#implied Merder
batwynn 1 year
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Maybe don't trigger your magic with bad memories... That's a wrap for book 3 馃ゲ Thanks for reading! Previous NEXT
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austennerdita2533 2 years
If you could magically make five couples who didn't end up together in canon be endgame, who would they be?! I'd pick Japril (though it was implied they may be together in canon now...? I can't keep track!), Literati, Slexie, Merder and (please don't hate me for this one) Stelena. Can't wait to see your answers!
For me, it'd be Klaroline, Literati, Jaime and Brienne, Slexie, Merder and Kalijah. I realize that's six, but you'd have to tear these ships out of my cold dead hands.
*I figured I'd leave Japril off this list because they might be together in canon now. (Like you, I also can't keep track haha.)
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booasaur 4 years
I actually think maya and jack are endgame, especially after the whole "you know I know you and you hate it" convo
Heh, that line stood out to me too, but I dunno, then he brought up Carina again and the show seems to focus more on their relationship and how Jack is affecting it, not the potential for more Maya/Jack with Carina being an obstacle.聽I don鈥檛 know if this show really has endgames in that sense, like, wouldn鈥檛 you have thought Andy and Jack would be endgame? Or Andy and Ryan? I think they play fast and loose with the ships, no real endgame, just whatever serves their purposes for most drama and audience investment (which sometimes drive each other).聽
Has ANY ship in either of these shows been written to last and be happy? Even the big ones, MerDer, Calzona, um, the one with Chyler Leigh and that guy from the Last Ship where they both died, wasn鈥檛 there cheating and messiness and often, death? More than most shows, the ships seems to be whatever the writers are feeling in that moment. There may be supercouples that come back again and again, and that鈥檚 certainly possible, Jack is the longterm character and Carina is a visitor from another show, but I feel like how they鈥檙e being written and treated right now doesn鈥檛 imply Jack more than Carina. It could change next season, but right now it seems, from both what we see onscreen and behind it, that Carina is the person people are really focusing on.
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mrandmrskarev 4 years
Krista said they considered having Alex live of screen like April does (even tho never mention her or Harriet) but it would be disservice to camillas acting, that would imply they only want her to be doing love stories when she should be wining Catherine fox awards, if the show is gonna end at season 17 (probs will) Alex defo could have lived off screen, with his mom & Jo could have been going back & forth & she could be pregnant season 17 & end up leaving to live with Alex in Iowa at the end.
Camilla needs more screentime and I didn鈥檛 want her to lose the little screentime she has now when I heard Justin left. It would've been unfair, she deserves better. But honestly I would've prefered any other finale than the one they gave to him. Even the death. I was ready to accept his death, because at least in that way they would've respect Jolex's love and story all these years, just like they did with Merder. Instead they acted like they never cared about Jolex, Jo and Alex...I know I've already said this but that episode wasn't for Alex, was all for Izzie, it showed the love that writers have for Izzie
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zalrb 7 years
Shonda once compared Cristina and Meredith's relationship on Grey's Anatomy to Olivia and Fitz's relationship, calling it the romance story of the show, not Merder. Cristina and Meredith were each others' person so would that imply that Olivia and Fitz are each others' person?
I think it would imply that Fitz and Liv are the romance story of the show but I need the context of the quote and the quote itself to make any definitive answers.
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