#implied volatility calculation
princessjojo-x · 11 months
Taurus Mars
💝 he’s innately a tranquil & grounded individual. his natural ability to remain patient & quiet evokes mixed reactions & reviews from others. some perceive him as pleasant, comforting & reliable. others read him as apathetic, intimidating & dispassionate. nevertheless, stillness is so engrained in him that any other reaction during distress feels superficial to him. he possesses a very long fuse & most things don’t faze him. his nonchalant & detached nature
💝 however, his long fuse doesn’t imply his anger is weakened whatsoever. he automatically suppresses his anger inside his body & allows it to ferment for years. eventually this built-up anger gets released & the expression of rage is in no means controlled or restrained. his anger can be compared to a ticking time bomb, waiting patiently for an exact trigger & catching everybody off guard. this fury can be quiet frightening to others, especially since everyone accustomed to his permanent composed demeanour.
💝 although others are the ones to start fights with him, he is always the one to finish the fights. he’ll be relentlessly persistent in his pursuit of revenge. he approaches conflict with a slow & steady strategy, instead of quick & aggressive motions. he may be one of the least aggressive & abrasive mars signs, yet his patient & methodical approach ensures a carefully planned retaliation. he assesses the situation carefully before taking action & his persistence makes him a formidable opponent.
💝 however, it takes a great deal to push him to this point due to his tolerant & patient nature. typically, if anyone irritates him he’ll keep it classy & keep a distance. he’ll resists in indulging in displays of volatilities due to his preference of peace. he won’t risk his safety or stability over petty shit. he possesses a good sense of forethought & thinking before action, with the ability to tune in to not-so-seen aspects in individuals & situations.
💝 in spite of this, abuse is almost always assigned to the taurus- scorpio axis & both signs can endure things that would cause other signs to crumble. many abusive public figures happen to have a taurus mars (adulf hitler, osama ben ladin, michael jackson, jimmy savile & so on). mars is detriment & uncomfortable when in taurus. this can manifest as the native expressing their martian energy in a bad way (rape, violence, homicide).
💝 it can take a lot to break him down & even when he is suffering, he’ll often camouflage his emotions bc he’s too lazy to freak out. but when his stability is taken from him, his future seems uncertain or security is on shaky ground, this is when he become insecure, fearful, controlling & heartless. he needs everything to be under control & he will be soothed by the promise of stability. he has tremendous compulsion to build wealth & establish financial comfortability. he’s motivated by money & the finer things in life. he likely over indulges & acts reckless all for the sake of pleasure. he’s most likely to flare up if under-slept, moneyless, hungry, betrayed or unappreciated.
💝 he may move through life quite slowly bc he finds comfort in taking his time. he likely had to work harder than most in regards to education & career since he’s such a slow learner/starter. he adopts the steady, calculative & enduring pace of mother earth. he exhibits a measured & persistent pace instead of hurried & impulsive actions. nobody ever needs to remind him to think things through bc that's his default move. however, he lacks the ability to take swift & decisive action, which leads to plenty of procrastination, missed opportunities & stagnation. some may perceive him as lethargic & attempt to pressure him to move at their pace but he will stubbornly dig his heals into the ground. offering him external motivation or the possibility of an award can help encourage him. he’s extremely selective in his pursuits & he’s willing to wait. he will impose action only when he is ready, not when he is told. the plan has to be in order before hand, the resources must already be accumulated & a strong foundation must already be built. his motto is “slow & steady wins the race”. despite being slow to start & doing a lot of growndwork before hand, once the wheels start turning, he will see things through to the end & it’s actually hard to make him stop. when he makes a decision, best believe it’s final & he won’t budge without good reason. he can easily slip into a "point of no return" mentality so its important he leaves room for a change of plans. despite not being fast or adaptable, he holds immense perseverance & strength. he resembles a rock standing still even when a tsunami comes. his resilience, patience, commitment, stamina & consistency are his biggest strengths. he puts so much time/effort into the process that failure completely devastates him!
💝 he often enforces rules & repercussions so he’s labelled as controlling. when others get close to him, they think they're immune to these expectations & get comfortable breaking his rules. but it’s shaking up his comfort that makes them his enemy. others don't even realise or give him enough credit for how much patience & leniency he gives before he eventually puts his foot down.
💝 taurus is slow moving but mars doesn’t like being slow. mars is the catharsis of all feelings that demand urgency & protection including anger & fear. when taurus is in mars it becomes uncomfortable & unmoving. it holds onto things & won’t let them go, to avoid losing control of protecting itself. consequently, he’s extremely stubborn, similar to a bull.
💝 since taurus is detriment in mars, issues with self-worth & self-destruction may be a side-effect for him. he may take on todays encounters with repressed & recycled memories which are decades old. despite him seeming calm on the outside, his old wounds are freshly bleeding & his invisible scars can inflame at any moment. sometimes his resentment flows with such volatility & unpredictability that you wonder if it will ever stop or where it came from. it may express itself as harbouring self-contempt for his choices, his life, his body, or everything at once. its a poisonous self-hatred, self-punishment, self-denial, self-malignant or a lack of conviction that he deserves anything worthwhile. he may self-destruct by over-consuming pleasure until it becomes poison or giving into impulsive urges that promise short-term relief at the cost of long term comfort (spending his rent money, drinking until he’s physically ill, etc). however, he may self-destruct via the opposite route, by severely self-restricting in order change something within himself or punish himself further after failure (compulsive measuring of every dose, forcing harsh lifestyle regimes on himself). however, he has tremendous stoicism & prefers to keep his worries to himself. he is the strong & silent type, constantly enduring his deepest struggles completely alone.
💝 when he’s attracted to someone he’ll take his time to get to know her. it may take him awhile to come around but once he does, he’s easy & simple to read, meaning she’ll never be left confused or have to question where she stands with him.
💝 if a man with taurus placements is attracted to you he will find a way to touch you or get close to you somehow, he needs to lean really close to you bc he just can’t hear what you’re saying, he has tripped & now has to steady himself by grabbing your arms or waist, “those stairs look really steep, here grab my arm”.
💝 amongst all the mars signs, he definitely the most sensual. however, in many cases to finally liberate this side of him, it took many inner battles & heroic victories, that became stories he has never spoken about.
💝 he has a ravenous sexual appetite & indulges in intimacy as a comfort measure. a positive & ongoing sex life is very important to him. if his sexual needs aren’t fulfilled his overall mindset will be negative, withdrawn & stubborn. to him, sex is like breathing air, he can’t live without it. he’s very comfortable with his body & his sexual desires. he has a strong need to pleasure himself even in committed rxships (taurus is all abt self-reliance & self-sustainment). sex could potentially become his dirty little secret, which develops into him living a double life.
💝 all earth signs mars have a natural tendency to separate love & sex but taurus mars is most prone to this. he tends to have difficulty abstaining from sex so if there’s no one in his life who matters to him, he is still going to look for sexual partners. sexual involvement with him does not necessarily mean that a rxship with him is underway. in this sense, more gentle types could find him too careless & direct.
💝 the sex with him will be slow & prolonged. he is patient & slow to turn on, like an oven instead of a microwave. his sexual stamina is long-lasting & steady, usually taking awhile to reach climax. he has a pretty good notion abt what it takes to bring pleasure to others since he’s so in tune with his senses. however, he can be lazy in bed, expecting her to do most of the work.
Turn On’s:
💝 arrive baring gifts & kind words.
💝 attempt to please his senses (touch, smell, hearing & taste). this can be achieved through blindfolds, candles, feathers, warmth, silk sheets, sensual sounds, etc.
💝 to him, good sex equals a good rxship. consequently, his rxships are highly based on sexual & intimate compatibility.
💝 physical touch is especially important to him: massages, foot rubs, tender kisses, cuddles, stroking, caressing & body worship.
💝 he enjoys lovemaking on a full stomach or involving food in the bedroom (whipped cream).
💝 his necks is his erogenous zones - kiss & squeeze his neck. talk into his neck. gifts him a necklace.
💝 he’s attracted to earthy types who are stable & patient. ensure to match his calm energy & steady pace. if you‘re going to be rough or surprising ensure it’s gradual & prepare him first.
💝 he’s physically attracted to older or dominant women with dark features & curvy bodies.
💝 he has a hunger to & be devoured.
💝 he maybe into bum play, gigolo roleplay & mutual oral.
💝 all earth signs mars want to be comfortable with you before they sleep with you.
Turn Off’s:
💝 physical touch is like oxygen him so denying him affection or sex for too long will offend him. a dirty bedroom or lack of after care can ruin the experience for him too.
