#in a track like this but i almost enjoy the way there *isn't* one. cyclical. it's appropriate for her. dare i say... stuck in the time loop
starflungwaddledee · 8 months
i have a few song recommendations for your character and i don't know if you'll like them but here we go I guess
Equinoxe by C418
Meteor Shower by Cavetown
Sea of Voices by Porter Robinson
you're not alone by METAHESH
Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos
*slides back into my corner of the internet*
w.. wow? WOW??
you are actually totally on the money with these vibes!! the METAHESH one in particular... holy cow, i am going nuts about that one. i personally actually adore this sort of sound, so thank you for directly me to them!
thank you SO SO MUCH for sending me in some songs... i love!!! sharing music!!! and hearing new things!!! or old things i already like!!! and knowing you thought about my oc when hearing these tracks... this made my evening!! wayayayay!
and as for some of these lyrics as well... like damn;; i might really have to draw some things for some of these if i ever get the time! the tone of them is so lovely, and some of them even make some (startling) allusions to some of her backstory that i haven't even released yet. so that's fun! here's some i really liked!
Meteor shower, quick take cover // But the hues in our hair Compliment one another I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones, 'Cause blue's your favorite colour - meteor shower (cavetown)
Hello, my old heart // How have you been? How is it being locked away? Don't you worry, in there you're safe // And it's true, You'll never beat // But you'll never break - hello my old heart (the oh hellos)
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
I am confusion
I asked about Ne vs Ni predictions because I was just watching a video on Ni ,and if focused a lot on how Ni is this future reading function. It even called them prophets. I was typed as ENFP by you almost a year ago (here's the post, btw), so after reading your answer I'm wondering, do I use Ni instead?
I don't know; maybe it's time to buy my book and read the first-person narratives to find out. There's only so much I can tell you from a distance. From reading what I said in response to a 4,000 word post it seems like I was pretty confident of my typing for you. *shrug*
To me life is all about patterns: things tend to repeat themselves over time (just look at human history: Time/society is cyclical), and people seldom really change or are that surprising. So as long as you know who/what you're looking at, there's a good chance you can predict what's gonna happen. It's Ne and Si, you can't separate them. The issue is when you're dealing with someone/something for the first time, 'cuz there's no precedent. Then there's all this possible scenarios playing out in your mind at the same time. And like Charity said, either Te or Ti would also play into it, that's the probability calculator. I think people who have the "anything is possible" mentality don't have really developed logic, because limitations are very much a real thing one has to take in consideration in order to succeed.
You are correct, anything is not possible. It's more about who you know than the level of your talent, and it's all about your work ethic and ability to roll with the punches, not necessarily your dreams. Life is about being realistic and reaching for what's achievable for you.
How my intuition works is that when I am thinking about something, or problem-solving, or doing anything, my mind generates possibilities -- and I pick one and operate off that assumption, until it's proven or disproven; being an ENP, I don't stick to anything that isn't working out of sentiment, the second I recognize this is the wrong idea / conclusion / approach, I switch to a different mental track and try something else. It's effortless for me, whether it's deciding to take a different route home from work because there's unexpected delays or dumping 40,000 words in the trash and starting over from scratch because that plot twist took me straight to a dead end. I don't formulate things specifically inside my mind and weed them down to One Right Path (Ni), so much as I work through them in "real time" (Ne).
I think Enneagram plays into that, a 7 might not want to try and predict the future because it might ruin a prospect for them, or might have their sometimes excessive optimism make them overestimate the chances of something happening. A 6 might feel the need to predict what's gonna happen to deal with their anxiety etc. As a 3 with an 8 fix  I don't really like surprises, they put me in situations I can't be sure I can competently deal with, and it takes away my autonomy. So predicting things is not just a hobby applied to tv shows and book series(though I really enjoy theorizing about those), but something I naturally developed overtime and it's always in the back of my mind.
I have to disagree here; 7s are always trying to predict an optimistic future full of fun. They are always making "plans" so that they don't miss out on anything (fear of missing out is huge for them). 6s try to predict how things are going to play out, so they can be prepared for them (thinking ahead, in other words). I also hate surprises, as a sp6, because I have no time to get in the right mental space to react to them, and I can't adapt quickly to a situation until I've had time to mentally process it. I "think" my way through life, I don't just feel things or do them.
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