already. Harry felt pitty and stopped beaming at her. "You're annoying!" She laughed still recovering from a tickle attack, she found him basically straddling her thighs.
"Am I?" He pouted, "but you still love me."
"Mhmm." She lets out a sigh.
"Gimme a kiss now." He demanded already leaning towards her with her face cupped between his hands, he pressed a soft kiss on her mouth. "You're cold." He commented.
"Yeah, you've got the AC on blast." She reminded him.
"I'm sorry, I'll turn it off." He got up from literally hovering her to reach for the remote to turn the air condition off for her. He fetched her jumper for her. "This dress really looks pretty on you baby." He pointed out for the fifth time today.
Harry hardly sees her in dresses, because most of the time she's at work and it's not very comfortable for her to move around in dress while working. So as cliche as it sounds he really loves it when she wear dresses. And she's been going off about the dress she's got on now since she found it at a thrift store she went to just before she came to New York.
"You told me that already Harry," she looked down at her dress, her cheeks turning flush as her palms smooth over the fabric covering her form. He remembered she did the exact same thing when he went to pick her up for their first date and he complimented the jumper she was wearing.
The knock on the door caught their attention.
"You're cute." He pecked her forehead quickly before he went to answer the door. It was Sarah.
"YN, would you mind helping me with my hair? Naomi is helping Elin and we have to be on stage in twenty." She said and glanced at Harry, "can I steal her for a moment please?"
"You've already stole her!" He scoffed jokingly, his faux-upset face was hilariously adorable.
"I'll be there, Sarah." YN nodded, the brunette gave her a thumbs up before she walked back to her green room. "You have to be in the box, get your mic transmitter on."
"Oh yeah," Harry realised he still had to do his hair, put on his rings and get his mic transmitter fixed on him. "I'll see you out, okay?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, leaning forward to ask for a kiss with pouty lips and kitten eyes. Honestly she didn't wanted to leave his side but she also promised her friend to help her.
"You'll have me tonight, and tomorrow, darling." He assured her, of course giving her the kiss she was silently begging for, "go help her now, hm?" He's got a premier of his new Marvel movie and she was going to be date tomorrow night.
"Yeah," she nodded making her way out.
"Oh wait, wear this. Don't want you getting sick." He fetched her jumper again, "it's gonna be cold at back."
"Be careful." Harry's guard warned him but it was too late he hit his head on the box.
"You okay?" YN rushed towards him.
"Yeah, yeah don't worry." He laughed as he didn't hurt himself at all.
"Best of luck." YN smiled blowing him a little kiss before he was being rolled in the box to the stage as the band was already on the stage. She followed Jeffery and Glenn outside. Harry was on the stage in no time.
Already three songs in, his fans started to notice YN in the pit with Glenn beside her. She was already feeling the cameras and eyes on her.
"Do you want to go get a drink?" Glenn offered already seeing her anxious.
"Mhmm." She nodded and followed her to go get drinks. Now that put her to ease, Harry was reading a few signs and talking to fans all the attention was on him, as it should be.
"The next song is really, really special. Wrote it with three of my best friends, Miss YN..." Harry started making the crowd scream he chuckled upon mention of her name, "yeah, let's have a cheer for her!" He hyped the crowd, "and I also wrote this song with Tom and Tyler. If you know the words to this one please do join!"
He started with As It Was, as always it was a blast of a song to play. YN noticed few girls walking upto the barricade by the back of the where she was stood along with Harry's friends, the same girls who were on the flight with her talking shit about her relationship like they know it inside out first hand. It made her heart beating like a race horse. Jeffery approached the girls, it looked like they said they wanted to talk to her because he called her over.
"Oh my god, Hi!" The blonde girl greeted her the same way she did on the flight, "I literally had no idea you were The YN! You were literally so sweet, we just wanted to say Hi."
"Oh hello," YN smiled, "thank you so much, you're so sweet!" Her experience working at a cafe came handy in moments like these.
"You know them?" Jeffery asked.
"We were on the flight together," YN shared.
"Yeah, please tell Harry we said we love him!" The brunette said to Harry's manager.
"Sure will." Jeffery smiled and escorted YN back to where everyone was stood.
As much as people might hate this man, he's grown to be a good friend of YN. He's protective of her like an older brother. Like the way her own brother was never protective of her. And she respects Jeffery so much for that. He has been nothing but sweet and kind to her since the day Harry decided he wanted to take her around his friends, who definitely were so much different than her. Never once anyone made her feel small about her, or talk bad or even judge her when she told them what did for living. Unlike her own family she was born and brought up in.
YN loved everyone, especially Sarah! She's like the sweetest little being YN has come across in years!