💝 he dislikes his lover failing to show appreciation, being incompetent & criticising him.
💝 people who complain a lot & don’t appreciate the small simple things, people who tell them what to do, being rushed, passive aggressiveness, bad manners, disloyalty, sneakiness, bragging, lying.
💝 aries mars - aries is constantly trying to rile taurus up & taurus is trying their hardest to ignore or avoid aries. taurus is known to blow when pushed too hard & aries is certainly capable of this. both will refuse to admit they’re wrong; aries due to their competitive & argumentative nature, taurus due to their stubbornness & possibly a denial of their passions. taurus can controlling, smothering & possessive, putting chains on aries.
💝 taurus mars - arguments/fights will consist of small, built-up pressures (possibly jealous or territorial feelings). these clashes will usually end in a stalemate (draw) since their default nature is not competitive or heated. an advantage one may use to “win” is their ability to foresight their opponents moves & intentions since they’re deeply predictable. however, feuds between the two are unlikely & it’s probable they’ll join forces instead; there’s a strong reliability factor in their dynamic.
💝 gemini mars - two different energies causing a fight or mess. these two can bring out the ugly in each other. gemini by poking the bear, being impish or antagonistic; taurus by brick walling, stone coldness & being closed off.
💝 cancer mars - they can find a lot in common at best, their dynamic can be protective & caring. trust & reassurance are the two elements that keep these two loving or respecting each other. but there can be a lot of jealousy & possessiveness in this pairing. ‘attachment’ plays a big role in most of their issues. there are pains from unmet expectations or broken promises. when they don’t know each other well, both are closed off & hard to read. neither express their anger well or aren’t very in tune with it meaning their conflicts can be filled with passive aggression. cancer is more manipulative or have very cold waters towards taurus. taurus can be controlling, mean & unmovable. their conflicts can be slow developing & both can be major grudge holders.
💝 leo mars - at best these two make a great team by feeding off the warmth of each other’s generosity & affection. but dramatic fight or rivalry is possible. they can make one another feel small or infuriated. taurus may see leo as bossy & pompous. leo may see taurus as inflexible, dispassionate & overly careful. leo may be able to take down taurus in terms of passion & action. taurus may be able to take down leo do to their unshakable grudge & while taurus’s unshakable will & hunger for revenge.
💝 virgo mars - with virgo’s adaptability & taurus’s reliability, they can make a down-to-earth pairing who tends to solve problems with logic & bluntness; they’ll handle conflict in a mature manner or at least attempt to look like they are. both aren’t very heated or instigating people. but being emotional or vulnerable around each other may be a challenge. the root of many conflicts in this paring can be the refusal to show each other’s softer side. allowing each other to be sensitive, giving more comfort & reassurance will help them keep the peace. virgo can run circles around taurus with witty jeers, criticism, & nervous energy. but taurus can be the wall virgo runs into since they’re steady, determined & careful. as enemies they can be intolerable of each other & may even see each other as a threat that needs to go (suing, going after career or reputation, hurting or stealing belongings). sometimes earth mars signs can play dirty surprisingly.
💝 scorpio mars - are these two going to try out-grudge, ignore or one up each other? however, scorpio has an advantage since they can easily tap into their passion (expressing their desire, force, & wrath). but taurus is still able to deal with scorpio through their endurance & patience. taurus is more hesitant (finding conflict, pressure, or intensity as uncomfortable). taurus prefers conventional & routine but scorpio craves emotional depth & vigor. scorpio appreciates the mysterious, dark, taboo, or extreme but taurus embraces the open, precise, warm & cordial feelings that are met with security, appealing or soothing pleasure. scorpio is hot lava or an icy pool, waiting to swallow something but taurus is an unexpected earthquake or a sleeping volcano, that is dangerous & destructive once it blows. taurus can have passion & intensity that matches to scorpio’s vindictive, venomous, obsessive potency. but taurus’s passion is hidden away. scorpio can be good at hiding their passion too but this is usually intentional whereas taurus is subconscious. scorpio can help taurus undercover their inner drive & fire. taurus can help scorpio to become more patient & realistic.
💝 sagittarius mars - these two can face a lot of frustration & misunderstanding, getting tired of each others bs. sagittarius is blunt & feisty but taurus is down-to-earth. taurus can easily perceive sagittarius as irresponsible, tactless & selfish. sagittarius can easily perceive taurus as sheepish, dull, closed-minded or stubborn. sagittarius needs more spontaneity & an emotional or rush from taurus. taurus needs sagittarius to be more tender, predictable & reassuring. sagittarius tendency to jab, mock, tease, joke, compete or play can bring out the intense side of taurus.
💝 capricorn mars - calculated & cold capricorn with willful & calm taurus equals a long-lasting peace, realistic expectations & bumps in the road rather than full out battles. they have a similar energy with patience, caution & pragmatism. they may be very attentive to each other’s physical needs.if they get on each other’s bad side there can be control issues & harsh judgment; they may use one another or try to have an advantage over the other. capricorn is considered to be at an advantage but if they ever find themselves being a victim of taurus, they’ll likely cut them off completely. capricorn takes action whereas taurus can be too unmovable, scared, or stuck. in order for taurus to “beat” capricorn, taurus needs to tap into their hidden intensity & passion, without losing control. if this is possible, they’ll become just as dangerous as scorpio.
💝 pisces mars - both have the ability to connect harmoniously & deeply together. neither want to fight & can avoid conflict well. pisces has has an upper hand with their manipulation, intuition, perception & flexibility. taurus has an upper hand with their determination, stubbornness & realistic clarity. taurus can easily find pisces too unreliable, vague, confusing & irrational. pisces can easily find taurus too difficult, closed-minded & hard to understand. their conflicts can be filled with unspoken feelings, cold shoulders, the blame game, sadness or disappointment. pisces can get over conflicts easier than taurus but taurus mary be harder to trigger or rattle than pisces. pisces can be sensitive & help taurus connect with their feelings. taurus is stable & helps bring calmness/steadiness.
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unpluggedfinancial · 3 months
You Get Bitcoin at the Price You Deserve: A Reflection
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In Bitcoin circles, a common saying goes, "You get Bitcoin at the price you deserve." This phrase has intrigued me since I first heard it. It seems to encapsulate a mix of wisdom, irony, and a touch of harsh truth. As someone who has delved deep into the world of Bitcoin, both as an advocate and an investor, I find myself pondering the weight and meaning of this statement.
Historical Context
Bitcoin's journey has been anything but smooth. From its humble beginnings as an obscure digital experiment to its current status as a global financial phenomenon, Bitcoin's price has seen wild fluctuations. Major events, such as regulatory crackdowns, institutional adoption, and technological advancements, have all played a part in shaping its market value.
Personal Reflection
When I first encountered Bitcoin, I was skeptical. Like many, I missed the early opportunity to buy it when it was dirt cheap. As the price soared, I regretted not jumping in sooner. However, as I began to educate myself about Bitcoin and its potential, I started to see the merit in this saying. At first, I kind of liked it because it made sense—if you put the work in to learn about Bitcoin, then you buy and benefit. It felt like a reward for diligence and effort.
But over time, my feelings about this phrase have evolved. It’s not just about buying low and benefiting financially. It’s also about the journey of learning, understanding the technology, and appreciating the broader implications of Bitcoin. The more I invested my time and effort into understanding Bitcoin, the more I felt I deserved the gains I reaped.
However, navigating the world of Bitcoin isn't just about personal effort. It's also about sifting through the noise created by the propaganda machine and misinformation. The mainstream media and various interest groups often portray Bitcoin in a negative light, highlighting its volatility and association with illegal activities, while downplaying its potential as a revolutionary financial technology. This misinformation can deter people from investing or understanding Bitcoin, making the saying "You get Bitcoin at the price you deserve" even more complex. It's not just about individual effort but also about overcoming external biases and misinformation.
Philosophical Exploration
The phrase suggests a deeper philosophy about merit and foresight in financial decisions. It implies that those who educate themselves, take calculated risks, and act decisively are rewarded accordingly. Conversely, those who hesitate or act without understanding may face less favorable outcomes. It's a reflection of the broader principle that in finance, as in life, we often reap what we sow.
Community Perspectives
I’ve spoken to fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts and advocates, and their interpretations of this saying vary. Some see it as a simple truth about market dynamics and personal responsibility. Others view it as a reminder to stay vigilant and informed in an ever-changing financial landscape. A few even find it a bit harsh, feeling it disregards the unpredictable nature of markets and the role of luck. These differing perspectives highlight how this saying can be both motivating and cautionary, depending on one’s viewpoint.
