#immersionist student
duallotearsey · 6 months
My 10 days experience as an immersionist student
Before our deployment in work immersion I already prepared all the things that I need for tomorrow which are my resume, application letter, my uniform, and even myself. Since Division Office is where the superintendent worked and some known people who really worked hard to make our Education presentable and smooth.
March 13 Tuesday, this is it I woke up at 6 am since I need to finalize all the things that I will bring in my duty. When I arrived in Division office Ms. Bernadez welcome us with huge smile in her face and she orient us. We introduced ourselves and asked this question; what is you expectation working in Division office? Afterwards she divided us where will be our final destination. The group of Edwin assigned in Records where Ms. Bernadez worked, my group were assigned in personnel unit. But here's a twist we asked again to introduce ourselves and state our strand, I was the only who assigned at Administrative unit and I'm a little bit nervous because I don't have anyone, I just have myself. Few moments within that day, Ms. Criselle one of the staff tasked me to segregate all the DTR or Daily time record in highschool level teachers, she instructed me what I need to do. It was a challenging tasked for me since there are plenty of schools within Talisay and when I got home I really felt the ache of my back.
My second and third day as an immersionist student in Division office. The same routine, I get the cleaning materials which is the mop and sweeper. I clean the entire floor and make it clean so that all the staff in Administrative unit when they arrived it will lessen their work and they can just sit instead of cleaning. 8:30 when ma'am Rachel tasked me to scan, change the last name to those teachers who are married and encode their names as well as their personal information in computer. Time is so fast, I ate my lunch together with Nica and Rheena and it wouldn't be complete without some chika, telling our day how it went. Since I already done the task that is assigned by me from ma'am Rachel afternoon that day, I did nothing but I helped my Glory when there is someone who will need their service records. Time check ohh it was already 5 pm, it's go home time.
March 18 my 4th day as an immersionist student and at the same time this day our first day of NAT examination. The most surprising part is I almost late since I woke at 7:08 and our NAT will start at 7:30, I wash my face then get my self ready for school and I didn't ate my breakfast since again it's time. I arrived at school at 7:25 am and I was so embarrassed since I'm the only student who is late for that day. I was just accept and move forward. 12 in the usafternoon we went to Division office to work, ma'am Aireen task me to encode the Designation and she instructed me what to do, it was so thick I just finished some and a lot more.
March 19, my 5th day and also my 2nd day in NAT examination, guess what I arrived at school at 6 am, yes 6 am I was like thinking that I know I can do it for the sake of our school and I really need to answer it seriously. Afternoon we ate our lunch and then went to Division office I continue what ma'am Aireen asked to do, I encode it as fast as I could but it was just so thick that took me at 5 pm, time is fast when you are doing something important that needed to be passed.
March 20, 21, 22 what a productive days! March 20 morning I finished what ma'am Aireen asked me to do which is the Designation letters, after that ma'am Louella tasked me to encode the clothing allowance for teachers. She instructed me what to do and I did some notes so that I can assure that all the things will smoothly went since ma'am Louella, she will be on leave. I finished the task within that day, there are one thousand plus teachers in elementary level and I encoded it within that day, and I felt really great. After that, ma'am criselle explained and she instructed me to received the DTR through computer and print it and gave it to Ma'am Flor, I extend my time for 30 minutes just to finish the tasked that is assigned to me.
March 27, continuation of my duty. When I finished sweeping the floor and clean the office I immediately worked what ma'am Rachel tasked me to do, which is the encoding of salary for those staff who made progress for their work, I also encoded the important information of those teachers who are substitute and those staff who are permanent I've finished it. Since it was a half day because it will be a holy week then we decided to duty in the afternoon. Then, ma'am Aireen told us that me and Rheena will be singing the prayer on April 1 during the flag ceremony and I was so shocked because I wasn't good at singing. Some of my schoolmates were assigned to lead the energizer. After some practice, we went outside to do some inventory and list all the clothes for unreleased CVRAA clothes and it was full of fun, since sir Pat is here with us counting then he treat us. Made some small talks and at 5 pm we took some pictures together ma'am Marf, sir Julius, Ma'am Aireen, and also sir Patrick.
