#immediately hit the Lenny tag looking for this as soon as she said it
sweets-fanfics · 4 years
Homecoming 12
Title: Spaghetti?
Wordcount: 4183 (I dont feel sorry at all)
Warnings: Fluff, glorious suger teeth rotting fluff (at the end)
Tag: @rollyjogerjones
AN: Im not sorry I wrote alot. There was too much I wanted to put.
When you woke up the next morning Arthur wasn’t asleep next to you. You look around a bit confused. You put your feet over the edge which accidentally lands on a sleeping Bear as he’s stretched out across the floor. You scratch his belly with your foot before stepping over him to get up.
You slowly begin to wake up more as you slip on your jeans and boots. You’re taking your hair out of the braid it was in when you step out of the tent in practically into Abigail. “Good Mornin’ Y/N, is Jack hidin’ in there?” 
“No, he’s isn’t I’m sorry Miss Roberts.”
She waves you off trying to not look worried, “I’m sure it’s nothin’ he probably just got distracted. 
She starts to wander away still calling for him, “I’ll check down by the river for you.” You call to her and head down by all the wood that had been washed to shore. “Jack!” You yell out. A small head pops out from behind a log. 
“I’m right here, Auntie Y/N.” He waves and grins.
“Jack, your mother is worried sick about.” You say as you lean over to see what he’s doing. “What mess are you makin’?” You ask with a smile.
“I found a lizard.” He points to the underside of the log, “I’m tryin’ to catch it to show Momma.”
“I’m not entirely sure how she’d feel about a lizard…” You didn’t seem to happy to see one either but curiosity got the best of you and you grabbed a stick to help. “Maybe we can show Henry.” 
“You think he likes bug?” Jack asks.
“He used to chase me with them when we were your age.” You grin at him, “It was before I became the tough one.”
“Whoa… I thought he only liked Stars.”
“Well… he does like them stars but I think all boys like bugs,” Jack looks at you surprised before looking again.
As the two of you look you begin to hear Bear growl somewhere behind you. You look around and see him growling into a bush, “Bear. Come here, are you growling at a rabbit again?” 
That’s when you hear the sounds of two guns clicking. You grab Jack’s hand about to make a run for it when two men step out with guns aimed. “You two, call off the mutt and come with us.” The first man demands. You pick up Jack who clings onto you. “Now.” The man demands. 
You look back but see you guys are just out of reach to yell for help. “Bear, down.” You order. Bear looks at you with a confused look but backs away anyway.
“Make him go.” The man orders. 
You swallow hard before nodding slowly. “Bear, go to Arthur.” Bear gets excited knowing that when you say that it usually means Arthur is home and a new play buddy had arrived. He turns and growls at the men one more time before running towards camp.
“Alright, now you two come with us.”
“Can the boy stay? He won’t say anythin’,” You feel like you’re practically begging but the men don’t seem swayed.
“Both. Let’s go.” 
You look back at camp one last time. You knew you had a pistol hidden by Jack when you picked him up. You decide the safest bet would probably be going now and getting help later. “Jack, we are going to go with these men okay?” 
“Why do they have guns?” He asks as you begin to follow them.
“They use them to make sure…  African Lions… don’t attack us on our journey.”
Jack giggles, “Silly Aunt Y/N there aren’t any Lions here.”
You smile and play along, “Ah. How do you know? You haven’t seen one, right?” Jack shakes his head no, “Well I know for a fact that Arthur saw one a few months ago.” Jack’s jaw drops, “It tried to eat him too.”
“Arthur must be strong.”
You look at the two men watching you as you walk, “He’s very strong. And has a short fuse.” You say the last part louder. They ignore you so you continue to distract Jack for the duration of the trip to the manor.
“Shut it you two.” The second man yells as you walk up to the Braithwaite manor. 
You watched the front doors as they swung open and you honestly didn’t know if the two of you would be okay. Mrs. Braithwaite stepped out. 
“Ah, the pawns are here.” She says grimly.
“We are actually about to go.” You say as you pull the pistol from under Jack and aim it at her. Instantly more men appear holding guns aimed at you. You kick yourself for not figuring that more people would be here. “Let’s us go…”
“I’m afraid we need to use you two for revenge.” 
Before you have time to respond, a gun hits the back of your head making you blackout.
Arthur rides back into camp still stressed over Sean’s death. Arthur knew that the boy didn’t deserve to be killed. And he was already fuming with Micah… well being Micah. He just wanted to see you. He knew simply seeing your face would not make it all feel as bad as it all was. He wanted to just hold you for a while before needing to face what had to happen. 
He hitches up Athena and looks over the camp to see a crowd forming in front of Dutch’s tent. “Arthur.” He calls to him in a panicked voice. His face seems as white as snow as he puts a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, “Have you seen the boy? Jack? Or was Y/N with you?”
Arthur looks at him confused, “No… I just had finished Bill burry Sean,” He looks around as Henry and Abigail start to march towards them.  
“Where’s my son?” Abigail demands. “Where is my son Dutch Van Der Linde?” 
“We can’t find Y/N either,” Henry adds. 
“I saw her this morning when I was lookin’ for Jack, she said she’d check by the river.” 
Arthur looks around, “Well where’s Bear. He follows her everywhere.” At the sound of his name, Bear darts out of Arthur’s tent and sits in front of Arthur. “The one damn time…” He mumbles, “Bear, go get Y/N.” He commands getting Bear excited. He barks and darts towards the last place he saw you. 
Arthur and the other three follow close behind him until Bear stops by the log and starts growling as he sniffs the ground. “Everyone,” Hosea calls out walking up behind the group. “Kieran says he thought he saw some men near the camp. Said they looked like Braithwaites.”
Dutch’s face starts to turn red. “Let’s go pay them a visit then.” Arthur and Henry follow both getting equally angry. “Abigail, we will bring your boy back.”
“Dutch,” Bill calls as he, Charles, Javier, Lenny, and John all join them, “We heard about Jack and Y/N, do you need some extra men?”
“Of course,” Dutch says as he climbs his horse, “Micah, Pearson, keep an eye on the camp.”
Arthur takes off before half the men are even on their horses yet. Soon he’s joined by John, Henry and then Dutch and Hosea. He can hear the others but at the moment his concerns are making sure you and Jack are safe.
“Who steals a child?” John asks still in disbelief.
“Jack will be fine. He must’ve been taken as a pawn. No one wants to ever hurt a child.” Hosea tries to reassure him. “Besides, if Y/N’s with him he’ll be well protected.” 
“I’ll kill any of those bastards if they hurt my sister,” Henry says looking scarily a bit like an angry Dutch. 
“I can assure you, you ain’t the only one.” Arthur grunts. 
All the men stop outside the manor parking their horses on the side of the road. “Alright… As hard as it’s gonna be let’s keep our heads,” Hosea warns all the men. “Our goal is to get the two and get out.” 
All men nod in agreement before walking calmly in a line towards the manor. Everyone has a pistol out and ready to go if need be. Two men from the house walk up to meet them. 
“Well well, knew you’d all show up.”
“Where’s my son, you bastard?” John starts but Dutch holds out a hand stopping him.
“We want my daughter, and his son returned immediately.” 
One of the men laughs and smacks his brother’s shoulder, “I told you she was his.” His brother chuckles, “See? Didn’t I say they had the same angry face when she tried to pull a fast one on us.” 
Arthur and Henry tense up hearing that you tried something. “You are correct dear brother, She put up a good fight too. Until we finally got her.” Arthur began to raise a gun to ask what he meant when Henry fires at the man killing him instantly and plunging everyone into a fight. 
The gang scatters and hides behind stuff to take out the men outside before going to search the house. Arthur stays near Henry still unsure if the boy could fight in a gunfight. “Alright,” Dutch calls, “Let’s search inside.”
Arthur checks the whole house before meeting the rest of the men upstairs. He sees Dutch and Hosea trying to open the door to a bedroom. He quickly joins them and with a final heave, the cabinet in front of the door falls over.
“Thank you, Arthur,” Dutch says quickly as they head in the room quickly knocking out two men. 
“She’s in here,” Dutch says pulling out the old woman by her collar. “Where’s my daughter.” Dutch demands. 
“You killed my sons!” She screamed. 
“And I’m sure you have more I can kill too if you don’t tell me where you are hiding Y/N and Jack.” Dutch groans as she refuses to talk. “Fine, burn the place.” He shoots one of the bodies in the head making the woman scream before dragging her to the front of the house. 
“The house is empty, we searched everywhere,” Hosea says angry, “I told you she was crazy, Dutch.”
“That you did.” He throws the old lady on the ground. “Now. Where are they?”
“I sold them.” She yells, “To Angelo Bronte.”
“Angelo Bronte in Saint Denise?” Arthur asks.
“Yes, and they are either there, or on a boat to Italy.” She spits at Arthur.
“Let’s go then,” Dutch says turning away and having to practically drag Henry with him.
“What about her?” Arthur asks.
“Leave her, she has nothing left to live for anyway.” Dutch waves off the old woman as she runs towards the manor up in flames.
You woke with a jump to find yourself in a huge plush bed with white sheets. Jack is curled into a ball sleeping next to you in very nice looking clothes. You glance at yourself to see that you’re in a white nightgown. You seemed to be in a mansion or something. 
You shake Jack softly, “Jack... where are we?”
The boy sits up and yawns, “Auntie Y/N you’re awake!” He hugs you tightly, “Papa Bronte said the ‘mean hillbillies’ hit you in the head really hard.” 
“Papa Bronte?” You ask confused.
“That would be me.” A voice says as the doors to the bedroom open. A man in a red robe with a weird black hat on, walk in the room and smile. “I hope you are feeling better.”
“You’re… Luca’s father.” You say still not fully awake.
“Ah, so you are the music shop-girl my son used to pine over.” He cheered in a thick Italian accent. “He’ll be so happy to know you are here.”
“Sir… I’m sorry but I must bring him back to his mother.”
“No!” He snaps in a scary voice. “You will stay here and they can come for you if they want.” He adds back in his soft voice. 
You tighten your grip on Jack just a bit. Bronte suddenly claps his hands making you jump, “Let us go down and see if dinner is ready. We are having spaghetti.”
“What’s that?” Jack asks you. You simply shrug and get up to follow the man. You keep a tight hold on Jack's hand as he follows you. 
“Where are your slippers?” Bronte asks as you two exit the room. 
“Slippers?” You ask as the man claps his hands and a maid appears out of another room. She quickly enters your room and comes back with two pairs of slippers. She places each pair at yours and Jack’s feet. 
“These are your night ones.” He explains. You and Jack look at each other before slipping them on. “Good, let us head downstairs, I’m famished.” 
You follow him downstairs to a dining room with a huge wooden table in the middle. Only three plates are set up.
“Do you live alone here, Mr. Bronte?” You ask as you and Jack sit down.
“Ah yes, it gets lonely. But at least I have company.” He gestures to the two of you as two butlers come in and set plates of a weird dish in front of you and Jack.
You both look at it confused. “It looks like worms…” Jack whispers to you.
“This is Spaghetti. It’s pasta in tomato sauce.” Bronte explains. “It’s food, I promise.”
You still look at it a bit concerned but Jack shrugs a bit and tries it. You watch him for a reaction. He smiles after the first bite. “It’s really good Auntie Y/N.” You sigh with relief and try a bite as well. Jack wasn’t wrong. It’s really good. However, you aren’t sure you are eating it right. 
“I’m glad the two of you are enjoying the meal. How is your head miss?” He asks you before taking another bite.
“It’s sore, but I’ll be okay… I’ve had worse in the past.” You look down a bit.
“I expected that, living with cowboys. Must be a mess.” You smile a bit. “Do you have a cowboy?” He asks you making your cheeks red. 
“I… uh…”
Jack cuts you off, “She’s gonna get married to Uncle Arthur.” 
You blush like crazy and shush him, “What? Who told you that?”
“Momma said that since you moved into his tent that must mean you are going to get married.” He says, repeating his mother’s words.
“Well… let’s not spread rumors.” You say quickly taking another bite.
“Arthur, huh?” Bronte asks. “Tell me, miss, is he better than my son?” You eye him across the table. This was a test. You knew it. If you say yes he gets angry because you don’t like his son, which you don’t. But if you say no… he could possibly use that to his advantage. In any case, you lose. 
You sigh and shrug, “I was never truly with your son. I always thought we were just friends.” You lie to him and you feel like he can tell. “How long was I out for, sir?”
He thinks a bit, “Perhaps a day…” He says as if he isn’t truly sure. 
Before you can ask another question there’s a knock at the door. A servant peaks his head in. “Sir… There are some men here to see you.” You grab Jack’s hand as Bronte stands. 
“Of course, they seem quick. Make sure these two get upstairs to their room.”
You look at him and stand up, “I would like to see my father.” You say trying to seem taller than you are. 
Bronte gives you a dirty look, “You will go upstairs.” He says in a threatening tone. “Now.” Before he gets scarier you pick up Jack and take him upstairs.
“But I wanna see my Pa…” Jack sighs sadly as you sit him on your bed. 
“We will.” You promise him. “Do you know where my clothes are?” 
“They threw them away.” You groan and put your hands on your head. “I kept this though,” Jack adds making you look at him. He lifts his pillow and shows you your gun belt he had hidden. “I couldn’t find your gun though…” You hug Jack tightly.
“Well… I guess now we gotta wait.”
It seemed like hours later when you finally heard a knock at your door. Jack had been sitting on the bed asking you to make up stories to tell him while you sat on the bench at the foot of the bed. You stood up as the door opened and stood in front of Jack. 
Bronte gave a fake smile, “Ah, it looks as if they are awake.” 
Before you can think of a witty response he opens the door wider and you see your dad walk in. 
“Pa…” You smile as he pulls you into a strong hug. You don’t realize you started crying a bit until you pull away and he quickly wipes your cheeks. “Took you long enough,” You adding jokingly.
“My dear girl, I’m sorry. A lot happened…” You look at him confused, “The Grays… they tricked us. Sean died…” You sat back on the bench taking it in. “Then when we were looking for you the Pinkertons found us and we had to move camp.” 
“We moved again?” You ask.
“We had no choice. But we are closer to Saint Denis now.” You sighed still saddened about Sean. Yeah, he could be annoying but he was always nice. “I’m glad you are okay, Jack,” Dutch says as the boy sits by you.
“Where’s Henry? Or Arthur…” You ask standing again.
“Mr. Bronte here sent them on a little job in exchange for you two.” 
Bronte speaks up again, “Oh yes… Let me have one of my maids get you some more medicine for the back of your head.” He walks away. 
“What happened?” Dutch asked getting mad.
“It’s nothing, I tried to pull a gun on the Braithwaites and one of them hit me over the head.” You feel the back of your head… of course it was still tender. 
“Well…” your father thinks a moment. “I probably would have done that as well.”
You smile at each other as he kisses your forehead. “Also… what are you wearing?” He asks looking at your nightgown.
“They put me in this and threw my clothes away. Said they were dirty,” You roll your eyes annoyed. “My favorite pair of pants…” Well, your only. “I’ll have to buy some new ones.”
“Well, I’m just happy you aren’t hurt too much.” 
“Let’s go wait outside… Jack and I are pretty tired of being indoors.” You suggest. 
“Great idea. Fresh air always helps. Besides, I believe we have to have a heart to heart chat.” He pats your shoulder as he turns away. Luckily it seems he doesn’t see your face turn pale. 
Great. What’s he going to ask? You thought to yourself.  He must know about Arthur and me.
The three of you walk to the front yard. You and Dutch sit on the step while Jack runs around the gated yard looking for bugs. “Bronte mentioned something in passing when we were talking.”
You gulp, “What did he say?” You try to sound nonchalant.
“Well… He kept referring to Arthur as your… Fiance.” There it was.
You look away from him pretending to check on Jack. “Oh… Well, Jack was just repeatin’ somethin’ Abigail had said jokingly.” You are a horrible liar and you know it but you were not ready for him to know.
“So there is no truth to it?” He asks in the tone you have learned to know means he knows your full of shit. 
“Well…” You weren’t one to lie to family about something as big as marriage. “It ain’t completely not true.” You kick yourself as your voice gets a tad higher at the end.
“And what does that mean? Did Arthur ask you?”
You finally look at him. In all honesty, he seems a bit betrayed. You couldn’t understand why. “Well no. He didn’t.” You say honestly, “I… I asked him.” 
“Did ya now…” You can hear a tint of anger. 
“Yeah… and… he may have accepted. I mean we’ve been together for what… almost half a year now?”
“And you didn’t think of asking me?” And there was the main problem. He wasn’t involved.
“Well, Daddy,” You pull out the sweet words, “I wanted it to just be me and Arthur for a bit before we bring everyone in. We ain’t even sure it’s gonna happen yet seeing as we are runnin’ from Pinkertons.” Before Dutch has time to respond the front gate opens making you sigh in relief, “Oh, thank god.”
You stand and run to Arthur. He meets you halfway and pulls you into a strong hug. Despite Dutch giving us eyes, Arthur lifts your face to his and kisses you long and hard. “You are just a magnet of trouble ain’t ya.” He says softly as he hugs you again.
“One of my many talents.” You say with a grin. 
“Pa!” Jack yells and runs to John. John drops to his knees and hugs him tightly. 
“I assume the job is done?” Bronte asks appearing on the doorstep. 
“Yeah. All done.” Arthur says without letting you go.
“Well then, I assume you are free to go. But do try to come to my garden party at the mayor’s.” And with that Bronte disappears inside. 
“Let’s go get you some clothes,” Arthur says as he brings you to his horse and lifts you on.
“Arthur we gotta talk.” You say in a quiet tone.
