#imma have fun reading my ninja alien teen melodrama AU
sassykinzonline · 14 days
anyways lets talk about the actual real problem with boruto aka the massive retcon and plothole that is the heterosexual marriages.
in the original manga its already established that iruka + itachi serve as the platonic foundation of sasunaru: the imperfection of these important bonds highlight the necessity of both boys to each other. iruka tries to accept despite inhumanity and inability to contribute to strength. itachi emphasizes weakness and dehumanizes, but accepts regardless. this is the key significance in the confessions: they make explicit reference to unconditional observation of strength and humanity to each other. these imperfect platonic foundations serve as the lifeline that allows for further "perfect" love to be explored and understood.
so it doesnt make sense that in boruto with 0 explanation whatsoever (this is even accounting for the light novels), sasunaru becomes the "platform" for the relationship for the suddenly more important relationships with the wives. why? if you have an exclusively perfect relationship, youre not gonna look for another. moreover, ideas like "you acknowledged me more than anyone else" and "i cant lose you" and "you alone make me feel less alone" and "only you make my life worth living, only you bring me light" and "you are my prayer and my hope for the future" are randomly attributed to women who were explicitly told the opposite. in those same light novels, sasunaru becomes a relationship exclusively of conflict/desire for space and distance, but in the boruto manga they cant stay away from each other while scorning their wives.
total actual clusterfuck, the character assassination of sasuke and naruto by that point is entirely secondary and becomes borderline understandable when you consider key values and themes are totally abandoned to give way to these couplings.
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