April 1 my last day as an immersionist student. When woke up in the morning I am with mix emotions because I didn't know how to feel, I will be happy knowing that I am in the last day in my duty but at the same I was a little bit sad since I am already attached to those great and very nice people within my 2 weeks.
As usual, I clean the office then I decided to continue encoding the Leave cards. Unttil Rheena went into my work place to inform that there will be a small appreciation for us, they treat us with plenty of delicious pizzas and took some pictures for remembrance. For my two weeks as an immersionist student, I am proud to say that I've learned a lot only in using the excel but I've also learned how to appreciate those people who really work hard for the sake of all the teachers and students. I also appreciate the dedication and hardwork of my family for me to be able to have a good future. Before I went home ma'am Aireen and other staff for the last time give me some piece of advise that really hit me.
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nerooooooo · 6 months
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In My Immersion Era 
I have always thought that the concept of putting students through on-the-job training (OJT) was only for those who are already in college. I continued to think so until the implementation of the K-12 program. Now that I am experiencing first-hand what I only used to ponder over when I was still a junior, I can confidently say that it is a force to be reckoned with.  
Having been assigned to the City Legal Office of my city’s municipality, pulled me out of my comfort zone like gravity. The atmosphere in the workplace emanates the vibe of true formality and intense seriousness. You could really tell that what they do requires strict competence and above-average skills. Being in a room full of actual attorneys and soon-to-be ones exacts pressure on mere students such as myself who just wish to complete 80 hours (about 3 and a half days) of work that our subject in Work Immersion requires of us. Of course, this is what we signed up for the moment we listed down “Political Science” as our preferred course in college. And this journey is made specifically for us to overcome hurdles in pursuit of our dreams and ambitions.  
The first day bore us to death when all we had to do was sit down at one corner and observe how things functioned inside the City Legal Office. But for us, it was literally just watching the walls, the hands of the clock point at 5, watch as the room darkened as it gets late. Everyone was busy doing their own thing, clumped up in each of their own cubicles. We were bench players in the NBA Finals. Only getting seconds when the starting 5 gets either injured or ejected from the game. But then again, I thought to myself, “we’re only grade 12 students.” The best work we students could do was the grunt.  
But that all changed when Sir Ferdie (one of the department employees) approached us and offered to teach us the ways of the xerox machine. He must have noticed our heavy faces and droopy eyes before coming to us. From that point on, we were able to learn so many new things that weren’t really legal work, but the basic stuff that any legal worker should know. From operating a photocopy machine up to how we should address the different problems that come to the office. We were also able to handle civil and criminal cases (we didn’t handle them just inventory work). Our life as immersionists made a huge 180 degrees all thanks to our millennial-wannabe supervisor.  
We only have two workdays left in our Work Immersion. My eyes were lit to the reality of working as an employee of the government. I met people that I thought I would least get along with but turned out to be a best friend. Just as much good there is within work environments, there also lies behind it the harsh and cruel situations they must face daily for the sake of survival and provision for their families. Truly, for us students, it is difficult for us to expose ourselves in such environments. But I believe that we are among the fortunate ones to have an early understanding of what kind of life we’re working hard for in our academics. A spark of ambition moves in us, shining brighter now more than ever compared to our pre-immersion selves. 
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akkhie · 1 year
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Take The Next Step
People are born onto the world and live whenever they want to or not. It was the same as me, and I lived A normal life like others. But it's natural for unpredicted events to appear in one's life. I'm Khawla Kaye Tabia a Grade 12 Senior Highschool HUMSS student, As a student and Big sister to my younger siblings it's was hard for me to manage my time and be responsible onto the things I intended to do. I'm an optimistic person or should I say a dreamer kinda of a person intended to dream a lot for my family's future without poverty, and give them a life without any worries. There is saying that history repeats itself, but my dreams will break this saying by proving that it is not right for others not to judge the future. As a learner I'm a hopeless romantic person unlike other students I don't have time for flings or a romantic relationship. For me friendship marks a life more deeply than love, because love can change in a period of time but friendship can cherish in a time of life, being a student is like a ball that has to be released bounce higher, at times we struggle we were eager to step up and move to the next chapter.