Through out the show, more of Harry's fans came over to talk to her. Some even asked for pictures to which she politely declined to because she did not felt comfortable enough. There were just couple of people who looked at her weird but all of them were nothing but respectful towards her. Many were filming her. Especially when Harry sang Matilda and she was crying as Glenn hugged her warmly, she wasn't the only one crying there. Even Harry was teary eyed at some point. But YN had a great time, dancing and jamming to her boyfriend putting on one of his best shows. He was extra happy today because she was there, he said to her before he got on the stage. He even performed Kiwi twice, it was the last show of the tour anyway.
At the end, YN followed Harry's body guard out to where his car was waiting for him before Harry ran down the stairs. He had his mic transmitter removed and handed over to the technician.
"Did you enjoyed the show?" Be asked, opened the car door for her to the passenger side.
"I did," she nodded and got in, "thank you." He kissed her cheek before he'd shut the door and run to the driver's side.
"Well, I did my best!" He grinned making her smile too. She looked more exhausted as he had adrenaline pumping through.
"I think I started my period." She shared with a sheepish smile on her face, she haven't got any period products on her, not even at the hotel.
"Did you wanted to use the restroom back at the venue?" He asked, worried that he'd dragged her with him.
"No, I, I don't have pads on me." She mumbled but he heard her.
"Okay, we'll drive to the store first." He announced making a turn. "Did you not get any with you?"
"I forgot to pack some with me."
"That's okay, we'll get you some." He assured her. "Do you need the pain medication too?"
"Mhmm." She nodded. He parked by the nearest convenient store.
"Let's get icecream too." He suggested, walking both of them to the frozen food aisle. He picked out her favourite flavour and few of her other favourite snacks, before they both headed to the til and head back to their hotel.
The very next morning, Harry ordered breakfast in. He waited for her to get off the phone with her mum.
He have noticed her family's been after her since the day they visited to see her grandma. Yeah, her family doesn't approve of Harry.
It was like he got hit in face with a bucket of ice water when he was so upset why his girlfriend didn't wanted him to meet her family.
Whilst her grandma didn't care, well, she was sick so why would she, her parents were not impressed by her choice of man to be with. Her parents have been bugging her to go move back in with them because it isn't really appropriate for girls to live alone when they're not married. Bullshit, he called it.
That's the reason why YN moved to Hampstead with Brielle and her mum making an excuse of wanting to go to a different school at 16, and she never went back. It didn't seem problematic to Harry until she told him she have been living away from her parents since highschool. But she makes it seem like it's not a big deal.
Apparently YN even had to lie about her degree until the day she graduated, her parents thought she was getting a law degree this whole time along with Brielle.
They even thought she was making up excuses and lying about her chronic pain to avoid dance classes for the longest. Which was the hardest one to swallow. It made sense to him why she didn't wanted to dump all of this on him at the very beginning of their relationship.
Whilst her older brother, Asher, seemed the most understanding one, he was also the only person who was nice to Harry. They actually sat down after breakfast at YN's parents' with tea and had a nice chat. Her little Niece and Nephews were making a chaos in the backyard though.
"I apologise for anything our parents say to you, Harry." Asher began when they sat down.
"No, why are you apologising?" Harry was genuinely confused for a bit there.
"I talked to them after YN told me about you two dating, least to say they have been bickering with her to move back in." The brown eyed man said, "they have their many reasons, one of which you're closer to age to me than you're to her. But I don't see any problem there she's a grown up, and you really make her happy I've figured."
"I see," Harry nodded, letting it all sink in. He really makes her happy? That really warmed his heart. Yeah, he is quite a bit older than YN but he is younger than her brother but she doesn't see a problem with that, that's all that matters to him.
"Just don't pay a mind to them, they fear YN anyway." Asher smiled. And they went on to talk about careers and stuff for the time being. "I apologised because you're going to be my future brother-in-law. Right?"
Harry smiled at the thought, "In future, yeah! But please, treat me as your friend."
And yes, her parents did talk shit about him. But not to his face, they were being petty nice to him. No wonder why YN didn't wanted to stay at theirs for even one night. It wasn't as bad as his subconscious made it out to be though.
"Hey, what happened?" He cooed watching YN throw her phone on their hotel bed. "C'mere, my love." Grabbing a gentle hold of her hand he made her sit on his lap, tears brimmed in her eyes.
"Same old, same old." She sighed leaning into him.
"It's okay, love." He assured her, "just don't pay a mind to them. You're happy, aren't you?"
"Very!" She affirmed.
"That's all should matter." He smiled a dimply grin at her. "Is there anything else she said?"
"She was reminding me how you're gonna leave me."