“What happened?” He looks at you a bit concerned.
“Bronte… he told Dutch about us.”
“I hope your father knows we are together.” He jokes as you start riding back to camp with John and Dutch in front.
“No you silly man, he told Dutch about us being engaged.”
Arthur quickly pulls his horse to be slower, “How did he find that out?”
“Jack had heard his momma makin’ a joke about it and took it seriously.”
“So basically the whole camp kinda figured it out?”
“I’m not sure…” You sighed, “I liked it bein’ our secret for a bit.”
You can feel him chuckle as your arms are wrapped around him, “Yeah me too.”
“To be perfectly honest… I just wanted to elope.” You admit making Arthur stop his horse completely. 
He turns so he can look at you properly. “Really?” 
You nod, “But now Dutch is gonna make it a big thing.” 
He nods a bit in agreement before rummaging through his bag. “To be perfectly honest with you as well,” He pulls out two silver bands. “I kinda wanted the same thing.” 
You both look at each other and smile. “Mr. Morgan, how did you get these?” 
He chuckles and hands you the smaller one. You get a closer look at it and see a small diamond on it. “I paid for them.” He smiles proudly. 
“We gonna do this on Athena?” You ask smiling. 
“Well, you're already in white. So nows a good time as ever.” You both chuckle at each other.
He takes you to a small cliff overlooking the Heartlands. The sun was starting to just peak it’s head over the horizon. He hops off of Athena and carefully helps you down. You notice he has on the blue shirt you love so much. It really brings out all the colors in his blue-green eyes. He looks around the ground for a moment before saying a soft ‘ah-ha’ and bends down to pull some wildflowers. He hands all but one to you. You giggle as he puts the one he kept in your ear. 
“There. Extra beautiful.” He says with a smirk. 
You dust some dirt from his shoulder and step closer to him, “Ah… already perfect.” You say making him roll his eyes.
You both just stare at each other for a moment. You can feel how red your face is and you can see his cheeks turning red. “I don’t know how to do this.” You admit shyly.
“Me neither…” He softly takes your hand and slips the ring on your finger. “Y/N I promise to always take care of you. I’ll cherish you forever and always keep you safe, warm and happy. I love you so dang much.” 
You take his hand and slip his ring on to his finger. “Arthur, I promise to always have your back and protect you. I’ll care for you when you are ill and even when you are healthy. I feel like the luckiest woman to have you. I love you so much.”
He takes your face in his hands and kisses you passionately. It was different from the other kisses you’ve shared with him. It felt almost magical in a sense that made you feel silly. You can feel him smile as he holds you close to him. 
“Well, I do believe I’m allowed to call you Mrs. Morgan now.”
18 notes · View notes
btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #4: Going to work with him
Kim Seokjin
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Jin walked out of the boys’ dressing room and headed towards the set that the boys would be taking their pictures on. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Kaiden struggling to keep up with him. 
“Come on Kade,” Jin said as he held his hand out for him. Kaiden caught up to him and clutched onto Jin’s outstretched hand before they both started to walk again.
“Did you want me to keep an eye on him for you?” Their manager asked and Jin nodded.
“Please hyungnim,” Jin said and he bent down so that he was eye level with Kaiden. “I want you to stay here with hyung while daddy goes to take pictures ok? I’ll be right over there,” Jin pointed towards the set and Kaiden nodded slowly. Jin smiled and kissed his cheek before walking onto the set where the rest of the boys already were and getting into his position.
After about 35 minutes, they had finished getting all of the group shots that were needed. Jin looked around for Kaiden but he couldn’t find him.
“Hey hyungnim, where’s Kaiden?” Jin wondered and their manager chuckled.
“He’s right over there,” he pointed to a small little couch that was along the wall and Jin couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face at seeing Kaiden laid out, fast asleep.
“Nice to know that I’m not the only one who finds these shoots boring sometimes,” Yoongi muttered as he walked past, making Jin and their manager laugh.
Min Yoongi 
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“Hi Kinsley,” Namjoon smiled as he walked into Yoongi’s studio at the BigHit building. Yoongi turned around his chair and looked at Namjoon.
“Yeah ok, I’m just invisible,” Yoongi grumbled.
“Hi hyung,” Namjoon laughed. He reached over to where Kinsley was sat in Yoongi’s lap and softly pinched her cheek, making her smile around her thumb that she had in her mouth. “What are you doing here? I thought you were staying home because you have Kinsley today.”
“I was supposed to, but I have this melody that I just can’t get out of my head,” Yoongi explained. “I needed to come in and record it properly.”
“Huh, good luck getting that done with the little one here,” he joked. 
“Uh, Kinsley isn’t the destructive Bangtan kid,” Yoongi pointed out and Namjoon gasped dramatically.
“You know, Mason resents that,” he laughed and Yoongi did the same. “Well, I’ll let you get back to work hyung. Let me know if you need anything.” Yoongi nodded and watched silently as Namjoon walked out of the studio. Turning back to the mixing board, Yoongi exhaled harshly as he looked over the work that he’d gotten done so far.
“What do you think baby girl?” Yoongi asked as he looked down at Kinsley and she looked back up at him. “Do you think it’s a potential hit?” She squealed and pointed to the computer screen, making Yoongi chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes then.”
Kim Namjoon
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“Sorry I’m late,” Namjoon murmured as he walked into the conference room.
“It’s ok,” Jungkook said. “We see why now,” he added with a smirk as Namjoon sat down next to Jin with Mason in his arms. 
“I know, I know but Y/N had some last minute business at work and she couldn’t take him with her and we couldn’t find a babysitter,” Namjoon rambled as he attempted to get himself settled for the meeting.
“Here, come to uncle Jin Mase,” Jin cooed as he held his arms towards Mason, who happily fell into them. After setting Mason in his lap and wrapping an arm around him, Jin used his free hand to reach into his jacket pocket and he pulled out a small box of pocky. 
“Ock,” Mason squealed once he saw the box, making all of the boys laugh. Jin opened the box and pulled a stick before handing it to Mason, who immediately began munching on it.
“That should keep him quiet,” Yoongi snickered.
“Why did you just have a random box of pocky in your pocket though Hyung?” Namjoon wondered and all of the boys looked over at him for his answer.
“I get hungry during these long meetings,” Jin shrugged and everyone just stared at him.
Jung Hoseok 
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“Hey, look who decided to tag along with me to rehearsals,” Hobi called out as he walked into the practice room, Lennox and Berkeley toddling behind him. 
“Hi little ones,” Jimin exclaimed as he picked Berkeley up and kissed her cheeks. “You came to help your daddy and uncles?” Berkeley nodded excitedly as Hobi helped Lennox take off his little jacket.
“Hi Lenny,” Jin greeted him, waving his hand. Lennox looked over Hobi’s shoulder and waved back with a large smile on his face. 
“Where are the rest of the guys?” Hobi wondered as he threw Lennox’s jacket on top of his dance bag.
“On their way,” Jimin mumbled as Berkeley grabbed at his lips.
“They should be here soon though,” Jin added. Hobi nodded and then looked down at Lennox, who was holding onto his pants leg.
“What do you think Len? Wanna do some warm ups?” He asked and Lennox grinned as Hobi stepped over to the stereo against the wall and pressed play. Idol started to play and both of the twins cheered loudly. Jimin set Berkeley down on the ground and she squealed as the beat dropped in the song.
“Here, follow me Len,” Hobi encouraged as he began popping his arms. Lennox tried his hardest to copy him but he just ended up hitting the air.
“Adorable,” Jin laughed as Jimin pulled out his phone to record them.
Park Jimin
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“Stay still Noey,” Jimin said as Noah wriggled around on his lap to try and make himself comfortable. Jimin sighed as he tried to keep himself still as the hairstylist did his hair.
“Do you want me to take him Jimin-ah?” Hobi asked and Jimin nodded gratefully. Hobi nodded and held his hands out. “Noah,” he called, making Noah look at him. “Wanna come with uncle Hobi?” Noah looked at him for a few seconds longer before shaking his head and leaning back against Jimin.
“Wow, that really hurt Noah,” Hobi sighed dramatically as he falsely heaved his chest.
“You don’t want uncle Hobi?” Jimin questioned as he looked at Noah and Noah shook his head once again. “You just wanna stay with daddy huh?” He asked and Noah nodded.
“Here, you just have to know how to entice him,” Taehyung said. He bent down and held his hands out towards Noah. “Noah, wanna come give Uncle Tae Tae cuddles?” He asked and Noah looked over at him immediately. “Come on,” Tae encouraged and Noah leaned into his arms. Tae smiled triumphantly as he picked Noah up off of Jimin’s lap and held him close to his chest.
“I don’t know if I should be offended or not that my son abandoned me for cuddles,” Jimin chuckled.
“I should be the one who’s offended,” Hobi exclaimed as he looked over at Tae and Noah, who are quietly snuggling each other. “Never mind, they’re both too cute to stay mad at.”
Kim Taehyung
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“Stay right here Munchkin, ok?” Taehyung instructed and Spencer nodded as she went back to playing with the small toy cars in front of her. Tae turned around in his chair and smiled as the next fan walked up to the table.
“Hi,” Tae smiled as the fan handed him her copy of the Love Yourself: Answer album.
“I love you guys’ music so much! You guys are literally my favorite group,” she gushed, making Tae chuckle lightly.
“I’m so happy that we have your support,” Taehyung beamed. Suddenly, he felt a sharp tug on his sweater. He looked to his left and Spencer was standing next to his chair. “Munchkin, what are you doing?”
“Up,” she whined, pointing to his lap. Knowing that she wasn’t going to be satisfied unless she got what she wanted, he picked her up and set her in his lap.
“Can you say hi to Daddy and your uncles’ fan?” He said and Spencer waved happily at the fan standing in front of Tae.
“She is so beautiful!” The fan exclaimed. “You and Y/N must be so proud.”
“We definitely are,” Tae nodded with a grin on his face as he glanced down at Spencer.
Jeon Jungkook
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“Come on Angel,” Jungkook called as he walked onto the stage for soundcheck. Ava followed behind him and she grabbed his hand as she slowly made her way up the steps to the stage. Ava looked around in awe at the massive stage and all of the empty seats in the arena.
“Hey KiKi,” Hobi smiled as he walked over to her. She giggled and wrapped her little arms around his leg.
“Ong?” She lisped and Jungkook sighed in exasperation. Ever since “In My Feelings” by Drake came out, Ava had been obsessed with the song because of the lyric that mentioned her Korean name. 
“Of course KiKi,” Hobi nodded and he looked over at Jungkook. “Wanna sing it with me?”
“This is your fault, you know,” Jungkook pointed out as he walked over to where they were standing. “You were the one who she was with when she first heard that song.”
“I know but she’s so cute when she hears it,” Hobi pointed out and Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“KiKi, do you love me? Are you riding?” Jungkook sang and Ava giggled loudly, moving her arms back and forth.
“Said you never ever leave from beside me, cause I want ya and I need ya and I’m down for you always,” Hobi laughed as Ava began to bend her knees as she attempted to dance with her dad and uncle. 
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
Tender and Culinary Herbs
I...I have no words nor excuses for this being...extremely late...
Anyways, I was once again too excited to post this, so if it sucks it’s either ‘cause it sucks or because I rushed+didn’t bother editing uwu Somehow...this still ended up super long...sorry
I’ll be tagging @grotesquegabby and @post-itpenny because some of yours are in this
Part Thirteen
“How...how did she…” Cantarella blinked several times before eyeing the crowd around her, eyes now wide before she shifted into her shadow self.
Before anybody could react, she made sure to vanish away, going as far away as she could from the circus grounds.
Once she had reached what she deemed was far enough, Cantarella set herself down on the ground, realizing that she stood near the beach.
“I can’t believe it.” she whispered to herself in disbelief, reaching behind to soothe her back as she surprisingly still felt the pain of her back ripping open. “I can’t fucking believe it. What will Risus think…”
“Quite strange seeing you this way.”
In an instant, Cantarella whipped around to defend herself from whoever it was had now found her, but her guard was dropped down in the slightest bit once she laid eyes on none other than ‘James’.
“What are you doing here?” Cantarella sighed in relief before placing a hand on her chest.
“The real question is, what are you doing here?” the man asked as he approached her, eyeing her entire self. “Last I remembered, you were 4’6 in heels and blonde with hazel eyes.”
“Well, I’m not anymore.” Cantarella forced a fake grin. “You don’t mind, do you? Having a daughter with blue hair and pink eyes?”
“Pink eyes look so much better than hazel ones.” Ryder booped the girl’s nose, making her blink in surprise before watching as he made his way towards the beach now. “So, tell me. What happened?”
“Does it matter?”
“It does, actually.”
Cantarella stared at her father for a moment before averting her gaze.
“She...she found a way out.”
“Did she now?” Ryder peered over at Cantarella who still did not dare look his way. “How disappointing.”
Finally, Cantarella looked up and at Ryder who was now the one that could not bring himself to look at her.
“That mouse is nothing but a pathetic excuse for life, a waste of stardust, yet she managed to find a way to take you out of her body.” Ryder posited as his usual expression disappeared, now something much more stern replacing it, something quite unlike his character. “How are you mine again?”
“It wasn’t my fault.” Cantarella finally spoke up. “She couldn’t have done it alone...she, she must have had some kind of help.”
“Help or not, you’re here and she’s with her family who is no doubt nursing her back to health at this very moment.” Ryder spat out before turning to look at Cantarella with a deep frown. “She was meant to be asleep while we did as Risus asked, but once she’s back in health-”
“You’re not afraid of her, are you?” Cantarella interrupted. “Because, if you really think we’re these powerful beings, and Risus can do anything, why are you guys so afraid of her? She’s just some pipsqueak who can’t even decide what guy to hook up with.”
“We are not afraid of her, or the others.” Ryder claimed. “We are only being...cautious.”
“Cautious my ass.”
“Watch your mouth.”
“I mean, seriously! You guys can’t continue with your plan with her still awake? What’s so wrong about-”
“This is exactly the reason why I told Risus you would only be harming our plans!” Ryder shouted over Cantarella’s voice, making her back away the slightest bit. “You’re but a child who’ll never understand. Can’t even do a single task right.”
“But I can-”
“I should have saved some other sibling of yours, one with potential.”
Cantarella’s eyes widened at that statement, right before she furrowed her eyebrows and stepped towards Ryder.
“I have potential,” she started with a deep frown that matched his. “And more. I’ll fucking show you.”
“I highly doubt you can.” Ryder lifted one of his hands, admiring it as if it held more importance. “But fine, do as you want. I have other business to attend to, such as making sure things don’t get even further out of hand.”
“I will.” Cantarella clenched her fists. “Hope you’re not further disappointed when I prove I can do even more than you ever have.”
Finally, Ryder turned with a scowl meant for Cantarella, but he found that she was already gone.
“He’ll fucking see. He’ll fucking see what I’m capable of.” Cantarella grumbled to herself after having left her father, now making her way through the pier  that she realized was not as crowded as usual. “I’ll fucking show him just how better than him I can be.”
Her fists were tightly clenched at her sides as she stormed down the path, ignoring the few glances she got every now and then. She then, however, stopped walking at the sound of a laugh, this making her look up and towards the front where she saw the arcade.
Cantarella blinked her eyes for a moment, then squinting them to take a better look at who she now recognized.
That crazy hair of red could be recognized from everywhere.
She saw the male laughing to himself as he played on one of the large games, clearly beating the stranger he was competing against.
And with this, a smirk crept onto Cantarella’s face.
“Where did you go!? Did you actually go on a trip!? Are you okay!?”
“Cordie,” Jelly gave a bit of a laugh, rubbing her daughter’s back as the latter tightly held onto her. “I’m alright. I’m right here, aren’t I?”
“Yes.” the girl gave a nod with a pout, then rubbing her cheek into Jelly’s side. “But! But! We thought Ula was okay! And it turns out she was this evil mime!”
“I know, I know.” Jelly ruffled Cordelia’s pigtails, then kissing the top of her head. “But Ula is now resting, as should you.”
“Cordie.” Jelly caressed her face. “I’ll take you to the tent where Davey and your dad are at so you can rest. Okay?”
“Okay…”Cordelia nodded again, then clinging onto Jelly who stood up with the girl in her arms.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, mommy’s here.” Jelly whispered to her, now walking away from the circus bench she had been sitting on before making her way out of the tent.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe you’re actually here!”
“Maggie!” Jelly exclaimed before she and Cordelia were embraced by her friend, the two then pulling away to make sure the other really was the other.
“What happened to you!? I thought you had gone on some trip or whatever!”
“I’ll explain later.” Jelly told her as they walked through the circus grounds. “I’m just going to be taking Cordelia with Lennie and Davey, then I’m gonna go check on Ula.”
“Okay, sure.” Maggie nodded. “Sounds like a good idea. I’ll talk to you in a bit, I need to go over with Vespers right now.”
“Vespers is also here?”
“Yeah. Some things happened and Atlas needed support.”
“Oh, I see.” Jelly cleared her throat before giving a sigh. “See you in a bit.”
She once again continued her way through the circus grounds, momentarily glancing over at the tent where she knew Ula was currently resting. Jelly finally reached the tent where her husband and son would be, walking in to stop and find a surprise.
“Schrader!?” Jelly exclaimed in a whisper once she saw Davey fast asleep, and he was slumbering on the chest belonging to Schrader who gave a small wave. “How...how...But I-”
“Schrader!?” Cordelia immediately lifted her head, then turning to give a gasp once her eyes landed on Schrader. “Schrader!”
“Okay, okay, relax Cordie.” Jelly quietly chuckled before setting Cordelia down, the latter running over to Schrader before giving him a big hug, yet one that was careful so that she wouldn’t awaken her brother.