In the end, "You get Bitcoin at the price you deserve" serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of education, timing, and decisiveness in the world of cryptocurrency. While it may not fully capture the complexities of market dynamics and individual circumstances, it encourages us to reflect on our actions and decisions. As I continue my journey with Bitcoin, I hold this saying close, not as a judgment, but as a motivator to stay informed and proactive.
What about you? How do you interpret this saying, and what has been your experience with Bitcoin? Share your thoughts and let’s continue this conversation.
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi pt. 9
The teacher Chie listens to Keiichi talk about how they suspect Satoko is going through terrible abuse. The chapter ends and then we move on to Keiichi approaching Mion about the idea that the Sonozakis, Kimiyoshis, and the Furudes are behind the Oyashiro sacrifices.
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Mion seems pretty relaxed about the rather heavy allegations Keiichi is throwing around. Still though, given all the abuse he's hurled at her she takes it all in stride, rather admirably so.
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Kidnapping and extortion is one thing Keiichi but murder? Even though they totally killed the dam foreman? Your words are like spears Keiichi. Also you don't know about the murder/torture shack on the Sonozaki family grounds in this timeline Keiichi.
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Seriously Keiichi, how are you so easily read? Mion took one look at you and deduced Takano was the one who implied Mion was behind the curse killings. Although it does play rather well into the time loop theory, that only Keiichi doesn't remember it.
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It's kind of interesting that they haven't actually shown us the Sonozaki matriarch. I know in the previous scene there was a housekeeper who mentioned having done stuff for her before leaving, but it just seems peculiar that they haven't actually had her interact with anyone. It's like with the mayor Kimiyoshi, they get mentioned as having done things, but don't actually appear on-screen, only to presumably die later.
The three arrive at school, and hey presto, there's Satoko looking none worse for the wear. Keiichi is filled with doubts, but ultimately doesn't press on it while Satoko mentions her annoyance at having social services called on her uncle. Then Rika is able to overpower and drag Keiichi out into the hall. Where they have a conversation with the teacher Chie.
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With the information that we learn from this bit I can't help but wonder, why does Rika know this? You can handwave that she knows about Satoko's phony call to the child protection agency as something Satoko told her about, but the rest of it?
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I know that most of this is framed as Chie was the one telling Keiichi this, but Rika more or less confirms that version of events she says. Is Rika secretly a mind-reader?
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What a rather ominous thing to say Chie.
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Ah, there we go, back to more savory conversations like cannibalism.
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Well shit.
What follows is a very uncomfortable scene of Satoko basically mentally going through all of the abuse she has gone through throughout the chapter (perhaps more, but I'll say it's just for the past few in game days). Keiichi tries to make things better by talking to Satoko, but only succeeds in making it worse all the while. Culminating in:
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It's an extreme overreaction, but I don't really blame Rena for this because of the sheer emotional volatility of what's going on. Emotions are running high, and it's extremely hard to keep your cool in a situation like this.
Satoko tries to play it off, but honestly if I were the teacher I would probably pull Satoko, and Rena out of the class to try to get to the bottom of what's happened.
Anyway, shortly after this Keiichi turns into a thriller villain and starts thinking about how he can commit and get away with killing Tekken Houjou. It gets kind of silly, there are scenes in the Ace Attorney games where the cartoonish murderer of the episode is soliloquizing to themselves that are less silly than this boy who plans to murder a full grown adult. Which I have doubts he'll be able to pull off.
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He's gonna cut himself on all that edge. Shortly after this Rena tries to see if Keiichi's alright after all that's just happened and he reacts coldly. Mion notices that he looks different than usual, his eyes are more... shifty? Calculating?
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I'm starting to think we might not even get to see Watanagashi happen this go around. Which might be for the best, I don't know how I'd handle another bout of extreme emotional whiplash. Hey, maybe Tomitake will get to survive this time by virtue of the chapter ending before he's officially whacked.
I had originally intended the following to be a separate post, but I don't really feel like posting much in the way of screenshots.
The TL;DR is: Keiichi is a terrible criminal mastermind. Would've thought the fourteen year old could be a better murderous schemer, but alas.
Chapter nine is basically about how Keiichi plans to kill Teshar Houjou. He keeps going over the particulars of how to enact and get away with the devilish deed. Basically, he's going to take the bat Satoshi had left behind and acting like this is fucking Excalibur is going to beat him to death. The problem with this plan is he plans on making this "a perfect crime." So that he and everyone else can go back to living their peaceful lives only without the spectre of Tasigur's violence living over Satoko and the rest of them. Initially the plan consists of attacking him in his apartment and then whisking the body away to its hidden forest burial ground. Eventually he concedes the plan would work better if he can ambush Tav in the small wooded path behind his apartment building instead.
Keiichi sells himself on this being a completely perfect plan, despite its myriad flaws. His scheme to assault the uncle is based on the notion that he'll call out Satoko's uncle to the shrine grounds where the festival is being held, and he'll ambush and kill him on the wooded path. Why Tengen Toppa Guren Houjou would use the woods path instead of the main street outside his apartment is anyone's guess. Fair credit to Keiichi, he does eventually realize the plan has one fatal flaw in that he doesn't know if he can actually win a fight against Torrent Houjou. It's one of many flaws, but baby steps. However this momentary doubt is swallowed by him criticizing himself because he remembers the completely miserable existence of Satoko so he resolves himself for his flawed plan.
Leaving aside the idea that Keiichi, an admitted not physically fit individual is going to overpower and murder a man "who looks like he can fight," this "perfect crime" has problems. His plan is to kill Houjou in such a way that it looks like he just ditched town, but he plans on beating him to death with a baseball bat. No matter how you look at it that is going to be a very messy method of death. Then he has to drag the corpse to the area he's decided to bury him. Which, again, Keiichi admits he's not a particularly strong or fit individual. So if he drags the corpse he'd basically just be leaving a direct line to the abandoned corpse. Then there's the notion that he's going to do this after he digs the hole to plant the body (he wisely decides that he shouldn't try to dig the hole after killing Tidal Houjou). I don't care how physically fit you are, you're gonna be pretty gassed after digging a hole large enough to dump a body into. Let's be charitable and saw Keiichi gets up bright and early on the day of Watanagashi, and goes to where he decided to dump the body. Assuming the place is empty, which isn't guaranteed because everyone will be pretty amped because of the festivities, he takes his shovel and digs the hole, and it takes let's say three hours to do this. He'd be pretty wiped from digging this hole in the middle of the June heat. Not to keep harping on it, but he says he's not in the best shape physically so his arm muscles would be sore as can be. That's stacking the deck against himself when it comes time to do the deed and ambush Houjou. Assuming it all goes swimmingly, what will he do when someone inevitably notices the nice new chunk of freshly dug up dirt? Even if everyone assumes that Tito Houjou fled Hinamizawa again, someone is bound to notice the hole.
But whatever, Satoko looks miserable, and so Keiichi tells himself to quit being a puss-wagon and get on with it. He decides to enact phase two of this doomed scheme, and call Mion, to get her to take Satoko to the festival. Even without the freakout Mion has as a result of this conversation it should be pretty obvious why this is a bad idea on Keiichi's part. Mion has a bad reaction to Keiichi's phone call because wouldn't you know it last year Satoshi called and asked her to take care of Satoko for just one day and then promptly died. Oh sorry, transferred. To the afterlife.
In this version of the timeline Mion doesn't seem to be quite as bloodthirsty as she had in prior Chapters. So Keiichi is taking a massive risk by basically trying to rope Mion into his conspiracy to commit murder. Sure Mion this time around seems slightly more easily cowed than the last times, but it's still a needless additional risk to his "perfect crime." Especially since the cops are probably still suspicious of the Sonozaki family and they might just think she had something to do with Turducken Houjous disappearance.
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Well hell, what do you know, he was actually able to do it. Egg on my face. This is chapter 10 by the way. In case you're curious, it's the mangagamer version and not the modded version because I'm not on my usual computer at the moment.
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dataanxiety · 1 year
Nice historical volatility chart
This is a helpful annotated chart of yearly S&P 500 volatility. I bookmarked it back in 2014, so it only covers the years from 1929 to 2014.
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S&P 500 calendar year realized volatility from 1929-2014 $SPY $SPX $VIX
— via Ro_Patel on StockTwits, October 09, 2014
The y-axis is S&P Calendar Year Realized Volatility as a percentage. The x-axis is time in years. I hope it is possible to enlarge the image by clicking on it! The red bars represent the 10 years with highest volatility. The green bars represent the 10 years with the lowest volatility. I am guessing that the blue bars are all other years.