On the other hand, I'm currently working at the LGU (mayor's office) as an immersionist to developed working experience. Every week I learn to adapt ,and manage to have a better communication skills. I learn how to be more polite when asking a question and greet more courteous to every person I see. Seeing the school year about to end, all the hard work and stress about to payed off. Months of worries, cries, and pain, then there's the moment when it's all over. We've about to come in this matter to a parting of the ways, we've face the unexpected (COVID-19) and overcome those anxiety and stress during the pandemic.
Our destination is so far away but we also got so far. Separation is part of our success, and be able to start a new beginning our exposition of our story. Friendships that are full of laughter and craziness at first i didn't like them nor dislikes them but later on when we got familiar. I found that they were actually warm hearted, crazy, full of nonsense and a bit arrogant though. I didn't notice it but they've changed me into a better person. We been working hard for it maybe the raod a head will not be smooth but i believe we will make it together " hard working people will always be blessed by god "
Were just keeping our heads up and march on the path we've chosen. I have no regrets. This School year has come to an end soon. Life is all about separation, and luckily I've met the people that made me a better person, I'm very thankful for them being able to be part of me and I'm always indepted to those people.
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yoranthony20 · 1 year
Dear diary
I'am Roy Anthony Bayang I am a senior high school student from cansojong national high school.i start immersion 04/17/23 ended 05/2/23 during my work immersion.There are a lot of learnings and knowledge that I can used right now. In our work area they teach us about things especially in michanics and computer operator. For me , at first I was so scared about this kind of work because it makes me uncomfortable about touching the others part of computer but now I realized that it is just so easy.
I was so excited for being and work immersionist because for this type of experienced help me more to be a responsible student and a future worker in our society. This type of experienced teach me a lot of things about the real life world of work. Maybe we can experienced disappointment and failures in work. but by that's experienced it helps me to be a better work student.
The best experienced that I can share to all of you is on how we cope our problems and strugglles on our work. Teaching by others workers help us more to be more better student and a worker at their shop. Sharing ideas, foods and rants especially sharing with our problems and make solution of it is the best thing is the best experienced in my work immersion so far.
Failures may will faced us but success may come if we manifest it "This words will keep in my mind always and even if I'm facing difficulties in life there's no point if we focused that area we should and move forward and keep in fight
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tkc-info · 3 years
Dahlia Everitt
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Hunter sighed again. "Your mother is amazing."
Cal blinked. "What?"
"Your mother. Dahlia Everitt. She's amazing."
Cal thought Hunter must have been drugged without her noticing.
"She's my mother. And forty."
"That's not what I'm talking about. Your mother is a mirage --or at least she was. An incredibly powerful mirage, that specialised in the kind of masking as I: immersion. She also became a member of the Archaic Army at eighteen, that's an extremely young age. I've looked up to her for virtually all my life. I've met my hero."
Dahlia Everitt is Cal Everitt's mother.
Raised in the heart of a wealthy family, Dahlia never could complain about her life. Everyone regarded her as a 'golden girl', and as long as she had her twin Leora at her side, Dahlia was content.
But her ninth year of high school, Dahlia met Xuegang Yang, Lei Hao, and the odious Matthias Beardsley. A friendship like she could've never imagined blossomed between her and the three (and in Matthias's case, something else). Dahlia --though still widely liked due to her outgoing and kind nature-- began to openly rebel against her family. Neither Eugenia nor Isidore Everitt wanted their daughter to befriend such 'undesirable' people, yet Dahlia paid no heed to their, as she called it, senseless hatred.
Years passed by, and by all accounts Dahlia's life seemed to look up. She was living with her best friends in their own personal haven in China, wildly in love with Matthias, a member of the Archaic Army and most-likely future leader of the Mirage Emblem...