“Boy, where were you!?” Cordelia whispered while hugging him tightly. “I missed you! What’s been heckin’ going on with you!?”
“Schrader?” Jelly called out to him, having Cordelia quiet down for a moment. “Do you know where Lennie left off to?”
“He said he was gonna go check on Ula and you.” Schrader whispered as he hugged Davey and Cordelia, making sure to rub her back in a soothing manner. “I’m guessing he went with Ula first.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Jelly nodded as she looked at the trio who all snuggled with each other. “Well, I’ll be going now. I’ll make sure to drop by, I just need-”
“Don’t worry.” Schrader gave a bit of a smile. “I’ll be staying here for now, I’ll watch the kids. Besides, I’m not exactly allowed to go out.”
“Why is that?”
“Everyone suggested I rest up for now,” Schrader slightly shrugged. “And uh, they don’t want Ula hearing or seeing me right now.”
“What?” Jelly blinked with furrowed eyebrows. “Why?”
“Um, Mrs. D’Vitt...maybe you should go talk to Maggie and the others first.” Schrader cleared his throat, appearing to be somewhat uncomfortable….or just unsure, nervous. “You’ve...missed out on a few things that I think would sound better coming from them.”
For a moment, Jelly remained silent as she stared at Schrader and then her children. She pondered at the thought of her missing out on events that could have harmed them, harmed the rest of her loved ones. The thought of...the blue thing nearing them...
“Okay. You just…” she started. “You just call me if anything happens. I’m gonna go get updated on things, even though I can kind of assume what’s been going on.”
“Sure. You be careful.”
“Of course.” Jelly nodded, finally turning to walk out of the tent before finally making her way over to where she imagined Zeta was. _____________
It was clear to everybody but, nearly everybody was quite shaken up after what was witnessed.
Vespers, he was no doubt part of this group. He was concerned for his cousin after he was hit where it hurt, he was concerned about his niece who was possessed or whatever by a girl everybody thought they knew, he was concerned about his family.
“They’re with your parents right now, remember?”
“Right, right. Sorry about that, I just am so worried right now. But also damn confused.”
“About what?”
Vespers had decided to call his husband as soon as possible, warn him of all possibilities after what went on and was no doubt going to continue.
“Cozzy, the things I just explained!”
“Vesp, you’re not making-” “Ryder and the spider bitch are out!” Vespers shouted into his phone, soon being met with the sound of silence coming from Cosmos’ end of the line. “Coz...they’re out. We don’t know how it happened, I mean, we know who? I, it’s just...Cosmos, the kids.
“I’m taking Phoebe out of class early.” Cosmos finally spoke. “Do you think you could call your parents or should I?”
“Um...you should call them. I need to be with Atlas right now.”
“Why? Is he okay? Is anyone hurt?”
“I’ll explain everything when you get here.” Vespers held his breath for a moment, right before looking to the side once he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his location. “Just keep the kids and yourself safe.  Zeta, Maggie and some...person named Logium are trying to handle things right now. I assume they’re another one of those elders.”
“Alright. I’ll call you once I have Phoebe.”
“Just sit tight for now. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Talking with Cosmos, huh?”
Vespers ended his call before putting his phone back into his pocket as he now looked at the person who had decided to come to him.
“Yeah.” Vespers nodded as he looked at his cousin. “Everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah.” Atlas nodded with a sigh, leaning against a nearby tree. “There’s just a lot to process right now.”
“Agreed.” Vespers nodded. “How’s Ula?”
“I haven’t gone back just yet. Especially after...Schrader.” Atlas glanced down at the ground, slightly shuffling his feet. “And then Bubbles is back…”
“And then Ula told me that Basil and Flora are actually her and Schrader’s future kids.” Atlas stated without missing a beat, never noticing his cousins’ eyes widen before he abruptly turned his head to look at Atlas. “It’s really eating me up inside, I don’t wanna be the reason they don’t exist. If they exist, are me and Ula not meant to be together? Or-”
“How, about,” Vespers interrupted Atlas, placing a hand on Atlas’ shoulder. “You go and talk to Ula? I think it’s best you guys have a conversation, again.”
“I mean, I guess I could-”
“Great! Now go, I’m pretty sure she needs you.” Vespers pat Atlas’ back. “Seriously. Meanwhile, I’m going to the kitchen.”
“Kitchen? What for?”
“I need a damn coffee.” Vespers finalized before walking away, leaving Atlas alone.
Atlas watched his cousin go, right before he turned to look at the pink tent where he had been much earlier. Now that he looked at it once again, he noticed that there was a new addition: a single chair with a child sitting on it. An all too familiar child who no longer smiled but instead sadly looked down at her feet that she slowly swung, almost in an attempt to appear fine. Atlas knew she wasn’t alright, not in the slightest, not after he saw the condition her brother was in again.
“Hey there.” Atlas quietly greeted once he made his way over to the tent, standing beside the child who barely looked up at him with her head that she raised just a bit. “Um...How, uh...how’s, Twoey?”
“Okay.” the girl replied with a shrug, her head still bowed down as Atlas fiddled with his fingers.
“You uh, eaten anything yet?”
“Is it okay for me to ask...where you brother is?”
He was soon met with the sound of silence, no kind of response coming from the girl who only ceased the movement of her legs.
“He’s with Ula.”
“Well where else is Ula?” Flora replied in a sarcastic tone that dripped with a lack of expression.
Atlas gave a soft nod, clearing his throat and even tugged at his collar, right before speaking again.
“I hope you don’t mind...but I’ll be going in.”
“Why would I?” Flora finally lifted her head to look up at Atlas, this sending a shiver down his spine as he noticed how dead her eyes looked. Even her colors were starting to fade away like they did with Basil.
Atlas didn’t know what to say next, deciding to now walk into the tent but stopping before he was seen by those inside. Peeking out of the “wall” situated by the tent’s entrance, his eyes caught the sight of Ula still laying in bed, stitched up back his way as she softly sang to the other person inside.
“As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you . Every thrill has gone, wasn’t too much fun at all.”Ula cleared her throat, never realizing that Atlas slowly made his way over to her bed. “But I’ll be there for you, as the world falls down.”
He heard Ula sing just up to that line, a sigh now escaping her as he could tell that she caressed Basil’s greying features. Now that Atlas was much closer, he could see how terrible Basil looked, how Ula protectively kept her an arm wrapped around him while the other moved his now brown locks out of his face.
“I'll paint you mornings of gold, I'll spin you Valentine evenings, though we're strangers 'til now-”
“Is that how you’re gonna sing to our kids?”
Ula stopped singing before her hand that caressed Basil instead wrapped itself around him, bringing his frail body closer to hers as she turned her head to look behind. Once she realized who it was, Ula’s hold on Basil loosened.
“You’re back.”
“Yeah.” Atlas nodded before walking around the bed, sitting down right beside where he now had Basil’s back face him. “You’re not disappointed, are you?”
“Of course not.” Ula softly shook her head. “I just thought, after…”
“No, I wanna be with you.” Atlas reached over, hesitating when remembering that Ula’s hands were busy with Basil. “I just...kinda think we should talk.”
At this, Ula shut her eyes with a bit of a sigh.
“What is it?”
“I’m sorry,” Ula finally opened her eyes, glancing up at Atlas.  “It’s not that I’m...avoiding a talk. I just...I don’t know.”
“Ula.” Atlas finally grabbed her hand, holding it with both of his. “If you’re not up to it, I can...leave, or sit here quietly.”
“No, we do need to talk. We’ve been needing to talk.” Ula gave another sigh. “I can’t keep pushing you away. I tell myself that I’m not, but I am, and I’m so sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Atlas gave her a heartfelt smile. “There’s some things I need to tell you Ula, especially after your honesty.”
“Oh, Atlas-”
“I need you to know that I forgive you for what happened between you and Schrader.” Atlas squeezed Ula’s hand. “It...it obviously hurts that you kissed him-”
“I didn’t kiss him.” Ula interrupted. “I stopped myself before I could, because I would never do that to you.”
“Ula, look. The point is, the point is that I forgive you.” Atlas held his breath for a moment, his eyes peering down at Basil who he somehow has just remembered was still between them. “And...that I know you still…”
“I know you still have feelings for Schrader.”
“No, Ula.” Atlas cut her off as he shook her head. “There is no point in you denying that and frankly...I don’t want to hear any of it.”
“Atlas, I only-”
“You’re fawning all over Basil.”
“I’m like this because he’s dying, Atlas.” Ula claimed as she took her hand back, coddling Basil once more as he coughed.  “He’s dying because I’m not going to be with Schrader.”
“I’m not going to see Schrader. I’m not going to talk to Schrader. I’m not sure if you heard, but Schrader is fucking dead.” Ula slightly sniffed, blinking her eyes a few times. “And even if he was alive, Schrader would be out of our lives for good. Before he was killed in front of me, he told me he planned on going back to Australia because there was nothing for him to do here.”
Atlas remained silent, staring at Ula who had shut her eyes. For a moment, Atlas thought that what was best was for him to leave, give her some time...again.
“Ula.” Atlas spoke up. “How many?”
“What?” Ula opened her eyes, staring at him with eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“How many...how many kids do you want?” Atlas questioned, his cheeks flaring up as he avoided Ula’s gaze that slowly became as flustered.
“Atlas, you-”
“Three?” Atlas told her. “I-I could settle for three.”
“Three?” Ula now joined in. “You sure you could deal with that much?”
“I mean, maybe have...breaks in between each one.” Atlas slightly chuckled to himself, relieved as Ula now gave him a tiny smile.
“Well...do you have any name preferences?” Ula quietly giggled to herself, eyes sadly looking over at Basil.
“I...Huh…”Atlas brought a hand up to the back of his neck.
That’s when Ula felt a shift in her bed, slow but it was still felt as she realized that it was Basil attempting to roll onto his back. With the only amount of strength he had, Basil ignored his pain and tried to lift a hand, feeling as Ula grabbed it in an attempt to lower it.
“Basil, pumpkin-” she began, Basil somehow ripping his arm away from hers so that he could hold it close to Atlas’ face. “Basil please-”
“Just, just let him.” Atlas grabbed Basil’s wrist, knowing very well that he needed the support. In that moment he felt Basil go limp, grateful that he didn’t have to hold his arm up alone.
Basil’s fingers quivered in pain, but that didn’t stop him from closing all of his fingers but the middle and pointer, these being crossed together as Ula recognized what he was doing.
“R.” Ula said. “He’s signing.”
Basil’s fingers now moved down with the rest, the pointer and thumb touching.
His three middle fingers were now lifted together.
“He’s spelling out Rowan.” Atlas posited, gently placing Basil’s arm down, patting him in a comforting manner after making sure it was alright.
“Rowan.” Ula repeated. “Rowan...I like it.”
“Yeah.” Ula nodded, a much wider smile now gracing her pink cheeks. “A little fawn named Rowan sounds nice.”
“Boy or girls?”
“I’d want at least one boy.” Ula gave a content hum. “A boy that looks just like you. Freckles and all.”
Atlas smiled at this, locking eyes with Ula who looked at ease.
“My mom would be so pissed if we made her a grandmother.” Ula now laughed. “She says grandkids make her feel old. She can sometimes be as vain as Mama Carol.”
“Yeah. I mean, I even imagine that at our wedding-” Ula then stopped herself, somehow the thought of her walking down the aisle to marry Atlas was what made her really blush, and not the thought of them having children together.
“Why’d you stop? Go on.” Atlas grinned.
“Um, well...I know that when an engagement happens, she’s gonna be mad. She’s gonna feel like you’re taking me away from her.” Ula chuckled to herself, her bottom lip being bit for a brief moment. “But she’s gonna be the first one in line for everything. Wedding theme, invitations, cocktail hour, ceremony, flowers, dress, rings.”
Atlas then noticed Ula’s eyes become watery, so she shut them in order to prevent any tears from spilling out.
“Hey, hey don’t cry.”
“I’m fine.” Ula grabbed the hand that Atlas brought to her face, wiping the corners of her eyes. “I’m just...emotional. I’m here laying on my side unable to move yet again, with a boy who won’t exist and my boyfriend who I dream of marrying one day.”
Ula then wiped her own tears.
“I sound like a stupid school girl.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that.” Atlas whispered. “I like hearing you talk like this.”
“Oh, yeah.” Atlas reassured her, his face soon becoming softer. “Ula.”
“Trust me when I say that I’m not going anywhere.” Atlas stated, fingers running through his own hair as he readied himself while trying to discreetly ready Ula. “I’m sticking with you through all of this, even if you don’t like it.”
“Even when I’m being a bitch?”
“You’re not…”Atlas quietly laughed to himself before nodding. “No matter what, we’re in this together. Okay?”
“Okay.” Ula nodded back. “But, if you grow a beard like your dad’s we’re through.”
“Kidding!” Ula exclaimed. “I at least will just never kiss you.”
“That’s mean.”
“Whatever.” Ula laughed, right before taking notice of how the corners of Atlas’ lips slightly drooped. “Is there something wrong?”
“Ula.” Atlas took in a gulp, taking Ula’s hand into his. “There’s something I need to tell you about. I would have waited until things were over for sure, but it’s...a little urgent.”
“Okay.” Ula somewhat gulped, nodding in response. “Go ahead.” _____________
Now that Jelly had arrived to where she was told was Zeta’s tent, after some wandering around of course, she released a deep breath while her hands tugged at her skirt, unconsciously wrinkling the material.
“Are you sure you don’t want tea? Something to eat maybe?”
“I don’t want to eat anything.” Jelly plainly spoke, eyes staring emptily into the distance that was merely a side of the tent she resided in. “Jells-Bells,”
Jelly felt a hand be placed on hers, prompting her to release her skirt and look to the side where she locked eyes with Maggie.
“When’s the last time you ate something?”
“When’s the last time I was here?” was Jelly’s way of replying. “How long was I in that void? While Ula was, what, being…”
“All that matters,” Maggie now took Jelly’s hand, squeezing it before giving her a heartfelt smile. “Is that all of you are back here, and Ula...Ula is recovering.”
“Recovering. Right.” Jelly took her hand away from Maggie, using it to go back to grasping her skirt in a concerned manner. “Where even is Lennie?”
“Whether you like it or not, he’s been in the kitchen making you a peanut  butter sandwich.” Maggie sighed as she saw Jelly turn her attention back into the nothing. “Jelly.”
“She’s going to be alright.” Maggie placed her hand on Jelly’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.
“Maggie.” Jelly’s breath hitched as she was deep in thought. “I nearly lost Ula twice. I’d rather this third time not be the charm.”
“You’re not losing her. I know that all of these things have someone not been available for me to see, but I just know Ula’s going to be okay. She’s in bed, probably still with Ama, possibly even Atlas. When the time comes, she’s gonna get a visit from Schrader who’s so desperate to see her, that poor boy.”
“As concerned as I am about Schrader and the fact that I was told he had been killed,” Jelly laughed to herself, eyes still looking rather disturbed. “There’s still that kid out there, probably lurking around to see how to get one of of us. Ryder is doing who knows what, as well as Missy.”
“And Risus.”
“Risus.” Maggie repeated, somewhat hesitating to tell Jelly more. “It’s another one of the elders.”
“And who the fuck is Risus?” Jelly turned to Maggie again, eyebrows furrowed. “Maggie…”
“Oh look, Lennie’s here.” Maggie cleared her throat, standing up before she forced a smile at the clown who walked into the tent with a tray containing tea and sandwiches for Jelly.
“How’s my Jelly-Bean?” Lennie asked as he turned to his wife, a feeling of hurt in his chest once he noticed how melancholic she looked. “I see…”
“Um, how about...I give you guys some time alone?” Maggie took a step away from Jelly so that Lennie could place his tray on the table between the two’s seats. “I need to go talk to Logium.
“Logium? Is that another of those elders?” Jelly sighed. “You didn’t sound too happy when mentioning that Risus one.”
“Logium is the one who brought Schrader back.” Lennie replied, taking her hand in both of his. “They’re a good one.”
Jelly looked at Lennie with sad eyes, then glancing over at Maggie.
“Go ahead, I’ll be alright.” Jelly made a ‘shoo’ motion towards Maggie. “Go with Logium, or Zeta, or whatever.
“I’ll come back in a bit.” Maggie told Lennie who nodded at her, soon making her way out of the tent as Lennie sat on the chair nearest to Jelly.
“You’re looking blue.” Lennie quietly chuckle in an attempt to make Jelly laugh, seeing how her face had turned the slightest bit blue due to her emotions. “How about you have some tea to calm you? It’s valerian root, Ula’s told me it’s good for situations like this one.”
Jelly gave no response, except for turning to Lennie with another sigh.
“I know you won’t want to eat the sandwiches I made, but please, at least have the tea.” Lennie reached over to hold Jelly’s hand again, finally feeling as she squeezed his hand. “I’m also worried about her and everything else, but, let’s just be glad that she’s her and that we haven’t heard of the other asses.”
“I wouldn’t be glad about not having heard of Ryder.” Jelly muttered out before letting go of Lennie’s hand, grabbing the teacup that Lennie poured tea into. “That bastard has all kinds of tricks. I worry about Davey and Cordie, my mother was already hurt badly by him as was Ula.”
“I would not be interrupting anything, now would I?” a new voice was heard, making Jelly and Lennie turn around to face the new person that made their way into the tent.
“Zeta, hi.” Lennie greeted as he watched the woman approach them, pulling a seat so that she could stand in front of them. “What brings you here?”