I wondered why the chart was tagged with $SPY $SPX and $VIX. Both StockTwits and Twitter used to denote stock symbols with a dollar sign instead of a hash tag.
The first two were easy. SPY is an ETF that is backed by actual shares of stock in the companies that are included in Standard & Poor's 500 index. SPX is driven by the price of the S&P 500 Index itself. SPX isn't tradeable per se, but there are SPX futures and various SPX options.
Volatility and the fear indicator
Volatility is the standard deviation of a stock, stock index, or other security's annualized returns over a time period; essentially, the rate at which the security or index price increases or decreases. ‘Actual’ (historical) volatility measures the variability of known prices.
What is $VIX
VIX is called the fear indicator because it is used to infer a quantitative metric of market risk, fear, and stress. It is defined as the 30-day expected volatility of the S&P 500 stock index, using Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) listed S&P 500 options data. VIX is a measure of implied volatility (forward-looking) not historical. Values over 30 are considered high, while 20 is more typical. There's no upper bound on VIX.
The VIX isn't tradeable, which is why I am amused that its CBOE landing page (URL above) has "tradeable" in the URL! Instead, there are VIX futures, call and put options for trading.
The VIX was introduced by CBOE in 1993. I think that's why this chart doesn't have VIX on the y-axis (only alluding to it with $VIX) as an historical time series. It wouldn't be possible to impute historical values, especially not to 1929 but not even prior to 1993, because VIX is calculated by aggregating weighted prices of a constantly changing portfolio of S&P 500 calls and puts over a range of strike prices.
StockTwits seems mostly moribund to me, since about 2015. The name is a little strange, but it is a great idea: A social network for investor/speculators. The realtime, Twitter-like functionality, and user interface, are well-designed and fun. I think StockTwits was founded by Howard Lindzon who is nice, and maybe Fred Wilson the AVC guy ("A Venture Capitalist"?). EDIT: I just checked. It is still active but not exactly a huge startup venture.
Now that Amazon.com has retired Alexa, I can't find website metrics as easily. I'm mildly curious about StockTwits. I wish I could average unique annual page views per year, and then do a 3-line time series graph of unique daily views during 2012 (when it was really active), 2015, and last year.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Would Terry let beloved comfort him after losing the 1985 tournament?
Have you ever been abandoned by a really good friend?
A long time friend?
Someone you thought you'd have all your life, always? Only for them to disappear after you've tried to, effectively (to your own detriment, it turns out), do something to fix a slight against them, put everything on hold to take their side, appease them and get them out of a bad period in their life, ending up abandoned by them as a result when it didn't pan out the way you've both planned it to? Well, that's what happened to Terry in the 80's, and if he felt he was jilted, backstabbed and forsaken by John post tournament loss, resulting in heartbreak and maybe even a big hit to his mental health, finances and reputation in the years to follow, leaving Terry with a huge desire to overcompensate for his mistakes by literally going the other extreme and turning his life into a vapid theatre riddled with fake people he has no compromising attachment to this time around (and he didn't, he dropped them all with a cool, calculated ease), it is literally no surprise. Because, no, this isn't just about the All Valley being a flop for Cobra Kai that year, even though that too was a major strike against Terry's own ego (and finances too, it is very much implied) This has something to do with Terry Silver's abandonment issues being stirred up bigtime and a sense that his capacity to love and be devoted to people will never be reached and fully reciprocated by anyone that really matters to him and I like to think that even though he'd be stupendously sensitive, raw, volatile and vulnerable at this period, he'd also be reluctant to let beloved get in too close no matter how much he craves and needs it. At the same time, he needs them to be so morbidly close they're practically one being. A little bit of the 'let me live inside of your skin' type of attachment.
Because he could think beloved could leave him next.
The interesting (and deeply tragic) thing about Terry's psychology is that it always trickles back to Twig somehow and I've this conviction that he consistently felt that he needs to go above and beyond for people to repay them for every kindness, due to the fact that I feel he hasn't received kindness very often, if at all (in this case, repaying John's aid in Vietnam) and in equal measure go above and beyond for them to wish to be around him in the first place, because again, when he was younger, I don't think he was popular or well-liked like that, so when John leaves post tournament loss, Terry develops this sense of lingering and haunting premonition that if he doesn't do something drastic, beloved is a goner too and that he can either excessively test their devotion, buy them, bribe them or ply them with an exuberant amount of favours that'll make them want to stay as a way to counter the possibility of them abandoning him or literally lock the mansion gates to ensure they never leave. Sure he wants comfort, all of the comfort in the world, but he also has this flight or fight response innately triggered right now. He's torn between the extreme of barricading beloved in some subterranean mansion dungeon for all we know, or literally ordering them to leave since everyone else leaves as well, appearantly, and then maybe getting violent once they actually do. Terry is naturally burdened with the pain of loss, you see. The fear that the people you love can always...you know...leave, either by dying, getting killed because of him, because his devotion wasn't good enough to keep them around; you name it.
That this something beyond his control to change, no matter how much and what he does for them --- how much he grows and develops himself to counter it, and it is a pain that follows his throughout his life. Terry doesn't just need comfort after the losing the tournament of 1985. He needs irrefutable proof that beloved's loyalty and love for him is unshakable.
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sepublic · 2 years
In the Nizziverse, Energon Potential is a term referring to the amount of energon a possible source is calculated to yield, if harvested. So for example, fossil fuels have a high energon potential, whereas rocks? Not so much.
A while back, I also said that energon is a man made innovation, so there is no such thing as ‘natural’ energon (though if one wanted to get technical, they could argue the Allspark as qualifying). So there’s no such thing as energon crystals like in other continuities, but now...
Well, how about this; Energon Crystal is a misnomer. It implies the crystal already exists in a stage of energon, but not really. It’s just that these crystals are VERY volatile and have an incredibly high energon potential, so people cut the middle-man and refer to them as just energon crystals, due to their yield and use in society. It’s the same reasoning for why a Cybertronian will talk of draining Earth of its energon, when it technically doesn’t have any; It’ll be converted during the process, but you know what I mean.
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cosmicallymundane · 2 years
REVENGE — fanfiction
word count — 670+
implied Daniel Grayson/Emily Thorne, pregnancy but only directly talked about in one sentence, lotsa flowery text im not sorry :,)
Emily, for all that she was, found herself gentle with this grief.
She folds it neatly into her arms, bundled against her bosom.
A strange, tired softness envelopes her bones, wetting her eyes with sticky sleep.
There it stays, a quiet thing really.
Sullen and droopy against her wiry and collapsed body.
Emily wonders if it had a name.
It pushes the porch swing, this grief, the groaning of wood and chain grates against her ears.
She did not know, and it sends a surge of nausea warbling in her stomach.
It's quiet. This feeling.
She's never known it silent.
Loud and volatile, double edged and searing — white hot and trembling at her finger tips.
Cutting winds of brine and sea, salt to split and bleeding skin.
Swollen fingers, purpled and pulsing, pulling and twisting little strings knotted and entangled in ways she cannot — will not untether.
Grief is wild and it hurts.
It's a withered section of her being, scarred over in the reds of injustice.
It hurt everywhere.
Mapped in this sorrow, dressed in this rage.
She finds hatred but familiarity in it at the very least.
Because Emily knows her grief.
It came to her years ago, when she thought its name was sadness, and it stayed without a bother to name its truth.
And this. Oh, this is not hers.
Too rounded, too soft. It is new, and old. Something grand, but terrible.
It liked to hide, to be small and unseen.
Craving something she had little to give.
It's not hers. No, not at all.
But she finds herself welcoming it all the same.
She met it by the bathroom door, when the walls sagged and the floors swirled. It led her by the hand, when she's pierced with vertigo and her knees felt like mush. Patience in its guidance as Emily paused and held no target in her wandering vision. Waves of sickness crashed against her and she remembers stumbling out the door.
She never stumbles — her steps always light and calculated.
Her trips precise and methodic.
But she did.
And it's okay, grief tells her.
For tonight, let her be undone.
She rests, a lonesome buoy stranded from its station in the dark sea.
She will not drown, she knows, but the act of nearly so, terrified her.
This grief, lets her rest.
It does not push, it does not scold.
A promise in its hold, that it'll carry her head above the choppy and unsure waters for however long she needs.
Her fists do not curl, she does not school her face. Not in the familiar and poised way of a delicate girl.
Her anger, a heavy rock always tucked into her pocket, feels a little lighter.
She shudders out a breath, her lips pinked and tacky.
June is always blue, nearly indigo — the sky always lighter than the sea.