"Never gonna do that, you know that right?" He rushed, "it's gonna take a lot to get rid of me, baby girl."
"Oh don't call me that!" She scolded him whining. "I'm not planning to get rid of you, ever!"
"Good." He smiled, "don't cry my love!"
"I just want them to stop and just leave me alone for gods sake!" The lump of a cry in her throat was starting to hurt the more she tried to hold it back, "they can't let me be happy for once. They're being so disrespectful towards you, towards me, towards us. That's not fair!"
"I know baby that not." He cooed, his voice soft and low, "I don't care what they think about me anymore, all I care about you and what we have. They talk all the bad stuff they want, doesn't matter to me. We know what have is right, special and sacred to us. And most importantly I love you too much to even care about what people have to say. I've said this before, not everyone in this world is gonna like us. But that's okay. We can still co-exist with peace. They're your parents and it's gonna be hard to cut them off- if that's what you want, I'm never gonna suggest that. But I want you to know that I'll be there with you to support you through everything, because I care for you and I love you."
"I love you too!" She sobbed hugging him tightly, "you're making me cry!"
"It's alright." He lets outs soft and quiet breath of a laugh. "You can cry and let it all out." She felt take in a deep breath, "not don't you dare blame it on your period."
"I wasn't!" She pouted, he smiled and pressed a sweet kiss on her tear soaked cheek.
"Do you wanna eat? Our breakfast is getting cold, do you want to eat now?" Swiping off tears from her face he peppered her with many more little pecks.
"Mhmm, I'm hungry."
"That's my baby" With a pat on her bum he urged her up so they can both go and sit at the table to eat. "Got your favourite."
Later in the morning, Lambert came over with Harry's fit and to YN's surprise, a dress for her too. Apparently Harry had Alessandro make a custom dress for her but it wasn't done on time, So Mr. Lamby went on a little shopping spree, he got YN a red blouse with puffy sleeves made of a flowy fabric and a pair of black pants with black loafers to go with it.
"Harry, why did you-" YN looked Lambert Interrupting herself.
"I charged it on Harry's card, don't you worry love." Lambert assured her which made her glare at her boyfriend.
"Haz, why? I already got an outfit." She turned to her boyfriend who was very confused on whether he should wear a undershirt or a tank top underneath his blazer.
"Baby it's okay. I wanted to match!" He whined. He'd got a red and gold suit custom made for himself to fit for his movie character, Eros. "Please wear it? For me, please!"
"I think you should YN," Lambert suggested, "you'll look amazing in this."
"Okay." She agreed because she has got no other choice, or she'd be making her boyfriend upset. She changed into the clothes Lambert got her. Harry was already dressed, he did his own hair and put on some concealer under his eyes and on little spots like all of the make up artists he's had over the years did. All he needed was to put on his blazer.
"Hmm?" He sounded, buttoning his cuffs.
"I don't - would you mind braiding my hair?" She asked.
"Don't you want to style them baby?" He walked in the bathroom where she was.
"Well, I have never tried to before so I don't know." She shrugged, looking at him through the mirror. He looked perfect with his red pants on a gold, glittery shirt.
"Hmm, do you want to style your hair or wear it in a braid?" He asked.
"I don't know."
"Then just wear it as it is, you look pretty with whatever." He smirked a cheeky smile.
"No, but wouldn't it be too weird? My hair is all weird and half wavy and half straight." She pointed out.
"That okay."
"It's not. For me." She pouted, "suggest me something else please!"
"Okay, lemme help you curl them then, have a seat." He gestured her to sit on the closed toilet seat. Brought out the hair straightener he keeps with him and some heat protecting products. "We've got an hour left till we leave." He announced. It was enough time.
Now he's seen his sister and mum do this all the time growing up, even his past partners and even friends. So it was a second nature cor him to curl her hair which fell down to waves almost immediately, her hair was completely opposite of his.
"Don't burn my hair, Haz, please!" She requested as he got to the second to last strand of hair and she started seeing smoke coming out of the hair iron.
"Don't worry baby, it's not your hair." Be assured her, "it's the product I put in your hair."
"I am still scared!" She cringed hearing the little clicking sounds of her hair falling down from the flat iron in her ear.
"All the more pretty." He commented, "look." He urged her up so she can take a look at his masterpiece. It really did looked good. No wonder he's so good at doing his own hair. All she has been doing is wearing her hair in a simple, boring braid her whole life. Who knew a few waves in her hair would make her all that more confident in herself. "You like it?"
"I love it!" She beamed at him through the mirror.
"It's not done yet." He warned her, grabbing the hair spray he got into the hairdresser action. Fluffing up the waves as he prayed in the product. "Now it's done!"