“If it is alright with the two of you, I believe there are some things we must discuss.” Zeta posited before her eyes landed on Jelly specifically. “But, I can wait for some other time. It is important, but knowing or not knowing will n-”
“Just...just say it.” Jelly interrupted her after having taken a sip of her tea. “Just rip off the band-aid so we can get it over with. I doubt things could get any worse than they already are.”
“First off, I received word from Ferry and Ace sometime after the party held for Ula.” Zeta started. “Their triplets are nowhere to be found. There is no trace of them anywhere.”
“Oh my god,” Lennie frowned. “Do you think it could have been…?”
“We suspect so, yes.” Zeta nodded, and even though he expression remained as its usual stoic one, there was still a hint of sorrow. “But ever since the presumed time of arrival, we have had no idea where she has gone off to.”
“Who exactly is we?” Jelly questioned, setting her teacup down to now run a hand through her hair.
“We, the elders. With the exception of Risus.”
“So, of course, Risus is the bad one of the batch.” Jelly grabbed a bunch of her hair, struggling to not pull it right out. “I don’t want to hear more about them until they’re dead.”
“Then should I stop?” Zeta held her breath for a moment, now reaching out to take Jelly’s hand out from her hair, now holding it. “Jelly, Risus’ attention is mainly on Ula because of what she is.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” now Lennie spoke up with a frown. “Is there something wrong, or, what’s there about Ula that Risus is interested in?”
“First off, I need to explain that Ula, is something referred to as a fixed point in time. No matter the timeline, Ula is meant to exist.”
“Does this mean Ula is not meant to die?”Jelly immediately blurted out, receiving a slight shake of Zeta’s head.
“Not necessarily, but one could say so. It is why those such as Ryder have been so keen on killing her.” Zeta squeezed Jelly’s hand, no doubt attempting to prepare her for more. “Ula has been birthed from you, a being with power that you have not yet reached.”
“Power? What-”
“Jelly,” Lennie interrupted his wife, not meaning to be rude but knowing that she was worrying too much. “Let her talk.”
“As I was saying, Ula has something and has only been gaining more and more. Especially after...after the time Ryder injured her. Would you like me to stop?”
“No. Keep going.”
“Ryder had his hand injured at one point, and as you know he then tried to...rip Ula. In that moment, his blood entered her wound, and since it was James’ body he was in during the time, it was a mix of their blood that entered.”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Jelly forced herself to smile, free hand once again clawing into her skirt as she felt Zeta’s emotions. “Ha...you’re...not done.”
“Jelly, there was a timeline that existed before you and James ended your relationship.” Zeta bit the inside of her cheek for a moment. “In it, your relationship merely thrived before the two of you married and had children of your own. The first one…”
“Was…” Jelly attempted to finish for Zeta, eyes widening as she shook her head. “No...that can’t be.”
“Ula was originally your and James’ child, which is why she now has small features resembling his.”
“No, no, no. That’s not possible, there is no James in-”
“The night Ula disappeared after having an argument with Schrader, after what Davey did, she went to the pier and had a run in with Cantarella. Prior to this, Cantarella met up with James and stole a good amount of his blood. This was then forced into Ula’s body, thus making it as if he has been her father all along.”
“Why the fuck would she do something like that!?”
“Jelly.” Lennie once again took her hand, holding her down as he felt how she was starting to act up.
“Ula having blood that is similar to both related to Ryder and James gave Cantarella easier access to entering Ula’s body. As well as completing this so-called ‘prophecy’ Risus has got his descendants so stuck on.” Zeta shook her head to dismiss the last part. “From what I understand, they do not want to kill Ula yet, but Risus will not let her out of their sight. And somehow...I feel that another elder is involved in this, but Logium nor Maggie have been able to figure out which.”
The three now remained silent as Zeta looked between Jelly and Lennie, seeing each of their reactions. Even with Jelly looking in complete disbelief, it was clear to Zeta and Lennie that she was livid on the inside. Meanwhile, Lennie had moved the table and his chair so that he was now sitting beside her so that he could soothe her as best as possible.
“There is one other detail you must know, which furthers Risus’ obsession with Ula.” Zeta quietly sighed, feeling the couple’s eyes on her once more. “It’s your possible grandchildren.” _____________ “I just thought, we’re trying to be more honest with each other and it was something that couldn’t wait.”
“I see.”
“And like I said, I’m pretty sure-”
“Atlas.” Ula removed her hand from Atlas’, instead reaching up to hold his cheek. “It’s okay. Maybe, I’m...a tiny bit jealous, but...I’m just being a hypocrite.”
“No, Ula-”
“Atlas.” Ula rubbed her thumb over his cheek, smiling up at him in a reassuring manner. “Thank you for your honesty. I really do appreciate it.”
Atlas stared down at Ula, sighing before eventually returning the smile and leaning into her hand.
“Like I said, I am a teeny bit jealous, but it’s all good. It’s nice to know that you’ll be happy in some other timeline.” Ula chuckled before her hold then turned into a squeeze on Atlas’ cheek. “But you’re screwed because your ass is mine!”
“Hey.” Atlas laughed before shooing Ula’s hand away, his laughter soon dying down as his eyes landed on Basil who he remembered once again was still there. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“I’m honestly not sure if I can have anything right now.” Ula released a deep breath before bringing her hand down to Basil, stroking his hair as he let out a series of coughs. “Do you think you could...maybe check on Flora? See how she’s doing?”
“Sure, I think I could do that.” Atlas gave a small nod, hand hesitantly coming down to be placed on Basil’s shoulder.
Basil strained to open his eyes, but after a while he was able to open them to reveal eyes that no longer looked blue nor green. His eyes darted to the side where Atlas’ hand was, now looking at his own shoulder that was gently squeezed by Atlas.
“Pardon me,”
Basil’s eyes painfully glanced over to the entrance of the tent where Atlas turned to look, Ula making an attempt to do the same.
“Would it be alright if I joined in?”
“Oh, um...of course…?” Atlas saw a hooded figure walk in, somebody who somehow appeared to be familiar. “You are…?”
“Ah yes, please do pardon my intrusion.” the person gave a chuckle, Atlas realizing that their voice was nearly identical to a certain ringleader’s, even their mannerisms and the way they spoke. “Excluding Basil, I do not believe we have ever met. I go by the name Logium.”
“L-Logium?” Atlas ever so slightly perked up, excitement arising in him as he never realized that Ula looked up at him. “As in, the elder of time and all that comes with it?”
“Ah, I see you have at least heard of me.” Logium gave a bit of a chuckle as they now approached the group.
“Well, yes! My elder Canis has spoken of you.” Atlas smiled before seeing as Logium extended a hand, the former immediately accepting it. “It is so very nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine, Atlas.”
“Right! I haven’t, wait, ha. You know my name and who I am basically.”
“I do.”
“And, and-”
“Hey fanboy.” Ula interrupted with a bit of a chuckle. “How about you let the elder talk?”
“Right, right.” Atlas nodded after releasing Logium’s hand, hearing them give their own chuckle.
“Thank you, Ula.” they nodded at her, Ula somehow knowing that they directed a smile at her despite their features being hidden. “Now, I come here bringing a sort of invitation for you.”
“Invitation?” Ula looked at the elder who stood between her and Atlas. “I don’t think now is the time for parties or any of those events.”
“Ah,” Logium shook their head at Ula’s joke. “There is another who wishes to speak to you, and it requires you to sleep to perform said interaction.”
“Whoa, wait, sleep?” Ula blinked up at Logium before shaking her head. “I’m sorry elder Logium, but I can’t. Not again, not until this whole mess is over with.”
“Pardon me?”
“If I go to sleep...I might go to that dreamland again, and I-I can’t have that.” Ula continued to shake her head. “I’m afraid going there again will result in me not waking up. And I’m not sure if I’ll have help who’ll tell me that I’m in a dream again.”
“Oh, but Ula,” Logium placed a hand on her shoulder. “I can assure you that in no way will you go to such a place again.” “But-”
“Hey, Ula.” now Atlas spoke, stepping forward just a bit. “I doubt you’ll go to another of those places again, but if you for some reason do...I’ll make sure to get you out of there, okay?”
“That...that…” Ula gave a nervous laugh. “That’s not exactly reassuring…”
Atlas then made a weird face at her.
“But...okay, I guess I-I’ll do it.” Ula cleared her throat before turning to look at Logium, giving them a nod. “I’ll do it.”
“Ula, I can reassure you that all is well. It is a mere conversation with somebody quite important who would never harm you.” Logium stated as Ula glanced over at Atlas, seeing as he smiled at her.
“I’ll be here when you wake up. I told you I’m not leaving you.” Atlas whispered before Logium placed a hand on Ula’s forehead.
“Despite being occupied, Elder Sionis has made it so that nobody interrupts this interaction.” Logium finalized as Ula’s eyes felt heavy, vision becoming blurry before she wasn’t able to contain a yawn. “Now, rest.” _____________
She came awake in the brightness and stood there, eyes fluttered open as she scanned the area around her.
Ula reached up to touch her forehead, and then her body, making sure that everything was  alright.
She gave a sigh of relief as she felt that everything was perfectly intact, shutting her eyes for a moment while basking in the moment.
Ula was safe, no traces of harm were on her as she hugged herself and felt that all was alright.
She wasn’t in some version of her bedroom nor her home, and it definitely wasn’t anywhere near her home.
Ula blinked at what she was surrounded by: a garden almost so ethereal, it was far too beautiful to believe was real. Her attention was brought down to her feet as she felt something cold, now realizing that not only was she barefoot, but she wore a beautiful dress that flowed with the soft breeze she felt; it was almost fairy like with the airy and flowery vibe it had. However, what she deemed quite important was the cold on her feet, noticing that it came from the shallow water surrounding her.
Beneath the water was a floor made of smooth stones that created the shape of a swirl she stood right in the center of. Eyes followed the swirls’ line which then lead to Ula seeing a stairway surrounded by all kinds of flora and some fauna. Looking up, Ula could see all kinds of flowers hanging from above, from a ceiling that most likely did not exist or was far too high to see. All around were petals flowing and floating down, as twinkling lights shone up above with the birch that also hung above.
The sounds were quite soothing, water trickling all around and if it wasn’t pure imagination...the flowers were somehow...singing. Of course, that was but a metaphor or whatever, was what Ula told herself.
“Where to…” Ula cleared her throat as she turned around, still examining whatever she could before seeing that the body of water she was in came from a stream, this one connecting to a series of waterfalls that came up from where the stairs lead to.
Before Ula could say or do anything else, she was startled when a sign popped up from the soil, pointing at the stairs and reading “This Way”.
“Alright, this way I go.” she blinked at the sign before glancing at the stairs, that she made her way towards them, now walking up as she heard whispers all around.
Ula turned to look in every direction, never finding faces that spoke whispers, so she decided to ignore them and continue her way up the steps that trickled with their own waterfall. However, it was soon clear to her that no matter the amount of water falling, one could never slip.
She looked up at the top of the stairway, believing for a moment that she would never reach the end that was greatly illuminated by bright lights that shone in a heavenly manner.And after a while, Ula eventually found herself at the top, then turning to look at the bottom that was no longer visible.
“Welcome, dear child.” a voice so calming spoke to Ula, making her turn back to the front where she now found herself in the presence of a whole new garden, one much more ethereal than the one below.
“Hi there, um…” Ula tugged at the dress she wore, taking a step forward as she was once again surrounded by water. This time, however, she realized there was a plethora of tiny fish-like creatures that curiously swam around her.
“Conllium.” the voice told her, something making Ula step deeper into the garden where she found a grand structure similar to a gazebo. On its center was pure soil from where a twig emerged, this eventually growing into a tree that grew and grew until becoming a figure with limbs and a comforting face that looked down at Ula.
“You have grown so much, my tiny one.”
“Uh...considering how Logium is the one who kinda brought me here, and they’re an elder.” Ula once again cleared her throat, feeling as the figure loomed over her much, much smaller figure. “I assume you’re another elder…?” “You are correct.” the being eventually shrunk down to a much shorter size, yet they still remained tall. “Can you guess which of them all?”
“If you mean what of, I don’t know. Life, maybe? Flowers?” Ula gave a nervous laugh before gulping. “But if you mean, bloodline-wise...the flowers and such kind of give it away, and also you calling me your tiny one.”
“My descendants are all my children.” one of the elder’s ‘hands’ came down, taking a lock of Ula’s hair that was ruffled. “But you, you are one of the many special ones child.”
“Special?” Ula clasped her hands together, thumbs twiddling as she stared up at Conllium .
“I would ask how things are progressing back in your homeland, but I am awake which means that there is no good being done.” Conllium dismissed their previous comment, their bottom half now parting to create legs that they used to walk away from the gazebo. “And of course, all this chaos has been brought upon you by none other than that despicable smog.”
“Um, wh-who are you talking about?” Ula now followed after the elder who casually strolled through their realm, only stopping to reach down towards a bush. “Logium said you wanted to talk to me, and-”
“My roses have withered.” Conllium interrupted, reaching forward towards the bush where Ula saw three withered, what she presumed were, very large roses.
One of them still had some color to it, not as faded as the other two. Especially the one at the top of the “triangle” that one extremely close to death.
“Would you care to tend for them?”
“Elder-” Ula called out to Conllium, sighing as she realized they were not going to reply until she did as she was asked.
Ula walked towards the push, realizing that every flower was larger than her head. She soon lifted her hands, making them hover over to bring life back into the flowers. But...she realized that nothing happened.
“I...I can’t.” she frowned, practically glaring down at her hands. “I don’t know why that didn’t work.”
“Hm.” Conllium hummed to themselves, then continuing on their way as Ula once again followed.
“Elder Conllium,” Ula managed to keep up with their pace, walking at their side while looking up at the elder. “Why have I come here?”
“Despite it being autumn, I decided to keep my garden in its spring time look. What do you think of it?” Conllium once again ignored Ula’s question. “I initially believed you would dislike it, but I do know how much you appreciate such a look. You are quite the fan of Alice in Wonderland after all. The Mad One is an interesting fellow-”
“Elder!” Ula now shouted up at Conllium who ceased their walking, turning to look down at Ula in a calm manner which read more as intimidating. “Um...why am I here? There are other things I-I need to deal with...not that, I don’t have time-”
“Time does not exist in this realm.” Conllium stated before bringing a hand towards Ula, gently patting her head to then ruffle her hair once more. “I mean no emotional harm, but do you remember the night that mime injured and forced a substance into you?”
“Yeah...I do…”
“What happened to you before you were found by your beloved and cousin?”
“B-beloved!?” Ula exclaimed with reddened cheeks. “Schrader is not-!”
“You were foolishly dropped into the sea, before you were engulfed in the embrace of vines.” Conllium continued. “Have you ever wondered how those came to be?”
“I, well...yeah.” Ula nodded, frowning in confusion. “I mean, I went from being on the seafloor to my rabbit hole. How does that even happen?”
Ula stared at Conllium who stared back, right before her eyes widened upon a realization.
“That was you!”
“Indeed.” Conllium gave a single nod as they now looked forwards. “I could never leave you laying there, especially after everything.”
“After...what, exactly?”
“You are Mecor’s child, and Mecor a descendant of mine.”
“I’m sorry, Mecor-what now?”
“Mecor, elder of the state of being.” Conllium posited before waving their hand in the air, an image appearing in the area to reveal none other than Ula’s mother.
“Wait, wait, wait...what? What are you saying?”
“My dear Ula,” Conllium chuckled while staring at the image of Jelly. “Your mother was birthed as a powerful being, and she grows more powerful day by day. Fortunate for you, you have inherited such power.”
“You’re telling me...that my mom’s...another one of you guys?” Ula blinked in complete disbelief. “And...she hasn’t told us? Me? My dad? Maggie? Wait, she probably doesn’t even know herself...right? I-...hold up, did you say something about inheriting?”
“My, my. Always such a curious one.” Conllium sighed in a good way, then waving their hand so that the image of Jelly was whooshed away, now being replaced by images of two silhouettes. “Besides being a child of Mecor, you are a child who has received more than meant to. You are one who is meant to exist in every timeline, no matter the manner in which you are birthed. But, what never changes is who you are, or choose to be.”
“What do you mean?” Ula stared at the silhouettes, one who appeared to look quite familiar.
“Has there been any mention of Cundolili to you?”
“I don’t believe so.” Ula shook her head while Conllium waved their hand again, now three more silhouettes appearing above the bottom two before the one in the center turned into an image of Ula.
“Cundolili is the name of the elder of cycles. The elder of life and death, which is what I am the elder of.”
“So there’s...two elders, for that?”
“No my child.” Conllium shook their head before the two silhouettes besides Ula’s image turned into one of Atlas, and the other of Schrader. “Cundolili is my successor.”
“A-and they are…?”
“Ula,” Conllium stared at the three images for a while, Ula watching them. “May I ask what your relationship with each of these young men is?”
“W-well Atlas is my boyfriend, who...I hope to marry some day.” Ula stuttered before her eyes landed on Schrader’s image. “And Schrader...is my ex...who’s...dead.”
“I see.”
“What does any of that matter?” Ula made sure to loudly clear her throat.
“Would you hope to marry Schrader?”
“Excuse me?” Ula’s eyes widened at the sound of that, face turning away to hide how flushed it was. “Schrader’s dead!”
“A-and even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be with him because I-I-I already have a boyfriend!”
“So, you know, my future with him is also dead! E-Even if our possible son and daughter are somehow s-still existing!”
“Hm, future.” Conllium nodded. “I have always found that concept ever so interesting.”
They then looked down at Ula, seeing her flustered expression that was oly furthered by her pout.
“The future can always be altered, Ula. No matter how definite it seems.”