Why Matthias and her left The Kinship --lost their memories of it-- the day of their wedding remains a mystery.
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Dahlia is an attractive girl; tall, brunette and brown-eyed.
Both in her youth and as an adult, Dahlia liked to appear feminine and elegant. Then in the height of 18th-century fashion; now in pant suits, sheath dresses, high heels and the likes.
Her personality can best be described as dramatic. Dahlia's speech is filled with hyperboles, and semi-archaic vocabulary. However, she is very hardworking, affectionate and, above all, loyal.
She is straight.
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Dahlia is a mirage (learn more about mirages)
She was born the 16th of May of 1980 in Mirror London
Dahlia once hoped to become the leader of the Mirage Emblem
Before losing her memories, she had become an immersionist (she was able to mask every sense at the same time)
Dahlia was the first immersionist Mirror saw after nine decades; after her, only the current Mirage Emblem leader has been able to become an immersionist
Dahlia speaks English and Sazla; like her sister, she knew few vulgar words in the now-extinct Common Brittonic
She promised herself to learn Chinese, Bai and Japanese for her friends and husband, but always found a reason to postpone her lessons
Dahlia knew a great deal of floriography
She's the older twin by 16 minutes
She knows how to draw, though mostly sketches
Dahlia doesn't like seafood
During her last year at Emtikax, she shared a dorm with Xuegang
She liked to trade letters with Xuegang
As of 2020, she works at a museum
Matthias and her have been playing cards right before bedtime for years; the tradition started when they were students at Emtikax
Leora and her liked to prank each other
In her teenage years, Dahlia was a fan of NSYNC
Her favourite song is Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC
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pressureblogs · 5 years
Literary Journalism
Introductory Note:
Work immersion is a key feature in the Senior High School curriculum and refers to the part of that consists of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which Grade 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual work setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school. We did an excellent job in our work immersion.
Al Rashid O. Tamano
We started our work immersion on the third week of January. All the groups were oriented by our strand coordinator, teacher Nene telling us what to do in the work sites or center for instance, the people assigned in Boys’ Town had to do gardening, sweeping the leaves falling down from the trees, entertaining the kids (e.g. tutoring, playing games), kitchen work, etc. Everyone that was assigned to Lumbia were overjoyed knowing that our chaperone was sir John Mark Del Rosario because we knew that he was going to be a fun guy being with his jokes and his hilarious personality. Luckily, I was assigned to Boys’ Town with my fellow classmates JD, Kyle, Neil, and Kynan going along with two students coming from General Academics (GA), namely Ian and Bernro.
From my observations during the first day of the work immersion, the environment in that center was indeed peaceful, making me feel like I am at my home. Seeing the kids play and socialize with each other makes me glad since I like being with kids. I knew that this would be a daily routine until the end of this immersion; in addition, I was thinking of plans that would satisfy my stay in this place like being productive, getting to know more the people not only the kids but as well as the social workers, and contribute to the working site in every possible way. To summarize what happened on the first day, all we did was getting to know the people, worked, and made friends with the clients. On the second day of the immersion, I realized that the group needed a leader that could motivate and create a plan for each day: therefore, I volunteered to step up in order for the group to have a direction and set things straight. On the third day, in my opinion, I think that we as a group were awful on that day. For every task that was needed to be done, everyone would gather and do the task together which was a mistake since we were supposed to divide the tasks so that the job would be done faster. The next day after an unproductive day, we were reprimanded by one of the social workers to do a better performance and she suggested that we have to be scattered in doing the work like for example, the leader has to assign members onto what task they must do on a certain time. Do not worry, the social worker did not had an angry tone, but she told us kindly and gently about the faults we have committed; moreover, I knew what has to be done after. On the last day on the first week, I knew that I had to do something about it on this little problem our group had. We received positive feedbacks from our chaperone since he noticed the good work we did during that day, improving and being better as immersionists because it is in us, the responsibility that we are holding to contribute to the center. From the sixth to the eighth day, our individual performances work very consistent and surely if you were to observe, you would notice how the group became better after a week that was quite a struggle; however, that week served as an ameliorate days for us to adjust. On the second to the last day of our immersion, everyone was quite relaxed, but we had to plan on what to do for the culminating activity which happened after that day. On the last day, the big event of that day was the culmination. I was assigned with the opening remarks to start the program we had planned. Neil was the host for the program, entertaining the kids and making them participate on the games. We served the kids and the social workers food and drinks to eat on lunch time. After that, it was such an fantastic day which was an overall well spent day with all the people gathering to celebrate the last day, and low-key our good work during the days we were there. Aside working in the center, we made relationships with the people in Lumbia and also, to the students that were in the other strand, Ian and Bernro.