"Oh my god, thank you Harry!" She exclaimed, "I don't think I can afford to pay you though."
He shrugged, "I'll take my payment in kisses tonight." With that a gentle peck was placed on her red painted lip. "It's good to keep your payment options versatile when it's your girlfriend."
"Mhmm, I see." She nodded mumbling against his mouth, "do I get a discount?"
"We'll negotiate it later." He was rewarded with another kiss.
"We see that Angelina Jolie brought her kids, Gemma Chan brought her sister with her as her date, who does Harry Styles have with him?" The interviewer asked, who obviously saw his brief interraction with his girl who was stood with Jeffery for the time being. "Did you bring your wife with you?"
"Yeah," he admitted not even trying to correct the lady there, that was going to be true in very near future. His fans can have a field day with this information if they like. "Yeah, she did came with me." He did not hesitate to glance at his girl fangirling over Gemma in the corner next to Jeffery. She's gonna have a field day when she finally gets to meet Angelina later.
Luckily the interviewer moved on to talk about the movie with him. He moved on to the next person, who also asked about YN but refered to her as his girlfriend which he didn't bother to comment on either. He was having with Interviews today, especially when the third and last one called YN his Fiancé. Alas, he got to be reunited with his girl.
He was away from her for three hours okay!
That's far too long. He had to leave from the hotel alone unless he wanted to walk the red carpet with YN, he would if she felt comfortable enough with it. He didn't force her and let her go with Jeffery.
It was one of the best evenings he's had in a long time. His girlfriend really enjoyed the movie sat next to him in the cinema hall. It really warmed his heart.
YN also got along with Gemma Chan so well they even exchanged numbers and Instagrams. Gemma promised YN that she'll let her know whenever she's in town to visit her cafe. Well, least to say YN almost passed out fangirling the moment Gemma moved on to talk to others.
"Oh my god, she's real!" YN exclaimed looking at her boyfriend who was giggling.
"I know." He nodded, "you're enjoying your time so far, baby?"
"Very!" She agreed without any hesitation. There was little dinner after words which she enjoyed as well.
It was the next morning and least to say, his fans were going crazy online, according to Jeffery.
But they still went out like he promised her before they flew back home. They went to the Central Park and the Zoo, did all the touristy stuff for her. It was pretty crowded there but not enough to suffocate you.
"Mommy!" A little high pitched voice crying was audible in the loud crowd of people moving around. It caught YN's attention.
"Did you hear that?" YN asked Harry, finally saw the little head of brown hair. Harry was confused at the little four year old didn't hesitate to run to his girlfriend and wrap her arms around her legs.
"Find my mommy please!" She cried.
YN seemed more calm to him than he thinks she in from the inside, and as confused as she was. Harry had no idea how they're gonna find this kid's mother who is clinging onto his girlfriend. He wanted to help her.
"Hey, it's okay little dove." YN assured her crouching to match her height, "don't cry. What's your name?"
"Emma." The little girl let out a soft sob.
"Okay Emma, we're going to find your Mummy." She assured the little girl. "Okay, ehmm..." She looked at Harry who was crouched by the little girl too. She seemed scared of his for some reason and moved closer to YN, "No, it's okay. You want some water?"
"Mhmm." Emma nodded and took the bottle from YN.
"Do you know your Mummy's phone number, we can call to her on?" She asked.
"Baby she looks to be about four." Harry reminded her.
"Kids now a days know their parents' number." YN said and looked back at the little girl. She had a little Mickey Mouse purse on her which YN checked and found a tiny note pad in, with a number. "Look, we'll call your Mummy okay? Don't cry now, hmm?" She held the little girl close to her and called her mother from her phone. Who came over to pick her daughter in no time, all frantic.
The lady had two more kids with her, no wonder why she lost one. But she was thanking YN hysterically crying, before they left.
"How did you know that?" Harry was surprised.
"You know my cafe is closer to two schools, and we surve out doors too. Well, we've had many stressed out and burnt out parents almost forgetting their kids there." She shared, "luckily all the little kids I've dealt with were in their school uniform and had their parents contact on their school IDs. Emma luckily had the little note pad on her, or else I was about to go to every corner and find her mother."
"Awh! You're so sweet baby!" He cooed, a breath of a giggle sounding through his chest as he pulled her in a hug.
"Just traumatised." She shrugged, "even I got lost when I was like five when my mum was picking me up from school."
"No, how?" He never thought she'd be the one to get lost as a kid, it's not something to think about. But she drives without a GPS which says a lot.
"It was back when we lived in India. My school was in a like a huge campus, so there was a huge rush and I didn't liked to hold my mum's had whilst walking." She smiled sheepishly, "so I ran back to my teacher in school and she called my mum there." He laughed at the story. It was adorable how she was smart enough to run back to her school and ask her teacher for help.