The stretch of beach glittered in silver moonlight; echoes of glee and the childish shrieks of a long forgotten little girl, whose father and her stay out late to fish for stars, but a distant thought she tucks into the gaping chasm in her chest.
Tonight, the air is thick and humid.
Always carrying a little bit of sand in its invisible breeze.
It clings to the folds of her nightshirt, of which sticks to her sweat-slicked skin.
It chafes and she trembles in disgust.
Her mouth warbles, and bleary eyes flit from the sea and to her manor, the one he resides in. Because why not?
He never stayed long, here.
At one point in her life, perhaps minutes before she learned; these were her favorite types of nights.
The kind she perhaps envisions herself painting with her acrylics because oil took too long. And she can't wait. She never could.
This beauty is fleeting and never repeated.
And it's just for her.
Where it's her and her house, and her sea. And her paints.
Together. At peace.
June is peace and beauty.
Or it was.
She wishes it were August instead.
Wetness streaks her cheeks.
Because Emily Thorne is pregnant.
Amanda Clarke holds her a little tighter, in turn.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
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The Contribution of the Options Profit Calculator: A Trader’s Essential Tool
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In the intricate world of options trading, precision and informed decision-making are paramount. One tool that significantly enhances a trader's ability to navigate this complexity is the options profit calculator. This powerful resource provides critical insights into potential trade outcomes, helping traders optimize their strategies and manage risk. This article explores the contributions of the options profit calculator, highlighting its benefits, functionalities, and impact on trading success.
What is an Options Profit Calculator?
An options profit calculator is a tool designed to help traders evaluate the potential profitability of an options trade. By inputting key variables such as the current stock price, strike price, expiration date, implied volatility, and the number of contracts, traders can quickly assess various outcomes. The calculator generates important metrics, including estimated profits, losses, break-even points, and risk-reward ratios.
Key Contributions of the Options Profit Calculator
1. Informed Decision-Making
One of the primary contributions of the options profit calculator is its ability to facilitate informed decision-making. Traders can quickly input different scenarios and see how changes in variables affect potential profits or losses. This capability allows traders to evaluate various strategies and select the most favorable one based on their market outlook.
2. Risk Management
Understanding and managing risk is crucial in trading, and the options profit calculator plays a significant role in this area. By providing a clear picture of potential outcomes, the calculator helps traders assess their risk exposure. Key metrics such as break-even points and profit margins enable traders to make educated decisions about how much capital to allocate to a trade and what risks to accept.
3. Scenario Analysis
The flexibility of an options profit calculator allows traders to model a variety of scenarios by adjusting key parameters. This includes:
Underlying Asset Price: Exploring how fluctuations in the underlying asset affect profitability.
Strike Price: Evaluating the impact of different strike prices on potential gains and losses.
Expiration Dates: Understanding how time decay influences option value and outcomes.
Implied Volatility: Analyzing how changes in market volatility affect option pricing.
This comprehensive scenario analysis is crucial for developing robust trading strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions.
4. Visualization of Outcomes
Many options profit calculators offer graphical representations of profit and loss scenarios, often displayed as payoff diagrams. These visual tools help traders understand how their strategies will perform under various market conditions. Visualizing potential outcomes enhances comprehension of complex options pricing, making it easier to grasp the implications of different strategies.
5. Time-Saving Efficiency
Manually calculating potential profits and losses can be labor-intensive and prone to errors. An options profit calculator automates these calculations, saving time and reducing the likelihood of mistakes. This efficiency allows traders to focus on strategy development and market analysis rather than tedious arithmetic.
6. Educational Resource
For novice traders, the options profit calculator serves as a valuable educational tool. By experimenting with different inputs and observing the resulting calculations, new traders can gain a deeper understanding of options mechanics, pricing, and the impact of various factors on profitability. This hands-on learning approach fosters confidence and enhances trading skills.
How to Use an Options Profit Calculator Effectively
Input Parameters: Start by entering the relevant information, including the current stock price, strike price, expiration date, implied volatility, and number of contracts.
Analyze Results: Review the calculated potential profit or loss, as well as the break-even points and risk-reward ratios.
Visualize Outcomes: Utilize any graphical tools available to understand how different scenarios impact your trade.
Adjust Parameters: Experiment with various inputs to see how changes affect results, allowing for informed adjustments to your trading strategy.
The options profit calculator is an invaluable tool for traders seeking to enhance their options trading experience. By simplifying complex calculations, facilitating informed decision-making, and providing insights into risk and profitability, this tool contributes significantly to trading success.
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the-odd-ducks · 18 days
10 Reasons To Invest in Bybit’s DCA Trading Bots
Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) bots are automated tools that help you purchase cryptocurrencies at regular intervals with a fixed investment amount. This approach helps mitigate the impact of market volatility on your investments.
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What Is a DCA Trading Bot?
A DCA trading bot is a comprehensive platform designed for automated cryptocurrency trading. It provides a range of pre-set parameters and effective trading strategies, saving you time and potentially enhancing your investment returns without incurring additional costs.
How Do Bybit’s DCA Trading Bots Operate?
Bybit’s DCA trading bots, as the name implies, automate the process of buying cryptocurrencies. These bots use a fixed investment amount and predefined time intervals to make purchases over a specific period. This strategy reduces the impact of market fluctuations, helping you maintain an average purchase price that aligns with market trends. Bybit offers the option to create a DCA bot for a single coin or a portfolio of up to five coins.
The DCA approach employed by Bybit’s bots enables you to average the price of your assets by buying tokens regularly. This method is ideal for long-term investing, HODLing, and strategies like smile curving.
Parameters for DCA Trading Bots:
Currency: This is the currency used for purchasing your coins. Bybit supports investments in USDT or USDC. Note that USDC is restricted to the USDC market, so you cannot mix it with ADA/USDT or BTC/USDC, and vice versa for USDT.
Fixed Investment Amount: This defines the amount allocated for buying cryptocurrency during each period. The minimum and maximum order quantities can be checked in the Order Zone.
Investment Frequency: This specifies how often you want to invest in the selected cryptocurrency or portfolio. The first investment occurs shortly after setting up the DCA bot. Longer intervals are suited for extended plans. Bybit offers a variety of time settings, ranging from minutes to weeks.
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Max. Investment Amount (Optional): This specifies the highest amount you are willing to invest in the portfolio.
Transfer All Assets (Optional): When enabled, this option will transfer all assets from the bot to the users’ spot account. This setting determines how you wish to manage your DCA bot.
Example of How the DCA Bot Functions:
Coins: BTC and ETH
Investment Currency: USDT
Investment Frequency: Weekly
Total Fixed Investment Amount: 1,000 USDT
BTC Fixed Investment Amount: 600 USDT
ETH Fixed Investment Amount: 400 USDT
Max. Investment Amount (Optional): 5,500 USDT
For instance, if Trader A chooses to invest over a period of five weeks with a weekly investment frequency, the DCA bot will automatically execute a total of five transactions. The details of these transactions are as follows:
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Understanding Dollar-Cost-Averaging (DCA) Bot Performance
Over a five-week investment period, the average entry prices for BTC and ETH are calculated as follows:
BTC Average Entry Price (USDT): (29,000 + 30,000 + 31,000 + 32,000 + 33,000) / 5
ETH Average Entry Price (USDT): (1,400 + 1,500 + 1,600 + 1,700 + 1,800) / 5
In this scenario, Trader A purchases 0.09697632 BTC at an average price of 31,000 USDT and 1.2598973 ETH at an average price of 1,600 USDT. Given that Trader A has set a maximum investment limit of 5,500 USDT, and since the remaining 500 USDT is insufficient to cover the cost of a sixth auto-purchase (each investment being 1,000 USDT), the DCA bot will automatically cease operations after the fifth purchase. Consequently, the BTC and ETH held by the bot will be transferred back to Trader A’s Spot Account.
If Trader A opts not to set a maximum investment limit and the Spot Account balance falls short for the next auto-purchase, Trader A will receive an email alert to add more funds. The DCA bot will be paused until the Spot Account is replenished, after which it will resume at the next scheduled interval.
Please be aware that a DCA bot suspension due to insufficient funds does not result in automatic closure. Manual termination of the DCA bot is necessary if you wish to end its operations.
Benefits of Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is particularly advantageous for those optimistic about a good asset, as it allows you to purchase at lower prices and reduce costs if prices drop.
The DCA strategy can lower the risks associated with investing during volatile market conditions. By averaging out purchase prices, DCA can help mitigate losses or potentially enhance profits. It avoids buying at peak prices and enduring prolonged losses. However, while it reduces risk, it may also limit potential gains. For those confident in an asset’s long-term value, DCA is a strategy worth considering.
