#imeda rambles!!
maruyaaya · 5 months
took a break from the marauders fandom but honestly? im glad to be back. i missed it. i missed my babygirl sirius black <3 maybe i’ll finish that 50k prongsfoot wip thats been rotting in my google docs
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sunsumu · 4 years
Headcanons for being Nekoma’s manager? 👉👈
nekoma manager hc <3
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kuroo was originally the one who invited you to the team. and i mean he was really hot so there was no way you were gonna say no
yamamoto absolutely freaks out as soon as he sees you because “KUROO THE MANAGER YOU GOT IS REALLY CUTE”
lev immediately wanted to impress you. he started begging kenma to set for him and soon received a ball to the head, courtesy of yaku
kenma was just kinda sitting off to the side playing a game
you walked up to him and tried to talk to him. kenma immediately winced at you interrupting his game, but luckily you recognized the game he was playing
once kenma noticed you actually knew what you were talking about, he actually got a little excited (just a little tho)
kuroo likes to make comments about how you “tamed the kitten who hates everyone”
yaku gives you a look that could only be interpreted as “i am so sorry for what you’re about to go through”
whenever you go to games, kenma follows you around like a lost puppy. he just kinda trails behind you wherever you go
you and yaku are kinda like the moms of the group. you two are the only responsible ones
these guys are so overprotective at games. like if someone from another team even looks at you, they’re in a circle around you glaring at that person
lev literally does whatever he can to try to look cool in front of you. it usually results in him doing something to embarrass himself anyway
inuoka is always really excited to talk to you. he just likes to ramble on and on without stopping
shibayama cannot talk to you without becoming a blushy stuttering mess
kuroo will randomly use shitty pickup lines on you. that’s yaku’s queue to throw a ball at his face
“hey y/n you know what my shirt is made of? boyfriend material”
“yaku, little help over here?”
“no wait-“
you sometimes bring homemade snacks to practices which always results in endless praise
“guys it’s just some snacks”
yeah they’re all stupid but you love them regardless and you would do anything for them and they love you back
-admin imeda 💞
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maruyaaya · 3 months
last night at like 2am i came on here to write a little piece about barbara, dick, and jason in always an angel (never a god) and i just opened my drafts and i literally wrote half of a whole fic
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maruyaaya · 3 months
GOOD NEWS TO THE DC FANS FOLLOWING ME WAITING FOR CH5 OF THE JASON GENDER FIC: IM FINALLY WRITING AGAIN. got back into dc by reading a bunch of wonder woman comics (everyone say thank you to ms donna troy the loml <3) and now im committed to finally writing this goddamn chapter
more below the cut (bc i love to yap) + spoilers for ch5 of always an angel (never a god)
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this chapter has been one of the hardest ones to write bc i’m tackling death in the family in this chapter meaning there’s a lot from canon that i have to write in this chapter. there’s not a lot of room for me to write silly little in-between scenes bc everything needs to progress very linearly in this chapter for it to make sense.
in the other chapters, i’ve been able to pull scenes from canon and write them from my perspective + with the pov of a genderfluid jason todd while also being able to write my own unique scenes to add more flesh and detail to the story. with this chapter, there’s a lot that i have to take from canon to properly write that buildup to the actual warehouse scene and it can be really tedious for me to decide what lines i want to pull straight from the comics and what i want to expand upon and make my own.
i’m being very ambitious for this chapter and aiming for a fairly massive word count so i don’t really know when i’m actually going to finish it, but i’m getting over my writers block and i can confirm that i am writing so hopefully it’s not a horrific amount of time.
i really like talking abt my process for this fic bc i don’t often write completely canon compliant fics like this one is (ofc, with this fic having the big difference of being mostly focused on jason’s gender which canon is not focused on). i spend a lot of time rereading comics and writing down timelines and specific lines + scenes i want to include. i have pretty detailed timelines for this fic that lay out canon scenes with my own scenes so i can make sure i get the timeline of ages & events correct and that is the worst for me bc i am NOT a planner.
when i’m writing fics, i just sit down and crank something out in one sitting and pray it makes sense. i don’t write drafts. i sit down at my laptop, bleed, and then publish the first draft i write (i do the same for school which is probably not a good habit but hey, it’s worked for me thus far!) this is the first fic i’ve written where i actually put time into planning. it helps that i really enjoy writing this fic and i’m very proud of it.
okay that’s probably enough blabber on that. my bad guys i just love infodumping. i love talking and tumblr is like a void and i am screaming into it, but it almost feels like the void is listening.
anyways! on a slightly related note, who wants to ask me about donna troy and hear my thoughts on her bc boy, do i have thoughts!!! such an underrated character she doesn’t get the love she deserves bc she’s actually so complex and interesting. donna troy my beloved <3
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maruyaaya · 5 months
if anyone still remembers this fic from a year ago, i sat down and finished it today :)
barty/sirius friends with benefits: call it what you want out now!
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maruyaaya · 7 months
had my last midterm yesterday so hopefully i’ll actually start writing again 🤞🤞
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maruyaaya · 8 months
i’m having so many jason thoughts
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maruyaaya · 5 months
making personalized book recommendation lists based on my friends’ interests is my love language
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maruyaaya · 1 year
finally managed to write something and a friend told me, and i quote, “UR SICK UR MIND IS SICK GET HELP IM GOING TO KMS BC OF U” when i sent them a snippet so here’s to hoping i can make some of you cry and sob and throw up 🤞🤞
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maruyaaya · 1 year
what’s my gender? thanks for asking! it’s [incoherent buzzing noises loud screeching ritualistic chanting vague mumbling various beeping machinery noises explosion second explosion third explosion for good measure]
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maruyaaya · 1 year
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maruyaaya · 1 year
officially 19 btw :)
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maruyaaya · 1 year
if anyone would like to know what my mental state is like rn i haven’t touched my google docs in like a week but i did just finish making a 60 slide powerpoint about batman and the robins
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maruyaaya · 1 year
kaz brekker is literally just a teenage girl
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maruyaaya · 1 year
my airpods dying while i’m in the middle of listening to music and writing possibly the best scene of my entire writing career has to be a hate crime of some sort
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maruyaaya · 1 year
i said i was going to sleep and then i didn’t because i hate myself
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