"You're a smart one," he booped her nose with his pointer finger, having her tucked under his arm as they made their way out of the zoo. Harry did spied a few cameras around which annoyed the shit out of him but he was successful enough to conceal his frustration. They went to eat and back to hotel as YN started feel her cramps kicking back in.
User1 wtf? When did that happen???
User2 He literally chose to not correct the interviewer. That's so harry of him.
User3 Nour! The other one call his partner his Fiancé and he didn't say anything! 😭
User4 He's so sick in the head for not telling us anything.
User5 He's so for real for this. Harry literally tell your fans nothing! We love your girlie no matter what!
User6 So you're telling me he secretly got married? 🥺
User7 Awww I'm so happy for him!!!
User8 He's gay! Get over it!
User9 It's a PR stunt. Get over it!
User10 User9 Literally, how it is a PR stunt when we don't even know her name yet? She's not famous!
User11 No, he's so cheeky. But his girl is so pretty 🥺 I wanna hug her and apologise for all the hate comments she gets
User13 Nah! This can't be real. Remember he said, what we see is just work? Yeah, it's clearly a PR
User14 User13 literally stfu. What have we seen. He's talked about her all for two times and they've been together for almost three years. Go get a fucking job!
User15 This makes me so happy!
IndianHarrie Y'all know that it's gonna big fat brown wedding. If he got married we'd know. So calm your tits! He just doesn't want to talk about his relationship!
User17 For real! If he talks about her, it's a PR. When he didn't talk about her, he was embarrassed of her. Get a grip for fucks sake!
User18 Wait, I've seen this man at the Central Park zoo the other day. My daughter got lost in the crowd and his wife helped her find me. They're both literally the sweetest. God bless the lovely couple with eternal love and abundance of joy! I don't know why people are hating on such a sweet girl.
User19 User18 Omg! They're so sweet for doing that.
User20 This man is such a good secret keeper. I love him!
User21 Anygays, you know what is today's date? 👀
User22 User21 *a GIF of Harry saying 'Shut up!'*
User23 He was way better with Kendall.
User24 User23 Ew! Stop, don't compare his current girlfriend to that. 🤢
User25 User24 Why are being a hater? You don't have to be so mean, Kendall is a human too!
User26 User25 Yeah she is, a shitty one to be more specific.
User27 Anyway, he wrote a whole album for Camille and more songs about her are on Harry's House which he wrote with her. Haha! I would be so pissed if my boyfriend did that. She's not his type anyway.
User28 Y'all seriously need to leave Harry and his girl alone. Y'all literally ship him with every white, blonde older woman he's pictured with but he admits to be dating someone who's a POC. Y'all are fucking racists!
User29 We 👏 Stand 👏 with 👏 Harry's 👏 girl 👏
User30 See this shows how y'alls feeling for Harry is not real, when y'all are not ready to support him when he's actually happy. He has been looking the healthiest since we have literally known him! Get a fucking life.
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @supersanelyromantic Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
911 notes · View notes
On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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Y’all… this word count… I’m was almost gonna slept it up but decided not too. Anyways hehe. Also the last chapter is gonna be posted on Halloween at the witching hour in PST, cause Halloween chapter! so I’m excited about that lol. The usual, not proofread, Miguel might be ooc.
(Y/F/N)- Your full name.
Not much Miguel and reader interaction but what is there is worth it. Me attempting to write about sports stuff I don’t know anything about even though I promise I did attempt research. Cursing (I think tbh I can’t even remember but probably), fluff (if you squint?????), I’m giving up on these tags lmao.
Word count: 2.8k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 14: Ever thought of callin’ when you’ve had a few? ‘Cause I always do.
It wasn’t entirely surprising how quickly you got everyone in your group to agree to go to the game later, although you were expecting Logan to be against the idea since he hates the sport, but apparently his want to see you and Miguel get together was stronger than his hate for hockey since he immediately agreed.
You were currently in your 4-way shared Airbnb getting ready for the hockey game, having already been kicked out of the dorms by the university despite there being a game tonight, which didn’t make sense in your opinion, but that’s neither here nor there. Usually you would usually travel back home during the breaks, but due to you and Logan participating in regionals this year, you had to stay in Nueva York, you had both decided to stay in one rather than a regular hotel since it would be cheaper, Kate and Xavier tagged along for emotional support.