“I...I know.” Ula’s head now hung low, eyes looking down at the water once again as she bit her lip. “But...this future is set.”
“Ah, but the future is a never-ending book whose pencil never ceases to scribble tales.” Conllium placed a ‘finger’ under Ula’s chin, lifting her head up as they chuckled to themselves. “And just like every book, edits are always made. That is why we use a pencil, for no pen is ever required.”
“I...what does any of this even have to do with this so-called Cundolili?” Ula practically whined before she and the elder turned back to the images in the air.
“You have been born with a power that deems you worthy of being an elder.” Conllium closed their hand for a moment, then opening it to reveal a simple yet lovely flower crown that was placed upon Ula’s head. “You are a candidate for the position of Cundolili.”
With her mouth agape, Ula was at a loss for words before she eventually shook her head.
“However, I am in no way a forceful elder.” Conllium went back to the images in the air, one of the silhouettes now turning into a picture of none other than Basil. “Your possible first born with Schrader is another candidate for that title.”
“Another? Wow….um…”
“And the third would be your firstborn with Atlas.”
“What?” Ula instantly replied, waiting for the image of the other child to be revealed. It however never appeared.
“I am not asking for a decision now, nor tomorrow, nor next month, nor year.” Conllium placed a hand over Ula’s shoulder. “But I must tell you, that you are to make a decision.”
“Decision…” “Now that you know who you could be in some future, you must know that you may answer yes or no. You must decide whether or not you wish to be the next elder of life and death, and cycles.” Conllium gave Ula a comforting squeeze. “If you decide to be so, I can tell you more when the time comes. If you decide against it...the ‘offer’ will move onto your twins.”
“Twins?” Ula’s eyes widened again. “What do you mean, twins? I thought you said firstborn child!”
“Are you willing to hear my words and be flustered once again? Or shall I keep quiet instead?” Conllium now gave a laugh, making Ula gulp before shrugging.
“I...I guess I need to hear it.”
“There is a timeline in which you remain in a living relationship with Atlas, but Schrader eventually joins in.”
“The two of them are your mates in said timeline, just as your dear sister Cordelia desires it to be.” Conllium’s gaze darted down to Ula who had already turned red. “In these timelines, you tend to give birth to twins, each one being fathered by each mate.”
“Oh my stars.”
“Not accepting the role of elder results in your powers moving onto these newborns. The one fathered by Atlas is the one with the higher possibility of becoming Cundolili, whilst the one fathered by Schrader has a chance of replacing another elder.” Cundolili explained  while staring at the remaining silhouette in the air. “You remain powerful, but not as powerful as an elder, for it is then your sons.”
“Sons?” Ula finally glanced up at Conllium. “I have a son with Atlas?”
“And that,” Ula pointed at the silhouette. “Is that how he looks?”
“Yes.” Conllium answered with a nod. “Would you like to see him?”
“I...I would.” Ula nodded before watching Conllium wave their hand, now revealing a brown-haired boy who was the spitting image of Atlas, with the exception of flower-shaped freckles, a lack of glasses, and hair a much lighter color. “Oh my stars...it’s...Rowan.”
“As I mentioned, that boy will most likely accept his role as an elder.” Conllium then glanced over at the image of Basil. “And Basil will do the same when his time comes. Both of those boys are to be born with such power, they shall only ever make you and their fathers proud.”
“Basil’s time...Basil won’t-” Ula soon stopped herself, somewhat of a realization coming to her before she looked at Conllium again. “You keep talking about Basil as if he’s going to exist, just like this other son. But, that can’t be possible because...because his father’s dead, and, and…”
“Ula.” Conllium’s hand came to the top of Ula’s head once again, soothing her while her thoughts raced all over the place.
“Oh my stars...oh my stars!” Ula gasped. “Basil hasn’t perished away because...because…!
“Schrader is alive.” Conllium nodded as Ula gave another gasp.
“And you’re telling me that I could end up with him again! While also being with Atlas! Wait, no! That’s crazy, that’s...no!”
As Ula had a crisis of her own, Conllium sensed something...off...very off...it reeked of…
“Risus.” Conllium muttered to themselves, turning around to hide a new image he created in the water.
They stared down, seeing the sight that was another one of their descendants. It was Pepper, now changed into something like Ula had been...and he was making his way towards his brother.
Conllium, frowned at the sight, seeing that ‘Pepper’ was up to no good.
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purediscordhell · 6 years
Seven Seconds
Summary: Remy gets his first Charge as a Guardian Angel. But the truth is, keeping a Charge safe is harder than he expects it to be.
Pairing: N/A
Words: 2,153
Warnings: Character death, implied/referenced suicide, suicide, stalking, implied stalking, implied/referenced abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, abuse, non-graphic violence, light blood mention, blood. These are very light, but still taken as a precaution.
A/N: Hello guys. This story is extremely different than the two previous ones I wrote. This deals with a much heavier set of events than my crack fics, as seen by the tags. 
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15698289 
Work Text:          
Seven seconds. Seven seconds are all it takes. Whether someone falls in love. Falls out of love. Gets their hearts broken, or gets their heart mended. Or something much worse. Whether someone lives or dies.
Remy didn’t like the idea of seven seconds. To him, seven seconds was way too fast. A lot could happen in seven seconds, a lot of good.... or a lot of bad. Remy had the unfortunate luck of having something bad happen.
He supposed it was a punishment. After all, he seems to fail at everything he does, anyway. At least, that’s what his superior, Lenny, said. The bulky, balding African American glowered at him every time the younger Guardian Angel passed by.
He was really excited about getting his first Charge. The rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins when he got called into his Role. The look of disapproval on Lenny’s face as he got ready for the Ceremony. Remy ignored the look on the Superior’s face. He wasn’t concerned about it. He’d trained hard since day one.
His charge was a little girl named Claire. She had light blond hair and the most beautiful green eyes. Favorite color: yellow. Favorite flower: dandelion. At six years old, she had that genuine curiosity that made others mad. Always asking questions.
The first time Claire got hurt on Remy’s watch, she was seven and a half, and one of her friends pushed her off the slide. He wasn’t paying attention, too busy drinking coffee to realize what happened. She got two scrapes and a bruise on her kneecaps. She cried for three days afterward.
Even though it was a mildly dumb thing, Remy got chewed out. Lenny insisted that Remy be taken off of Guard duty immediately, but one of the senior members argued against it. They said that he’d done good over the year and a half. Lenny consented, but he warned the young angel to be careful next time; or he would pull him off.
Remy vowed to never let Claire be hurt again. He loved Starbucks, but he loved his job more. He spent the next six weeks paying special attention to how Claire interacted with her parents and how to mend bruises. He got better, now that he was paying more attention.
Remy remembers this first time with tears running from his dark blue eyes, much like the waterfalls connected to the ocean. He’d been a Guardian for ten years. Over those ten years, he’d learned a lot from his superiors and from Claire and her family.
Claire loved to sing. She joined choir as soon as she possibly could. She soloed in two songs in second grade. She made three friends, all of which would go on to support her everywhere. Claire was a people person, the one who would light up the room just by walking in with a smile.
Sixteen was a trying time. It was the middle of the teenage years, where boys were introduced into the mix. She was just sixteen, and putting herself out there already.
She was introduced to a boy by the name of Andrew. He was a gangly boy, with the messiest black hair one could imagine. Remy kept his black hair slightly messy, but in a cool and collected manner. Andrew had the coldest blue eyes Remy has ever seen.
He immediately disliked the boy. He got a bad vibe as soon as Andrew sauntered into the room. Remy found it was his mission to get Andrew and her to break up. They were only dating for two weeks, it’s shouldn’t be too difficult.
Remy shuddered, feeling cold in the crisp weather of Autumn. His leather jacket that he loved so much did nothing to warm him. Sure, he didn’t really need to feel human things, but he would For today. It was the least he could do.
Claire introduced Andrew to her parents about a month into their relationship. Her parents loved him, of course they would. Her friends were iffy about him. Her three childhood friends, Christopher, Bethany, and Lindsay, could care less about him, in fact. Lindsay expressed her distaste in Claire’s boyfriend almost as soon as Remy had.
He wished he had done something sooner. As a Guardian Angel, you couldn’t interfere very often. No, mostly you just sat back and watched. You watched... as your world crumbled around you and fell. Crashing down to the earth, to shatter into dust.
Six months into the relationship, Andrew changed from sweet to demanding. He would text her at least thirty times a day, demanding to know where she was at all times.
Remy shuddered, not wanting to think about him. About the way that he started making sure that she was supervised all the time. That she was only going where she was ‘supposed to be going.’
That sounded stupid to him. ‘Supposed to be going?’ What the hell, Andrew? Are you that sad of a human being that you can’t trust your girlfriend of six months, who loves you very much, to do anything?
Claire was a very sweet girl. She always made time for everyone, no matter what the request. For example, her friend Christopher took their little clique to his church when they hit eighth grade. Her family wasn’t big on religion, so naturally they didn’t go to church or participate in anything. She ended up getting all of her close friends and family baptized within two years, including herself. Claire participated the most and fundraisers organized by the church. The church was called ‘Fellowship of the Temple.’ Remy found it very cliché at the time.
Remy dried his tears. He knew he messed up again. He knew it was soon as she was carted into the hospital on April 9, 2021 at 9:30 in the evening. Claire was hanging out with Andrew, and things were going well. Remy still had suspicions, but he hadn’t done anything too terrible, yet.
He made the mistake of getting distracted. By what, he didn’t know. Maybe it was the fact that he was drinking from his Starbucks cup. Or maybe the TV was on, or his back was turned. Maybe it was all three; it didn’t matter now. All that matters is that he wasn’t paying attention like he was supposed to be.
They were arguing. Of course they were arguing. It’s been getting more frequent lately. Andrew tried to argue at least three times within the last week. It usually went with him asking if she was talking to any guys. She would say, apart from you and Chris, no.
Remy guessed that this day, Andrew had had enough. He ordered Claire to stop talking to any and all boys other than him. This included Christopher, the friend she’s had since second grade. Claire had refused, getting fairly upset at Andrew saying this. And Remy had agreed. It wasn’t Andrew’s place to say this sort of thing.
Andrew just kept getting madder. But he usually did, maybe screaming for a few minutes until either calming down or getting his way. Remy, while not having heard this exact conversation before, had heard an argument kinda like this one they were having now. So he ignored it, getting distracted. Big mistake.
The sharp thwack followed by a heavy thud made Remy freeze. He whirled around- since when was he facing the opposite direction?- and his eyes widened in the horror. Andrew held something in his hand- a bat. That said bat was leaning up against the couch they were sitting on earlier. Remy dashed forward, all concern on Claire.
She was sprawled across the wood floor, unconscious. She was bleeding on the side of her head, caused by the bat. Why was there even a bat in the house? Did he go out and buy one? Did Andrew have this planned from the beginning to knock her out?
No, of course not, Remy was being ridiculous. Andrew was on the baseball team. That’s why he had the bat. Be logical, Remy.
The screech he made was unholy. Nobody could hear him, but he still did it. He was suddenly thrown back to when Claire was seven and a half. Oh, how Remy wished it was only for something stupid like her falling off of a slide. A simple push. Nothing as severe and tragic as this.
He watched as Andrew looked down at her unmoving body, laying on the floor like a ragdoll. The anger bubbled up inside him exponentially, suddenly bursting forth in an angry sea of red. He roared in anger, sadness, and grief, mixed with a bit of fear, too. How many times would he fail as her Guardian Angel?
His wails of agony shattered the glass in the front window. The boy flinched, and he turned around. Andrew’s eyes widened when he saw the window. Remy ignored him, crouching down beside Claire and shushing her softly, even though she couldn’t hear him. A knock on the door sounded pretty soon after- maybe it was soon?- and Andrew was lead out in handcuffs.
She was rushed to the hospital by a neighbor and another police officer. Remy didn’t leave her side the whole time. Helen and Robert Callihan were called, her parents. They were crying, angry and broken. He hovered next to her shoulder, trying to send positive waves of energy through the air, knowing it wouldn’t be received.
Two days later, she woke up. Remy was exhausted. He was fighting tooth and limb for her, just as she was, for her to stay alive.
Her three friends were there, as well as her parents, when she woke up. They all cried and laughed, saying that a Guardian Angel was watching out for her.
Remy felt shame burn in his gut. He’d never actually been a hands-on Guardian. Maybe if he was, this wouldn’t have happened. If he’d just intervened more.
Two weeks later, Claire was out of the hospital. She looked dead tired. Andrew had threatened her with death if she told her parents what had happened, which made Remy seethe. He didn’t spend too long in jail, which just made matters worse. But he couldn’t do anything to harm her anymore. She was safe.
She wanted some alone time away from her parents and her friends: Lindsay, Christopher, and Bethany. She told everyone goodbye, that she loved them. He grew uneasy while he watched her hug her parents goodbye. She then got into her car, drove to the bridge, and got out. Remy followed her, curious and unsure where she was going.
She sat down on the edge of the bridge, sighing. She looked up into the evening sky, watching the sun’s beams reflect over the water. There was a content look on her face, one that she hadn’t had for a while. Her face would always crease with agitation around Andrew, but now she was wrinkle-free.
Rather than watch the waves, Remy watched Claire. Her light blonde hair flowed ever-so-perfectly in the breeze, and her green eyes that Remy loved to see so much glittered with a deep-set happiness. Then she opened her mouth.
She asked about Guardian Angels. If she had one or not, and why did it seem like he didn’t care for her?
Remy’s heart ached. Of course he cared for her. He cared for her a lot more than he ever thought possible. He’d grown attached to his Charge. When that happened, he didn’t know.
Claire had smiled, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. She said that she didn’t hold it against him, that he was surely busy with other people and other things. Remy felt his heart start to shatter just a little bit more. He had failed her, and she knew it, too.
She thanked him then, startling him. She thanked him for keeping her safe for the majority of her life, and for fighting for her in the hospital room.
Remy thanked her for fighting to stay alive as well, heart now heavy. He knew what was coming. Claire stood up on the edge of the bridge. She stood there for a few minutes, as if waiting for something.
In those few precious moments before the world ended, before his world ended, Remy thanked her. He thanked her for opening his eyes to a whole new world. He thanked her for all the laughs, the tears, the songs. He wished her luck on her new adventure.
Claire fell, as beautifully as she did in her normal life. The wind whipped her hair, framing the look of utter peace on her face as she hit the calm waves down below. A splash, followed by silence a few minutes later.
Remy leaned against the back of the bridge, looking out over the waves. Claire would be safe now. Safe from Andrew. Safe from Remy.
He couldn’t fail her anymore.
@melancholykazoo @why-things-go-boom @depressivedegenerate @patton-croc-agenda @keithstopno @the-closet-1
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sweets-fanfics · 4 years
Homecoming 16
Title: Beginning of the break
wordcount: 2738
warning: I tried smut. Maybe I’ll be more adventurous in later chapters.
Tag: @rollyjogerjones
You walked up to Luca and gave him a painfully obvious fake smile. 
He grinned as you stopped in front of him, “I take it, your father said to be nice to me.” 
“Against my wishes, yes.” You roll your eyes. “I suggested we just ignore you, but my father wants us to be nice.” 
“He probably wants to stay on my father’s good side.” He stepped closer and ran his hand down your arm softly. “How do you want to do that.”
“By being able to go tonight without killing you. So remove your hand from my arm before that happens.”
Luca chuckled and stepped back. “Then at least watch the fireworks with me.” 
You rolled your eyes again but followed him. Soon you realized he took you to a small bench away from everyone. “If you are going to make a move on me I will actually kill you.” You warn him.
“Y/N, please sit, my father’s men won’t hear us here,” Luca says in a serious tone. His entire demeanor from being a flirty asshole was gone and replaced with what looked like the old Luca who would run into the music shop every day. 
You sit next to him a bit cautious, “Okay…?”
“Firstly, I’m sorry for acting the way I did back there. My father sadly expects it of me. Secondly, I feel you and your friends should not listen or take any advice my father gives you.”
“What? Why?”
Luca ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, “I think he’s going to betray you. I… Some men came in dark suits and had asked if they had seen the Van Der Linde gang.” Your blood went cold as you listened silently, “My father took them into his study and they talked in there for hours. I wasn’t even allowed inside.”
“Wait… So you aren’t an asshole?” You said registering everything.
He let out a chuckle, “That’s what you say after all that?” He gives you a kind smile, “You are still exactly the same girl who worked in the music shop. I’m sorry… I hurt you very badly back then. My father is insane. But I do love my wife, I promise. She’s the only I’ve been telling everything too. She suggested I tell you.”
Luca takes your hand and squeezes it. “You and your people have to Leave Saint Denise if you want to live.” 
“I… I’ll talk to my father. But he… he’s been difficult.” You sigh.
“I’m glad you got to meet him. Has he been everything you wanted?” Luca smiles.
You shrug your shoulders, “Yes and no. He’s given me and Henry a family, but I feel more that he has let us in to have more people on his side… and not because he genuinely loves us.”
“Yeah… fathers are horrible creatures at times… But at least yours seems kinder than most. And you’re husband, I assume you met him through your father?”
You smile thinking back to the day you met Arthur, “I met him first actually, he walked into the saloon I was bartending in.” You start to laugh, “I was really tight on money and tried to steal his money.”
Luca is still smiling at you but you can see it become shocked. “Miss Y/N, I seem to remember you sayin’ you’ll never be like your father.”
“Well, that was before I met them. Is it sad I feel like I’m gettin’ a hang of this life? But, I want Arthur and me to leave it, we want a family one day.”
The fireworks had begun but you and Luca kept talking. “Well… When you two feel you are ready, my wife and I will help you where we can.” He nodded to himself as if he made up his mind.