Why Invest in Bybit’s DCA Trading Bots?
Easy Setup: Amid fluctuating market conditions, many investors seek to streamline their investment processes. Bybit’s DCA bot allows for automated daily, weekly, or monthly purchases, eliminating the need for chart analysis or technical evaluation. Take advantage of the DCA bot to simplify your investment routine and reduce repetitive tasks.
User-Friendly Platform: The DCA bot is accessible to users of all experience levels. Beginners can utilize the Auto-Fill function to set up a bot with either preset or custom parameters. More advanced traders can join our community for the latest market analysis and strategy recommendations.
No Additional Costs: Bybit offers the DCA bot at no extra charge. There are no hidden fees, and trading costs are based on your VIP status, calculated upon successful order execution.
Wide Market and Crypto Pair Options: The DCA bot is available on the Bybit spot platform for both USDT and USDC markets. Users have access to a diverse range of coins, including BTC, ETH, and BIT. Visit the Order page to see all supported coins.
Eliminates Emotional Trading: Daily trading can be emotionally taxing, with price fluctuations causing stress. Bybit's DCA bot automates the process, allowing you to set investment parameters and letting the bot handle transactions. If funds run low, you'll receive an email reminder to top up, ensuring continued investment.
Reduces Repetitive Tasks: Automate your investment schedule with the Bybit DCA bot, handling daily, weekly, or monthly purchases with minimal effort. No need for constant chart analysis or manual intervention.
Multiple Bots Capability: Bybit allows users to operate up to 50 trading bots simultaneously, including DCA and Spot Grid bots. Additionally, you can create multiple DCA bots for the same coin, offering flexibility and the ability to diversify investments.
Smaller Investment Portions: Rather than investing large amounts, the DCA bot facilitates smaller, periodic investments. This strategy is ideal for beginners who might be discouraged by market volatility, providing time to conduct more research while the bot invests on their behalf.
Lower Average Entry Point: Bybit’s DCA bot can help you achieve better entry points than manual trading by executing orders at various low price levels. This reduces the overall entry price if the market trends downward, which is particularly beneficial for long-term investments.
Proven Strategy Over Market Timing: DCA helps users manage costs without attempting to time the market’s highs and lows. Consistent investment through a DCA bot can result in a higher net value over time, even in declining markets. Best practices include selecting preferred assets, ensuring adequate funds, running the bot, and being patient.
The Bottom Line
Bybit's DCA trading bot is an effective tool for managing investment risk and avoiding large, lump-sum investments. As a passive strategy with no active management fees, it is ideal for those looking to earn income and contribute regularly to their investments. For a stress-free method to purchase crypto, consider using this bot!
Ready to start your DCA journey? Explore Bybit's DCA trading bots today to enjoy zero fees and highly customizable options.
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(all our referrals will have lifetime FREE consultation on bots selection, token selection, trading tips and tricks and much more, Please use LinkedIn messenger only to contact us, be aware of scammers asking for money, we will not DM you first or ask for any fee)
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lisakapoorblogs · 28 days
Mutual Funds Explained: The Meaning Behind Common Investment Terms
Mutual funds are a good way to build wealth. However, mutual fund terms must be understood to make informed decisions. Investors use SIP calculators to estimate Systematic Investment Plan returns. We will define mutual fund investment terms in this article so you understand how they affect your investments.
Let's start with mutual funds meaning. Mutual funds invest money from multiple investors in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities. Professional fund managers choose which securities to buy or sell to maximise investor returns. Every mutual fund investor owns shares, which are part of the fund's holdings.
Common Investment Terms in Mutual Funds
Net Asset Value (NAV): The NAV represents the per-unit value of a mutual fund. It is calculated by dividing the total value of the fund’s assets minus liabilities by the number of units outstanding. The NAV changes daily based on the market value of the fund’s assets. Understanding NAV is crucial because it helps investors determine the value of their investment in the mutual fund.
Expense Ratio: The expense ratio is the annual fee that mutual funds charge their investors to cover management fees, administrative costs, and other expenses. It is expressed as a percentage of the fund's average assets under management. A lower expense ratio means more of your investment goes towards generating returns, making it an important factor to consider when choosing a mutual fund.
Exit Load: An exit load is a fee charged by mutual funds when an investor exits or redeems their units before a specified period. This fee is typically used to discourage short-term trading and to protect the interests of long-term investors. Understanding the exit load structure is important as it can affect your overall returns, especially if you plan to redeem your investment early.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): SIP is a method of investing in mutual funds where an investor invests a fixed amount at regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly. SIPs allow investors to benefit from rupee cost averaging, where they buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. This approach helps in mitigating market volatility and building a disciplined investment habit.
Asset Under Management (AUM): AUM refers to the total market value of the assets that a mutual fund manages on behalf of its investors. It is an indicator of the fund’s size and popularity. A larger AUM often implies that the fund is trusted by many investors, but it is also essential to evaluate the fund’s performance and strategy.
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stockmarketanalysis · 2 months
Random Walk Index: Definition, Calculation, Trading Strategy, Advantages & Limitations
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The Random Walk Index (RWI) is a technical analysis tool used in the financial markets to determine if a stock's price movement is random or part of a trend. Developed by Michael Poulos in 1997, this index helps traders and analysts discern whether a market is exhibiting a directional trend or simply fluctuating without a clear pattern. The concept of a random walk suggests that price movements are unpredictable and independent, a notion that the RWI aims to test.
The RWI is specifically designed to identify the presence of trends in market prices. A random walk implies that price changes occur without any predictable pattern, making future movements independent of past actions. In contrast, a trending market indicates that price movements follow a discernible direction. The RWI helps to measure whether the price movements over a certain period are more significant than would be expected under a random walk scenario. It essentially compares the price range of an asset to its average price movement, taking volatility into account.
To calculate the Random Walk Index, two main values are considered: RWI High and RWI Low. These values are computed over a chosen period, commonly ranging from 2 to 7 days, to capture the extent of price changes.
RWI High: This measures the strength of upward price movements relative to the average price range. It assesses how much the current high price exceeds the previous high, factoring in market volatility.
RWI Low: This measures the strength of downward price movements. It considers the extent to which the current low price is lower than the previous low, also adjusted for volatility.
These two components provide a dual perspective on the market's behavior, indicating whether an upward or downward trend is more pronounced.
Trading Strategy
The Random Walk Index is utilized in various trading strategies, particularly for identifying trends and potential reversals. Here are some common applications:
Trend Identification:
If RWI High values are consistently higher than RWI Low values, it suggests an upward trend in the market.
Conversely, if RWI Low values are higher than RWI High values, a downward trend is indicated.
Entry and Exit Signals:
Traders may look for RWI High to exceed a certain threshold, which can signal a strong upward trend and a potential buying opportunity.
Similarly, when RWI Low surpasses a specific level, it can indicate a strong downward trend and a potential signal to sell.
Breakout Confirmation:
The RWI can confirm breakouts from consolidation patterns or trading ranges. For instance, a significant RWI reading in conjunction with a breakout suggests that the price move is likely to continue in the breakout direction.
Reducing False Signals:
The RWI is often used alongside other technical indicators, such as moving averages or oscillators, to filter out false signals and improve trading decisions.
Clarifying Trends: The RWI is particularly effective in identifying the presence and strength of market trends, which is crucial for trend-following strategies.
Volatility Consideration: By incorporating measures of market volatility, the RWI provides a more nuanced view of price movements, helping traders understand the context of these movements.
Flexibility: The RWI can be applied to various financial instruments, including stocks, commodities, and currencies, across different time frames.
User-Friendly: Despite the technical nature of its calculations, the RWI is relatively straightforward to interpret, making it accessible to traders with different levels of experience.
Lag in Signal: Like many indicators, the RWI can be slow to react to price changes, potentially leading to delayed signals that may miss the early part of a trend.
Risk of False Signals: In volatile or non-trending markets, the RWI might generate signals that do not accurately reflect market conditions, leading to potential trading errors.
Dependence on Volatility Measures: Since the RWI relies on volatility measures, its accuracy can be affected in markets where volatility is not a reliable indicator of price movement.
Complex Market Conditions: Interpreting the RWI requires an understanding of broader market conditions, and it is often best used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools to confirm signals.
The Random Walk Index is a valuable tool for traders and analysts seeking to differentiate between trending and random price movements. By evaluating the strength and direction of trends, the RWI provides critical insights into market behavior, aiding in the development of trading strategies. However, like all technical indicators, it has its limitations and should be used as part of a comprehensive analysis approach. Understanding the nuances of the RWI allows traders to harness its full potential, making informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial markets.