“I’ve never actually attended a hockey game, what do you wear? Probably a crew neck or a hoodie right? It’s still an ice rink. Maybe I should wear school merch, ugh but the only school related jacket I have is our skating team varsity jackets.” Kate, Logan and Xavier just stayed silent as they watched you rambled on, their faces full of amusement (and from Logan just the slightest bit of annoyance) as they watched you freak out , glancing at you every once and a while as you kept pacing between the hallway bathroom and your room as you attempted to get ready for the game despite it not starting for another 3 and a half hours.
“You should have asked Miguel for one of his spare jerseys.” Logan teased as he wandered towards your doorframe and leaned against it as he watched you dump your suitcase over your bed. How the hell do you not have a red or blue jacket??
“Shut up Logan.”
“You’re overthinking this, you know.”
“What? No I’m not.” Oh, you totally overthinking this.
“He’s got you whipped.” Logan snickered, shaking his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. You in response threw a pillow in his direction, which he hit to dodge.
“You’re not funny Logan. Do you have a school sweatshirt I can borrow?” You said, releasing a deep exhale through your nose as you turn to look at him.
“I think I think I have a spear.” He replied as he picked up the pillow off the floor and tossed it on your bed. “I just don’t want Miguel trying to beat me up over you wearing my jacket.” He added as he walked over to where you were standing, stopping once he was right next to you.
“He wouldn’t, I promise. I won’t let him.”
“This is actually kinda fun to watch.” Xavier said to Kate, as she glanced over to you before back at the rink. The spiders were currently in the lead 2 to 1 and it was about to be the end of the first period, a little less than 6 minutes before the timer reaches zero.
“It’s totally scary though.” Kate said as she took a sip of her soda, you nodding in agreement.
“So glad I went into figure skating…” Logan muttered as his eyes widened, an almost horrified look spreading on his face, but he couldn’t look away. You would have giggled at his reaction if you didn’t feel the same way. Both sports are dangerous just in their own ways.
You turned your head as you saw Peter pass the punk to Miguel, who you believed was playing center, (you watched one of those 10 minute crash course videos on how hockey works before you came to the show because whether if you were aware of it or not, Logan was right about you being whipped already) as he was making his way closer to the goal, when one of the players on the opposite team came crashing into him back first. The other player’s elbow “accidentally” hit Miguel’s face, and Miguel was knocked back, landing against the wall as the player on the opposite side took the puck.
“What the fuck-.” You muttered under your breath in shock, cringing slightly as you watched Miguel’s hand going up to cover his mouth, his face wincing in pain, your hands going up to mirror his actions. As soon as Miguel’s hand made contact with his mouth, a timeout was called. The spider's couch went up to Miguel first, talked to him for a bit before walking over to where the referee was. You couldn’t hear anything from either interaction, so you just watched silently, ignoring your friends glances towards you, keeping your eyes on Miguel, worried written on your face. Miguel’s eyes shift around the arena, before finding yours, you can tell he’s trying not to cringe as much as soon as your eyes meet, as if he didn’t want you to see him in pain.
Once you two were looking at each other, you took your hand off your face and mouthed an “are you okay?” to which Miguel took his hand off his mouth and gave you a thumbs up and a smile, but his smile didn’t free you of your worries, in fact, it made it worse, before you could stop your body, you let out a gasp as your eyes widened. His mouth was bleeding, and it was bleeding a lot.
His expression seemed to falter a bit upon seeing your reaction, to what though you couldn’t really tell. Panic? Worry? You don’t know. Other then the initial pain he felt when the elbow made contact with his face, Miguel wasn’t really worried about his injury despite the metallic taste filling his mouth, he didn’t feel anything break or a tooth fall out, sure he’ll probably be sore from a few hours and will have to clean his mouth guard, maybe think about getting a cage instead (this wasn’t the first time someone has elbowed him in the face during a game) but he knows it’s a part of the sport, that’s what he signed up for when he started playing. So why was it that seeing the concern on your face made his chest tighten with guilt? Miguel didn’t have another time to dwell on his thoughts before his coach sent him to the locker room to clean up.
Miguel felt like he was going to go insane if he didn’t get the taste of blood out of his mouth. He’s already gone through 4 sticks of gum and had to refill his water bottle twice in an attempt to flesh out the coppery taste from his senses. He let out a frustrated huff of annoyance as he spat out another piece of gum and brought his water up to his mouth and took a big swig, gargling it a bit before spitting it out in a sink and finally started to make his way out, his bag with his gear slung over his shoulder as he exited the locker room. They had won the game luckily, but Miguel wasn’t as happy as he wanted to be about the victory, maybe it was because he was still mad about getting elbowed in the mouth, maybe it was because he had to be benched due to him getting injured so early in the game or maybe it’s because out of all the games he played this season, of course he got injured at the one you were attending.