“Luca… You don’t have too…”
“I know. But you can see it as redemption for how I hurt you. You don’t have to accept right now. But please, think it over.” You two smiled at each other. 
You both were so into trying to hear each other over the fireworks you didn’t notice Arthur walk up until he touched your arm softly. You glance up at him and smile. You don’t notice how Luca watches your eyes light up and fill with love the moment you see your cowboy.  Luca simply stands and holds his hand out to Arthur.
Arthur glances at you as if asking for approval. “He’s on our side. We talked it over.” You say. Arthur nods and shakes Luca’s hand.
“Mrs. Morgan, I will let you know if I hear anything else. Also, again, please think over my proposal with your wonderful husband here.”
“I will Mr. Bronte. Tell your wife I said thank you.” Luca leaned forward and kissed your forehead before bowing his head to Arthur and rejoining the party.
“Are there two of him?” Arthur asks as he takes your hand.
“Turns out he has been our fly on the wall with Bronte since we ran into him in town.” You say in a hushed voice. “He thinks we shouldn’t trust his father… There is somethin’ else but I feel my father and Hosea should hear it too.”
“I came to get ya cause Dutch had your brother sneak some papers from the mayor's office. He says it’s time to go.”
You smile and loop your arm through his. “Well, then I believe we are done here.”
The five of you climbed into the coach before Lenny began driving. You immediately take your braid out and sigh. 
“Luca Bronte thinks we shouldn’t trust his father.” 
“I don’t very much trust him either.” Hosea agrees.
“Well now. Let’s see how that trolley thing goes.” Dutch says trying to defend Bronte as Henry hands him the papers he nabbed. 
“Luca said men in suits came to Bronte and asked if he had seen us. From the description, it sounds like Pinkertons.” You warned your father who you noticed did not look as worried as you thought.
“I doubt it was them. And if it was we will be fine.”
You glance at Henry but you didn’t see the same doubt. “I think we should trust our father. You know he’d never steer us wrong.”
You shoot your twin a dirty look, “I’m not saying I don’t trust him. I’m just thinking of the others in our group who may be worried if they find out the Pinkertons are closer than we thought.” 
“Then let’s keep it from them. Just for now.” Dutch simply said with a shrug. You knew the conversation was over you sighed and sat back in your seat.
When you all returned to the house you didn’t wait for any of the men to help you. You hopped out and walked up to your room. Arthur walked in shortly after you and smirked as you struggled to undo the ribbons of your dress. 
He came up behind you and softly put your hands down before untying the dress and helping you slip out of it.  He turned you around and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
Your face was red but you weren’t as embarrassed that you were standing in his arms wearing just undergarments. He had seen you fully naked plenty of times. This was no different. 
“I know you are probably stressed.” He says softly. “And I think I know how to help you relax.” You looked up into his blue-green eyes as he gave you a flirty smirk before his lips crashed into yours. 
He walked you back towards the bed as you struggled to get his tux off. He started to chuckle as you struggled with the buttons on his shirt. He stepped back softly pushing you onto the bed. He quickly slipped his shirt off and his pants leaving him in his own undergarments.
Before you could even attempt to help them with that off he slips off your bottoms leaving you exposed to him. He begins to kiss your jaw and neck as he slips a finger between your folds. You cover your mouth to suppress your moan as he immediately hits your sensitive spot. You could feel him smile as he continues to kiss your neck before moving and kissing your lips again. 
“Just relax, my love,” Arthur hums softly. “I’m going to help you feel good.” 
Arthur begins to kiss down your body. He stops at your breast as he puts a nipple in his mouth and squeezes the other. His tongue plays with your nipple before he switches sides. You keep your mouth covered but he’s making it hard to stay quiet. 
Arthur continues to go down your body until his face is between your legs. You look down at him as he smiles up at you. “What should I do?” He asks acting naive. 
His finger is still inside you making it hard for you to answer him without moaning. He chuckles every time you open your mouth and have to shut it right away as he teases you. “I can’t hear you, my love.” He hums.
“Please don’t stop.” Was all you were able to get out without moaning.
“I guess that’ll do.” He smirked before lowering his head between your legs and helping you forget all about the stresses of the night.
In the morning you hear voices. Without seeming awake you feel around to make sure you have some sort of clothes on before peaking to see who is in the room. 
Dutch is leaning against the door frame talking to Arthur. You feel the shirt on you so you are able to sit up slowly and glance at the two men.
As you rub your eyes Arthur gives you a soft smile. “How did you sleep, dear?” He asks. You notice how his attention fully shifts to you as if your father wasn’t even in the room anymore. 
“I slept well.” You glance at Dutch. “Can you two talk outside so I can get dressed?” 
“It’s okay. I’ll leave you two alone.” He smiles and walks off leaving you and Arthur alone.
“Does he normally stare at us sleep?” You ask. 
Arthur chuckles as he walks up to you and kisses your forehead. “He wanted to talk about last night. And he said somethin’ about gambling on a boat.”
What a dumb idea, you thought to yourself. “Who’s goin’?” You ask as you pull your skirt on.
“Javier, Trelawny, Staus and me apparently. I have to meet Trelawny in Saint Denise to get ready.” He makes quotation marks with his hands as he says ‘get ready’ which makes you laugh.
“Sounds fun.” Arthur walks up and wraps his arms around you.
“Somethin’ seems different about you today.” He hums and twirls you around before wrapping his arms around your middle again. 
“Bad different?” You wonder.
He huffs a chuckle, “No… almost like you’re glowin’ a bit.”
You get on your tippy-toes and kiss his lips, “Well I had a rather amazing night.” You whisper.
“Oh, you did?” He hums as he kisses you back.
“Y/N, I need you and Charles to go hunting.” You hear Dutch call from somewhere in the house.
You groan and place your head on Arthur’s chest as he laughs. “I swear, that man knows every time I’m in your arms.”
“He’s probably tryin’ to keep ya busy. You tend to get into trouble when you’re bored.” Arthur pokes your nose and places his hat on your head.
“Arthur, I got my hat…” You say as he shrugs.
“Just watch it for me, okay?” He starts to leave the room but backtracks back in. “Also, I love you so damn much.”
“Well thank god,” You pretend to look relieved as you braid your hair, “Because I love you just as much.”
Arthur rolls his eyes and smiles before heading out.
You walk outside and Charles is already getting both his horse and Suzie ready. You skip up to him and smack Charles’s shoulder. He jumps a bit as you realized he didn’t see you walk up.
“Hello Charles, I heard I’m your hunting partner today.” You smile as you climb on to Suzie.
“Yes, I think I know a great place too.” 
Before you two head out you hear some really bad coughing behind you. You turn and see Henry cough into a rag before quickly putting it away.
“Henry, I think you should see a doctor…” You sigh. 
“I’ll be fine sister.” He assures you as he gets on Lightning.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” You ask.
“How about you don’t bother the man.” Micah groans lazily as he and his horse trot by. “Not like you’re his parent.”
“I’m allowed to worry about my brother, Mr. Bell.”
“Micah just said he wants to show me his idea for a job is all.” Henry smiles.
“Henry, I don’t believe Micah Bell is a good influence.” 
Micah rolls his eyes at your comment, “Come on Henry, you don’t need your killjoy of a sister to control your life.”
You suppress the need to shoot the man as he and your brother ride off. “Why is Micah with us?” You ask Charles.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
At some point during hunting you got separated from Charles. You looked around the heavily wooded area trying to get some sense of where you were. Hell, you couldn’t even find Suzie. 
You tried whistling but heard no response. 
“It’s about time your alone.” You hear a voice behind you making you spin and pull your pistol. 
“Agent Milton…” You say softly as the man walks out from behind a tree.
“I’m alone and not here to hurt you.” He raises his hands slowly. “I just wanted to talk.” As he talks you here a leaf crunch beside you. 
You aim your gun in that direction. “Alone, huh?” Before he can respond you fire and an agent falls to the ground crying out in pain and grabbing his shoulder.
“So much like your father.” 
“What do you want?” You ask.
“I need more ears on the inside to help take your father down. We’ll pay you handsomely and I’ll even make your husband’s record disappear.” 
You glare at him, “Why would I ever help you. And what do you mean ‘more’?” 
“Ah, you caught on to that.” He slowly walks up to you. “Micah Bell has been gladly giving me information since right before the Rhodes incident.”
Your blood goes cold as you listen to him. But honestly, you aren’t shocked. “Why would you tell me this?” Why would he give such honest information?
“Because I know you won’t rat him out. We both know how Mr. Bell is, he’ll kill you before you even open your mouth.”
You scoff, “He can try.” 
Milton suddenly has a pistol inches from your forehead. You feel pretty proud of yourself as you don’t flinch and continue to stare him down. “Think about it. Or, I’ll pay you a less kind of a visit.” 
Milton walks over to the agent and helps them up. As they disappear from sight you finally feel yourself relax.
Arthur is not pleased as he rides into camp soaking wet. Sure he got some cash, but he didn’t think he’d be swimming in the damn river. As he hitches up Athena you and Charles ride back into camp. 
For once it’s Charles talking and you staying silent.
“Y/N, are you sure you’re okay? You seem off.” Arthur hears Charles ask you. He glances over his shoulder at you and sees your face is pale. Curious he walks over and takes the pelts from Suzie. 
“I’m fine, I told you… a snake scared me is all.” Arthur can tell right away you aren’t telling the truth.
“It’s okay Charles, as tough as she may be my wife does have a fear of snakes,” Arthur says as he glances at you. By the look on your face, he can tell you’re grateful.
Finally, Charles sighs and takes his horse to another hitching post. As soon as he’s out of ear sight and you’re off Suzie, Arthur grabs your hands and pulls you into a hug so he can talk to only you.
“What happened?” He asks.
“I… I can’t say.” Is all you’re able to get out.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
Somewhere That’s Green
Oh fuck...such a long ass wait for this part of my story
Finally...the tenth part~
Hopefully it’s good...and worth the extremely long wait...so sorry...
I’m seriously trying my absolute best to work on these much faster
Tagging @grotesquegabby
Part Nine /// Part Eleven
“What’s the plan for today?”
After a night of fun with who was now introduced as “Richard”, Ula walked alongside mentioned boy who smiled down at her.
“Well, my dad said he wanted to give us a treat at his restaurant, hence why he said not to eat too much sleepover breakfast.” Ula mentioned as the two made their way out of her neighborhood. “I think we might go to Cuckoo’s circus later, or maybe the beach.”
“Quite the plan.” Richard nodded before looking to the side. “But we should have gone to the beach now, you basically live on it!”
“But my dad wants to be at the beach too.” Ula giggled to herself. “Besides, he’s waiting for all of us at his restaurant.”
“The band?”
“Yeah, and my mom.” Ula nodded before taking out her phone, opening it to look through her text messages. “Not too sure where she is right now, but I know she’ll be there.”
Richard then gave a nod of his own, turning to Ula again before the two smiled at each other.
 “So, tell me Richard...how did we become friends?” 
“Oh! That’s simple.” Richard cleared his throat. “We were introduced to each other by our mothers a few years back. There was a party hosted by your mother and it was open to anybody, so we went with my father and my mother had a business offer I believe. Either way, she introduced me to you and we had a playdate the following week.”
“We immediately hit it off then?”
“Yup!” Richard then poked Ula’s side which made her giggle. “And I could immediately tell just how smitten Schrader was with you at that time.~”
“What? Really?” Ula then turned to him with reddened cheeks. “Nah, that can’t be.”
“Oh yeah! I mean, he told me not to tell you because it embarrasses him a little. But that guy has basically loved you ever since you guys met.”
“Pffft, I doubt that.” Ula rolled her eyes with a flushed expression before they met up with green eyes. 
“Hey, look!” Ula pointed to the side where there were a few bushes, right in front of them was a black cat with emerald eyes that was licking one of its paws. “A kitty! It looks like the one who was at my house yesterday.”
“Maybe it is.” Richard tapped his chin as Ula approached the cat, the animal now ceasing its licking before glancing up at the pair. “I don’t think you should go near it, it gives a weird-ish vibe.”
“It’s fine, it’s just a cat which means friend.” Ula insisted, right before a sharp pain shot through her head that made her stop to hold her head.
“Ula, are you okay?” Richard ran up to his friend as the cat stared at them.
“I’m fine, just a small headache.”
“Must be from the...Ryder, stuff.” Richard now peered at the cat who calmly walked towards Ula, softly touching her leg with a paw. “We should get going.”
“No, no. I wanna pet the kitty.” Ula shook her head as the pain had now lessened, reaching down to pet the cat who quickly stepped away from her and back towards the bushes. “Or, I guess it doesn’t want that.”
But then, the cat meowed at her while staying in place.
“Wait.” Ula blinked at the feline who gave another meow. “I think it wants us to follow it.”
“I don’t think so…”
Ula then tested her theory by approaching the cat who moved farther but still waited for Ula.
“It does!” she exclaimed before going after it. “Come on!”
He had already seen her quite the few times and ever since the first moment, he was hooked.
She was so beautiful with the looks of a goddess, a light always surrounding her perfect figure as her long, golden locks bounced with every graceful step she took. She had the appearance of a character that only existed in books. The sound of her heels came to be one of his favorite sounds, especially in the quiet place that was the library where he was sometimes found. But on this day, he was found in the park just outside for he had watched his favorite book from afar as she took a stroll, but this time...the distanced admiring would come to an end.
Curiosity had gotten the best of him and he asked about this woman he so frequently saw.
Coraline D’Vitt was her name, and it rolled off his tongue quite nicely when he first said it to himself.
“Coraline…” he whispered, sitting on a park bench as he thought of the woman. “Coraline D’Vitt.”
After some asking around, he was able to find out just what he wanted about the woman. He found out that her preferred flowers were ‘forget-me-nots’; a suitable plant for an unforgettable woman.
He sat alone on the park bench for a while, pondering on what it is he would say once his eyes caught sight of Coraline. She walked down a path through the park as she read a book, emerald eyes completely stuck to the pages while she easily maneuvered her way through the park. He watched as she finally came to a stop as she neared the park’s water fountain, sitting right on the concrete near the water.
Finally, this was his chance.
So he carefully clutched onto the flower bouquet that he had been holding onto for a while, his eyes hopeful as he now got off the bench and made his way over to the fountain. He walked down the same path the woman had followed, releasing a deep breath as he found himself closer and closer to her.
His heart raced at the sight of her peacefully reading her book, a delicate hand turning a page before it reached up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear that was adorned with a shiny pearl. Just as he was close to finally approaching her, he gulped before clearing his throat and-
“Hey, watch out!”
He turned to the side as he heard somebody exclaim, and he was surprised to see a black figure dash towards him at full speed before running in between his legs.
“Be careful!”
Soon enough, the black figure remained in his legs in a rather strange way, making the man attempt to keep himself up but he found it difficult with the shape purposely keeping him off balance. In an instant, there was a splash of water that caused droplets fall onto those near the fountain.
“Oh my stars, are you okay!?” another voice sounded. “Oh shoot, here, let me help you.”
After spitting out water like the fountain he was now inside, the man opened his eyes and turned to the side where his green ones looked into another pair of green eyes that made him blink in embarrassment. The beautiful woman standing over him, heels in the water he was sitting in while his flowers…
“The flowers!” he panicked, then looking to each of his sides to look for the flower bouquet he intended on giving to the woman he was now in front of. But then, he felt a sense of disappointment soar through him when he lifted his hand to his face to see that he was holding all of the flower stems, only one flower actually intact.
“These are...this was…”
“For me?” the woman blinked down at him, eyes staring at the lone forget me not flower before she reached up to grab the flower. “How lovely. Thank you.”
The pair then looked into each other’s eyes before the man cleared his throat, now feeling as his hands were held by the woman who helped him back up onto his feet.
“Are you alright though,” she asked while softly smiling down at him. “Lennie, is it?”
“Your name tag, your name is Lennie, right?”
“Oh. Oh! Yeah, yeah sorry. “
“It’s alright.” the woman reached up to fix the man’s bowtie. “My name is Coraline.”
“Right, I heard you’re-”
“Mom!” somebody interrupted before the pair turned to the side, a girl with nearly identical features to Coraline running towards the pair as her friend followed behind.
“Mom?” Lennie blinked at the sight that was the girl and boy now standing outside of the fountain, and he then turned to Coraline.
“Oh yes, this is my daughter.” she introduced as said girl noticed that the pair was inside the fountain. “Lily, I was just helping this nice man up.He fell into the water fountain.”
“A cat ran in between my legs…” Lennie stated as he looked around but then at Ula, blinking once he realized that she had now been staring at him with eyes that slowly started to widen. “Was, it yours?”
“Oh! Uh, no.” Ula shook her head before bringing a hand up to hold it, a pain coursing through it that made her shut her eyes before feeling a hand be placed on her shoulder. “I’m sorry-”
“Are you okay Lily?” she heard Richard lean in, Ula opening her eyes to see that he and her mother had both come close to her with concerned looks. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a slight headache.” Ula shook her head again before looking back up at the man near her mother. “It’s just that ...him.”
“What about me?” the man blinked again before seeing that Ula shrugged.
“I don’t really know.” she whispered, then squinting her eyes as her vision blurred and she instead found herself in her room, laying in bed as the man sat beside her. In his hands was an open book, his eyes glued onto the pages as words were read out loud.
“You okay there?”
“Hmmm, you look pretty sleepy.”
“It’s okay kiddo, just sleep. Good night Ula.”
“Good night dad, love you.”
Ula blinked a few times before shaking her head, vision now clear as she looked at the three people in front of her.
