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I'm sorry.. I'm just sorry. @just_overthought_thoughts #pleasedonthateme #imsorry #itriedmybest #imjustsosorry https://www.instagram.com/p/B871bwVlaEO/?igshid=jcq0q748nerj
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hausofmamadas · 2 years
RAÍCES DE DINARRÓN | Eso es mi pinshe espososa ... get your own, cabrón
✷✷✷ (For any and all Dinarrón content, refer to disclaimer in these posts) ✷✷✷
From Narcos: Mexico, Season 3, episode 10 - Life in Wartime
Salud a mi gente, been a hot minute since I posted and proper screamed in all caps about Dinarrón. And let me tell you…… va a ser como un doozy. Y por qué? Porque esta escena fue la que comenzó todas las mensas shingaderas Dinarrón. Estamos?
Come sit on grand pappy’s lap and I’ll tell you a story. Months ago when I was recording some Dina scenes from Nmx for an IsaDina fanvid which is still a thing except I changed it so not really but like it sorta is... it’s fine I started noticing this thing where like, esp después de que se convierta la jefa de jefas but not just S3 -> see this post Barrón just seemed to ALWAYS be in the background of her shots? Which like, okay it’s not that weird. Mans haunts the edges of the whole show. He was following Mín around at the start of S3 when Mín was AFO big man on campus ... HOWMEVER
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This fucking scene hit me right in the chesticle muscle they call that a heart? idk bc this happens after Min comes out of hiding and is Big Boss again. And like it’s awkwaaarrrd. Bc everyone’s a lil like, by everyone, I mean Pancho, Món, and obvious lover Barróncito “Cool Mín, you’re back! Glad you didn’t die, really swell. But Dina’s been holding down the fort like a regular Julius Caesar and her suits are sharper than yours imjustsosorry but I feel like??? she’s more in charge than you, hombre??? …also we're scared of her. Like when you get mad, you look much stress and stomp out of bday parties but when she gets mad, she strings ppl from freeway overpasses like wet laundry, so ….”
Bc lest we forget, this is the same ep Món finds Mayo and takes that tidbit to Dina, not Mín bc no one knows who’s in charge except they totally do and it’s totally Dina but they don’t want to make Mín cry in his soup when he just got back. And based on this scene, it seems Barrón is likewise unsure who’s in charge or he just not done following Dina around like a lost puppy bc he has functioning eyes and a functioning brain with which to process Dina’s extraordinary foxiness and can’t get enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who can say
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Y estas pendejadas got me in such a tizzy bc:
a) The way it’s shot. Bc callate alaverga y moment of silence for how fucking cool this looks. Dinarrón aside, enserio I love this shot so much. The close-up on Dina's face, all emo in her feels she turns around, it’s blurry, only for Barrón to slowly come into focus. It's one of those sequences that makes me regret going to school for Physics. Sub pinshe Chapo and Cochi in here, and I'm still obsessed. But like also.... okay.... am I straight bonkers, or does it seem like a weirdly intimate way to frame a shot for two characters who’ve only directly spoken a total of THREE MF TIMES IN THE WHOLE SHOW?? AM I??? CRAZY??? these are rhetorical kthnx had it been Panchito or Món, that would make sense to me. It’s her brothers, we've witnessed heartfelt interactions btwn them, she's close with them. Like alone it isn't weird but like… why??? Barrón?? Legit talked 3 times, I've counted.
b) he refers to her by The Formal “Usthted”
c) again, I ask ignoring the like obv answer of look at his face why is he the one tasked with getting Dina and not one of her brothers?? Like is he still her bodyguard?? Even though Mín is back and presumably he should be up Mín’s ass again?? Or maybe Dina got to keep her clear, obvious lover and blatant malewife security since she was boss for so long???
REGARDLESS, none of it especially makes sense and none of it’s especially explained. And thusly, the only rational thing we can conclude in light of this irrefutable evidence is THEY BEEN FUCKIN.
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And suuurree, you're prob thinking.... Kay. In no way is that the only explanation. And y'know, I couldn't argue with you joke's on you, I can always argue no matter how absurd the angle except the above. Let's unpack this. Barrón is escorting his Boss in life and love to this big ass fam meeting that Ceasar understudy #1 Mín has called to discuss future AFO moves. Dina's standing at one end of the table, Min seated at the other end so that sksksks depending how you look at it, they're both at the head of the table.
More importantly tho, the look SKSKS on Dina's face SKSKSK when Mín asks Barrón about the Amado search. Before that, she's enjoying her smoke, raisin’ her eyebrows at someone all cute-like. Then Mín pipes up, “still nothing on Amado?" Barron says no and Mín tells him to *snap snap* stay on it, sends him away. Her fuckin face when she looks at Mín..... at Barrón.... then back at Mín, is giving like:
".... this biiiiiiiiiiiiiish ....? Just exactly???? tf you think you are??? Ordering mi mano derecha, mi rayo de Luna, mi espososa, MY MALEWIFE, around?? Is he yours???? Oh, no??? Cause he's mine??? Maybe I wanted him to go look for Amado. Or maybe I wanted him to stand next to me so we could look like the sexiest, most devastating, color-coordinated One True Power Couple that ever was. MAYBE THAT'S WHAT TF I WANTED HIM TO DO, MÍN."
… Okay, so maaay have taken some liberties, maybe editorialized that last part unpoquito... but, for sure, just the last bit.
taglist(have some gifs): @ashlingnarcos @cherixrosa @cherixsays @narcolini @cositapreciosa @purplesong1028 @criatividad-e @tinylittleobsessions @cigarettesaftersunset @carlislecullenisadilf @artemiseamoon @narcos-narcosmx @thesolotomyhan @southotheborder @mandaloria314 @bellinitini @ashlingiswriting @narcosmx @kesskirata @curaheed @alreadywritten
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theywerewrongluka · 7 years
I fucked up... I don't know how or why but I did
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