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optionperks · 3 months
Options Pricing- Key Factors & Impact on Option Premium Price
Before getting started with trading options, you should have a good understanding of options pricing and the various factors that play a role in establishing the value of an option. There are also several option pricing models that are used to identify the value of a call or a put option. A solid understanding of options pricing factors and models will help you take advantage of price movements and optimize your earnings from your investments.
Understanding option pricing (Option Premium Explained)
Option pricing is the amount per share you have to pay to trade an option. The price of an option is also known as the premium. The buyer of an option needs to pay the premium amount to the seller to earn the rights granted by the option. Option Premiums are priced per share.Since options are available in lots of shares called lot size, you need to pay:
Total Premium Amount= (premium price per share) X (lot size)
For example, say TCS option with a strike price of Rs 2,500 is available at a premium of Rs 20 per share for a lot size of 100 shares. To buy the option, you need to pay a premium amount of Rs 20 X 100 = Rs 2,000. The premium paid is non-refundable whether you choose to exercise your option or not.
What are the main factors determining an Option's Price or Premium?
There are many factors that influence the price of an option:
1. Value of the option's underlying asset
As we know, options are derived from underlying instruments like shares, gold, currency etc. The current value or price of the option's underlying instrument has a direct effect on the price of the call or put option. If the value of the underlying instrument is on the rise then the call option price will increase and put option price will decrease. If the price of the underlying instrument decreases then call option price will decrease and put option price will increase.
2. Intrinsic Value of an Option
Intrinsic varefers to the value of the option if it were exercised today. It is calculated as a difference between the price of the underlying instrument from which the option is derived and strike price. The strike price is the price at which a buyer and a seller decided to enter the contract.
For call options, intrinsic value is calculated as-
Intrinsic Value = Spot Price - Strike Price
For put options, intrinsic value is calculated as-
Intrinsic Value = Strike Price - Spot Price
The intrinsic value of an instrument can only be positive and zero. It cannot be negative.
The intrinsic value of an option helps you in determining the profit advantage in case you wish to exercise the option immediately. It can be also called as the minimum value of an option.
3. Time Value of an Option
It is calculated as the difference between premium and intrinsic value.
Time Value = Premium-Intrinsic Value
The time value is directly related to how much time an option has until it expires. Generally, the longer the time for an option to expire, the higher is the premium. And it decreases as you come closer to the expiry date of the option.
4. Volatility
Volatility is the probability of the price fluctuation (up or down) of the underlying instrument in the market. The higher the volatility of the underlying instrument, the higher the premium. It is because highly volatile stocks have a higher possibility of bringing profits to investors in a short time.
Volatility is of two types- historical and implied. Historical volatility measures the fluctuations observed in an underlying instrument in the past. Implied volatility predicts the fluctuations in the future.
5. Interest Rates
Normally interest rates have nominal influence on options pricing. But it can be a factor if you are trading in options of large size. There is no direct effect of interest rates on options pricing. Its effect is related to the cost of funds. Let's assume that to trade in a large options contract, you decide to borrow money from banks or use funds from your savings that are earning some interest rates. Whichever way you go, you are paying interest on the loan or losing interest in case of savings. So the cost of your funds now is invested amount plus the interest on it. If the interest rate is high then the cost of money invested is also high. So when interest rates are high, the premium falls and vice versa.
6. Dividends on underlying stocks
In the event of dividend announcements during the life of an option, the exchanges adjust the option positions. As per regulations by SEBI, if the value of the dividend is more than 10% of the spot price of the option on the date the dividend is announced, then the strike price of the options are reduced by the dividend amount on ex-dividend dates. For dividends announced lower than 10% of the spot price, there is no adjustment by the exchange. Dividend announcement decreases the value of the option as the stock value decreases on the ex-dividend date and option strategy builder.
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support1212 · 4 months
sure odds,
sure odds,
In the realm of sports betting, where unpredictability often reigns supreme, the concept of "sure odds" stands out as a beacon of reliability and consistency. But what exactly are sure odds, and how can they be leveraged to maximize success in betting endeavors? Let's delve into the intricacies of sure odds and explore strategies for harnessing their potential.
Understanding Sure Odds Sure odds, also known as sure bets or arbitrage bets, refer to rare opportunities where a bettor can place wagers on all possible outcomes of an event and still guarantee a profit, regardless of the outcome. This phenomenon occurs when there are significant discrepancies in the odds offered by different bookmakers for the same event.
The essence of sure odds lies in exploiting these variations to create a scenario where the combined probabilities of all outcomes are less than 100%, ensuring a profit margin for the bettor regardless of which outcome materializes. This might sound too good to be true, but it requires meticulous analysis, keen observation, and swift action to capitalize on these fleeting opportunities.
Identifying Sure Odds Opportunities Spotting sure odds opportunities requires vigilance and a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of sports betting markets. Here are some key steps to identify potential sure bets:
Monitor Multiple Bookmakers: Keep a close eye on the odds offered by different bookmakers for the same event. Discrepancies in odds are common due to varying opinions and market fluctuations.
Calculate Implied Probabilities: Convert the odds offered by each bookmaker into implied probabilities. This can be done using simple mathematical formulas or online calculators.
Compare Probabilities: Sum up the implied probabilities for all possible outcomes. If the total is less than 100%, you've stumbled upon a sure bet opportunity.
Act Swiftly: Sure bets are fleeting and often disappear rapidly as the market adjusts. Be prepared to place your bets promptly to capitalize on these opportunities.
Mitigating Risks and Challenges While sure odds offer the allure of guaranteed profits, they are not without risks and challenges. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:
Limited Profit Margins: Sure bets typically offer small profit margins, so large wagers are often necessary to yield significant returns.
Market Instability: Betting markets can be volatile, and odds can change rapidly, potentially eroding the profitability of a sure bet before it's fully exploited.
Account Restrictions: Some bookmakers may restrict or suspend accounts of bettors who consistently exploit sure bets, so it's essential to diversify betting activity and maintain a low profile.
Conclusion Sure odds represent a tantalizing prospect for bettors seeking consistent profits in the unpredictable world of sports betting. By diligently monitoring betting markets, identifying arbitrage opportunities, and acting swiftly, savvy bettors can leverage sure bets to their advantage. However, it's crucial to approach sure betting with caution, acknowledging the inherent risks and challenges involved. With careful planning and execution, sure odds can be a valuable tool in the arsenal of any discerning bettor, offering a pathway to sustained success in the ever-evolving landscape of sports wagering.
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surajheroblog · 4 months
Quantitative Methods: Tools for IB Decision-Making
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In the fast-paced world of investment banking, data-driven decision-making is paramount. Quantitative methods provide the analytical framework necessary for evaluating risks, valuing assets, and optimizing portfolios. As aspiring investment bankers in Chennai seek to enhance their skills, understanding these tools becomes crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore key quantitative methods relevant to Investment Banking courses in Chennai and their practical applications.
1. Statistical Analysis in Investment Banking
1.1 Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics summarize and present data. For investment bankers, this includes:
Mean, Median, and Mode: Understanding central tendencies.
Standard Deviation: Measuring variability.
Skewness and Kurtosis: Assessing data distribution.
1.2 Hypothesis Testing
Investment decisions often hinge on hypotheses. Hypothesis testing involves:
Null and Alternative Hypotheses: Formulating and testing assumptions.
p-Values: Evaluating statistical significance.
Confidence Intervals: Estimating parameter values.
2. Time Series Analysis
2.1 Forecasting Market Trends
Investment bankers analyze historical data to predict future trends. Time series methods include:
Moving Averages: Smoothing data for trend identification.
Exponential Smoothing: Weighted averages for short-term forecasts.
ARIMA Models: Combining autoregressive, moving average, and differencing components.
2.2 Volatility Modeling
Volatility impacts risk assessment. Techniques include:
GARCH Models: Capturing time-varying volatility.
Implied Volatility: Extracting market expectations from option prices.
Volatility Clustering: Identifying periods of high and low volatility.
3. Portfolio Theory and Optimization
3.1 Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
MPT aims to maximize returns while minimizing risk. Concepts include:
Efficient Frontier: Balancing risk and return.
Capital Market Line: Optimal portfolios.
Sharpe Ratio: Evaluating risk-adjusted performance.
3.2 Portfolio Optimization
Investment bankers use optimization techniques to construct portfolios:
Markowitz Model: Allocating assets based on covariance.
Black-Litterman Model: Combining market views and historical data.
Risk Parity: Equalizing risk contributions.
