#immsorry i dont lnlw what happened
secretblog1212 · 5 years
Do you ship drarry? (Platonic or romantic) and do you have any headcanons for them?
Mandjmdnskdnfk sorry this took me so long to finally respond to!although drarry isn’t my favorite yes to both because I wouldn’t be a trash human being if I didn’t. XD OKAY ALSO THIS IS SOMLONG AND MOSTLY NOT TICKLEY SO KM GOING TO REDO IT A BIT but like also didn’t want to delete it because slfnslfnkslsjf yep. My bad. ALSO I THOUGHT I POSTED THIS DAYS AGO BUT ACCIDENTLY HAD IT IN MY DRAFTS I AM SO SORRY I AM A MESS
Okay okay so neither really got much positive physical attention as a child so when both found out they were ticklish (through other people like Pansy or the Weasleys) they were very very shocked. Harry is pretty ticklish in the usual places, stomach ribs and armpits, but Draco is a whole new level of sensitive. Like while hard tickles will still kill him super soft tickles are just as bad if not worse because he knows it shouldn’t cause such a reaction but he can’t help it and honestly the person tickling him doesn’t even really need to say anything because his own mind does enough teasing and embarrassing on its own.
But when they start to become friends, I like to imagine this happens around second year, with all the tensions and suspicion about who opened the chamber they’re both prime suspects, and I find it hard to believe that at some point one of them wouldn’t break at the pressure. It wouldn’t be anything school wide or well known, just Harry comes into the bathroom or one of the less traveled and forgotten classrooms to either cry or throw stuff around and blow off steam only to find Draco is already there with a howler screaming insults at him.
After that there’s a certain understanding that passes between them. No rumors start to fly around the school and a trust starts to build. Slowly that trust grows and in the next year they start to have a bit of a friend ship. The fact that Harry totally isn’t having some less than straight thoughts, or that Draco is realizing that Blaise is much more attractive than Pansy has nothing to do with it I swear.
They want to keep up the pretense of not liking each other for Draco’s reputation, if his family for other slytherins knew that he was associating with Potter there would be an uproar. They meet in classrooms and at odd moments during the week.
They don’t find out each other is even ticklish until their fifth or sixth year. Although they aren’t quite public friends yet, besides Hermione and the weasleys, they’ve started to become more than friends. Both figured out that they definitely are NOT straight. And their crushes on each other began to come into light
One of the first times they got into a heated kiss was when the ‘secret’ was exposed. Harry was kissing Draco’s neck just a bit to light and he kept squirming away from him. After that tickling became much more of a regular thing between them. At the start most of it was Harry getting Draco, because let’s be honest why wouldn’t he. And Draco doesn’t mind as much as he says he does because it’s nice to know that not all touch has to be bad or forceful (although Harry definitely uses it to his advantage in getting Draco to do things)
Draco learns about Harry being ticklish from watching Harry across the dining hall at breakfast. Harry’s half falling asleep in his eggs and toast and Hermione and Ron and taking turns poking him awake. He brings it up when they hang out later that night and Harry doesn’t make a single motion to stop him. It’s nice being able to laugh freely.
During the war things were rough for both of them. Harry never dated Ginny okay just putting hat out there for sake of keeping a time line, but he and Draco were definitely a secret thing. Harry and Draco don’t want to really cut one another off but the risks were much larger than either of them could handle, with both of them being so closely tied to Voldey. After their sixth year they don’t see each other, or even speak to each other, until Harry shows up, mishapen and swolen in the face. He’s gone just a quickly.
After the war is done they both decide to take a year off of their studies. There’s a program offering the final few years worth of schooling, 5th and up, to students who decide not to return immediately after the war. Within the year of no classes they grow closer than before. Draco’s family has been split up by the ministry, his father in Azkaban and his mother still on trial. For the first time ever no one is telling Draco how to live his life. Harry, for the first time, is free of everything that was stopping him before. He is safe to do whatever he wants and no one can stop him. So when he owls Draco telling him to meet him in a muggle park Draco shows up without a second thought.
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