Most of the team has gone home already, some stragglers were left, two of those being Miguel and Peter, and Miguel wouldn’t be surprised if you had left already, he probably would have if he was in your shoes. Maybe you got the ick from him now after watching him get hit in the face, and he would be back in square one all over again, the thought was more painful then the hit to his mouth. His mind was running a mile a minute as we made his way down the hall and towards the main exit to head to his car where Peter was most likely already waiting for him. As he walked, he was trying to keep his thoughts on his sore jaw and about the game, trying to to not think about how you saw him get hit, or how your face twisted in disgust at the sight of his bloody smile after you asked him if he alright, the embarrassment and angry he felt when after he came back from the locker room Coach Turner benched him, how-
Is that you talking to Peter in the parking lot???
“I should turn around and wait till she leaves…” he told himself under his breath, but his feet continued to move him closer to where both of you stood near Miguel’s car. Once he was a big closer Peter noticed him first, since your back was facing him, talking to him about something he couldn’t quite pick up on.
“Ah speak of the devil.” Peter said with a smirk, one you would haven’t thought much of, but Miguel knew that there was a smug undertone to it, as if he was right about something. “Sup Mig, we were just talking about you.” He continued as you turned to face him, your eyes widened for a split second as they scanned Miguel’s face, as if checking for more injuries, before you took a step closer to him, you hand instantly going to rest gently on his arm.
“Hey! Oh my god, are you okay? That hit looked brutal, god that jerk.” Miguel didn’t know if it was the way your tone and face went from concerned to annoyed as you spoke, or the way you hand went traveled from his arm to his chin, lightly gripping it and moving his face from side to side gently, mirroring his actions earlier in the day when he did the same to you after he bumped into you at lunch, but god did you make his heart burst with warmth.
“I’m okay ice princess, calm down.” Miguel assured you with a small smile, a chuckle escaping his swollen lips as he took your hand and brought it down away from his face, giving it a light squeeze as he did so. Neither of you have realized that Peter had slipped away into Miguel's car.
“Okay, okay good.” You sighed and nodded, glad to know he was relatively okay.
“Didn’t mean to get you all worried Princesa.”
You scoff, taking your hand away from him and lightly hit his chest.
“God, you always gonna say something stupid, huh?” You rolled your eyes, but your tone couldn’t hide the smile forming on your face.
“Of course I do, ice princess, how else am I supposed to annoy you?”
To say you were nervous was a complete understatement, you have never been more terrified for a skating performance in your life. It was your first time performing for regionals after all.
You had barely gotten a wink of sleep, a few hours at most, but you mostly spent the night twisting and turning, glancing at your phone to look at the time, before letting out a frustrated groan and pulling your sheets up a bit higher in an attempt to get yourself to finally sleep. But your attempts were mostly futile, finally throwing in the towel around 5:00 in the morning, deciding it would be better to spend your time Getting ready for the day you’ve been anticipating rather then attempting to get another hour of sleep you know you won’t get.
By the time the clock had struck 5:30, you'd already packed your equipment in your bag, and had loaded it in Logan’s car, not surprised when you saw his back already packed, before making your way to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast, something light but enough to keep you full till lunch.
“You couldn’t sleep either?” Logan asked when you saw him enter the kitchen, two Starbucks cups hand, passing you one as he took a sip of his, his voice low as to not wake up Kate or Xavier. You let out a hum and nodded your head as you took the one he handed you and took a sip, the caffeine making you wince as you feel it try to wake your body up a bit.
“We should hit the road soon, coach Kavinsky said we should be at the rink by 6 so we can make it in time for check in and make it for our off ice warm up.” You said as you stood up from your seat, putting your dishes in the sink.
“God, I didn't know our short program would take so long…” Logan huffed as you both threw your figure skating jackets over your performance outfits for the first half of the competition, as you both rushed down the arenas long hallway being careful to avoid running into some of the other pairs as you made your way back to the locker rooms to change.
“Did you see Kate and her boyfriend?”
“No. Did you see Miguel and his friend?”
“No. I didn’t get enough time to look around the seats to find them.”
You both dropped the conversation once you both reached your respective locker rooms. Quickly changing out of the first dress and slipped the second one on, it was a full black dress with long mesh sleeves and smoke black mesh on your sides, being sure to be careful with the gemstones that were placed around the waistline and the chest, and the black feathers that accented the back in order to look like a pair of small wings as you slip your jacket back on, before going to change your lip color and eye makeup.