4. Valuation Methods
4.1 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
DCF assesses the intrinsic value of assets. Steps include:
Forecasting Cash Flows: Projecting future earnings.
Determining Discount Rate: Considering risk and opportunity cost.
Calculating Present Value: Discounting cash flows.
4.2 Comparable Company Analysis (CCA)
CCA compares a company’s metrics to peers. Key steps:
Selecting Comparable Companies: Similar industry, size, and growth prospects.
Calculating Multiples: Price-to-earnings, price-to-book, etc.
Applying Multiples: Valuing the target company.
Conclusion: Join the Conversation and Enroll in Our Course!
As you delve into the quantitative world of investment banking, remember that mastering these tools is essential for informed decision-making.
Ready to enhance your investment banking skills? Enroll in our comprehensive Investment Banking course in Chennai today!
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Why Every Investor Should Use an Options Calculator: An Essential Guide
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When diving into the world of options trading, it's easy to get swept away by the thrill of potential profits. However, navigating the complexities of options contracts requires more than just intuition; it demands precision and informed decision-making. This is where an options calculator becomes an indispensable tool for traders at all levels. Here’s why every investor should embrace this essential resource.
Understanding the Basics: What is an Options Calculator?
An options calculator is a tool designed to help traders evaluate the various financial metrics associated with options contracts. These metrics typically include the option’s theoretical price, Greeks (like Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega), implied volatility, and more. By inputting factors such as the underlying asset price, strike price, time to expiration, and interest rates, traders can get a clearer picture of an option's potential profitability and risk.
Why Use an Options Calculator?
1. Accurate Pricing
One of the primary functions of an options calculator is to determine the fair value of an option. This is crucial because buying or selling options at the wrong price can significantly impact your returns. The calculator uses models like the Black-Scholes or Binomial model to provide a theoretical price based on market conditions. This helps traders avoid overpaying or underselling options.
2. Assessing Risk and Reward
Options trading inherently involves risk. An options calculator allows traders to evaluate potential outcomes and risks by calculating the Greeks. These metrics help in understanding how different factors (like changes in the underlying asset's price or volatility) impact an option's price. For example:
Delta measures how much the option price is expected to move per $1 change in the underlying asset.
Theta indicates how much value an option loses as it approaches expiration.
Vega reflects how sensitive the option’s price is to changes in volatility.
By analyzing these metrics, traders can make more informed decisions about their trades.
3. Optimizing Strategies
Options calculators can also be used to test and optimize various trading strategies. Whether you’re looking at simple calls and puts or more complex strategies like spreads, straddles, or butterflies, these tools help in evaluating the potential profitability and risk associated with each strategy. This allows traders to refine their strategies and adapt to changing market conditions.
4. Time Management
For many traders, time is of the essence. Calculating options metrics manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. An options calculator streamlines this process, providing quick and accurate results. This efficiency allows traders to focus on other critical aspects of their trading strategy and market analysis.
5. Enhancing Confidence
Trading without a clear understanding of the numbers behind your options can be daunting. By using an options calculator, you gain a deeper insight into your trades, which can boost your confidence in making informed decisions. Knowing that your analysis is backed by solid calculations helps reduce uncertainty and second-guessing.
How to Use an Options Calculator Effectively
Input Accurate Data: Ensure that the data you input into the calculator is up-to-date and accurate. This includes the current price of the underlying asset, strike price, time to expiration, and market volatility.
Understand the Metrics: Familiarize yourself with the different metrics the calculator provides. Understanding what each Greek represents and how it affects the option’s price will enhance your trading strategy.
Use Multiple Models: Different models might yield slightly different results. If possible, use multiple models to get a more comprehensive view of the option’s pricing and potential.
Incorporate Other Tools: An options calculator is a powerful tool, but it should be used in conjunction with other analysis methods and market research to make well-rounded trading decisions.
An options calculator is more than just a convenience; it’s a critical component of a successful options trading strategy. By providing accurate pricing, assessing risk and reward, optimizing strategies, and saving time, it empowers traders to make more informed and confident decisions. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting, integrating an options calculator into your trading toolkit can make a significant difference in your trading success.
So, the next time you’re preparing to make an options trade, remember the importance of using an options calculator. It’s a small step that can lead to smarter trades and potentially greater returns. Happy trading!
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bazaarbite · 7 months
What is the best strategy for an option buyer in option trading?
Option trading can be complex and risky, but it also offers opportunities for significant gains when approached with a well-thought-out strategy. Here are some common strategies for option buyers in option trading:
Understand the Basics: Before diving into options trading, make sure you have a solid understanding of how options work, including concepts such as call options, put options, strike price, expiration date, and option premium.
Define Your Objectives: Determine your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Are you looking for income, capital appreciation, or hedging against market risk?
Choose the Right Options: Select options contracts that align with your objectives. For example, if you're bullish on a stock, you might consider buying call options. If you're bearish, put options may be more suitable.
Evaluate Volatility: Consider the implied volatility of the options you're trading. High volatility can increase option premiums, making them more expensive to buy. Low volatility can have the opposite effect.
Select an Appropriate Expiration Date: Choose an expiration date that gives your underlying thesis enough time to play out. Short-term options may be cheaper but can be riskier due to rapid time decay.
Manage Risk with Stop Loss Orders: Implement stop-loss orders to limit potential losses if the trade moves against you. This helps control risk and prevents large losses from occurring.
Diversify Your Positions: Avoid putting all your capital into a single options trade. Diversify your positions across different stocks, industries, and expiration dates to spread risk.
Consider Hedging Strategies: Use options to hedge against potential losses in your portfolio. For example, you can buy put options to protect against a market downturn.
Be Mindful of Time Decay: Options lose value over time due to time decay, especially as the expiration date approaches. Factor this into your trading strategy and avoid holding options too close to expiration unless you're employing a specific short-term trading strategy.
Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on market news, company developments, and macroeconomic trends that could impact the underlying assets of your options contracts.
Practice Risk Management: Never risk more than you can afford to lose on any single options trade. Set clear risk management rules and stick to them.
Continuous Learning: Options trading is a dynamic field. Continuously educate yourself, stay updated with market trends, and learn from both successes and failures to refine your trading strategy over time.
Remember that options trading involves significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. It's essential to conduct thorough research, consider your financial situation and risk tolerance, and potentially consult with a financial advisor before engaging in options trading.
LTP Calculator Overview:
LTP Calculator is a comprehensive stock market trading tool that focuses on providing real-time data, particularly the last traded price of various stocks. Its functionality extends beyond a conventional calculator, offering insights and analytics crucial for traders navigating the complexities of the stock market.
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Key Features:
Real-time Last Traded Price:
The core feature of LTP Calculator is its ability to provide users with the latest information on stock prices. This real-time data empowers traders to make timely decisions based on the most recent market movements.
User-Friendly Interface:
Designed with traders in mind, LTP Calculator boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies complex market data. This accessibility ensures that both novice and experienced traders can leverage the tool effectively.
Analytical Tools:
Beyond basic price information, LTP Calculator incorporates analytical tools that help users assess market trends, volatility, and potential risks. This multifaceted approach enables traders to develop a comprehensive understanding of the stocks they are dealing with.
Customizable Alerts:
Recognizing the importance of staying informed, LTP Calculator allows users to set customizable alerts for specific stocks. This feature ensures that traders receive timely notifications about significant market movements affecting their portfolio.
Vinay Prakash Tiwari - The Visionary Founder:
At the helm of LTP Calculator is Vinay Prakash Tiwari, a renowned figure in the stock market training arena. With a moniker like "Investment Daddy," Tiwari has earned respect for his expertise and commitment to empowering individuals in the financial domain.
Professional Background:
Vinay Prakash Tiwari brings a wealth of experience to the table, having traversed the intricacies of the stock market for several decades. His journey as a stock market trainer has equipped him with insights into the challenges faced by traders, inspiring him to develop tools like LTP Calculator.
Philosophy and Approach:
Tiwari's approach to stock market training revolves around education, empowerment, and simplifying complexities. LTP Calculator reflects this philosophy, offering a tool that aligns with his vision of making stock market information accessible and understandable for all.
Educational Initiatives:
Apart from his contributions as a tool developer, Vinay Prakash Tiwari has actively engaged in educational initiatives. Through online courses, webinars, and seminars, he has shared his knowledge with aspiring traders, reinforcing his commitment to fostering financial literacy.
In conclusion, LTP Calculator stands as a testament to Vinay Prakash Tiwari's dedication to enhancing the trading experience. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, tools like LTP Calculator and visionaries like Tiwari sir play a pivotal role in shaping a more informed and empowered community of traders.
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