In conclusion, I learned that we must be grateful for the things we have now, especially our parents. I learned that without them, I would not be in a school with good quality education, with fine facilities, and quite a comfortable life. We must take advantage for the things that we have now unlike other youth’s that do not have the necessities.
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diwangpalaboy · 5 years
Usefulness of Intercultural Communication in my personal and professional life
- taught foreign students (East Timorese, Burmese, Iranians, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Nigerians) in Philippine universities - stayed in a dormitory with some foreign residents (Indonesians, Malaysians) during my college years - tutored South Koreans for more than a decade - served as resource person of a local film outfit on plots revolving about the lives of Koreans based in the Philippines - taught courses in Cross-Cultural Relations, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, Third World Studies and Asian Economies in Philippine universities - wrote feature articles and book chapters about Asian political economy and culture - worked with Australians in the field of economic and political research and consultancy - co-organized a regional conference on disaster data management funded by the European Union - attended international conferences on public governance and learner-centered education - interacted with foreign scholars as key informants through face-to-face interview or via the Internet - enrolled in UPOU with some classmates and professors who are either foreign nationals or Filipinos based abroad - travelled and conducted street ethnography in several Asian countries to enrich the courses that I teach - served as a translator to immersionists from a labor union based in US during my practicum in Central Luzon - co-handled the practicum program in the Philippines of the Social Work students from the University of Southern California as one of their field guides
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xnwritten · 5 years
Grey Hairs and Life Stories
by Alexis Cinco
Work Immersion was a two week service for the graduating batch of Senior High School to the society. In this piece, I will narrate the journey of the immersionists in St. Joseph’s Golden Home Foundation. As you read through this story, I hope you will be able to immerse yourself into our journey as well.
            On the 20th of January, 2020, the graduating batch of Corpus Christi Senior High School, Macasandig Campus immersed themselves in the reality of life in various centers. I joined the batch of students assigned at the St. Joseph’s Golden Home Foundation, Inc. which consisted of Rio Legaspi, Daniela Flores, Alexis Cinco, Dale Legaspi, Lauren Galdo, Sean Belderol, and Ben Macasero. With 11 clients, 9 females and 2 men, the private institution provided more than just experience to the immersionists.
            Nanay Fe, a former director of the Department of Foreign Affairs, is short-tempered and witty. Despite her personality, she has grown fond of the gentle Rio. The younger girl shared infectious laughters with the woman for most of their time together and helped her with her meals which were surprisingly in large amounts despite Nanay Fe’s rather small size. She was bubbly when Rio was around. It was a great contrast how she was before we got there and how she acted after.
            Nanay Elsa who unfortunately lost her vision was an interesting experience as well. Despite her condition, she memorized all the song numbers in the karaoke; reciting them from the back of her head with ease and even remembered every crook and corner of St. Joseph’s and her belongings. It was surprising that she knew each student’s names despite her old age. She livened up the center once in a while with her divine singing and once in a while, she’d showcase her dance moves. It goes to show that one’s struggles and limitations are not an excuse to enjoy things in life. During our free time, she enjoyed gossiping with Lauren.
            Tatay Dario and Nanay Amay had similar stories. Both suffered from stroke like Nanay Fe, but instead of allowing this incapacity to dictate their selves, they were indeed jolly and cheerful during the students’ stay. They always laughed at the smallest mistakes, and sometimes they would even accidentally shoot grains of rice whenever Ben or Dale fed them because they could not muffle their giggles. One could clearly see the joy in their eyes when there were creases near their eyes and by their wide and toothless (literally) smile. 