You were stressing hard, hell, you were surprised you were able to apply your eyeliner with a steady hand. You didn’t need to rush, since you and Logan weren’t going back on the ice for a while since they still had a few short programs to go through before you were supposed to go back on, but you tended to rush when you were nervous. Once you finished fixing your makeup you went to touch up your hair, placing two feathered wing hair clips that pinned flat against your head to match the ones of your costume, one of each side of your head. As you were placing some more bobby pins in your hair to help keep the small wings in place you heard your phone ding next to where you had placed it next to all your supplies. Once placing the last bobby pin in your hair, you grabbed your phone to open it and look at the notification.
Hey, you did amazing, can’t wait to watch your other dance. -unknown number
Fuck how your heart skipped a beat.
You didn’t even need to ask who it was to know it was Miguel, although you never gave him your phone number, so you were a bit curious as to who he had asked for it, but for now you’d have to push that to the back of your mind and focus at the more important upcoming task at hand.
“Next skaters going for the free skate, (Y/F/N) and Logan Martinez.”
A pause as the two go into their starting positions before Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky begins to fill the arena, the two skaters cladded in black, the gemstones on their costumes, despite their small size, shimmered brightly from the lights. No sounds other than the music filling the rink and the occasional swish from the skates slashing the ice.
You might be representing the black swan but you’ve never looked more like an angel in Miguel’s eyes. Despite the tragic atmosphere that the performance was depicting, you looked absolutely heavenly to him, he shouldn’t be surprised, this is what you love to do, what you wanted to do for a living. But he’s never got the chance, no starch that, the privilege of watching you do a routine in all of your full glory. He’s caught glimpses of you and Logan doing both routines during practices, but that was different, you wouldn’t portraying the emotions like you were right now, you wouldn’t wear the performance outfit like you were now, and the energy you were putting into the routine was far more grand than when you would practice back on the uni’s arena. He could already see himself watching from home as you and Logan were representing the country in the Olympics, but then again, maybe it was just his heart talking,being overzealous. He didn’t know if it was the performance or just your presence that he couldn’t tear his gaze from, but he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to look away in the first place.
You and Logan were selected to advance to sectionals.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @miguel-ohara-eater @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch @darksidescorner @sukioyakio @minimari415
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Wayne Manor is an All Autistic Household - AKA I'm projecting
Part 1: states of dress
I've said it before and I'll say it again: if Bruce is left to his own devices he'd never wear clothes. He hates fabric and fabric hates him. He wants to be released from the shackles of human civility but unfortunately he has 6 children he doesn't want to traumatize. He still can be found in just his underwear and robe (and one sock somehow) after a particularly difficult case. Also, he forgets to take the bat suit off often.
Also previously discussed, Alfred needs to wear clothes at all times. He hates being unclothed so much it's unreal. He is also very strict about what clothes are 'appropriate' for what time. The kids can count on one hand the times they've seen him in proper pajamas, if he's woken up in the middle of the night he's decked out in robe and cap and slippers and Night Ascot. Every Christmas they wake up earlier and earlier to get him to come down in his pajamas, it has never once worked.
Dick does wear clothes but he wears any clothing that crosses his path. Steph's workout leggings? Sure. Damians xs hoodie? If it fits over his head why not. He has to expend brainpower to come up with a comprehensible outfit and too often he has no braincells to expend. Also he forgets to wear shoes. He has gone all the way to work barefoot and had to turn around.
Pre-death Jason was definitely "running around in boxers until Alfred scolded him" kid, post-death he's wearing a hoodie AND sweatpants AND fuzzy socks at all times. He runs cold, go figure. He cannot walk around on non carpeted floor without slippers or socks, he hates being barefoot. He sleeps with socks on, the monster.
Tim the pinnacle of teenage boy, He'll wear a shirt if he's already in it but he won't go through the effort to put one on, if that makes any sense. He sleeps shirtless so he stays that way most weekends. He is the prime breaker of the 'please put on a shirt while people are over' rule. Unbelievably specific but: when his hair gets long enough it starts to bother him, he'll use his shirt as a bandana to get it out of his eyes. Yes it looks ridiculous. No he doesn't care.
Damian is the only one who endeavors to remain clothed as he doesn't like not wearing them, but he has problems with changing his clothes. He routinely goes to sleep fully in the outfit from the day. If left to his own devices he would just go a week in the same outfit without changing. They had to have an extensive 'you cannot sleep in a suit' talk. He doesn't change out of his school uniform when he gets home.
Duke is yet another shirtless teenager, but he takes advantage of the Many Robes of the Wayne household. He thinks it looks cool until Damian points out he looks like a stepmom. He still wears them though, they're so soft.
Cass likes to steal hoodies. No hoodie or sweater or robe for that matter is safe, they all end up in Cass's Horde. She also denies her crimes because she thinks it's funny. Other than that she loves soft pajamas, but usually ends up in shorts. She has walked around in a sports bra sparking a lively debate as to what counts as "shirtless"
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