“Sorry, I was just having a brain-whatever you call it.” Ula mumbled out, sensing that another pair of eyes looked straight at her, so she turned to the side where she saw the black cat from before. It casually licked its paw while sitting on the ground, then ceasing its action to glance up at Ula with a blink of its green eyes before it scurried away with a chirp.
“And what would you like for your soup, Miss D’Vitt?”
“What does the chef recommend?~”
Ula fluttered her eyelashes at the chef who stood beside the table she and her friends as well as mother sat at, grinning up at the blue eyed boy who gave her his own smirk. After the slight fiasco over at the park, Ula and the other two with her had finally made it to the luxurious restaurant owned by her father who was currently not in their presence, but who were were Ula’s band mates. They all sat around the large table provided for them, surrounded by beautiful scenery and decorations that Ula had been quite fascinated with once she had entered the building and was escorted by a lone employee who now placed drinks all around the table.
“Sage.” somebody called before the pair turned to the side where they saw the doors to the kitchen open, right in the doorway was Ula’s father with crossed arms and a stern look on his face, this enough to intimidate the other employee who quickly made their way back into the kitchen to aid with the food.
“Jamie, relax.” Jelly rolled her eyes with a smile. “Let them have their fun.”
“The sous chef has a job to do.” James plainly replied before making his way over to the table, standing beside his wife’s seat as they both stared at Ula and Schrader.
“You specifically closed today so he wouldn’t have a job to do.” Jelly gently slapped James’ arms before leaning close to him to whisper. “You need to stop being so overprotective of her.”
“I am not being overprotective.” James cleared his throat. “I am merely…”
“Jamie.” Jelly grabbed James’ hand, giving it a comforting squeeze as he now looked down at her. “I also missed her.”
“I know.”
“Schrader missed her too, and you know that he’s going to keep her safe when we’re not there.” Jelly continued which made James give a sigh, then being made to sit next to Jelly who kissed his forehead. “Let’s not think about what happened and treat her like she never went through that, okay?”
“Now go make us some food.” Jelly slicked James’ hair back before as his gaze softened. “Your tiny Alice has been waiting all day for her father to make her lunch.”
“And that is exactly what her father will do.” James then leaned in to rub his nose against Jelly’s, making her giggle before they were interrupted by Ula.
“Dad complains ‘cause I flirt with Schrader but look at you guys!” she exclaimed with a laugh. “You two need to get a room.”
“Perhaps we will.~” Jelly joked before Ula playfully turned her nose. “But in the meantime, can we finish ordering?”
“Of course.” Schrader now responded before turning back to Ula. “As I was saying, the soup of the day is the roasted garlic and brie soup. But the one I personally recommend the tomato basil one.”
“The what? Basil?” Ula stared up at Schrader who grabbed a nearby menu to show Ula the picture of the soup he had mentioned. 
“Tomato basil.” Schrader smiled before handing the menu over to Ula. “You can obviously get something else of course-”
“No, no. I want that one.” Ula rapidly nodded before Schrader returned the gesture. 
“Since I’m done with the fish and main course orders, I’ll go and get everybody’s soups.” Schrader then leaned in to kiss Ula’s lips. “We’ve got some other chefs working so I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Sounds great, just take your time.” Ula smiled as she watched Schrader go, then turning to her side where Richard was seated. “So, what are you guys talking about?”
“We were talking about what we could be for Halloween.” Dante who was next to Richard told Ula before he drank from his beverage. “We were thinking of doing Killer Klowns from Outer Space.”
“Didn’t we already do that?” Ula tilted her head before Dante shook his.
“Nah, we considered it once but then you thought of doing Stranger Things and we liked the idea.”
“Oh. I see. What ideas have you guys come up with?”
“Whatever you guys come up with, I sure do hope the costumes go well with the party.” Jelly chuckled before James returned from getting some bowls and seating himself beside her. 
“Oh, your mother has not told you yet?” James smiled as he handed Jelly her soup. “We wanted to go through it with you first,hopefully you do not mind.”
“A party for what?”
“To celebrate your awakening!” one of the triplets exclaimed as he got onto his chair to slam his hands on the table, then being pulled down by his mother. 
“Yes, but also because it was your birthday a few days ago.” Hector of the triplets nodded before Davey also chipped in.
“And we must celebrate Halloween!”
“So, a Halloween birthday party?” Schrader’s voice now sounded as he pulled out a chair and sat next to Ula and one of the triplets. “When?”
“Halloween night.” James stated before oh so magically pulling an invitation out of thin air, then reaching out to Ula. “As we mentioned, we wanted to ask you first to see if you were alright with it. We already have a location and things will immediately be prepared if you agree to it. Otherwise, we may just ask your uncle Pepper to prepare a cake and we celebrate among ourselves.”
“Well, I think….it’s a wonderful idea.” Ula grinned as she scanned the invitation. “Though I would like it to be less...formal.”
“Whatever you want.” Jelly took back the invitation. “Any particular themes in mind?”
“How about something more…” Ula tapped her finger on her chin, then biting her lip as she was deep in thought. What she found strange was what all she could come up with was...strawberries….damn, she was craving strawberries. Specifically a strawberry milkshake...now that she thought about it, she looked over at Schrader who offered a small smile.
“1950’s?” Jelly and James perked up before he spoke alone. “That sounds like a wonderful idea!”
“But would it go well with the location?” Jelly was now the one who tapped her chin. “We asked Cuckoo if we could hold the party at their circus.”
“It goes perfectly well.” Ula nodded. “Maybe it’s like some, zombie 1950’s circus! Or carnival!”
“I love it!” the twins nodded as excitedly as Ula. “We could dress up as greasers or something!”
“Since you agree with the idea, Cuckoo wanted you to come by the circus tomorrow when there’s no performance.” Jelly explained to Ula. “Not only do they want to show off their lovely performers and all that, but they said that they wanted your input for the party.”
As everybody continued to throw all sorts of ideas, Ula turned back to Schrader who looked at her again.
“1950’s, where’d you get that idea from?” he chuckled before Ula shrugged and placed her head on his shoulder.
“A dream I guess.”
“So what are we dressing up as?” 
“Sandy and Danny’s too expected, huh?” Ula looked up at Schrader who nodded with a scrunched up nose. 
“How about, Lorraine and George?”
“Oh! From Back to the Future?” Ula snapped his fingers before Schrader nodded. “You gotta wear a white suit for that.”
“Now where could I get one…”
“Now that I think about it, I’m not too sure how you’d look in a white suit.” Ula giggled as she pulled herself away to envision Schrader in a white suit. She was able to see him in a white coat and a neat bow tie, but his hair was slicked black and he had red on him. Red...blood, splattered over the jacket and his face. Somehow, they weren’t in James’ restaurant but instead the D’Vitt Family mansion.
“Y-Yeah?” Ula blinked a few times before looking back at Schrader, realizing that he was not in a white jacket but instead his leather jacket and a casual shirt. “Sorry, I don’t know what happened there.”
“It’s okay, maybe you just need some fresh air or something.” Schrader looked at the table where everybody still talked with everybody. “It’s a little stuffy in here.”
Ula peered behind Schrader where she found a window, right behind a glass were a pair of familiar green eyes that made her squint, especially as she attempted to ignore the headache she now felt. However, the owner of the eyes made sure to once again scurry away which heightened Ula’s curiosity.
“Yeah, think I’ll go outside for a bit.”
“Want me to come with?”
“Sure.” Ula nodded before Schrader stood up and pulled her chair out, all eyes now on them. “We’re just gonna go outside for a bit.”
“Is everything alright?” James pushed his chair out. “I’ll-”
That was when he was forced back into his chair by Jelly who casually fed herself with her other hand, never looking away from her bowl as James nodded at the pair.
“We’ll be right back, don’t worry dad.” Ula reassured James as she and Schrader began walking away.
“Don’t take too long, the main course is almost up.” Jelly waved at the pair before turning to James who continued to eat his own soup. “Jamie.”
“I know, I know what you are going to say.” he spoke before she could. “I need to stop being protective of her and let her do as she wishes. I understand, I very much do. It is just quite difficult after seeing her lay in bed motionless for more than a year and not be able to do anything to aid her. I never pictured myself being like those fathers portrayed on film, yet here I am.”
“At least you acknowledge it.” Jelly rubbed her cheek against James’. “Just go to your Wonderland.”
“I just heard them say they are going home once all of this is over.”
“As if you never suggested that when my parents were around.”
The next day had finally come, Ula getting to know her home and those around her more and more.
Now that it was the early afternoon, Ula’s main focus was to head on over to the circus being led by who she learned, or remembered, was her mother’s cousin. To learn more of her town, Ula decided to take a peaceful walk through it while admiring everything she had missed the other times.
“Hey! I’m glad I found you here.”
Ula turned to look behind her before smiling, seeing as her best friend rushed over to her before the two embraced.
“Mind if I come with?”
“Not at all. I thought you were working today?”
“Well, I may have lied a little bit to get out of work.” Richard nervously chuckled to himself before a face of dread came on his expression. “I hope they don’t fire me. I’ve never lied before. Did I-”
“Dude, relax.” Ula laughed to herself as the two resumed their walking. “What did you even say?”
“I told them my mother was ill.” Richard slightly shrugged. “Since we’re pretty ‘attached’ or however people say it, I guess it was believable.”
“Huh. Well then.” Ula nodded before feeling as Richard grabbed her hand and motioned to the left. 
“You’re going to the circus, right?”
“This way’s faster.” Richard lead her down a path that was near the park. “What are you going to do after checking out the circus?”
“I dunno.” Ula shrugged before taking out her phone and opening it. “Might go to the pier or my mom’s park. Just trying to learn more about this place.”
“Well, not learn. Just remember.” Ula shrugged before she stopped walking, a squint now present on her features. “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“It sounds like clapping…” Ula eyed the area. “And...humming…?”
The pair looked over to the side where the unexpected sounds came from, their eyes landin on a line of bushes which did not seem out of the ordinary. That was, until from behind the bushes appeared three smiling faces which made Ula’s eyes widen.
“Oh shit.”
“Oh, what a surprise!” exclaimed Richard as he recognized Ula’s band mates who were no doubt about to serenade their friends.
“Pretty woman, walkin’ down the street. Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet. Pretty woman.~”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ula grumbled as she continued walking without eye contact, ignoring Dante who rose up before jumping over the bushes and following after Ula and Richard with the twins on each side as they each participated in the singing. 
“I don't believe you, you're not the truth.” Dante continued to sing dramatically. “No one could look as good as you.Mercy!~”
“They’re so good.” Richard commented before being slapped on the arm by Ula.
“Pretty woman, won't you pardon me. Pretty woman, I couldn't help but see. Pretty woman,” now Robyn was the one to sing as Dante joined in vocals and clapping. 
“I hate you guys.”
“That you look lovely as can be. Are you lonely just like me?~” Robyn finished as Ula rolled her eyes in embarrassment, but they soon widened at the sound of a growl right beside her ear.
Ula’s cheeks flushed before she turned, surprised to see nobody behind her. But once she turned to look back to the front before she gave a sigh.
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes!” Dante interrupted his own vocalizing to exclaim in pure glee as his and everybody else’s eyes looked up at the sight that was Schrader hanging on a lamppost.
“Pretty woman, stop a while!” Schrader sang out which further embarrassed Ula, the young man jumping off the post before following Ula who hid away while continuing on her path with Richard. “Pretty woman, talk a while!”
“Not you too!”
“Pretty woman, give your smile to me!~”
“Schrader! Stop!” Ula cried out as she attempted to cover her face, but it was quite obvious that she could not stop herself from smiling wide.
“Pretty woman, yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“Pretty woman, look my way.”
“Everyone’s looking your way!” Ula laughed before stopping in her tracks once Schrader knelt before her, taking her hand and placing it over his heart.
“Pretty woman say you’ll stay with me,” Schrader sang before jumping up and onto a water fountain. “ ‘Cause I need you, I’ll treat you right.~”
“Come with me baby,” Schrader performed with a hand on his chest, laughing to himself when he caught himself after almost falling into the water of the fountain he was on. “Be mine tonight!~”
“I’m gonna go now.” Ula pointed to the front before Schrader hopped off the fountain, following behind her as the others did so as well.
“Pretty woman, don't walk on by. Pretty woman, don't make me cry.”
“Schrader oh my fuck.”
“Pretty woman, don’t walk away, hey.” Schrader then put up a sad facade which Ula tried to ignore. Okay…”
“If that's the way it must be, okay. I guess I'll go on home, it's late.
“Go home Schrader.”
“There'll be tomorrow night,” Schrader nodded ‘sadly’ before hearing a sigh from Ula. “But wait...what do I see?~”
“I’m only stopping so you can shut up.”
“Is she walking back to me?”
“I am not.” Ula rolled her eyes again as she indeed made her way over to Schrader who was backed up by their friends.
“Yeah, she’s walking back to me.” Schrader grinned before extending his arms out to Ula who embraced him, right before kissing his lips to shut him up.
“Oooh!~” the other boys laughed as the pair continued to kiss, Ula sticking out her middle finger before finally parting away from Schrader who seemed to be in a daze.
“Oh, pretty woman.~” he nodded to himself before Ula gave a laugh.
“What was that whole performance for?”
“Just to show my never ending love for you Nungen.” Schrader pressed his forehead against Ula’s. “Had to make sure everybody saw.”
“You’re all such idiots. Especially you.” Ula giggled as she rubbed her nose against Schrader’s. “I half expected a proposal there.”
“I haven’t asked your parents about that yet.” Schrader shrugged, then clearing his throat before a cough followed. “I mean, sometime in the future Nungen.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ula blushed once more before spotting Richard standing beside her. “Where you in on this?”
“Uh huh.~”he nodded with a big smile.
“So you didn’t even have work today?”
“Oh no, that part’s real.” Richard told before he and the others laughed. “Anyways, you still going to the circus?”
“I don’t think so.” Rayden snickered along with his twin.
“I think they’re gonna go necking.” Robyn added before being slapped on the arm by Dante.
“Shut the hell up guys!” he shook his head, but he soon gave a smirk at the couple. “They’re gonna go do the Monster Mash-”
“I think I’m gonna leave now.” Ula interrupted before moving away from Schrader who frowned at their snickering friends. “Hey…”
“We are still going to the circus, right?” Richard repeated before taking notice that Ula’s attention was fixated on something. “Ula?”
“Wait.” Ula raised a hand as she neared some bushes, in between them a different kind of green standing out. Soon this green blinked at Ula, once and then twice, making her blink upon realizing that these were eyes. Eyes belonging to a feline.
“It’s that cat…”
“Cat?” Schrader approached Ula before watching as a cat pounced out of the bushes. 
“It wants me to follow it.”
“What?” Schrader turned to Ula in confusion, then seeing her walk away and chase after the cat who dashed to some direction. “Interesting.”
“Where are you taking me this time?” Ula whispered as she continued to follow the cat who eventually disappeared beneath a cloth. More specifically, a tent. A circus tent.
“Oh, this must be Cuckoo’s.” Ula pondered for a moment as she tapped her chin.
“Ula! What’s going on?” she heard behind her, making her turn to see Schrader who ran over to her. “What are you doing here?”
“The cat ran under the tent.” Ula pointed to the spot that was no longer attached to the ground. “I’m gonna go get it.”
“I don’t think-”
Ula then knelt down before planting a hand on the ground, mushrooms soon blooming before she took one and stood up. She took a bite out of the mushroom’s right side, surprising Schrader once she shrunk to the height of the cat.
“You coming?” Ula looked up at Schrader who blinked while Ula went under the tent and inside.
Schrader then decided to do as Ula did, taking a bite out of the mushroom before joining her inside to see that she was back to her normal height.
“Take a bite out of the left now. But not too much.”
“That honestly felt weird.” Schrader commented one he was also at his full height, then leaning in close to Ula as they hid behind some circus supplies and boxes. “Ula, we should leave.”
“But why? It’s not like Cuckoo will be mad.” Ula shrugged as she now made her way out and into the open where she began searching for the cat.
“That’s the thing, this-”
“Hey, who goes there?” a voice shouted at the pair who immediately turned around, now seeing a woman walk over to them with a bit of a stern look.
“-isn’t Cuckoo’s circus.” Schrader now finished before Ula’s widened in panic, but she cleared her throat ready to speak; Schrader then beat her to it however. “Hey, we’re real sorry. My girlfriend and I were at her house and her cat accidentally got out, and got in here.”
“Cat? I haven’t seen a cat around here.” the woman furrowed her eyebrows in thought before bringing her fingers to her chin. “What’s the little one look like?”
“What’s it look like Ula?” Schrader whispered to Ula, then looking at her as she did not reply. “Ula?”
“I’m sorry…” Ula brought a hand up to her head as it throbbed with pain when she took a closer look at the woman.
“Uh...it’s Ama.” the woman blinked in surprise. “What’s your cat look like?” 
“He, uh…” Ula started as she also blinked, but in perplexity while her vision blurred and she found herself in a dark room. Its ceiling appeared to have stars, these being made by a light that illuminated three figures, two of who were no longer asleep and clutched onto their plush friends.
“Ama? What’s wrong?”
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“Have a good night and sweet dreams.”
“You too.” 
“So don’t worry. I’ll be here to protect you.”
“It’s black.” Ula finally answered. “All black with green eyes. His...collar fell off.”
“Oh, there it is.” Schrader announced before walking over to the side where the cat was, but it ran off and over to Ula’s feet where it rubbed itself on her legs.
“Hey there...Salem.” Ula cleared her throat before picking up the cat and holding it to her chest while it purred. “You-”
“We’ll get going now.” Schrader coughed before taking Ula’s arm.
“Ama? Who are they?” another voice questioned before everybody turned to see a man and a woman.