            Nanay Sol was the life of the party at St. Joseph’s. Her childish personality brightened up the room and made it easier for the Grade 12 to be comfortable in performing their service. According to the staff at the centers, she worked at the medical field until she had Alzheimer’s; therefore, it explains her carefree nature. Although being off-key, she loved to sing along Nanay Elsa’s karaoke events or with the students’ little jamming sessions, which, little did she know, was a preparation for the Culminating Activity by the end of the Work Immersion. At times, she had tickle fights with Alexis.
            Tatay Opong was another story. He was not from Cagayan de Oro. Rather, he was from Bohol. He ended up in the city due to job hunting. He was a hardinero, which in the end caused him to have difficulties in walking. He had problems with hearing and vision as well. It was a screaming party to talk to him, but that made it entertaining, because whenever Sean said something into his ear, he would shout a loud “Ha?” with his chin up and lips pouted, and he would nod despite that the question couldn’t be answered with yes or no.
            Of course, one cannot appeal to everyone. Nanay Sofia and Nanay Tina were both quiet and reserved. Nanay Sofia, a nun, sometimes rattled the students whenever she sent a sharp glare their way whenever they interrupted her rosary prayer, but somehow, Rio had managed to charm her way to the old lady’s good side. Indeed, it was a mystery. Although Nanay Tina was strict-looking, she was just an introverted woman. During one talk with Lauren, she disclosed that she experienced the tribulations of World War II; how they had to walk numerous mountains under the burning heat of the sun and the turmoil of those times. She was nice, really. When escorting her to her room, she teased Dale on not knowing the difference between wala and too which is left or right in Bisaya. She kept repeating “I dunno, I dunno” to annoy her.
            Some clients had worse conditions than others. Nanay Ching, who was 104 years of age, had become bed-ridden due to breaking her bones. She was once a Religion teacher, and though she may be very old, she can still hear well, see in one eye, and still speak coherent sentences. Another client was Nanay Merta who had mouth cancer. Her lower mouth was mostly damaged due to the merciless disease. As a result, she was only to be fed with liquid food which even pained her every time. The students would sometimes witness it with concern and empathy in their eyes and a sad frown. It was heartbreaking to watch, but it was admirable that Nanay Merta was still a strong fighting spirit.
            The elders’ routine was all the same daily; bathe, eat breakfast, watch television, eat snacks, pray, eat lunch, rest, pray, eat snacks, watch television, eat dinner, watch television, eat dinner, sleep, repeat. It was the same thing over and over again, more like a system. However, with the immersionists around, activities in the center varied quite a bit. Some visitors from Xavier University spiced things up a little in St. Joseph’s with a small program, along with other visitors such as birthday celebrants and the two batches of On the Job Training caregivers. Other than that, the service of the Grade 12 students were peaceful, especially that the ambiance was full of vibrant trees and flowers that danced with the wind and singing birds that passed by.
            Not only did the students establish rapport with the clients, but they also got along with the staff members. Oftentimes, they would eat at the kitchen together and tell their tales of woe. Even the nuns who managed the place would sometimes join in with the fun.
            As the two weeks of service was coming to an end, the St. Joseph’s batch prepared their simple Culminating Activity. The immersionists sang an acoustic version of Kahit Maputi Na Ang Buhok Ko whilst giving the elders roses, performed the famous dance challenges named Tala and Catriona, gave a heartwarming speech, and fed them an appetizing dinner. Most were teary-eyed and some even shed some tears during their last moments of the Work Immersion. There were bittersweet smiles on everyone’s faces as they bid their final farewell. It was truly extraordinary to immerse into the lives of these people for a brief moment, though it has created such a gigantic impact on the lives of the students. One could see the change in them after all the realizations and lessons from St. Joseph’s Golden Home Foundation, and hopefully they would be able to carry these as they enter the real world and into the future in order to help for the better of not only oneself but to serve the people.
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