“Hey mom, dad.” Ama greeted who were obviously her parents. “These people just came here to pick up their cat who ran off.”
“How did you two find a way in?” the man continued. “We’re closed.”
“Billy, relax.” his wife shushed him. “They have their cat.”
“Billy…” Ula whispered before snapping out of her daze once again when Schrader wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Yup, and we’ll be on our way now.” Schrader nodded with a polite smile. 
“I’ll walk you guys out.” Ama offered before Schrader shook his head. 
“Oh, no it’s alright. We already inconvenienced you so we’ll just...slip out.” Schrader awkwardly coughed before Ula nodded in agreement. “Thank you and good day.”
It felt even more awkward as Schrader walked around the family with Ula who was rather puzzled, still going along as Schrader whispered to her about the troublesome cat.
“They’re not human.” Billy commented with a suspicious squint of his eyes. “I can smell it right off of them Rosalia.”
“Oh dad, just let it go.” Ama waved a hand. “I’m gonna go practice with aunt Belinda.”
Now that the evening hour had finally arrived, the world seemed to be even more at peace. This was especially due to the fact that there were no worries in the world or even universe, and there was a serene solitude shared by the pair who lay together on a couch inside a living room.
“Seeing how my dad acts, I’m surprised he actually left with my mom and brothers.” Ula quietly sighed before nuzzling her face into Schrader’s chest. “Just glad we can have some alone time again.”
“Mmm, yeah.” Schrader nodded with eyes shut, a hand running down Ula’s back before coming back up to entangle themselves in her hair. “Some quiet time.”
“Are you falling asleep?” Ula then turned up to look at him, her hands now on his chest as she placed her chin onto them.
“Nah.” Schrader slightly shook his head with a smack of his lips, right before he opened his eyes and moved his head to look down at Ula.
“Wanna watch a scary movie?” she fluttered her eyelashes at Schrader, causing him to chuckle.
“Always.” he nodded before they both adjusted themselves so he could grab the remote control nearby. “What you got in mind?”
“Hmm, how about…Halloween?~” Ula suggested, already pulling out a movie disc box that made Schrader roll his eyes with a smile before he took the box.
“Sometimes I think you like Michael Myers more than your own boyfriend.” Schrader told her as he opened the box and popped the disc out, standing up to set up the movie, hearing Ula give a scoff while she herself rolled her eyes.
“I do not.” she giggled before Schrader came back to sit on the couch, so she sat on his lap and watched as the movie started up. “In fact, I only want to watch it because it’s the Halloween season. That’s all.”
“Sure.” Schrader chuckled out again before wrapping his arms around Ula. “I think we need some popcorn. Maaaybe some pizza and soda too.”
“You buying?”
“Only if you give me a kiss.” Schrader leaned in before he and Ula’s lips pressed together, so she climbed off him before Schrader took his phone out. “Be right back then.”
“Alright, I’m gonna go to my room. Gonna change into pajamas.”
“Does that mean my hoodie you still haven’t given me back?” Schrader quirked an eyebrow before Ula shrugged with a grin, then walking out of the living room and into her bedroom where she found Biollante sound asleep on her bed.
The creature then lifted its head at the sound of Ula stepping in, their tail wagging before it immediately jumped off her bed and ran towards her to nuzzle against her side.
“Hey there Biollante.” Ula ruffled the dinosaur’s feathers before removing her clothes and slipping into something more comfortable. Ula then walked towards her closet to look for the right pair of slippers, smiling as she found some axolotl ones that she grabbed, but then dropped as she was startled at the sound of Biollante’s barks. She turned to look at the dinosaur who stood before her open window, right outside was the cat Ula had encountered quite a few times already.
“Biollante, down!” Ula shouted before going over to the dinosaur, attempting to settle it down by pushing it behind her as she closed her window. Right then, the cat placed a paw onto the glass, soon jumping off the window and into the darkness it blended with before Ula closed her curtains.
“Hey, everything alright?” 
Ula spun around to lock eyes with Schrader, noticing that there was a bit of worry in his tone so she shook her head as Biollante ran over to him.
“Oh yeah, Biollante just saw something outside.” Ula reassured him, then going back to the closer to grab her slippers before she walked out of the room with Schrader and Biollante. “Order the stuff?”
“Yeah, popcorn’s ready too.” Schrader took Ula’s hand, both walking down the hallway until reaching the living room where they sat on the couch, Biollante settling down right in front as the movie continued playing on the television.
“So, he’s going after her because she’s his sister?”
“Depends on how you see it.” Ula shrugged as she adjusted her body so that she was now laying in between Schrader’s legs and on his chest. “Some people think it’s stupid and agree with the statement from the 2018 movie, some people love that they’re siblings.”
“What about you?”
“I kinda like it. Especially when people dress up and act out funny sibling scenarios.”
“Bet that once we have kids you’ll dress them up like that.”
“What?” Ula lifted her head, turning to Schrader with a single blink of her now wide eyes that he now looked into. 
“What did you say?”
“What did I say?”
“Schrader. I’m serious.”
“Hi serious, I’m Schrader.”
“Schrader!” Ula then lightly slapped Schrader’s chest which made him laugh out loud. “Just fucking tell me what it is you said.”
“I said that when we have kids, you’re going to dress two of them up as Michael and Laurie.” Schrader kissed the top of Ula’s head, then seeing as she now blinked a few times. “Or you won’t?”
“Kids?” she whispered, processing the words for a few moments before she shook her head to snap out of her daze and not let Schrader see the blush that had formed on her cheeks. “Pfft. What kids?”
“You don’t want kids with me?” Schrader feigned a look of shock, wiping a fake tear away from the corner of his eye. “You hurt me Nungen.”
“You seriously want kids?” Ula buried her face into Schrader’s chest.
“A whole circus of them.”
“No, scratch that. A whole carnival.”
“Schrader! You’re crazy.” Ula rolled her eyes as she unburied her face, resting her chin on Schrader again to look at his smiling features. “I don’t think you could ever come up with that many names.”
“I can come up with,” Schrader then brought up his hand, eyes darting upwards as he was deep in thought and lifted two fingers before glancing back at Ula. “Two names.”
“Then I think two kids are enough.”
“So you do want kids with me.”
“Schrader!” Ula rolled her eyes as her cheeks remaining blushing. “What names do you even have in mind?”
“The first one, because I just know our first child’s going to be a girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes like you,” Schrader cleared his throat. “Flora.”
“F...say that again.” Ula blinked a few times again, something ringing in her head before a flash of a young girl with bright eyes and a smile appeared in her mind once Schrader repeated the name.
“Like...Cranley? Flora Cranely from The Invisible Man?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“And what if it’s not a girl?” she muttered out before Schrader shrugged.
“I’m a hundred percent sure it’ll be a girl but in that case...I’ve always liked Frankie.”
“Is this supposed to be like Frankie Valli?”
“Pfft, no.” Schrader shook his head before his eyes met with Ula’s plain look. “...yes.”
“Oh my stars.” Ula shook her head with a laugh. “Well, I’m not too sure about Frankie. Too many Frankie’s, and then they could end up being the butt of a bunch of mobster or Italian related jokes.”
“What? I don’t think so… Can you come up with another name then?”
“Oh come on.”
“Huh?” Schrader blinked in surprise at the name, noticing that Ula herself looked rather puzzled at the mention of the word.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about the tomato basil soup I had at the restaurant.” Ula shut her eyes, bringing a hand to her head as the image of a boy with a dead serious expression flashed once before she opened her eyes again. “Um, enough children talk, y-yeah?”
“Yeah, sure.” Schrader nodded, leaning down to kiss Ula’s forehead before they once again snuggled up against each other. “You feeling okay?”
“Yup. Don’t worry about me.” Ula mumbled out as her eyes were now on the TV screen. “How long till the pizzas arrive?”
“Probably half an hour.”
“Hm.” Ula pondered for a moment, then reaching down to the ground beside Biollante where her fingers grazed a smooth surface she easily recognized as a bone. Grabbing this, Ula wiggled it in Biollante’s face before grabbing the creature’s attention, Biollante standing before chasing after the bone that Ula had now thrown into the next room.
“You think thirty minutes is enough?”
“Enough for what?” Schrader turned back to Ula, his initially lazy eyes widening as Ula shifted until finding herself sitting on Schrader’s lap. “Ula?”
Schrader was then cut off as Ula quietly shushed him, a finger on his lips before it was removed to land on one of his shoulders like the rest of Ula’s fingers that gripped onto Schrader. He watched the girl lean forward and then downward, Schrader slightly shivering at the feel of Ula’s lips on his neck
“Hey, uh, not that I’m complaining or anything,” Schrader between breaths as his eyes were now shut, the feeling of Ula’s lips on his throat making him clear it as his cheeks grew hot. “W-What are you up to Nungen?”
“Back seat bingo. But on the couch.” Ula giggled before Schrader’s eyes widened to their fullest, especially with Ula’s hands wandering around. “Or maybe it’d be a little more decent in my room, huh?”
“I agree but, h-how about we get jiggy, some other time?” Schrader cleared his throat again before feeling that Ula pulled herself away to look at him with a blink of her eyes. “I’m just...I’m just not in the mood right now Nungen.”
“Oh, okay. I understand.”
“Look, I’m sorry, it’s-”
“No, no. You don’t have to explain babe.” Ula leaned in to peck Schrader’s nose. “We can just continue watching the movie or do something else.”
“You sure?”
“Schrader.” Ula rolled her eyes with a soft smile before rubbing her nose against Schrader’s. “Trust me, I’ll live. It’s not like I even ‘desire’ it...I just like to be close to you.”
“I know.” Schrader gave a bit of a sigh before returning the nose nuzzle. “But...would you still be up for some necking?”
“Sounds nifty~”
Ula gave a yawn before her eyes fluttered open, adjusting themselves to the darkness in the living room that was pierced by the bright light coming the television sitting not too far away. In her ears rang the sound of continuous barking.
She shut her eyes for just a moment more before opening them widely, realizing that she was not able to stretch out as she desired to do. A smile came onto her features as she realized that her reason for being constricted was a rather sweet one; wrapped around her were her boyfriend’s arms as she lay on him.
“Schrader.~” Ula whispered as she looked up at the young man, receiving no response as he was fast asleep and probably in a dreamland of his own. “Babe.”
A soft grumble escaped Schrader as he slightly shifted, his arms mainly the ones that moved for they had wrapped themselves tighter around Ula.
“Ray come on.” Ula mumbled out before gently shaking Schrader who gave a soft hum. “I need to go to my room.”
“Mmm, stay.” Schrader murmured before feeling a finger on his lips.
“Come on, pizza-breath.” Ula tried one more time, finally feeling as Schrader’s grip loosened which allowed Ula to slither away and off the couch. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
And so, Ula made her way out of the living room after having grabbed some slices of pizza that remained from earlier, taking a bite out of one while she headed into her room. Turning on her light she was not surprised to find Biollante loudly barking at her window.
“Biollante, here.”  Ula waved the other pizza slices she had, the barking still not ceasing which made her give a bit of a frown. “Biollante!”
The dinosaur heard Ula’s upset tone which made them stop and turn to her, eventually running in front of Ula to bark at the window again, but now in a protective manner.
“What are you even barking at?” Ula questioned before stepping in front of Biollante and looking to the window where she saw a cat.
The cat.
Like the other times, Ula felt a pain sting her head which made her nearly drop the pizza slices. Thankfully, Biollante made sure to help Ula in not falling down right before they resumed their barking at the cat who, as always, remained unfazed.
“Biollante, pizza!” Ula exclaimed once that pain no longer stung as much, the creature now distracted once Ula tossed the pizza slices out of her room and not realizing that she shut her door. “Go bother Schrader.”
She then turned to look at her window where the cat still sat, blinking its eyes once before following Ula’s figure that walked into her bathroom. Once she finished washing her hands, Ula went over to the window before opening the hatch and pulling the glass up to reach out to the cat.
“How come I’ve been bumping into you often?” Ula asked as she scratched beneath the cat’s chin, then allowing it to hop inside and onto her desk. “That wasn’t very nice, what you did with that guy at the park. Could have hurt himself.”
“But he didn’t, now did he?”
Ula’s eyes widened at the sound of a voice she entirely recognized, so she turned around to look for the source.
“Right here.” the voice spoke again so that Ula could turn back to the cat who shooed her hand away, words coming right out of it.“What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?”
Ula’s eyes widened at the now talking cat, or at least what she thought was a talking cat. Hilarious.
“This,” Ula finally blinked before giving a shaky laugh, one of her hands against her forehead. “This has to be a dream.”
“It sure is.” the cat gave a slight nod.
“Either my head’s still fucked up from that coma sleep or-”
“This is just a dream, I know. You just said that.” the cat gave a stretch before sitting down in front of Ula who blinked a few more times in total shock. “You live surrounded by shape-shifting creatures and a talking cat surprises you. Not something I expected from you.”
“Well, that’s true but...you, you sound like my-”
“Uncle Lucky?” the cat finished before a smug look came upon its features. “Glad you still remember.”
“B-b-but he’s dead and-”
“I am dead, yes.”
“Excuse me?” Ula laughed again. “My uncle Lucky is most certainly not a cat. I really must be dreaming.”
“Dreaming you are, but not in the way you think.” the feline plainly stared at Ula. “And your uncle Lucky I am.”
“That’s not possible.”
“Six impossible things. That is what you count to yourself before breakfast.” the cat continued before lifting its tail and tickling Ula’s nose with it. “ Three, four and five are ‘animals can talk’, ‘cats can disappear’ and ‘there is a place called Wonderland’ respectively. These three impossible things are proving to be otherwise.”
“Not true-” Ula started right before the cat used its tail to disappear into thin air. “Oh.”
“Doesn’t surprise me that your room looks the same in this place.”
“What do you mean?” Ula turned around to see the cat now comfortably laying on her bed. “I have another room?”
With this, the cat grinned before giving a laugh.
“Only your real room.”
“You only further confuse me.” Ula commented before approaching her bed and kneeling down beside it to be at the cat’s face level. “Who are you and why are you fucking with me?”
“No need for such profanity. Would your dear uncle Lucky mess with your pretty little head? After he saved your life after Ryder nearly ripped you in two?”
“”W-What?” Ula was now taken back. “Ryder-”
“Put you into a deep sleep that you barely awoke from a few days ago? Oh please. Such a feeble story his whippersnapper conjured up.” the cat scoffed with a roll of its eyes. “I don’t blame you for falling for it, however.”
“Falling for it? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Ula, little one.” Ula was approached by the cat who stood up and caressed its cheek against hers. “Your uncle Lucky has come into this world to take you out of it.”
“Is a cat threatening me right now?”
“No!” the cat swatted Ula’s shoulder. “Ula, there is something you must understand, and that is that this world you are living in is a lie!”
“I am here because I was granted a favor by Conllium.”
“Who’s that?”
“Conllium is your elder, my elder. Our first ancestor. They are the parent to the D’Vitt bloodline besides a plethora of others.” he continued. “Conllium has given me the chance to come here to talk to you, and they even allowed to choose the form of my desire. Of course I had to use something unnoticeable but also appealing to you, and I believed the feline from that movie with the girl sharing your mother’s human name fit perfectly fine and that you would recognize it.”
“Coraline? You’re telling me that, you really are my dead uncle Lucky, using the form of a cat because of the movie Coraline?” Ula did not blink in that moment, not even when the cat nodded. “This is heavy.”
“Is that from Back to the Future? I believe ‘great scott’ is in response then.” Lucky commented before taking a seat. 
“So, is this like some kind of resurrection or…?”
“Oh, no no. Resurreccion is what my dear Felicity experienced. I am still very much dead. And speaking of death Ula, you and your family are in grave danger.”
“What do you mean?” Ula stood up before reaching over to grab her phone. “Are my parents and brothers okay? Or the-”
“Put the phone down and come closer.” Lucky commanded, so Ula placed her phone back down before sitting on the bed before the cat placed itself onto her lap. “Ula, I know this is going to break your heart...so please, take a moment before I tell you this.”
“Okay.” Ula nodded as she felt fear course through her.
“That is not the family I am referring to, because they are not your family.” Lucky started before rubbing himself against Ula. “Jelly is your mother, but your brothers do not exist. They are a figment of your imagination. And James, he is very much real.”
“So I’m...an only child then?”
“No, you have two other siblings. They are not fathered by James however.”
“Then...by who?”
“There is a reason I made that man fall into the water fountain just as your mother was nearby.”  Lucky explained. “It was not so that they could meet, it was so that you could understand his feelings for her, and also to see them together so that a memory could be struck.”
“Wait, you did the same thing at the circus.” Ula realized, her eyebrows furrowing in thought. “With that family.”
“Your uncle and best friend, yes.”
“Best...I thought Richard-”
“Richard, now I will be honest and say that I am not entirely sure if he too is a figment of your imagination. But, I can assure you that he is not your best friend.” Lucky shook his head. “There is so much that you need to remember still because this world...it is only but a wonderland.”
“So...none of this is real?”
“I’m afraid not.”
“And what about Schrader?” Ula whispered. “Is he...my boyfriend?”
For a moment, Lucky glanced down at his paws while remaining silent. There was a silence in the room until the cat gave a sigh, finally looking back up at Ula who looked down at him with a diminishing hope.
“I think...you need to talk to Schrader yourself.”
“What do you mean?”
“Schrader hasn’t been entirely truthful with you.”
“Are you saying he’s hiding something from me?”
“Oh yes, he’s hiding something.” the cat chuckled out, though it was clear that the amusement in the chuckle was a guise for the distress Lucky felt. “But not from you.”
“Then who?”
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